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Revisiting the Spirit of the UDHR and Discussing Human Rights Development——Summary of Views from the Seminar Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
作者 刘炫麟 LI Donglin 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2024年第1期231-241,共11页
On December 4,2023,the China Society for Human Rights Studies hosted a seminar in Beijing commemorating the 75^(th) Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Participants discussed topics such as the si... On December 4,2023,the China Society for Human Rights Studies hosted a seminar in Beijing commemorating the 75^(th) Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Participants discussed topics such as the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,China’s theories and practices in respecting and safeguarding human rights,the three global initiatives and global human rights governance,human rights protection in the digital age,and telling Chinese stories of human rights in the new era.The discussions led to a broad consensus and achieved positive results. 展开更多
关键词 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights a community with a shared future for mankind the rule of law protection global human rights governance contemporary Chinese perspective on human rights
Conflict: Efficient State or State Under the Rule of Law?-- The Hungarian Case of the Victory of the Efficient State over the State Under the Rule of Law
作者 Maria BORDAS 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2015年第3期151-179,共29页
关键词 国际关系 外交 外交行政 外交政策
Research on the Scientific Meaning of Rule of Law in China
作者 Zhen Liu 《Review of Global Academics》 2015年第2期525-527,共3页
关键词 法治建设 科学内涵 中国模式 时间维度 学术观点 相互作用 法律意识 空间维度
Coordinate Rule of Law Efforts in Both Domestic and Foreign-Related Matters
作者 Huang Jin 《Social Sciences in China》 2024年第1期71-88,共18页
Taking a coordinated approach to promoting the rule of law at home and in matters involving foreign parties stands as one of the essentials of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law.The profound essence of this concept... Taking a coordinated approach to promoting the rule of law at home and in matters involving foreign parties stands as one of the essentials of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law.The profound essence of this concept is predominantly articulated through the dialectic nexus between the rule of law at home and in matters involving foreign parties and the foundational necessities and underlying principles for their coordinated advancement.This concept is intellectually rooted in the legal theory of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics,the theory of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics,modern progressive theories of international law,and the exemplary facets of traditional Chinese culture.It is aligned with contemporary trends and in harmony with the need to take a holistic approach to imperatives at home and abroad.This philosophy underscores the approach to building a human community with a shared future through the rule of law,guaranteeing the fruition of national strategic aspirations.This resonates with profound contemporary,integrative,international,and strategic significance.Presently,the focus should be on fostering the development of foreign-related rule of law,maintaining the correct equilibrium between the dyad of rule of law in domestic and foreign-related matters.It is imperative to augment strategic design and institutional construction in the realm of rule of law on issues related to foreign parties,step up research on and practical application of international law,and reinforce the cultivation of legal professionals in this area to take a coordinated approach to advance the rule of law at home and in matters involving foreign parties. 展开更多
关键词 comprehensive law-based governance rule of law in domestic matters foreignrelated rule of law rule of law in international matters
Characteristics,Indicators,and Methods of Chinese Modernization of the Rule of Law
作者 FAN Jinxue 《Frontiers of Law in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2023年第3期379-406,共28页
Chinese modernization of the rule of law is an important dimension of Chinese modernization;it has some commonalities with the rule of law modernization of all countries but it is more characterized by features that a... Chinese modernization of the rule of law is an important dimension of Chinese modernization;it has some commonalities with the rule of law modernization of all countries but it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context.The prominent feature that constitutes the Chinese characteristics,Chinese style,and Chinese model,is the adherence to the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.It is this feature that determines the difference with Western rule of law modernization.Representingg a new form of human rule of law civilization,the Chinesestyle primarily features the building of a socialist law-based country,government,andSsociety,including centralized,unified,authoritative,andefficient Chinese-style national supervision,as well as the dual existence of constitutional review by the Communist Party of China(CPC)and by the state.Chinese modernization cannot be made possible without the rule of law being modernized and serving as a safeguard.Comprehensive promotion of the rule of law is an overriding approach,and two methods have to be followed specifically:firstly,construction of a modern socialist country in all aspects under the rule of law,and secondly,performance of all work of the state under the rule of law. 展开更多
关键词 China rule of law modernization law-based country law-based government law-based society
The Approach to Chinese Modernization of the Rule of Law
作者 YU Zhong 《Frontiers of Law in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2023年第3期407-433,共27页
The essence of Chinese modernization of the rule of law is to promote a modern legal system in China.The approach to Chinese modernization of the rule of law refers to the Chinese approach to promoting a modern legal ... The essence of Chinese modernization of the rule of law is to promote a modern legal system in China.The approach to Chinese modernization of the rule of law refers to the Chinese approach to promoting a modern legal system.By comprehensively reviewing the history and reality,theory and practice,and actual and desirable aspects of Chinese modernization of the rule of law,we can summarize the Chinese approach to promoting a modern legal system.This approach containssvariouselements,including a leadership system for the rule of law with centralized and unified leadership by the Central Committee of Communist Party of China,a rule of law virtue principle of putting the people first,a functional orientation of the rule of law toward national governance,and a historical-legal consciousness that inherits fine traditional Chinese legal culture.These key elements play a prominent role and can effectively showcase the Chinese approach to promoting a modern legal system.Describing such a Chinese approach not only helps to summarize the fundamental experience of Chinese modernization of the rule of law but also showcases the Chinese logic and Chinese characteristics in this modernization process. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese modernization of the rule of law legal system Party leadership putting the people first national governance traditional culture
Democratic Values of Mongolians Becoming as a Pillar of Perspectives of Democracy, Human Rights, Freedom, and Legitimacy
作者 Khatanbold Oidov 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2019年第3期130-138,共9页
The modern democracy in Mongolia has changed from ideology and desires into the daily actions and real-life needs of achievement of the people. The content of this article aimed to categorize the democracy development... The modern democracy in Mongolia has changed from ideology and desires into the daily actions and real-life needs of achievement of the people. The content of this article aimed to categorize the democracy development process and its challenges and opportunities in promoting democratic governance in Mongolia;such brought specific approaches of the changes and difficulties. The content of research article contextual approaches are characterized by own individual research data on democracy as basis on the use of the work and the independent research findings of the researcher. On the overview of process of uncut democracy consolidation, the democracy development in Mongolia managed to the most consistent principles and fundamental values of democracy up to second half of the 1990s. From the second half of the 1990s till the election in 2004, within this term, the following challenges and difficulties risen to action of slowing down that forming of political parties, grouped into fractional, blockage of post-trafficking, conspiracy, and to be corrupted and bribery as mentioned as newly adverse phenomena have begun to the democracy development. 展开更多
关键词 DEMOCRaCY human rights LEGITIMaCY BLOCKaGE Mongolia rule of law democratic governance national specifics democratic values CONSTITUTION of Mongolia
The Role of Consultative Democracy under the Constitutional Framework and the Associated Rule of Law
作者 Ma Yide 《Social Sciences in China》 2017年第2期21-38,共18页
中国国家治理的逻辑链条表现为:执政党一政协~人大~人民。执政党一政协,是以人民政协为载体的政治协商;执政党—政协一人大,是基于政治协商获得现实合法性的党的主张通过人大制度转为国家意志的过程;人大一人民,是双向的选举与... 中国国家治理的逻辑链条表现为:执政党一政协~人大~人民。执政党一政协,是以人民政协为载体的政治协商;执政党—政协一人大,是基于政治协商获得现实合法性的党的主张通过人大制度转为国家意志的过程;人大一人民,是双向的选举与依法治国;执政党一人民,是实质为社会协商的党的群众路线的展现。协商民主主要包含“执政党一政协”中的政治协商,以及“执政党~人民”的社会协商,二者经由人大制度加以勾连。这在逻辑上决定了党的领导、协商民主与人大代议民主的内在关联,型塑了协商民主制度化的路径,即在民主决策过程中,塑造“政治协商一立法协商一社会协商”的制度循环,以此指引现实制度的发展。 展开更多
关键词 宪法 法治 国家治理 协商民主 人民代表大会制度
数字政府治理中的类ChatGPT模型研究 被引量:4
作者 陈礼 吕佩安 《征信》 北大核心 2023年第10期6-17,共12页
类ChatGPT模型将以其拟人性、交互性、多模态等技术优势来重塑数字政府治理格局。类ChatGPT模型能够辅助数字政府治理结构的优化升级,从宏观上构成数字政府实现的逻辑起因,微观上成为数字政府递进的关键要素,动态上成就数字政府沟通的... 类ChatGPT模型将以其拟人性、交互性、多模态等技术优势来重塑数字政府治理格局。类ChatGPT模型能够辅助数字政府治理结构的优化升级,从宏观上构成数字政府实现的逻辑起因,微观上成为数字政府递进的关键要素,动态上成就数字政府沟通的现实具象化。但是,在类ChatGPT模型引入数字政府治理的过程中,极易因算法权力扩张和技术资本异化等因素加剧数据主权风险、资本侵蚀风险以及信息失序风险。为此,应当将法治路径融入数字政府治理过程以有效构建类ChatGPT模型的应用路径,以法律规范规制类ChatGPT模型的应用进路,以数据分级完善类ChatGPT模型的前置保障,以责任分配廓清类ChatGPT模型的权责关系,以合宪运行搭建类ChatGPT模型的法治边界,以期最大限度发挥类ChatGPT模型的技术效能,优化数字政府治理活动。 展开更多
关键词 数字政府治理 类ChatGPT模型 法治 技术赋能 数据权利
How to Evaluate Government Performance While Constructing a Rule of Law Government in China* 被引量:1
作者 Zheng Fanghui Shang Huping 《Social Sciences in China》 2017年第4期5-27,共23页
法治政府建设是全面依法治国的核心内容。以评促成符合管理激励原理。我国改革开放30多年来法治建设及组织考评的演进历程,历经了多个阶段,呈现出不同特征,有效地促进了法治政府建设,但其本质上还是目标性考评。目前存在的目标导向... 法治政府建设是全面依法治国的核心内容。以评促成符合管理激励原理。我国改革开放30多年来法治建设及组织考评的演进历程,历经了多个阶段,呈现出不同特征,有效地促进了法治政府建设,但其本质上还是目标性考评。目前存在的目标导向及功能定位不明确、技术体系不完善、动力机制不健全等问题,甚至形成各自为政、重复考评、无所适从等现实困境。基于价值理性与工具理性的双重耦合,以政府绩效评价推进法治政府建设既体现法治精神及政府绩效的价值理性,又强化了考评作为组织管理的工具属性。为此,应创新评价理论,扩大公众参与,引入多元评价主体,完善技术体系,加强制度建设,培育绩效文化。同时,从目标考评到绩效评价的转变,有助于衍生一门新的学科一法治政府绩效评价学,从而进一步推进我国公共管理理论跨学科的融合与创新。 展开更多
关键词 法治政府建设 政府绩效评价 目标考评 政府公信力
Promoting the Modernization of China’s Governance System and Capacity in Line with the Rule of Law
作者 李洪雷 《Frontiers of Law in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2022年第4期531-552,共22页
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)held in 2012,XI Jinping,General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee,has made a series of vital expositions on the promotion of modernization of t... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)held in 2012,XI Jinping,General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee,has made a series of vital expositions on the promotion of modernization of the national governance system and capacity in line with the rule of law.The law is the most important tool for governing a country,and the rule of law supports the national governance process and capacity.Promoting the rule of law on all fronts is an essential requirement for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and capacity.Comprehensive law-based governance in all areas should be promoted to advance the modernization of national governance.Furthermore,law-based thinking and methods should be used to address difficulties and challenges faced in this modernization process. 展开更多
关键词 XI Jinping Thought on the rule of law exercising law-based governance on all fronts and advancing the rule of law in China governance modernization deepening reform fairness and justice
Worldview and Methodology of Advancing the Construction of the Rule of Law in China
作者 马怀德 《Frontiers of Law in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2022年第4期457-463,共7页
This work discusses a worldview and a methodology concerning ideological approaches by which Marxists can understand and transform the world,based on well-defined value truth,theory and philosophy.The work builds on t... This work discusses a worldview and a methodology concerning ideological approaches by which Marxists can understand and transform the world,based on well-defined value truth,theory and philosophy.The work builds on the Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC),which highlights the following priorities to which XI Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era must adhere:putting the people first,maintaining self-confidence and self-reliance,upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground,adopting a problem-oriented approach,applying system thinking,and maintaining a global vision.Furthermore,this work argues that these priorities should be applied to promote the rule of law in China’s new journey.As the starting points of analysis and understanding,the meta-theory and“six must-dos”follow the general principles of Marxism in interpreting and promoting socialist concepts,theory,law-based path and legal system in the New Era with Chinese characteristics.The metatheory and the“six must-dos”provide the logical foundations and fundamental compliance with XI Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law.Only by applying these“six must-dos”well can we understand and implement XI Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law,enhance the rationality,initiative,foresight and creativity of our work in comprehensively promoting the rule of law in China. 展开更多
关键词 XI Jinping Thought on the rule of law promotion of the rule of law in China overall law-based national governance six must-dos
Transforming the Evaluation of the Rule of Law in China
作者 Qian Hongdao Wang Zhaoxia 《Social Sciences in China》 2017年第1期85-105,共21页
近十年来,全国许多地方出现了各种探索法治评估的实践。总结法治评估实践经验,分析法治评估实践存在的问题,判断全国法治评估走向,提出建设性思路,具有重要意义。《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》和《中共中央关于... 近十年来,全国许多地方出现了各种探索法治评估的实践。总结法治评估实践经验,分析法治评估实践存在的问题,判断全国法治评估走向,提出建设性思路,具有重要意义。《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》和《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》出台后,法治评估在实践和理论两个方面面临转型。法治评估转型的重点在于法治评估的正确定位、法治评估机制的创新、法治量化难题的破解和法治评估经验总结和理论升华的实现。科学的法治评估机制是评估工作得以有效开展的前提,破解法治量化难题是科学评估的要害,法治评估经验总结和理论升华是评估实践提出的必然要求。法治评估机制创新重点在实施第三方评估模式,法治量化可从专项评估入手。 展开更多
关键词 法治评估 法治评估转型 指标体系 考核标准 国家治理
SPECIAL ISSUE: RULE OF LAW--CHINA AND THE WORLD International Law as the Law of Domestic Governance: China's Propositions and Institutional Practice
作者 Gu Zuxue 《Social Sciences in China》 2017年第3期157-174,共18页
与国内法相比,国际法也可作为治国之法,成为中国党和政府治国理政的重要工具。根据国家主权原则,将部分国际法接受为国内法,进而全面推进依法治国,体现了建设法治中国的开放思维和国际视野。将这一主张转化为具体的制度实践,对于完善中... 与国内法相比,国际法也可作为治国之法,成为中国党和政府治国理政的重要工具。根据国家主权原则,将部分国际法接受为国内法,进而全面推进依法治国,体现了建设法治中国的开放思维和国际视野。将这一主张转化为具体的制度实践,对于完善中国特色社会主义法治体系,推进国际法治、促进世界和平都有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 国际法 依法治国 国际法的接受 国际条约的适用
作者 张梦莹 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 2023年第5期10-13,76,共5页
检察机关和行政机关在建设法治政府、法治社会中都肩负着重要使命和责任,检察机关与行政机关之间,除了监督与被监督的关系,更深层次是行使检察权能在督促制约的基础上促进行政权更好地运行,推动行政机关自我监督机制的完善,提高行政机... 检察机关和行政机关在建设法治政府、法治社会中都肩负着重要使命和责任,检察机关与行政机关之间,除了监督与被监督的关系,更深层次是行使检察权能在督促制约的基础上促进行政权更好地运行,推动行政机关自我监督机制的完善,提高行政机关依法行政意识和水平,助推新时代法治政府建设全面向前迈进。 展开更多
关键词 行政检察 法治政府 依法行政
乡村治理法治体系构建问题研究 被引量:3
作者 宋才发 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期1-14,共14页
乡村治理是国家治理的基石和乡村振兴的基础。提升乡村治理和乡村建设质量,扎实有序做好乡村治理和乡村建设工作,需要重构乡村振兴中的社区治理共同体,优化社区自组织社会风险防范机制,构建新型乡村社区“三社联动”机制,构建多层次新... 乡村治理是国家治理的基石和乡村振兴的基础。提升乡村治理和乡村建设质量,扎实有序做好乡村治理和乡村建设工作,需要重构乡村振兴中的社区治理共同体,优化社区自组织社会风险防范机制,构建新型乡村社区“三社联动”机制,构建多层次新型村庄治理共同体格局。乡村治理法治体系构建的关键在于:发挥村规民约在乡村治理中的作用,效法“枫桥经验”把矛盾纠纷化解在基层,把地方性治理规范融入全过程人民民主,给乡镇政府公共服务能力的提升增权赋能。构建乡村治理法治体系的主要路径是:发挥基层党组织在乡村治理中的引领作用,凸显基层协商民主在乡村治理中的民主意识,强化家庭家教家风在乡村治理中的修复功能,重视新乡贤在乡村振兴中的重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 乡村治理 乡村振兴 法治体系 增权赋能 村规民约 枫桥经验
金融科技伦理治理:实践困境、功能定位及优化进路 被引量:2
作者 刘乃梁 潘盛龙 《科技与法律(中英文)》 2024年第1期22-31,共10页
科技发展与金融创新的耦合连接在造就金融市场“新格局”的同时,也会生成新型市场风险、冲击传统金融监管体制,进而引发“新秩序”的思考。当前立法的时滞性与监管的“运动式”表现致使金融科技规制步入粗放型窠臼,立足完善金融高科技... 科技发展与金融创新的耦合连接在造就金融市场“新格局”的同时,也会生成新型市场风险、冲击传统金融监管体制,进而引发“新秩序”的思考。当前立法的时滞性与监管的“运动式”表现致使金融科技规制步入粗放型窠臼,立足完善金融高科技治理体系的时代要求,金融科技伦理治理的话语地位逐步提升。金融科技伦理以其发展性、适应性、回应性等制度功效因应金融科技风险治理的现实需求,然而趋向普适性、软约束、碎片化的规范供给样态已然成为制约金融科技伦理效能发挥的关键因素。金融科技伦理治理困境之破解应在功能界分指引下,厘清伦理治理运行的制度载体与价值逻辑。金融科技伦理治理现代化规制框架的建立既要在风险预防性目标下完善伦理治理体系化建设,也要在治理相称理念下推动程序运行机制的法治化转换,更要着眼多元共治格局强化伦理治理的协同合作,促进与企业合规自律的相向而行。 展开更多
关键词 金融科技伦理 伦理治理 风险预防 伦理法治化
知识产权法治建设的三个维度 被引量:1
作者 管育鹰 《知识产权》 北大核心 2024年第2期3-20,共18页
私权保护、国家治理和国际协调是知识产权法治建设中的三个维度。知识产权的本质是人们依法就智力活动成果享有的私权,其客体是通过知识创新或经营劳动产生的特定信息,制度运行中出现的抢占信息资源并将其包装成知识产权客体牟利的乱象... 私权保护、国家治理和国际协调是知识产权法治建设中的三个维度。知识产权的本质是人们依法就智力活动成果享有的私权,其客体是通过知识创新或经营劳动产生的特定信息,制度运行中出现的抢占信息资源并将其包装成知识产权客体牟利的乱象应予以纠正。基于信息的无形性,知识产权保护通常需要首先确定客体范围边界,然后对权利人予以及时充分的救济,因此需要行政和司法机关提供专业、便捷的确权及公正、高效的保护。这一建立在“以公开换保护”基础上的公权力介入特色,使得知识产权制度成为国家治理工具。知识产权保护还与国际贸易紧密相关,这一领域存在诸多国际条约。法治建设不能脱离本土实践,应基于地域性原则,结合经济学、社会学等原理,寻求国内国际法治协调发展的共赢之道。 展开更多
关键词 知识产权 法治 私权 治理工具 国际协调
论习近平法治思想对中华优秀传统法律文化的传承创新——基于党的二十大报告关于依法治国的视角 被引量:1
作者 顾华详 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第1期191-205,共15页
习近平法治思想坚持赓续我们党百余年法治和深刻传承中华法治几千年恢宏壮丽法治史中的精华,深刻体现了“中国之治”的文化自信,是弘扬中国特色社会主义法治文化的典范。习近平法治思想重视从中华优秀传统法律文化中汲取“奉法强国”的... 习近平法治思想坚持赓续我们党百余年法治和深刻传承中华法治几千年恢宏壮丽法治史中的精华,深刻体现了“中国之治”的文化自信,是弘扬中国特色社会主义法治文化的典范。习近平法治思想重视从中华优秀传统法律文化中汲取“奉法强国”的信念、全面依法治国的智慧和治国理政的经验,探寻强化法治生命力的路径。面对百年变局叠加世纪疫情,全球治理体系和国际秩序变革异常激烈,国际法治遭遇强烈挑战。习近平法治思想在中国法治和国际治理的实践中,坚持知古鉴今,弘扬中华法治智慧、吸收世界法治文明精华;资政育人,“中国方案”“中国之治”“中国智慧”既充分彰显国际法治的正道、顺应历史发展潮流、增进国际社会民生福祉,又更加增强中华法治自信,彰显中华优秀传统法律文化的时代特色。习近平法治思想把以人民为中心作为法治中国建设的基本立场,从中华优秀传统法律文化中汲取法治中国建设的不竭动力,是引领法治中国建设的思想旗帜和强劲动力源,是打破“西方中心论”长期遏制中国法治理论话语权的有力武器。新时代,推进法治中国建设,应坚持以习近平法治思想为指引,聚焦中国式现代化的法治新课题,把握好习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的世界观和方法论,深耕中华优秀传统法律文化,使其成为推进全面依法治国的智慧和力量源泉。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 法治中国建设 治国理政 百年变局
“三治融合”视域下乡村“积分制”治理运行机制研究——基于四川省Y村的个案研究 被引量:1
作者 王艳 陈思颖 《安徽乡村振兴研究》 2024年第1期39-46,共8页
“三治融合”是宏观层面对乡村治理的政策指引,乡村“积分制”治理正是“三治融合”理念的应用。文章以“三治融合”理念为视角,基于治理组织、治理工具、治理目标三个维度构成的治理逻辑,分析论证“三治融合”理念和乡村“积分制”治... “三治融合”是宏观层面对乡村治理的政策指引,乡村“积分制”治理正是“三治融合”理念的应用。文章以“三治融合”理念为视角,基于治理组织、治理工具、治理目标三个维度构成的治理逻辑,分析论证“三治融合”理念和乡村“积分制”治理运作机理的同一性;依据治理逻辑和运作机理,构建由起始动力机制、协调助力机制和激励保障机制形成的乡村“积分制”治理实践运行机制;通过把握乡村“积分制”治理实践运行机制,提出从构建多元治理主体协同参与的共建共治格局、运用制度和技术工具、建立因地制宜的积分评价考核机制和激励政策等方面优化完善乡村“积分制”治理,以期推动乡村治理方式的创新化发展。 展开更多
关键词 三治融合 积分制治理 实践机制
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