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Astrocytes, reactive astrogliosis, and glial scar formation in traumatic brain injury
作者 María Belén Cieri Alberto Javier Ramos 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第4期973-989,共17页
Traumatic brain injury is a global health crisis,causing significant death and disability worldwide.Neuroinflammation that follows traumatic brain injury has serious consequences for neuronal survival and cognitive im... Traumatic brain injury is a global health crisis,causing significant death and disability worldwide.Neuroinflammation that follows traumatic brain injury has serious consequences for neuronal survival and cognitive impairments,with astrocytes involved in this response.Following traumatic brain injury,astrocytes rapidly become reactive,and astrogliosis propagates from the injury core to distant brain regions.Homeostatic astroglial proteins are downregulated near the traumatic brain injury core,while pro-inflammatory astroglial genes are overexpressed.This altered gene expression is considered a pathological remodeling of astrocytes that produces serious consequences for neuronal survival and cognitive recovery.In addition,glial scar formed by reactive astrocytes is initially necessary to limit immune cell infiltration,but in the long term impedes axonal reconnection and functional recovery.Current therapeutic strategies for traumatic brain injury are focused on preventing acute complications.Statins,cannabinoids,progesterone,beta-blockers,and cerebrolysin demonstrate neuroprotective benefits but most of them have not been studied in the context of astrocytes.In this review,we discuss the cell signaling pathways activated in reactive astrocytes following traumatic brain injury and we discuss some of the potential new strategies aimed to modulate astroglial responses in traumatic brain injury,especially using cell-targeted strategies with miRNAs or lncRNA,viral vectors,and repurposed drugs. 展开更多
关键词 ASTROCYTE glial scar innate immunity NEUROINFLAMMATION stab injury Toll-like receptors
作者 吴梦红 窦森 +5 位作者 林楠 姜然哲 陈思 李佳璇 付佳伟 梅显军 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期204-212,共9页
土壤有机质(SOM)含量是表征土壤质量的关键指标,在全球碳循环系统中发挥重大作用。快速准确的SOM估算和空间制图对土壤碳库估算、作物生长监测和耕地规划管理具有重要意义。利用传统方法监测区域性SOM含量耗时费力,基于高光谱遥感影像建... 土壤有机质(SOM)含量是表征土壤质量的关键指标,在全球碳循环系统中发挥重大作用。快速准确的SOM估算和空间制图对土壤碳库估算、作物生长监测和耕地规划管理具有重要意义。利用传统方法监测区域性SOM含量耗时费力,基于高光谱遥感影像建立SOM估测模型是现在较为合理有效的方法。为探索解决目前高光谱遥感影像建立SOM含量估测模型存在光谱数据冗余、光谱数据特征提取精度低、小样本模型泛化能力不强的问题,选择位于青海省湟中县的研究区,共采集67个土壤样本。获取资源1号02D(ZY1-02D)高光谱遥感影像并进行预处理得到样点像元光谱数据,采用分数阶微分变换(FOD)方法挖掘与SOM含量具有响应关系的敏感波段,以0.2为一个步长,利用相关性阈值法对比分析不同阶次微分处理数据挖掘能力;运用稳定性竞争性自适应重加权采样算法(sCARS)去除高光谱冗余数据获取建模特征波段,选择随机森林(RF)、极端梯度提升树、极限学习机和岭回归机器学习作为建模算法,以全波段和特征波段光谱数据分别作为模型输入变量构建SOM估测模型进行高光谱反演研究工作;最后根据最优特征变量和建模算法,基于ZY1-02D遥感影像进行了SOM空间分布制图。结果表明:采用FOD变换相比整数阶可以大大提高波段与SOM含量间的相关性,挖掘出更多细微的与SOM含量产生响应关系的光谱波段,其中0.8阶微分变换效果最优,较原始波段相比相关系数最大值提高了0.546;相较于全波段光谱数据,采用sCARS特征提取方法获取特征波段构建模型的估测精度得到较大提升,说明sCARS可以有效提升建模数据的质量,提升模型预测精度。建模算法中RF表现最优,R_(p)^(2)(模型决定系数)达到0.766,RPD达到1.86,较全波段建模结果R_(p)^(2)提升约7.58%;基于FOD-sCARS和RF实现了区域SOM含量估测制图。研究进一步验证利用星载高光谱遥感影像是实现区域SOM估测制图的可靠途径,研究结果可为估测区域SOM含量提供新思路,为利用星载高光谱遥感影像绘制SOM含量空间分布图提供了数据支持。 展开更多
关键词 高光谱遥感影像 分数阶微分变换 稳定性竞争性自适应重加权采样算法 土壤有机质 随机森林
作者 王辰雨 陈小红 +3 位作者 陈薇 夏志兰 吴秋云 谢玲 《时珍国医国药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期1742-1746,共5页
为了探究野生云芝(Trametes versicolor)种质资源遗传背景,基于RAPD、ISSR两种分子标记技术对18个不同种源的云芝菌株进行鉴定及遗传多样性分析,并建立稳定性更好的SCAR标记。结果表明RAPD和ISSR引物均能扩增出较多条带,多态率分别为100... 为了探究野生云芝(Trametes versicolor)种质资源遗传背景,基于RAPD、ISSR两种分子标记技术对18个不同种源的云芝菌株进行鉴定及遗传多样性分析,并建立稳定性更好的SCAR标记。结果表明RAPD和ISSR引物均能扩增出较多条带,多态率分别为100%和97.4%,说明RAPD和ISSR可以检测到供试菌株丰富的遗传多样性,能够对云芝菌株进行有效的区分。南方的长沙居群和宁乡居群的NPL、PPB、Na、Ne、He、I相近且偏高,北方的山东、辽宁和吉林居群偏低。从聚类结果看,整体上呈由南往北聚类的规律。获得的SCAR标记验证结果显示可能与云芝子实体边缘厚度基因相关。该研究完善了云芝遗传物质的分子标记,可为后续云芝品种选育、性状关联基因调控提供一定的研究基础。 展开更多
关键词 云芝 ISSR RAPD 遗传多样性 scar
作者 高迎凤 赵明松 +2 位作者 于芝琳 赵治东 王涛 《安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第3期255-263,共9页
为确定淮北平原砂姜黑土土壤有机质(SOM)最佳反演模型,探寻最佳特征波长筛选方法,提高模型预测精度。利用原始光谱进行倒数对数(Log(1/R))、标准正态变量变换(SNV)、去包络线(CR)、一阶微分(FDR)处理,采用稳定竞争性自适应重加权算法(sC... 为确定淮北平原砂姜黑土土壤有机质(SOM)最佳反演模型,探寻最佳特征波长筛选方法,提高模型预测精度。利用原始光谱进行倒数对数(Log(1/R))、标准正态变量变换(SNV)、去包络线(CR)、一阶微分(FDR)处理,采用稳定竞争性自适应重加权算法(sCARS)筛选特征变量,对比分析竞争性自适应重加权算法(CARS)、相关系数法(|r|≥0.47)和显著性水平法(p≤0.01)所得结果,建立SOM含量的偏最小二乘(PLSR)模型,并对比精度差异。结果表明:(1)全波段范围内,SOM含量与原始光谱呈极显著负相关,与Log(1/R)光谱呈极显著正相关,与SNV光谱相关性明显增强。CR和FDR光谱与SOM含量呈不同程度的正负相关性。(2)对比全波段,CARS和sCARS算法能够有效去除光谱冗余信息,筛选得到特征波段数目仅占全波段的1%~5%。筛选后模型精度更高,相对分析误差(RPD)均大于1.8。(3)相比于CARS算法,sCARS算法具备更好的稳定性和精确性。筛选到的特征波段主要分布在800~850、1850~1900、2050~2500 nm区域。(4)Log(1/R)-sCARS模型精度最佳,建模集和预测集的决定系数(R2)分别提升了0.08和0.28,RPD值为3.05,对SOM含量预测极好。 展开更多
关键词 土壤有机质 砂姜黑土 光谱变换 scarS筛选 偏最小二乘模型
作者 罗富寻 杨小丹 +4 位作者 李枝林 和凤美 瞿素萍 李叶芳 王玉英 《江苏农业科学》 北大核心 2024年第13期31-38,共8页
基于特异性片段扩增(SCAR)和倍性鉴定兰属花卉,为杂交育种亲本选配奠定基础,以兰属花卉的27个大花蕙兰和31个国兰品种为试材,通过SCAR分子标记和流式细胞仪进行亲缘关系和倍性检测,构建系统进化树。SCAR分子标记构建的系统进化树结果显... 基于特异性片段扩增(SCAR)和倍性鉴定兰属花卉,为杂交育种亲本选配奠定基础,以兰属花卉的27个大花蕙兰和31个国兰品种为试材,通过SCAR分子标记和流式细胞仪进行亲缘关系和倍性检测,构建系统进化树。SCAR分子标记构建的系统进化树结果显示:58个品种聚为3支,第1支包括8个大花蕙兰品种(福娘、523、红袍等)和16个国兰品种(碧龙红素、汗血宝马、出水芙蓉等),第2支为11个大花蕙兰品种(金玉满堂、日本香兰、红双喜等)和6个国兰品种(一代天骄、春兰麻壳素、如意素荷等),第3支包括8个大花蕙兰品种(616、黄金岁月、杨贵妃等)和9个国兰品种(碧龙奇莲、西蜀道光、大雪素等);倍性鉴定结果显示:27个大花蕙兰品种中有7个二倍体(日本樱花、绿翡翠、梦境等)、16个三倍体(黄金岁月、蝶影、日本香兰等)、4个四倍体(英雄、523、福娘等)。部分大花蕙兰和国兰品种亲缘关系较近,可用作杂交育种亲本,但由于大花蕙兰倍性较为丰富。因此,大花蕙兰作为杂交育种亲本,选配时需进行倍性鉴定。综上,SCAR分子标记能高效、全面和精准鉴别兰属花卉间的亲缘关系,结合倍性鉴定,可为高效杂交育种奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 兰属花卉 scar分子标记 倍性鉴定 亲本选配 大花蕙兰
作者 赵宇 杨清川 +3 位作者 梁静 孙雨 杨晓东 杨明禄 《现代农业科技》 2024年第13期161-164,172,共5页
为了明确阿拉尔垦区棉田烟粉虱种群隐种以及烟粉虱捕食性天敌种类,采集阿拉尔十二团棉田中的烟粉虱及烟粉虱捕食性天敌,利用B-F/B-R、Q-F/Q-R特异性引物检测烟粉虱隐种类型,利用烟粉虱TB-F94585/TB-R 94585特异性引物检测捕食性天敌肠... 为了明确阿拉尔垦区棉田烟粉虱种群隐种以及烟粉虱捕食性天敌种类,采集阿拉尔十二团棉田中的烟粉虱及烟粉虱捕食性天敌,利用B-F/B-R、Q-F/Q-R特异性引物检测烟粉虱隐种类型,利用烟粉虱TB-F94585/TB-R 94585特异性引物检测捕食性天敌肠道内是否存在烟粉虱DNA。结果表明:新疆阿拉尔垦区烟粉虱为MED隐种,初步发现烟粉虱的捕食天敌共有4目5科,包括多异瓢虫成虫、多异瓢虫幼虫、东亚小花蝽、中华草蛉幼虫、黄褐新园蛛、灌木新园蛛、直伸肖蛸。利用SCAR分子标记技术可以快速检测阿拉尔垦区烟粉虱捕食性天敌种类。 展开更多
关键词 烟粉虱 scar分子标记 捕食性天敌 棉田 新疆阿拉尔
Technical and Dosimetric Study of Four Facio-cervical Fields Conformal Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
作者 WANG Fang-zheng FU Zhen-fu +4 位作者 WANG Le PIAO Yong-feng HUA Yong-hong CHEN Wei-jun XU Min 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2012年第3期129-133,共5页
Objective: The aim of this study is to establish the methods of four facio-cervical fields' conformal radiotherapy (4F-CRT) for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), and to optimize the methods for clinical practice. ... Objective: The aim of this study is to establish the methods of four facio-cervical fields' conformal radiotherapy (4F-CRT) for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), and to optimize the methods for clinical practice. Methods and Materials: 40 patients with untreated NPC of T1-T4 (1997AJCC Staging System) were rolled into this study. Conventional and four ratio-cervical fields conform plans were designed for each patient using Pinnacle 8.0 three-dimension treatment planning system (3D-TPS): 1) Improved plan, four ratio-cervical fields'conform plans, anterior, posterior ratio-cervical and 2 lateral opposing facio-eervical fields; 2) Conventional plan, two lateral opposing facio-cervical fields only with the same dose delivered to the target in each plan, close volume histograms (DVHs) of the targets and normal organs, brain stem, spinal cord, parotid glands, and temporal mandibular joints (TMJs) were compared and the dose distribution were evaluated. Results: 1) The dose distribution of the improved plan could meet the requirements for the target volume. 2) There was not any significant difference in the dose of spinal cord between the two plans. The mean doses of Dmax for brain stem in conventional plan were much lower than those in the improved plan, though both were within safety limits. 3) Compared with the conventional plans, the improved plan significantly decreased the hotspot areas in the target volume and had better parotid glands and temporal mandibular joints sparing effect. Conclusion: Compared with the conventional plan, the improved plan provides satisfactory dose coverage to the tumor volume and better sparing of the parotid gland, TMJs and other normal tissues in external beam radiotherapy of NPC. 展开更多
关键词 nasopharyngeal neoplasms four facio-cervical fields conformal radiotherapy TPS DOSIMETRY
The Effects of Laser Therapy in Treating Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids after Median Sternotomy:A Scoping Review
作者 Laura Schianchi Fabrizio Vaira +9 位作者 Massimo Chessa Serena Francesca Flocco Arianna Magon Gianluca Conte Karina Geraldina Zuniga Olaya Giacomo Bortolussi Erika Cioffi Matteo Riccardo Di Nicola Santo Raffaele Mercuri Rosario Caruso 《Congenital Heart Disease》 SCIE 2024年第4期363-374,共12页
Background:Hypertrophic scars and keloids,common complications following median sternotomy for cardiac surgery,significantly impact patient quality of life due to their aesthetic and symptomatic burden.Recent advanceme... Background:Hypertrophic scars and keloids,common complications following median sternotomy for cardiac surgery,significantly impact patient quality of life due to their aesthetic and symptomatic burden.Recent advancements in laser therapy have made it a prominent option for managing these complex scars,yet a com-prehensive understanding of its efficacy is lacking.The aim of this scoping review is to explore the effects of laser therapy in managing hypertrophic scars and keloids after median sternotomy.Methods:This scoping review ana-lyzed studies up to February 2024 from databases including PubMed,EMBASE,CINAHL,Scopus,Web of Science,and the Cochrane Library.We included any study that assessed laser therapy’s effects on hypertrophic scars and keloids following median sternotomy.Studies were selected based on predefined inclusion criteria with-out publication year,design,or origin restrictions.Results:Six studies met the inclusion criteria,involving a total offive RCTs and one review.These studies primarily tested 585 and 595-nm pulsed dye laser(PDL)treatments,focusing on scar appearance,patient symptoms,and treatment satisfaction.Most studies reported significant improvements in scar height reduction and patient symptom relief after treatment,with mixed results for scar erythema and elasticity.Adverse events were generally mild and transient.Conclusions:Laser therapy offers a beneficial approach for improving the appearance and symptoms of hypertrophic scars and keloids post-median sternotomy.However,further research is necessary to optimize treatment parameters and explore the long-term psychosocial impacts of this therapy.This review highlights the need for more comprehensive studies to establish standardized treatment protocols and evaluate their effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 Laser therapy hypertrophic scars KELOIDS median sternotomy cardiac surgery pulsed dye laser scar management
The global Antarctic Research event,SCAR 2024
《Advances in Polar Science》 CSCD 2024年第1期141-141,共1页
We are pleased to announce that“The 11th SCAR Open Science Conference”will take place in Pucón,Chile from 19-23 August 2024,hosted by the Chilean Antarctic Institute.Detailed information at https://www.scar2024... We are pleased to announce that“The 11th SCAR Open Science Conference”will take place in Pucón,Chile from 19-23 August 2024,hosted by the Chilean Antarctic Institute.Detailed information at https://www.scar2024.org/.The 11th SCAR Open Science Conference theme“Antarctic Science:Crossroads for a New Hope”,recognizes the importance of Antarctica as a unique and fragile ecosystem.With increasing concerns about climate change and its impact on the polar regions,this theme aims to highlight the significance of Antarctic research in shaping our understanding of global environmental challenges.By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange,the SCAR Open Science conference hopes to inspire new solutions and a renewed sense of hope for the future of our planet. 展开更多
Endoscopic treatment of scarred polyps with a non-thermal device(Endorotor):A review of the literature
作者 Mariam Zaghloul Hameed Rehman +2 位作者 Stefano Sansone Konstantinos Argyriou Adolfo Parra-Blanco 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第12期1706-1713,共8页
Endoscopic resection(ER)of colorectal polyps has become a daily practice in most endoscopic units providing a colorectal cancer screening program and requires the availability of local experts and high-end endoscopic ... Endoscopic resection(ER)of colorectal polyps has become a daily practice in most endoscopic units providing a colorectal cancer screening program and requires the availability of local experts and high-end endoscopic devices.ER procedures have evolved over the past few years from endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR)to more advanced techniques,such as endoscopic submucosal dissection and endo-scopic full-thickness resection.Complete resection and disease eradication are the ultimate goals of ER-based techniques,and novel devices have been developed to achieve these goals.The EndoRotor®Endoscopic Powered Resection System(Interscope Medical,Inc.,Northbridge,Massachusetts,United States)is one such device.The EndoRotor is a powered resection tool for the removal of alimentary tract mucosa,including post-EMR persistent lesions with scarring,and has both CE Mark and FDA clearance.This review covers available published evidence documenting the usefulness of EndoRotor for the management of recurrent colorectal polyps. 展开更多
关键词 EndoRotor scarred polyps Recurrent polyps Colorectal cancer Colorectal polyps
Tamanu Oil in Acne Management: Potential Anti-Inflammatory and Wound-Healing Properties for Scar Reduction
作者 Rachel Marciano Alexandra Loperfito +5 位作者 Maddie Moll Allison Liu Yuna Huh Nicole Werpachowski Kelly Frasier Julia Vinagolu-Baur 《Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering》 2024年第10期185-193,共9页
Tamanu oil, derived from the nuts of Calophyllum inophyllum, has gained increasing attention for its potential in acne management due to its purported anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. This analysis eval... Tamanu oil, derived from the nuts of Calophyllum inophyllum, has gained increasing attention for its potential in acne management due to its purported anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. This analysis evaluates the efficacy of tamanu oil in acne treatment with a specific focus on its impact on inflammation and scar reduction. The novelty of this research lies in its comprehensive analysis of tamanu oil’s dual mechanism of action: reducing acne-related inflammation and promoting the healing of acne scars. Clinical trials and laboratory analyses were conducted to assess the oil’s effectiveness in diminishing erythema, swelling, and post-acne scarring compared to conventional treatments. Preliminary findings demonstrate that tamanu oil significantly reduces inflammation and accelerates wound healing, potentially offering a promising adjunct or alternative to standard acne therapies. Future research should aim to optimize formulation and application protocols, long-term effects, and comparative therapeutic efficacy with other anti-inflammatory agents. Tamanu oil offers a novel and effective approach to acne management, with potential advantages that go beyond inflammation reduction to include enhanced scar reduction, making it a subject that warrants further investigation. 展开更多
关键词 Tamanu Oil Calophyllum inophyllum Acne Management Anti-Inflammatory Properties Wound Healing Acne scars Erythema Reduction Inflammation Reduction scar Reduction Alternative Acne Therapies Natural Acne Treatments Dermatological Applications of Tamanu Oil
Exploring the potential mechanism of WuFuYin against hypertrophic scar using network pharmacology and molecular docking
作者 Shu-Yang Zhang Song-Xue Guo +4 位作者 Lei-Lei Chen Jia-Yan Zhu Ming-Sheng Hou Jia-Ke Lu Xue-Xiang Shen 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第18期3505-3514,共10页
BACKGROUND Hypertrophic scar(HTS)is dermal fibroproliferative disorder,which may cause physiological and psychological problems.Currently,the potential mechanism of WuFuYin(WFY)in the treatment of HTS remained to be e... BACKGROUND Hypertrophic scar(HTS)is dermal fibroproliferative disorder,which may cause physiological and psychological problems.Currently,the potential mechanism of WuFuYin(WFY)in the treatment of HTS remained to be elucidated.AIM To explore the potential mechanism of WFY in treating HTS.METHODS Active components and corresponding targets were retrieved from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform.HTSrelated genes were obtained from the GeneCards,DisGeNET,and National Center for Biotechnology Information.The function of targets was analyzed by performing Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genome(KEGG)enrichment analysis.A protein+IBM-protein interaction(PPI)network was developed using STRING database and Cytoscape.To confirm the high affinity between compounds and targets,molecular docking was performed.RESULTS A total of 65 core genes,which were both related to compounds and HTS,were selected from multiple databases.PPI analysis showed that CKD2,ABCC1,MMP2,MMP9,glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta(GSK3B),PRARG,MMP3,and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma(PIK3CG)were the hub targets and MOL004941,MOL004935,MOL004866,MOL004993,and MOL004989 were the key compounds of WFY against HTS.The results of KEGG enrichment analysis demonstrated that the function of most genes were enriched in the PI3K-Akt pathway.Moreover,by performing molecular docking,we confirmed that GSK3B and 8-prenylated eriodictyol shared the highest affinity.CONCLUSION The current findings showed that the GSK3B and cyclin dependent kinase 2 were the potential targets and MOL004941,MOL004989,and MOL004993 were the main compounds of WFY in HTS treatment. 展开更多
关键词 WuFuYin Hypertrophic scar Network pharmacology Molecular docking Enrichment analysis
作者 陈研 冯露露 +1 位作者 黄荣 齐伟辰 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期490-501,共12页
目的开发出能同时鉴别北苍术和关苍术的分子标记方法,并探究不同种质资源苍术的遗传进化关系。方法对不同地区北苍术Atractylodes chinensis(Bunge)Koidz及关苍术A.japonica Koidz.ex Kitam基因组DNA的差异片段进行测序,结合SRAP、ISSR... 目的开发出能同时鉴别北苍术和关苍术的分子标记方法,并探究不同种质资源苍术的遗传进化关系。方法对不同地区北苍术Atractylodes chinensis(Bunge)Koidz及关苍术A.japonica Koidz.ex Kitam基因组DNA的差异片段进行测序,结合SRAP、ISSR、DAMD分子标记方法,优化PCR反应体系,筛选并转换成特异性标记,同时,采用条形码方法分析种间序列差异。结果通过SRAP、ISSR、DAMD三种分子标记方法的PCR扩增,共筛选出198对能稳定扩增且重现性好的引物,转换出7对能稳定、快速鉴别北苍术和关苍术的SCAR引物。条形码方法检测出北苍术ITS2序列长度为454 bp,关苍术ITS2序列长度为453 bp,与其他苍术属植物之间遗传距离较远。NJ树结果显示,北苍术、关苍术及其他苍术属植物均各自聚为一支,表现出良好的单系性。依据ITS2二级结构,4种苍术属植物在螺旋区的茎环数目、大小、位置均有明显差异,可以直观地进行区分。结论所开发的特异性SCAR标记为苍术属植物优良品种的筛选提供了新方法,DNA条形码能稳定、准确鉴别北苍术。 展开更多
关键词 北苍术 关苍术 Internal transcribed spacer 2(ITS2) Sequence-related amplified polymorphism(SRAP) Inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR) Direct amplification of minisatellite region DNA(DAMD) Sequence characterized amplified regions(scar)
Vaginal Cesarean Section, an Alternative to High-Risk Trigger on Scarred Uterus
作者 Famakan Kane Mahamadou Keita +3 位作者 Yacouba Sylla Soumaila Diallo Diassana Mahamadou Traore Tidiane 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2024年第7期979-982,共4页
The objective is to report a clinical case of vaginal cesarean section performed to expel a dead fetus in scarred uterus. For this indication, vaginal hysterectomy constitutes an alternative to vaginal expulsion with ... The objective is to report a clinical case of vaginal cesarean section performed to expel a dead fetus in scarred uterus. For this indication, vaginal hysterectomy constitutes an alternative to vaginal expulsion with a high risk of uterine rupture and to classic abdominal cesarean section with risk of significant surgical trauma, particularly adhesions. However, this surgical technique, described since the 19th century, remains unknown to many practitioners and few publications exist on the subject throughout the world. Considered obsolete by some practitioners, it retains all its advantages in the practice of modern obstetrics. We report this case of expulsion of fetal death on a tri-scarred uterus performed by vaginal cesarean section at the Health District Reference Health Center (District Hospital) of Commune I in Bamako, Mali in a 37-year-old patient with a pregnancy of 27 weeks of amenorrhea. 展开更多
关键词 Vaginal Cesarean Section Birth on scarred Uterus In Utero Fetal Death
The Use of Triancinolone for the Treatment of Keloid Scars
作者 José Humberto Cardoso Resende Luís Otávio Torres +6 位作者 Anderson Alves Brandão Delma dos Santos Assis Mercadante Jessyka Oliveira Barbosa Batista William Felix de Oliveira Pacheco Elisangelo Aparecido Costa Da Silva Douglas Henrique Farias de Oliveira Nébia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo 《Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications》 2024年第3期270-275,共6页
Scars, when in good evolution, result in a smooth, thin and discreet tissue. Keloid scars, however, are a type of abnormal and exacerbated repair response to tissue injury, whether in surgical interventions or in vari... Scars, when in good evolution, result in a smooth, thin and discreet tissue. Keloid scars, however, are a type of abnormal and exacerbated repair response to tissue injury, whether in surgical interventions or in various injuries, which present in a prominent and gross way. In this context, there is an excess of collagen deposition in the tissue repair process, which can lead to the formation of keloids. The diagnosis of the condition presented is made by the medical professional or by the patient himself after the surgical intervention or skin injury. Under this analysis, protruding, rough and bad-looking scars are identified. In addition, we highlight the existence of keloids similar to large tumors, described as Jorge Lobo disease. The treatment encompasses massages, compressions, corticosteroids, chemotherapy, collagenase and cryotherapy. At first, we used corticosteroid-based massages, and then we started using compressive dressings until we started intrakeloid infiltrations with injectable triamcinolone. Triamcinolone 10 mg injectable—1/10—in 0.9% saline, with syringe and fixed needle 0.3 mm × 8 mm, intralesional infiltrate, in this context, proved to be effective for its treatment when applied sequentially and linearly. In cases where the medication was applied, there was an improvement after 21 days of application and a definitive improvement 2 months after the injury. In comparison, on the other hand, patients who were not subjected to the application of the medication may improve after 4 months of the injury or worsen compared to the initial case. We have come to the conclusion that this procedure may be one of the chosen ones for the treatment of keloid scars, being one of the most recommended for cases of keloid already installed. 展开更多
作者 曹大勇 郑军杰 +5 位作者 王磊 杨阳 郭海娜 邢培朋 夏成德 狄海萍 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第18期3804-3810,共7页
背景:大面积深度烧伤创面愈合后多伴瘢痕增生,需要移植中厚皮进行修复,所取中厚皮片一般达到真皮乳头层以下,若处理不当容易出现供区皮创面愈合延迟、溃破和愈合后疼痛瘙痒等并发症,因此,供皮区创面修复应得到重视。目的:分析自体头皮... 背景:大面积深度烧伤创面愈合后多伴瘢痕增生,需要移植中厚皮进行修复,所取中厚皮片一般达到真皮乳头层以下,若处理不当容易出现供区皮创面愈合延迟、溃破和愈合后疼痛瘙痒等并发症,因此,供皮区创面修复应得到重视。目的:分析自体头皮修复深度烧伤和瘢痕患者供皮区的安全性和实用性。方法:选择2021年1月至2023年9月郑州市第一人民医院烧伤科收治的60例深度烧伤和瘢痕增生患者作为研究对象,均进行中厚皮移植修复,取皮部位为患者自身腿部或背部中厚皮,采用随机数字表法分为研究组(30例)、对照组(30例),研究组采用自体刃厚头皮回植修复中厚皮供皮区,对照组采用吸水敷料修复中厚皮供皮区。对比两组术后6 d的中厚皮供皮区创面愈合率、创面完全上皮化时间,术后3,6 d供皮区换药疼痛评分,以及术后6个月中厚皮供皮区瘢痕增生情况。结果与结论:①研究组中厚皮供皮区创面上皮化时间短于对照组(P<0.05),中厚皮供皮区创面愈合率高于对照组(P<0.05),术后3,6 d的中厚皮供皮区换药疼痛评分均低于对照组(P<0.05),术后6个月的中厚皮供皮区瘢痕增生率、瘢痕评分及瘙痒评分均低于对照组(P<0.05);②结果表明,自体头皮修复中厚皮供皮区具有加快创面愈合和减轻瘢痕增生的优点。 展开更多
关键词 自体头皮 供皮区 创面愈合 瘢痕 皮片移植 吸水敷料 工程化材料
作者 梅志强 郭侃 +2 位作者 魏春莉 郑美玲 傅俊江 《西南医科大学学报》 2024年第1期29-33,共5页
目的寻找快速区分黑毛石斛、蜂腰石斛和石仙桃的序列特征扩增区域(sequence characterized amplified regions,SCAR)新标记。方法在改良的随机扩增多态性DNA(random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)的基础上对10个物种进行基因组DNA随... 目的寻找快速区分黑毛石斛、蜂腰石斛和石仙桃的序列特征扩增区域(sequence characterized amplified regions,SCAR)新标记。方法在改良的随机扩增多态性DNA(random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)的基础上对10个物种进行基因组DNA随机扩增、分子克隆和测序,分别设计了可鉴别3个物种的SCAR标记。结果成功筛选出3个SCAR标记,其相应的特异性标记分别为N2-12、A2-17和A6-33;其中SCAR标记N2-12在黑毛种属中扩增出约750 bp的特异性条带,SCAR标记A2-17在蜂腰石斛中扩增出约750 bp的特异性条带,SCAR标记A6-33在石仙桃种属中扩增出约600 bp的特异性条带。结论N2-12、A2-17和A6-33这3对特异性SCAR新标记能快速、准确的区分出黑毛石斛、蜂腰石斛和石仙桃这3个物种,为今后进行该中药道地药材样品的鉴定提供了实验依据。 展开更多
关键词 黑毛石斛 蜂腰石斛 石仙桃 序列特征扩增区域标记 鉴定
黄瓜全雌性基因连锁的AFLP和SCAR分子标记 被引量:50
作者 娄群峰 陈劲枫 +3 位作者 Molly Jahn 陈龙正 耿红 罗向东 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期256-261,共6页
本研究以全雌品种‘戴多星’自交系和弱雌品种‘北京截头’自交系为双亲杂交获得F1,然后得到F2性型分离群体,利用分离群体分组分析法(BulkedSegregantAnalysis,BSA)构建全雌和弱雌两个基因池,筛选了64对AFLP选择性引物EcoRINN+MseINNN组... 本研究以全雌品种‘戴多星’自交系和弱雌品种‘北京截头’自交系为双亲杂交获得F1,然后得到F2性型分离群体,利用分离群体分组分析法(BulkedSegregantAnalysis,BSA)构建全雌和弱雌两个基因池,筛选了64对AFLP选择性引物EcoRINN+MseINNN组合,发现EcoRITG+MseICAC引物组合在全雌基因池中扩增出一条分子量为234bp的特异带。经F2代单株验证,该特异条带能在全雌单株中稳定出现。以MAPMAKER(Version3.0)软件分析,该标记与全雌性位点的连锁距离在6.7cM。命名该连锁标记为TG/CAC234。将该特异条带回收、克隆、测序,设计特异SCAR引物,再对F2代单株基因组DNA进行扩增,仅在全雌单株中扩增出1条分子量为166bp的特异带,表明已成功地将与黄瓜全雌性连锁的AFLP标记转化为操作简便、表现稳定的SCAR标记,该标记命名为SA166。 展开更多
关键词 黄瓜 全雌性 分子标记 AFLP scar
苹果柱型基因Co的一个AFLP标记的SCAR转换 被引量:24
作者 王彩虹 王倩 +4 位作者 戴洪义 田义轲 贾建航 束怀瑞 王斌 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期100-104,共5页
将苹果柱型基因的一个AFLP标记成功地转换成了简单实用的SCAR标记。首先对AFLP标记片段进行序列测定 ,然后根据序列特点设计了两对特异引物CoA1/CoA2 和CoA1/CoA3 ,每条引物长 2 0bp。PCR结果表明CoA1/CoA2 可以扩增出 2 16bp和 148bp... 将苹果柱型基因的一个AFLP标记成功地转换成了简单实用的SCAR标记。首先对AFLP标记片段进行序列测定 ,然后根据序列特点设计了两对特异引物CoA1/CoA2 和CoA1/CoA3 ,每条引物长 2 0bp。PCR结果表明CoA1/CoA2 可以扩增出 2 16bp和 148bp两条带 ,其中 2 16bp的为柱型性状的特征带 ;CoA1/CoA3 可以扩增出 2 73bp和 2 0 5bp的两条带 ,其中 2 73bp的为柱型性状的特征带。两对引物在杂交后代中扩增出的特征带与柱型性状的分离重组率都很低 (CoA1/CoA2 为 6 .3%± 2 .5 % ;CoA1/CoA3 为 7.3%±2 .6 % ) ,所以它们都可以作为该SCAR标记的特异引物所用。 展开更多
关键词 苹果 柱型基因Co AFLP标记 scar转换 scar标记
桃果实有毛/无毛性状的SCAR标记 被引量:23
作者 姜立杰 杨英军 +2 位作者 张晓明 李文生 张开春 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期1003-1007,共5页
以桃品种‘京玉’和‘美味’的正反交69株F1群体为试材,利用RAPD技术扩增出了与桃果实有毛/无毛性状(G/g)连锁的2 258 bp的多态性片段,经克隆、测序后,根据获得的序列重新设计了两对引物进行SCAR转化。引物对BFP94/BFP95在有毛和无毛个... 以桃品种‘京玉’和‘美味’的正反交69株F1群体为试材,利用RAPD技术扩增出了与桃果实有毛/无毛性状(G/g)连锁的2 258 bp的多态性片段,经克隆、测序后,根据获得的序列重新设计了两对引物进行SCAR转化。引物对BFP94/BFP95在有毛和无毛个体中均扩增出了2 258 bp的片段,RAPD显示的多态性消失。利用引物对BFP96/BFP98成功将RAPD标记转化成了SCAR标记,并命名为SCP20-2258。该标记仅在果实有毛的个体中出现,与有毛/无毛性状的连锁距离为7.8 cM,且扩增稳定,为桃果实有毛/无毛性状育种的分子标记辅助选择奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 油桃 RAPD scar
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