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Islamic HRM:Laissez Faire or Free of Choice
作者 Gürhan Uysal 《Management Studies》 2022年第4期229-231,共3页
Proposition of this study is that Islamic HRM(human resources management)is related to laissez faire.Why Islamic HRM is related to laissez faire?Response might be potential and attitude analyses.Attitudes turn to beha... Proposition of this study is that Islamic HRM(human resources management)is related to laissez faire.Why Islamic HRM is related to laissez faire?Response might be potential and attitude analyses.Attitudes turn to behaviours in workplaces,and potential reflects future performance.Laissez faire is defined as free of choice in this study,and it is defined as freeness and liberty in France.Second principle of Islamic HRM might be not intervention to employees.Of course organizations determine goals,but no pressure to employees.On the other hand,firms are to always watch the performance of employees.HRM manager and line managers implement hidden performance evaluation.In conclusion,it can be proposed that Islamic HRM has three principles:laissez faire,no intervention,and performance evaluation.Mohamed represents philosophy of Islam.Mohamed was trader in Arabic peninsula,and it may operate as free market economy in trade in that era. 展开更多
关键词 Islamic HRM laissez faire intervention(pressure) PERFORMANCE
Maker Faire~开启创客之旅
作者 王大师 《少年电脑世界》 2017年第10期4-9,共6页
Maker Faire是美国Make杂志社举办的全球最大的创客文化聚会,最近几年也在中国举办。本期,小编带你走进美国本土原汁原味的Maker Faire。
关键词 faire MAKE 原汁原味 杂志社 美国
Maker Faire文化对设计师造物情怀的影响
作者 梁日升 《福建茶叶》 2019年第11期62-63,共2页
Maker Faire起源于在美国年旧金山[1],以分享技术和交流思想为乐,集结了所有年龄段的DIY爱好者,他们当中有设计师、教育家、业余爱好者、工程师、作家、艺术家,学生等等覆盖的群体比较广泛,甚至可以说,没有特定的群体,设计师在Maker群... Maker Faire起源于在美国年旧金山[1],以分享技术和交流思想为乐,集结了所有年龄段的DIY爱好者,他们当中有设计师、教育家、业余爱好者、工程师、作家、艺术家,学生等等覆盖的群体比较广泛,甚至可以说,没有特定的群体,设计师在Maker群体当中也占有一定的比例,Maker Faire文化对设计师造物情怀有一定的影响。 展开更多
关键词 Maker faire 造物理念 造物 设计师情怀
作者 王文斐 《商情》 2013年第5期229-229,共1页
法语属于印欧语系罗曼语族,其动词的形态变化十分复杂、词组变幻多样、词汇精准。因此表达准确、清晰,在国际社会中的作用越来越重要。由于法语没有语调与重音,听起来如潺潺流水娓娓道来.因此被称为世界上最美的语言。语言的魅力更... 法语属于印欧语系罗曼语族,其动词的形态变化十分复杂、词组变幻多样、词汇精准。因此表达准确、清晰,在国际社会中的作用越来越重要。由于法语没有语调与重音,听起来如潺潺流水娓娓道来.因此被称为世界上最美的语言。语言的魅力更在于对同一事物的表达可以用不同的词j12、不同的表达顺序、甚至是不同的逻辑结构。从而达到准确而且丰富多彩的效果。在此文中,我们来讨论一下有趣的“faire”。 展开更多
关键词 法语 faire 用法
FAIREST:A Framework for Assessing Research Repositories
作者 Mathieu d'Aquin Fabian Kirstein +2 位作者 Daniela Oliveira Sonja Schimmler Sebastian Urbanek 《Data Intelligence》 EI 2023年第1期202-241,共40页
The open science movement has gained significant momentum within the last few years.This comes along with the need to store and share research artefacts,such as publications and research data.For this purpose,research... The open science movement has gained significant momentum within the last few years.This comes along with the need to store and share research artefacts,such as publications and research data.For this purpose,research repositories need to be established.A variety of solutions exist for implementing such repositories,covering diverse features,ranging from custom depositing workflows to social media-like functions.In this article,we introduce the FAIREST principles,a framework inspired by the well-known FAIR principles,but designed to provide a set of metrics for assessing and selecting solutions for creating digital repositories for research artefacts.The goal is to support decision makers in choosing such a solution when planning for a repository,especially at an institutional level.The metrics included are therefore based on two pillars:(1)an analysis of established features and functionalities,drawn from existing dedicated,general purpose and commonly used solutions,and(2)a literature review on general requirements for digital repositories for research artefacts and related systems.We further describe an assessment of 11 widespread solutions,with the goal to provide an overview of the current landscape of research data repository solutions,identifying gaps and research challenges to be addressed. 展开更多
关键词 research repositories FAIR principles open access research data
作者 刘桂锋 陈书贤 刘琼 《现代情报》 北大核心 2024年第2期4-16,共13页
[目的/意义]评估政府开放数据平台FAIR原则的实施效果有助于平台规范标识符、统一元数据标准等,增强政府数据的发现、共享和重用。[方法/过程]采用网络调研法,借鉴国际代表性评估框架,结合调研构建面向政府开放数据平台的FAIR原则评估... [目的/意义]评估政府开放数据平台FAIR原则的实施效果有助于平台规范标识符、统一元数据标准等,增强政府数据的发现、共享和重用。[方法/过程]采用网络调研法,借鉴国际代表性评估框架,结合调研构建面向政府开放数据平台的FAIR原则评估指标体系,并选取国内外8个样本平台作为案例,从可发现、可访问等4个维度展开评估分析,比较FAIR原则实施状况和差异。[结果/结论]从永久性标识符方案、元数据标准规范、数据使用许可等方面提出相应改进策略,完善国内政府开放数据平台数据管理规范,为后续相关平台的建设与利用提供理论指导和实践借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 政府开放数据 数据平台 FAIR原则 数据科学 开放科学
作者 殷沈琴 徐萍 《图书馆杂志》 北大核心 2024年第4期108-117,142,共11页
采纳一定的标准,特别是以主流、用户量大的数据管理计划(DMP)工具作为代表,遴选出6种研究数据管理计划工具作为研究对象,结合实际试用、前人研究和专家访谈,从科研人员使用和体验视角采用综合性研究方法,厘清工具比较评估的核心要素,构... 采纳一定的标准,特别是以主流、用户量大的数据管理计划(DMP)工具作为代表,遴选出6种研究数据管理计划工具作为研究对象,结合实际试用、前人研究和专家访谈,从科研人员使用和体验视角采用综合性研究方法,厘清工具比较评估的核心要素,构建工具比较评估的三级指标体系,就基本功能、DMP模板内容、用户体验开展比较分析,研究结果呈现通用DMP工具的典型特性和未来发展趋势,供我国出台相关政策和研发工具借鉴参考。 展开更多
关键词 数据管理计划 DMP 数据管理计划工具 DMP工具 FAIR原则
作者 刘桂锋 陈帅印 韩牧哲 《现代情报》 北大核心 2024年第2期30-42,91,共14页
[目的/意义]为揭示数据论文与期刊论文关联出版的新形态,对目前数据期刊的开放共享、数据论文与期刊论文之间的关联进行研究,有助于推动科学数据的开放共享发展,促进科学数据的高效流通,使科学数据在多层维度释放数据价值。[方法/过程]... [目的/意义]为揭示数据论文与期刊论文关联出版的新形态,对目前数据期刊的开放共享、数据论文与期刊论文之间的关联进行研究,有助于推动科学数据的开放共享发展,促进科学数据的高效流通,使科学数据在多层维度释放数据价值。[方法/过程]基于FAIR原则,从元数据元素、文献服务等角度出发,构建数据流向视角下数据论文与期刊论文之间的互关联模型,分析数据论文与期刊论文之间的关联过程,并选取代表性数据期刊Data in Brief的数据论文为实例展开模型验证与实践参照。[结果/结论]本文基于“可访问”“可发现”对“开放共享”展开研究;基于“可互操作”和“可重用”对“关联”展开研究。通过构建理论模型、实例验证,厘清数据论文与期刊论文之间的关联模式以及验证理论模型的可行性与合理性。 展开更多
关键词 FAIR原则 数据论文 期刊论文 数据期刊 科学数据 数据科学
作者 刘桂锋 王清炫 韩牧哲 《现代情报》 北大核心 2024年第2期17-29,共13页
[目的/意义]FAIR原则在科技期刊的应用有助于增强期刊论文支撑数据的可发现、交互、共享与重用。评估FAIR实施情况有利于其推广实施,以期为我国期刊论文的支撑数据共享与重用提供有益参考。[方法/过程]本文在国外FAIR原则评估模型的基础... [目的/意义]FAIR原则在科技期刊的应用有助于增强期刊论文支撑数据的可发现、交互、共享与重用。评估FAIR实施情况有利于其推广实施,以期为我国期刊论文的支撑数据共享与重用提供有益参考。[方法/过程]本文在国外FAIR原则评估模型的基础上,综合考虑各模型的优势和指标设计特点,结合《数据分析与知识发现》期刊论文相关的科学数据特征,构建FAIR原则指标评价体系,基于该体系从4个维度分析调研结果,最后对中文期刊论文的支撑数据FAIR应用提出合理化建议与优化策略。[结果/结论]FAIR原则在期刊论文支撑数据的应用仍需进一步完善,科研人员的数据共享意识及对于FAIR原则的认知度远远不够,建议从宏观和微观两个层面推广FAIR原则及其实施,推动数据更加开放和可重用。 展开更多
关键词 FAIR原则 期刊论文 支撑数据 数据管理 数据科学 应用评估 案例分析
作者 杨恒 刘凤红 《图书情报知识》 北大核心 2024年第2期150-160,共11页
[目的/意义]对我国国家科学数据中心数据政策的FAIR化特征进行探索,为我国数据中心的数据管理政策制定和工作优化提供初步参考。[方法/过程]综合运用网络调研和文本挖掘的方法,使用KH Coder内容挖掘软件对20家数据中心的79部数据政策进... [目的/意义]对我国国家科学数据中心数据政策的FAIR化特征进行探索,为我国数据中心的数据管理政策制定和工作优化提供初步参考。[方法/过程]综合运用网络调研和文本挖掘的方法,使用KH Coder内容挖掘软件对20家数据中心的79部数据政策进行量化文本分析。通过对FAIR原则在政策文本中的出现频次和高相似词汇的分析,揭示FAIR原则在各个数据中心、不同类型政策文本中表现出的关注度差异与语义特征。[结果/结论]数据中心的数据政策已体现了一定的FAIR原则理念,但对每项FAIR原则的关注度不均衡;不同类型的数据政策关注FAIR原则的不同方面,共性在于对可发现原则和可互操作原则比较关注;对元数据给予了重点关注。[创新/价值]建议数据中心在数据政策制定中突出“元数据”在数据全生命周期管理中的作用,推动“数据增值驱动”的数据政策体系构建,并立足我国科学数据管理实际,适度引入FAIR原则。 展开更多
关键词 科学数据管理 FAIR原则 国家科学数据中心 文本挖掘
A Formal Model for Analyzing Fair Exchange Protocols Based on Event Logic
作者 Ke Yang Meihua Xiao Zehuan Li 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第3期2641-2663,共23页
Fair exchange protocols play a critical role in enabling two distrustful entities to conduct electronic data exchanges in a fair and secure manner.These protocols are widely used in electronic payment systems and elec... Fair exchange protocols play a critical role in enabling two distrustful entities to conduct electronic data exchanges in a fair and secure manner.These protocols are widely used in electronic payment systems and electronic contract signing,ensuring the reliability and security of network transactions.In order to address the limitations of current research methods and enhance the analytical capabilities for fair exchange protocols,this paper proposes a formal model for analyzing such protocols.The proposed model begins with a thorough analysis of fair exchange protocols,followed by the formal definition of fairness.This definition accurately captures the inherent requirements of fair exchange protocols.Building upon event logic,the model incorporates the time factor into predicates and introduces knowledge set axioms.This enhancement empowers the improved logic to effectively describe the state and knowledge of protocol participants at different time points,facilitating reasoning about their acquired knowledge.To maximize the intruder’s capabilities,channel errors are translated into the behaviors of the intruder.The participants are further categorized into honest participants and malicious participants,enabling a comprehensive evaluation of the intruder’s potential impact.By employing a typical fair exchange protocol as an illustrative example,this paper demonstrates the detailed steps of utilizing the proposed model for protocol analysis.The entire process of protocol execution under attack scenarios is presented,shedding light on the underlying reasons for the attacks and proposing corresponding countermeasures.The developedmodel enhances the ability to reason about and evaluate the security properties of fair exchange protocols,thereby contributing to the advancement of secure network transactions. 展开更多
关键词 Fair exchange protocols FAIRNESS formal analysis logic reasoning
Resource Allocation in Multi-User Cellular Networks:A Transformer-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
作者 Zhao Di Zheng Zhong +2 位作者 Qin Pengfei Qin Hao Song Bin 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第5期77-96,共20页
To meet the communication services with diverse requirements,dynamic resource allocation has shown increasing importance.In this paper,we consider the multi-slot and multi-user resource allocation(MSMU-RA)in a downlin... To meet the communication services with diverse requirements,dynamic resource allocation has shown increasing importance.In this paper,we consider the multi-slot and multi-user resource allocation(MSMU-RA)in a downlink cellular scenario with the aim of maximizing system spectral efficiency while guaranteeing user fairness.We first model the MSMURA problem as a dual-sequence decision-making process,and then solve it by a novel Transformerbased deep reinforcement learning(TDRL)approach.Specifically,the proposed TDRL approach can be achieved based on two aspects:1)To adapt to the dynamic wireless environment,the proximal policy optimization(PPO)algorithm is used to optimize the multi-slot RA strategy.2)To avoid co-channel interference,the Transformer-based PPO algorithm is presented to obtain the optimal multi-user RA scheme by exploring the mapping between user sequence and resource sequence.Experimental results show that:i)the proposed approach outperforms both the traditional and DRL methods in spectral efficiency and user fairness,ii)the proposed algorithm is superior to DRL approaches in terms of convergence speed and generalization performance. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic resource allocation multi-user cellular network spectrum efficiency user fairness
Aerodynamic Analysis and Optimization of Pantograph Streamline Fairing for High-Speed Trains
作者 Xiang Kan Yan Li +1 位作者 Tian Li Jiye Zhang 《Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing》 EI 2024年第5期1075-1091,共17页
A pantograph serves as a vital device for the collection of electricity in trains.However,its aerodynamic resistance can limit the train’s running speed.As installing fairings around the pantograph is known to effect... A pantograph serves as a vital device for the collection of electricity in trains.However,its aerodynamic resistance can limit the train’s running speed.As installing fairings around the pantograph is known to effectively reduce the resistance,in this study,different fairing lengths are considered and the related aerodynamic performances of pantograph are assessed.In particular,this is accomplished through numerical simulations based on the k-ωShear Stress Transport(SST)two-equation turbulence model.The results indicate that the fairing diminishes the direct impact of high-speed airflow on the pantograph,thereby reducing its aerodynamic resistance.However,it also induces interferences in the flow field around the train,leading to variations in the aerodynamic resistance and lift of train components.It is shown that a maximum reduction of 56.52%in pantograph aerodynamic resistance and a peak decrease of 3.38%in total train aerodynamic resistance can be achieved. 展开更多
关键词 PANTOGRAPH FAIRING train aerodynamic numerical simulation
赏析普雷维尔的Pour faire le portrait d'un oiseau
作者 夏彦国 丛钊 《法语学习》 2009年第3期14-18,共5页
关键词 vert faire POUR 赏析 诙谐幽默 日常生活 创作灵感 街头
Convergence over AI Governance Amid Differences
作者 THORSTEN JELINEK 《China Today》 2024年第4期58-61,共4页
As the EU passes the first AI law,the U.S.grapples with bipartisanship,and China proactively advances the issue-based approach and advocates the Global AI Governance Initiative,will AI become“a force for good,ensurin... As the EU passes the first AI law,the U.S.grapples with bipartisanship,and China proactively advances the issue-based approach and advocates the Global AI Governance Initiative,will AI become“a force for good,ensuring safety,and promoting fairness”? 展开更多
作者 庄乐群 《法语学习》 1996年第3期12-14,共3页
Faire和laisser后接动词不定式苏州大学庄乐群众所周知,在法语中动词faire,laisser,voir,regarder,entendre,ecouter,sentir后面,可以直接跟动词不定式,而这些动词... Faire和laisser后接动词不定式苏州大学庄乐群众所周知,在法语中动词faire,laisser,voir,regarder,entendre,ecouter,sentir后面,可以直接跟动词不定式,而这些动词不定式的主语与谓语动词的主语是不一... 展开更多
关键词 动词不定式 faire laisser 法语 动词 语法
作者 花阳 《法语学习》 2009年第6期30-37,共8页
关键词 动词不定式 解析 用法 faire 主观意志 逻辑主语
Media Watch
《ChinAfrica》 2024年第6期7-7,共1页
UPGRADING GAOKAO Sanlian Lifeweek 29 April With April coming to a close,high school seniors across China have o"cially entered the homestretch of their race towards the gaokao,a standardised national college entr... UPGRADING GAOKAO Sanlian Lifeweek 29 April With April coming to a close,high school seniors across China have o"cially entered the homestretch of their race towards the gaokao,a standardised national college entrance exam upon which college admission largely depends.This year is the 10th year of ongoing gaokao reforms,in which targeted policies are continuously launched to increase fairness.The most prominent change to the exam under the reforms is that,instead of choosing to study arts or sciences alongside the mandatory Chinese. 展开更多
关键词 COLLEGE continuously FAIRNESS
Enseigner comme faire de la pub
作者 张菁 《法语学习》 2009年第3期69-71,共3页
L'enseignement ressemble à la publicité :les connaissances étant le produit à promouvoir,le professeur les diffuse en persuadant l'étudiant de les accepter. Ainsi,l'objectif primor... L'enseignement ressemble à la publicité :les connaissances étant le produit à promouvoir,le professeur les diffuse en persuadant l'étudiant de les accepter. Ainsi,l'objectif primordial du professeur consiste à attirer l'attention de l'étudiant. Une publicité bien accueillie doit son succèsà deux facteurs principaux :l'utilité du produit ou l'originalité de sa forme. Un enseignement réussi réside dans deux éléments correspondants,soit le contenu est prenant,soit la méthode est particulière. 展开更多
关键词 Enseigner comme faire de la pub
Showing Savoir Faire French President Jacques Chirac’s visit to China produced major business deals and an ambitious blueprint for bilateral relations
作者 ZAN JIFANG 《Beijing Review》 2006年第45期12-13,共2页
关键词 Showing Savoir faire French President Jacques Chirac s visit to China produced major business deals and an ambitious blueprint for bilateral relations
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