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The experiences of Zheng-ping Bai in treating gastric cancer based on qi,phlegm,and stasis
作者 Xiao-yan Cheng Zheng-ping Bai 《TMR Theory and Hypothesis》 2021年第3期492-498,共7页
This paper will introduce the clinical experiences of Professor Zheng-pingBai in treating gastric cancer.In his diagnosis and treatment of this disease,Professor Bai advocates the integration of disease,symptom,and sy... This paper will introduce the clinical experiences of Professor Zheng-pingBai in treating gastric cancer.In his diagnosis and treatment of this disease,Professor Bai advocates the integration of disease,symptom,and syndrome differentiation,pointing out that gastric cancer is caused by the accumulation of phlegm-dampness and blood stasis in the stomach due to qi stagnation.Therefore,the basic pathogenic mechanism involves the loss of harmonious descent in the stomach.This implies that treatment should prioritize qi activity by calming the stomach and suppressing the abnormal ascent of qi,as well as emphasizing the elimination of phlegm and stasis,and this has achieved significant therapeutic efficacy. 展开更多
关键词 gastric cancer experiences of famous doctors qi activity phlegm and stasis
Doctor Song Fuyin's Experience in Treating Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Based on Qi,Blood Essence and Spirit Syndrome Differentiation Stage Classification
作者 李晓红 宋福印 庄扬名 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2023年第2期53-60,共8页
The paper systematically summarizes the experience of Director Song Fuyin in treating Hashimoto's thyroiditis which is a typical emotional disease that causes obvious changes in organ morphology and endocrine and ... The paper systematically summarizes the experience of Director Song Fuyin in treating Hashimoto's thyroiditis which is a typical emotional disease that causes obvious changes in organ morphology and endocrine and body fluid metabolism.It belongs to the category of psychosomatic diseases,and is the embodiment of a series of pathogenesis processes of qi disease,blood disease,essence disease and deformation in TCM theory.The whole course of the disease is dominated by the dialectical relationship of mutual influence,mutual control,mutual root and mutual use among the deity disease,qi disease,blood disease,essence and spiritual disease.Therefore,the treatment emphasizes the dialectical relationship based on qi,blood,essence and spirit.At the beginning,the treatment focuses on regulating qi and clearing heat and eliminating phlegm;at the middle stage,the treatment focuses on replenishing essence and promoting yang and eliminating wind and calming the deity;at the late stage,the treatment focuses on replenishing qi and eliminating phlegm and promoting collages.Flexible use of calming the spirits,regulating qi,dispersing essence,eliminating phlegm,promoting blood and other methods of stage classification treatment,can be targeted,improve the cure rate of the disease.This article aims to clarify the experience of Director Song Fuyin in treating Hashimoto's thyroiditis based on syndrome differentiation of qi,blood essence and spirit. 展开更多
关键词 Hashimoto's thyroiditis Song Fuyin Differentiation of qi blood essence and spirit.experience of famous doctors Regulating qi and clearing heat Nourishing essence and enhancing yang Quenching the wind and calming the spirit Eliminating phlegm and clearing collaterals
作者 陈赟 魏福良 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2025年第2期71-74,共4页
文章对魏福良教授治疗失眠症的经验进行了总结。失眠症为中医临床常见病,安徽省名老中医魏福良主任医师认为其诊治需从“五脏藏神”理论着手,诊脉查舌,辨证论治。魏师精研针、灸、药结合之道,用针本神,以脏腑辨证为本,精研刺灸之法,脏... 文章对魏福良教授治疗失眠症的经验进行了总结。失眠症为中医临床常见病,安徽省名老中医魏福良主任医师认为其诊治需从“五脏藏神”理论着手,诊脉查舌,辨证论治。魏师精研针、灸、药结合之道,用针本神,以脏腑辨证为本,精研刺灸之法,脏腑经络并治,令阴平阳秘;针药同施,内外并治,脏腑气血阴阳调和而神自安。 展开更多
关键词 不寐 失眠 针灸疗法 魏福良 名医经验
作者 韦侨英 赵利华 《陕西中医》 CAS 2025年第1期105-108,113,共5页
介绍赵利华教授治疗绝经前后相关病症的学术思想及临床应用。赵利华教授基于中医整体观念与体质学说,提出“明确易患体质,调质防治更年期疾病”的理论。从脾肾肝三脏入手,形成以“先后天双调,健脾补肾益髓,养血柔肝”为治疗原则的整合... 介绍赵利华教授治疗绝经前后相关病症的学术思想及临床应用。赵利华教授基于中医整体观念与体质学说,提出“明确易患体质,调质防治更年期疾病”的理论。从脾肾肝三脏入手,形成以“先后天双调,健脾补肾益髓,养血柔肝”为治疗原则的整合针灸疗法,并总结了一组治疗绝经前后诸证的主要穴位:百会、关元、足三里、三阴交,应用于临床。 展开更多
关键词 赵利华 更年期 经验 名医 针灸 体质
作者 李芳 黄甫 +1 位作者 王晓琳 鱼涛 《陕西中医》 CAS 2025年第1期96-100,共5页
辛智科在五十年临床实践工作中总结出“脾胃中心”理论,“脾胃中心”理论有着深厚的学术积淀和历史来源,具有很高的学术价值和临床指导意义。辛智科认为应从整体看待疾病,各科病证在理论渊源上有着千丝万缕的联系,脾胃作为后天之本、气... 辛智科在五十年临床实践工作中总结出“脾胃中心”理论,“脾胃中心”理论有着深厚的学术积淀和历史来源,具有很高的学术价值和临床指导意义。辛智科认为应从整体看待疾病,各科病证在理论渊源上有着千丝万缕的联系,脾胃作为后天之本、气机升降之枢纽,占据五脏六腑之中心、具有沟通上下内外的重要地位和作用。本文浅析辛智科“脾胃中心”理论渊源、中医内涵及在临床各种杂病中的应用经验,进一步阐明“脾胃中心”理论的临床实用性。 展开更多
关键词 脾胃中心 杂病 名医经验 辛智科 临床应用
作者 钟东 伍大华 +1 位作者 谢瑶 李映辰 《亚太传统医药》 2025年第1期103-106,共4页
三叉神经痛(TN)是一种常见的神经性疼痛疾病,临床上以内科药物或手术治疗为主要治疗手段,治疗效果存在个体差异,且有一定复发率,中医药治疗TN疗效较佳。伍大华教授认为,尽管三叉神经痛病因繁杂,但与瘀邪关系密切,瘀邪是TN发生、发展、... 三叉神经痛(TN)是一种常见的神经性疼痛疾病,临床上以内科药物或手术治疗为主要治疗手段,治疗效果存在个体差异,且有一定复发率,中医药治疗TN疗效较佳。伍大华教授认为,尽管三叉神经痛病因繁杂,但与瘀邪关系密切,瘀邪是TN发生、发展、预后及转归的基本病机,病理因素多围绕气瘀、血瘀、痰瘀、火瘀展开,从而提出了从瘀论治该病的观点,临证多以行气散瘀、活血逐瘀、化痰祛瘀、清热消瘀为基本治法,并以化瘀通络止痛为治疗原则,疗效颇显。 展开更多
关键词 三叉神经痛 名家经验 伍大华
作者 周臣旗 孙子扬 +1 位作者 李国薇 陆斌 《中医康复》 2025年第2期65-69,共5页
针灸治疗面瘫有着相当长的历史,早在《黄帝内经》中就有记载。针灸操作简便,见效快,经济实用,无毒副作用,面瘫是针灸科常见病和优势病种。现代研究显示针灸能通过刺激特定穴位,改善面部的血液循环,增强神经传导能力,加速神经再生和修复... 针灸治疗面瘫有着相当长的历史,早在《黄帝内经》中就有记载。针灸操作简便,见效快,经济实用,无毒副作用,面瘫是针灸科常见病和优势病种。现代研究显示针灸能通过刺激特定穴位,改善面部的血液循环,增强神经传导能力,加速神经再生和修复,促进面部肌肉的收缩和舒张,促进面部神经的再生和恢复功能。陆斌教授在30年临床实践中不断探索总结,形成了对该病的独到见解,首先强调认病识症以正本清源,而后方能实行分期序贯治疗;治疗上坚持以针为主,针药结合,治疗过程中注重动态观察,谨防倒错等后遗症发生,并衷中参西,整体把握病势与转归。此外还总结出一系列注意事项用以患教,助力疾病康复。 展开更多
关键词 面瘫 针灸 针灸学派 名医经验 学术争鸣
作者 李雯圆 李红 +1 位作者 王政丽 彭涛 《亚太传统医药》 2025年第1期99-102,共4页
肾性贫血(RA)是指由于各种肾脏疾病引起的慢性肾衰竭所致的贫血,该病病程较长,且会诱发心脑血管等一系列疾病,贫血严重则预后不良。彭涛教授从事中医临床工作多年,临证经验丰富,认为肾性贫血病位在肾,与脾胃关系十分密切,治疗上应以脾... 肾性贫血(RA)是指由于各种肾脏疾病引起的慢性肾衰竭所致的贫血,该病病程较长,且会诱发心脑血管等一系列疾病,贫血严重则预后不良。彭涛教授从事中医临床工作多年,临证经验丰富,认为肾性贫血病位在肾,与脾胃关系十分密切,治疗上应以脾肾同治为主要原则,兼顾瘀血、湿浊等病理产物,健脾益肾、活血化瘀,疗效颇佳。 展开更多
关键词 肾性贫血 脾肾同治 彭涛 名医经验
作者 康菊英 邓静 +3 位作者 卢海瑞 杨森 侯武坤 李培润 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2025年第1期71-74,共4页
胃癌前病变(PLGC)是指胃黏膜的肠上皮化生和异型增生,主要伴存于慢性萎缩性胃炎,是正常胃黏膜发展成胃癌过程中的重要阶段。此阶段具有双向转化的特点,及早发现并予以有效干预可逆转胃黏膜细胞进一步向癌细胞发展,对于预防和减少胃癌发... 胃癌前病变(PLGC)是指胃黏膜的肠上皮化生和异型增生,主要伴存于慢性萎缩性胃炎,是正常胃黏膜发展成胃癌过程中的重要阶段。此阶段具有双向转化的特点,及早发现并予以有效干预可逆转胃黏膜细胞进一步向癌细胞发展,对于预防和减少胃癌发生具有重要意义。李培润主任探索使用中药治疗PLGC 30多年,经过大量的临床观察,逐渐认识到该病的发生发展与脾胃虚弱、痰浊内生、瘀血阻络、毒邪内壅关系密切,以健脾补气、化痰活血、通络解毒为根本治法,自拟健脾复胃汤加减,临床疗效显著。兹列举临床验案2则,供同道参考。 展开更多
关键词 胃痛 胃癌前病变 健脾复胃汤 名医经验
作者 闫旭 孙中林(指导) 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2025年第1期78-80,共3页
慢性胃肠功能紊乱是临床常见病和多发病,给患者生活带来了严重困扰。作者临床采用“老十针”结合中药辨证施治的方法治疗慢性胃肠功能紊乱,取得了良好效果,比单纯中药或针灸治疗的效果更稳定、快速。文章总结“老十针”的理论基础和针... 慢性胃肠功能紊乱是临床常见病和多发病,给患者生活带来了严重困扰。作者临床采用“老十针”结合中药辨证施治的方法治疗慢性胃肠功能紊乱,取得了良好效果,比单纯中药或针灸治疗的效果更稳定、快速。文章总结“老十针”的理论基础和针药结合临床应用的具体方法,阐述“老十针”针药结合运用于临床的经验启示。 展开更多
关键词 胃肠功能紊乱 老十针 孙中林 名医经验
Analysis on influencing factors of patients experience in community health centers of Shenzhen,China
作者 CHANG Feifei CHEN Xianhui +1 位作者 HUANG Hong WANG Qiang 《中西医结合护理(中英文)》 2019年第1期224-230,共7页
Objective To investigate the patients experience in community health centers( CHCs) and explore its associated factors. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among 330 patients who visited CHCs in Shenzhen,Chi... Objective To investigate the patients experience in community health centers( CHCs) and explore its associated factors. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among 330 patients who visited CHCs in Shenzhen,China from January to March 2018. Dependent variable was patient experience. Key descriptive variables were age,gender,marital status,working status groups,visits frequency for the past 6 months,whether patients had signed a family doctor,whether trusted in family doctor,whether had chronic diseases. Results Questionnaires for 300 patients were assessed. In the univariate analysis,patients experience total score was significantly associated with marital status( P < 0. 1),working status groups( P < 0. 1),frequency of visit for the past 6 months( P < 0. 05),whether had signed a family doctor( P < 0. 05),whether trusted in family doctor( P < 0. 05),whether had chronic diseases( P < 0. 05). The multivariate analysis showed that unmarried patients( P = 0. 011,OR = 2. 96,95% CI: 1. 24-5. 43) and had signed a family doctor( P = 0. 023,OR = 0. 44,95% CI: 0. 22-0. 85) were more likely to get a higher score. Conclusions Findings of this study showed a medium-level score of patients experience in the community. Patients had a quite good experience and more interventions should be focused upon the influence factors to improve patients experience. 展开更多
关键词 PATIENTS experiENCE influencing factors community health CENTERS family doctor CHRONIC disease
Professor LUO Zhijuan's experience in the treatment of infertility in elderly women
作者 Yong-Qin Pan Zhi-Juan Luo +2 位作者 Yuan-Yuan Wu Kai-Ling Lan Pin-Hao He 《Journal of Hainan Medical University》 2020年第13期72-76,共5页
With the national second child policy, old-age fertility problem increasingly prominent, female fertility decline by the increase of age, so the incidence of infertility also will increase from the understanding of di... With the national second child policy, old-age fertility problem increasingly prominent, female fertility decline by the increase of age, so the incidence of infertility also will increase from the understanding of disease dialectical trichotomy therapy to summarize professor LUO Zhi-juan clinical experience infertility think the disease occurs mainly in kidney empty as this, liver and spleen viscera dysfunction to heart, wet phlegm and blood stasis as the main pathological product of common cause kidney - menstruation - ran ren - cell palace reproductive axis dysfunction and infertility. 展开更多
关键词 Advanced infertility The rule of thirds experience of famous doctors LUO Zhi-juan
Professor Cheng Lan's Experience in Treating Endometriosis
作者 Xin-Yi Guan Qi-Heng Liang Lan Cheng 《Journal of Hainan Medical University》 2020年第4期61-64,共4页
Endometriosis is one of the refractory and common disease in gynaecology, which the main manifestations are dysmenorrhea and infertility. Professor Cheng considers it's the deficiency-excess mixing illness whose p... Endometriosis is one of the refractory and common disease in gynaecology, which the main manifestations are dysmenorrhea and infertility. Professor Cheng considers it's the deficiency-excess mixing illness whose pathological base is blood stasis and root is the deficiency of Yin and Yang, Qi and blood. So in terms of treatment, Professor Cheng praises highly the way of strengthening the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors. Strengthening the body resistance and expelling evil at the same time can achieve the purpose of treatment. In the adjustment of Yin and Yang ,Qi and blood, Professor Cheng attaches importance to treating middle burner. On the treatment of dysmenorrhea, Professor Cheng is able to capture xuefu zhuyu decoction and bazhen decoction and pays attention to menstrual cycle therapy. In addition, Professor Cheng often uses jingui wenjing decoction for infertility and re-understands the decoction by meridians theory and circular motion theory. Furthermore, Professor Cheng's treatment in reserving follicle, promoting ovulation and developing follicle is distinctive by traditional Chinese medicine. 展开更多
Professor Yanping Bai’s experience in treating alopecia areata
作者 Ri-Qu Cao Yan-Ping Bai 《Journal of Hainan Medical University》 2021年第10期57-60,共4页
To summarize and analyze Professor Bai Yanping’s clinical experience in treating alopecia areata.Prof.Bai thinks the etiology of alopecia areata is a combination of liver-kidney depletion,qi and blood deficiency,qi s... To summarize and analyze Professor Bai Yanping’s clinical experience in treating alopecia areata.Prof.Bai thinks the etiology of alopecia areata is a combination of liver-kidney depletion,qi and blood deficiency,qi stagnation and blood stasis,always along with wind-heat,damp-heat,blood heat and insomnia.It is indispensable to enrich and nourish the liver and kidney,supplement and nourish the qi and blood,invigorate blood and dissolve stasis,and at the same time,the usage of messenger drug and plum-blossom needle is important and formula has to vary from person to person on the basis of commonality. 展开更多
关键词 Alopecia areata experience of famous doctors Bai Yan-ping
AN Hong-mei'experience in treating migraine from Qi
作者 Rong-Rong Zhen Yan-Jie Qu Hong-Mei An 《Journal of Hainan Medical University》 2020年第9期56-59,共4页
To summarize the experience of Professor AN Hong-mei in the treatment of migraine.It is considered that wind,cold,dampness and heat are the inducement,qi movement disorder caused by liver dysfunction and emotional dam... To summarize the experience of Professor AN Hong-mei in the treatment of migraine.It is considered that wind,cold,dampness and heat are the inducement,qi movement disorder caused by liver dysfunction and emotional damage is the basic pathogenesis,and it is mainly to regulate qi flow in clinical diagnosis,pay attention to stomach qi,treat its root,and increase or decrease along with the symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 MIGRAINE The movement of qi famous doctor's experience AN Hong-me
Experience of the national-level old Chinese medicine expert Wu Zhengshi on syndrome differentiation and treatment of anaphylactoid purpura
作者 Qiang Su Zhuo-Feng Liu +5 位作者 Teng Zheng Yun Lu Ru Wang Yuan-Wei Gan Jiang Liang Zheng-Shi Wu 《TMR Clinical Research》 2020年第1期10-17,共8页
This paper introduced and summarized the experience of the national-level old Chinese medicine expert Wu Zhengshi on syndrome differentiation and treatment of anaphylactoid purpura.Wu Zhengshi believes that blood-heat... This paper introduced and summarized the experience of the national-level old Chinese medicine expert Wu Zhengshi on syndrome differentiation and treatment of anaphylactoid purpura.Wu Zhengshi believes that blood-heat is the main cause of anaphylactoid purpura.When Qi is weak,the human body is attacked by external heat,resulting in the damage of the blood system,which lead to the anaphylactoid purpura.The blood is thermalized poison,which enters the vessel quickly and forces the blood to overflow the vessel,which develops for the purpura.According to the ancient book of Chinese medicine Jie Wei Yuan Sou(1550 C.E.),Wu Zhengshi put forward the treatment of relieving blood detoxification,heat and cooling blood,which achieved significant curative effects. 展开更多
关键词 Anaphylactoid purpura Blood-heat experience of famous doctors Wu Zhengshi
Inspiration of Successful Experience of U.S. and European Enterprises Leveraging Sports Marketing on "Going Global" of Chinese Enterprises
作者 Hailin Lu 《Journal of Sports Science》 2016年第4期250-255,共6页
With the globalization of sports event, sports marketing has become a promotion strategy of more and more enterprises. Chinese enterprises have also gradually realized the commercial val^e of sports. Sports marketing ... With the globalization of sports event, sports marketing has become a promotion strategy of more and more enterprises. Chinese enterprises have also gradually realized the commercial val^e of sports. Sports marketing has been paid increasing attention by enterprises as a means of brand promotion. Through the analysis of the sports marketing experience of five representative enterprises, Intel, Coca-cola, Herbalife, Omega and Babycare, this paper explores their successful experience, so as to assist Chinese enterprises in "going global" with the help of sports marketing. 展开更多
关键词 U.S.-EU famous enterprises sports marketing experiENCE inspiration.
谢晶日基于因机论治对慢性萎缩性胃炎的药对选用 被引量:3
作者 王海强 吴思雨 +1 位作者 郑丽红 张杨 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期39-42,共4页
谢晶日教授从事临床诊疗工作四十余载,学识深邃,医术精湛,立足因机论治,在慢性萎缩性胃炎的诊治中独树一帜。谢晶日教授认为慢性萎缩性胃炎发病与虚、滞、湿、热、瘀、毒联系密切,基本病机无外乎脾胃虚弱、肝郁气滞、气血失调、湿热内... 谢晶日教授从事临床诊疗工作四十余载,学识深邃,医术精湛,立足因机论治,在慢性萎缩性胃炎的诊治中独树一帜。谢晶日教授认为慢性萎缩性胃炎发病与虚、滞、湿、热、瘀、毒联系密切,基本病机无外乎脾胃虚弱、肝郁气滞、气血失调、湿热内蕴、胃络瘀阻、邪毒互结。谢教授在治疗过程中,审病求因,紧扣病机,因机论治,精准选用药对,有效缓解慢性萎缩性胃炎的临床症状,延缓病程的进展,防止癌变的发生。 展开更多
关键词 慢性萎缩性胃炎 谢晶日 病机 药对 名医经验
Professor Pei Ruixia's ExperienAce in Treating Diabetes with the"Harmony Method"
作者 Yawen Li Ruixia Pei 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2021年第4期55-57,共3页
This paper introduces professor Pei Ruixia's experience in the treatment of diabetes with the"harmony method." Professor Pei believes that the pathogenic factors of diabetes are mainly divided into emoti... This paper introduces professor Pei Ruixia's experience in the treatment of diabetes with the"harmony method." Professor Pei believes that the pathogenic factors of diabetes are mainly divided into emotional and dietary factors,and the essence of diabetes are not in harmony of the human body.Thus,its treatment is to"make it harmonious."It is good to use the method of"clearing and harmonizing,"appropriately using Xiaochaihu decoction,paying attention to the compatibility of drugs,and taking care of spleen and stomach,as well as Qi. 展开更多
关键词 Diabetes mellitus Harmony method experience of famous doctors Pei Ruixia
Summary on SHANG Hong-tao's Experience in Treating Alopecia of Spleen Deficiency with Shengyang Sanhuo Decoction (升阳散火汤)
作者 MIAO Han-chi SHANG Hong-tao 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2020年第11期25-30,共6页
Alopecia is a common but difficult miscellaneous disease in dermatology.Director SHANG Hong-tao believes that alopecia is often caused by exogenous cold or heat in daily life,internal damage of emotions and improper d... Alopecia is a common but difficult miscellaneous disease in dermatology.Director SHANG Hong-tao believes that alopecia is often caused by exogenous cold or heat in daily life,internal damage of emotions and improper diet,leading to injury of spleen and stomach.So it can be treated with LI Dongyuan's Shengyang Sanhuo Decoction(升阳散火汤),which protects spleen and stomach.Here are 3 proved cases as evidence. 展开更多
关键词 Shengyang Sanhuo Decoction ALOPECIA Spleen deficiency experience of famous doctors
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