The quantitative effect of climate change on fragile regions has been a hot topic in the field of responses to climate change. Previous studies have qualitatively documented the impacts of climate change on boundary s...The quantitative effect of climate change on fragile regions has been a hot topic in the field of responses to climate change. Previous studies have qualitatively documented the impacts of climate change on boundary shifts in the farming-pastoral ecotone (FPE); however, the quantitative methods for detecting climate contributions remain relatively limited. Based on long-term data of meteorological stations and interpretations of land use since 1970, climate and land use boundaries of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s were delineated. To detect climate contributions to the FPE boundary shifts, we developed two quantitative methods to explore the spatial-temporal pattern of climate and land use boundary at the east-west (or south-north) (FishNet method) and transect directions (Digital Shoreline Analysis System, DSAS method). The results indicated that significant differences were exhibited in climate boundaries, land use boundaries, as well as climate contributions in different regions during different periods. The northwest FPE had smaller variations, while the northeast FPE had greater shifts. In the northwest part of the southeast fringe of the Greater Hinggan Mountains and the Inner Mongolian Plateau, the shifts of climate boundaries were significantly related to the land use boundaries. The climate contributions at an east-west direction ranged from 10.7% to 44.4%, and those at a south-north direction varied from 4.7% to 55.9%. The majority of the results from the DSAS were consistent with those from the FishNet. The DSAS method is more accurate and suitable for precise detection at a small scale, whereas the FishNet method is simple to conduct statistical analysis rapidly and directly at a large scale. Our research will be helpful to adapt to climate change, to develop the productive potential, as well as to protect the environment of the FPE in northern China.展开更多
Using information about the land cover of the Farming-Pastoral Zone of Northern China retrieved from multi-temporal NOAA/AVHRR and SPOT VEGETAN images obtained in 1989, 1994 and 1999, the authors analyzed land-use pat...Using information about the land cover of the Farming-Pastoral Zone of Northern China retrieved from multi-temporal NOAA/AVHRR and SPOT VEGETAN images obtained in 1989, 1994 and 1999, the authors analyzed land-use pattern evolution over this 10-year period and built a land-use pattern simulation model, based on which land-use pattern evolution and optimization modeling in this region were studied. Results showed that the proposed model can effectively simulate regional land-use patterns and help improve regional ecological environments.展开更多
中国北方农牧交错带是我国重要的生态安全屏障之一,面临经济发展与脆弱生态环境保护间的突出矛盾。生态系统服务的定量研究是生态可持续管理的重要科学依据,也是当前的研究热点之一。以北方农牧交错带的核心区域--内蒙古中西部地区为例...中国北方农牧交错带是我国重要的生态安全屏障之一,面临经济发展与脆弱生态环境保护间的突出矛盾。生态系统服务的定量研究是生态可持续管理的重要科学依据,也是当前的研究热点之一。以北方农牧交错带的核心区域--内蒙古中西部地区为例,结合中高分辨率遥感数据和生物物理模型准确量化了2000-2018年关键生态系统服务,基于Getis-Ord G*方法分析了生态系统服务的空间格局,考虑地理数据的空间自相关性选取了空间回归模型探索其影响因子。结果表明:(1)净初级生产力(NPP,Net primary productivity)、土壤水蚀控制服务(SC,Soil conservation)、产水量(WY,Water yield)及三层土壤含水量(SM1,Soil moisture of top layer;SM2,Soil moisture of middle layer;SM3,Soil moisture of bottom layer)在东部较高,防风固沙服务(SF,Sand fixation)在南部和西部较高;(2)以上生态系统服务受气候变化、景观格局、地形和土壤条件等综合影响,不同影响因素对生态系统服务的作用存在差异。NPP受森林景观格局和归一化植被指数的影响最为显著;WY、SM1、SM2、SM3及SC受降水量的影响较为显著;风速和表层土壤砂粒含量对SF影响最为显著。研究结果可以为优化景观格局和土地系统,缓解中国北方农牧交错带的社会-生态矛盾提供科学依据和案例参考。展开更多
【目的】草地生态系统在全球碳平衡中有重要的意义,草地植被碳库及其变化机制研究是植被生态学的重要命题。本文研究北方草地和农牧交错区草地植被碳密度及其空间格局,解析不同区域草地植被碳密度的关键影响因素,分析了气候、土壤、放...【目的】草地生态系统在全球碳平衡中有重要的意义,草地植被碳库及其变化机制研究是植被生态学的重要命题。本文研究北方草地和农牧交错区草地植被碳密度及其空间格局,解析不同区域草地植被碳密度的关键影响因素,分析了气候、土壤、放牧等因素对地上地下植被碳库的相对贡献。【方法】基于2002—2009年北方草地及农牧交错带草地植被调查数据,结合同期MODIS/NDVI遥感影像和1﹕100万草地类型图,建立了我国主要草地类型的生物量估算模型;整合野外考察数据和前人研究结果,探讨了研究区地上地下生物碳库及其空间格局;基于研究区255个县级行政单元,分析了不同类型草地植被碳库与气候要素、土壤要素及家畜承载量的关系,应用一般线性模型(GLM)解析了不同影响因素对草地碳密度的相对贡献。【结果】(1)北方草地与农牧交错区草地地上平均生物碳密度为36.9 g C·m^-2,地下生物碳密度为362.9 g C·m^-2,地下生物碳密度高于地上10倍,均呈从东到西递减的趋势,频率分布图基本服从对数正态分布,不同草地类型的生物碳密度存在明显差异;(2)整个研究区及草原亚区、荒漠亚区、农牧交错亚区内,地上生物量与年降水量(MAP)呈极显著正相关、与年均气温(MAT)均呈极显著负相关,与土壤黏粒含量(Clay%)呈显著正相关、与土壤砂粒含量(Sand%)呈显著负相关,整个研究区家畜承载量与草地地上生物量之间呈极显著正相关;(3)一般线性模型(GLM)分析结果表明,年平均降水量(MAP)、年均气温(MAT)、土壤黏粒含量(Clay%)、放牧强度对地上生物量空间变异的解释率分别达到29.6%(P<0.001)、5.8%(P<0.001)、0.8%(P<0.05)、1.3%(P<0.001);地下生物量的空间变异主要来自于年降水量(MAP)、年均气温(MAT)、土壤砂粒含量(Sand%),对方差的解释率分别达到12.1%(P<0.001)、6.8%(P<0.001)、1.9%(P<0.005),放牧强度没有明显贡献。【结论】气候条件尤其是年降水量是草地生物量碳库的主要影响因素,但对地上生物量影响更为明显;土壤质地对植被生物碳库也有显著贡献,尤其对地下生物量的影响更加显著;放牧强度只能解释地上生物量变化的1.3%、对地下生物量没有显著贡献,这一发现意味着气候对生物量碳库的贡献远大于放牧影响。展开更多
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41401113, No.41371002 Foundation of Excellent Young Talents of IGSNRR, CAS, No.2016RC201+2 种基金 The Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, No.OFSLRSS201622 The Key Project of Physical Geography of Hebei Province China Scholarship Council
文摘The quantitative effect of climate change on fragile regions has been a hot topic in the field of responses to climate change. Previous studies have qualitatively documented the impacts of climate change on boundary shifts in the farming-pastoral ecotone (FPE); however, the quantitative methods for detecting climate contributions remain relatively limited. Based on long-term data of meteorological stations and interpretations of land use since 1970, climate and land use boundaries of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s were delineated. To detect climate contributions to the FPE boundary shifts, we developed two quantitative methods to explore the spatial-temporal pattern of climate and land use boundary at the east-west (or south-north) (FishNet method) and transect directions (Digital Shoreline Analysis System, DSAS method). The results indicated that significant differences were exhibited in climate boundaries, land use boundaries, as well as climate contributions in different regions during different periods. The northwest FPE had smaller variations, while the northeast FPE had greater shifts. In the northwest part of the southeast fringe of the Greater Hinggan Mountains and the Inner Mongolian Plateau, the shifts of climate boundaries were significantly related to the land use boundaries. The climate contributions at an east-west direction ranged from 10.7% to 44.4%, and those at a south-north direction varied from 4.7% to 55.9%. The majority of the results from the DSAS were consistent with those from the FishNet. The DSAS method is more accurate and suitable for precise detection at a small scale, whereas the FishNet method is simple to conduct statistical analysis rapidly and directly at a large scale. Our research will be helpful to adapt to climate change, to develop the productive potential, as well as to protect the environment of the FPE in northern China.
文摘Using information about the land cover of the Farming-Pastoral Zone of Northern China retrieved from multi-temporal NOAA/AVHRR and SPOT VEGETAN images obtained in 1989, 1994 and 1999, the authors analyzed land-use pattern evolution over this 10-year period and built a land-use pattern simulation model, based on which land-use pattern evolution and optimization modeling in this region were studied. Results showed that the proposed model can effectively simulate regional land-use patterns and help improve regional ecological environments.
文摘中国北方农牧交错带是我国重要的生态安全屏障之一,面临经济发展与脆弱生态环境保护间的突出矛盾。生态系统服务的定量研究是生态可持续管理的重要科学依据,也是当前的研究热点之一。以北方农牧交错带的核心区域--内蒙古中西部地区为例,结合中高分辨率遥感数据和生物物理模型准确量化了2000-2018年关键生态系统服务,基于Getis-Ord G*方法分析了生态系统服务的空间格局,考虑地理数据的空间自相关性选取了空间回归模型探索其影响因子。结果表明:(1)净初级生产力(NPP,Net primary productivity)、土壤水蚀控制服务(SC,Soil conservation)、产水量(WY,Water yield)及三层土壤含水量(SM1,Soil moisture of top layer;SM2,Soil moisture of middle layer;SM3,Soil moisture of bottom layer)在东部较高,防风固沙服务(SF,Sand fixation)在南部和西部较高;(2)以上生态系统服务受气候变化、景观格局、地形和土壤条件等综合影响,不同影响因素对生态系统服务的作用存在差异。NPP受森林景观格局和归一化植被指数的影响最为显著;WY、SM1、SM2、SM3及SC受降水量的影响较为显著;风速和表层土壤砂粒含量对SF影响最为显著。研究结果可以为优化景观格局和土地系统,缓解中国北方农牧交错带的社会-生态矛盾提供科学依据和案例参考。
文摘【目的】草地生态系统在全球碳平衡中有重要的意义,草地植被碳库及其变化机制研究是植被生态学的重要命题。本文研究北方草地和农牧交错区草地植被碳密度及其空间格局,解析不同区域草地植被碳密度的关键影响因素,分析了气候、土壤、放牧等因素对地上地下植被碳库的相对贡献。【方法】基于2002—2009年北方草地及农牧交错带草地植被调查数据,结合同期MODIS/NDVI遥感影像和1﹕100万草地类型图,建立了我国主要草地类型的生物量估算模型;整合野外考察数据和前人研究结果,探讨了研究区地上地下生物碳库及其空间格局;基于研究区255个县级行政单元,分析了不同类型草地植被碳库与气候要素、土壤要素及家畜承载量的关系,应用一般线性模型(GLM)解析了不同影响因素对草地碳密度的相对贡献。【结果】(1)北方草地与农牧交错区草地地上平均生物碳密度为36.9 g C·m^-2,地下生物碳密度为362.9 g C·m^-2,地下生物碳密度高于地上10倍,均呈从东到西递减的趋势,频率分布图基本服从对数正态分布,不同草地类型的生物碳密度存在明显差异;(2)整个研究区及草原亚区、荒漠亚区、农牧交错亚区内,地上生物量与年降水量(MAP)呈极显著正相关、与年均气温(MAT)均呈极显著负相关,与土壤黏粒含量(Clay%)呈显著正相关、与土壤砂粒含量(Sand%)呈显著负相关,整个研究区家畜承载量与草地地上生物量之间呈极显著正相关;(3)一般线性模型(GLM)分析结果表明,年平均降水量(MAP)、年均气温(MAT)、土壤黏粒含量(Clay%)、放牧强度对地上生物量空间变异的解释率分别达到29.6%(P<0.001)、5.8%(P<0.001)、0.8%(P<0.05)、1.3%(P<0.001);地下生物量的空间变异主要来自于年降水量(MAP)、年均气温(MAT)、土壤砂粒含量(Sand%),对方差的解释率分别达到12.1%(P<0.001)、6.8%(P<0.001)、1.9%(P<0.005),放牧强度没有明显贡献。【结论】气候条件尤其是年降水量是草地生物量碳库的主要影响因素,但对地上生物量影响更为明显;土壤质地对植被生物碳库也有显著贡献,尤其对地下生物量的影响更加显著;放牧强度只能解释地上生物量变化的1.3%、对地下生物量没有显著贡献,这一发现意味着气候对生物量碳库的贡献远大于放牧影响。