The Wangjiazhuang Cu(-Mo)deposit,located within the Zouping volcanic basin in western Shandong Province,China,is unique in this area for having an economic value.In order to expound the metallogenetic characteristics ...The Wangjiazhuang Cu(-Mo)deposit,located within the Zouping volcanic basin in western Shandong Province,China,is unique in this area for having an economic value.In order to expound the metallogenetic characteristics of this porphyry-like hydrothermal deposit,a detailed fluid inclusion study has been conducted,employing the techniques of representative sampling,fluid inclusion petrography,microthermometry,Raman spectroscopy,LA-ICP-MS analysis of single fluid inclusions,as well as cathode fluorescence spectrometer analysis of host mineral quartz.The deposit contains mainly two types of orebodies,i.e.veinlet-dissemination-stockwork orebodies in the K-Si alteration zone and pegmatiticquartz sulfide veins above them.In addition,minor breccia ore occurs locally.Four types of fluid inclusions in the deposit and altered quartz monzonite are identified:L-type one-or two-phase aqueous inclusions,V-type vapor-rich inclusions with V/L ratios greater than 50%-90%,D-type multiphase fluid inclusions containing daughter minerals or solids and S-type silicate-bearing fluid inclusions containing mainly muscovite and biotite.Ore petrography and fluid inclusion study has revealed a three-stage mineralization process,driven by magmatic-hydrothermal fluid activity,as follows.Initially,a hydrothermal fluid,separated from the parent magma,infiltrated into the quartz monzonite,resulting in its extensive K-Si alteration,as indicated by silicate-bearing fluid inclusions trapped in altered quartz monzonite.This is followed by the early mineralization,the formation of quartz veinlets and dissemination-stockwork ores.During the main mineralization stage,due to the participation and mixing of meteoric groundwater with magmatic-sourced hydrothermal fluid,the cooling and phase separation caused deposition of metals from the hydrothermal fluids.As a result,the pegmatitic-quartz sulfide-vein ores formed.In the late mineralization stage,decreasing fluid salinity led to the formation of L-type aqueous inclusions and chalcopyrite-sulfosalt ore.Coexistence of V-type and D-type inclusions and their similar homogenization temperatures with different homogenization modes suggest that phase separation or boiling of the ore-forming fluids took place during the early and the main mineralization stages.The formation P-T conditions of S-type inclusions and the early and the main mineralization stages were estimated as ca.156-182 MPa and 450-650℃,350-450℃,18-35 MPa and 280-380℃,8-15 MPa,respectively,based on the microthermometric data of the fluid inclusions formed at the individual stages.展开更多
Infrared microthermometry allows direct measurement of fluid inclusions hosted in opaque ore minerals and can provide direct constraints on the evolution of ore-forming fluids.This study presents infrared microthermom...Infrared microthermometry allows direct measurement of fluid inclusions hosted in opaque ore minerals and can provide direct constraints on the evolution of ore-forming fluids.This study presents infrared microthermometry of spherite-hosted fluid inclusions from the Xinqiao deposit in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt and sheds new light on the ore genesis of the deposit.Considering that infrared light may lead to non-negligible temperature deviations during microthermometry,some tests were first conducted to ensure the accuracy of the microthermometric measurements.The measurement results indicated that using the lowest light intensity of the microscope and inserting an optical filter were effective in minimizing the possible temperature deviations of infrared microthermometry.All sphalerite-hosted fluid inclusions from the Xinqiao deposit were aqueous.They show homogenization temperature ranging from~200 to 350℃,but have two separate salinity groups(1.0 wt%-10 wt%and 15.1 wt%-19.2 wt%NaCl equivalent).The low-salinity group represents sedimentary exhalative(SEDEX)-associated fluids,whereas the high-salinity group results from modification by later magmatic hydrothermal fluids.Combined with published fluid inclusion data,the four-stage fluid evolution of the Xinqiao deposit was depicted.Furthermore,our data suggest that the Xinqiao deposit was formed by twostage metallogenic events including SEDEX and magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization.展开更多
The Jianbeigou gold deposit is a typical lode gold deposit in the Qinling metallogenic belt, located on the southern margin of the North China Craton. Three stages of the hydrothermal process can be distinguished, inc...The Jianbeigou gold deposit is a typical lode gold deposit in the Qinling metallogenic belt, located on the southern margin of the North China Craton. Three stages of the hydrothermal process can be distinguished, including the quartz ± pyrite, quartz-polymetallic sulfide, and quartz-carbonate ± pyrite stages. From the early to late stages, the homogenization temperatures of primary fluid inclusions are 281–362°C, 227–331°C, and 149–261°C, respectively. The corresponding salinities estimated for these fluids are 3.9–9.9 wt%, 0.4–9.4 wt%, and 0.7–7.2 wt% Na Cl equiv. Combined with laser Raman spectroscopy data, the ore-forming fluid belongs to a H_(2)O-CO_(2)-Na Cl ± CH_4 system with medium–low temperature and salinity. The δ~(18)Ofluid and δD values for the quartz veins are-1.0‰ to 6.0‰ and-105‰ to-84‰, respectively, which indicates that the ore-forming fluid is of mixed source, mainly derived from magma, with a contribution from meteoric water. Pyrite has been identified into three generations based on mineral paragenetic sequencing, including Py1, Py2, and Py3. The pyrites have δ~(34)S sulfur isotopic compositions from three stages between 3.7‰ and 8.4‰, indicating that sulfur mainly originated from magma. Te, Bi, Sb, and Cu contents in pyrite were all high and showed a strong correlation with Au concentrations. Native gold and the Au-Ag-Bi telluride minerals were formed concurrently, and the As concentration was low and decoupled from the Au content. Therefore, Te, Bi, Sb and other low-melting point chalcophile elements play an important role for gold mineralization in arsenic-deficient ore-forming fluid. Combined with the geological setting, evolution of pyrite, and ore-fluids geochemistry, we propose that the Jianbeigou deposit can be classified as a magmatic–hydrothermal lode gold deposit. Gold mineralization on the southern margin of the North China Craton is related to Early Cretaceous magmatism and formed in an extensional setting.展开更多
The Chayong Cu-polymetallic deposit is a recently discovered Cu-polymetallic deposit hosted in the Sanjiang Metallogenic Belt within the Tibetan Plateau of China to the northeast of the North Qiangtang terrane.The ore...The Chayong Cu-polymetallic deposit is a recently discovered Cu-polymetallic deposit hosted in the Sanjiang Metallogenic Belt within the Tibetan Plateau of China to the northeast of the North Qiangtang terrane.The ore body occurs in siltstone and is controlled by a northwest-trending fault structure.According to the associations,assemblages,and cutting relationships between ore veins,the hydrothermal mineralization period can be divided into three mineralization stages:(1)a molybdenite mineralization stage,(2)a Cu-polymetallic sulfide stage,and(3)a quartzcarbonate stage.Two types of fluid inclusions(FIs),namely,liquid and vapor-rich inclusions,are present in quartz as so ciated with sulfide minerals.Early-stage FIs are both iquid and vapor-rich,homogenized at temperatures ranging from 364.1 to 384.2℃,and have salinities ranging from0.70%to 9.60%NaCl equivalent(eqv).The middle-stage FIs are also both liquid-and vapor-rich,homogenized at temperatures ranging from 272.4 to 355.6℃,and have salinities ranging from 0.53%-17.10%NaCl eqv.The late-stage FIs are liquid,homogenized at temperatures ranging from 209.4to 255.3℃,and have salinities ranging from 0.35%-6.87%NaCl eqv.The samples from the deposit haveδ^(34)S values of-21.8‰to-19.2‰and-5.5‰to-6.0‰,suggesting that sulfur was derived from the host sediments and magmatic fluids,respectively.The metallic minerals within the deposit have^(206)Pb/^(204)Pb,^(207)Pb/^(204)Pb,and^(208)Pb/^(204)Pb values of 18.439-18.458,15.656-15.679,and 38.772-38.863,respectively,suggesting that the metals were derived from the upper crust and orogenic belts.The samples from the deposit haveδ^(18)O_(W)values of 2.99‰-7.99‰andδD_(W) values ranging from-84.4‰to-73.9‰,indicating that the pre-forming fluids were magmatic and mixed with minor amounts of meteoric water.The ore-forming fluid of the Chayong copper polymetallic deposit was a high-temperature,medium-to low-salinity H_(2)O-NaCl-CH_(4)-N_(2)±CO_(2)fluid system.The early high-temperature magmatic fluid,due to boiling,decreased in temperature,and via the mixing of meteoric water,gradually evolved towards the later-stage medium-to low-temperature and low-salinity fluid,causing nolybdenite mineralization and forming copper polymetallic sulfide veins and quartz carbonate veins.展开更多
The paleo-temperature(Th)data from fluid inclusions are utilized for thermal history modelling using PetroMod software.Generally,bottom hole temperature(BHT)and vitrinite reflectance(Ro)measurements are widely used in...The paleo-temperature(Th)data from fluid inclusions are utilized for thermal history modelling using PetroMod software.Generally,bottom hole temperature(BHT)and vitrinite reflectance(Ro)measurements are widely used in petroleum system modelling(PSM)in the oil industry for calibration purposes.Th representing the minimum temperature of fluid entrapment estimated from fluid-inclusion study provides extra support to build the thermal models for PSM.Fluid inclusion parameters along with Rock-Eval pyrolysis analysis have been used to predict the maturity of oil in terms of API gravity as well as the maturity of source rocks respectively.Two exploratory wells RV-1(Mumbai Offshore Basin)and KK4C-A-1(Kerala-Konkan Offshore Basin),India were examined and the T_(h)from most of the fluid inclusions of wells RV-1 and KK4C-A-1 fell in the oil window range of 60-140℃suggesting thermal conditions favourable for oil generation in both of the wells.T_(h)of coeval aqueous inclusions along with the Hydrocarbon Fluid inclusions(HCFIs)was used to calibrate PSM.Vital parameters show that source rocks of well RV-1 are mature and that of well KK4C-A-1 are immature.Two sets of PSM are created in terms of generation and expulsion for the dry wells RV-1 and KK4C-A-1 and calibrated each well using fluid inclusion Th and BHT.From the fluid inclusion analysis method,it is evident that hydrocarbon generation happened in both wells and the paleo-temperature indicates that the formations of both wells were subjected to temperatures in the oil window range,even though it was designated as dry wells in the present scenario.The present study highlights the application of fluid inclusion paleo-temperature(Th)during calibration instead of commonly used methods.We could obtain desirable and accurate data output from PSM using T_(h) calibration.展开更多
For the first time, fluid-melt inclusions are found in fluorite of the Huanggangliang skarn iron-tin deposit (HSID). The fluorite was formed in the main stage of mineralization, named the hydro-skarnization stage. The...For the first time, fluid-melt inclusions are found in fluorite of the Huanggangliang skarn iron-tin deposit (HSID). The fluorite was formed in the main stage of mineralization, named the hydro-skarnization stage. The inclusions contain various components such as Fe, Mg and Cr from deep sources. The melts of primary inclusions are mainly Ca- and F-rich and those of secondary inclusions tend to become Si-rich. During this evolution process, the melts and iron daughter minerals decreased and even vanished. These facts reveal that the evolution of the primary mineralizing fluids and the differentiation of the fluids and melts are the main factors leading to the deposition of Fe, Sn and other elements. This discovery confirms the magmatic genesis of the HSID and has filled in the gaps in the research of magmatogenic skarn deposits and furnished new methods for such research. Furthermore, it has enlarged the scope of the research on fluid inclusions.展开更多
Abundant fluid-melt inc1usions are found in the aegirine-augite-barite pegmatite andcarbonatite veins in the Mianning REE deposit, Sichuan. They were trapped in early stage flu-orite and quartz from a salt-melt system...Abundant fluid-melt inc1usions are found in the aegirine-augite-barite pegmatite andcarbonatite veins in the Mianning REE deposit, Sichuan. They were trapped in early stage flu-orite and quartz from a salt-melt system at temperatures higher than 500℃. Meanwhile, fluidinclusions are also present in large amounts in bastnaesite. Homogenized between 150 and270℃, these inclusions are thought to be representative of the physiccrchemical conditions ofREE minera1ization. These results show that the Mianning REE deposit is of tyPical hy-drothermal origin developed from a salt-melt system.展开更多
Rare element mineralized granites of me Yanshan period in Southern China are characterized by high contents of SiO2,Na2o,K2O,and F and are enriched in Nb,Ta,REE,W,Sn,Be and Li .Opinions differed over whether they are ...Rare element mineralized granites of me Yanshan period in Southern China are characterized by high contents of SiO2,Na2o,K2O,and F and are enriched in Nb,Ta,REE,W,Sn,Be and Li .Opinions differed over whether they are of metasomatk or magmatic origin .In this paper ,we present results of a study on melt and fluid inclusions in topaz-albite feldspar granite from Limo Nb-Ta-W-Sn granite and 414 Ta-Li albhe granite .Our data, which come from 15 mineralized granites, provide strong support magmatic origin .Mett inclusions are recognized in both topaz and quartz, and are associated with primary gas-rich incluaons.Crystallites of a Nb (Ta) -bearing mineral and cassiterite are also commonly present as inclusions in the topaz .Multiphase (mett+fluid) inclusions are observed in some quartz from granites and granite-related pegmatite .Mett inclusions start to mett at a temperature of approximately 540 ℃ in topaz and 650 ℃ in quartz .Final homogenization temperature is 700-900 ℃ in quartz ,700-800℃ in topaz and 440-550 ℃ for primary gas-rich inclusions coexisting with mett inclusions in topaz .The fluid inclusion data show that there was a continuous evobtion of the fluid from Nb-Ta granites and pegmatites to W-Sh hydrothermal vein. The coexistence of mett .vapour-rich fluid inclusions, and rare element crystaffites in topaz and quartz indicates that these minerals crystallized from a vapour-saturated mett enriched in Na.K,F and rare elements (Li,Be,Nb,Ta) .The evidence from fluid inclusion study shows that the possible genesis of the rare dement mineralization inLi-F granites of Yanshan period in Southern China results from magmatic differentiation .展开更多
Based on the study of the petrology, mineralogy, structural geology and fluid inclusion of the Dafulou ore deposit in the Dachang ore field, the ore deposit geology and ore-forming fluids were analyzed. It shows that ...Based on the study of the petrology, mineralogy, structural geology and fluid inclusion of the Dafulou ore deposit in the Dachang ore field, the ore deposit geology and ore-forming fluids were analyzed. It shows that there are five main hydrothermal alteration types in the Dafulou ore district, namely the silicification, carbonate, sericite, pyrite and pyrrhotite. The mineralization types are composed of the stratiform type, interlayer type and stockwork type. The ore textures present as metasomatic texture, euhedral-subhedral granular texture and solid solution texture. The ore structure consists of massive structure, dissemination structure, fine veined structure, stockwork structure and brecciated structure. Four ore types are recognized, namely the disseminated ore, dense massive ore, veinlet ore and brecciated ore. Six types of fluid inclusions are determined, i.e. the single-phase gaseous fluid inclusions, single-phase salt solution fluid inclusions, two-phase vapour-rich fluid inclusions, two-phase liquid-rich fluid inclusions, three-phase CO2-rich fluid inclusions and solid(s)-bearing fluid inclusions, all of which form in three dominant temperature scopes, 120-150, 230-270, 350-460 °C. But, the majority of them form in the high temperature environment (350-460 °C). The tectonism plays an important role in the mineralization, which usually controls the scale, occurrence and shape of the Sn orebody. There are four types of hydrothermal fluid systems, H2O-NaCl-CaCl2, H2O-CaCl2, H2O-NaCl-MgCl2 and H2O-MgCl2. Similar to the other ore deposits in the Dachang ore field, there also exists the multiple source of ore-forming fluids. Overall, the Dafulou ore deposit should be the result of the crust-mantle interaction.展开更多
The Huize Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) district is a typical representative of the well-known medium-to large-sized carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) deposits, occurring in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou Pb-Zn Ore-forming Zone. Generally...The Huize Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) district is a typical representative of the well-known medium-to large-sized carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) deposits, occurring in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou Pb-Zn Ore-forming Zone. Generally, fluid inclusions within calcite, one of the major gangue minerals, are dominated by two kinds of small (1-10 um) inclusions including pure-liquid and liquid. The inclusions exist in concentrated groups along the crystal planes of the calcite. The ore-forming fluids containing Pb and Zn, which belong to the Na+-K+-Ca2+-Cl--F--SO42- type, are characterized by temperatures of 164-221℃, medium salinity in 5-10.8 wt% NaCl, and medium pressure at 410×105 to 661×105 Pa. The contents of Na+-K+ and C1--F-, and ratios of Na+/K+-Cl-/F- in fluid inclusions present good linearity. The ratios of Na+/K+ (4.66-6.71) and Cl-/F- (18.21-31.04) in the fluid inclusions of calcite are relatively high, while those of Na+/K+ (0.29-5.69) and Cl-/F- (5.00-26.0) in the inclusions of sphalerite and pyrite are relatively low. The ratio of Na+/K+ increases in accord with those of Cl-/F-, which indicates that ore-forming fluid of deep source participates in the mineralization. The waters of fluid inclusions have δD values from -43.5‰ to -55.4‰ of calcite. The δ18OV-SMOW values of the ore-forming fluids, calculated values, range from 17.09‰ to 18.56‰ of calcite and 17.80‰ to 23.14‰ for dolomite. δ13CV-PDB values range from -1.94‰ to -3.31‰ for calcite and -3.35‰ to 0.85‰ for the ore-bearing dolomite. These data better demonstrate that the ore-forming fluids were mainly derived from metamorphic water and magmatic hot fluid, in relation to the metamorphism of the Kunyang Group in the basement and magmatic hydrothermalism. The deposit itself might have resulted from ascending cycles of ore-forming fluid, enriched in Pb and Zn. The Huize Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) deposits related to carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb sulphides.展开更多
We re-evaluate the Raman spectroscopic quantification of the molar ratio and pressure for CH4–CO2 mixtures.Firstly,the Raman quantification factors of CH4 and CO2 increase with rising pressure at room temperature,ind...We re-evaluate the Raman spectroscopic quantification of the molar ratio and pressure for CH4–CO2 mixtures.Firstly,the Raman quantification factors of CH4 and CO2 increase with rising pressure at room temperature,indicating that Raman quantification of CH4/CO2 molar ratio can be applied to those fluid inclusions(FIs)with high internal pressure(i.e.,>15 MPa).Secondly,the v1(CH4)peak position shifts to lower wavenumber with increasing pressure at constant temperature,confirming that the v1(CH4)peak position can be used to calculate the fluid pressure.However,this method should be carefully calibrated before applying to FI analyses because large discrepancies exist among the reported v1(CH4)-P curves,especially in the highpressure range.These calibrations are applied to CH4-rich FIs in quartz veins of the Silurian Longmaxi black shales in southern Sichuan Basin.The vapor phases of these FIs are mainly composed of CH4 and minor CO2,with CO2 molar fractions from4.4%to 7.4%.The pressure of single-phase gas FI ranges from 103.65 to 128.35 MPa at room temperature,which is higher than previously reported.Thermodynamic calculations supported the presence of extremely high-pressure CH4-saturated fluid(218.03–256.82 MPa at 200°C),which may be responsible for the expulsion of CH4 to adjacent reservoirs.展开更多
This paper summarizes melting methods of titanium and titanium alloy, such as vacuum arc melting(VAR) and electron beam cold hearth melting(EBCHM), and the related inclusions formed when using these melting methods. L...This paper summarizes melting methods of titanium and titanium alloy, such as vacuum arc melting(VAR) and electron beam cold hearth melting(EBCHM), and the related inclusions formed when using these melting methods. Low-density inclusions are resulted from contamination of air, and high-density inclusions are caused by refractory elements. The formation process of inclusions was analysed. The removal mechanism of different kinds of inclusions was specified. Low-density inclusions are removed mainly by resolving. This is a comprehensive process containing reaction diffusion. The resolving rate of high-density inclusions is so low that these inclusions are mainly removed by sedimentation. The experiments and physical models of inclusions are detailed. In various melting methods, vacuum arc melting is prominent. However, this method cannot remove inclusions effectively, which usually results in repeat melting. Electron beam cold hearth melting has the best ability of removing inclusions. These results can provide instructions to researchers of titanium and titanium alloys.展开更多
He-Ar isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions trapped in pyrites from some representative PGE-polymetallic deposits in Lower Cambrian black rock series in South China were analyzed by using an inert gas isotopic mas...He-Ar isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions trapped in pyrites from some representative PGE-polymetallic deposits in Lower Cambrian black rock series in South China were analyzed by using an inert gas isotopic mass spectrometer. The results show that the ore-forming fluids possess a low 3He/4He ratio, varying from 0.43×10-8 to 26.39×10-8, with corresponding R/Ra value of 0.003-0.189. The 40Ar/36Ar ratios are 258-287, close to those of air saturated water (ASW). He-Ar isotopic indicator studies show that the ore-forming fluids were mainly derived from the formation water or basinal hot brine and sea water, while the content of mantle-derived fluid or deep-derived magmatic water might be negligible. The PGE-polymetallic mineralization might be related to the evolution of the Caledonian miogeosynclines distributed along the southern margin of the Yangtze Craton. During the Early Cambrian, the formation water or basinal hot brine trapped in Caledonian basins which accumulated giant thick sediments was expelled and migrated laterally along strata because of the pressure generated by overlying sediments. The basinal hot brine ascended along faults, mixed with sea water and finally deposited ore minerals.展开更多
The recently discovered Damoqujia (大磨曲家) gold deposit is a large shear zone-hosted gold deposit of disseminated sulphides located in the north of the Zhaoping (招平) fault zone, Jiaodong (胶东) gold province...The recently discovered Damoqujia (大磨曲家) gold deposit is a large shear zone-hosted gold deposit of disseminated sulphides located in the north of the Zhaoping (招平) fault zone, Jiaodong (胶东) gold province, China. In order to distinguish the temperature range of cluster inclusions from different mineralization stages and measure their compositions, 16 fluid inclusions and 5 isotopic geochemistry samples were collected for this study. Corresponding to different mineralization stages, the multirange peaks of quartz decrepitation temperature (250-270, 310-360 and 380-430℃) indicate that the activity of ore-forming fluids is characterized by multistage. The ore-forming fluids were predominantly of high-temperature fluid system (HTFS) by CO2-rich, and SO4^2--K^+ type magmatic fluid during the early stage of mineralization and were subsequently affected by low-temperature fluid system (LTFS) of CH4-rich, and Cl^--Na^+/Ca^2+ type meteoric fluid during the late stage of mineralization. Gold is transferred by Au-HS^- complex in the HTFS, and Au-Cl^- complex can be more important in the LTFS. The transition of fluids from deeper to shallow environments results in mixing between the HTFS and LTFS, which might be one of the most key reasons for gold precipitation and large-scale mineralization. The ore-forming fluids are characterized by high-temperature, strong-activity, and superimposed mineralization, so that there is a great probability of forming large and rich ore deposit in the Damoqujia gold deposit. The main bodies are preserved and extend toward deeper parts, thereby suggesting a great potential in future.展开更多
The Bangbu gold deposit is a large orogenic gold deposit in Tibet formed during the AlpineHimalayan collision. Ore bodies(auriferous quartz veins) are controlled by the E-W-trending Qusong-Cuogu-Zhemulang brittle-du...The Bangbu gold deposit is a large orogenic gold deposit in Tibet formed during the AlpineHimalayan collision. Ore bodies(auriferous quartz veins) are controlled by the E-W-trending Qusong-Cuogu-Zhemulang brittle-ductile shear zone. Quartz veins at the deposit can be divided into three types: pre-metallogenic hook-like quartz veins, metallogenic auriferous quartz veins, and postmetallogenic N-S quartz veins. Four stages of mineralization in the auriferous quartz veins have been identified:(1) Stage S1 quartz+coarse-grained sulfides,(2) Stage S2 gold+fine-grained sulfides,(3) Stage S3 quartz+carbonates, and(4) Stage S4 quartz+ greigite. Fluid inclusions indicate the oreforming fluid was CO_2-N_2-CH_4 rich with homogenization temperatures of 170–261°C, salinities 4.34–7.45 wt% Na Cl equivalent. δ^(18)Ofluid(3.98‰–7.18‰) and low δDV-SMOW(-90‰ to-44‰) for auriferous quartz veins suggest ore-forming fluids were mainly metamorphic in origin, with some addition of organic matter. Quartz vein pyrite has δ^(34)SV-CDT values of 1.2‰–3.6‰(an average of 2.2‰), whereas pyrite from phyllite has δ^(34)SV-CDT 5.7‰–9.9‰(an average of 7.4‰). Quartz vein pyrites yield 206Pb/204 Pb ratios of 18.662–18.764, 207Pb/204 Pb 15.650–15.683, and ^(208)Pb/204 Pb 38.901–39.079. These isotopic data indicate Bangbu ore-forming materials were probably derived from the Langjiexue accretionary wedge. 40Ar/39 Ar ages for sericite from auriferous sulfide-quartz veins yield a plateau age of 49.52 ± 0.52 Ma, an isochron age of 50.3 ± 0.31 Ma, suggesting that auriferous veins were formed during the main collisional period of the Tibet-Himalayan orogen(-65–41 Ma).展开更多
The Yinkeng orefield in Yudu County,Jiangxi Province,SE China,is a zone of concentrated Au-Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-Mn polymetallic ores.Based on summing up basic geology and ore geology of the orefieid,the polymetallic deposits i...The Yinkeng orefield in Yudu County,Jiangxi Province,SE China,is a zone of concentrated Au-Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-Mn polymetallic ores.Based on summing up basic geology and ore geology of the orefieid,the polymetallic deposits in the orefield have been divided into seven major substyles according to their occurring positions and control factors.The ore-forming fluid inclusion styles in the orefield include those of two-phase fluid,liquid CO2-bearing three-phase and daughter mineral-bearing multi-phase.The homogenization temperatures range from 382° to 122℃,falling into five clusters of 370° to 390°,300° to 360°,230° to 300°,210° to 290° and 120° to 200°,and the clusters of 300° to 360°,230° to 300° and 120° to 200° are three major mineralization stages,with fluid salinity peaks from 4.14% to 7.31%,2.07% to 7.31% and 0.53% to 3.90%,respectively.The ore-forming fluids are mainly type of NaCl-H2O with medium to high density (0.74-1.02 g/cm3),or CO2-bearing NaCl-H2O with medium to low density (0.18-0.79 g/cm3).The fluid salinity and density both show a decline tendency with decreasing temperature.According to the measurement and calculation of Hand O-isotopic compositions in the quartz of the quartz-sulfide veins,δDV-SMOW of the ore-forming fluid is from-84‰ to-54‰,and δ18OV-SMOW of that is from 6.75‰ to 9.21‰,indicating a magmatic fluid.The δ34SV-CDT of sulfides in the ores fall into two groups,one is from-4.4‰ to 2.2‰ with average of-1.42‰,and the other from 18.8‰ to 21.6‰ with average of 19.8‰.The S-isotopic data shows one peak at-4.4‰ to 2.2‰ (meaning-1.42‰) suggesting a simple magmatic sulfur source.The ore Pbisotopic ratios are 206pb/204pb from 17.817 to 17.983,207pb/204pb from 15.470 to 15.620 and 208pb/204pb from 38.072 to 38.481,indicating characteristics of mantle-derived lead.The data show that the major ore deposits in the orefield have a magmatic-hydrothermal genesis and that the SHRIMP zircon age of the granodiorite porphyry,closely related to the mineralization,is 151.2±4.2 Ma (MSWD =1.3),which can represent the formation ages of the ores and intrusion rocks.The study aids understanding of the ore-forming processes of the major metallic ore deposits in the orefield.展开更多
The ore types of the Zhaokalong Fe-Cu deposit are divided into two categories: sulfide-type and oxide-type. The sulfide-type ore include siderite ore, galena-sphalerite ore and chalcopyrite ore, whereas the oxide-typ...The ore types of the Zhaokalong Fe-Cu deposit are divided into two categories: sulfide-type and oxide-type. The sulfide-type ore include siderite ore, galena-sphalerite ore and chalcopyrite ore, whereas the oxide-type ore include magnetite ore and hematite ore. The ore textures and structures indicate that the Zhaokalong deposit is of the sedimentary-exhalative mineralization type. Geochemical analyses show that the two ore types have a high As, Sb, Mn, Co and Ni content. The REE patterns reveal an enrichment of the LREE compared to the HREE. Isotopic analysis of siderite ore reveal that the j13CpDB ranges from -2.01 to 3.34 (%0) whereas the JISOsMow ranges from 6.96 to 18.95 (%0). The fluid inclusion microthermometry results indicate that homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz range from 131 to 181~C, with salinity values of 1.06 to 8.04 wt% NaCI eq. The mineralizing fluid therefore belongs to the low temperature - low salinity system, with a mineralizing solution of a CO2-Ca2+(Na+, K+)-SO42- (F-, CI--H20 system. The geochemical results and fluid inclusion data provide additional evidence that the Zhaokalong deposit is a sedex-type deposit that experienced two stages of mineralization. The sulfide mineralization probably occurred first, during the sedimentary exhalative process, as exhibited by the abundance of marine materials associated with the sulfide ores, indicating a higher temperature and relatively deoxidized oceanic depositional environment. After the main exhalative stage, hydrothermal activity was superimposed to the sulfide mineralization. The later stage oxide mineralization occurred in a low temperature and relatively oxidized environment, in which magmatic fluid circulation was dominant.展开更多
The Kendekeke polymetallic deposit,located in the middle part of the magmatic arc belt of Qimantag on the southwestern margin of the Qaidam Basin,is a polygenetic compound deposit in the Qimantag metallogenic belt of ...The Kendekeke polymetallic deposit,located in the middle part of the magmatic arc belt of Qimantag on the southwestern margin of the Qaidam Basin,is a polygenetic compound deposit in the Qimantag metallogenic belt of Qinghai Province.Multi-periodic ore-forming processes occurred in this deposit,including early-stage iron mineralization and lead-zinc-gold-polymetallic mineralization which was controlled by later hydrothermal process.The characteristics of the ore-forming fluids and mineralization were discussed by using the fluid inclusion petrography,Laser Raman Spectrum and micro-thermometry methods.Three stages,namely,S1-stage (copper-iron-sulfide stage),S2-stage (lead-zinc-sulfide stage) and C-stage (carbonate stage) were included in the hydrothermal process as indicated by the results of this study.The fluid inclusions are in three types:aqueous inclusion (type I),CO2-aqueous inclusion (type Ⅱ) and pure CO2 inclusion (type Ⅲ).Type Ⅰ inclusions were observed in the S1-stage,having homogenization temperature at 240-320℃,and salinities ranging from 19.8% to 25.0% (wt% NaCl equiv.).All three types of inclusions,existing as immiscible inclusion assemblages,were presented in the S2-stage,with the lowest homogenization temperature ranging from 175 ℃ to 295℃,which represents the metallogenic temperature of the S2-stage.The salinities of these inclusions are in the range of 1.5% to 16%.The fluid inclusions in the C-stage belong to types Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ,having homogenization temperatures at 120-210℃,and salinities ranging from 0.9% to 14.5%.These observations indicate that the ore-forming fluids evolved from high-temperature to low-temperature,from high-salinity to low-salinity,from homogenization to immiscible separation.Results of Laser Raman Spectroscopy show that high density of CO2 and CH4 were found as gas compositions in the inclusions.CO2,worked as the pH buffer of ore-forming fluids,together with reduction of organic gases (i.e.CH4,etc),affected the transport and sediment of the minerals.The fluid system alternated between open and close systems,namely,between lithostatic pressure and hydrostatic pressure systems.The calculated metallogenic pressures are in the range of 30 to 87 Mpa corresponding to 3 km mineralization depth.Under the influence of tectonic movements,immiscible separation occurred in the original ore-forming fluids,which were derived from the previous high-salinity,high-temperature magmatic fluids.The separation of CO2 changed the physicochemical properties and composition of the original fluids,and then diluted by mixing with extraneous fluids such as meteoric water and groundwater,and metallogenic materials in the fluids such as lead,zinc and gold were precipitated.展开更多
The Mengyejing potash deposit is located in the southern port of the Simao Basin, Yunnan Province, and is hosted in mid-Cretaceous strata. The chemical compositions of fluid inclusions in halite crystals, collected fr...The Mengyejing potash deposit is located in the southern port of the Simao Basin, Yunnan Province, and is hosted in mid-Cretaceous strata. The chemical compositions of fluid inclusions in halite crystals, collected from the level-610 adit in the deposit, were analysed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS). The results show that the brine is of the Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl type and has K concentrations that are distinctly higher than those of Mg and Ca, unlike normal brines associated with Cretaceous halite. The high K concentrations indicate that the degree of evaporation of the ancient Mengyejing saline lake was very high, reaching the sylvite deposition stage but rarely reaching the carnallite deposition stage. The trajectory of the H and O isotopic compositions of the brines in the halite-hosted fluid inclusions corresponds to intense evaporation, indicating that the net evaporation exceeded the net inflow of brines. These brine compositions in halite-hosted fluid inclusions were likely formed by the dissolution of previously deposited K-bearing minerals by fresh continental and/or seawater, forming a type of modified seawater, with deep hydrothermal fluids potentially supplying additional potassium. The basin likely experienced multiple seawater incursion, dissolution and redeposition events in a high-temperature environment with high evaporation rates.展开更多
The homogenization of silicate melt inclusions (SMIs),small droplets of silicate melt trapped in magmatic minerals,is an important component of petrogenetic and magmatic research.Conventional homogenization experime...The homogenization of silicate melt inclusions (SMIs),small droplets of silicate melt trapped in magmatic minerals,is an important component of petrogenetic and magmatic research.Conventional homogenization experiments on SMIs use microscope-mounted heating stages capable of producing high temperatures at 1 atm and cold-seal high-pressure vessels.Heating stages are generally used for SMIs with low internal pressures and allow in situ observations of the homogenization processes.In contrast,cold-seal high-pressure vessels are generally used to heat SMIs that have high internal pressures,although the homogenized SMIs can only be observed after quenching in this approach.Here we outline an alternative approach that uses a hydrothermal diamond anvil cell (HDAC) apparatus to homogenize SMIs.This is the only current method wherein phase changes in high-internal-pressure SMIs can be observed in situ during homogenization experiments,which represents an advantage over other conventional methods.Using an HDAC apparatus prevents high-internal-pressure SMIs from decrepitating during heating by elevating their external pressure,in addition to allowing in situ observations of SMIs.The type-V HDAC that is currently being used has a shorter distance between the sample chamber and the observation window than earlier types,potentially enabling continuous observation of the processes involved in heating and SMI homogenization through an objective lens with a long working distance.Homogenization experiments using HDAC require that a number of steps,including HDAC preparation,sample preparation,sample loading,preheating,and formal heating,be carefully followed.Homogenization experiments on SMIs within granite samples from the Jiajika pegmatite deposit (Sichuan,China) are best performed using an HDAC-based approach,because the elevated proper external pressure of these SMIs,combined with a short heating duration,helps to suppress material leakage and any reactions within the SMIs,in addition to allowing in situ observations during homogenization experiments.Furthermore,using the HDAC approach has other benefits:heating rates can be precisely controlled,wafer oxidization can be prevented,and samples can be subjected to in situ microbeam analysis.In summary,homogenization using HDAC provides more reliable results than those obtained using conventional heating equipment.Future developments will include improvements to the quenching method and temperature controls for the HDAC apparatus,thereby improving the utility of this approach for SMI homogenization experiments.展开更多
基金financially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.42272104,42172094 and 41772076)。
文摘The Wangjiazhuang Cu(-Mo)deposit,located within the Zouping volcanic basin in western Shandong Province,China,is unique in this area for having an economic value.In order to expound the metallogenetic characteristics of this porphyry-like hydrothermal deposit,a detailed fluid inclusion study has been conducted,employing the techniques of representative sampling,fluid inclusion petrography,microthermometry,Raman spectroscopy,LA-ICP-MS analysis of single fluid inclusions,as well as cathode fluorescence spectrometer analysis of host mineral quartz.The deposit contains mainly two types of orebodies,i.e.veinlet-dissemination-stockwork orebodies in the K-Si alteration zone and pegmatiticquartz sulfide veins above them.In addition,minor breccia ore occurs locally.Four types of fluid inclusions in the deposit and altered quartz monzonite are identified:L-type one-or two-phase aqueous inclusions,V-type vapor-rich inclusions with V/L ratios greater than 50%-90%,D-type multiphase fluid inclusions containing daughter minerals or solids and S-type silicate-bearing fluid inclusions containing mainly muscovite and biotite.Ore petrography and fluid inclusion study has revealed a three-stage mineralization process,driven by magmatic-hydrothermal fluid activity,as follows.Initially,a hydrothermal fluid,separated from the parent magma,infiltrated into the quartz monzonite,resulting in its extensive K-Si alteration,as indicated by silicate-bearing fluid inclusions trapped in altered quartz monzonite.This is followed by the early mineralization,the formation of quartz veinlets and dissemination-stockwork ores.During the main mineralization stage,due to the participation and mixing of meteoric groundwater with magmatic-sourced hydrothermal fluid,the cooling and phase separation caused deposition of metals from the hydrothermal fluids.As a result,the pegmatitic-quartz sulfide-vein ores formed.In the late mineralization stage,decreasing fluid salinity led to the formation of L-type aqueous inclusions and chalcopyrite-sulfosalt ore.Coexistence of V-type and D-type inclusions and their similar homogenization temperatures with different homogenization modes suggest that phase separation or boiling of the ore-forming fluids took place during the early and the main mineralization stages.The formation P-T conditions of S-type inclusions and the early and the main mineralization stages were estimated as ca.156-182 MPa and 450-650℃,350-450℃,18-35 MPa and 280-380℃,8-15 MPa,respectively,based on the microthermometric data of the fluid inclusions formed at the individual stages.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFA0702701)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(WK3410000015).
文摘Infrared microthermometry allows direct measurement of fluid inclusions hosted in opaque ore minerals and can provide direct constraints on the evolution of ore-forming fluids.This study presents infrared microthermometry of spherite-hosted fluid inclusions from the Xinqiao deposit in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt and sheds new light on the ore genesis of the deposit.Considering that infrared light may lead to non-negligible temperature deviations during microthermometry,some tests were first conducted to ensure the accuracy of the microthermometric measurements.The measurement results indicated that using the lowest light intensity of the microscope and inserting an optical filter were effective in minimizing the possible temperature deviations of infrared microthermometry.All sphalerite-hosted fluid inclusions from the Xinqiao deposit were aqueous.They show homogenization temperature ranging from~200 to 350℃,but have two separate salinity groups(1.0 wt%-10 wt%and 15.1 wt%-19.2 wt%NaCl equivalent).The low-salinity group represents sedimentary exhalative(SEDEX)-associated fluids,whereas the high-salinity group results from modification by later magmatic hydrothermal fluids.Combined with published fluid inclusion data,the four-stage fluid evolution of the Xinqiao deposit was depicted.Furthermore,our data suggest that the Xinqiao deposit was formed by twostage metallogenic events including SEDEX and magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization.
基金jointed supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2021YFC2901704)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41930430)the State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, IGGCAS (Grant No. SKL-Z201905)。
文摘The Jianbeigou gold deposit is a typical lode gold deposit in the Qinling metallogenic belt, located on the southern margin of the North China Craton. Three stages of the hydrothermal process can be distinguished, including the quartz ± pyrite, quartz-polymetallic sulfide, and quartz-carbonate ± pyrite stages. From the early to late stages, the homogenization temperatures of primary fluid inclusions are 281–362°C, 227–331°C, and 149–261°C, respectively. The corresponding salinities estimated for these fluids are 3.9–9.9 wt%, 0.4–9.4 wt%, and 0.7–7.2 wt% Na Cl equiv. Combined with laser Raman spectroscopy data, the ore-forming fluid belongs to a H_(2)O-CO_(2)-Na Cl ± CH_4 system with medium–low temperature and salinity. The δ~(18)Ofluid and δD values for the quartz veins are-1.0‰ to 6.0‰ and-105‰ to-84‰, respectively, which indicates that the ore-forming fluid is of mixed source, mainly derived from magma, with a contribution from meteoric water. Pyrite has been identified into three generations based on mineral paragenetic sequencing, including Py1, Py2, and Py3. The pyrites have δ~(34)S sulfur isotopic compositions from three stages between 3.7‰ and 8.4‰, indicating that sulfur mainly originated from magma. Te, Bi, Sb, and Cu contents in pyrite were all high and showed a strong correlation with Au concentrations. Native gold and the Au-Ag-Bi telluride minerals were formed concurrently, and the As concentration was low and decoupled from the Au content. Therefore, Te, Bi, Sb and other low-melting point chalcophile elements play an important role for gold mineralization in arsenic-deficient ore-forming fluid. Combined with the geological setting, evolution of pyrite, and ore-fluids geochemistry, we propose that the Jianbeigou deposit can be classified as a magmatic–hydrothermal lode gold deposit. Gold mineralization on the southern margin of the North China Craton is related to Early Cretaceous magmatism and formed in an extensional setting.
基金The current research was supported by Heilongjiang Province General University Youth Innovation Talent Training Program Project(UNPYSCT-2020030)。
文摘The Chayong Cu-polymetallic deposit is a recently discovered Cu-polymetallic deposit hosted in the Sanjiang Metallogenic Belt within the Tibetan Plateau of China to the northeast of the North Qiangtang terrane.The ore body occurs in siltstone and is controlled by a northwest-trending fault structure.According to the associations,assemblages,and cutting relationships between ore veins,the hydrothermal mineralization period can be divided into three mineralization stages:(1)a molybdenite mineralization stage,(2)a Cu-polymetallic sulfide stage,and(3)a quartzcarbonate stage.Two types of fluid inclusions(FIs),namely,liquid and vapor-rich inclusions,are present in quartz as so ciated with sulfide minerals.Early-stage FIs are both iquid and vapor-rich,homogenized at temperatures ranging from 364.1 to 384.2℃,and have salinities ranging from0.70%to 9.60%NaCl equivalent(eqv).The middle-stage FIs are also both liquid-and vapor-rich,homogenized at temperatures ranging from 272.4 to 355.6℃,and have salinities ranging from 0.53%-17.10%NaCl eqv.The late-stage FIs are liquid,homogenized at temperatures ranging from 209.4to 255.3℃,and have salinities ranging from 0.35%-6.87%NaCl eqv.The samples from the deposit haveδ^(34)S values of-21.8‰to-19.2‰and-5.5‰to-6.0‰,suggesting that sulfur was derived from the host sediments and magmatic fluids,respectively.The metallic minerals within the deposit have^(206)Pb/^(204)Pb,^(207)Pb/^(204)Pb,and^(208)Pb/^(204)Pb values of 18.439-18.458,15.656-15.679,and 38.772-38.863,respectively,suggesting that the metals were derived from the upper crust and orogenic belts.The samples from the deposit haveδ^(18)O_(W)values of 2.99‰-7.99‰andδD_(W) values ranging from-84.4‰to-73.9‰,indicating that the pre-forming fluids were magmatic and mixed with minor amounts of meteoric water.The ore-forming fluid of the Chayong copper polymetallic deposit was a high-temperature,medium-to low-salinity H_(2)O-NaCl-CH_(4)-N_(2)±CO_(2)fluid system.The early high-temperature magmatic fluid,due to boiling,decreased in temperature,and via the mixing of meteoric water,gradually evolved towards the later-stage medium-to low-temperature and low-salinity fluid,causing nolybdenite mineralization and forming copper polymetallic sulfide veins and quartz carbonate veins.
文摘The paleo-temperature(Th)data from fluid inclusions are utilized for thermal history modelling using PetroMod software.Generally,bottom hole temperature(BHT)and vitrinite reflectance(Ro)measurements are widely used in petroleum system modelling(PSM)in the oil industry for calibration purposes.Th representing the minimum temperature of fluid entrapment estimated from fluid-inclusion study provides extra support to build the thermal models for PSM.Fluid inclusion parameters along with Rock-Eval pyrolysis analysis have been used to predict the maturity of oil in terms of API gravity as well as the maturity of source rocks respectively.Two exploratory wells RV-1(Mumbai Offshore Basin)and KK4C-A-1(Kerala-Konkan Offshore Basin),India were examined and the T_(h)from most of the fluid inclusions of wells RV-1 and KK4C-A-1 fell in the oil window range of 60-140℃suggesting thermal conditions favourable for oil generation in both of the wells.T_(h)of coeval aqueous inclusions along with the Hydrocarbon Fluid inclusions(HCFIs)was used to calibrate PSM.Vital parameters show that source rocks of well RV-1 are mature and that of well KK4C-A-1 are immature.Two sets of PSM are created in terms of generation and expulsion for the dry wells RV-1 and KK4C-A-1 and calibrated each well using fluid inclusion Th and BHT.From the fluid inclusion analysis method,it is evident that hydrocarbon generation happened in both wells and the paleo-temperature indicates that the formations of both wells were subjected to temperatures in the oil window range,even though it was designated as dry wells in the present scenario.The present study highlights the application of fluid inclusion paleo-temperature(Th)during calibration instead of commonly used methods.We could obtain desirable and accurate data output from PSM using T_(h) calibration.
文摘For the first time, fluid-melt inclusions are found in fluorite of the Huanggangliang skarn iron-tin deposit (HSID). The fluorite was formed in the main stage of mineralization, named the hydro-skarnization stage. The inclusions contain various components such as Fe, Mg and Cr from deep sources. The melts of primary inclusions are mainly Ca- and F-rich and those of secondary inclusions tend to become Si-rich. During this evolution process, the melts and iron daughter minerals decreased and even vanished. These facts reveal that the evolution of the primary mineralizing fluids and the differentiation of the fluids and melts are the main factors leading to the deposition of Fe, Sn and other elements. This discovery confirms the magmatic genesis of the HSID and has filled in the gaps in the research of magmatogenic skarn deposits and furnished new methods for such research. Furthermore, it has enlarged the scope of the research on fluid inclusions.
文摘Abundant fluid-melt inc1usions are found in the aegirine-augite-barite pegmatite andcarbonatite veins in the Mianning REE deposit, Sichuan. They were trapped in early stage flu-orite and quartz from a salt-melt system at temperatures higher than 500℃. Meanwhile, fluidinclusions are also present in large amounts in bastnaesite. Homogenized between 150 and270℃, these inclusions are thought to be representative of the physiccrchemical conditions ofREE minera1ization. These results show that the Mianning REE deposit is of tyPical hy-drothermal origin developed from a salt-melt system.
文摘Rare element mineralized granites of me Yanshan period in Southern China are characterized by high contents of SiO2,Na2o,K2O,and F and are enriched in Nb,Ta,REE,W,Sn,Be and Li .Opinions differed over whether they are of metasomatk or magmatic origin .In this paper ,we present results of a study on melt and fluid inclusions in topaz-albite feldspar granite from Limo Nb-Ta-W-Sn granite and 414 Ta-Li albhe granite .Our data, which come from 15 mineralized granites, provide strong support magmatic origin .Mett inclusions are recognized in both topaz and quartz, and are associated with primary gas-rich incluaons.Crystallites of a Nb (Ta) -bearing mineral and cassiterite are also commonly present as inclusions in the topaz .Multiphase (mett+fluid) inclusions are observed in some quartz from granites and granite-related pegmatite .Mett inclusions start to mett at a temperature of approximately 540 ℃ in topaz and 650 ℃ in quartz .Final homogenization temperature is 700-900 ℃ in quartz ,700-800℃ in topaz and 440-550 ℃ for primary gas-rich inclusions coexisting with mett inclusions in topaz .The fluid inclusion data show that there was a continuous evobtion of the fluid from Nb-Ta granites and pegmatites to W-Sh hydrothermal vein. The coexistence of mett .vapour-rich fluid inclusions, and rare element crystaffites in topaz and quartz indicates that these minerals crystallized from a vapour-saturated mett enriched in Na.K,F and rare elements (Li,Be,Nb,Ta) .The evidence from fluid inclusion study shows that the possible genesis of the rare dement mineralization inLi-F granites of Yanshan period in Southern China results from magmatic differentiation .
基金Project(41202051)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2012M521721)supported by China Postdoctoral Science FoundationProject(CSUZC2013021)supported by Valuable Equipment Open Sharing Fund of Central South University,China
文摘Based on the study of the petrology, mineralogy, structural geology and fluid inclusion of the Dafulou ore deposit in the Dachang ore field, the ore deposit geology and ore-forming fluids were analyzed. It shows that there are five main hydrothermal alteration types in the Dafulou ore district, namely the silicification, carbonate, sericite, pyrite and pyrrhotite. The mineralization types are composed of the stratiform type, interlayer type and stockwork type. The ore textures present as metasomatic texture, euhedral-subhedral granular texture and solid solution texture. The ore structure consists of massive structure, dissemination structure, fine veined structure, stockwork structure and brecciated structure. Four ore types are recognized, namely the disseminated ore, dense massive ore, veinlet ore and brecciated ore. Six types of fluid inclusions are determined, i.e. the single-phase gaseous fluid inclusions, single-phase salt solution fluid inclusions, two-phase vapour-rich fluid inclusions, two-phase liquid-rich fluid inclusions, three-phase CO2-rich fluid inclusions and solid(s)-bearing fluid inclusions, all of which form in three dominant temperature scopes, 120-150, 230-270, 350-460 °C. But, the majority of them form in the high temperature environment (350-460 °C). The tectonism plays an important role in the mineralization, which usually controls the scale, occurrence and shape of the Sn orebody. There are four types of hydrothermal fluid systems, H2O-NaCl-CaCl2, H2O-CaCl2, H2O-NaCl-MgCl2 and H2O-MgCl2. Similar to the other ore deposits in the Dachang ore field, there also exists the multiple source of ore-forming fluids. Overall, the Dafulou ore deposit should be the result of the crust-mantle interaction.
基金the Funds for Fostering Young Pioneers of Yunnan Province(Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province)(99D0003G)the National State Climbing Plan(95-Yu-39)+2 种基金the Collaboration Program sponsored by the colleges and universities of Yunnan Province(2000YK-04)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40172038) the Rescarch Project of the Huize Pb-Zn Mine(2000-02).
文摘The Huize Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) district is a typical representative of the well-known medium-to large-sized carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) deposits, occurring in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou Pb-Zn Ore-forming Zone. Generally, fluid inclusions within calcite, one of the major gangue minerals, are dominated by two kinds of small (1-10 um) inclusions including pure-liquid and liquid. The inclusions exist in concentrated groups along the crystal planes of the calcite. The ore-forming fluids containing Pb and Zn, which belong to the Na+-K+-Ca2+-Cl--F--SO42- type, are characterized by temperatures of 164-221℃, medium salinity in 5-10.8 wt% NaCl, and medium pressure at 410×105 to 661×105 Pa. The contents of Na+-K+ and C1--F-, and ratios of Na+/K+-Cl-/F- in fluid inclusions present good linearity. The ratios of Na+/K+ (4.66-6.71) and Cl-/F- (18.21-31.04) in the fluid inclusions of calcite are relatively high, while those of Na+/K+ (0.29-5.69) and Cl-/F- (5.00-26.0) in the inclusions of sphalerite and pyrite are relatively low. The ratio of Na+/K+ increases in accord with those of Cl-/F-, which indicates that ore-forming fluid of deep source participates in the mineralization. The waters of fluid inclusions have δD values from -43.5‰ to -55.4‰ of calcite. The δ18OV-SMOW values of the ore-forming fluids, calculated values, range from 17.09‰ to 18.56‰ of calcite and 17.80‰ to 23.14‰ for dolomite. δ13CV-PDB values range from -1.94‰ to -3.31‰ for calcite and -3.35‰ to 0.85‰ for the ore-bearing dolomite. These data better demonstrate that the ore-forming fluids were mainly derived from metamorphic water and magmatic hot fluid, in relation to the metamorphism of the Kunyang Group in the basement and magmatic hydrothermalism. The deposit itself might have resulted from ascending cycles of ore-forming fluid, enriched in Pb and Zn. The Huize Zn-Pb- (Ag-Ge) deposits related to carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb sulphides.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41922023 and 41830425)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant Nos.020614380056 and 020614380078).
文摘We re-evaluate the Raman spectroscopic quantification of the molar ratio and pressure for CH4–CO2 mixtures.Firstly,the Raman quantification factors of CH4 and CO2 increase with rising pressure at room temperature,indicating that Raman quantification of CH4/CO2 molar ratio can be applied to those fluid inclusions(FIs)with high internal pressure(i.e.,>15 MPa).Secondly,the v1(CH4)peak position shifts to lower wavenumber with increasing pressure at constant temperature,confirming that the v1(CH4)peak position can be used to calculate the fluid pressure.However,this method should be carefully calibrated before applying to FI analyses because large discrepancies exist among the reported v1(CH4)-P curves,especially in the highpressure range.These calibrations are applied to CH4-rich FIs in quartz veins of the Silurian Longmaxi black shales in southern Sichuan Basin.The vapor phases of these FIs are mainly composed of CH4 and minor CO2,with CO2 molar fractions from4.4%to 7.4%.The pressure of single-phase gas FI ranges from 103.65 to 128.35 MPa at room temperature,which is higher than previously reported.Thermodynamic calculations supported the presence of extremely high-pressure CH4-saturated fluid(218.03–256.82 MPa at 200°C),which may be responsible for the expulsion of CH4 to adjacent reservoirs.
基金financially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFB0301200)
文摘This paper summarizes melting methods of titanium and titanium alloy, such as vacuum arc melting(VAR) and electron beam cold hearth melting(EBCHM), and the related inclusions formed when using these melting methods. Low-density inclusions are resulted from contamination of air, and high-density inclusions are caused by refractory elements. The formation process of inclusions was analysed. The removal mechanism of different kinds of inclusions was specified. Low-density inclusions are removed mainly by resolving. This is a comprehensive process containing reaction diffusion. The resolving rate of high-density inclusions is so low that these inclusions are mainly removed by sedimentation. The experiments and physical models of inclusions are detailed. In various melting methods, vacuum arc melting is prominent. However, this method cannot remove inclusions effectively, which usually results in repeat melting. Electron beam cold hearth melting has the best ability of removing inclusions. These results can provide instructions to researchers of titanium and titanium alloys.
基金the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(grants40173025,49928201)Trans-century Training Program Foundation for the Talents by the Ministry of Education the Visiting Scholar Foundation of Labs in Universities.
文摘He-Ar isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions trapped in pyrites from some representative PGE-polymetallic deposits in Lower Cambrian black rock series in South China were analyzed by using an inert gas isotopic mass spectrometer. The results show that the ore-forming fluids possess a low 3He/4He ratio, varying from 0.43×10-8 to 26.39×10-8, with corresponding R/Ra value of 0.003-0.189. The 40Ar/36Ar ratios are 258-287, close to those of air saturated water (ASW). He-Ar isotopic indicator studies show that the ore-forming fluids were mainly derived from the formation water or basinal hot brine and sea water, while the content of mantle-derived fluid or deep-derived magmatic water might be negligible. The PGE-polymetallic mineralization might be related to the evolution of the Caledonian miogeosynclines distributed along the southern margin of the Yangtze Craton. During the Early Cambrian, the formation water or basinal hot brine trapped in Caledonian basins which accumulated giant thick sediments was expelled and migrated laterally along strata because of the pressure generated by overlying sediments. The basinal hot brine ascended along faults, mixed with sea water and finally deposited ore minerals.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 40672064, 40572063)the 973-Project (No. 2006CB403506)Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University and 111 Project of the Ministry of Education, China (No. B07011)
文摘The recently discovered Damoqujia (大磨曲家) gold deposit is a large shear zone-hosted gold deposit of disseminated sulphides located in the north of the Zhaoping (招平) fault zone, Jiaodong (胶东) gold province, China. In order to distinguish the temperature range of cluster inclusions from different mineralization stages and measure their compositions, 16 fluid inclusions and 5 isotopic geochemistry samples were collected for this study. Corresponding to different mineralization stages, the multirange peaks of quartz decrepitation temperature (250-270, 310-360 and 380-430℃) indicate that the activity of ore-forming fluids is characterized by multistage. The ore-forming fluids were predominantly of high-temperature fluid system (HTFS) by CO2-rich, and SO4^2--K^+ type magmatic fluid during the early stage of mineralization and were subsequently affected by low-temperature fluid system (LTFS) of CH4-rich, and Cl^--Na^+/Ca^2+ type meteoric fluid during the late stage of mineralization. Gold is transferred by Au-HS^- complex in the HTFS, and Au-Cl^- complex can be more important in the LTFS. The transition of fluids from deeper to shallow environments results in mixing between the HTFS and LTFS, which might be one of the most key reasons for gold precipitation and large-scale mineralization. The ore-forming fluids are characterized by high-temperature, strong-activity, and superimposed mineralization, so that there is a great probability of forming large and rich ore deposit in the Damoqujia gold deposit. The main bodies are preserved and extend toward deeper parts, thereby suggesting a great potential in future.
基金funded by the National Basic Research Program of China(No.2011CB403104)Geological Survey Project of China(No.12120113037901)
文摘The Bangbu gold deposit is a large orogenic gold deposit in Tibet formed during the AlpineHimalayan collision. Ore bodies(auriferous quartz veins) are controlled by the E-W-trending Qusong-Cuogu-Zhemulang brittle-ductile shear zone. Quartz veins at the deposit can be divided into three types: pre-metallogenic hook-like quartz veins, metallogenic auriferous quartz veins, and postmetallogenic N-S quartz veins. Four stages of mineralization in the auriferous quartz veins have been identified:(1) Stage S1 quartz+coarse-grained sulfides,(2) Stage S2 gold+fine-grained sulfides,(3) Stage S3 quartz+carbonates, and(4) Stage S4 quartz+ greigite. Fluid inclusions indicate the oreforming fluid was CO_2-N_2-CH_4 rich with homogenization temperatures of 170–261°C, salinities 4.34–7.45 wt% Na Cl equivalent. δ^(18)Ofluid(3.98‰–7.18‰) and low δDV-SMOW(-90‰ to-44‰) for auriferous quartz veins suggest ore-forming fluids were mainly metamorphic in origin, with some addition of organic matter. Quartz vein pyrite has δ^(34)SV-CDT values of 1.2‰–3.6‰(an average of 2.2‰), whereas pyrite from phyllite has δ^(34)SV-CDT 5.7‰–9.9‰(an average of 7.4‰). Quartz vein pyrites yield 206Pb/204 Pb ratios of 18.662–18.764, 207Pb/204 Pb 15.650–15.683, and ^(208)Pb/204 Pb 38.901–39.079. These isotopic data indicate Bangbu ore-forming materials were probably derived from the Langjiexue accretionary wedge. 40Ar/39 Ar ages for sericite from auriferous sulfide-quartz veins yield a plateau age of 49.52 ± 0.52 Ma, an isochron age of 50.3 ± 0.31 Ma, suggesting that auriferous veins were formed during the main collisional period of the Tibet-Himalayan orogen(-65–41 Ma).
基金financially supported jointly by the National Key Basic Research Program (Grant 2012CB416704) from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinathe Program of High-level Geological Talents (201309) and Youth Geological Talents (201112) from the China Geological Surveyby Geological Survey Program Grant 1212010561603-2 from the China Geological Survey
文摘The Yinkeng orefield in Yudu County,Jiangxi Province,SE China,is a zone of concentrated Au-Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-Mn polymetallic ores.Based on summing up basic geology and ore geology of the orefieid,the polymetallic deposits in the orefield have been divided into seven major substyles according to their occurring positions and control factors.The ore-forming fluid inclusion styles in the orefield include those of two-phase fluid,liquid CO2-bearing three-phase and daughter mineral-bearing multi-phase.The homogenization temperatures range from 382° to 122℃,falling into five clusters of 370° to 390°,300° to 360°,230° to 300°,210° to 290° and 120° to 200°,and the clusters of 300° to 360°,230° to 300° and 120° to 200° are three major mineralization stages,with fluid salinity peaks from 4.14% to 7.31%,2.07% to 7.31% and 0.53% to 3.90%,respectively.The ore-forming fluids are mainly type of NaCl-H2O with medium to high density (0.74-1.02 g/cm3),or CO2-bearing NaCl-H2O with medium to low density (0.18-0.79 g/cm3).The fluid salinity and density both show a decline tendency with decreasing temperature.According to the measurement and calculation of Hand O-isotopic compositions in the quartz of the quartz-sulfide veins,δDV-SMOW of the ore-forming fluid is from-84‰ to-54‰,and δ18OV-SMOW of that is from 6.75‰ to 9.21‰,indicating a magmatic fluid.The δ34SV-CDT of sulfides in the ores fall into two groups,one is from-4.4‰ to 2.2‰ with average of-1.42‰,and the other from 18.8‰ to 21.6‰ with average of 19.8‰.The S-isotopic data shows one peak at-4.4‰ to 2.2‰ (meaning-1.42‰) suggesting a simple magmatic sulfur source.The ore Pbisotopic ratios are 206pb/204pb from 17.817 to 17.983,207pb/204pb from 15.470 to 15.620 and 208pb/204pb from 38.072 to 38.481,indicating characteristics of mantle-derived lead.The data show that the major ore deposits in the orefield have a magmatic-hydrothermal genesis and that the SHRIMP zircon age of the granodiorite porphyry,closely related to the mineralization,is 151.2±4.2 Ma (MSWD =1.3),which can represent the formation ages of the ores and intrusion rocks.The study aids understanding of the ore-forming processes of the major metallic ore deposits in the orefield.
基金supported by the China Schorlarship Council (CSC)the Global Center of Excellence (GCOE) in Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, Kyushu Universitysupported by the Zhaokalong Mine, Qinghai, China
文摘The ore types of the Zhaokalong Fe-Cu deposit are divided into two categories: sulfide-type and oxide-type. The sulfide-type ore include siderite ore, galena-sphalerite ore and chalcopyrite ore, whereas the oxide-type ore include magnetite ore and hematite ore. The ore textures and structures indicate that the Zhaokalong deposit is of the sedimentary-exhalative mineralization type. Geochemical analyses show that the two ore types have a high As, Sb, Mn, Co and Ni content. The REE patterns reveal an enrichment of the LREE compared to the HREE. Isotopic analysis of siderite ore reveal that the j13CpDB ranges from -2.01 to 3.34 (%0) whereas the JISOsMow ranges from 6.96 to 18.95 (%0). The fluid inclusion microthermometry results indicate that homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz range from 131 to 181~C, with salinity values of 1.06 to 8.04 wt% NaCI eq. The mineralizing fluid therefore belongs to the low temperature - low salinity system, with a mineralizing solution of a CO2-Ca2+(Na+, K+)-SO42- (F-, CI--H20 system. The geochemical results and fluid inclusion data provide additional evidence that the Zhaokalong deposit is a sedex-type deposit that experienced two stages of mineralization. The sulfide mineralization probably occurred first, during the sedimentary exhalative process, as exhibited by the abundance of marine materials associated with the sulfide ores, indicating a higher temperature and relatively deoxidized oceanic depositional environment. After the main exhalative stage, hydrothermal activity was superimposed to the sulfide mineralization. The later stage oxide mineralization occurred in a low temperature and relatively oxidized environment, in which magmatic fluid circulation was dominant.
基金supported by the China Geological Survey Investigation Programs (No. 2008-21-03 and No. 20110301-64)
文摘The Kendekeke polymetallic deposit,located in the middle part of the magmatic arc belt of Qimantag on the southwestern margin of the Qaidam Basin,is a polygenetic compound deposit in the Qimantag metallogenic belt of Qinghai Province.Multi-periodic ore-forming processes occurred in this deposit,including early-stage iron mineralization and lead-zinc-gold-polymetallic mineralization which was controlled by later hydrothermal process.The characteristics of the ore-forming fluids and mineralization were discussed by using the fluid inclusion petrography,Laser Raman Spectrum and micro-thermometry methods.Three stages,namely,S1-stage (copper-iron-sulfide stage),S2-stage (lead-zinc-sulfide stage) and C-stage (carbonate stage) were included in the hydrothermal process as indicated by the results of this study.The fluid inclusions are in three types:aqueous inclusion (type I),CO2-aqueous inclusion (type Ⅱ) and pure CO2 inclusion (type Ⅲ).Type Ⅰ inclusions were observed in the S1-stage,having homogenization temperature at 240-320℃,and salinities ranging from 19.8% to 25.0% (wt% NaCl equiv.).All three types of inclusions,existing as immiscible inclusion assemblages,were presented in the S2-stage,with the lowest homogenization temperature ranging from 175 ℃ to 295℃,which represents the metallogenic temperature of the S2-stage.The salinities of these inclusions are in the range of 1.5% to 16%.The fluid inclusions in the C-stage belong to types Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ,having homogenization temperatures at 120-210℃,and salinities ranging from 0.9% to 14.5%.These observations indicate that the ore-forming fluids evolved from high-temperature to low-temperature,from high-salinity to low-salinity,from homogenization to immiscible separation.Results of Laser Raman Spectroscopy show that high density of CO2 and CH4 were found as gas compositions in the inclusions.CO2,worked as the pH buffer of ore-forming fluids,together with reduction of organic gases (i.e.CH4,etc),affected the transport and sediment of the minerals.The fluid system alternated between open and close systems,namely,between lithostatic pressure and hydrostatic pressure systems.The calculated metallogenic pressures are in the range of 30 to 87 Mpa corresponding to 3 km mineralization depth.Under the influence of tectonic movements,immiscible separation occurred in the original ore-forming fluids,which were derived from the previous high-salinity,high-temperature magmatic fluids.The separation of CO2 changed the physicochemical properties and composition of the original fluids,and then diluted by mixing with extraneous fluids such as meteoric water and groundwater,and metallogenic materials in the fluids such as lead,zinc and gold were precipitated.
基金supported by the Basic Research Project for the Central Public Welfare Scientific Institutions of China (No.K1405)the National Key Project for Basic Research of China (No.2011CB403007)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.41572067)
文摘The Mengyejing potash deposit is located in the southern port of the Simao Basin, Yunnan Province, and is hosted in mid-Cretaceous strata. The chemical compositions of fluid inclusions in halite crystals, collected from the level-610 adit in the deposit, were analysed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS). The results show that the brine is of the Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl type and has K concentrations that are distinctly higher than those of Mg and Ca, unlike normal brines associated with Cretaceous halite. The high K concentrations indicate that the degree of evaporation of the ancient Mengyejing saline lake was very high, reaching the sylvite deposition stage but rarely reaching the carnallite deposition stage. The trajectory of the H and O isotopic compositions of the brines in the halite-hosted fluid inclusions corresponds to intense evaporation, indicating that the net evaporation exceeded the net inflow of brines. These brine compositions in halite-hosted fluid inclusions were likely formed by the dissolution of previously deposited K-bearing minerals by fresh continental and/or seawater, forming a type of modified seawater, with deep hydrothermal fluids potentially supplying additional potassium. The basin likely experienced multiple seawater incursion, dissolution and redeposition events in a high-temperature environment with high evaporation rates.
基金supported by the Chinese SinoProbe Project (SinoProbe-03-01)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41372088)the China Geological Survey Program (1212011220805)
文摘The homogenization of silicate melt inclusions (SMIs),small droplets of silicate melt trapped in magmatic minerals,is an important component of petrogenetic and magmatic research.Conventional homogenization experiments on SMIs use microscope-mounted heating stages capable of producing high temperatures at 1 atm and cold-seal high-pressure vessels.Heating stages are generally used for SMIs with low internal pressures and allow in situ observations of the homogenization processes.In contrast,cold-seal high-pressure vessels are generally used to heat SMIs that have high internal pressures,although the homogenized SMIs can only be observed after quenching in this approach.Here we outline an alternative approach that uses a hydrothermal diamond anvil cell (HDAC) apparatus to homogenize SMIs.This is the only current method wherein phase changes in high-internal-pressure SMIs can be observed in situ during homogenization experiments,which represents an advantage over other conventional methods.Using an HDAC apparatus prevents high-internal-pressure SMIs from decrepitating during heating by elevating their external pressure,in addition to allowing in situ observations of SMIs.The type-V HDAC that is currently being used has a shorter distance between the sample chamber and the observation window than earlier types,potentially enabling continuous observation of the processes involved in heating and SMI homogenization through an objective lens with a long working distance.Homogenization experiments using HDAC require that a number of steps,including HDAC preparation,sample preparation,sample loading,preheating,and formal heating,be carefully followed.Homogenization experiments on SMIs within granite samples from the Jiajika pegmatite deposit (Sichuan,China) are best performed using an HDAC-based approach,because the elevated proper external pressure of these SMIs,combined with a short heating duration,helps to suppress material leakage and any reactions within the SMIs,in addition to allowing in situ observations during homogenization experiments.Furthermore,using the HDAC approach has other benefits:heating rates can be precisely controlled,wafer oxidization can be prevented,and samples can be subjected to in situ microbeam analysis.In summary,homogenization using HDAC provides more reliable results than those obtained using conventional heating equipment.Future developments will include improvements to the quenching method and temperature controls for the HDAC apparatus,thereby improving the utility of this approach for SMI homogenization experiments.