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内蒙古林草交错带有机氯农药的多介质分布特征及风险评价 被引量:1
作者 张宇飞 许学慧 +2 位作者 李俊文 李柏成 李佳琪 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期446-455,共10页
本研究采集了内蒙古林草交错带土壤、凋落物和树皮等环境样品,通过对样品中有机氯农药(OCPs)含量进行测定,分析其残留特征、可能来源及潜在的生态风险.研究结果表明,研究区内土壤中ΣOCPs浓度为7.07—435.80ng·g^(-1)dw,平均值为85... 本研究采集了内蒙古林草交错带土壤、凋落物和树皮等环境样品,通过对样品中有机氯农药(OCPs)含量进行测定,分析其残留特征、可能来源及潜在的生态风险.研究结果表明,研究区内土壤中ΣOCPs浓度为7.07—435.80ng·g^(-1)dw,平均值为85.22 ng·g^(-1)dw;凋落物中ΣOCPs浓度为7.52—35.48 ng·g^(-1)dw,平均值为21.52 ng·g^(-1)dw;活树皮中ΣOCPs浓度为0.99—13.19 ng·g^(-1)dw,平均值为8.11 ng·g^(-1)dw;死树皮中ΣOCPs浓度为5.75—38.89 ng·g^(-1)dw,平均值为12.11 ng·g^(-1)dw.不同环境介质中的OCPs以异狄氏剂醛、硫丹硫酸酯、HCHs、DDTs为主.不同土地利用类型下,土壤中OCPs的含量差异较大,农业用地、森林土壤中含量较高,边缘草地土壤中较低.来源分析表明,HCHs的主要来源于林丹的输入,DDT主要来源于外界新污染物的输入.研究区内土壤中HCHs和DDTs总量分别在1.73—66.92 ng·g^(-1)dw和1.62—55.84 ng·g^(-1)dw范围内,均低于农用地土壤污染风险筛选值.生态风险评价结果显示土壤HCHs残留属于低风险,DDTs类有机氯农药对研究区生物可能存在一定的生态风险,但危害性总体较低. 展开更多
关键词 林草结合带 有机氯 多介质 分布 风险评价
根茎型清水苜蓿鲜草产量及营养价值评价 被引量:15
作者 南丽丽 师尚礼 +1 位作者 郭全恩 朱新强 《中国草地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期63-68,共6页
以根茎型清水紫花苜蓿为材料,以根蘖型野生黄花苜蓿和甘农2号杂花苜蓿、直根型陇东紫花苜蓿为对照,在甘肃天水、兰州和武威3个生态区比较不同根型苜蓿的产量和品质,为根茎型苜蓿在生产中的应用提供科学依据。结果表明,根茎型苜蓿粗蛋白... 以根茎型清水紫花苜蓿为材料,以根蘖型野生黄花苜蓿和甘农2号杂花苜蓿、直根型陇东紫花苜蓿为对照,在甘肃天水、兰州和武威3个生态区比较不同根型苜蓿的产量和品质,为根茎型苜蓿在生产中的应用提供科学依据。结果表明,根茎型苜蓿粗蛋白质含量最高,两年平均为20.36%;粗纤维含量最低,两年平均为39.47%;产草量低,三年平均产量为4.05kg/m2;株丛高度相对较低,叶量丰富,叶茎比较高,更适合培育优质牧草。生态区域对苜蓿产量和营养成分有着显著影响。各根型苜蓿的株高、叶茎比、产草量在天水均最高,兰州次之,武威最低;各根型苜蓿粗蛋白质含量在兰州地区最高。同一生态区不同年份对苜蓿营养成分亦有影响,除天水地区各材料第一年NFE含量低于第二年外,其余材料第一年头茬草苜蓿的CP、EE、NFE含量均高于第二年头茬草;而CF、CASH、Ca、P含量第二年头茬草高于第一年头茬草。 展开更多
关键词 根茎型苜蓿 根型 生态区 营养价值
华北农牧交错带退化草地土壤种子库动态变化 被引量:12
作者 邵新庆 王堃 吕进英 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 2005年第11期8-12,共5页
对华北农牧交错带不同退化演替阶段土壤种子库的数量和物种组成及与地上植被的关系进行了初步的研究,结果表明:农牧交错带草地在刈割和放牧等干扰下,发生逆行演替,土壤种子库中植物种类及种子数量呈递减的趋势,轻度退化类型土壤种子库... 对华北农牧交错带不同退化演替阶段土壤种子库的数量和物种组成及与地上植被的关系进行了初步的研究,结果表明:农牧交错带草地在刈割和放牧等干扰下,发生逆行演替,土壤种子库中植物种类及种子数量呈递减的趋势,轻度退化类型土壤种子库物种组成最高,有23种植物,种子数量最多,有4 303粒,禾本科所占比例较大,为32.3%;而极度退化草地物种组成最低,有14种植物,种子数量仅有1 156粒,禾本科只占8.4%。草地逆行演替过程中植被与土壤种子库在物种组成上存在一定差别,中度退化阶段差别最大,有18种植物未在种子库中出现,极度退化阶段差别最小,有2种未在种子库中出现。 展开更多
关键词 种子库 交错带 退化草地 种子数量
农牧交错区土地利用/覆被变化及其驱动力--以大庆市杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县为例 被引量:5
作者 白淑英 额尔敦格日乐 周薇 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期16-22,共7页
研究目的:探讨农牧交错区近百年来的土地利用变化驱动机制。研究方法:利用TM、MSS遥感影像数据、地形图数据以及社会经济统计等数据,在遥感和GIS技术支持下对案例区百年来的土地利用/覆被变化原因进行分析。研究结果:研究区农林牧渔等... 研究目的:探讨农牧交错区近百年来的土地利用变化驱动机制。研究方法:利用TM、MSS遥感影像数据、地形图数据以及社会经济统计等数据,在遥感和GIS技术支持下对案例区百年来的土地利用/覆被变化原因进行分析。研究结果:研究区农林牧渔等多种经营方式决定了其土地利用的空间分布及其变化;研究区在历史上屡受嫩江洪水影响,致使很多村庄迁移,在区域空间上引起土地利用变化;蒙古族生产方式主要是游牧,后汉族将农业生产方式带到该地区,对土地开发影响非常大。研究区在1960年代进行了三次大量内迁移民,也加速了土地的开发。研究结论:研究区近百年来的土地利用变化受自然灾害、人口增长、经济发展、战争、政策、体制等的影响比较大。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用变化 农牧交错区 杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县 驱动力
水陆生态交错带的复杂性分析——以东洞庭湖区为例 被引量:1
作者 熊建新 陈端吕 董明辉 《湖南文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期100-102,113,共4页
水陆生态交错带是指内陆水生生态系统与陆地生态系统之间的功能界面区,其复杂性是地理学和地植物学关注的重要问题。以东洞庭湖区为例,分析其复杂性,研究表明:从系统内部看,生物构成复杂多样,界面和生态系统功能复杂,反映了结构与功能... 水陆生态交错带是指内陆水生生态系统与陆地生态系统之间的功能界面区,其复杂性是地理学和地植物学关注的重要问题。以东洞庭湖区为例,分析其复杂性,研究表明:从系统内部看,生物构成复杂多样,界面和生态系统功能复杂,反映了结构与功能的复杂性;从系统外部看,湿地演替过程复杂,以顺向演替为主;其形状相当复杂,斑块的平均分维数为1.374,反映了性态的复杂性;其复杂性注定了它的生态环境脆弱,界面易发生变异,极易与不合理的人类活动相耦合,引发共振。 展开更多
关键词 水陆生态交错带 复杂性 东洞庭湖区
优化能源结构对我国能耗水平的影响分析 被引量:4
作者 王端旭 石瑛 《浙江大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1996年第1期74-77,共4页
优化能源结构对我国能耗水平的影响分析王端旭,石瑛一、引言十多年来,我国节能工作取得了很大的成绩,对国民经济持续高速发展起到了重要作用。但是与国际先进水平相比,我国的能耗水平仍然很高。造成这一差距的原因应该说是多方面的... 优化能源结构对我国能耗水平的影响分析王端旭,石瑛一、引言十多年来,我国节能工作取得了很大的成绩,对国民经济持续高速发展起到了重要作用。但是与国际先进水平相比,我国的能耗水平仍然很高。造成这一差距的原因应该说是多方面的,有技术水平、产业结构、能源管理水... 展开更多
关键词 forest-grass VEGETATION soil AMELIORATION integral index primary component analyse
Biostratigraphy and Paleoecological Study of Pabdeh Formation in Interior Fars, Zagros Basin, Iran 被引量:2
作者 Manooseh P. Khavari Khorassani Fatemeh Hadavi +1 位作者 Ebrahim Ghasemi-Nejad Reza Mousavi-Harami 《Open Journal of Geology》 2014年第11期571-581,共11页
The Zagros basin, which trends NW-SE, is covered by a sea during the Paleogene, resulting in deposition of the Pabdeh Formation in the deeper parts of the basin. The thickness of the Pabdeh Formation in Tang-e-Abolhay... The Zagros basin, which trends NW-SE, is covered by a sea during the Paleogene, resulting in deposition of the Pabdeh Formation in the deeper parts of the basin. The thickness of the Pabdeh Formation in Tang-e-Abolhayat is about 221 m and it consists of purple shale at the base, gray shale, marl and marly limestone with a few horizons of nodular limestone toward the top. Seventy-two samples were collected and processed for nannofossil studies. Based on the identified nannofossil zones the age of the formation in Tang-e-Abolhayat is Late Paleocene-Late Oligocene (NP9-NP24). Changes in the abundance of different genera over the studied interval have resulted in identification of three ecozones: Ecozone 1 is characterized by oligotrophic conditions with an abundance of warm water taxa;Ecozone 2 marks when conditions became more eutrophic and the abundance of temperate taxa increased;Ecozone 3 represents a return to oligotrophic conditions with an increase in warm water taxa. 展开更多
Seasonal Dynamics of Nutrient Loading and Chlorophyll A in a Northern Prairies Reservoir, Saskatchewan, Canada 被引量:1
作者 Markus Hecker Jong Seong Khim +2 位作者 John P. Giesy Su-Qing Li Joo-Hyung Ryu 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2012年第4期180-202,共23页
Harmful algae blooms have become an increasing concern in context with the safety of water resources around the globe;however, little is known about the dynamics and specific causes of such blooms in the prairie ecozo... Harmful algae blooms have become an increasing concern in context with the safety of water resources around the globe;however, little is known about the dynamics and specific causes of such blooms in the prairie ecozone in North America. The aim of this study was to research the nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) content and nutrient limitation (defined as N and P limitation) of growth of cyanobacteria in a northern prairies reservoir (Lake Diefenbaker [LD], SK, Canada). A combination of concentration balance analysis for N and P, controlled bioassays with the natural consortium of phytoplankton or defined monocultures of cyanobacteria, and satellite imagery was applied to address this aim. The current trophic status of Lake Diefenbaker is one of moderate eutrophication. Primary production in the lake is P-limited, and N did not represent a limiting factor for algal production. There was no significant increase in TP con- centrations between the upper and lower portions of the reservoir, indicating that most of the phosphorus in LD comes from upstream sites in Alberta. Anabaena circinalis, a species that has the potential to seriously degrade lake ecosys- tems, was identified as the predominant cyanobacteria in LD. Together with the fact that TP influxes into the reservoir primarily originate from upstream sources, these results suggest the need for remedial measures in the upstream reach of the South Saskatchewan River. Satellite imaging represented a promising approach in support of monitoring for po- tential algal blooms in LD;however, due to limited sensitivity and issues associated with atmosphere interference this methodology should only be used in combination with in situ water quality monitoring. In summary, while this study indicated that Lake Diefenbaker is potentially at risk with cyanobacteria blooms (some of which such as Anabena sp. that can produce toxins) during late summer and fall, development of clear causal relationships and risk assessment strategies is currently limited due to lack of monitoring data and programs. 展开更多
关键词 CYANOBACTERIA EUTROPHICATION PRAIRIE ecozone Satellite Imaging Phophorous Nitrogen Monitoring
中国能源需求函数的研究 被引量:2
作者 虞镇国 《浙江大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1996年第2期52-55,共4页
中国能源需求函数的研究虞镇国一、引言能源需求和国内生产总值之间的函数关系的研究是长期能源需求预测的基础研究之一。而长期能源预测是能源基础设施建设必不可少的前期研究。能源需求与国内生产总值在统计上具有很强的正相关性。对... 中国能源需求函数的研究虞镇国一、引言能源需求和国内生产总值之间的函数关系的研究是长期能源需求预测的基础研究之一。而长期能源预测是能源基础设施建设必不可少的前期研究。能源需求与国内生产总值在统计上具有很强的正相关性。对1980年到1991年我国年商品能... 展开更多
关键词 forest-grass VEGETATION soil AMELIORATION integral index primary component analyse
Spatially diff erentiated changes in regional climate and underlying drivers in southwestern China
作者 Meng Wang Chao Jiang Osbert Jianxin Sun 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第3期755-765,共11页
The climate in Southwest China are predominantly under the influences of three contrasting climate systems, namely the East Asian monsoon, the South Asian monsoon, and the westerlies. However, it is unclear if the div... The climate in Southwest China are predominantly under the influences of three contrasting climate systems, namely the East Asian monsoon, the South Asian monsoon, and the westerlies. However, it is unclear if the diversified climate systems, in combination with the complex terrain and varying vegetation types, would result in contrasting patterns of changes in climate across the region. Based on the CRU TS data for the period 1901−2017, we examined the spatiotemporal characteristics of the regional climate, and identified types of climate change patterns and drivers. Overall, the region experienced significant increases in annual mean temperature during 1901−2017, with occurrence of a significant turning point in 1954 for a more pronounced warming (0.16 ℃/10 a). The annual precipitation fluctuated greatly over the study period without apparent trend, albeit the occurrence of a significant turning point in 1928 for a slight increase in the later period (1.19 mm/10 a). Spatially the multi-year averages of selective climate variables during 1901–2017 displayed a trend of decreases from southeast to northwest, but with increasing variability. We identified five major climate change types across the study region, including warmer (T^(+)), drier (P^(−)), warmer-drier (T^(+)P^(−)), warmer-wetter (T^(+)P^(+)), and no significant changes (NSC). The type T^(+)P^(+) mainly occurred in the western parts over the plateau sub-frigid semiarid ecozone (77.0%) and the plateau sub-frigid semihumid ecozone (19.9%). The central parts of the region are characterized by the type T^(+), corresponding to six ecozones, including the mid-subtropical humid ecozone (33.1%), the plateau temperate humid-semihumid ecozone (28.8%), the plateau sub-rigid semihumid ecozone (9.5%), the southern subtropical humid ecozone (8.1%), the plateau sub-frigid arid ecozone (7.3%), and the plateau temperate semiarid ecozone (6.6%). No significant change in climate was detected for the eastern parts over the mid-subtropical humid ecozone (67.3%), the plateau temperate humid and semihumid ecozone (19.5%) and the plateau sub-frigid semihumid ecozone (8.8%). The types P^(−) and T^(+)P^(−) together accounted for less than 5% of the entire study region, which predominantly occurred in central Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and south of the southeastern Xizang, corresponding predominantly to the mid-subtropical humid ecozone. Across the region and within the zonal climate change types, vegetation and topography both played a significant role in determining the climate variability and magnitude of changes. Our results suggest that the southwestern China experienced intensified influences of the southeasterly monsoon and the southerly monsoon in the regional climate, while the westerly alpine influences subsided;topography and vegetation affected the magnitudes of the directional changes in climate at a local scale. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change ecozone Regional climate TOPOGRAPHY VEGETATION
基于土地利用变化的农牧交错带典型流域生态风险评价——以洋河为例 被引量:80
作者 徐兰 罗维 周宝同 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期580-590,共11页
为揭示土地利用变化对农牧交错带典型流域生态风险的影响,在Arc GIS技术支持下,以洋河流域1990、1995、2000和2008年遥感数据和土地利用数据为基础,定量分析洋河流域1990—2008年的土地利用动态变化特征;根据景观生态学理论,将研究区划... 为揭示土地利用变化对农牧交错带典型流域生态风险的影响,在Arc GIS技术支持下,以洋河流域1990、1995、2000和2008年遥感数据和土地利用数据为基础,定量分析洋河流域1990—2008年的土地利用动态变化特征;根据景观生态学理论,将研究区划分为525个生态风险评价单元,从土地利用变化和景观结构角度构建景观生态风险评价模型,评价洋河流域生态风险的时空变化特征。结果表明:耕地和草地面积占研究区总面积的67%以上;1990—2008年,洋河流域总体景观生态风险值(ERI)由0.197 3上升到0.238 4。低风险区(ERI≤0.17)面积减少3.53%,高风险区(ERI>0.68)面积减少0.43%,较低(0.17<ERI≤0.26)、中等(0.26<ERI≤0.42)和较高(0.42<ERI≤0.68)风险区面积均有增加,整体生态风险增加;洋河流域5种风险等级分布较集中,具体表现为洋河支流及其一级支流两侧地区生态风险相对较大(ERI>0.26),而离河道越远的区域生态风险值越小(ERI≤0.26)。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用变化 农牧交错带 生态风险 洋河流域
Suitable Size of Nature Reserves in Tibet,P.R.China Based on Endangerment Degree of Species
作者 DONG Ke LIU Shuzhen +1 位作者 ZHONG Xianghao ZHU Wanze 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2012年第Z1期39-53,共15页
In a view of natural conditions of establishing nature reserve,an index system was prepared for quantitative assessment on status of endangered species,and thus degree of endangered species in Tibet was evaluated.Taki... In a view of natural conditions of establishing nature reserve,an index system was prepared for quantitative assessment on status of endangered species,and thus degree of endangered species in Tibet was evaluated.Taking a sub-ecozone as basic unit,top 5 animals and 1 plant with high E as well as the number of species in each unit were enumerated;and the degree of land utilization was figured out.Afterward,we selected 6 coefficients,assigned weight,and framed formula to reckon proportion of nature reserve,thus an area of nature reserve in each sub-ecozone was obtained.In 5 schemes of weight assignment,a scheme with medium area of nature reserve was selected.All sub-ecozones were classified into 4 grades prior conservation,1 was in grade A,2 in grade B,2 in grade C,and 11 in grade D.Total planned area was approximately 365 135 km2,about 48 834 km2 smaller than the actual area of 413 969 km2,ratio of nature reserve in Tibet diminishes from 34.4% to 30.38%.Based on 3 factors of human disturbance,ratio of buffer-experimental zone in proposed nature reserve was calculated.It was demonstrated that existing size of nature reserves is excessive on the whole,and their distribution is not reasonable entirely.The size of nature reserves in 3 sub-ecozones of northern Changtang should decrease,and decrement of area is apportioned among other 13 sub-ecozones which should increase nature reserve.Heterogeneity of regional distribution of rare species in Tibet is quite obvious,so proposed area distribution of nature reserves is more scattered than the existing. 展开更多
关键词 endangerment degree sub-ecozone land utilization nature reserve CONSERVATION TIBET P.R.China
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