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重庆石灰岩地区十大功劳(Mahonia fortunei)的光合响应研究 被引量:24
作者 刘锦春 钟章成 +1 位作者 何跃军 金静 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期316-320,共5页
运用开放式气体交换CI 310便携式光合作用测定系统, 研究了重庆石灰岩地区适生灌木十大功劳(Mahoniafortunei)的光合光响应特性. 结果表明: 十大功劳的净光合速率对光合有效辐射的响应模型为二次曲线方程; 蒸腾速率对光的响应模型为一... 运用开放式气体交换CI 310便携式光合作用测定系统, 研究了重庆石灰岩地区适生灌木十大功劳(Mahoniafortunei)的光合光响应特性. 结果表明: 十大功劳的净光合速率对光合有效辐射的响应模型为二次曲线方程; 蒸腾速率对光的响应模型为一次线性方程; 气孔导度对光的响应趋势基本与光合速率一致; 胞间CO2 浓度的响应趋势与净光合速率恰好相反. 净光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2 浓度均与气孔导度有较强的线性关系. 十大功劳的光补偿点为61μmol·m-2·s-1, 光饱和点为1 725μmol·m-2·s-1, 为典型的阳性植物, 有较高的水分利用效率, 但以牺牲光能利用效率为代价. 这些光合响应特性是与石灰岩地区的生境相适应的. 展开更多
关键词 十大功劳 净光合速率 蒸腾速率 水分利用效率 光能利用效率
三种试剂对东方杉(Taxodiummucronatum×Cryptomeriafortunei)愈伤组织抑制褐变的影响 被引量:6
作者 周音 张建军 +8 位作者 张智奇 顾佳清 沈烈英 竺唯杰 潘士华 叶增基 王军 唐雪元 沈根华 《上海农业学报》 CSCD 2005年第3期21-25,共5页
应用“311-B”回归最优设计研究抗坏血酸、亚硫酸钠、柠檬酸对东方杉愈伤组织褐化率的影响。得出培养14d时的回归方程为Y2=0.688+0.586X1-0.211X2+0.523X3+0.481X21+0.612X22+1.312X23+0.633X1X2+0.075X1X3-0.978X2X3,其Ryy=0.9822**,... 应用“311-B”回归最优设计研究抗坏血酸、亚硫酸钠、柠檬酸对东方杉愈伤组织褐化率的影响。得出培养14d时的回归方程为Y2=0.688+0.586X1-0.211X2+0.523X3+0.481X21+0.612X22+1.312X23+0.633X1X2+0.075X1X3-0.978X2X3,其Ryy=0.9822**,愈伤组织褐化率与试剂处理呈极显著相关。结果表明:(1)3种试剂单独使用时对愈伤组织褐化抑制效果与培养时期有关,在培养初期抑制褐化效果为柠檬酸>抗坏血酸>亚硫酸钠。随培养时间延长到14d时,抗坏血酸与柠檬酸的效果逐渐减弱或消失,而亚硫酸钠的作用最为明显,褐化率降到21%,使用浓度为0.438g·L-1。(2)在培养期间3种试剂配合使用对愈伤组织褐化抑制有明显的交互作用,培养14d时,褐化率降到8%,抗坏血酸、亚硫酸钠、柠檬酸三者配合使用最佳浓度分别为0.25、0.25和5g·L-1。各种试剂对东方杉愈伤组织褐化抑制效应与其化学性质有关。 展开更多
关键词 东方杉 组织培养 愈伤组织 褐化 回归最优设计
大叶黄杨(Euonymus japonicus)和扶芳藤(Euonymus fortunei)耐寒生理指标的变化 被引量:12
作者 关雪莲 马清水 +3 位作者 张宇 柴丽娜 万善霞 于建 《北京农学院学报》 2006年第3期29-33,共5页
笔者研究了北京地区大叶黄杨和扶芳藤叶片组织的相对电导率、丙二醛、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和游离脯氨酸(FPro)含量在秋冬季生长过程中的变化。结果表明,2种植物的相对电导率在秋冬季呈现先上升然后下降、再上... 笔者研究了北京地区大叶黄杨和扶芳藤叶片组织的相对电导率、丙二醛、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和游离脯氨酸(FPro)含量在秋冬季生长过程中的变化。结果表明,2种植物的相对电导率在秋冬季呈现先上升然后下降、再上升、再下降的反复变化,表明它们叶片细胞膜的透性变化是可逆的。大叶黄杨叶片的丙二醛含量在初秋有小幅上升,之后基本上在秋冬季呈下降趋势,另外在一定的低温范围内,其相对电导率与丙二醛含量变化有一定的相关性;而扶芳藤叶片的丙二醛含量则一直呈上升趋势。2种植物叶片的超氧化物歧化酶活性在秋冬季基本呈上升趋势,但它们的过氧化物酶活性的变化则不相同。2种植物叶片的脯氨酸含量从秋季到初冬变化很小,当室外平均气温接近冬季最低时,脯氨酸含量才大幅度增加,之后又迅速下降。 展开更多
关键词 大叶黄杨 扶芳藤 抗寒性
沼蛤(Limnoperna fortunei)幼虫的附着行为特性 被引量:2
作者 刘玮 徐梦珍 +2 位作者 王兆印 于丹丹 周雄冬 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期2779-2787,共9页
沼蛤(Limnoperna fortunei Dunker,1857),俗称淡水壳菜,是一种扩散能力与适应能力都较强的入侵性底栖动物,它对自然环境与输水工程的侵入和大规模附着,不仅会破坏当地的生物群落结构,而且沼蛤成贝在工程内稳定附着后难以去除,造成重大... 沼蛤(Limnoperna fortunei Dunker,1857),俗称淡水壳菜,是一种扩散能力与适应能力都较强的入侵性底栖动物,它对自然环境与输水工程的侵入和大规模附着,不仅会破坏当地的生物群落结构,而且沼蛤成贝在工程内稳定附着后难以去除,造成重大工程危害。通过试验研究沼蛤幼虫的附着行为特性,并利用该特性对原水中的幼虫进行吸引附着处理,以减少幼虫进入工程造成污损附着。选用前期研究推荐的沼蛤幼虫喜好附着的黄麻材料制成的附着排作为试验材料,设置5组附着排长度工况:1,3,5,6,8 m,在5组流量工况:3.1,5.7,6.7,9.6,12.1 L/s下开展试验,研究不同附着排长度和流量条件下沼蛤幼虫的附着行为,以便优选出吸附幼虫的最佳条件。试验结果表明:(1)黄麻材料的吸附效果与附着排长度呈正相关关系,材料长度为3—5m时,吸附率即可达到50%;材料长度为6—8 m时,平均效果为62—76%,最佳吸附率可达93%;(2)流量过大会降低幼虫吸附效果,吸附也更不稳定;(3)幼虫发育先后经历D型幼虫、前期壳顶幼虫、后期壳顶幼虫、踯行期4个时期,吸附材料对后期壳顶和踯行期幼虫的吸附效果较前期壳顶幼虫更好;(4)附着材料密集布置于较短的长度内比稀疏布置于较长的长度内更有利于提高附着效果。 展开更多
关键词 淡水壳菜(沼蛤) 入侵 幼虫 吸附材料 吸附效果
作者 肖杨 刘凯 +8 位作者 王英才 刘洋洋 周旋 梁建奎 雷琦 李珏纯 杨瑞 张瑞雷 彭玉 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期194-203,I0020-I0023,共14页
近年来,水利水电工程中暴发了沼蛤(淡水壳菜)污损问题,不同程度地影响了水利和水电工程的输水、生产等安全,引起了国内外社会广泛关注。本文研究结果显示,沼蛤在长江流域主要分布于四川及以下的低海拔区,四川以上高海拔区未见记录;基于... 近年来,水利水电工程中暴发了沼蛤(淡水壳菜)污损问题,不同程度地影响了水利和水电工程的输水、生产等安全,引起了国内外社会广泛关注。本文研究结果显示,沼蛤在长江流域主要分布于四川及以下的低海拔区,四川以上高海拔区未见记录;基于COI和ITS 1基因联合构建的系统发育树分析显示,长江流域沼蛤可能存在两个类群,其中COI序列A+T含量(64.7%)显著高于C+G含量(35.3%),种内遗传距离范围为0~0.123;COI序列总单倍型多样性指数为0.893,核苷酸多样性指数为0.069;ITS 1序列A+T含量为45.3%,C+G含量为54.7%,种内遗传距离范围为0~0.061;ITS 1序列总单倍型多样性指数为0.679,核苷酸多样性指数为0.028。基于COI基因分析的两个亲缘关系类群间的遗传分化系数为0.844,基因差异分化系数为0.118;基于ITS 1基因分析的相应参数分别为0.927和0.492。基于形态学特征分析显示,长江流域沼蛤的长高比、长宽比和韧带长度差异显著,可明显分成两个类群,且与COI和ITS 1基因分析显示的两个类群相对应。基于栖息生境分析显示,长江流域沼蛤类群1主要生活在水流较缓、底质以卵石为主的区域,表现为缓流型;类群2主要生活在水流较急、底质以泥沙为主的区域,表现为激流型,对环境的适应性更强,分布范围较类群1更广,在传播扩散能力方面表现更强。本研究有助于了解长江流域沼蛤基础生物学信息,可为流域沼蛤的综合防控提供重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 淡水壳菜 COI基因 ITS 1基因 形态特征 栖息生境
棕树根(Trachycarpus fortunei H.wendl)中元素含量的ICP-AES方法测定 被引量:1
作者 王晶 严伟 +1 位作者 张万成 王东 《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1991年第3期123-124,共2页
关键词 棕树根 等离子体发射光谱 无机元素
Comparison of Molluscicide Activity of Ethanol Extract of Sapium sebiferum,Pterocarya stenoptera and Cryptomeria fortunei
作者 罗坤水 李闪金 +2 位作者 徐林初 余能富 邹峥嵘 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第2期256-257,261,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to compare the molluscicide activity of ethanol extract of Sapium sebiferum,Pterocarya stenoptera and Cryptomeria fortunei.[Method] The molluscicide activity of ethanol extract of S.sebiferum,P... [Objective] The aim was to compare the molluscicide activity of ethanol extract of Sapium sebiferum,Pterocarya stenoptera and Cryptomeria fortunei.[Method] The molluscicide activity of ethanol extract of S.sebiferum,P.stenoptera and C.fortunei was determined through poison test of Oncomelania hupensis in laboratory.[Result] S.sebiferum,P.stenoptera and C.fortunei had certain molluscicide effect,and S.sebiferum and C.fortunei had better effect with little difference than P.stenoptera;ethanol could extract the effective molluscicide component from plant more completely,and its molluscicide effect was better than that of plant infusion.[Conclusion] Our study could provide theory reference for the plant selection of controlling O.hupensis ecologically. 展开更多
关键词 Ethanol extract Killing O.hupensis S.sebiferum P.stenoptera C.fortunei
Identification and Control of Paulownia fortunei Witches Broom Disease
作者 李栋海 《Plant Diseases and Pests》 CAS 2010年第1期12-13,17,共3页
Pathogen and characteristics,occurrence law,damage symptom of Paulownia fortunei witches broom disease were simply described,and the control method of the disease was summarized.
关键词 Paulownia fortunei (seem.) Hemsi Witches broom disease PATHOGEN Occurrence status Control measures
Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial biomass C and N of Keteleeria fortunei var. cyclolepis forests with different ages 被引量:9
作者 Yong Wang Xiongsheng Liu +3 位作者 Fengfan Chen Ronglin Huang Xiaojun Deng Yi Jiang 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第6期2377-2384,共8页
Soil microbial biomass is an important indicator to measure the dynamic changes of soil carbon pool.It is of great signifi cance to understand the dynamics of soil microbial biomass in plantation for rational manageme... Soil microbial biomass is an important indicator to measure the dynamic changes of soil carbon pool.It is of great signifi cance to understand the dynamics of soil microbial biomass in plantation for rational management and cultivation of plantation.In order to explore the temporal dynamics and infl uencing factors of soil microbial biomass of Keteleeria fortunei var.cyclolepis at diff erent stand ages,the plantation of diff erent ages(young forest,5 years;middle-aged forest,22 years;mature forest,40 years)at the Guangxi Daguishan forest station of China were studied to examine the seasonal variation of their microbial biomass carbon(MBC)and microbial biomass nitrogen(MBN)by chloroform fumigation extraction method.It was found that among the forests of diff erent age,MBC and MBN diff ered signifi cantly in the 0–10 cm soil layer,and MBN diff ered signifi cantly in the 10–20 cm soil layer,but there was no signifi cant diff erence in MBC for the 10–20 cm soil layer or in either MBC or MBN for the 20–40 cm soil layer.With increasing maturity of the forest,MBC gradually decreased in the 0–10 cm soil layer and increased fi rstly and then decreased in the 10–20 cm and 20–40 cm soil layers,and MBN increased fi rstly and then decreased in all three soil layers.As the soil depth increased,both MBC and MBN gradually decreased for all three forests.The MBC and MBN basically had the same seasonal variation in all three soil layers of all three forests,i.e.,high in the summer and low in the winter.Correlation analysis showed that MBC was signifi cantly positively correlated with soil organic matter,total nitrogen,and soil moisture,whereas MBN was signifi cantly positively correlated with soil total nitrogen.It showed that soil moisture content was the main factor determining the variation of soil microbial biomass by Redundancy analysis.The results showed that the soil properties changed continuously as the young forest grew into the middle-aged forest,which increased soil microbial biomass and enriched the soil nutrients.However,the soil microbial biomass declined as the middle-age forest continued to grow,and the soil nutrients were reduced in the mature forest. 展开更多
关键词 Microbial biomass Soil microbial nitrogen Soil microbial carbon Seasonal variation Artifi cial forest Keteleeria fortunei var.cyclolepis
白水河国家级自然保护区柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)人工林大型土壤动物群落特征 被引量:8
作者 王辉 陈旭 +2 位作者 吴鹏飞 周英 魏雪 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期1486-1496,共11页
【目的】明确柳杉人工林的大型土壤动物群落特征及其季节变化动态。【方法】2019年11月和2020年的2、6、8月对四川白水河国家级自然保护区柳杉人工林大型土壤动物群落进行了4次调查,采用手检法收集0~15 cm土层的大型土壤动物。【结果】... 【目的】明确柳杉人工林的大型土壤动物群落特征及其季节变化动态。【方法】2019年11月和2020年的2、6、8月对四川白水河国家级自然保护区柳杉人工林大型土壤动物群落进行了4次调查,采用手检法收集0~15 cm土层的大型土壤动物。【结果】(1)捕获大型土壤动物160只,隶属于3门5纲44类,平均密度为26.67个·m^(-2);在目水平上,鞘翅目幼虫(Coleoptera larva)和双翅目幼虫(Diptera larva)为优势类群,分别占总个体数的38.13%和16.25%;在营养类群水平上,以植食性动物为主;(2)各季节间的Morisita-Horn相似性系数高于Sorensen系数,表明季节变化对群落组成的影响较大,对优势类群的密度影响相对较小;(3)土壤动物的群落密度、类群数、多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数以及各营养类群密度均无显著的季节差异(P>0.05),表明柳杉林内大型土壤动物群落对季节变化不敏感性;(4)优势类群鞘翅目幼虫和双翅目幼虫的密度具有显著的季节差异(P<0.05或0.001),且双翅目幼虫仅出现在2和6月;(5)土壤有机质和全氮与大型土壤动物群落的密度、类群数、丰富度指数、其他目和杂食性动物显著正相关(P<0.05或0.001),表明土壤有机质和全氮是影响大型土壤动物群落的主要环境因子。【结论】研究结果表明人工柳杉林大型土壤动物群落密度和多样性无显著的季节差异,但类群组成季节变化明显。 展开更多
关键词 柳杉人工林 土壤动物 多样性 季节动态
Experimental Study of Invasion and Biofouling of Freshwater Mussel <i>Limnoperna fortunei</i> 被引量:4
作者 Mengzhen Xu Zhaoyin Wang +2 位作者 Cheng Chieh Lin Baozhu Pan Na Zhao 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2013年第5期1-7,共7页
Golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei(Dunker 1857) is a filter-collector species of fresh water mussel originating from southern China. In the water transfer tunnels from the East River to Shenzhen and Hong Kong, golden m... Golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei(Dunker 1857) is a filter-collector species of fresh water mussel originating from southern China. In the water transfer tunnels from the East River to Shenzhen and Hong Kong, golden mussels attach to the walls of pipelines and gates, causing serious biofouling, increased flow resistance, and resulted in corrosion of the tunnel wall. Golden mussel has very high environmental adaptability and may colonize habitats with low dissolved oxygen and a wide range of trophic levels. The colonization process of the species on solid surface was studied in the Xizhijiang River, a tributary of the East River and the main water resource of Shenzhen from March 2010 to April 2011. The results showed that the golden mussel completed three generations and reproduced six cohorts per year in the tropic zone. Water temperature was the controlling factor for the growth rate and maturity of each cohort. Based on the results, an ecological method for controlling the invasion of golden mussels in water transfer tunnels was proposed. 展开更多
关键词 BIOFOULING of Water Transfer TUNNELS Golden MUSSEL (Limnoperna fortunei) Reproduction INVASION Control
Induction and characterization of polyploids from seeds of Rhododendron fortunei Lindl. 被引量:3
作者 MO Lan CHEN Jun-hao +6 位作者 CHEN Fei XU Qiang-wei TONG Zai-kang HUANG Hua-hong DONG Ren-hui LOU Xiong-zhen LIN Er-pei 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第8期2016-2026,共11页
Most Rhododendron species are ornamental flowering species widely distributed in Asia,North America,and West Europe.Rhododendron fortunei,one of the endemic Rhododendron species in China,has beautiful flowers with bri... Most Rhododendron species are ornamental flowering species widely distributed in Asia,North America,and West Europe.Rhododendron fortunei,one of the endemic Rhododendron species in China,has beautiful flowers with bright colors and is being exploited to meet the needs of the flower market.Polyploid plants usually show superiority in growth,disease resistance,and adaption over their diploid relatives.Here,we report the first case of polyploid induction in R.fortunei.In order to induce polyploidy in R.fortunei,germinating seeds were treated with different concentrations of oryzalin for 16 h.By evaluating ploidy level with flow cytometry,a total of 34 polyploid R.fortunei lines,including 27 tetraploid lines and seven octoploid lines,were obtained.A comparison of treatments indicated that 7.5 mg L^-1 oryzalin was the optimal concentration for polyploid induction in seeds of R.fortunei.Compared with diploid plants,tetraploid and octoploid plants exhibited slower growth rates and had thicker and rounder curled leaves with more leaf epidermal hairs.Moreover,larger stomata at lower density were also observed in the leaves of polyploid plants.Chlorophyll contents were also significantly increased in polyploid plants,which leads to a darker green leaf color.Both small and large individuals exhibiting the same characteristics were observed among the obtained tetraploid plants.Overall,our study establishes a feasible method for polyploid induction in R.fortunei,thus providing a basis for breeding new R.fortunei varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Rhododendron fortunei ORYZALIN polyploid induction flow cytometry
Antifungal alkaloids from Mahonia fortunei against pathogens of postharvest fruit 被引量:3
作者 Xiao-Na Wang Zhao-Jie Wang +5 位作者 Yun Zhao Huan Wang Mei-Ling Xiang Yang-Yang Liu Li-Xing Zhao Xiao-Dong Luo 《Natural Products and Bioprospecting》 CSCD 2023年第1期627-638,共12页
Postharvest pathogens can affect a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables,including grapes,resulting in significant profit loss.Isoquinoline alkaloids of Mahonia fortunei,a Chinese herbal medicine,have been used to ... Postharvest pathogens can affect a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables,including grapes,resulting in significant profit loss.Isoquinoline alkaloids of Mahonia fortunei,a Chinese herbal medicine,have been used to treat infectious microbes,which might be effective against postharvest pathogens.The phytochemical and bioactive investigation of this plant led to the isolation of 18 alkaloids,of which 9 compounds inhibited the growth of Botrytis cinerea and 4 compounds against Penicillium italicum.The antifungal alkaloids could change the mycelium morphology,the total lipid content,and leak the cell contents of B.cinerea.Furthermore,the two most potent antifungal alkaloids,berber-ine(13)completely inhibited effect on gray mold of table grape at 512 mg L^(−1),while jatrorrhizine(18)exhibited an inhibition rate>90%on grape rot at the same concentration,with lower cytotoxicity and residue than chlorothalonil,which suggested that ingredients of M.fortunei might be a low-toxicity,low-residue,eco-friendly botanical fungicide against postharvest pathogens. 展开更多
关键词 Mahonia fortunei Chemical constituents Botrytis cinerea Penicillium italicum Anti-postharvest pathogens
Exploit SSR in Cryptromeria fortunei and application in genetic diversity analysis 被引量:1
作者 Yongquan Lu Jingli Zhang Zaikang Tong 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期963-969,共7页
Cryptromeria fortunei is one of the main forest plantation species in the subtropical high altitude areas in China. In this paper we collected 49 C. fortunei germplasm resources and provides a study of the utility of ... Cryptromeria fortunei is one of the main forest plantation species in the subtropical high altitude areas in China. In this paper we collected 49 C. fortunei germplasm resources and provides a study of the utility of freely available C. japonica EST resources for the development of markers necessary for genetic diversity analyses of C. fortunei. By screening 24,299 EST sequences from C. japonica with SSR Finder, we identified 2384 ESTs car- rying 2783 SSR motifs. We successfully obtained 364 (15 %) primers from 2419 putative SSR loci. Of the 80 candidate SSR markers tested, 70 (87.5 %) yielded stable and clear PCR products. With those primers, the genetic diversity of 49 C. fortunei we collected was studied. The results showed that 18 primers yield polymorphism within these accessions. These 18 primers generated 48 scorable SSR loci and the average number of polymorphic SSR loci per primer was 2.7. The PIC value varied from 0.375 to 0.8101, with the average of 0.4780. The Shannon index is 0.5718, and the value of the observed number of alleles and effective number of alleles are 1.9167 and 1.7289, respectively. The genetic coefficient of these 49 accessions varied from 0.28 to 0.87. According to the genetic dis- tances, a cluster tree was constructed. At genetic coefficient of 0.60, these 49 accessions can group into 3: group I contains only FJ-laizhou accession, and group II contains 2accessions from FJ-layang, and the other one group con- tains mixed accessions. At genetic coefficient of 0.68, the former group II was constructed into 7 subgroups, with the first 3 subgroups contain 16 accessions in which 11 (69 %) are from Fujian province, and the later 4 subgroup contain 31 accessions in which 20 (65 %) were from Zhejiang province. 展开更多
关键词 Cryptromeria fortunei EST–SSR Germplasm collection Genetic diversity
Cytochalasins from Xylaria sp. CFL5, an Endophytic Fungus of Cephalotaxus fortunei 被引量:1
作者 Kai-Liang Ma Shi-Hui Dong +3 位作者 Hang-Ying Li Wen-Jun Wei Yong-Qiang Tu Kun Gao 《Natural Products and Bioprospecting》 CAS 2021年第1期87-98,共12页
Three previously undescribed cytochalasins,named xylariasins A‒C(1‒3),together with six known ones(4‒9)were iso-lated from Xylaria sp.CFL5,an endophytic fungus of Cephalotaxus fortunei.The chemical structures of all n... Three previously undescribed cytochalasins,named xylariasins A‒C(1‒3),together with six known ones(4‒9)were iso-lated from Xylaria sp.CFL5,an endophytic fungus of Cephalotaxus fortunei.The chemical structures of all new compounds were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectroscopic data analyses and electronic circular dichroism calculation,as well as optical rotation calculation.Biological activities of compounds 1,4‒9 were evaluated,including cytotoxic,LAG3/MHC II binding inhibition and LAG3/FGL1 binding inhibition activities.Compounds 6 and 9 possessed cytotoxicity against AGS cells at 5μM,with inhibition rates of 94%and 64%,respectively.In addition,all tested isolates,except compound 6,exhibited obvious inhibitory activity against the interaction of both LAG3/MHC II and LAG3/FGL1.Compounds 1,5,7,and 8 inhibited LAG3/MHC II with IC50 values ranging from 2.37 to 4.74μM.Meanwhile,the IC50 values of compounds 1,7,and 8 against LAG3/FGL1 were 11.78,4.39,and 7.45μM,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 CYTOCHALASIN Xylaria sp. Cephalotaxus fortunei LAG3/MHC II binding inhibition LAG3/FGL1 binding inhibition
Highly Oxygenated Monoterpenes from Eupatorium fortunei
作者 Hal Xia JIANG Kun GAO 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第9期1217-1219,共3页
A pair of epimers of highly-oxygenated monoterpenes were isolated from the traditional Chinese medicine Eupatorium fortunei. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of the spectral analysis as (1R*, 2S*, 3R*... A pair of epimers of highly-oxygenated monoterpenes were isolated from the traditional Chinese medicine Eupatorium fortunei. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of the spectral analysis as (1R*, 2S*, 3R*, 4R*, 6S*)-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrehydroxy-p-menthane (1) and (1S*, 2S*, 3S*, 4R*, 6R*)-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrehydroxy-p-menthane (2). 展开更多
关键词 Eupatorium fortunei traditional Chinese medicine EPIMER highly-oxygenated monoterpenes
A Novel Fortunate A from Cryptomerica fortunei
作者 LiHongHU JingYuLIANG 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第6期783-785,共3页
A novel compound, named fortunate A, was isolated from the ethanol extract of the stem bark of Cryptomerica fortunei. Its structure was established on the basis of the spectral evidences including 1D and 2D NMR spectrum.
关键词 Cryptomerica fortunei carotenoids.
Comparative Analyses and Phylogenetic Relationships between Cryptomeria fortunei and Related Species Based on Complete Chloroplast Genomes
作者 Yingting Zhang Junjie Yang +4 位作者 Zhenhao Guo Jiaxing Mo Jiebing Cui Hailiang Hu Jin Xu 《Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany》 SCIE 2020年第4期957-986,共30页
Cryptomeria fortunei(Chinese cedar)is a highly adaptable woody species and one of the main forest plantation trees in subtropical high-altitude areas in China.However,there are few studies on its chloroplast(cp)genome... Cryptomeria fortunei(Chinese cedar)is a highly adaptable woody species and one of the main forest plantation trees in subtropical high-altitude areas in China.However,there are few studies on its chloroplast(cp)genome.In this study,the complete cp genome of C.fortunei was sequenced and evaluated via comparative analyses with those of related species(formerly the Taxodiaceae)in Cupressaceae.The C.fortunei cp genome was 131,580 bp in length,and the GC content of the whole genome was 35.38%.It lost one relevant large inverted repeat and contained 114 unique genes,including 82 protein-coding genes,28 tRNAs and 4 rRNAs.The relative synonymous codon usage(RSCU)of codons ending with A/U was more than twice that of codons ending with G/C.Thirty long repeat structures(LRSs)and 213 simple sequence repeat(SSR)loci were detected in the C.fortunei cp genome.Comparative analyses of 10 cp genomes revealed that substantial rearrangements occurred in the gene organization.Additionally,6 cp hotspot regions(trnS-GGA,ycf1,trnP-GGG,trnC-GCA,psbZ and accD)were identified,and 4 genes(petL,psbM,rpl22 and psaM)had likely underwent positive selection.Phylogenetic analysis showed that Cupressaceae,Taxaceae and Cephalotaxaceae clustered to form a clade and that C.fortunei was most closely related to C.japonica(Japanese cedar),C.japonica cv.Wogon Hort and Taxodium distichum(baldcypress).These results provide references for future studies of population genetics,phylogenetic status and molecular markers among Cupressaceae species and for the cultivation of improved varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Cryptomeria fortunei chloroplast genome comparative analysis phylogenetic analysis
Identification of the SERK Gene Family in Paulownia fortunei and Its Involvement in the Response to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses
作者 Tongman Zhao Yujie Fan +2 位作者 Yabing Cao Xiaogai Zhao Guoqiang Fan 《Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany》 SCIE 2023年第9期2473-2488,共16页
Somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinases(SERKs)are receptor-like proteins that contain leucine-rich repeats and are involved in various signaling pathways.This study identified SERK family members in the Paulownia ... Somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinases(SERKs)are receptor-like proteins that contain leucine-rich repeats and are involved in various signaling pathways.This study identified SERK family members in the Paulownia fortunei genome and analyzed their characteristics and expression profiles using bioinformatics methods.We identified 12 SERK genes with relatively conserved gene structures and motifs that were distributed unevenly on eight Paulownia chromosomes.The gene promoters contained various cis-acting elements that regulated the expression of the PfSERK genes in response to hormones and abiotic stresses.Synteny analysis indicated that 10 segmental duplication events had occurred during evolution of the PfSERK family.The expression profile of PfSERKs in various tissues of Paulownia fortunei was detected by quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR).Many PfSERK genes can respond to drought and salt stress.Combined with RNA-seq and protein interaction network,it is speculated that PfSERK3/11 may participate in the occurrence of Paulownia witches’broom(PaWB)by regulating the plant height of Paulownia. 展开更多
关键词 Gene expression Paulownia fortunei Paulownia witches’broom SERK
Content Determination of Total Flavonoids from Paulownia fortunei Flower
作者 Xu LIU Juan TAO +1 位作者 Qing LI Tingting LU 《Medicinal Plant》 CAS 2021年第6期11-14,共4页
[Objectives]The research aimed to explore the determination method for content of total flavonoids from Paulownia fortunei flower.[Methods]Rutin was taken as control.By comparing absorption characteristics of total fl... [Objectives]The research aimed to explore the determination method for content of total flavonoids from Paulownia fortunei flower.[Methods]Rutin was taken as control.By comparing absorption characteristics of total flavonoids in NaNO_(2)-Al(NO_(3))_(3)-NaOH and AlCl_(3) chromogenic system,an appropriate method for the determination of total flavonoids from P.fortunei flower was screened,and the method was verified by methodology.On the basis of single factor experiment,the coloration time of the method was optimized by orthogonal experiment.[Results]NaNO_(2)-Al(NO_(3))_(3)-NaOH chromogenic system was more suitable for the determination of total flavonoids from P.fortunei flower,and the adding standard recovery was between 99.2%and 105.5%,and RSD was 2.18%,with better repeatability,precision,stability and accuracy.The optimized coloration time of NaNO_(2),Al(NO_(3))_(3) and NaOH was 6,6,and 10 min.Under the condition,average content of total flavonoids from P.fortunei flower was 3.78%,and RSD was 2.05%.[Conclusions]The optimized NaNO_(2)-Al(NO_(3))_(3)-NaOH chromogenic method is simple,rapid,and accurate,and could be used as a method for the determination of total flavonoids from P.fortunei flower. 展开更多
关键词 Paulownia fortunei flower Total flavonoids Content determination Methodology validation Orthogonal experiment Coloration time
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