Based on reasonable assumptions that simplified the calculational model,a simple and practical method was proposed to calculate the post-construction settlement of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation by using th...Based on reasonable assumptions that simplified the calculational model,a simple and practical method was proposed to calculate the post-construction settlement of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation by using the Mesri creep model to describe the soil characteristics and the Mindlin-Geddes method considering pile diameter to calculate the vertical additional stress of pile bottom.A program named CPPS was designed for this method to calculate the post-construction settlement of a high-speed railway bridge pile foundation.The result indicates that the post-construction settlement in 100 years meets the requirements of the engineering specifications,and in the first two decades,the post-construction settlement is about 80% of its total settlement,while the settlement in the rest eighty years tends to be stable.Compared with the measured settlement after laying railway tracks,the calculational result is closed to that of the measured,and the results are conservative with a high computational accuracy.It is noted that the method can be used to calculate the post-construction settlement for the preliminary design of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation.展开更多
Based on the characteristics of pile-soil interaction and the Mohr-Coulomb strength theory,a new method of determining the side friction at a pile-soil interaction is proposed.Combined with the actual engineering case...Based on the characteristics of pile-soil interaction and the Mohr-Coulomb strength theory,a new method of determining the side friction at a pile-soil interaction is proposed.Combined with the actual engineering cases,the effectiveness of the analogue test method is verified by comparing it with the traditional anchor pile method and self-balanced method.Taking the self-balanced test of the bridge pile foundation in the Songhua River as an example,the conversion factor of sandy soil and weathered mudstone are confirmed by the analogue test method.The results show that the conversion factor of sandy soil and weathered mudstone in the Songhua River area should consider the geological conditions and the construction technology,etc.The standard values are relatively conservative.It is suggested that the engineering application should be properly revised.The recommended range of the conversion factor of sandy soil in this area is 0.65 to 0.85,and that of weathered mudstone is 1.0.展开更多
A new construction method of pile foundation in composite ground, in which, prior to installing piles, the ground is improved around the heads of the piles in soft ground or ground subject to liquefaction, which is in...A new construction method of pile foundation in composite ground, in which, prior to installing piles, the ground is improved around the heads of the piles in soft ground or ground subject to liquefaction, which is introduced in this paper. This construction method uses a combination of pile foundation construction together with common ground improvement methods, including deep mixing, preloading and sand compaction piling, and it is referred to as the composite ground pile method. Since an artificial ground with relatively high rigidity comparing with that of the original ground was formed around the pile in this method, and the seismic performance has not been made clear, thus the seismic performance of piles in composite ground was systematically analyzed through a series of centrifuge model tests and numerical analyses by using dynamic nonlinear finite element method, and a verification method for the seismic performance of piles in composite ground was proposed on the basis of the experimental and numerical results.展开更多
Based on the characteristic that the potential sliding surfaces of rock slope are commonly in the shape of either line or fold line,analysis thought of conventional pile foundation in the flat ground under complex loa...Based on the characteristic that the potential sliding surfaces of rock slope are commonly in the shape of either line or fold line,analysis thought of conventional pile foundation in the flat ground under complex load condition was applied and the upper-bound theorem of limit analysis was used to compute thrust of rock layers with all possible distribution shapes. The interaction of slope and pile was considered design load in terms of slope thrust,and the finite difference method was derived to calculate inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation in rock slope under complex load condition. The result of example shows that the distribution model of slope thrust has certain impact on displacement and inner-force of bridge pile foundation. The maximum displacement growth rate reaches 54% and the maximum moment and shear growth rates reach only 15% and 20%,respectively,but the trends of inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation are basically the same as those of the conventional pile foundation in the flat ground. When the piles bear the same level lateral thrust,the distribution shapes of slope thrust have different influence on inner-force of pile foundation,especially the rectangle distribution,and the triangle thrust has the smallest displacement and inner-force of pile foundation.展开更多
Liquefaction has b e e n a m ain cause o f dam ag e to civil en g in eerin g stru ctu res in seism ically active areas.The effects o f dam ag e o f liquefaction o n d eep foundations are v ery d estructive. Seism ic b...Liquefaction has b e e n a m ain cause o f dam ag e to civil en g in eerin g stru ctu res in seism ically active areas.The effects o f dam ag e o f liquefaction o n d eep foundations are v ery d estructive. Seism ic beh av io r o f pilefoundations is w idely discussed by m any researchers for safer an d m ore econom ic design purposes. Thisp a p e r p resen ts a p se u d o -static m eth o d for analysis o f piles in liquefiable soil u n d e r seism ic loads. A freefieldsite resp o n se analysis using th ree-d im en sio n al (3D) num erical m odeling w as p erfo rm ed to d e te rmine kin em atic loads from lateral g ro u n d disp lacem en ts an d inertial loads from vib ratio n o f th e supe rstru ctu re . The effects o f various p aram eters, such as soil layering, k in em atic and inertial forces,b o u n d ary con d itio n o f pile h ead an d gro u n d slope, o n pile resp o n se w e re studied. By com paring th enum erical results w ith th e centrifuge te s t results, it can be concluded th a t th e use o f th e p-y curves w ithvarious d eg rad atio n factors in liquefiable sand gives reasonable results.展开更多
The pile-soil system interaction computational model in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground was established by the finite difference numerical method.Considering an elastic-plastic subgrade reaction method,n...The pile-soil system interaction computational model in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground was established by the finite difference numerical method.Considering an elastic-plastic subgrade reaction method,numerical methods involving finite difference approach of pile in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground were derived and implemented into a finite difference program.Based on the monotonic loading tests on saturated sand after liquefaction,the liquefaction lateral deformation of the site where group piles are located was predicted.The effects of lateral ground deformation after liquefaction on a group of pile foundations were studied using the fmite difference program mentioned above,and the failure mechanism of group piles in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground was obtained.The applicability of the program was preliminarily verified.The results show that the bending moments at the interfaces between liquefied and non-liquefied soil layers are larger than those at the pile's top when the pile's top is embedded.The value of the additional static bending moment is larger than the peak dynamic bending moment during the earthquake,so in the pile foundation design,more than the superstructure's dynamics should be considered and the effect of lateral ground deformation on pile foundations cannot be neglected.展开更多
An efficient computational approach based on substructure methodology is proposed to analyze the viaduct-pile foundation-soil dynamic interaction under train loads.Thetrain-viaductsubsystemissolvedusingthe dynamic sti...An efficient computational approach based on substructure methodology is proposed to analyze the viaduct-pile foundation-soil dynamic interaction under train loads.Thetrain-viaductsubsystemissolvedusingthe dynamic stiffness integration method,and its accuracy is verified by the existing analytical solution for a moving vehicle on a simply supported beam.For the pile foundation-soil subsystem,the geometric and material properties of piles and soils are assumed to be invariable along the azimuth direction.By introducing the equivalent stiffness of grouped piles,the governing equations of pile foundation-soil interaction are simplified based on Fourier decomposition method,so the three-dimensional problem is decomposedintoseveraltwo-dimensionalaxisymmetricfinite element models.The pile foundation-soil interaction model is verified by field measurements due to shaker loading at pile foundation top.In addition,these two substructures are coupled with the displacement compatibility condition at interface of pier bottom and pile foundation top.Finally,the proposed train-viaduct-pile foundation-soil interaction model was validated by field tests.The results show that the proposed model can predict vibrations of pile foundation and soil accurately,thereby providing a basis for the prediction of pile-soil foundation settlement.The frequency spectra of the vibration in Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway demonstrated that the main frequencies of the pier top and ground surface are below 100 and 30 Hz,respectively.展开更多
Foundation pit excavation engineering is an old subject full of decision making. Yet, it still deserves further research due to the associated high failure cost and the complexity of the geological conditions and/or t...Foundation pit excavation engineering is an old subject full of decision making. Yet, it still deserves further research due to the associated high failure cost and the complexity of the geological conditions and/or the surrounding existing infrastructure around it. This article overviews the risk control practice of foundation pit excavation projects in close proximity to <span style="font-family:Verdana;">existing</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> disconnected piled raft. More focus is given to geotechnical aspects. The review begins with achievements to ensure excavation performance </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">requirements,</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and follows to discuss the complex </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">soil structure</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> interaction involved among the fundamental components</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">: </span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">the retaining wall, mat, piles, cushion, and the soil. After bringing consensus points to practicing engineers and </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">decision makers</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, it then suggests possible future research directions.</span></span></span></span>展开更多
Pile foundation bearing-retaining wall combination structure is a new type of support structure developed in recent years.This article focuses on the characteristics,advantages,and application scope of the support str...Pile foundation bearing-retaining wall combination structure is a new type of support structure developed in recent years.This article focuses on the characteristics,advantages,and application scope of the support structure,while combining a variety of algorithms,according to different geological conditions and slope stability,as well as summarizes the pile foundation bearing-retaining wall combination structure force analysis and design methods,taking a high-fill road project in Chongqing as an example.The application of this support structure under special conditions,such as thicker soil layer,steeper sliding surface,weak foundation,and limited slope release conditions,is presented,which illustrates the technical advantages of this support structure and proving that it has several other advantages,including clear force mechanism as well as economic and reasonable structure,thus providing reference for similar projects.展开更多
This paper is an attempt to solve the soil-pile interaction problems using the boundary element method(BEM).A computer package called PGroupN,which deals mainly with the analysis of the pile group problem,is employe...This paper is an attempt to solve the soil-pile interaction problems using the boundary element method(BEM).A computer package called PGroupN,which deals mainly with the analysis of the pile group problem,is employed in this study.Parametric studies are carried out to assess the impacts of the pile diameter,pile length,ratio of spacing to diameter and the thickness of soil stratum.The external load is applied incrementally and,at each increment,a check is made that the stress state at the pile-soil interfaces does not violate the yield criteria.This is achieved by specifying the limited stresses of the soil for the axial pile shaft capacity and end-bearing resistance.The elements of the pile-soil interface yielded can take no additional load,and any increase in load is therefore redistributed between the remaining elements until all elements have failed.Thus,by successive application of loading increments,the entire load-displacement relationship for the pile group is determined.It is found that as the applied load reaches the ultimate bearing capacity of the pile group,all the piles will share the same amount of load.An exception to this case is for the center pile in a group of 9 piles embedded in clay,which is not consistent with the behaviors of the other piles in the group even if the load reaches the ultimate state.For the 4 piles group embedded in clay,the maximum load carried by the base does not exceed 8% of the load carried by each pile with different diameters.This low percentage ascertains that the piles embedded in cohesive soils carry most of the load throughout their shafts.展开更多
The Millau viaduct over the Tam River is an exceptional bridge considering the height under the deck and the 2.5 km total length. Each of the seven high piers is founded on a thick raft setting on four large piles of ...The Millau viaduct over the Tam River is an exceptional bridge considering the height under the deck and the 2.5 km total length. Each of the seven high piers is founded on a thick raft setting on four large piles of 5 m in diameter and 10-15 m deep. The ground schematically consists of limestone in the north and of marls in the south. As the bridge is very sensitive to foundation settlements, the concessionary company decided to use the observational method for controlling the displacements and if necessary stabilize the foundations. The measurements show that the movements have remained small and admissible, particularly in terms of the rotations. The settlements have not occurred continuously under the load, but by steps.展开更多
Application of pressured grouting method (PGM) in pile engineering can tackle problems encountered during construction of bored piles. Bearing capacity of piles can be increased through compaction of subsoils around p...Application of pressured grouting method (PGM) in pile engineering can tackle problems encountered during construction of bored piles. Bearing capacity of piles can be increased through compaction of subsoils around piles. This paper reports research efforts of this technique by the pile research team in Southwest Jiaotong University in last decade with respect to the construction process, test findings, and primary research conclusions. The social-economical benefits of this method and application market in pile engineering are also analyzed.展开更多
The analysis of building structure in contact with soil involves an interactive process of stresses and strains developed within the structure and the soil field. The response of Piled-Raft Foundation system to the st...The analysis of building structure in contact with soil involves an interactive process of stresses and strains developed within the structure and the soil field. The response of Piled-Raft Foundation system to the structure is very challenging because there is an important interplay between the component of building structure and the soil field. Herein, soil-foundation-structure interaction of buildings founded on Piled-Raft Foundation is evaluated through 3D-Nonlinear Finite Element Analyses using PLAXIS3D FOUNDATION code. The soil settlements and forces demand of the high-rise building structures and foundation is computed. The parametric study affecting the soil-foundation-structure response has been carried out. The parameters such as construction phasing, sequential loading, building aspect ratios, soil failure models and thickness proportion of soil field stiff layer, are considered. It is concluded that the interaction of building foundation-soil field and super-structure has remarkable effect on the structure.展开更多
In this paper, using the theory of stochastic analysis of the response to earthquake load, a stochastic analysis method of the response of piled platforms to earthquake load has been established. In the method, the st...In this paper, using the theory of stochastic analysis of the response to earthquake load, a stochastic analysis method of the response of piled platforms to earthquake load has been established. In the method, the strong ground motion is considered as three dimensional stationary white noise process and the pile-soil interaction and water-structure interaction are considered. The stochastic response of a typical platform to earthquake load has been computed with this method and the results compared with those obtained with the response spectrum analysis method. The comparison shows that the stochastic analysis method of the response of piled platforms to earthquake load is suitable for this kind of analysis.展开更多
基金Projects(2009G008-B,2010G018-E-3) supported by Key Projects of China Railway Ministry Science and Technology Research and Development ProgramProject(CX2013B076) supported by Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation For Postgraduate,China
文摘Based on reasonable assumptions that simplified the calculational model,a simple and practical method was proposed to calculate the post-construction settlement of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation by using the Mesri creep model to describe the soil characteristics and the Mindlin-Geddes method considering pile diameter to calculate the vertical additional stress of pile bottom.A program named CPPS was designed for this method to calculate the post-construction settlement of a high-speed railway bridge pile foundation.The result indicates that the post-construction settlement in 100 years meets the requirements of the engineering specifications,and in the first two decades,the post-construction settlement is about 80% of its total settlement,while the settlement in the rest eighty years tends to be stable.Compared with the measured settlement after laying railway tracks,the calculational result is closed to that of the measured,and the results are conservative with a high computational accuracy.It is noted that the method can be used to calculate the post-construction settlement for the preliminary design of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation.
基金The National Key Research and Development Program(No.2017YFC0703408)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51478109,51678145,51878160)
文摘Based on the characteristics of pile-soil interaction and the Mohr-Coulomb strength theory,a new method of determining the side friction at a pile-soil interaction is proposed.Combined with the actual engineering cases,the effectiveness of the analogue test method is verified by comparing it with the traditional anchor pile method and self-balanced method.Taking the self-balanced test of the bridge pile foundation in the Songhua River as an example,the conversion factor of sandy soil and weathered mudstone are confirmed by the analogue test method.The results show that the conversion factor of sandy soil and weathered mudstone in the Songhua River area should consider the geological conditions and the construction technology,etc.The standard values are relatively conservative.It is suggested that the engineering application should be properly revised.The recommended range of the conversion factor of sandy soil in this area is 0.65 to 0.85,and that of weathered mudstone is 1.0.
文摘A new construction method of pile foundation in composite ground, in which, prior to installing piles, the ground is improved around the heads of the piles in soft ground or ground subject to liquefaction, which is introduced in this paper. This construction method uses a combination of pile foundation construction together with common ground improvement methods, including deep mixing, preloading and sand compaction piling, and it is referred to as the composite ground pile method. Since an artificial ground with relatively high rigidity comparing with that of the original ground was formed around the pile in this method, and the seismic performance has not been made clear, thus the seismic performance of piles in composite ground was systematically analyzed through a series of centrifuge model tests and numerical analyses by using dynamic nonlinear finite element method, and a verification method for the seismic performance of piles in composite ground was proposed on the basis of the experimental and numerical results.
基金Project(50578060) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘Based on the characteristic that the potential sliding surfaces of rock slope are commonly in the shape of either line or fold line,analysis thought of conventional pile foundation in the flat ground under complex load condition was applied and the upper-bound theorem of limit analysis was used to compute thrust of rock layers with all possible distribution shapes. The interaction of slope and pile was considered design load in terms of slope thrust,and the finite difference method was derived to calculate inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation in rock slope under complex load condition. The result of example shows that the distribution model of slope thrust has certain impact on displacement and inner-force of bridge pile foundation. The maximum displacement growth rate reaches 54% and the maximum moment and shear growth rates reach only 15% and 20%,respectively,but the trends of inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation are basically the same as those of the conventional pile foundation in the flat ground. When the piles bear the same level lateral thrust,the distribution shapes of slope thrust have different influence on inner-force of pile foundation,especially the rectangle distribution,and the triangle thrust has the smallest displacement and inner-force of pile foundation.
文摘Liquefaction has b e e n a m ain cause o f dam ag e to civil en g in eerin g stru ctu res in seism ically active areas.The effects o f dam ag e o f liquefaction o n d eep foundations are v ery d estructive. Seism ic beh av io r o f pilefoundations is w idely discussed by m any researchers for safer an d m ore econom ic design purposes. Thisp a p e r p resen ts a p se u d o -static m eth o d for analysis o f piles in liquefiable soil u n d e r seism ic loads. A freefieldsite resp o n se analysis using th ree-d im en sio n al (3D) num erical m odeling w as p erfo rm ed to d e te rmine kin em atic loads from lateral g ro u n d disp lacem en ts an d inertial loads from vib ratio n o f th e supe rstru ctu re . The effects o f various p aram eters, such as soil layering, k in em atic and inertial forces,b o u n d ary con d itio n o f pile h ead an d gro u n d slope, o n pile resp o n se w e re studied. By com paring th enum erical results w ith th e centrifuge te s t results, it can be concluded th a t th e use o f th e p-y curves w ithvarious d eg rad atio n factors in liquefiable sand gives reasonable results.
基金Project(51109208)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2013M531688)supported by the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China+1 种基金Project(Z012009)supported by the Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering(Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)Project(CKSF2012054)supported by the Foundation of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute,China
文摘The pile-soil system interaction computational model in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground was established by the finite difference numerical method.Considering an elastic-plastic subgrade reaction method,numerical methods involving finite difference approach of pile in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground were derived and implemented into a finite difference program.Based on the monotonic loading tests on saturated sand after liquefaction,the liquefaction lateral deformation of the site where group piles are located was predicted.The effects of lateral ground deformation after liquefaction on a group of pile foundations were studied using the fmite difference program mentioned above,and the failure mechanism of group piles in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground was obtained.The applicability of the program was preliminarily verified.The results show that the bending moments at the interfaces between liquefied and non-liquefied soil layers are larger than those at the pile's top when the pile's top is embedded.The value of the additional static bending moment is larger than the peak dynamic bending moment during the earthquake,so in the pile foundation design,more than the superstructure's dynamics should be considered and the effect of lateral ground deformation on pile foundations cannot be neglected.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.52125803,51988101 and 52008369)。
文摘An efficient computational approach based on substructure methodology is proposed to analyze the viaduct-pile foundation-soil dynamic interaction under train loads.Thetrain-viaductsubsystemissolvedusingthe dynamic stiffness integration method,and its accuracy is verified by the existing analytical solution for a moving vehicle on a simply supported beam.For the pile foundation-soil subsystem,the geometric and material properties of piles and soils are assumed to be invariable along the azimuth direction.By introducing the equivalent stiffness of grouped piles,the governing equations of pile foundation-soil interaction are simplified based on Fourier decomposition method,so the three-dimensional problem is decomposedintoseveraltwo-dimensionalaxisymmetricfinite element models.The pile foundation-soil interaction model is verified by field measurements due to shaker loading at pile foundation top.In addition,these two substructures are coupled with the displacement compatibility condition at interface of pier bottom and pile foundation top.Finally,the proposed train-viaduct-pile foundation-soil interaction model was validated by field tests.The results show that the proposed model can predict vibrations of pile foundation and soil accurately,thereby providing a basis for the prediction of pile-soil foundation settlement.The frequency spectra of the vibration in Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway demonstrated that the main frequencies of the pier top and ground surface are below 100 and 30 Hz,respectively.
文摘Foundation pit excavation engineering is an old subject full of decision making. Yet, it still deserves further research due to the associated high failure cost and the complexity of the geological conditions and/or the surrounding existing infrastructure around it. This article overviews the risk control practice of foundation pit excavation projects in close proximity to <span style="font-family:Verdana;">existing</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> disconnected piled raft. More focus is given to geotechnical aspects. The review begins with achievements to ensure excavation performance </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">requirements,</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and follows to discuss the complex </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">soil structure</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> interaction involved among the fundamental components</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">: </span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">the retaining wall, mat, piles, cushion, and the soil. After bringing consensus points to practicing engineers and </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">decision makers</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, it then suggests possible future research directions.</span></span></span></span>
基金Youth Project of Science and Technology Research of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission“Research on the Promotion of Pile Foundation Bearing-Retaining Wall Combined Structure Technology”(Project Number:KJQN201905601)Youth Project of Science and Technology Research of Chongqing Education Commission“Research on Construction Monitoring and Risk Warning of Deep Foundation Pit Project Based on BIM+Internet of Things”(Project Number:KJQN201904306)。
文摘Pile foundation bearing-retaining wall combination structure is a new type of support structure developed in recent years.This article focuses on the characteristics,advantages,and application scope of the support structure,while combining a variety of algorithms,according to different geological conditions and slope stability,as well as summarizes the pile foundation bearing-retaining wall combination structure force analysis and design methods,taking a high-fill road project in Chongqing as an example.The application of this support structure under special conditions,such as thicker soil layer,steeper sliding surface,weak foundation,and limited slope release conditions,is presented,which illustrates the technical advantages of this support structure and proving that it has several other advantages,including clear force mechanism as well as economic and reasonable structure,thus providing reference for similar projects.
文摘This paper is an attempt to solve the soil-pile interaction problems using the boundary element method(BEM).A computer package called PGroupN,which deals mainly with the analysis of the pile group problem,is employed in this study.Parametric studies are carried out to assess the impacts of the pile diameter,pile length,ratio of spacing to diameter and the thickness of soil stratum.The external load is applied incrementally and,at each increment,a check is made that the stress state at the pile-soil interfaces does not violate the yield criteria.This is achieved by specifying the limited stresses of the soil for the axial pile shaft capacity and end-bearing resistance.The elements of the pile-soil interface yielded can take no additional load,and any increase in load is therefore redistributed between the remaining elements until all elements have failed.Thus,by successive application of loading increments,the entire load-displacement relationship for the pile group is determined.It is found that as the applied load reaches the ultimate bearing capacity of the pile group,all the piles will share the same amount of load.An exception to this case is for the center pile in a group of 9 piles embedded in clay,which is not consistent with the behaviors of the other piles in the group even if the load reaches the ultimate state.For the 4 piles group embedded in clay,the maximum load carried by the base does not exceed 8% of the load carried by each pile with different diameters.This low percentage ascertains that the piles embedded in cohesive soils carry most of the load throughout their shafts.
文摘The Millau viaduct over the Tam River is an exceptional bridge considering the height under the deck and the 2.5 km total length. Each of the seven high piers is founded on a thick raft setting on four large piles of 5 m in diameter and 10-15 m deep. The ground schematically consists of limestone in the north and of marls in the south. As the bridge is very sensitive to foundation settlements, the concessionary company decided to use the observational method for controlling the displacements and if necessary stabilize the foundations. The measurements show that the movements have remained small and admissible, particularly in terms of the rotations. The settlements have not occurred continuously under the load, but by steps.
文摘Application of pressured grouting method (PGM) in pile engineering can tackle problems encountered during construction of bored piles. Bearing capacity of piles can be increased through compaction of subsoils around piles. This paper reports research efforts of this technique by the pile research team in Southwest Jiaotong University in last decade with respect to the construction process, test findings, and primary research conclusions. The social-economical benefits of this method and application market in pile engineering are also analyzed.
文摘The analysis of building structure in contact with soil involves an interactive process of stresses and strains developed within the structure and the soil field. The response of Piled-Raft Foundation system to the structure is very challenging because there is an important interplay between the component of building structure and the soil field. Herein, soil-foundation-structure interaction of buildings founded on Piled-Raft Foundation is evaluated through 3D-Nonlinear Finite Element Analyses using PLAXIS3D FOUNDATION code. The soil settlements and forces demand of the high-rise building structures and foundation is computed. The parametric study affecting the soil-foundation-structure response has been carried out. The parameters such as construction phasing, sequential loading, building aspect ratios, soil failure models and thickness proportion of soil field stiff layer, are considered. It is concluded that the interaction of building foundation-soil field and super-structure has remarkable effect on the structure.
文摘In this paper, using the theory of stochastic analysis of the response to earthquake load, a stochastic analysis method of the response of piled platforms to earthquake load has been established. In the method, the strong ground motion is considered as three dimensional stationary white noise process and the pile-soil interaction and water-structure interaction are considered. The stochastic response of a typical platform to earthquake load has been computed with this method and the results compared with those obtained with the response spectrum analysis method. The comparison shows that the stochastic analysis method of the response of piled platforms to earthquake load is suitable for this kind of analysis.