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Children's Deviation in the Acquisition of Variable Linguistic Gender Patterns
作者 Rania Habib 《宏观语言学》 2017年第1期65-94,共30页
This study examines the acquisition of variation from the vernacular Syrian input of 22 parents in the output of their 21 children in the village of Oyoun Al-Wadi in Syria, using the four rural vowel variables (o), (... This study examines the acquisition of variation from the vernacular Syrian input of 22 parents in the output of their 21 children in the village of Oyoun Al-Wadi in Syria, using the four rural vowel variables (o), (o:), (e), and (e:). Each variable has two realizations: rural [o, o:, e, e:] respectively and urban [a, a:, a, a:] respectively.Fathers use the rural vowels more than mothers, but the difference is statistically insignificant. Like fathers, boys use more rural vowels than girls. However, the difference between boys and girls is statistically significant. No correlation emerged between the children’s and parents’ use of the variants, indicating that children are not acquiring their parents5 exact frequencies, which suggests developmental effect rather than statistical learning of parental input effect. The boys’ higher use of the rural forms after age eight is attributed to a social, psychological polarization process between boys and girls to create a highly differentiated gendered linguistic behavior in line with another highly differentiated gendered linguistic behavior related to a stereotypical consonant variable, (q), which is observed in both parents and children. 展开更多
关键词 child DIALECT ACQUISitION variation gender polarization statistical learning socio-psychological factors Syrian ARABIC rural vs. urban VOWELS
作者 阎续瑞 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2005年第2期136-141,共6页
《红楼梦》中林黛玉、薛宝钗、史湘云等与“三言”中杜十娘、苏三、莘瑶琴等所处的社会阶层迥然不同,她们的生活环境、生活方式与价值观代表着雅与俗的两极。但是,她们的婚恋观有着惊人的相似之处。本文通过对这两类女性进行比较,探讨... 《红楼梦》中林黛玉、薛宝钗、史湘云等与“三言”中杜十娘、苏三、莘瑶琴等所处的社会阶层迥然不同,她们的生活环境、生活方式与价值观代表着雅与俗的两极。但是,她们的婚恋观有着惊人的相似之处。本文通过对这两类女性进行比较,探讨中国明清小说中从贵族小姐到风尘女子追求爱情多以悲剧告终的根源、两性关系的缺憾与女性实现自我价值的途径。 展开更多
关键词 雅俗 婚恋观 人格独立 自我觉醒 两性关系
Learner Challenges
作者 欧阳思雨 《海外英语》 2019年第12期270-271,共2页
As a Chinese English learner,it is really a hard part to recognize well the usage of he,she,and it in the spoken English.Since in Chinese,the pronunciation between he,she,and it is the same one:"ta".Just the... As a Chinese English learner,it is really a hard part to recognize well the usage of he,she,and it in the spoken English.Since in Chinese,the pronunciation between he,she,and it is the same one:"ta".Just the writing is different.However,in English,the meaning of he,she,it is totally different.Sometimes if people choose the wrong one,it is pretty possible to make some misunderstandings since the meaning will be different. 展开更多
关键词 the countable/uncountable DISTINCTION gender:he she it VS"Ta'" CHALLENGE
《世界高尔夫》 2016年第7期18-18,共1页
他结婚了,新娘不是她今年的平安夜,麦克罗伊即肾迎娶相恋一年多的女友埃丽卡·斯托尔(Erica Stoll)与此同时,他宣布因为要很快与未婚妻成立家庭,计划未来两年内要小孩,担心感染寨卡病毒(Zika)而退出里约奥运高尔夫比赛麦克罗伊... 他结婚了,新娘不是她今年的平安夜,麦克罗伊即肾迎娶相恋一年多的女友埃丽卡·斯托尔(Erica Stoll)与此同时,他宣布因为要很快与未婚妻成立家庭,计划未来两年内要小孩,担心感染寨卡病毒(Zika)而退出里约奥运高尔夫比赛麦克罗伊与艾丽卡计划在新年前夜于爱尔兰梅奥郡的阿什福德城堡举行婚礼阿什福德城堡被誉为爱尔兰最美的城堡。它也是与阿代尔庄园、路特尔斯顿城堡、布拉尼城堡、比尔城堡庄园和本拉提城堡, 展开更多
关键词 阿什福德 沃兹尼亚奇 克罗 TA VS 布拉尼 阿代尔 平安夜 STOLL 梅奥
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