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Regulatory intervention rescued China from the impact of the global financial crisis
作者 李平 余根钱 《China Economist》 2010年第2期40-49,共10页
Following the order of events, this paper makes a systematic and comprehensive summary of how the global financial crisis of 2008 affected China. It includes an econometric assessment using by-industry and by-region d... Following the order of events, this paper makes a systematic and comprehensive summary of how the global financial crisis of 2008 affected China. It includes an econometric assessment using by-industry and by-region data, and describes the role of government regulation from a new perspective. China's economic recovery is a result of regulatory intervention, and enhancing economic momentum created conditions for such intervention to phase out. 展开更多
关键词 global financial crisis RECESSION government regulation economic recovery
Hungarian Economic Policy Measures After the 2008 Financial Crisis
作者 Anita Potocskane Korosi Tunde Bokome Kitanics Peter Bertalan 《Economics World》 2017年第6期514-528,共15页
The 1923 Global Economic Crisis (also called "The Great Depression") that had hit the whole world, caused the economists and politicians to see more clearly. As it has become obvious several times after World War ... The 1923 Global Economic Crisis (also called "The Great Depression") that had hit the whole world, caused the economists and politicians to see more clearly. As it has become obvious several times after World War II., deep changes were needed to be done concerning economic processes. In those times, many smaller crises had risen in different countries, affecting their micro-economic structures, however neither of them had such widespread effects as the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, that has struck several economic sectors, most of all, the finance industry. Numerous studies had been carried out, examining the causes and consequences of the 2008 Crisis. In this study the authors will give an organized overview on the circumstances that characterized the outbreak of the crisis, and focus on the impacts of the events, in particular, its effects on Hungary. To manage the crisis, each country used different economic approaches, took different measures, but the main concept, that economic processes needed strict regulations, was globally accepted, or at least, identified. Regulation of the financial sector, more specifically, of accounting standards was and is of paramount importance. At the outbreak of the crisis, Hungarian economy had been in a unique situation, and directly after 2008, Hungarian economic indicators showed a more favorable economic state compared to Western European countries. This has occurred because of the government's stabilization fiscal and economic policies in the years preceding the depression, when they had been trying to compensate the financial and economic decisions made during the previous years. But these indicators soon have changed and began to demonstrate a more realistic picture and showed the true economic state of the country. Besides the financial area, the Crisis had affected-on account of foreign currency lending--a wide range of the Hungarian society as well. 展开更多
关键词 economic and financial crisis REGULATION crisis management (G01)
国际金融监管的新发展:以G20和FSB为视角 被引量:10
作者 廖凡 《武大国际法评论》 CSSCI 2012年第1期176-191,共16页
全球金融危机爆发以来,在二十国集团的倡导和推动下,国际金融监管领域出现了一些新发展。在机构层面,主要表现为金融稳定论坛升级为更为实体性的金融稳定理事会;在机制层面,主要表现为"以身作则"和同行审查机制的引入,以及&qu... 全球金融危机爆发以来,在二十国集团的倡导和推动下,国际金融监管领域出现了一些新发展。在机构层面,主要表现为金融稳定论坛升级为更为实体性的金融稳定理事会;在机制层面,主要表现为"以身作则"和同行审查机制的引入,以及"金融部门评估计划"和《关于遵守标准和守则的报告》获得新的动力;在规则层面,主要表现为在多个问题已经领域推出或计划推出新的国际金融标准。这些新发展使得传统的国际金融软法呈现出一定的"硬化"趋势,并使得程序正当性方面的考虑成为必要。 展开更多
关键词 全球金融危机 国际金融监管 国际金融标准 二十国集团 金融稳定委员会
Global Financial Regulations:An Antidote to Economic Predicament
作者 BIN ZHANG 《Economic and Political Studies》 2014年第2期26-45,共20页
Due to the lack of public order in the international financial arena, asset bubbles and resource misallocations persisted over a long period of time and resulted in global financial crisis in 2008. Global financial ru... Due to the lack of public order in the international financial arena, asset bubbles and resource misallocations persisted over a long period of time and resulted in global financial crisis in 2008. Global financial rules, which can take on a role like that of WTO in the international trade, are urgently needed for global economic recovery. They will balance the pressure of economic restructuring between large and small countries, and push forward some countries' domestic reforms which may hardly be implemented due to domestic politics. 展开更多
关键词 global financial regulations financial crisis g20
From risk society to audit society
作者 Olivier de Lagarde 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第4期52-62,共11页
Contrary to what is sometimes claimed, the 2008 banking crisis occurred in an ultra-regulated environment. Legislative and regulatory financial-security regimes have in fact multiplied in recent years. The economic cr... Contrary to what is sometimes claimed, the 2008 banking crisis occurred in an ultra-regulated environment. Legislative and regulatory financial-security regimes have in fact multiplied in recent years. The economic crisis is accelerating the transition of the risk society towards the audit society. But the G20 (Group of Twenty) declarations in Washington and London also reveal a managerial utopia: the march towards a society of confidence or harmony that would make controls superfluous. In this context, the article seeks to call upon philosophical, sociological and managerial references to risk, from Foucault to Power by way of Beck, Giddens & Ewald, to shed light on the official declarations of the leaders of the world's main economies. The documentary corpus examined includes all the G20 works published between November 8, 2008 (preparation for the Washington Summit) and April 2, 2009 (conclusions of the London Summit). The political philosophy underlying the G20's works remains fundamentally liberal, even though saving the worldwide market economy involves established security systems as well as self-control and control of others. In the end, the leaders do not decide between reinforcing the existing tools and inventing new systems. The updating of security technologies is meant to serve the preservation of the capitalist managerial utopia. This gives rise to a new variant of Beck's risk-society paradigm, too often confined to environmental threats alone, in three phases: (1) The crisis is a consequence of financial modernity and in particular of the inefficiency of regulation in the face of growing sophistication in techniques; (2) To restore confidence, the states and international institutions want, paradoxically, both to reinforce regulation and promote flexibility; (3) Thereupon, flexi-security controlled by worldwide economic governance characterizes the second financial modernity. 展开更多
关键词 auditability REGULATION risk society g20 financial crisis flexi-security audit society
跨境金融监管合作:现状、问题和法制出路 被引量:12
作者 廖凡 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第12期2-11,共10页
跨境金融监管合作包括双边和多边两种途径。双边途径以美国跨境证券监管合作为代表,主要通过谅解备忘录、监管对话和技术援助等方式开展。多边途径根据参与主体及合作方式的不同,又可以进一步划分为国际组织模式、非正式国家集团模式和... 跨境金融监管合作包括双边和多边两种途径。双边途径以美国跨境证券监管合作为代表,主要通过谅解备忘录、监管对话和技术援助等方式开展。多边途径根据参与主体及合作方式的不同,又可以进一步划分为国际组织模式、非正式国家集团模式和跨政府网络模式。以软法为主导的国际金融监管规则缺乏"硬约束"、国际金融监管标准的实施和监督机制严重不足、危机驱动型的监管合作缺乏持久性和稳定性,是跨境金融监管合作的主要问题和障碍所在。完善跨境金融监管的远景目标是建立一个以多边条约为基础,能够制定、实施和监督执行有约束力国际规则的全球金融监管(合作)组织,其近期对策是充分利用现有国际机构和机制,系统性地"硬化"相关软法性规则,加强其约束性、执行力和实施效果。 展开更多
关键词 跨境金融监管 国际金融监管 监管合作 监管协调 软法 全球金融危机
资本账户开放与经济增长实证研究及对我国启示 被引量:5
作者 付伟 《西南金融》 北大核心 2019年第3期23-35,共13页
本文从回顾和总结国际上发达国家与新兴市场国家资本账户开放政策与经济增长关系出发,通过实证分析得出资本账户开放犹如一把"双刃剑",在可能促进宏观经济增长的同时,如果政策实施不当,将会引起经济巨大震荡甚至诱发金融危机... 本文从回顾和总结国际上发达国家与新兴市场国家资本账户开放政策与经济增长关系出发,通过实证分析得出资本账户开放犹如一把"双刃剑",在可能促进宏观经济增长的同时,如果政策实施不当,将会引起经济巨大震荡甚至诱发金融危机,最后对中国如何稳妥推进资本项目开放提出政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 资本账户开放 金融开放 经济增长 人民币国际化 跨境资本流动 国际收支 资本管制 金融危机 宏观审慎管理 经济全球化
美国金融监管处罚的特征及趋势 被引量:8
作者 罗璠 詹琪 杨茗 《西南金融》 北大核心 2019年第9期81-88,共8页
自金融危机以来,美国对各国金融机构的监管愈发严格,当前发动的贸易战更是引起了社会的广泛关注。本文梳理了2008年以来美国对各国金融机构的处罚案例,从监管机构、处罚金额、处罚范围和金融监管政策等角度分析了美国金融监管处罚的特征... 自金融危机以来,美国对各国金融机构的监管愈发严格,当前发动的贸易战更是引起了社会的广泛关注。本文梳理了2008年以来美国对各国金融机构的处罚案例,从监管机构、处罚金额、处罚范围和金融监管政策等角度分析了美国金融监管处罚的特征,包括多头监管协作、处罚金额大、处罚范围广等,不难发现美国对金融机构的监管掺杂着复杂的经济或政治目的,对国外大型金融机构存在监管歧视。基于此,本文为我国金融机构应对美国长臂管辖提出相应的建议,强调我国金融机构应在规范自身的同时,注意规避监管雷区。 展开更多
关键词 金融监管 监管处罚 金融危机 混业经营 多头监管 长臂管辖 经济制裁 贸易战 金融霸权 经济霸权 反洗钱 贸易保护主义 经济全球化
国际金融危机对中国经济冲击过程的系统回顾和思考 被引量:11
作者 李平 余根钱 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期5-22,共18页
以国际金融危机发生为起点,按事件发生的先后顺序,系统、全面地分析了国际金融危机对中国经济冲击过程、冲击途径和冲击程度,并用分行业和分地区的数据进行了计量检验;以全新的视角对政府调控的作用进行了归纳;经济回升是政府调控结果,... 以国际金融危机发生为起点,按事件发生的先后顺序,系统、全面地分析了国际金融危机对中国经济冲击过程、冲击途径和冲击程度,并用分行业和分地区的数据进行了计量检验;以全新的视角对政府调控的作用进行了归纳;经济回升是政府调控结果,回升又带动经济内在动力的增加,从而为政府退出创造条件。 展开更多
关键词 国际金融危机 经济衰退 政府调控 经济回升
后危机时期全球银行业变革趋势与竞争格局 被引量:7
作者 王胜邦 邓鑫 《国际金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第8期66-75,共10页
自2008年全球金融危机十多年以来,在市场环境和监管改革双重压力下,全球银行业告别了危机前以少量资本和过度期限错配支撑高速增长,并博取高额利润的发展路径,进入了高资本、低错配、低增长、低盈利的发展新阶段。银行业稳健性明显增强... 自2008年全球金融危机十多年以来,在市场环境和监管改革双重压力下,全球银行业告别了危机前以少量资本和过度期限错配支撑高速增长,并博取高额利润的发展路径,进入了高资本、低错配、低增长、低盈利的发展新阶段。银行业稳健性明显增强,业务模式回归传统,行业集中度进一步提高。全球银行业竞争格局逐渐演变成中美主导与日欧协同的新态势。这些变革很大程度上符合金融监管改革的预期目标,但在一些领域也超出了改革初衷。金融监管部门必须高度关注这些变革对银行业,乃至更广泛的金融体系稳健性和经济增长的潜在影响。 展开更多
关键词 全球金融危机 竞争格局 银行业变革 银行监管
后危机时代大型金融机构“生前遗嘱”问题研究 被引量:1
作者 邹伟康 于海纯 《金融论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第9期54-60,共7页
2008全球金融危机之后,各国金融监管部门与银行机构逐渐认识到为了有效预防金融危机的发生,防止大型金融机构破产对整个金融体系造成重大冲击,应针对金融机构特别是系统重要性金融机构可能面临的财务困难或濒临破产的情形,采取事前处置... 2008全球金融危机之后,各国金融监管部门与银行机构逐渐认识到为了有效预防金融危机的发生,防止大型金融机构破产对整个金融体系造成重大冲击,应针对金融机构特别是系统重要性金融机构可能面临的财务困难或濒临破产的情形,采取事前处置预案与相关计划准备,此即"生前遗嘱"。本文研究后金融危机时代美英等国政府针对大型金融机构处置预案制定的相关法律规范、原则及指引,剖析这些金融机构在其"生前遗嘱"中所设定的各类处置措施与方案,并探讨这一新的监管制度在操作过程中遇到的问题、挑战与趋势。 展开更多
关键词 后危机时代 大型金融机构 生前遗嘱 处置预案 金融监管
作者 胡金木 《涉外税务》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期10-14,共5页
应对国际金融危机的冲击,保持我国经济社会健康稳定发展是当前的首要任务。本文简要分析了国际金融危机对我国的影响以及我国经济企稳回升的积极态势,论述了我国当前宏观调控政策的定位和着力点,重点探讨了充分发挥税收作用以化解危机... 应对国际金融危机的冲击,保持我国经济社会健康稳定发展是当前的首要任务。本文简要分析了国际金融危机对我国的影响以及我国经济企稳回升的积极态势,论述了我国当前宏观调控政策的定位和着力点,重点探讨了充分发挥税收作用以化解危机、促进发展的对策。 展开更多
关键词 国际金融危机 宏观调控 税收政策
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