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Exploring Mazu Worship at Fujian Assembly Hall in Hoi An,Vietnam
作者 ZHU Si YOU Qi-Dongmeng 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2024年第1期60-63,共4页
Hoi An Ancient Town in Vietnam is not only a UNESCO(United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization)World Heritage Site but also a convergence point of traditional and modern cultures.Throughout its hi... Hoi An Ancient Town in Vietnam is not only a UNESCO(United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization)World Heritage Site but also a convergence point of traditional and modern cultures.Throughout its historical transitions,the cultural heritage of Hoi An Ancient Town has been well preserved and developed,and the worship of Mazu,an essential component of Hoi An’s culture,is no exception.As far as is known,Hoi An in central Vietnam houses the most Mazu temples,including the Chung Wah Hall,the Guangzhou Assembly Hall,the Fujian Assembly Hall,the Teochew Assembly Hall,and the Hainan Assembly Hall,among others,with the Fujian Assembly Hall being the most vibrant center of Mazu worship.This study employs field surveys and literature research to explore the Mazu worship practices at the Fujian Assembly Hall in Hoi An,Quang Nam Province,Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 Mazu worship Hoi An VIETNAM Chinese community
作者 徐嘉 《江苏社会科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期40-51,I0002,I0003,共14页
殷商时期的祖先崇拜是宗法伦理的源头。在伦理维度上,殷代祭祀先公、选祭与周祭先王的宗教性活动,强化了族长(商王)的权威,凝聚了宗族共同体。西周初期,祖先崇拜发展为作为理性制度设计的宗法制,并且宗法制与分封制相结合而形成了宗法... 殷商时期的祖先崇拜是宗法伦理的源头。在伦理维度上,殷代祭祀先公、选祭与周祭先王的宗教性活动,强化了族长(商王)的权威,凝聚了宗族共同体。西周初期,祖先崇拜发展为作为理性制度设计的宗法制,并且宗法制与分封制相结合而形成了宗法分封制,亲亲、尊尊、长长、男女有别的伦理原则随之确立,孝、友成为核心伦理规范。春秋时期,孔子继承了孝友观念,构建了以孝悌为基础规范的儒家伦理。其后,儒家学派提出了五伦、三纲、六纪等观念,宗法伦理成为儒家伦理体系的重要内容。一方面,宗法伦理与君主专制政治相辅相成、相互支撑。另一方面,宗法伦理在儒家仁爱思想的强烈影响下,以血缘伦理为道德进阶的基础,超越了血缘之爱,不断追求“亲亲、仁民、爱物”“民胞物与”“天地一体之仁”的道德理想。这也是儒家伦理宝贵的现代价值。 展开更多
关键词 宗法伦理 祖先崇拜 孝友 宗法分封制 仁爱
作者 高忠严 周晓丽 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期71-80,共10页
作为农耕文明的重要产物,节日的形成与发展历经了漫长的过程,伴随着节俗的多样化,节日内涵也在不断完善。腊八节从最初的祭祀、佛教节日发展出与民众生产生活紧密相关的一系列习俗活动,节俗的内容与功能由单一性向复合性发展,民俗特征... 作为农耕文明的重要产物,节日的形成与发展历经了漫长的过程,伴随着节俗的多样化,节日内涵也在不断完善。腊八节从最初的祭祀、佛教节日发展出与民众生产生活紧密相关的一系列习俗活动,节俗的内容与功能由单一性向复合性发展,民俗特征更为明显。佛教活动、敬神祭祖、腊八食俗、舍粥于众是腊八节期间寺院圣地与民众的必备节俗内容。另外,祈求丰收、祈福禳灾、游戏娱乐、人际交往、村社活动与一些禁忌习俗的内容也包含其中。腊八节俗不断丰富,并与各地风物、民众信仰和心理诉求等相结合,成为自然崇拜与人文关怀的重要体现,渗透出民众的世界观、人生观与价值观。研究腊八节俗的文化内涵并对此进行解释,对于正确认识节日背后的文化现象、分析节俗传承的价值与启示,具有重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 腊八节俗 农耕文化 自然崇拜 人文关怀 传承启示
作者 朱玖莲 王万平 《大理大学学报》 2025年第1期1-7,共7页
儒学传入云南的过程,是中原文化与边疆文化的涵化过程。在此过程中,中华文化从“多元”走向“一体”,中华民族共同体意识逐渐生成。田野调查显示,大理云龙诺邓有完整的祭孔仪式,这种仪式普遍存在于云南地区,是儒学传播中的文化展演。文... 儒学传入云南的过程,是中原文化与边疆文化的涵化过程。在此过程中,中华文化从“多元”走向“一体”,中华民族共同体意识逐渐生成。田野调查显示,大理云龙诺邓有完整的祭孔仪式,这种仪式普遍存在于云南地区,是儒学传播中的文化展演。文献研究表明,儒学经过初步、系统及全面三个传播阶段,对云南民族文化产生了极大影响。通过持续而深入的文化涵化,儒学整合了地域文化,巩固了社会结构,强化了国家观念,从而推动了文化共同体、社会共同体和政治共同体的构建,为今天铸牢云南各民族中华民族共同体意识提供了重要的文化资源。 展开更多
关键词 祭孔仪式 儒学传播 涵化 共同体建设 诺邓古村
作者 李帮 《渭南师范学院学报》 2025年第1期26-32,共7页
司马迁创制本纪、表、书、世家、列传五种编纂体例,五体之数蕴含着深刻的历史哲学思想,五体之数为“五”,应该与古人崇奉五行学说有关。本纪之数“十二”表征哲学意涵主要有王者之数、天道循环、地支之数及效法《春秋》等多重意蕴。表... 司马迁创制本纪、表、书、世家、列传五种编纂体例,五体之数蕴含着深刻的历史哲学思想,五体之数为“五”,应该与古人崇奉五行学说有关。本纪之数“十二”表征哲学意涵主要有王者之数、天道循环、地支之数及效法《春秋》等多重意蕴。表之数“十”表示完满,与十二本纪构成天干、地支时间体系,形成历史的经纬。书之数“八”为八卦之数,贯通天地人,探寻各项制度变化背后的客观规律。世家之数“三十”,表征诸多世家诸侯显臣围绕在国君周围,如辐条一般,推动历史车轮滚滚前行。列传之数“七十”当为数字七与十两数相乘之积,言众多传主环卫帝室,建功立业,在历史前进中发挥着重要作用。《史记》五体之数充分体现了司马迁“欲以究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”的治史旨趣。 展开更多
关键词 《史记》 五体之数 五行 八卦 北斗崇拜
作者 哈顺其其格 娜仁格日乐 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2025年第1期196-197,F0003,共3页
榆树传说故事叙述民族特色和地域特色的饮食民俗、村落民俗、游艺民俗,反映了传统优秀生态文化。传统优秀生态文化是海力森嘎查自我更新、自我发展的重要的内生性动力之一。在乡村振兴背景下搜集整理榆树传说故事,利用民间文学、民俗学... 榆树传说故事叙述民族特色和地域特色的饮食民俗、村落民俗、游艺民俗,反映了传统优秀生态文化。传统优秀生态文化是海力森嘎查自我更新、自我发展的重要的内生性动力之一。在乡村振兴背景下搜集整理榆树传说故事,利用民间文学、民俗学、宗教学等多学科的原理和方法对海力森嘎查榆树传说故事的民俗文化内涵进行研究,解释榆树(尚食树)祭祀习俗对村落生态保护的积极作用。对于推动新时代民俗文化创造性转化和创新性发展,助力乡村旅游的发展和乡村优秀传统生态文化的保护传承具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 榆树传说故事 民俗文化 尚食树祭祀 生态智慧
The Relationship between Dali Lord Worship Ritual Activity and Regional Landscape Architecture in China
作者 文晨 陈一 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第9期88-91,共4页
The paper had introduced Lord Worship ritual activity unique to Bai Nationality and analyzed Dali landscape characteristics from the aspects of landscape pattern, architectural courtyard pattern and plants landscaping... The paper had introduced Lord Worship ritual activity unique to Bai Nationality and analyzed Dali landscape characteristics from the aspects of landscape pattern, architectural courtyard pattern and plants landscaping. In the perspective of surface, line and spot landscape architectures, Lord Worship ritual activity had been analyzed. It had revealed that the development of Lord Worship ritual activity was rooted in local landscape environment, and temple's site selection, square construction, activities' route selection and construction of forest land in front of residences were all based on landscape environment. After the analysis of the relationship between Lord Worship ritual activity and landscape places, it had opened a new thought for researches on religious activities and regional landscape. It could explore and recover some traditional folk cultures when environmental landscapes had been studied, so as to promote the inheritance of national culture. 展开更多
关键词 LORD worship RITUAL ACTIVITY Landscape ARCHITECTURE Relationship
The White Stone Worship of Qiang People
作者 陈卓 《海外英语》 2013年第4X期158-160,共3页
The White Stone worship is an inseparable cultural part among Qiang People in the history and their daily lives.It has relationship with the God,with Qiang people's fondness of the white color,with the fire-making... The White Stone worship is an inseparable cultural part among Qiang People in the history and their daily lives.It has relationship with the God,with Qiang people's fondness of the white color,with the fire-making,with the function of white stones as the tool and weapon for survival,and with the worship for Snow Mountain.The White Stone is the oblation in Qiang Families,the architecture-Blockhouse relating to the white stone is famous worldwide.The essay also discusses the links between the white stone worship with Qiang people in the past and in the future, 展开更多
关键词 WHITE STONE worship Qiang PEOPLE
The White Stone Worship of Qiang People
作者 陈卓 《海外英语》 2013年第2X期283-285,共3页
The White Stone worship is an inseparable cultural part among Qiang People in the history and their daily lives. It has relationship with the God, with Qiang people' s fondness of the white color, with the fire-ma... The White Stone worship is an inseparable cultural part among Qiang People in the history and their daily lives. It has relationship with the God, with Qiang people' s fondness of the white color, with the fire-making, with the function of white stones as the tool and weapon for survival, and with the worship for Snow Mountain. The White Stone is the oblation in Qiang Families, the architecture-Blockhouse relating to the white stone is famous worldwide. The essay also discusses the links between the white stone worship with Qiang people in the past and in the future. 展开更多
关键词 WHITE STONE worship Qiang PEOPLE
The Application to Evaluate Worship Location Based on Geospatial Analysis: Case of Indonesia
作者 Cahyo Crysdian 《Journal of Geographic Information System》 2013年第6期593-601,共9页
The application of geospatial analysis is a need to respond to the increasing number of social conflicts caused by the existence of public places of worships (PPW) in Indonesia. This conflict eventually becomes endemi... The application of geospatial analysis is a need to respond to the increasing number of social conflicts caused by the existence of public places of worships (PPW) in Indonesia. This conflict eventually becomes endemic among Indonesian cross-cultural society. Even though the government has produced a regulation-like policy namely SKB 2006 to manage the establishment of PPW, its contribution to avoiding or reducing the conflicts is in question. Researchers notice that the policy is misused in some incidents to even trigger the conflict. It is due to the presence of people participation defined in SKB 2006 particularly to determine the legalization of PPW. Currently there is no exact foundation used by the government to precisely measure the status of PPW, hence the decision to permit or reject any proposal to establish PPW is determined by the acceptance of surrounding society which in many occasions becomes the cause of the conflict. Therefore the government needs to regain control over the existence of PPW since these types of buildings are public facilities used by people in cross-cultural society. The research is to provide accurate information regarding the existence of PPW and the impact of their presence using geospatial analysis. The objective is to analyze the interaction between PPW and its surrounding objects. The analysis is based on PPW coverage, overlapping and blank spot area. A case study has been conducted to analyze the existence of PPW at Cemorokandang village, a part of Malang city in the province of East Java. The application highlights the issue of overwhelming PPW in the location of analysis. 展开更多
关键词 GEOSPATIAL Analysis SPATIAL Application worship LOCATION
Characterization of Acoustical Worship Heritage in Schmerzhaften Mutter Gottes, Vilgertshofen-Germany
作者 Menino Allan S.M.Peter Tavares 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2020年第4期190-198,共9页
The dynamics between sound decay and soundscape determines the acoustical worship heritage in a worship space that needs to be conserved along interventions in time.The soundscape of Schmerzhaften Mutter Gottes,Vilger... The dynamics between sound decay and soundscape determines the acoustical worship heritage in a worship space that needs to be conserved along interventions in time.The soundscape of Schmerzhaften Mutter Gottes,Vilgertshofen was measured by derived Acoustical Worship Parameters:Sacred Awe(SAWE),Sacred Intelligibility(SINT),and Sacred Silence(SSIL)for“TOCCATA”of Johann Sebastian Bach rendered on the pipe organ.The sound energy decay in the church,conducted from two sources:choir loft and altar,generated acoustical monaural measures(RT60,EDT,D50,C80,TS,STI,Leq)in accordance with ISO-3382.The Reverberation Time(RT60)spectral analysis and Loudness(Leq)positional analysis showed the church to be more reverberant for the impulse from the altar location on the sanctuary floor and optimally loud for the impulse from the pipe-organ location on the choir-loft.SAWE,SINT and SSIL significantly related with subjective acoustical quality of Balance(SAQBAL)and Loudness(Leq)(p≤0.05).SAQBAL showed positive correlation with rapid speech transmission index(RASTI)(p=0.18). 展开更多
关键词 Sound decay soundscape acoustical worship IMPRESSIONS acoustical worship HERITAGE CHURCH conservation
Hungry Ghost Festival, An Ancestor Worship Day
作者 DANG XIAOFEI 《China Today》 2019年第8期68-69,共2页
THE fifteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar (August 15 this year) is the Hungry Ghost Festival or Zhong Yuan Festival. It has been a day for ancestor worship, mourning for the dead, and burning paper ... THE fifteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar (August 15 this year) is the Hungry Ghost Festival or Zhong Yuan Festival. It has been a day for ancestor worship, mourning for the dead, and burning paper money to honor the deceased. The Hungry Ghost Festival and New Year’s Eve, Qingming Festival, and Chongyang Festival (which will be introduced in detail later in this magazine) are the traditional festivals in which Chinese people pay tribute to their ancestors, each having their own characteristics. As an ancient Chinese traditional festival, it has a history of thousands of years. 展开更多
关键词 Hungry GHOST FESTIVAL AN Ancestor worship DAY
Erik Erikson and the Church: Corporate Worship thatSustains through Crises
作者 Robert Pendergraft 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第6期281-291,共11页
The work of developmental psychologist Erik Erikson (1902-1994) has profound implications for understandingand ministering to the different generations represented in the church. Erikson has garnered attention from ... The work of developmental psychologist Erik Erikson (1902-1994) has profound implications for understandingand ministering to the different generations represented in the church. Erikson has garnered attention from religiouswriters in recent years including Eric Geiger, Lee Steele, and Catherine Stonehouse because of the correlation of hiswork with religious thought and values. Though Scripture must remain the standard by which worship is governed. 展开更多
关键词 Erik Erikson worship development SPIRITUAL development life stages
Liturgical Ministers as Ministerial Leaders' Implications for Parish Worship in Nigeria
作者 Emmanuel Chinedu Anagwo 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第5期231-242,共12页
This paper explores liturgical ministers as ministerial leaders to embrace different liturgical functions as ministries of service. This is against the backdrop of Tridentine liturgy whereby the worship is looked up a... This paper explores liturgical ministers as ministerial leaders to embrace different liturgical functions as ministries of service. This is against the backdrop of Tridentine liturgy whereby the worship is looked up as an exclusive leadership function of the priests alone to lord it over others. It identifies lack of active participation by the lay faithful as one of the major factors escalating passive participation in the liturgical celebrations in Nigeria. In this way, the paper argues that rethinking ministerial leadership is a medium to promote active and parish liturgical participation. Their implications suggest the bishops and priests to ensure that the lay faithful take part fully aware of their ministerial leadership role, actively engaged in the rite and enriched by its effects. Employing descriptive and analytical methods, the mantra of the paper is that in a parish worship where liturgical ministers thrives well as ministerial leaders, it produces mature Christian faithful who know their faith, understand their liturgical roles and diligently exercise them. Such a parish community operates on a level of facilitative and participatory leadership where everyone is carried along through direct participation in directing the liturgical celebrations of the parish. 展开更多
关键词 Ministerial leadership Liturgical Ministers Parish worship
Social Promotion Mechanism under the Dai People’s Traditional Worship of“Dragon Forest”
作者 FAN Xi XU Xiao 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2021年第1期91-95,共5页
“Dragon Forest”culture has a long history,and it is the oldest and most primitive traditional culture of the Dai Nationality.As the holy forest of the Dai Nationality,“Dragon Forest”is the resting place for the so... “Dragon Forest”culture has a long history,and it is the oldest and most primitive traditional culture of the Dai Nationality.As the holy forest of the Dai Nationality,“Dragon Forest”is the resting place for the souls of the“Meng God(tribal ancestor)”and“Zhai God(clan ancestor)”of the Dai people.Dai people not only respect and worship“Dragon Forest”,but also set up a temple in“Dragon Forest”and hold sacrificial activities regularly,to pray for health and happiness from their ancestors.“Dragon Forest”is the combination of multiple factors,and has been continuously protected by worship and taboo for thousands of years.It combines closely the natural system,belief system and social culture system,becomes a place that supports people’s ideas,values and spirits,and solidifi es into a structural force in the social structure,which plays a certain role in promoting the social mechanism of local village community. 展开更多
关键词 Dai Nationality “Dragon Forest”worship Social mechanism
Freedom of Worship: Interpreting Joshua 24:1-28 in African-Igbo Traditional Religious Context
作者 Ignatius M.C.Obinwa 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2021年第3期137-146,共10页
The news media are often replete with sad stories of religious intolerance,with some gory pictures of the victims thereof.In Joshua 24:1-28,the Israelites were asked by Joshua to choose whom they would like to serve.I... The news media are often replete with sad stories of religious intolerance,with some gory pictures of the victims thereof.In Joshua 24:1-28,the Israelites were asked by Joshua to choose whom they would like to serve.It smacks of religious freedom.Using the text as a theological fulcrum,this study emphasises the fundamental human right of freedom of worship in the context of the religious freedom embedded African-Igbo religious tradition.Given the diverse religious views in the world,it is dialogue and mutual respect which would make religious peace possible.Bad religious leaders and teachers mislead their adherents to do violent and bloody proselytization.But people should not be held under duress to accept a particular religious idea or to adhere to a particular group of worshippers,sometimes with only one alternative,that is death!Indeed,every religion should recommend itself by the amount of love and peace it engenders in the world. 展开更多
关键词 freedom of worship respect for diverse religious views religious pluralism Igbo religious tradition
Discussion on the "Worship Elegance" and "Express Aspiration" in Zhu Xi's Music Thoughts
作者 Anqi GUO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期11-13,共3页
The idea of "worship elegance" in Zhu Xi' are "worship elegance" and "express aspiration" , namely thoughts s music thoughts has been commonly discussed by most theorists, but there "restrain feelings" and "... The idea of "worship elegance" in Zhu Xi' are "worship elegance" and "express aspiration" , namely thoughts s music thoughts has been commonly discussed by most theorists, but there "restrain feelings" and "express feelings" co-existing in Zhu xi' s music thoughts. 展开更多
关键词 Zhu Xi Music Thoughts worship Elegance Express Aspiration
Discussion on the "Worship Elegance" and "Express Aspiration" in Zhu Xi's Music Thoughts
作者 Fengmin Lou 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期59-61,共3页
The idea of "worship elegance" in Zhu Xi' s music thoughts has been commonly discussed by most theorists, but there are "worship elegance" and "express aspiration" , namely "restrain feelings" and "express f... The idea of "worship elegance" in Zhu Xi' s music thoughts has been commonly discussed by most theorists, but there are "worship elegance" and "express aspiration" , namely "restrain feelings" and "express feelings" co-existing in Zhu xi' s music thoughts. 展开更多
关键词 Zhu Xi Music Thoughts worship Elegance Express Aspiration
An Analysis of Africans’ Blind Worship Towards European Culture in V. S. Naipaul’s A Bend in the River
作者 CAO Dongdong JIA Xiao-yun 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2021年第12期587-590,共4页
As an important early work of Nobel laureate Naipaul and a model of postcolonial works,A Bend in the River has been studied for decades.It is not hard to find Africans’blind worship towards European culture after rea... As an important early work of Nobel laureate Naipaul and a model of postcolonial works,A Bend in the River has been studied for decades.It is not hard to find Africans’blind worship towards European culture after reading this book.This paper aims to explore the manifestations of Africans’blind worship towards European culture in the novel by a close reading and acts as a wake-up call for almost every nations existing in the age of globalization to firm their own national cultural stand and enhance cultural confidence so as to remain invincible in the unprecedented changes. 展开更多
关键词 A bend in the river NAIPAUL blind worship of culture
China lost worship for the West
作者 郗士 《China Economist》 2009年第2期5-7,共3页
The financial crisis has dented the former sense of Western cultural superiority over Beijing and is taking all into unchartered waters.It may take a long time to recognize,but it will happen:The most important casual... The financial crisis has dented the former sense of Western cultural superiority over Beijing and is taking all into unchartered waters.It may take a long time to recognize,but it will happen:The most important casualty of the financial crisis is not the disruption of the Wall Street-centered fi nancial 展开更多
关键词 China lost worship for the West
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