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“Running China in Accordance with the Law” Ensures Development of Human Rights
作者 XIONG QIUHONG 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2010年第1期26-28,共3页
I. A Review of China's Judicial Protection for Human Rights To effectively protect human rights, a country needs to specify in its laws a complete series of basic rights its citizens shall enjoy. Meanwhile, the lega... I. A Review of China's Judicial Protection for Human Rights To effectively protect human rights, a country needs to specify in its laws a complete series of basic rights its citizens shall enjoy. Meanwhile, the legal rights for an individual citizen would be meaningless even though such rights are prescribed in laws if, when the person's rights are infringed upon, he or she has no access to judicial relief. Administration of justice is the last resort, in fact the most effective, means. 展开更多
关键词 Ensures Development of Human Rights Running China in accordance with the law
Revisiting the Spirit of the UDHR and Discussing Human Rights Development——Summary of Views from the Seminar Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
作者 刘炫麟 LI Donglin 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2024年第1期231-241,共11页
On December 4,2023,the China Society for Human Rights Studies hosted a seminar in Beijing commemorating the 75^(th) Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Participants discussed topics such as the si... On December 4,2023,the China Society for Human Rights Studies hosted a seminar in Beijing commemorating the 75^(th) Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Participants discussed topics such as the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,China’s theories and practices in respecting and safeguarding human rights,the three global initiatives and global human rights governance,human rights protection in the digital age,and telling Chinese stories of human rights in the new era.The discussions led to a broad consensus and achieved positive results. 展开更多
关键词 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights a community with a shared future for mankind the rule of law protection global human rights governance contemporary Chinese perspective on human rights
Order of Precedence Between Local Laws of Cities with Subordinate Districts and Regulations of Provincial Governments Clarifying Premises for Discussion Based on the Characteristics of Laws
作者 Zheng Tai'an Lin Min Zhang Congrong 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2018年第2期106-117,共12页
The lack of descriptions regarding the order of precedence between the local laws of cities with subordinate districts and the regulations of provincial governments in Legislation Law of the People's Republic of C... The lack of descriptions regarding the order of precedence between the local laws of cities with subordinate districts and the regulations of provincial governments in Legislation Law of the People's Republic of China(Legislation Law) has led to two divergent views. One holds that "the local laws of cities with subordinate districts should take precedence over the regulations of provincial governments," while the other supports the exact opposite. This is a value judgment issue in legislation. To reach a solution, we need to clarify the premises based on the characteristics of the laws in question so that a basic common ground can be established for discussion. The first premise for traditional legislation is that a law should be based on experience as well as logic; the second is that the experience of authority subjects, plus the three aspects of logic should outweigh the experience of social subjects, plus the three aspects of logic. With respect to postmodern legislation, the first premise is that experience should override logic, and the second is that the experience of the authority subject should take precedence over that of social subject, with no requirements for logical consistency. Since Legislation Law fal s into the category of postmodern legislation, according to the premises, the argument that the local laws of cities with subordinate districts should take precedence enjoys wider acceptance, but the view is logically challenged in terms of conceptual consistency, system consistency and principle consistency. More studies must be conducted to facilitate the discussion. 展开更多
关键词 cities with subordinate districts local laws regulations of provincial governments order of precedence premises postmodern legislation
Experts on Protection of Workers' Right to Remuneration in Accordance With Labor Law
作者 BY OUR STAFF REPORTER 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2003年第4期39-40,共2页
Adozen experts of law gathered on April 1, 2003 to share their views on protection of the workers’ right to remuneration for their work in accordance with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China. That took p... Adozen experts of law gathered on April 1, 2003 to share their views on protection of the workers’ right to remuneration for their work in accordance with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China. That took place at a seminar jointly sponsored by the Human Rights and the Beijing-based Democracy and Law magazines and the Branch of Labor and Social Security Laws of the Beijing Society of Law. Participants were from the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, 展开更多
关键词 of for 2003 in Experts on Protection of Workers Right to Remuneration in accordance with Labor law on
Implications of Declining Ground Water and Water Quality in the US Southeastern Coastal Plain Ecoregion and Areawide Environmental Impact Statement Required for Mining in the Greater Okefenokee Swamp Basin—Part 1
作者 Sydney T. Bacchus Sergio Bernardes Marguerite Madden 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2023年第3期201-276,共76页
Karst aquifers occur worldwide and exhibit groundwater flow responses that differ considerably from aquifers lacking fractures, bedding planes, and other karst conduits where significant and rapid groundwater flow can... Karst aquifers occur worldwide and exhibit groundwater flow responses that differ considerably from aquifers lacking fractures, bedding planes, and other karst conduits where significant and rapid groundwater flow can occur. The regional, karst Floridan aquifer system underlies the United States (US) Southeastern Coastal Plain Physiographic Region and exhibits hydrologic interconnections with overlying surficial aquifers and throughout other zones of the aquifer system, as is characteristic of other karst aquifer systems. Anthropogenic groundwater declines in this regional karst aquifer system have been documented in published literature for decades, but the impacts of those declines in this coastal plain region and the embedded ecosystems that provide essential and critical habitat for native, endemic, and federally endangered and threatened species have not been considered previously. Those anthropogenic groundwater declines reduce surfacewater levels and flows due to the capture of both groundwater and overland flow of surfacewater, resulting in induced recharge through semi-confining zones and interbasin flow through fractures and other karst conduits. This case study identifies examples from the Greater Okefenokee Swamp Basin study area and comparison areas of how those declines result in loss of historic base flow to surface waters and other capture of surface waters, ultimately increasing saltwater intrusion. Those results alter and degrade the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters, in violation of the US Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1972. Historic groundwater declines from mining and other anthropogenic groundwater withdrawals from this regional karst aquifer system already threaten the survival and recovery of federally endangered and threatened species, as well as existing and proposed critical habitat for those species within this regional extent, in violation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973. This case study and its companion publication (Part 2) appear to be the first to provide scientific support for this regional karst aquifer system as the unifying factor in habitat responses to irreversible groundwater impacts on aquatic and marine ecosystems. These adverse impacts strongly suggest that the extent of the regional Floridan aquifer system should be designated as the Southeastern Coastal Plain Ecoregion for the purpose of managing natural resources. Mining activities continue to expand in our study area, which is the Greater Okefenokee Swamp Basin. Despite that fact, no comprehensive Areawide Environmental Impact Statement (AEIS), similar to the AEIS required for phosphate mining within the Central Florida Phosphate District (CFPD) approximately a decade ago has been conducted for any of the numerous mining projects that are occurring and are proposed within the Greater Okefenokee Swamp Basin. This case study also provides examples of why a comprehensive AEIS is essential to consider all of the adverse direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of those mining activities to the CWA, the ESA, and the irreversible losses to local economies, because federal agencies responsible for considering those adverse impacts rely on public comments to identify those adverse impacts. The mining activities authorized throughout the regional Floridan aquifer system under Category 44 Nationwide Permits (NWP) result in the same type of adverse impacts as the mining activities evaluated under Individual Permits in that region. Therefore, those Category 44 NWP mining activities also should be required to obtain Individual Permits and be evaluated under an AEIS in the Greater Okefenokee Swamp Basin. This case study also describes how Florida’s assumption of the CWA Section 404 regulatory authority in 2020 severs four sub-basins within the Greater Okefenokee Swamp Basin study area at the state line between Florida and Georgia. 展开更多
关键词 1994 Government Accountability Report for Ecosystem Management Abuse of Economics Environmental laws and Regulations Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge Resource Sustainability
The Three Pillars of Sustainability Framework: Approaches for Laws and Governance
作者 William Henry Clune Alexander J. B. Zehnder 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2018年第3期211-240,共30页
The three pillars of sustainability framework is a multidisciplinary implementation and solutions oriented approach that recognizes most successful and scalable sustainability solutions require the presence of, and ar... The three pillars of sustainability framework is a multidisciplinary implementation and solutions oriented approach that recognizes most successful and scalable sustainability solutions require the presence of, and are driven by, all three pillars simultaneously: 1) technology and innovation;2) laws and governance;and 3) economics and financial incentives. The three pillars framework is strategic because it often reveals or describes specific and feasible changes that advance sustainability solutions within markets and institutional settings. The section on technology discusses the crucial role that technology plays in creating new ways for doing more in our rapidly urbanizing communities by using less resources and energy inputs. The section on economics discusses problems with current conceptions of economic welfare that measure growth (flow) rather than the asset base (wealth), and explores possibilities for integrated and multidisciplinary analysis for coupled economic and social systems. The section on laws and governance considers the role of legal frameworks related to incentives, regulatory baselines, and in public policy formation, including influences and feedback effects from social norms, changing culture, and sustainability education. Technological development and engaging economic markets are at the center of our best and most rapidly deployable sustainability solutions. In that context, a specific focus is given throughout the discussion sections to the key role of laws and governance in supporting relevant, effective, and sustainable technological and economic development, as well as to highlight the crucial (often final) steps the law plays in successfully implementing new sustainability projects. As the discussions and examples (taken from Asia, the US, and Europe) demonstrate, the three pillars framework is flexible and useful in a number of contexts, as a solutions template, as an integrated planning approach, as a decision making guide, and for determining project priorities. 展开更多
The general laws of the evolution of the county governance in our country before the founding of the new China
作者 SHI Ziheng 《International English Education Research》 2018年第1期113-115,共3页
关键词 新中国 法律 进化 社会组织 基本单位 县政府
Research on the Scientific Meaning of Rule of Law in China
作者 Zhen Liu 《Review of Global Academics》 2015年第2期525-527,共3页
关键词 法治建设 科学内涵 中国模式 时间维度 学术观点 相互作用 法律意识 空间维度
Conflict: Efficient State or State Under the Rule of Law?-- The Hungarian Case of the Victory of the Efficient State over the State Under the Rule of Law
作者 Maria BORDAS 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2015年第3期151-179,共29页
关键词 国际关系 外交 外交行政 外交政策
数据交易安全刑事合规的“软法”治理及清单模式 被引量:2
作者 张勇 王杰 《河南社会科学》 北大核心 2024年第3期10-19,共10页
数据交易安全合规指参与数据交易活动的企业内外部各方主体进行的维护数据安全合规的治理活动。刑事治理是由各方主体参与的惩治和预防犯罪的过程,具有过程性。数据交易安全刑事合规是刑事治理的重要方面,可分为事前合规和事后合规两个... 数据交易安全合规指参与数据交易活动的企业内外部各方主体进行的维护数据安全合规的治理活动。刑事治理是由各方主体参与的惩治和预防犯罪的过程,具有过程性。数据交易安全刑事合规是刑事治理的重要方面,可分为事前合规和事后合规两个阶段。《信息安全技术数据交易服务安全要求(征求意见稿)》和《上海数据交易所数据交易安全合规指引》及配套清单采取正面清单和负面清单的管理模式,列举了数据交易主体、数据安全管理体系、数据来源、数据产品可交易性等方面的合规要求。数据交易安全合规清单具有“软法”性质,“软法”与“硬法”相结合,形成企业刑事合规的规范体系。刑法根据数据交易主体及行为场景的差异,以不同的罪刑规范保护数据交易行为所涉及的多元法益。数据犯罪的空白罪状具有定罪指引作用,也为企业合规的开展留下了空间。在实践中应注重数据安全关联罪名适用与刑行衔接,将企业刑事合规融入刑事司法过程并与行政监管相协调。同时,积极发挥企业合规清单的刑事治理机能,构建和完善激励机制、滤罪机制、评估机制,实现合规清单治理的出罪机能与治本效果。 展开更多
关键词 数据交易安全 刑事合规 “软法”治理 清单模式
新《公司法》若干重要问题解读(笔谈) 被引量:4
作者 赵旭东 周林彬 +3 位作者 刘凯湘 赵万一 周友苏 李建伟 《上海政法学院学报(法治论丛)》 2024年第2期1-41,共41页
新《公司法》修订所涉及的内容非常丰富,修订内容包括公司登记制度、股东出资责任、公司治理制度、公司资本制度、控股股东义务、董监高信义义务等方面。赵旭东教授指出,本次《公司法》修订在公司登记与信息公示制度、股东出资责任和法... 新《公司法》修订所涉及的内容非常丰富,修订内容包括公司登记制度、股东出资责任、公司治理制度、公司资本制度、控股股东义务、董监高信义义务等方面。赵旭东教授指出,本次《公司法》修订在公司登记与信息公示制度、股东出资责任和法律后果、公司资本制度、公司治理制度、股东权益保护和控股股东义务这五个关键领域实现了重大突破和创新。周林彬教授集中解析了“国家出资公司组织机构的特别规定”一章,认为新《公司法》的亮点之一是通过新设这一章积极回应了我国国有企业治理的“本土实践”与“中国问题”,给出新时期国有企业治理的“中国方案”,推进了中国特色的国有企业治理制度的设计,重塑了国有企业的规范体系。刘凯湘教授对本次《公司法》修订中与公司资本制度相关的若干条文展开解析,包括限期认缴制、新增有限公司股东出资义务加速到期制度、股东违反出资义务的责任承担规则、董事会的催缴出资义务、股东失权制度、董监高对股东抽逃出资的连带责任、类别股的规定、授权资本制等。赵万一教授深入探讨了这次《公司法》修改的主要特点,认为新《公司法》既坚持了其商法属性,同时又充分考虑了《民法典》的既有制度内容,适当兼顾了与《民法典》之间的制度衔接关系,从而既为科学解决民法与商法的关系提供了理念和制度支持,也为中国式法律制度体系的创建提供了完美的立法实践样本。周友苏教授深入解析了新《公司法》在完善股东出资制度方面增加的股东出资缴纳、股东出资“加速到期”、股东失权、股东出资责任这四条新规定,认为新《公司法》在完善股东出资制度方面增加的这些新规定,积极回应了我国自2013年以来公司数量大幅增长所带来的股东盲目认缴、天价认缴、期限过长的现象突出,损害债权人利益的纠纷案件呈明显上升态势等问题,极大地强化了保护债权人的力度。李建伟教授深入解析了《公司法》修订中与法定代表人制度相关的若干条文,认为新《公司法》关于法定代表人的规定较之以往更加体系化,并有望基本解决困扰公司实践许多年的诸多难题,但其中亦存在不完全规范的问题。 展开更多
关键词 新《公司法》 股东出资责任 公司治理制度 公司资本制度 法定代表人制度
Law, the Nigerian Economy and Corruption
作者 Benedicta Daudu 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2017年第12期717-727,共11页
金融科技伦理治理:实践困境、功能定位及优化进路 被引量:2
作者 刘乃梁 潘盛龙 《科技与法律(中英文)》 2024年第1期22-31,共10页
科技发展与金融创新的耦合连接在造就金融市场“新格局”的同时,也会生成新型市场风险、冲击传统金融监管体制,进而引发“新秩序”的思考。当前立法的时滞性与监管的“运动式”表现致使金融科技规制步入粗放型窠臼,立足完善金融高科技... 科技发展与金融创新的耦合连接在造就金融市场“新格局”的同时,也会生成新型市场风险、冲击传统金融监管体制,进而引发“新秩序”的思考。当前立法的时滞性与监管的“运动式”表现致使金融科技规制步入粗放型窠臼,立足完善金融高科技治理体系的时代要求,金融科技伦理治理的话语地位逐步提升。金融科技伦理以其发展性、适应性、回应性等制度功效因应金融科技风险治理的现实需求,然而趋向普适性、软约束、碎片化的规范供给样态已然成为制约金融科技伦理效能发挥的关键因素。金融科技伦理治理困境之破解应在功能界分指引下,厘清伦理治理运行的制度载体与价值逻辑。金融科技伦理治理现代化规制框架的建立既要在风险预防性目标下完善伦理治理体系化建设,也要在治理相称理念下推动程序运行机制的法治化转换,更要着眼多元共治格局强化伦理治理的协同合作,促进与企业合规自律的相向而行。 展开更多
关键词 金融科技伦理 伦理治理 风险预防 伦理法治化
知识产权法治建设的三个维度 被引量:1
作者 管育鹰 《知识产权》 北大核心 2024年第2期3-20,共18页
私权保护、国家治理和国际协调是知识产权法治建设中的三个维度。知识产权的本质是人们依法就智力活动成果享有的私权,其客体是通过知识创新或经营劳动产生的特定信息,制度运行中出现的抢占信息资源并将其包装成知识产权客体牟利的乱象... 私权保护、国家治理和国际协调是知识产权法治建设中的三个维度。知识产权的本质是人们依法就智力活动成果享有的私权,其客体是通过知识创新或经营劳动产生的特定信息,制度运行中出现的抢占信息资源并将其包装成知识产权客体牟利的乱象应予以纠正。基于信息的无形性,知识产权保护通常需要首先确定客体范围边界,然后对权利人予以及时充分的救济,因此需要行政和司法机关提供专业、便捷的确权及公正、高效的保护。这一建立在“以公开换保护”基础上的公权力介入特色,使得知识产权制度成为国家治理工具。知识产权保护还与国际贸易紧密相关,这一领域存在诸多国际条约。法治建设不能脱离本土实践,应基于地域性原则,结合经济学、社会学等原理,寻求国内国际法治协调发展的共赢之道。 展开更多
关键词 知识产权 法治 私权 治理工具 国际协调
“三治融合”视域下乡村“积分制”治理运行机制研究——基于四川省Y村的个案研究 被引量:1
作者 王艳 陈思颖 《安徽乡村振兴研究》 2024年第1期39-46,共8页
“三治融合”是宏观层面对乡村治理的政策指引,乡村“积分制”治理正是“三治融合”理念的应用。文章以“三治融合”理念为视角,基于治理组织、治理工具、治理目标三个维度构成的治理逻辑,分析论证“三治融合”理念和乡村“积分制”治... “三治融合”是宏观层面对乡村治理的政策指引,乡村“积分制”治理正是“三治融合”理念的应用。文章以“三治融合”理念为视角,基于治理组织、治理工具、治理目标三个维度构成的治理逻辑,分析论证“三治融合”理念和乡村“积分制”治理运作机理的同一性;依据治理逻辑和运作机理,构建由起始动力机制、协调助力机制和激励保障机制形成的乡村“积分制”治理实践运行机制;通过把握乡村“积分制”治理实践运行机制,提出从构建多元治理主体协同参与的共建共治格局、运用制度和技术工具、建立因地制宜的积分评价考核机制和激励政策等方面优化完善乡村“积分制”治理,以期推动乡村治理方式的创新化发展。 展开更多
关键词 三治融合 积分制治理 实践机制
乡村治理法治体系构建问题研究 被引量:1
作者 宋才发 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期1-14,共14页
乡村治理是国家治理的基石和乡村振兴的基础。提升乡村治理和乡村建设质量,扎实有序做好乡村治理和乡村建设工作,需要重构乡村振兴中的社区治理共同体,优化社区自组织社会风险防范机制,构建新型乡村社区“三社联动”机制,构建多层次新... 乡村治理是国家治理的基石和乡村振兴的基础。提升乡村治理和乡村建设质量,扎实有序做好乡村治理和乡村建设工作,需要重构乡村振兴中的社区治理共同体,优化社区自组织社会风险防范机制,构建新型乡村社区“三社联动”机制,构建多层次新型村庄治理共同体格局。乡村治理法治体系构建的关键在于:发挥村规民约在乡村治理中的作用,效法“枫桥经验”把矛盾纠纷化解在基层,把地方性治理规范融入全过程人民民主,给乡镇政府公共服务能力的提升增权赋能。构建乡村治理法治体系的主要路径是:发挥基层党组织在乡村治理中的引领作用,凸显基层协商民主在乡村治理中的民主意识,强化家庭家教家风在乡村治理中的修复功能,重视新乡贤在乡村振兴中的重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 乡村治理 乡村振兴 法治体系 增权赋能 村规民约 枫桥经验
“平台”与我国县域基层法治秩序的生成——浙江海宁社会治理实践的观察 被引量:1
作者 葛洪义 何佳舟 《法治社会》 2024年第2期101-111,共11页
基层社会治理“平台”是我国县域范围构建具有中国特色法治秩序的重要实践形式。在提升县域基层社会治理水平的过程中,平台被打造成一个由不同政府机构、不同社会组织与社会成员通过协调、协商、议论等方式博弈以解决与民生密切相关的... 基层社会治理“平台”是我国县域范围构建具有中国特色法治秩序的重要实践形式。在提升县域基层社会治理水平的过程中,平台被打造成一个由不同政府机构、不同社会组织与社会成员通过协调、协商、议论等方式博弈以解决与民生密切相关的各种类型问题的工作机制,客观上已经助力生成了法治秩序不可或缺的不同主体之间展开话语交流的公共空间。在浙江海宁,平台被用于促进实现公众与企业合法权利、改造和规范行使公共权力、保障社会稳定与居民安居乐业,以公开促公正公平,有效提升了法律在基层的实施能力。在法治建设正在寻求新的突破之际,有关平台建设的实践具有一定的可借鉴的普遍意义。 展开更多
关键词 基层社会治理平台 县域基层社会治理 法治秩序 社会治理法治化
作者 王阿盈 《昌吉学院学报》 2024年第3期42-48,共7页
做好新疆工作,要完整准确贯彻新时代党的治疆方略,牢牢扭住新疆工作总目标,依法治疆、团结稳疆、文化润疆、富民兴疆、长期建疆共同推进。在这个过程中,必须积极培育依法治疆的文化底蕴,即法治文化。这就关涉到“法治-文化”的同构建设... 做好新疆工作,要完整准确贯彻新时代党的治疆方略,牢牢扭住新疆工作总目标,依法治疆、团结稳疆、文化润疆、富民兴疆、长期建疆共同推进。在这个过程中,必须积极培育依法治疆的文化底蕴,即法治文化。这就关涉到“法治-文化”的同构建设问题。法治的精神需要文化的积淀。从新疆的社会实践来看,在法治轨道上推进新疆治理体系和治理能力现代化的同时,必须加强文化建设,特别是法治文化的建设,引导新疆各族群众崇尚法治、遵守法治和捍卫法治的文化建设就成为一个重要的时代课题。 展开更多
关键词 依法治疆 法治文化 同构建设
作者 李牧 王俊 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期1-8,共8页
随着数字政府建设目标的确立,算法技术嵌入行政成为一种必然趋势,但是算法在促进行政的同时,也带来了法治价值失序的隐忧。算法基于海量数据运算配置社会资源,辅助甚至独立作出行政行为,或许将会成为行政权行使的中枢性力量。但是,过度... 随着数字政府建设目标的确立,算法技术嵌入行政成为一种必然趋势,但是算法在促进行政的同时,也带来了法治价值失序的隐忧。算法基于海量数据运算配置社会资源,辅助甚至独立作出行政行为,或许将会成为行政权行使的中枢性力量。但是,过度依赖算法可能导致强调技术理性而忽视价值理性。算法技术本身所带的内生性风险与算法应用中潜在的风险,暗含着行政权力的“技术延伸”和公民权利被侵蚀的隐患,算法行政遭受合法性和合理性的诘难,数字政府建设与法治政府建设面临耦合困境。为防范算法行政异化风险,政府的数字化必须与法治化同步建设,警惕技术理性凌驾于价值理性之上的观念,并从算法的创制、适用以及事后追责的各阶段构建起算法行政的合法性约束机制,避免“权力—权利”格局的失衡,从而促进政府数字化建设和法治化建设的深度融合。 展开更多
关键词 数字法治政府 算法行政 异化风险 公民权利 行政法治
作者 王旭 《法治社会》 2024年第3期1-12,共12页
系统归纳、提炼习近平法治思想中的重大实践创新及其背后所遵循的理性生产机制具有重要意义。习近平法治思想实践创新的根本前提是习近平总书记在马克思主义实践观指引下,以政治家的高屋建瓴、思想家的磅礴力量对法治中国的形势与战略... 系统归纳、提炼习近平法治思想中的重大实践创新及其背后所遵循的理性生产机制具有重要意义。习近平法治思想实践创新的根本前提是习近平总书记在马克思主义实践观指引下,以政治家的高屋建瓴、思想家的磅礴力量对法治中国的形势与战略进行的准确分析和深刻判断。习近平法治思想中的重大实践创新主要表现在全面依法治国的思维方式重大创新、全面依法治国的总体布局重大创新、全面依法治国适应新时代鲜明特征的重大创新等三个方面,形成了具有原创性的实践创新机制。这些机制创新作用于典型场景,为全面依法治国发生历史性变革、取得历史性成就提供了重要保障。习近平法治思想实践创新具有重大意义与显著优势,在未来更多的法治课题上,习近平法治思想的实践创新伟力还将发挥更多的破题、引领作用,需要通过习近平法治思想中自主实践知识体系的转型来进一步把握未来各种法治实践场景中蕴含的新规律,推动知识转型。 展开更多
关键词 习近平法治思想 法治中国建设 全面依法治国 法治场景
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