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融合NSGA-II和CSA的多目标车间调度 被引量:1
作者 杨青 席珍珍 +2 位作者 葛亮 林星宇 邢志超 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期315-323,共9页
针对在灵活车间系统中调度作业和自动引导车(automated guide vehicle,AGV)的同时调度问题,考虑在有限多个AGV和加工机台的情况下,以最小化最大完工时间、单个AGV搬运消耗时间及所有AGV搬运总消耗时间为目标函数,设计融合NSGA-II(non-do... 针对在灵活车间系统中调度作业和自动引导车(automated guide vehicle,AGV)的同时调度问题,考虑在有限多个AGV和加工机台的情况下,以最小化最大完工时间、单个AGV搬运消耗时间及所有AGV搬运总消耗时间为目标函数,设计融合NSGA-II(non-dominated sorting genetic algorithms)和克隆选择(clonal selection algorithm,CSA)的改进算法INGCSA来解决此类问题。采用工件、加工机台和AGV三部分编码;引入非支配排序和目标函数值大小排序后总得分进行种群分层,从而有效地保留优秀个体;针对克隆后的种群,对不同等级的种群采取不同的变异概率,并对染色体进行内部交换与均匀交叉混合交换的基因重组,有效地提高了种群的多样性与防止陷入局部最优。通过三组对比实验,验证了该算法在探索最优解时,具有运行时间短、稳定性高和收敛性好等优点。 展开更多
关键词 nsga-ii 克隆选择算法 任务调度 运输调度 自动引导车(AGV)
基于改进NSGA-II的轨道交通接驳公交线路优化 被引量:2
作者 裴玉龙 姜封帅 +1 位作者 王婉佼 何庆龄 《重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期54-63,共10页
为解决接驳公交线路规划不合理和时间安排不完善的问题,提出了基于改进NSGA-II算法的环形接驳公交线路优化方法。首先,结合双层规划理论,以乘客出行时间成本最小化、公交企业运营收益和接驳公交服务率最大化为目标函数,以接驳公交线路... 为解决接驳公交线路规划不合理和时间安排不完善的问题,提出了基于改进NSGA-II算法的环形接驳公交线路优化方法。首先,结合双层规划理论,以乘客出行时间成本最小化、公交企业运营收益和接驳公交服务率最大化为目标函数,以接驳公交线路站点数、线路长度和发车频率作为约束条件构建上层模型,采用Logit模型构建了下层接驳客流分配模型;其次,运用Floyd算法对NSGA-II算法的初始化种群进行了优化,针对所提出的模型设计了模型求解流程;最后,以哈尔滨市轨道交通1号线医大一院轨道交通站为案例,运用笔者提出的多目标双层规划模型和算法进行求解,并与原NSGA-II算法和基于Logistic混沌映射的NSGA-II算法进行对比。研究结果表明:基于Floyd算法改进的NSGA-II算法在多目标双层规划模型求解时,收敛速度更快效果更好,求解结果可以在Pareto前沿得到多个相互非支配的最优解;不同解集对应目标函数值不同,但可以达到接驳公交网络整体效益最优,采用折衷最优解集表述求解结果。 展开更多
关键词 交通工程 城市公交 多目标优化 双层规划 nsga-ii
作者 王景梅 蒋英礼 《乡村科技》 2024年第13期141-145,共5页
农村供水管网建设直接关系广大农民的生活质量和地方经济的可持续发展。基于全寿命周期成本分析(LCCA)理论,将全寿命周期总费用和节点平均水头富裕度设定为多目标优化函数,应用非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II算法)对优化模型进行求解和设计... 农村供水管网建设直接关系广大农民的生活质量和地方经济的可持续发展。基于全寿命周期成本分析(LCCA)理论,将全寿命周期总费用和节点平均水头富裕度设定为多目标优化函数,应用非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II算法)对优化模型进行求解和设计,以某农村供水管网工程为例进行优化设计,最终提供同时考虑经济性和供水可靠性的管网设计方案。工程实例优化设计结果证明了该设计方法的可行性和合理性,对农村供水管网优化有一定参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 LCCA nsga-ii算法 农村供水管网 水头富裕度 优化设计
作者 陈超 高全杰 《农业装备与车辆工程》 2024年第8期153-157,共5页
为解决注射成型过程中铸件的质量和铸造效率低等问题,提出一种NSGA-II算法和TOPSIS方法与响应面法相结合的新型注射工艺参数优化筛选方法。以定轴为研究对象,采用Box-Behnken设计,以熔体温度、模具温度、注射时间、保压压力为变量,以翘... 为解决注射成型过程中铸件的质量和铸造效率低等问题,提出一种NSGA-II算法和TOPSIS方法与响应面法相结合的新型注射工艺参数优化筛选方法。以定轴为研究对象,采用Box-Behnken设计,以熔体温度、模具温度、注射时间、保压压力为变量,以翘曲变形量和体积收缩率为响应变量,采用NSGA-II遗传算法对2个响应的目标函数执行优化,用TOPSIS方法求解优化得到的Pareto前沿解集,找到最优解。仿真结果表明,当注射时间为40.71s、模具温度为131℃、熔体温度为180.07℃、保压压力为65 MPa时,翘曲变形降低了10.92%、体积收缩率降低了11.19%。优化后的注射工艺参数可有效消除铸件内部收缩松动和缩孔缺陷,形成性能良好的致密铸件,提高了产品质量。 展开更多
关键词 注射成型 多目标优化 BOX-BEHNKEN设计 nsga-ii遗传算法
基于NSGA-II算法的TEG脱水工艺能耗分析及参数优化 被引量:4
作者 王润平 杨岳鹏 曹建峰 《油气田地面工程》 2024年第1期15-21,共7页
为满足天然气脱水工艺中干气露点达标和能耗优化要求,以某气田集气站为例,采用ASPEN Hysys软件搭建天然气脱水工艺流程,根据实际运行参数筛选影响脱水系统能耗的工艺参数,利用BBD实验设计建立多目标回归函数,并采用第二代自适应非支配... 为满足天然气脱水工艺中干气露点达标和能耗优化要求,以某气田集气站为例,采用ASPEN Hysys软件搭建天然气脱水工艺流程,根据实际运行参数筛选影响脱水系统能耗的工艺参数,利用BBD实验设计建立多目标回归函数,并采用第二代自适应非支配遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)对函数进行求解,最后与Hysys自带的优化器求解算法进行了对比。结果表明:TEG循环量、重沸器温度和汽提气量对能耗的敏感性较强;通过分析Pareto前沿,当优化前后水露点接近的条件下,等量功比优化前降低了4.18%;当优化前后等量功接近的条件下,干气露点比优化前降低了1.92℃;当采用Hysys软件自带的优化器求解时,TEG循环量和汽提气量均有所减小,但重沸器温度未得到优化。NSGA-Ⅱ算法在能耗降低及参数优化上具有优越性,可以得到全局最优解。 展开更多
关键词 nsga-ii TEG 天然气脱水 多目标优化
作者 关颜慧 李军星 贾现召 《河南科技学院学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第6期69-80,共12页
在对制造企业进行供应链系统的优化过程中,针对系统的经济性、稳定性和消费者满意度之间存在的优化冲突问题,结合制造企业供应链系统的运行特性,对由供应商、制造商、零售商和分销商所组成的四级供应链系统体系进行研究,实现以供应链系... 在对制造企业进行供应链系统的优化过程中,针对系统的经济性、稳定性和消费者满意度之间存在的优化冲突问题,结合制造企业供应链系统的运行特性,对由供应商、制造商、零售商和分销商所组成的四级供应链系统体系进行研究,实现以供应链系统的利润最大、稳定性最高和消费者满意度最大为核心目标建立多目标优化模型.结合企业具体算例,通过引入矩阵实数编码、邻域搜索算子和动态拥挤距离的多样性保持策略对NSGA-II算法进行改进.利用MATLAB软件对制造企业供应链系统可靠性优化模型进行仿真验证.结果证明本方法能有效提高制造企业供应链系统的优化能力,从而为企业在竞争激烈的市场中实现供应链的高效管理和运营提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 供应链 多目标优化 改进的nsga-ii算法
Significant genomic introgression from grey junglefowl(Gallus sonneratii)to domestic chickens(Gallus gallus domesticus)
作者 Xiurong Zhao Junhui Wen +10 位作者 Xinye Zhang Jinxin Zhang Tao Zhu Huie Wang Weifang Yang Guomin Cao Wenjie Xiong Yong Liu Changqing Qu Zhonghua Ning Lujiang Qu 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期1482-1493,共12页
Background Chicken is one of the most numerous and widely distributed species around the world,and many studies support the multiple ancestral origins of domestic chickens.The research regarding the yellow skin phenot... Background Chicken is one of the most numerous and widely distributed species around the world,and many studies support the multiple ancestral origins of domestic chickens.The research regarding the yellow skin phenotype in domestic chickens(regulated by BCO2)likely originating from the grey junglefowl serves as crucial evidence for demonstrating the multiple origins of chickens.However,beyond the BCO2 gene region,much remains unknown about the introgression from the grey junglefowl into domestic chickens.Therefore,in this study,based on wholegenome data of 149 samples including 4 species of wild junglefowls and 13 local domestic chicken breeds,we explored the introgression events from the grey junglefowl to domestic chickens.Results We successfully detected introgression regions besides BCO2,including two associated with growth trait(IGFBP2 and TKT),one associated with angiogenesis(TIMP3)and two members of the heat shock protein family(HSPB2 and CRYAB).Our findings suggest that the introgression from the grey junglefowl may impact the growth performance of chickens.Furthermore,we revealed introgression events from grey junglefowl at the BCO2 region in multiple domestic chicken breeds,indicating a phenomenon where the yellow skin phenotype likely underwent strong selection and was retained.Additionally,our haplotype analysis shed light on BCO2 introgression event from different sources of grey junglefowl into domestic chickens,possibly suggesting multiple genetic flows between the grey junglefowl and domestic chickens.Conclusions In summary,our findings provide evidences of the grey junglefowl contributing to the genetic diversity of domestic chickens,laying the foundation for a deeper understanding of the genetic composition within domestic chickens,and offering new perspectives on the impact of introgression on domestic chickens. 展开更多
关键词 BCO2 Domestic chickens grey junglefowl INTROGRESSION
作者 廖伊杰 孟芳 《软件工程与应用》 2024年第2期208-222,共15页
随着国家对物流行业的绿色化和可持续发展的日益重视,新能源相关行业正在蓬勃发展。针对引入电动冷藏车的冷链物流企业,构建了一个同时考虑综合运输成本、碳排放量与企业配送水平的多目标优化模型,并结合NSGA-II算法对使用电动冷藏车的... 随着国家对物流行业的绿色化和可持续发展的日益重视,新能源相关行业正在蓬勃发展。针对引入电动冷藏车的冷链物流企业,构建了一个同时考虑综合运输成本、碳排放量与企业配送水平的多目标优化模型,并结合NSGA-II算法对使用电动冷藏车的冷链物流配送路径进行优化求解。对模型求解得到了Pareto前沿面,并对Pareto解集中的几个典型解进行了分析,分析结果可为引入电动冷藏车的冷链物流企业在考虑降低碳排放和提高企业物流服务水平的前提下进行路径优化提供一定的决策参考。 展开更多
关键词 电动冷藏车 路径优化 碳排放 多目标优化 nsga-ii
Case Retrieval Strategy of Turning Process Based on Grey Relational Analysis
作者 Jianfeng Zhao Yunliang Huo +3 位作者 Ji Xiong Junbo Liu Zhixing Guo Qingxian Li 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第2期1663-1678,共16页
To solve the problem of long response time when users obtain suitable cutting parameters through the Internet based platform,a case-based reasoning framework is proposed.Specifically,a Hamming distance and Euclidean d... To solve the problem of long response time when users obtain suitable cutting parameters through the Internet based platform,a case-based reasoning framework is proposed.Specifically,a Hamming distance and Euclidean distance combined method is designed to measure the similarity of case features which have both numeric and category properties.In addition,AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)and entropy weight method are integrated to provide features weight,where both user preferences and comprehensive impact of the index have been concerned.Grey relation analysis is used to obtain the similarity of a new problem and alternative cases.Finally,a platform is also developed on Visual Studio 2015,and a case study is demonstrated to verify the practicality and efficiency of the proposed method.This method can obtain cutting parameters which is suitable without iterative calculation.Compared with the traditional PSO(Particle swarm optimization algorithm)and GA(Genetic algorithm),it can obtain faster response speed.This method can provide ideas for selecting processing parameters in industrial production.While guaranteeing the characteristic information is similar,this approach can select processing parameters which is the most appropriate for the production process and a lot of time can be saved. 展开更多
关键词 CBR turning process grey relation AHP entropy weight
Enhancing Hyper-Spectral Image Classification with Reinforcement Learning and Advanced Multi-Objective Binary Grey Wolf Optimization
作者 Mehrdad Shoeibi Mohammad Mehdi Sharifi Nevisi +3 位作者 Reza Salehi Diego Martín Zahra Halimi Sahba Baniasadi 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期3469-3493,共25页
Hyperspectral(HS)image classification plays a crucial role in numerous areas including remote sensing(RS),agriculture,and the monitoring of the environment.Optimal band selection in HS images is crucial for improving ... Hyperspectral(HS)image classification plays a crucial role in numerous areas including remote sensing(RS),agriculture,and the monitoring of the environment.Optimal band selection in HS images is crucial for improving the efficiency and accuracy of image classification.This process involves selecting the most informative spectral bands,which leads to a reduction in data volume.Focusing on these key bands also enhances the accuracy of classification algorithms,as redundant or irrelevant bands,which can introduce noise and lower model performance,are excluded.In this paper,we propose an approach for HS image classification using deep Q learning(DQL)and a novel multi-objective binary grey wolf optimizer(MOBGWO).We investigate the MOBGWO for optimal band selection to further enhance the accuracy of HS image classification.In the suggested MOBGWO,a new sigmoid function is introduced as a transfer function to modify the wolves’position.The primary objective of this classification is to reduce the number of bands while maximizing classification accuracy.To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach,we conducted experiments on publicly available HS image datasets,including Pavia University,Washington Mall,and Indian Pines datasets.We compared the performance of our proposed method with several state-of-the-art deep learning(DL)and machine learning(ML)algorithms,including long short-term memory(LSTM),deep neural network(DNN),recurrent neural network(RNN),support vector machine(SVM),and random forest(RF).Our experimental results demonstrate that the Hybrid MOBGWO-DQL significantly improves classification accuracy compared to traditional optimization and DL techniques.MOBGWO-DQL shows greater accuracy in classifying most categories in both datasets used.For the Indian Pine dataset,the MOBGWO-DQL architecture achieved a kappa coefficient(KC)of 97.68%and an overall accuracy(OA)of 94.32%.This was accompanied by the lowest root mean square error(RMSE)of 0.94,indicating very precise predictions with minimal error.In the case of the Pavia University dataset,the MOBGWO-DQL model demonstrated outstanding performance with the highest KC of 98.72%and an impressive OA of 96.01%.It also recorded the lowest RMSE at 0.63,reinforcing its accuracy in predictions.The results clearly demonstrate that the proposed MOBGWO-DQL architecture not only reaches a highly accurate model more quickly but also maintains superior performance throughout the training process. 展开更多
关键词 Hyperspectral image classification reinforcement learning multi-objective binary grey wolf optimizer band selection
Management of Strawberry Grey Mold Disease Using Biocontrol Agents and Plant Extracts
作者 P. Sakthi Priya Srushtideep Angidi +2 位作者 Uday Kumar Thera S. V. Nandeesha Thangaswamy Rajesh 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 CAS 2024年第7期538-551,共14页
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is a significant global soft fruit crop, prized for its nutrient content and pleasant flavor. However, diseases, particularly grey mold caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr. ... Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is a significant global soft fruit crop, prized for its nutrient content and pleasant flavor. However, diseases, particularly grey mold caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr. poses major constraints to strawberry production and productivity. Grey mold severely impacts fruit quality and quantity, diminishing market value. This study evaluated five B. cinerea isolates from various locations in the Ri-Bhoi district of Meghalaya. All isolates were pathogenic, with isolate SGM 2 identified as highly virulent. Host range studies showed the pathogen-producing symptoms in the fava bean pods, marigold, gerbera, and chrysanthemum flowers and in the fava bean, gerbera, and lettuce leaves. In vitro tests revealed that neem extract (15% w/v) achieved the highest mycelial growth inhibition at 76.66%, while black turmeric extract (5% w/v) had the lowest inhibition at 9.62%. Dual culture methods with bio-control agents indicated that Bacillus subtilis recorded the highest mean inhibition at 77.03%, while Pseudomonas fluorescens had the lowest at 20.36% against the two virulent isolates. Pot evaluations demonstrated that B. subtilis resulted in the lowest percent disease index at 20.59%, followed by neem extract at 23.31%, with the highest disease index in the control group at 42.51%. Additionally, B. subtilis significantly improved plant growth, yielding an average of 0.32 kg compared to 0.14 kg in the control. The promising results of B. subtilis and neem leaf extract from this study suggest their potential for eco-friendly managing grey mold in strawberries under field conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Strawberry grey Mold BCA Plant Extracts Botrytis cinerea
作者 陈健 冯芝丽 《中国新技术新产品》 2024年第20期8-10,共3页
多目标非支配排序遗传算法(Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II,NSGA-II)是一种经典的多目标进化算法,具有鲁棒性强和搜索性能高的优点,多目标粒子群优化算法(Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization,MOPSO)是新型的进... 多目标非支配排序遗传算法(Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II,NSGA-II)是一种经典的多目标进化算法,具有鲁棒性强和搜索性能高的优点,多目标粒子群优化算法(Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization,MOPSO)是新型的进化算法,具有收敛速度快、精度高和搜索效率高的优点。为了充分发挥这2种算法的优势,本文提出一种结合NSGA-II和MOPSO的双种群协同进化多目标优化算法。将算法应用于5个标准测试函数优化问题进行对比试验,试验结果表明,本文算法得到的最优解集更接近真实帕累托(Pareto)前沿,收敛性、均匀性和分布性更好,综合性能更强。 展开更多
关键词 nsga-ii MOPSO 协同进化 多目标算法
Optimization of Agricultural Industrial Structure in Changping District of Beijing Based on Grey Relational Analysis
作者 Haosong LI Rao CHEN 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2024年第4期3-7,共5页
In the economic development of Beijing,although the share of the total amount of agricultural industry in the overall economy is relatively low,it has an important impact on the daily life of residents,social stabilit... In the economic development of Beijing,although the share of the total amount of agricultural industry in the overall economy is relatively low,it has an important impact on the daily life of residents,social stability and the development of other industries.Changping District,as an important agricultural production base of Beijing,its agricultural development has an indispensable strategic significance for the stability and growth of the entire regional economy.Therefore,it is very important to study the structure of agricultural industry in Changping District.Based on the detailed analysis of the agricultural industrial structure of Changping District,this paper uses the grey relation theory to analyze the different industries in the agricultural industrial structure of Changping District,including planting,forestry,animal husbandry,fishery and agricultural,forestry,service industries,in order to reveal the impact of these industries on the agricultural industrial structure of Changping District.Through this study,it comes up with specific and feasible suggestions for the optimization of agricultural industrial structure in Changping District,and provides valuable reference for the agricultural development of other areas in Beijing. 展开更多
Energy-Saving Distributed Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Optimization with Dual Resource Constraints Based on Integrated Q-Learning Multi-Objective Grey Wolf Optimizer
作者 Hongliang Zhang Yi Chen +1 位作者 Yuteng Zhang Gongjie Xu 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第8期1459-1483,共25页
The distributed flexible job shop scheduling problem(DFJSP)has attracted great attention with the growth of the global manufacturing industry.General DFJSP research only considers machine constraints and ignores worke... The distributed flexible job shop scheduling problem(DFJSP)has attracted great attention with the growth of the global manufacturing industry.General DFJSP research only considers machine constraints and ignores worker constraints.As one critical factor of production,effective utilization of worker resources can increase productivity.Meanwhile,energy consumption is a growing concern due to the increasingly serious environmental issues.Therefore,the distributed flexible job shop scheduling problem with dual resource constraints(DFJSP-DRC)for minimizing makespan and total energy consumption is studied in this paper.To solve the problem,we present a multi-objective mathematical model for DFJSP-DRC and propose a Q-learning-based multi-objective grey wolf optimizer(Q-MOGWO).In Q-MOGWO,high-quality initial solutions are generated by a hybrid initialization strategy,and an improved active decoding strategy is designed to obtain the scheduling schemes.To further enhance the local search capability and expand the solution space,two wolf predation strategies and three critical factory neighborhood structures based on Q-learning are proposed.These strategies and structures enable Q-MOGWO to explore the solution space more efficiently and thus find better Pareto solutions.The effectiveness of Q-MOGWO in addressing DFJSP-DRC is verified through comparison with four algorithms using 45 instances.The results reveal that Q-MOGWO outperforms comparison algorithms in terms of solution quality. 展开更多
关键词 Distributed flexible job shop scheduling problem dual resource constraints energy-saving scheduling multi-objective grey wolf optimizer Q-LEARNING
A Hybrid Optimization Approach of Single Point Incremental Sheet Forming of AISI 316L Stainless Steel Using Grey Relation Analysis Coupled with Principal Component Analysiss
作者 A Visagan P Ganesh 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期160-166,共7页
We investigated the parametric optimization on incremental sheet forming of stainless steel using Grey Relational Analysis(GRA) coupled with Principal Component Analysis(PCA). AISI 316L stainless steel sheets were use... We investigated the parametric optimization on incremental sheet forming of stainless steel using Grey Relational Analysis(GRA) coupled with Principal Component Analysis(PCA). AISI 316L stainless steel sheets were used to develop double wall angle pyramid with aid of tungsten carbide tool. GRA coupled with PCA was used to plan the experiment conditions. Control factors such as Tool Diameter(TD), Step Depth(SD), Bottom Wall Angle(BWA), Feed Rate(FR) and Spindle Speed(SS) on Top Wall Angle(TWA) and Top Wall Angle Surface Roughness(TWASR) have been studied. Wall angle increases with increasing tool diameter due to large contact area between tool and workpiece. As the step depth, feed rate and spindle speed increase,TWASR decreases with increasing tool diameter. As the step depth increasing, the hydrostatic stress is raised causing severe cracks in the deformed surface. Hence it was concluded that the proposed hybrid method was suitable for optimizing the factors and response. 展开更多
关键词 single point incremental forming AISI 316L taguchi grey relation analysis principal component analysis surface roughness scanning electron microscopy
作者 陆佳皓 季肖枫 +2 位作者 姜伯晨 由佳翰 马建忠 《机电工程技术》 2024年第8期115-119,共5页
针对6R机械臂最优轨迹优化问题,提出一种机械臂最优轨迹优化方法。将笛卡尔空间内的机械臂末端运动轨迹离散为时间-位姿插值点并通过机器人逆运动学转换为机械臂关节空间内的时间-位置序列,利用5次非均匀B样条函数构造关节插值轨迹。使... 针对6R机械臂最优轨迹优化问题,提出一种机械臂最优轨迹优化方法。将笛卡尔空间内的机械臂末端运动轨迹离散为时间-位姿插值点并通过机器人逆运动学转换为机械臂关节空间内的时间-位置序列,利用5次非均匀B样条函数构造关节插值轨迹。使用B样条函数和各阶导数的曲线控制顶点代替机械臂的运动约束,引入NSGA-II对机械臂运行时间、能量消耗和关节冲击为目标进行优化,得到Pareto最优解分布。可通过实际需求,构造归一权重函数,从Pareto解中挑选期望解,获得高阶连续的关节运动轨迹。以ABBIRB120型6R机械臂为例,进行了轨迹优化的仿真实验,有效地生成了高阶连续、平滑无突变的最优轨迹,具有更好的性能和优越性。为6R机械臂的轨迹优化提供了一种新的思路和方法。 展开更多
关键词 机械臂 非均匀B样条 轨迹规划 nsga-ii:归一权重函数
Key indexes identifying approach of weapon equipment system-of-systems effectiveness integrating Bayes method and dynamic grey incidence analysis model
作者 ZHANG Jingru FANG Zhigeng +1 位作者 YE Feng CHEN Ding 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 CSCD 2024年第6期1482-1490,共9页
Aiming at the characteristics of multi-stage and(extremely)small samples of the identification problem of key effectiveness indexes of weapon equipment system-of-systems(WESoS),a Bayesian intelligent identification an... Aiming at the characteristics of multi-stage and(extremely)small samples of the identification problem of key effectiveness indexes of weapon equipment system-of-systems(WESoS),a Bayesian intelligent identification and inference model for system effectiveness assessment indexes based on dynamic grey incidence is proposed.The method uses multi-layer Bayesian techniques,makes full use of historical statistics and empirical information,and determines the Bayesian estima-tion of the incidence degree of indexes,which effectively solves the difficulties of small sample size of effectiveness indexes and difficulty in obtaining incidence rules between indexes.Sec-ondly,The method quantifies the incidence relationship between evaluation indexes and combat effectiveness based on Bayesian posterior grey incidence,and then identifies key system effec-tiveness evaluation indexes.Finally,the proposed method is applied to a case of screening key effectiveness indexes of a missile defensive system,and the analysis results show that the proposed method can fuse multi-moment information and extract multi-stage key indexes,and has good data extraction capability in the case of small samples. 展开更多
关键词 weapon equipment system-of-systems(WESoS) effectiveness index system effectiveness key index Bayes theo-rem grey incidence analysis (extremely)small samples
作者 马艳芳 刘畅 +1 位作者 黄思雨 杨丽宁 《计算机工程与应用》 北大核心 2025年第1期341-351,共11页
为规避突发公共卫生事件下的不确定风险,研究医疗废物回收网络中的回收中心、处理中心、处置中心等节点选址问题,以总成本最小以及总风险最小为目标,构建考虑运营风险的医疗废物回收选址多目标鲁棒优化模型,设计非支配排序遗传算法,提出... 为规避突发公共卫生事件下的不确定风险,研究医疗废物回收网络中的回收中心、处理中心、处置中心等节点选址问题,以总成本最小以及总风险最小为目标,构建考虑运营风险的医疗废物回收选址多目标鲁棒优化模型,设计非支配排序遗传算法,提出p鲁棒迭代算子求解p值下界,采用轮盘赌选择,结合精英策略、均匀交叉和反向变异等遗传操作。基于仿真案例,求解确定性模型与鲁棒优化模型得到帕累托解。模型对比结果表明鲁棒优化模型适用所有情景,且成本相对遗憾值均小于2%,能够有效应对参数不确定引起的设施选址变化。对p值进行灵敏度分析,结果表明当0.004≤p≤0.08时,解的质量随p值增大而上升;p值越接近下界0.004,目标值下降越迅速,越适于应对紧急情况;同时决策者的风险偏好程度和总成本对设施布局有重要影响,需对二者进行综合权衡。 展开更多
关键词 医疗废物 多目标规划 选址模型 nsga-ii算法 鲁棒优化
Optimizing Grey Wolf Optimization: A Novel Agents’ Positions Updating Technique for Enhanced Efficiency and Performance
作者 Mahmoud Khatab Mohamed El-Gamel +2 位作者 Ahmed I. Saleh Asmaa H. Rabie Atallah El-Shenawy 《Open Journal of Optimization》 2024年第1期21-30,共10页
Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) is a nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm that has gained popularity for solving optimization problems. In GWO, the success of the algorithm heavily relies on the efficient updating of ... Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) is a nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm that has gained popularity for solving optimization problems. In GWO, the success of the algorithm heavily relies on the efficient updating of the agents’ positions relative to the leader wolves. In this paper, we provide a brief overview of the Grey Wolf Optimization technique and its significance in solving complex optimization problems. Building upon the foundation of GWO, we introduce a novel technique for updating agents’ positions, which aims to enhance the algorithm’s effectiveness and efficiency. To evaluate the performance of our proposed approach, we conduct comprehensive experiments and compare the results with the original Grey Wolf Optimization technique. Our comparative analysis demonstrates that the proposed technique achieves superior optimization outcomes. These findings underscore the potential of our approach in addressing optimization challenges effectively and efficiently, making it a valuable contribution to the field of optimization algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) Metaheuristic Algorithm Optimization Problems Agents’ Positions Leader Wolves Optimal Fitness Values Optimization Challenges
作者 刘思峰 胡明礼 +1 位作者 Forrest Jeffrey 杨英杰 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第2期103-111,共9页
The progress of grey system models is reviewed, and the general grey numbers, the grey sequence op- erators and several most commonly used grey system models are introduced, such as the absolute degree of grey inciden... The progress of grey system models is reviewed, and the general grey numbers, the grey sequence op- erators and several most commonly used grey system models are introduced, such as the absolute degree of grey incidence model, the grey cluster model based on endpoint triangular whitenization functions, the grey cluster model based on center-point triangular whitenization functions, the grey prediction model of the model GM ( 1,1), and the weighted multi-attribute grey target decision model. 展开更多
关键词 grey system theory general grey numbers grey sequence operators grey system models
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