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Gaze and Oppositional Gaze in Mr. Tang’s Girls
作者 YUAN An-ning 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2024年第3期177-185,共9页
The gaze is a means of power that can flow through family relationships.It has intense regulatory overtones.In her short story Mr.Tang’s Girls,Malaysian-Chinese Anglophone diasporic writer Shirley Geok-lin Lim shows ... The gaze is a means of power that can flow through family relationships.It has intense regulatory overtones.In her short story Mr.Tang’s Girls,Malaysian-Chinese Anglophone diasporic writer Shirley Geok-lin Lim shows the conflict between Eastern and Western cultures and the resistance of women under the oppression of patriarchy through the portrayal of the father,Ah Kong,and the eldest daughter,Kim Li.Based on Foucault’s discipline gaze and Hooks’oppositional gaze,this article analyzes the power operation in the story from the following three aspects:the male gaze,discipline and self-discipline,and the oppositional gaze.Kim Li’s subjective image of breaking free from male ownership control has been presented.It suggests the difficulties encountered by female groups in their rebellion against the male gaze and their pursuit of freedom and emancipation.It also reflects the tragedy of awakening women’s destinies under the dual oppression of patriarchy and the East-Westen cultural conflict. 展开更多
关键词 Mr.Tang’s Girls Shirley Geok-lin Lim GAZE oppositional gaze
作者 赵丽娟(综述) 钱淑霞(审校) 《中风与神经疾病杂志》 2025年第1期30-33,共4页
多系统萎缩(MSA)是一种罕见的神经系统变性疾病,临床表现多样且不典型,与α-突触核蛋白谱系病中的其他疾病存在重叠现象。疾病的诊断及早期鉴别诊断方面临巨大的挑战,漏诊、误诊的情况时有发生,从而延误疾病的治疗。眼震视图(VNG)是目... 多系统萎缩(MSA)是一种罕见的神经系统变性疾病,临床表现多样且不典型,与α-突触核蛋白谱系病中的其他疾病存在重叠现象。疾病的诊断及早期鉴别诊断方面临巨大的挑战,漏诊、误诊的情况时有发生,从而延误疾病的治疗。眼震视图(VNG)是目前评估前庭功能的主要无创检查,可提供不同的眼动参数。有研究表明,多系统萎缩患者中存在异常的眼球运动。本文从视觉-眼动的角度,综述其对多系统萎缩患者的研究现状,尽可能揭示其内在联系,为MSA的早期诊断提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 多系统萎缩 视频眼震图 凝视 扫视 平稳追踪 视动性眼球震颤
作者 张苏晗 毛培春 +3 位作者 田小霞 郭玉霞 郑明利 孟林 《中国畜牧兽医》 北大核心 2025年第1期133-146,共14页
[目的]解析林下菊苣草地放养与传统笼养对北京油鸡盲肠菌群和代谢物的影响。[方法]将体重相近的10周龄北京油鸡母鸡随机分为3组,即林下菊苣草地放养组(T1组,放养密度100只/667 m~2;T2组,放养密度120只/667 m~2)和传统笼养对照组(CK),草... [目的]解析林下菊苣草地放养与传统笼养对北京油鸡盲肠菌群和代谢物的影响。[方法]将体重相近的10周龄北京油鸡母鸡随机分为3组,即林下菊苣草地放养组(T1组,放养密度100只/667 m~2;T2组,放养密度120只/667 m~2)和传统笼养对照组(CK),草地放养组采用草地放养与基础饲粮补饲相结合方式,传统笼养组仅饲喂基础饲粮,试验期95 d。饲养试验结束后采集盲肠内容物,在16S rRNA高通量测序的基础上分析微生物群落丰富度和多样性、菌群结构,采用液相色谱-质谱联用(LC-MS)代谢组学分析差异代谢物和KEGG富集通路。[结果]与CK组相比,T1组北京油鸡盲肠菌群的Sobs指数、Chao1指数、Ace指数和Shannon指数均有所提高,Simpson指数有所降低,但均未达到显著水平(P>0.05);T2组北京油鸡盲肠菌群的Sobs指数、Chao1指数和Ace指数分别提高41.3%、33.6%和34.7%(P<0.05)。与CK组相比,T1和T2组北京油鸡盲肠中扭链瘤胃球菌属、理研菌科_RC9菌属、欧陆森氏菌属、未分类毛螺菌科和瘤胃球菌科UCG-005菌属的相对丰度均有一定程度提高,但未达到显著水平(P>0.05);T1和T2组北京油鸡盲肠差异代谢物主要富集在萜类化合物和聚酮类化合物的代谢、植物次生代谢产物的生物合成、脂质代谢和氨基酸代谢途径。[结论]林下菊苣草地放养提高了北京油鸡盲肠内有益菌的相对丰度,影响了北京油鸡的脂质代谢途径和氨基酸代谢途径,可起到控制体脂、提高必需氨基酸含量和免疫性能等一系列良性作用。 展开更多
关键词 林下草地放养 北京油鸡 盲肠菌群 盲肠代谢物
作者 赵芝贤 《语言与文化研究》 2025年第1期222-225,共4页
苏格兰作家缪里尔·斯帕克的代表作《布罗迪小姐的青春》以二战后苏格兰为背景,从性别、阶级、民族三个层面探寻小说中各角色在凝视关系下主客体之间关系的建立,被欲望压制的权力客体对权力主体的反抗与对抗凝视,以及在对抗凝视过... 苏格兰作家缪里尔·斯帕克的代表作《布罗迪小姐的青春》以二战后苏格兰为背景,从性别、阶级、民族三个层面探寻小说中各角色在凝视关系下主客体之间关系的建立,被欲望压制的权力客体对权力主体的反抗与对抗凝视,以及在对抗凝视过程中对自我客体身份的突破与颠覆,在反凝视的过程中获得身份认同。女性反抗父权制旧社会的传统力量,对男性欲望及社会旧势力进行视觉较量,通过反凝视构建起女性话语权,突破传统权力层级的限制。二战期间苏格兰经济严重受创,长期处于英格兰的从属地位,苏格兰与英格兰之间的凝视关系体现出苏格兰民族身份的建构与认同的紧迫性,表达出对英格兰苏格兰两种文化平等关系的追寻。《布罗迪小姐的青春》中的凝视书写试图颠覆既有的权力关系,实现自我身份的超越。 展开更多
关键词 《布罗迪小姐的青春》 缪里尔·斯帕克 凝视 权力
作者 李得平 苗治国 +2 位作者 李振 龚晓强 刘博 《中华中医药学刊》 北大核心 2025年第1期226-230,共5页
目的探讨柴胡清上汤联合凝视稳定性前庭康复训练对前庭神经炎患者前庭功能和氧化应激的影响。方法选择2021年7月—2022年12月医院就诊并诊断为前庭神经炎患者60例作为研究对象,随机分为试验组和对照组,各30例。对照组予以常规及对症治疗... 目的探讨柴胡清上汤联合凝视稳定性前庭康复训练对前庭神经炎患者前庭功能和氧化应激的影响。方法选择2021年7月—2022年12月医院就诊并诊断为前庭神经炎患者60例作为研究对象,随机分为试验组和对照组,各30例。对照组予以常规及对症治疗,试验组在对照组基础上予以柴胡清上汤联合凝视稳定性前庭康复训练。比较治疗前后两组患者临床疗效、眩晕症状评定量表(Vertigo symptom rating scale,DARS)、眩晕障碍量表(Dizziness handicap inventory,DHI)及特异性活动平衡自信量表(Activities-specific balance confidence scale,ABC)、前庭功能、血清炎症因子、氧化应激指标及不良反应发生情况。结果治疗后,与对照组总有效率63.33%(19/30)相比,试验组总有效率(86.67%,26/30)较高(P<0.05),与治疗前比较,两组患者DARS、DHI评分均显著降低,ABC评分升高(P<0.05);治疗后与对照组相比,试验组DARS、DHI评分较低,ABC评分较高(P<0.05)。与治疗前比较,两组患者半规管轻瘫(Semicircular canal paraplegia,CP)值、扫视波幅度、自发眼震强度、摇头眼震强度明显下降,半规管增益明显增高(P<0.05);治疗后与对照组相比,试验组半规管轻瘫CP值、扫视波幅度、自发眼震强度、摇头眼震强度较低,半规管增益较高(P<0.05)。与治疗前比较,两组患者血清肿瘤坏死因子-α(Tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(Interleukin-6,IL-6)水平明显下降(P<0.05);且与对照组相比,试验组血清TNF-α、IL-6水平较低(P<0.05)。与治疗前比较,两组患者超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide dismutase,SOD)水平明显升高,丙二醛(Malondialdehyde,MDA)水平降低(P<0.05);且与对照组相比,试验组SOD水平较高,MDA水平较低(P<0.05)。两组不良反应发生情况相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论柴胡清上汤联合凝视稳定性前庭康复训练可有效提升前庭神经炎患者整体治疗效果,调节机体内血清炎症、氧化应激水平,显著改善前庭功能,缓解眼震、半规管轻瘫状态,临床适宜推广。 展开更多
关键词 柴胡清上汤 凝视稳定性前庭康复训练 前庭神经炎 前庭功能 氧化应激
Gaze Estimation via a Differential Eyes’Appearances Network with a Reference Grid 被引量:1
作者 Song Gu Lihui Wang +2 位作者 Long He Xianding He Jian Wang 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2021年第6期777-786,共10页
A person’s eye gaze can effectively express that person’s intentions.Thus,gaze estimation is an important approach in intelligent manufacturing to analyze a person’s intentions.Many gaze estimation methods regress ... A person’s eye gaze can effectively express that person’s intentions.Thus,gaze estimation is an important approach in intelligent manufacturing to analyze a person’s intentions.Many gaze estimation methods regress the direction of the gaze by analyzing images of the eyes,also known as eye patches.However,it is very difficult to construct a person-independent model that can estimate an accurate gaze direction for every person due to individual differences.In this paper,we hypothesize that the difference in the appearance of each of a person’s eyes is related to the difference in the corresponding gaze directions.Based on this hypothesis,a differential eyes’appearances network(DEANet)is trained on public datasets to predict the gaze differences of pairwise eye patches belonging to the same individual.Our proposed DEANet is based on a Siamese neural network(SNNet)framework which has two identical branches.A multi-stream architecture is fed into each branch of the SNNet.Both branches of the DEANet that share the same weights extract the features of the patches;then the features are concatenated to obtain the difference of the gaze directions.Once the differential gaze model is trained,a new person’s gaze direction can be estimated when a few calibrated eye patches for that person are provided.Because personspecific calibrated eye patches are involved in the testing stage,the estimation accuracy is improved.Furthermore,the problem of requiring a large amount of data when training a person-specific model is effectively avoided.A reference grid strategy is also proposed in order to select a few references as some of the DEANet’s inputs directly based on the estimation values,further thereby improving the estimation accuracy.Experiments on public datasets show that our proposed approach outperforms the state-of-theart methods. 展开更多
关键词 Gaze estimation Differential gaze Siamese neural network Cross-person evaluations Human–robot collaboration
Eye Gaze Detection Based on Computational Visual Perception and Facial Landmarks 被引量:2
作者 Debajit Datta Pramod Kumar Maurya +4 位作者 Kathiravan Srinivasan Chuan-Yu Chang Rishav Agarwal Ishita Tuteja V.Bhavyashri Vedula 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2021年第8期2545-2561,共17页
The pandemic situation in 2020 brought about a‘digitized new normal’and created various issues within the current education systems.One of the issues is the monitoring of students during online examination situation... The pandemic situation in 2020 brought about a‘digitized new normal’and created various issues within the current education systems.One of the issues is the monitoring of students during online examination situations.A system to determine the student’s eye gazes during an examination can help to eradicate malpractices.In this work,we track the users’eye gazes by incorporating twelve facial landmarks around both eyes in conjunction with computer vision and the HAAR classifier.We aim to implement eye gaze detection by considering facial landmarks with two different Convolutional Neural Network(CNN)models,namely the AlexNet model and the VGG16 model.The proposed system outperforms the traditional eye gaze detection system which only uses computer vision and the HAAR classifier in several evaluation metric scores.The proposed system is accurate without the need for complex hardware.Therefore,it can be implemented in educational institutes for the fair conduct of examinations,as well as in other instances where eye gaze detection is required. 展开更多
关键词 Computer vision convolutional neural network data integrity digital examination eye gaze detection EXTRACTION information entropy
EasyGaze:Hybrid eye tracking approach for handheld mobile devices 被引量:2
作者 Shiwei CHENG Qiufeng PING +1 位作者 Jialing WANG Yijian CHEN 《Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware》 2022年第2期173-188,共16页
Background Eye-tracking technology for mobile devices has made significant progress.However,owing to limited computing capacity and the complexity of context,the conventional image feature-based technology cannot extr... Background Eye-tracking technology for mobile devices has made significant progress.However,owing to limited computing capacity and the complexity of context,the conventional image feature-based technology cannot extract features accurately,thus affecting the performance.Methods This study proposes a novel approach by combining appearance-and feature-based eye-tracking methods.Face and eye region detections were conducted to obtain features that were used as inputs to the appearance model to detect the feature points.The feature points were used to generate feature vectors,such as corner center-pupil center,by which the gaze fixation coordinates were calculated.Results To obtain feature vectors with the best performance,we compared different vectors under different image resolution and illumination conditions,and the results indicated that the average gaze fixation accuracy was achieved at a visual angle of 1.93°when the image resolution was 96×48 pixels,with light sources illuminating from the front of the eye.Conclusions Compared with the current methods,our method improved the accuracy of gaze fixation and it was more usable. 展开更多
关键词 Eye movement Gaze estimation FIXATION Human-computer interaction Eye tracking
The Gaze Theory
作者 谢瑜娟 《海外英语》 2012年第11X期274-277,共4页
Gaze describes the relationship of the subject with the power and desire to look and awareness that one can be viewed.The gaze can be motivated by the subject' s desire to control the object it sees,and an object ... Gaze describes the relationship of the subject with the power and desire to look and awareness that one can be viewed.The gaze can be motivated by the subject' s desire to control the object it sees,and an object that can likewise capture and hold the subject' s eye.The term ' gaze' is often defined as looking long and intently with affection at a subject.A person who determines a sense of themselves as an individual element in the world makes up the idea of the gaze.The concept of the gaze is also a central part of theories looking within modernity. 展开更多
Components and sequential changes in event-related potential induced by gaze orientation processing under a reflective attention cue paradigm
作者 Yingdi Li Xuemin Zhang +1 位作者 Yan Song Qing Feng 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第19期1475-1479,共5页
Gaze orientation induces activation of relevant brain regions, presents differences in specificity and time course, and is exhibited in patients with brain injury. However, the components of activated event-related po... Gaze orientation induces activation of relevant brain regions, presents differences in specificity and time course, and is exhibited in patients with brain injury. However, the components of activated event-related potential remain controversial. Previous studies of behavior and cognitive neuroscience related to gaze orientation investigated conscious attention of visual orientation. The present study explored gaze orientation processing-induced event-related potential components and changes with time using reflective orientation of visual attention under a reflective attention cue paradigm. Visual attention processing of gaze orientation was recorded using event-related potential and electroencephalographic recording. Results demonstrated that the reflective attention cue task evoked early directing attention negativity and anterior directing attention negativity, but did not trigger late directing attention positivity. These results suggest that reflective attention occurs over a short time of visual stimulus presentation. During the early stage of attention processing, early directing attention negativity and anterior directing attention negativity were detected, but late directing attention positivity did not occur. These results confirmed reflectivity and time-course superiority of gaze orientation attention processing. 展开更多
关键词 gaze direction cue validity event-related potential hemisphere superiority reflective attention cognitive neuroscience
Age Related Changes in Attentional Bias Triggered by Gaze Cues
作者 Kimiko Kato Kazuhito Yoshizaki 《Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science》 2019年第12期395-405,共11页
We investigated if attentional bias directed to the right increased with age. We assessed the characteristics of the following types of eye-gaze by using the Posner cueing paradigm. Younger (n =16) and older (n = 20) ... We investigated if attentional bias directed to the right increased with age. We assessed the characteristics of the following types of eye-gaze by using the Posner cueing paradigm. Younger (n =16) and older (n = 20) adults participated in this study. First of all, a face which looked straight ahead was presented at the center of screen, followed by a gaze cue that looked left or right. Immediately after this informative cue, a target stimulus (“*”) appeared to the left or right of the face. The stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) between the cue and the target was selected from 300, 700, and 1100 ms. Participants were required to judge whether the target appeared to the left or the right of the gaze cue as quickly and accurately as possible. Results showed that older adults indicate a larger positive gaze-cueing effect when the eye-gaze shifted rightward, whereas this effect was not observed for a leftward shift. Moreover, a negative gaze-cueing effect (inhibition of return) was observed when the SOA was longer only for the leftward eye-gaze shift of older adults. These modulations of the cueing effect did not appear in younger adults. These findings demonstrate that the rightward attentional bias in older adults is more robust than the leftward bias. 展开更多
Dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4) is associated with gazing toward humans in domestic dogs (<i>Canis familiaris</i>)
作者 Yusuke Hori Hisayo Kishi +1 位作者 Miho Inoue-Murayama Kazuo Fujita 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 2013年第1期54-58,共5页
Dogs show high social communicative ability in interactions with humans. We investigated the association between dogs’ social communicative behavior and the polymorphisms of a gene related to a neurotransmitter. We u... Dogs show high social communicative ability in interactions with humans. We investigated the association between dogs’ social communicative behavior and the polymorphisms of a gene related to a neurotransmitter. We used an “unsolvable task”, in which an experimenter put a food reward into a container and closed it firmly so that dogs could not remove the reward. Human-directed gazing, possibly to request help, is a characteristic behavioral trait of dogs in such situations. The association between owner-directed gazing behavior in the unsolvable task and polymorphisms of three regions (exon1, exon3, intron2) in the dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4) was analyzed. We found that the genotype of DRD4 intron2 was significantly associated with the dogs’ gazing behavior. Dogs carrying shorter allele (P) looked at their owner more frequently, for longer, and earlier than dogs carrying longer allele (Q). This result suggests that polymorphism in DRD4 intron2 may affect social communication and cognition in dogs. 展开更多
关键词 DOGS DOPAMINE RECEPTOR D4 GENE Human-Directed gazing Social Behavior
Looking good and judging gazes: The relationship between body ideals, body satisfaction and body practices among Norwegian men and women
作者 Mari Rysst Ingun Grimstad Klepp 《Health》 2012年第5期259-267,共9页
This article compares how people with normal bodies and bodies that deviate from dominant media-depicted body ideals, live with and accept their bodies. Media images of ideal bodies encompass judging gazes. These gaze... This article compares how people with normal bodies and bodies that deviate from dominant media-depicted body ideals, live with and accept their bodies. Media images of ideal bodies encompass judging gazes. These gazes affect and discipline people and may make it challenging for them to accept their bodies. The data material is part of the interdisciplinary Nordic project called “Beauty comes from within: looking good as a challenge in health promotion”. Based on 20 interviews with Norwegian men and women, of whom 10 have particular appearance-related problems, the article discusses the relationship between the media-depicted body ideals, descriptions by informants of what a good-looking body is, body satisfaction and body practices. The article shows resonance between how people describe good-looking bodies and satisfaction or not with own bodies. Women express more dissatisfaction with their bodies than men, but the article shows that many have strategies for trying to accept their bodies as they are. The comparative perspective highlight that the people having deviant bodies, more than those with normal bodies, balance the idea of “being myself” with the idea of “doing the best out of my (bodily) situation”. Most interestingly, they show that it is harder to accept handicaps that are changeable, like overweight, than harelips, deformed legs and skin injuries. As such, overweight becomes a double burden. 展开更多
关键词 BODY IDEALS DEVIANT Bodies Affect Governing the SOUL BODY DISCIPLINE Judging Gazes
Pupil center detection with a single webcam for gaze tracking
作者 Ralph Oyini Mbouna Seong G Kong 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2012年第2期133-136,共4页
This paper presents a user friendly approach to localize the pupil center with a single web camera.Several methods have been proposed to determine the coordinates of the pupil center in an image,but with practical lim... This paper presents a user friendly approach to localize the pupil center with a single web camera.Several methods have been proposed to determine the coordinates of the pupil center in an image,but with practical limitations.The proposed method can track the user’s eye movements in real time under normal image resolution and lighting conditions using a regular webcam,without special equipment such as infrared illuminators.After the pre-processing steps used to deal with illumination variations,the pupil center is detected using iterative thresholding by applying geometric constraints.Experimental results show that robustness and speed in determining the pupil’s location in real time for users of various ethnicities,under various lighting conditions,at different distances from the webcam and with standard resolution images. 展开更多
关键词 pupil detection eye gaze tracking feature extraction facial features tracking
MDNN:Predicting Student Engagement via Gaze Direction and Facial Expression in Collaborative Learning
作者 Yi Chen Jin Zhou +2 位作者 Qianting Gao Jing Gao Wei Zhang 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2023年第7期381-401,共21页
Prediction of students’engagement in aCollaborative Learning setting is essential to improve the quality of learning.Collaborative learning is a strategy of learning through groups or teams.When cooperative learning ... Prediction of students’engagement in aCollaborative Learning setting is essential to improve the quality of learning.Collaborative learning is a strategy of learning through groups or teams.When cooperative learning behavior occurs,each student in the group should participate in teaching activities.Researchers showed that students who are actively involved in a class gain more.Gaze behavior and facial expression are important nonverbal indicators to reveal engagement in collaborative learning environments.Previous studies require the wearing of sensor devices or eye tracker devices,which have cost barriers and technical interference for daily teaching practice.In this paper,student engagement is automatically analyzed based on computer vision.We tackle the problem of engagement in collaborative learning using a multi-modal deep neural network(MDNN).We combined facial expression and gaze direction as two individual components of MDNN to predict engagement levels in collaborative learning environments.Our multi-modal solution was evaluated in a real collaborative environment.The results show that the model can accurately predict students’performance in the collaborative learning environment. 展开更多
关键词 ENGAGEMENT facial expression deep network GAZE
Head Motion Detection in Gaze Based Aiming
作者 Minghe Cao Jianzhong Wang 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2020年第1期9-15,共7页
Unmanned weapons have great potential to be widely used in future wars.The gaze-based aiming technology can be applied to control pan-tilt weapon systems remotely with high precision and efficiency.Gaze direction is r... Unmanned weapons have great potential to be widely used in future wars.The gaze-based aiming technology can be applied to control pan-tilt weapon systems remotely with high precision and efficiency.Gaze direction is related to head motion,which is a combination of head and eye movements.In this paper,a head motion detection method is proposed,which is based on the fusion of inertial and vision information.The inertial sensors can measure rotation in high-frequency with good performance,while vision sensors are able to eliminate drifts.By combining the characteristics of both sensors,the proposed approach achieves the effect of highfrequency,real-time,and drift-free head motion detection.The experiments show that our method can smooth the outputs,constrain drifts of inertial measurements,and achieve high detection accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 GAZE aiming HEAD MOTION DETECTION visual-inertial information FUSION
Temporal continuity of visual attention for future gaze prediction in immersive virtual reality 被引量:1
作者 Zhiming HU Sheng LI Meng GAI 《Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware》 2020年第2期142-152,共11页
Background Eye tracking te chnology is receiving increased attention in the field of virtual reality.Specifically,future gaze prediction is crucial in pre-computation for many applications such as gaze-contingent rend... Background Eye tracking te chnology is receiving increased attention in the field of virtual reality.Specifically,future gaze prediction is crucial in pre-computation for many applications such as gaze-contingent rendering,advertisement placement,and content-based design.To explore future gaze prediction,it is necessary to analyze the temporal continuity of visual attention in immersive virtual reality.Methods In this paper,the concept of temporal continuity of visual attention is presented.Subsequently,an autocorrelation function method is proposed to evaluate the temporal continuity.Thereafter,the temporal continuity is analyzed in both free-viewing and task-oriented conditions.Results Specifically,in free-viewing conditions,the analysis of a free-viewing gaze dataset indicates that the temporal continuity performs well only within a short time interval.A task-oriented game scene condition was created and conducted to collect users'gaze data.An analysis of the collected gaze data finds the temporal continuity has a similar performance with that of the free-viewing conditions.Temporal continuity can be applied to future gaze prediction and if it is good,users'current gaze positions can be directly utilized to predict their gaze positions in the future.Conclusions The current gaze's future prediction performances are further evaluated in both free-viewing and task-oriented conditions and discover that the current gaze can be efficiently applied to the task of short-term future gaze prediction.The task of long-term gaze prediction still remains to be explored. 展开更多
关键词 Temporal continuity Visual attention Autocorrelation analysis Gaze prediction Virtual reality
EM-Gaze:eye context correlation and metric learning for gaze estimation
作者 Jinchao Zhou Guoan Li +3 位作者 Feng Shi Xiaoyan Guo Pengfei Wan Miao Wang 《Visual Computing for Industry,Biomedicine,and Art》 EI 2023年第1期97-108,共12页
In recent years,deep learning techniques have been used to estimate gaze-a significant task in computer vision and human-computer interaction.Previous studies have made significant achievements in predicting 2D or 3D ... In recent years,deep learning techniques have been used to estimate gaze-a significant task in computer vision and human-computer interaction.Previous studies have made significant achievements in predicting 2D or 3D gazes from monocular face images.This study presents a deep neural network for 2D gaze estimation on mobile devices.It achieves state-of-the-art 2D gaze point regression error,while significantly improving gaze classification error on quadrant divisions of the display.To this end,an efficient attention-based module that correlates and fuses the left and right eye contextual features is first proposed to improve gaze point regression performance.Subsequently,through a unified perspective for gaze estimation,metric learning for gaze classification on quadrant divisions is incorporated as additional supervision.Consequently,both gaze point regression and quadrant classification perfor-mances are improved.The experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing gaze-estima-tion methods on the GazeCapture and MPIIFaceGaze datasets. 展开更多
关键词 Computer vision Gaze estimation Metric learning ATTENTION Multi-task learning
Effects of Makeup Application on Diverting the Gaze of Others from Areas of Inflammatory Lesions in Patients with Acne Vulgaris
作者 Yumi Murakami-Yoneda Mieko Hata +2 位作者 Yoshie Shirahige Kozo Nakai Yasuo Kubota 《Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications》 2015年第2期134-141,共8页
Skin manifestations can be major sources of stress for patients with skin diseases;hence, the effective use of makeup and cosmetic products for these patients has been established. The objective of this study was to d... Skin manifestations can be major sources of stress for patients with skin diseases;hence, the effective use of makeup and cosmetic products for these patients has been established. The objective of this study was to determine if makeup can divert observers’ gaze from areas of inflammatory acne lesions. Both base and point makeup were applied to two Japanese female patients with mild to moderate acne vulgaris to hide skin manifestations, as well as to accentuate the eyes and lips. Photographs of their faces were shown, at various stages of makeup application, to 22 observers (11 men and 11 women). The effects of makeup application, and other eye-diverting strategies (e.g., clothing, accessories, and hairstyle), used to draw observers’ gaze away from acne lesions, were evaluated by analyzing observers’ eye movements. As base makeup application proceeded, time to first fixation, total fixation duration, and fixation count changed. Compared to “no makeup”, the time to first fixation, total fixation duration, and fixation count also decreased significantly after point makeup application. The additional eye-diverting strategies used also had significant gaze-diverting effects. Therefore, makeup can be useful for patients with acne to divert others’ gaze from lesions. Therefore, it should be actively integrated into acne management. 展开更多
Beyond Tourist Gaze in Select Odia Travel Writings of Gobinda Das, Golakbihari Dhal and Pratibha Ray
作者 Supriya Subhadarsini Sahoo 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第6期969-976,共8页
This paper focuses the question: What does it mean to be a traveller rather than a tourist? The term “tourism” ismostlyused in impersonal commercial language but “travel” often implies the personal, picaresque s... This paper focuses the question: What does it mean to be a traveller rather than a tourist? The term “tourism” ismostlyused in impersonal commercial language but “travel” often implies the personal, picaresque style of travel writing. The travellerbeing the hero of the text and the tourist as an unfortunate by-product of globalisation highlight the formation of the important binary opposites through the identity/difference logic.Travel writers deprecate the behaviour of tourists and go for a more authentic way to engage with cultural contrastfor a more concrete example of otherness. The primary texts taken for this study are the select Odia travel writers: GobindaDas’sDese Dese (In Countries), GolakbihariDhal’sLondon Chithi (Letter From London), and Pratibha Ray’s Swapnara Alaska (Dreamy Alaska) and Africa NayikaNilanadi (Africa’s Heroine the River Nile). 展开更多
关键词 tourist gaze travel writing travelling gaze SELFHOOD OTHERING
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