: The 3He/4He ratios of most eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu terrane range from 0.056 to 0.67 Ra; the data points fall into the mixing part of the crust and the mantle in the 3He-4He diagram. The 3He/4He ratios of eclog...: The 3He/4He ratios of most eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu terrane range from 0.056 to 0.67 Ra; the data points fall into the mixing part of the crust and the mantle in the 3He-4He diagram. The 3He/4He ratios of eclogites are obviously correlated with the types of their surrounding rocks. The helium isotope composition of the eclogites from the Bixiling complex possesses characters of mantle-derived rocks with the 3He/4He ratio being 5.6 Ra. The 4He concentration of the eclogites exhibits visible inverse correlation with the δ18O value of the quartz in the eclogites from the Sulu area. The δ18O values of the eclogites change synchronously with those of the country rocks. Those results suggest that protoliths of the eclogites were basic-ultrabasic rock bodies or veins intruding into the continental crust in the early stage; strong exchange and hybridization between the basic-ultrabasic rocks and continental rocks and the atmospheric water during the intrusion led to abrupt increase of the 3He/4He ratios, δ18O values and Nd(0) values of the intrusive bodies or veins, which show characters of continental rocks. This indicates that the eclogites are autochthonous.展开更多
The Qinling-Dabie-Sulu high-pressure and ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt wasformed by subduction and collision between the North China and Yangtze plates. The study ofthe eclogite belt is very important in unders...The Qinling-Dabie-Sulu high-pressure and ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt wasformed by subduction and collision between the North China and Yangtze plates. The study ofthe eclogite belt is very important in understanding the evolution of the Qinling Dabie orogen. Inthe present paper the geology, petrology, minerology and chronology of the eclogites in the Dabieand Sulu areas are described. The principal conclusions of this work are as follows: (1) Based up-on the field occurrence and the P-T conditions of the eclogites, two types of eclogite can be dis-tinguished: Type 1—the low-temperature and high-pressure eclogite in the mid-late Proterozoicmetamorphic series, and Type 2—the ultra-high pressure eclogite in the late Archaean to earlyProterozoic metamorphic complex. In the Dabie area, the ultra-high-pressure eclogite,high-pressure eclogite and epidote-blueschist units are nearly parallel to each other and stretchintermittently from north to south. (2) The P-T conditions of the high-pressure eclogites and ul-tra-high pressure eclogites have been estimated. The former are formed at 450-550℃ and1.4-1.6 GPa; while the latter at 650-870℃ and >2.7-2.9 GPa in the Dabie area and at820-1000℃ and >2.8-3.1 GPa in the Sulu area. The metamorphic temperatures of the eclogitesincrease progressively from west to east. (3) The ultra-high pressure eclogites were subjected to 5stages of metamorphism: pre-eclogite epidote amphibolite facies, peak coesite eclogite facies,post-eclogite amphibolite facies, epidote-blueschist facies or epidote amphibolite facies andgreenschist facies. The general features of the PTt path of the ultra-high pressure eclogite are:clockwise pattern, progressive metamorphism being a process of slow increasing temperature andrapid increasing pressure, and the retrogressive section with nearly isothermal decompression atthe early stage, isobaric cooling at the middle stage and nearly isothermal decompression at thelate stage. (4) At least two stages of high-pressure metamorphism occurred in the orogenic belt:the high-pressure eclogite and ultra-high pressure eclogite were formed by the subduction of theoceanic crust northward beneath the North China plate or the Dabie block during theCaledonian; while the epidote-blueschist belt came into being by subdution and collision be-tween the two continental plates during the Indosinian. (5) Due to the continuous sequentialsubduction of the cold plate, the ultra high-presssure metamorphic rocks were uplifted to thecrust by the underplating processes. They can be preserved just because of the 'frozen effect' re-sulting from the continuous subduction of the cold plate. (6) The carbonates, such as magnesite,breunnerite, aragonite and dolomite, and the H_2O-bearing minerals, such as phengite, epidoteand zoisite, were stable during the high-pressure and/or ultra-high pressure metamorphism.展开更多
Eclogite lenses in marbles from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane are deeply subducted meta-sedimentary rocks. Zircons in these rocks have been used to constrain the ages of prograde and UHP metamorphi...Eclogite lenses in marbles from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane are deeply subducted meta-sedimentary rocks. Zircons in these rocks have been used to constrain the ages of prograde and UHP metamorphism during subduction, and later retrograde metamorphism during exhumation. Inherited (detrital) and metamorphic zircons were distinguished on the basis of transmitted light microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, trace element contents and mineral inclusions. The distribution of mineral inclusions combined with CL imaging of the metamorphic zircon make it possible to relate zircon zones (domains) to different metamorphic stages. Domain 1 consists of rounded, oblong and spindly cores with dark-luminescent images, and contains quartz eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under high-pressure (HP) metamorphic conditions of T = 571-668℃ and P =1.7-2.02 GPa. Domain 2 always surrounds domain 1 or occurs as rounded and spindly cores with white-luminescent images. It contains coesite eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under UHP metamorphic conditions of T = 782-849℃ and P 〉 5.5 GPa. Domain 3, with gray-luminescent images, always surrounds domain 2 and occurs as the outermost zircon rim. It is characterized by low-pressure mineral inclusion assemblages, which are related to regional amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism of T = 600- 710℃ and P = 0.7-1.2 GPa. The three metamorphic zircon domains have distinct ages; sample H1 from the Dabie terrane yielded SHRIMP ages of 245 ± 4 Ma for domain 1, 235 ± 3 Ma for domain 2 and 215± 6 Ma for domain 3, whereas sample H2 from the Sulu terrane yielded similar ages of 244 ± 4 Ma, 233 ± 4 Ma and 214 ± 5 Ma for Domains 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The mean ages of these zones suggest that subduction to UHP depths took place over 10-11 Ma and exhumation of the rocks occurred over a period of 19-20 Ma. Thus, subduction from - 55 km to 〉 160 km deep mantle depth took place at rates of approximately 9.5-10.5 km/Ma and exhumation from depths 〉160 km to the base of the crust at -30 km occurred at approximately 6.5 km/Ma. We propose a model for these rocks involving deep subduction of continental margin lithosphere followed by ultrafast exhumation driven by buoyancy forces after break-off of the UHP slab deep within the mantle.展开更多
Omphacite grains from UHP eclogite of the Dabie Mountains in eastern China are elongated and show strong lattice preferred orientations (LPOs). Observations by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) identified not...Omphacite grains from UHP eclogite of the Dabie Mountains in eastern China are elongated and show strong lattice preferred orientations (LPOs). Observations by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) identified not only structures of plastic deformation occurring as free dislocation, dislocation loops and dislocation walls, but also bubbles of water present in the deformed omphacite. The bubbles attach to the dislocation loops which are often connected to one another via a common bubble. Using infrared spectroscopy (IR), two types of hydrous components are identified as hydroxyl and free-water in the omphacite. An analysis of deformation mechanism of microstructure in omphacite suggests that the mineral deformed plastically under UHP metamorphic conditions by dislocation creep through hydrolitic weakening.展开更多
The high-pressure (HP) eclogite in the western Dabie Mountain encloses numerous hornblendes, mostly barroisite. Opinions on the peak metamorphic P-T condition, PT path and mineral paragenesis of it are still in disp...The high-pressure (HP) eclogite in the western Dabie Mountain encloses numerous hornblendes, mostly barroisite. Opinions on the peak metamorphic P-T condition, PT path and mineral paragenesis of it are still in dispute. Generally, HP eclogite involves garnet, omphacite, hornblendes and quartz, with or without glaucophane, zoisite and phengite. The garnet has compositional zoning with XMg increase, XCa and XMn decrease from core to rim, which indicates a progressive metamorphism. The phase equilibria of the HP eclogite modeled by the P-T pseudosection method developed recently showed the following: (1) the growth zonation of garnet records a progressive metamorphic PT path from pre-peak condition of 1.9-2.1 GPa at 508~C-514~C to a peak one of 2.3-2.5 GPa at 528~C-531~C for the HP eclogite; (2) the peak mineral assemblage is garnet+omphacite+glaucophane+quartz_+phengite, likely paragenetic with lawsonite; (3) the extensive hornblendes derive mainly from glaucophane, partial omphacite and even a little garnet due to the decompression with some heating during the post-peak stage, mostly representing the conditions of about 1.4-1.6 GPa and 580~C-640~C, and their growth is favored by the dehydration of lawsonite into zoisite or epidote, but most of the garnet, omphacite or phengite in the HP eclogite still preserve their compositions at peak condition, and they are not obviously equilibrious with the hornblendes.展开更多
For the first time, we apply different geospeedometric models to garnet zoning patterns that were obtained in this study from detailed EMP analyses for garnets from eclogites and granulite in the Dabie-Sulu orogen. Va...For the first time, we apply different geospeedometric models to garnet zoning patterns that were obtained in this study from detailed EMP analyses for garnets from eclogites and granulite in the Dabie-Sulu orogen. Various zonings of cation diffusion were preserved in the garnets, enabling the acquirement of average cooling rates for the high-to ultrahigh-pressure rocks without using geochronological approaches. The coesite-bearing hot eclogites yield fast cooling rates of about 20 to 30℃/Ma subsequent to peak metamorphic temperatures, whereas the cold eclogite gives a relatively slow cooling rate of 8℃/Ma at its initial exhumation. A very slow cooling rate of <0.3℃/Ma is obtained for the granulite at Huangtuling, suggesting that the granulite may not be involved in the continental deep subduction.展开更多
The Xiongdian eclogite occurring in the Sujiahe tectonic melange zone at Luoshan County, Henan Province, in the western Dabie Mountains, is typical high-pressure (HP)-ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and medium-temperature ec...The Xiongdian eclogite occurring in the Sujiahe tectonic melange zone at Luoshan County, Henan Province, in the western Dabie Mountains, is typical high-pressure (HP)-ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and medium-temperature eclogite. The occurrence, internal texture and surface characteristics of zircons in eclogite were studied rather systematically petrographically combined with the cathodoluminescence (CL) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) methods. Zircons are mainly hosted in garnet and other metamorphic minerals with sharp boundaries, have a multifaceted morphology and are homogeneous or exhibit a metamorphic growth texture in the interior, thus indicating that they are the product of metamorphism. SHRIMP analyses give zircon 206Pb/238U ages of 335 to 424 Ma and show a certain degree of radiogenic Pb loss; therefore it may be inferred that the age of 424? Ma represents the minimum age of a HP-UHP metamorphic age. From the above analyses coupled with previous Sm-Nd, 40Ar-39Ar, U-Pb and 207Pb/206Pb age data, it is suggested that the peak metamorphic age of the Xiongdian eclogite should be between 424 and 480 Ma. This study further validate the view of the existence of a Caledonian HP-UHP metamorphic event in the western Dabie Mountains.展开更多
A typical HP/MT (high pressure/medium temperature) eclogite from Xiongdian, northwestern Dabie Mountains, has been geochronologically studied using the single-zircon U-Pb, 40Ar-39Ar and Sm-Nd methods. Prismatic zircon...A typical HP/MT (high pressure/medium temperature) eclogite from Xiongdian, northwestern Dabie Mountains, has been geochronologically studied using the single-zircon U-Pb, 40Ar-39Ar and Sm-Nd methods. Prismatic zircons occurring as inclusions within garnets define a minimum crystallization age of 399.5±1.6 Ma. 40Ar-39Ar dating on amphibole gives a plateau age.of 399.2 ± 4 Ma, which is interpreted as a retrogression age of amphibolite facies. This integrated study enables us to conclude that the age of high-pressure metamorphism is older than 399.5 ± 1.6 Ma, suggesting Caledonian collision between the North China and Yangtze plates. Round zircon within the aggregate of quartz and muscovite gives a concordant age of 301± 2 Ma, reflecting a later retrogression event. An age profile of post-eclogite metamorphism is documented, including amphibolite facies metamorphism at 399.2 Ma shortly after eclogitization and later retrogressive metamorphism at 301 Ma. Sm-Nd mineral isochron of garnet+omphacite gives an unreasonable age of 544 ± 23 Ma. which is quite older than that of prismatic zircon and may be attributed to isotopic disturbance by retrogression.展开更多
The results of recent geothermobarometric and geochronological investigations of scarce eclogites of the NW Himalaya (Tso Morari (Ladakh), India and Kaghan Valley, Pakistan) have caused a major rethink of tectonometam...The results of recent geothermobarometric and geochronological investigations of scarce eclogites of the NW Himalaya (Tso Morari (Ladakh), India and Kaghan Valley, Pakistan) have caused a major rethink of tectonometamorphic models for India\|Asia collision. Numerous petrologic studies have been undertaken on the age and origin of metamorphism in the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) and Lesser Himalaya formations (LH) and their relationship to granite magmatism and movements along the Main Central Thrust (MCT) and South Tibetan Detachment Fault (STDF). However, all of these events are essentially Miocene (or younger) in age and can clearly be distinguished from subduction and exhumation processes undergone by the eclogites which are of Eocene age (Tonarini et al. 1993; Spencer & Gebauer; 1996; de Sigoyer et al. 1999) and relate to the very early stages of the collision. Eclogites of eastern Ladakh are mafic lenses found in granitic gneisses (Ordovician intrusive age: Girard & Bussy 1999) and their surrounding late Pre\|Cambrian to early Cambrian sedimentary units in the Tso Morari dome (see Steck et al. 1998). Detailed petrological and geochronological studies (Guillot et al. 1997; de Sigoyer et al. 1997, 1999) have identified an eclogite facies stage (2000±300)MPa, (580±60)℃ followed by isothermal decompression associated with glaucophane growth at around (1100±200)MPa. Dating of different phases by different methods yielded ages around 55Ma for this stage ((55±17) Ma, U\|Pb, Aln; (55±12) Ma, Lu\|Hf, Grt\|Cpx\|Rt; (55±7) Ma, Sm\|Nd, Grt\|Gln\|Rt). A subsequent amphibolite facies overprint at slightly higher temperature (610±70)℃ was dated at 45~48Ma (metabasite: (47±11) Ma, Sm\|Nd, Grt\|Hbl; metapelite: (45±4) Ma, Rb\|Sr, Mu\|Ap\|WR and (48±2) Ma, Ar\|Ar, Phe). By (30±1) Ma (Ar\|Ar, Bt\|Mu) retrogression into the greenschist facies had occurred (de Sigoyer et al. 1999). These data indicate a two stage history with early exhumation being much faster (>4mm/a) than the later evolution (1~2mm/a).展开更多
High-pressure(HP)or ultrahigh-pressure(UHP)rutile-quartz veins that form at mantle depths due to fluid-rock interaction can be used to trace the properties and behavior of natural fluids in subduction zones.To explore...High-pressure(HP)or ultrahigh-pressure(UHP)rutile-quartz veins that form at mantle depths due to fluid-rock interaction can be used to trace the properties and behavior of natural fluids in subduction zones.To explore the fluid flow and the associated element mobility during deep subduction and exhumation of the continental crust,we investigated the major and trace elements of Ti-rich minerals.Additionally,U–Pb dating,trace element contents,and Lu–Hf isotopic composition of zircon grains in the UHP eclogite and associated rutile-quartz veins were examined in the North Qaidam UHP metamorphic belt,Yuka terrane.The zircon grains in the rutile-quartz veins have unzoned or weak oscillatory zonings,and show low Th/U ratios,steep chondrite-normalized patterns of heavy rare earth elements(HREEs),and insignificant negative Eu anomalies,indicating their growth in metamorphic fluids.These zircon grains formed in 4313 Ma,which is consistent with the 4322 Ma age of the host eclogite.As for the zircons in the rutile-quartz veins,they showed steep HREE patterns on one hand,and were different from the zircons present in the host eclogite on the other.This demonstrates that their formation might have been related to the breakdown of the early stage of garnet,which corresponds to the abundance of fluids during the early exhumation stage.The core-rim profile analyses of rutile recorded a two-stage rutile growth across a large rutile grain;the rutile core has higher Nb,Ta,W,and Zr contents and lower Nb/Ta ratios than the rim,indicating that the rutile domains grew in different metamorphic fluids from the core towards the rim.The significant enrichment of high field strength elements(HFSEs)in the rutile core suggests that the peak fluids have high solubility and transportation capacity of these HFSEs.Furthermore,variations in the Nb vs.Cr trends in rutile indicate a connection of rutile to mafic protolith.The zircon grains from both the rutile-quartz veins and the host eclogite have similar Hf isotopic compositions,indicating that the vein-forming fluids are internally derived from the host eclogite.These fluids accumulated in the subduction channel and were triggered by local dehydration of the deeply subducted eclogite during the early exhumation conditions.展开更多
Based upon fluid effects, retrograde metamorphism of eclogites in the Dabieregion can be divided into the fluid-poor, fluid-bearing and fluid-rich stages. The fluid-poor stageis marked by polymorphic inversion, recrys...Based upon fluid effects, retrograde metamorphism of eclogites in the Dabieregion can be divided into the fluid-poor, fluid-bearing and fluid-rich stages. The fluid-poor stageis marked by polymorphic inversion, recrystallization and exsolution of solid solutions, and isthought to represent eclogite-facies retrograde environments. The fluid-bearing stage is likely tohave occurred at the late stage of ecologite-facies diaphthorosis and is represented by kyaniteporphyroblasts, rutile, and sodic pyroxene in association with high-pressure hydrous minerals suchas phengite and zoisite (clinozoisite) without significant amount of hydrous minerals such asamphibole, epidote and biotite. The fluid-rich stage might have commenced concomitantly with loweramphibolite-facies diaphthoresis and persisted all the way towards the near-surface environment. Theproduct of this stage is characterized by plentiful hydrous and volatile-bearing phases.The dissemination-type rutile mineralizations in eclogites might have formed by preferentialshearing-induced pressure solution of gangue minerals at the fluid-bearing stage. The accompanyingvein rutile was precipitated from fluids of this stage after local transport and concentration, andmay hence represent proximal mobilization of titanium from the eclogite. Therefore, rutile veins canbe used as an exploration indicator for dissemination-type rutile deposits.展开更多
Eclogites have been recently discovered in the Xitieshan area in the middlesegment of the northern margin of the Qaidam basin. These eclogites, together with those recognizedearlier in the Yuka area of the western seg...Eclogites have been recently discovered in the Xitieshan area in the middlesegment of the northern margin of the Qaidam basin. These eclogites, together with those recognizedearlier in the Yuka area of the western segment of the northern margin of the Qaidam basin and inthe Dulan area of the eastern segment of the northern margin of the Qaidam basin, form an eclogitebelt with a length of 350 km. A comparison of the eclogites from the Yuka and Xitieshan areassuggests that they show different country rocks, microtextures, mineral assemblages, and especially,different peak temperatures, PT paths during decompression and isotopic features. Eclogites fromthe Yuka area bear evidence of prograde metamorphism, such as prograde mineral relics in garnet andgrowth zoning of garnet, and hairpin-shaped PT paths with coincidence of the baric and thermal peaksof metamorphism, which reflect rapid burial and uplift. Sm-Nd isotopic determination shows obviousSm-Nd disequilibrium, and no isochron ages of Early Paleozoic metamorphism was obtained. On thecontrary, the Xitieshan eclogite was subjected to metamorphism of higher eclogite-facies andpost-eclogite-facies temperatures, showing an obvious granulite-facies overprint. A tentative PTpath for the Xitieshan area suggests that the baric peak preceded the thermal culmination. Wholerock-garnet-omphacite Sm-Nd isotopic data give an isochron age in the Early Paleozoic. Thedifferences between the two eclogites imply their different tectonic-thermal history during theirburial and uplift.展开更多
Coesite inclusions are found in kyanite from the Lanshantou eclogite in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt. This discovery extends the stable region of kyanite to over 2.4 GPa. As an important UHP meta...Coesite inclusions are found in kyanite from the Lanshantou eclogite in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt. This discovery extends the stable region of kyanite to over 2.4 GPa. As an important UHP metamorphic belt in China, the Sulu eclogite belt is the product of A-subduction induced by strong compression of the Yellow Sea terrane to the Jiaodong-northereastern Jiangsu terrane during the interaction of the Eurasian plate and Palaeo-Pacific plate in the Indosinian. It stretches about 350 km and contains over 1000 eclogite bodies. Most eclogites in this belt belong to Groups B and C in the classification of Coleman et al., and commonly contain kyanite, while the Lanshantou eclogite belongs to Group A and contains coesite. The MgO, CaO and FeO contents in garnet and pyroxene show regular variation from the core to the rim, which reveals the PTt paths of progressive metamorphism during the Early Mesozoic (240-200 Ma) and retrogressive metamorphism during the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic exhumation.展开更多
The rock forming temperatures and pressures represent the p T points of the local regions in the lithosphere at a certain age, providing some important information on rock formation. Based on the preliminary sta...The rock forming temperatures and pressures represent the p T points of the local regions in the lithosphere at a certain age, providing some important information on rock formation. Based on the preliminary statistics on the temperatures and pressures for the formation of eclogites, granulites and peridotites in China, the variant ranges are given, in this paper, of temperatures, pressures and linear geothermal gradients of eclogites, granulites and peridotites. In addition, since the eclogite is different from granulite and peridotite in the p T diagram, these three rocks can be classified into two groups: the first group includes eclogites and the second group granulites and peridotites. Then, the p T correlation functions of these two groups of rocks are provided. Finally, the two groups of rocks have different geothermal gradients at the same pressure gradient or have different pressure gradients at the same geothermal gradient. The temperatures and pressures for the formation of the rocks can be calculated from the mineral chemical compositions, but the depths ( H ) for the rock formation can be calculated only under the hypotheses of given p H (or T H ) correlation functions. The explanations for the ultrahigh pressure metamorphism vary obviously with different hypotheses.展开更多
The paper reports SHRIMP U-Pb zircon data of a dark eclogite and a post-eclogite garnet-bearing gneissic granitic rock from the Bixiling area, Yuexi County, Anhui Province, in the eastern Dabie Mountains. The eclogite...The paper reports SHRIMP U-Pb zircon data of a dark eclogite and a post-eclogite garnet-bearing gneissic granitic rock from the Bixiling area, Yuexi County, Anhui Province, in the eastern Dabie Mountains. The eclogite, which is metamorphosed basic tuff, contains very scarce zircons in omphacite or garnet, but more zircons in quartz. They usually exhibit a double-layered texture, as shown clearly in cathodoluminescence images. Their inner main parts give a 206Pb/238U age of 757±7 Ma, representing the approximate age of the high-pressure (HP)- ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic event during which the eclogite was formed. The outer peripheral parts of the zircons, which have been modified by late-stage fluids, give an age of 223±3 Ma. The granitic rock contains more zircons of anatectic origin found mostly in feldspar and quartz and usually also showing a similar composite texture. The inner main parts of the anatectic zircons with oscillatory zoning give a 206Pb/238U age of 727±15 Ma for the approximate age of the emplacement of the granitic rock, and their outer parts, an age of 219±3 Ma for a similar or even the same fluid event. It is thus suggested that the HP-UHP metamorphism of the Bixiling eclogite facies rocks took place during the Neoproterozoic Jinningian, and the Indosinian age values may only represent a late event in the nature of fluid activity.展开更多
Eclogite, one of the important lithologies in the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project, exists above the depth of 3 245 m and has distinctive responses of gamma-ray, compensating d...Eclogite, one of the important lithologies in the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project, exists above the depth of 3 245 m and has distinctive responses of gamma-ray, compensating density and neutron well-logging, and so on. In this study, according to the diversities of minerals and chemical components and well-logging responses, edogites are classified from three aspects of origin, content of oxygen, and sub-mineral. We studied the logging identification method for eclogite sub-classes based on multi-element statistics and reconstructed 11 kinds of eclogite. As a result, eclogites can be divided into 6 types using well logs. In the light of this recognition, the eclogite in the main hole is divided into 20 sections, and the distribution characters of all sub-classes of eclogite are analyzed, which will provide important data for geological research of CCSD.展开更多
In No. 50 kimberlite pipe of Fuxian County, Liaoning Province, an eclogite inclusion(nodule), which is extremely rare in kimberlites, was discovered and phlogopite exsolutionlamellae were found in garnets of the inclu...In No. 50 kimberlite pipe of Fuxian County, Liaoning Province, an eclogite inclusion(nodule), which is extremely rare in kimberlites, was discovered and phlogopite exsolutionlamellae were found in garnets of the inclusion. Microscopic, TEM and energy spectral observa-tions and studies confirmed that these lamellae are phlogopite. They are colourless and acicularin section, generally 0.5-5μm in width and 10-100μm in length. Nevertheless, fine lamellae,0.05-0.1μm wide and 1-2μm long, are also well developed. Along [111] of the garnet, three setsof phlogopite lamellae show oriented arrangement approximately at angles of 60°-70°, indi-cating that these lamellae might be the product of exsolution from garnet as a result ofpressure-release when eclogite ascended from the relatively deep level to the relatively shallowlevel of the mantle. Tiny acicular exsolution minerals (or inclusions) are commonly found ingarnet and pyroxene in eclogite inclusions of kimberlites all over the world and it has been re-ported that the identified exsolution minerals include pyroxene and rutile. This is the first timethat phlogopite exsolution lamillae were found in eclogite inclusions in the world.展开更多
The Dabie metamorphic terrane is tectonically located within the intersection area of the WNW trending east Qinling orogenic belt with the NNE trending west Pacific domain. The Punctuated multistage convergent movemen...The Dabie metamorphic terrane is tectonically located within the intersection area of the WNW trending east Qinling orogenic belt with the NNE trending west Pacific domain. The Punctuated multistage convergent movement and the emplacemeat of YanShanian granitoid intrusions account for the complication of its tectonic framework. The Dabie metamorphic complex is composed of 3 units: supracrustals of early Precambrian age, granite gneiss and metamorphic magic rocks of lats Precambrian age. Three major metsmorphic Stages can be traced, i. e. granulite factes, amphibolite facies of Precambrian and the HP/ LT epidote amphibolite and greenschist facies of Phanerozoic. The Hong'an Group underlying the Dabie complex shows epidote amphibolite facies which is probably synchronous with the amphibolite facies of the Dabie complex. The Protolith of the HP and UHP eclogiter are diversided. The amphibole, epidote and other mineral inclusions within the eclogite minerals testify to the earlier history of Pre-eclogitic metamorphism. The peak metamorphic assemblage coesite-omphacite-garnet is superimposed by amphibolite, epidote amphibolite and greenschist facies of retrograde metamorphism. In many regions the eclogites appear as pods, lenses and layers within ductile shear zones having synkinematic greenschist or epidote amphibolite facies of retrograde metamorphism. The Sm-Nd isochron of whole rock and garnet combined with Ph-Ph dating of zircon crystals from Mifengjian eclogite block in Hubei suggest that the UHI, metamorphism probably took Place nearly 480 Ma Which evideoces one of the most important tertono-thermal events of the punctuated evolution in the Dabie terrane.展开更多
The studies on ultra microstructure characteristics of quartz exsolution in eclogite and coesite in UHP eclogite of several localities are done with the appliance of laser Raman spectroscopy and U stage. Research re...The studies on ultra microstructure characteristics of quartz exsolution in eclogite and coesite in UHP eclogite of several localities are done with the appliance of laser Raman spectroscopy and U stage. Research results show that the phase transformation of coesite quartz in garnet and/or omphacite is a continuous process. Topological relationship is present between quartz exsolution in omphacite and its host mineral which shows orientations of two long axes of quartz exsolution parallel to (100) and (-101) of omphacite. At present, some scholars suggest that the quartz exsolution in omphacite of eclogite is the evidence of UHP metamorphism. However, temperature and pressure condition and the exsolution mechanism of oriented needlelike quartz in omphacite still remain unclear. Therefore, further study should be enhanced on experimental research on exsolution mechanism of super silicate clinopyroxene, which could provide experimental quantitative constraint on quartz exsolution as UHP indicator.展开更多
The formation of titanite coronae after rutile is common in retrograde high-to ultrahigh-pressure meta-mafic rocks,which provides a good opportunity to address the geochemical behavior of HFSE in crustal environments....The formation of titanite coronae after rutile is common in retrograde high-to ultrahigh-pressure meta-mafic rocks,which provides a good opportunity to address the geochemical behavior of HFSE in crustal environments.In the Sumdo eclogite,titanite occurs either as a corona around rutile grains or as semi-continuous veins cross-cutting the major foliation,whereas rutile grains occur either as inclusions in garnet or omphacite or as a relict core surrounded by titanite.Textural relationships and trace elements characteristics of rutile and titanite with different occurrences indicate that both minerals preferentially incorporate Nb and Hf over Ta and Zr in aqueous fluid.Moreover,the breakdown of omphacite and epidote could release substantial amounts of aqueous fluids enriched in Ca,Si,Fe and REE,which would react with rutile to form titanite coronae and veins.During this process,water-insoluble elements,like HFSE and HREE,behave like mobile elements,but they do not migrate substantially out of the system,instead,tending to react in situ.This suggests that the aqueous fluids released during the retrograde metamorphic reactions in mafic rocks could not substantially transfer fluidimmobile elements into the overlying mantle wedge in subduction environments.展开更多
文摘: The 3He/4He ratios of most eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu terrane range from 0.056 to 0.67 Ra; the data points fall into the mixing part of the crust and the mantle in the 3He-4He diagram. The 3He/4He ratios of eclogites are obviously correlated with the types of their surrounding rocks. The helium isotope composition of the eclogites from the Bixiling complex possesses characters of mantle-derived rocks with the 3He/4He ratio being 5.6 Ra. The 4He concentration of the eclogites exhibits visible inverse correlation with the δ18O value of the quartz in the eclogites from the Sulu area. The δ18O values of the eclogites change synchronously with those of the country rocks. Those results suggest that protoliths of the eclogites were basic-ultrabasic rock bodies or veins intruding into the continental crust in the early stage; strong exchange and hybridization between the basic-ultrabasic rocks and continental rocks and the atmospheric water during the intrusion led to abrupt increase of the 3He/4He ratios, δ18O values and Nd(0) values of the intrusive bodies or veins, which show characters of continental rocks. This indicates that the eclogites are autochthonous.
文摘The Qinling-Dabie-Sulu high-pressure and ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt wasformed by subduction and collision between the North China and Yangtze plates. The study ofthe eclogite belt is very important in understanding the evolution of the Qinling Dabie orogen. Inthe present paper the geology, petrology, minerology and chronology of the eclogites in the Dabieand Sulu areas are described. The principal conclusions of this work are as follows: (1) Based up-on the field occurrence and the P-T conditions of the eclogites, two types of eclogite can be dis-tinguished: Type 1—the low-temperature and high-pressure eclogite in the mid-late Proterozoicmetamorphic series, and Type 2—the ultra-high pressure eclogite in the late Archaean to earlyProterozoic metamorphic complex. In the Dabie area, the ultra-high-pressure eclogite,high-pressure eclogite and epidote-blueschist units are nearly parallel to each other and stretchintermittently from north to south. (2) The P-T conditions of the high-pressure eclogites and ul-tra-high pressure eclogites have been estimated. The former are formed at 450-550℃ and1.4-1.6 GPa; while the latter at 650-870℃ and >2.7-2.9 GPa in the Dabie area and at820-1000℃ and >2.8-3.1 GPa in the Sulu area. The metamorphic temperatures of the eclogitesincrease progressively from west to east. (3) The ultra-high pressure eclogites were subjected to 5stages of metamorphism: pre-eclogite epidote amphibolite facies, peak coesite eclogite facies,post-eclogite amphibolite facies, epidote-blueschist facies or epidote amphibolite facies andgreenschist facies. The general features of the PTt path of the ultra-high pressure eclogite are:clockwise pattern, progressive metamorphism being a process of slow increasing temperature andrapid increasing pressure, and the retrogressive section with nearly isothermal decompression atthe early stage, isobaric cooling at the middle stage and nearly isothermal decompression at thelate stage. (4) At least two stages of high-pressure metamorphism occurred in the orogenic belt:the high-pressure eclogite and ultra-high pressure eclogite were formed by the subduction of theoceanic crust northward beneath the North China plate or the Dabie block during theCaledonian; while the epidote-blueschist belt came into being by subdution and collision be-tween the two continental plates during the Indosinian. (5) Due to the continuous sequentialsubduction of the cold plate, the ultra high-presssure metamorphic rocks were uplifted to thecrust by the underplating processes. They can be preserved just because of the 'frozen effect' re-sulting from the continuous subduction of the cold plate. (6) The carbonates, such as magnesite,breunnerite, aragonite and dolomite, and the H_2O-bearing minerals, such as phengite, epidoteand zoisite, were stable during the high-pressure and/or ultra-high pressure metamorphism.
基金the National 973 Project of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant No. 2003CB716502) the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40399143) +1 种基金 the German Science Foundation (DFG grant No. GE 1152/2-2 , WE2850/3- 1).
文摘Eclogite lenses in marbles from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane are deeply subducted meta-sedimentary rocks. Zircons in these rocks have been used to constrain the ages of prograde and UHP metamorphism during subduction, and later retrograde metamorphism during exhumation. Inherited (detrital) and metamorphic zircons were distinguished on the basis of transmitted light microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, trace element contents and mineral inclusions. The distribution of mineral inclusions combined with CL imaging of the metamorphic zircon make it possible to relate zircon zones (domains) to different metamorphic stages. Domain 1 consists of rounded, oblong and spindly cores with dark-luminescent images, and contains quartz eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under high-pressure (HP) metamorphic conditions of T = 571-668℃ and P =1.7-2.02 GPa. Domain 2 always surrounds domain 1 or occurs as rounded and spindly cores with white-luminescent images. It contains coesite eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under UHP metamorphic conditions of T = 782-849℃ and P 〉 5.5 GPa. Domain 3, with gray-luminescent images, always surrounds domain 2 and occurs as the outermost zircon rim. It is characterized by low-pressure mineral inclusion assemblages, which are related to regional amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism of T = 600- 710℃ and P = 0.7-1.2 GPa. The three metamorphic zircon domains have distinct ages; sample H1 from the Dabie terrane yielded SHRIMP ages of 245 ± 4 Ma for domain 1, 235 ± 3 Ma for domain 2 and 215± 6 Ma for domain 3, whereas sample H2 from the Sulu terrane yielded similar ages of 244 ± 4 Ma, 233 ± 4 Ma and 214 ± 5 Ma for Domains 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The mean ages of these zones suggest that subduction to UHP depths took place over 10-11 Ma and exhumation of the rocks occurred over a period of 19-20 Ma. Thus, subduction from - 55 km to 〉 160 km deep mantle depth took place at rates of approximately 9.5-10.5 km/Ma and exhumation from depths 〉160 km to the base of the crust at -30 km occurred at approximately 6.5 km/Ma. We propose a model for these rocks involving deep subduction of continental margin lithosphere followed by ultrafast exhumation driven by buoyancy forces after break-off of the UHP slab deep within the mantle.
基金funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(No.G19990755-01)the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China,the Chinese Academy of Sciences Wong K.C.Post-doctoral Research Award Fund and the State Key Laboratory of Mineral Deposits,Nanjing University
文摘Omphacite grains from UHP eclogite of the Dabie Mountains in eastern China are elongated and show strong lattice preferred orientations (LPOs). Observations by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) identified not only structures of plastic deformation occurring as free dislocation, dislocation loops and dislocation walls, but also bubbles of water present in the deformed omphacite. The bubbles attach to the dislocation loops which are often connected to one another via a common bubble. Using infrared spectroscopy (IR), two types of hydrous components are identified as hydroxyl and free-water in the omphacite. An analysis of deformation mechanism of microstructure in omphacite suggests that the mineral deformed plastically under UHP metamorphic conditions by dislocation creep through hydrolitic weakening.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40525006 and 40372032).
文摘The high-pressure (HP) eclogite in the western Dabie Mountain encloses numerous hornblendes, mostly barroisite. Opinions on the peak metamorphic P-T condition, PT path and mineral paragenesis of it are still in dispute. Generally, HP eclogite involves garnet, omphacite, hornblendes and quartz, with or without glaucophane, zoisite and phengite. The garnet has compositional zoning with XMg increase, XCa and XMn decrease from core to rim, which indicates a progressive metamorphism. The phase equilibria of the HP eclogite modeled by the P-T pseudosection method developed recently showed the following: (1) the growth zonation of garnet records a progressive metamorphic PT path from pre-peak condition of 1.9-2.1 GPa at 508~C-514~C to a peak one of 2.3-2.5 GPa at 528~C-531~C for the HP eclogite; (2) the peak mineral assemblage is garnet+omphacite+glaucophane+quartz_+phengite, likely paragenetic with lawsonite; (3) the extensive hornblendes derive mainly from glaucophane, partial omphacite and even a little garnet due to the decompression with some heating during the post-peak stage, mostly representing the conditions of about 1.4-1.6 GPa and 580~C-640~C, and their growth is favored by the dehydration of lawsonite into zoisite or epidote, but most of the garnet, omphacite or phengite in the HP eclogite still preserve their compositions at peak condition, and they are not obviously equilibrious with the hornblendes.
文摘For the first time, we apply different geospeedometric models to garnet zoning patterns that were obtained in this study from detailed EMP analyses for garnets from eclogites and granulite in the Dabie-Sulu orogen. Various zonings of cation diffusion were preserved in the garnets, enabling the acquirement of average cooling rates for the high-to ultrahigh-pressure rocks without using geochronological approaches. The coesite-bearing hot eclogites yield fast cooling rates of about 20 to 30℃/Ma subsequent to peak metamorphic temperatures, whereas the cold eclogite gives a relatively slow cooling rate of 8℃/Ma at its initial exhumation. A very slow cooling rate of <0.3℃/Ma is obtained for the granulite at Huangtuling, suggesting that the granulite may not be involved in the continental deep subduction.
文摘The Xiongdian eclogite occurring in the Sujiahe tectonic melange zone at Luoshan County, Henan Province, in the western Dabie Mountains, is typical high-pressure (HP)-ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and medium-temperature eclogite. The occurrence, internal texture and surface characteristics of zircons in eclogite were studied rather systematically petrographically combined with the cathodoluminescence (CL) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) methods. Zircons are mainly hosted in garnet and other metamorphic minerals with sharp boundaries, have a multifaceted morphology and are homogeneous or exhibit a metamorphic growth texture in the interior, thus indicating that they are the product of metamorphism. SHRIMP analyses give zircon 206Pb/238U ages of 335 to 424 Ma and show a certain degree of radiogenic Pb loss; therefore it may be inferred that the age of 424? Ma represents the minimum age of a HP-UHP metamorphic age. From the above analyses coupled with previous Sm-Nd, 40Ar-39Ar, U-Pb and 207Pb/206Pb age data, it is suggested that the peak metamorphic age of the Xiongdian eclogite should be between 424 and 480 Ma. This study further validate the view of the existence of a Caledonian HP-UHP metamorphic event in the western Dabie Mountains.
基金This paper is a partial result of a major tundamental project (No. 8502206) of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources and a project (No. 9514) of the Foundation for Development of Science and Technology in Geology, and financially supported by the
文摘A typical HP/MT (high pressure/medium temperature) eclogite from Xiongdian, northwestern Dabie Mountains, has been geochronologically studied using the single-zircon U-Pb, 40Ar-39Ar and Sm-Nd methods. Prismatic zircons occurring as inclusions within garnets define a minimum crystallization age of 399.5±1.6 Ma. 40Ar-39Ar dating on amphibole gives a plateau age.of 399.2 ± 4 Ma, which is interpreted as a retrogression age of amphibolite facies. This integrated study enables us to conclude that the age of high-pressure metamorphism is older than 399.5 ± 1.6 Ma, suggesting Caledonian collision between the North China and Yangtze plates. Round zircon within the aggregate of quartz and muscovite gives a concordant age of 301± 2 Ma, reflecting a later retrogression event. An age profile of post-eclogite metamorphism is documented, including amphibolite facies metamorphism at 399.2 Ma shortly after eclogitization and later retrogressive metamorphism at 301 Ma. Sm-Nd mineral isochron of garnet+omphacite gives an unreasonable age of 544 ± 23 Ma. which is quite older than that of prismatic zircon and may be attributed to isotopic disturbance by retrogression.
文摘The results of recent geothermobarometric and geochronological investigations of scarce eclogites of the NW Himalaya (Tso Morari (Ladakh), India and Kaghan Valley, Pakistan) have caused a major rethink of tectonometamorphic models for India\|Asia collision. Numerous petrologic studies have been undertaken on the age and origin of metamorphism in the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) and Lesser Himalaya formations (LH) and their relationship to granite magmatism and movements along the Main Central Thrust (MCT) and South Tibetan Detachment Fault (STDF). However, all of these events are essentially Miocene (or younger) in age and can clearly be distinguished from subduction and exhumation processes undergone by the eclogites which are of Eocene age (Tonarini et al. 1993; Spencer & Gebauer; 1996; de Sigoyer et al. 1999) and relate to the very early stages of the collision. Eclogites of eastern Ladakh are mafic lenses found in granitic gneisses (Ordovician intrusive age: Girard & Bussy 1999) and their surrounding late Pre\|Cambrian to early Cambrian sedimentary units in the Tso Morari dome (see Steck et al. 1998). Detailed petrological and geochronological studies (Guillot et al. 1997; de Sigoyer et al. 1997, 1999) have identified an eclogite facies stage (2000±300)MPa, (580±60)℃ followed by isothermal decompression associated with glaucophane growth at around (1100±200)MPa. Dating of different phases by different methods yielded ages around 55Ma for this stage ((55±17) Ma, U\|Pb, Aln; (55±12) Ma, Lu\|Hf, Grt\|Cpx\|Rt; (55±7) Ma, Sm\|Nd, Grt\|Gln\|Rt). A subsequent amphibolite facies overprint at slightly higher temperature (610±70)℃ was dated at 45~48Ma (metabasite: (47±11) Ma, Sm\|Nd, Grt\|Hbl; metapelite: (45±4) Ma, Rb\|Sr, Mu\|Ap\|WR and (48±2) Ma, Ar\|Ar, Phe). By (30±1) Ma (Ar\|Ar, Bt\|Mu) retrogression into the greenschist facies had occurred (de Sigoyer et al. 1999). These data indicate a two stage history with early exhumation being much faster (>4mm/a) than the later evolution (1~2mm/a).
基金funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for National Universities, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and China Geological Survey (Grant Nos. 12120113032800, 21201011000150004, DD20190069)
文摘High-pressure(HP)or ultrahigh-pressure(UHP)rutile-quartz veins that form at mantle depths due to fluid-rock interaction can be used to trace the properties and behavior of natural fluids in subduction zones.To explore the fluid flow and the associated element mobility during deep subduction and exhumation of the continental crust,we investigated the major and trace elements of Ti-rich minerals.Additionally,U–Pb dating,trace element contents,and Lu–Hf isotopic composition of zircon grains in the UHP eclogite and associated rutile-quartz veins were examined in the North Qaidam UHP metamorphic belt,Yuka terrane.The zircon grains in the rutile-quartz veins have unzoned or weak oscillatory zonings,and show low Th/U ratios,steep chondrite-normalized patterns of heavy rare earth elements(HREEs),and insignificant negative Eu anomalies,indicating their growth in metamorphic fluids.These zircon grains formed in 4313 Ma,which is consistent with the 4322 Ma age of the host eclogite.As for the zircons in the rutile-quartz veins,they showed steep HREE patterns on one hand,and were different from the zircons present in the host eclogite on the other.This demonstrates that their formation might have been related to the breakdown of the early stage of garnet,which corresponds to the abundance of fluids during the early exhumation stage.The core-rim profile analyses of rutile recorded a two-stage rutile growth across a large rutile grain;the rutile core has higher Nb,Ta,W,and Zr contents and lower Nb/Ta ratios than the rim,indicating that the rutile domains grew in different metamorphic fluids from the core towards the rim.The significant enrichment of high field strength elements(HFSEs)in the rutile core suggests that the peak fluids have high solubility and transportation capacity of these HFSEs.Furthermore,variations in the Nb vs.Cr trends in rutile indicate a connection of rutile to mafic protolith.The zircon grains from both the rutile-quartz veins and the host eclogite have similar Hf isotopic compositions,indicating that the vein-forming fluids are internally derived from the host eclogite.These fluids accumulated in the subduction channel and were triggered by local dehydration of the deeply subducted eclogite during the early exhumation conditions.
文摘Based upon fluid effects, retrograde metamorphism of eclogites in the Dabieregion can be divided into the fluid-poor, fluid-bearing and fluid-rich stages. The fluid-poor stageis marked by polymorphic inversion, recrystallization and exsolution of solid solutions, and isthought to represent eclogite-facies retrograde environments. The fluid-bearing stage is likely tohave occurred at the late stage of ecologite-facies diaphthorosis and is represented by kyaniteporphyroblasts, rutile, and sodic pyroxene in association with high-pressure hydrous minerals suchas phengite and zoisite (clinozoisite) without significant amount of hydrous minerals such asamphibole, epidote and biotite. The fluid-rich stage might have commenced concomitantly with loweramphibolite-facies diaphthoresis and persisted all the way towards the near-surface environment. Theproduct of this stage is characterized by plentiful hydrous and volatile-bearing phases.The dissemination-type rutile mineralizations in eclogites might have formed by preferentialshearing-induced pressure solution of gangue minerals at the fluid-bearing stage. The accompanyingvein rutile was precipitated from fluids of this stage after local transport and concentration, andmay hence represent proximal mobilization of titanium from the eclogite. Therefore, rutile veins canbe used as an exploration indicator for dissemination-type rutile deposits.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(49732070 ,49902018)the National Key Project for Basic Research on the Tibetan Plateau(G1998040805)the Key Project of the Ministry of Land and Resources of China(20010201).
文摘Eclogites have been recently discovered in the Xitieshan area in the middlesegment of the northern margin of the Qaidam basin. These eclogites, together with those recognizedearlier in the Yuka area of the western segment of the northern margin of the Qaidam basin and inthe Dulan area of the eastern segment of the northern margin of the Qaidam basin, form an eclogitebelt with a length of 350 km. A comparison of the eclogites from the Yuka and Xitieshan areassuggests that they show different country rocks, microtextures, mineral assemblages, and especially,different peak temperatures, PT paths during decompression and isotopic features. Eclogites fromthe Yuka area bear evidence of prograde metamorphism, such as prograde mineral relics in garnet andgrowth zoning of garnet, and hairpin-shaped PT paths with coincidence of the baric and thermal peaksof metamorphism, which reflect rapid burial and uplift. Sm-Nd isotopic determination shows obviousSm-Nd disequilibrium, and no isochron ages of Early Paleozoic metamorphism was obtained. On thecontrary, the Xitieshan eclogite was subjected to metamorphism of higher eclogite-facies andpost-eclogite-facies temperatures, showing an obvious granulite-facies overprint. A tentative PTpath for the Xitieshan area suggests that the baric peak preceded the thermal culmination. Wholerock-garnet-omphacite Sm-Nd isotopic data give an isochron age in the Early Paleozoic. Thedifferences between the two eclogites imply their different tectonic-thermal history during theirburial and uplift.
文摘Coesite inclusions are found in kyanite from the Lanshantou eclogite in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt. This discovery extends the stable region of kyanite to over 2.4 GPa. As an important UHP metamorphic belt in China, the Sulu eclogite belt is the product of A-subduction induced by strong compression of the Yellow Sea terrane to the Jiaodong-northereastern Jiangsu terrane during the interaction of the Eurasian plate and Palaeo-Pacific plate in the Indosinian. It stretches about 350 km and contains over 1000 eclogite bodies. Most eclogites in this belt belong to Groups B and C in the classification of Coleman et al., and commonly contain kyanite, while the Lanshantou eclogite belongs to Group A and contains coesite. The MgO, CaO and FeO contents in garnet and pyroxene show regular variation from the core to the rim, which reveals the PTt paths of progressive metamorphism during the Early Mesozoic (240-200 Ma) and retrogressive metamorphism during the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic exhumation.
文摘The rock forming temperatures and pressures represent the p T points of the local regions in the lithosphere at a certain age, providing some important information on rock formation. Based on the preliminary statistics on the temperatures and pressures for the formation of eclogites, granulites and peridotites in China, the variant ranges are given, in this paper, of temperatures, pressures and linear geothermal gradients of eclogites, granulites and peridotites. In addition, since the eclogite is different from granulite and peridotite in the p T diagram, these three rocks can be classified into two groups: the first group includes eclogites and the second group granulites and peridotites. Then, the p T correlation functions of these two groups of rocks are provided. Finally, the two groups of rocks have different geothermal gradients at the same pressure gradient or have different pressure gradients at the same geothermal gradient. The temperatures and pressures for the formation of the rocks can be calculated from the mineral chemical compositions, but the depths ( H ) for the rock formation can be calculated only under the hypotheses of given p H (or T H ) correlation functions. The explanations for the ultrahigh pressure metamorphism vary obviously with different hypotheses.
文摘The paper reports SHRIMP U-Pb zircon data of a dark eclogite and a post-eclogite garnet-bearing gneissic granitic rock from the Bixiling area, Yuexi County, Anhui Province, in the eastern Dabie Mountains. The eclogite, which is metamorphosed basic tuff, contains very scarce zircons in omphacite or garnet, but more zircons in quartz. They usually exhibit a double-layered texture, as shown clearly in cathodoluminescence images. Their inner main parts give a 206Pb/238U age of 757±7 Ma, representing the approximate age of the high-pressure (HP)- ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic event during which the eclogite was formed. The outer peripheral parts of the zircons, which have been modified by late-stage fluids, give an age of 223±3 Ma. The granitic rock contains more zircons of anatectic origin found mostly in feldspar and quartz and usually also showing a similar composite texture. The inner main parts of the anatectic zircons with oscillatory zoning give a 206Pb/238U age of 727±15 Ma for the approximate age of the emplacement of the granitic rock, and their outer parts, an age of 219±3 Ma for a similar or even the same fluid event. It is thus suggested that the HP-UHP metamorphism of the Bixiling eclogite facies rocks took place during the Neoproterozoic Jinningian, and the Indosinian age values may only represent a late event in the nature of fluid activity.
基金This paper is supported by the Engineering Center of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (No. CCSD2004-04-01)the Focused Subject Program of Beijing (No. XK104910598).
文摘Eclogite, one of the important lithologies in the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project, exists above the depth of 3 245 m and has distinctive responses of gamma-ray, compensating density and neutron well-logging, and so on. In this study, according to the diversities of minerals and chemical components and well-logging responses, edogites are classified from three aspects of origin, content of oxygen, and sub-mineral. We studied the logging identification method for eclogite sub-classes based on multi-element statistics and reconstructed 11 kinds of eclogite. As a result, eclogites can be divided into 6 types using well logs. In the light of this recognition, the eclogite in the main hole is divided into 20 sections, and the distribution characters of all sub-classes of eclogite are analyzed, which will provide important data for geological research of CCSD.
文摘In No. 50 kimberlite pipe of Fuxian County, Liaoning Province, an eclogite inclusion(nodule), which is extremely rare in kimberlites, was discovered and phlogopite exsolutionlamellae were found in garnets of the inclusion. Microscopic, TEM and energy spectral observa-tions and studies confirmed that these lamellae are phlogopite. They are colourless and acicularin section, generally 0.5-5μm in width and 10-100μm in length. Nevertheless, fine lamellae,0.05-0.1μm wide and 1-2μm long, are also well developed. Along [111] of the garnet, three setsof phlogopite lamellae show oriented arrangement approximately at angles of 60°-70°, indi-cating that these lamellae might be the product of exsolution from garnet as a result ofpressure-release when eclogite ascended from the relatively deep level to the relatively shallowlevel of the mantle. Tiny acicular exsolution minerals (or inclusions) are commonly found ingarnet and pyroxene in eclogite inclusions of kimberlites all over the world and it has been re-ported that the identified exsolution minerals include pyroxene and rutile. This is the first timethat phlogopite exsolution lamillae were found in eclogite inclusions in the world.
文摘The Dabie metamorphic terrane is tectonically located within the intersection area of the WNW trending east Qinling orogenic belt with the NNE trending west Pacific domain. The Punctuated multistage convergent movement and the emplacemeat of YanShanian granitoid intrusions account for the complication of its tectonic framework. The Dabie metamorphic complex is composed of 3 units: supracrustals of early Precambrian age, granite gneiss and metamorphic magic rocks of lats Precambrian age. Three major metsmorphic Stages can be traced, i. e. granulite factes, amphibolite facies of Precambrian and the HP/ LT epidote amphibolite and greenschist facies of Phanerozoic. The Hong'an Group underlying the Dabie complex shows epidote amphibolite facies which is probably synchronous with the amphibolite facies of the Dabie complex. The Protolith of the HP and UHP eclogiter are diversided. The amphibole, epidote and other mineral inclusions within the eclogite minerals testify to the earlier history of Pre-eclogitic metamorphism. The peak metamorphic assemblage coesite-omphacite-garnet is superimposed by amphibolite, epidote amphibolite and greenschist facies of retrograde metamorphism. In many regions the eclogites appear as pods, lenses and layers within ductile shear zones having synkinematic greenschist or epidote amphibolite facies of retrograde metamorphism. The Sm-Nd isochron of whole rock and garnet combined with Ph-Ph dating of zircon crystals from Mifengjian eclogite block in Hubei suggest that the UHI, metamorphism probably took Place nearly 480 Ma Which evideoces one of the most important tertono-thermal events of the punctuated evolution in the Dabie terrane.
文摘The studies on ultra microstructure characteristics of quartz exsolution in eclogite and coesite in UHP eclogite of several localities are done with the appliance of laser Raman spectroscopy and U stage. Research results show that the phase transformation of coesite quartz in garnet and/or omphacite is a continuous process. Topological relationship is present between quartz exsolution in omphacite and its host mineral which shows orientations of two long axes of quartz exsolution parallel to (100) and (-101) of omphacite. At present, some scholars suggest that the quartz exsolution in omphacite of eclogite is the evidence of UHP metamorphism. However, temperature and pressure condition and the exsolution mechanism of oriented needlelike quartz in omphacite still remain unclear. Therefore, further study should be enhanced on experimental research on exsolution mechanism of super silicate clinopyroxene, which could provide experimental quantitative constraint on quartz exsolution as UHP indicator.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.92055202)the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(Grant No.2019QZKK0702)the China Geological Survey(Grant Nos.DD20221817 and DD20221630)。
文摘The formation of titanite coronae after rutile is common in retrograde high-to ultrahigh-pressure meta-mafic rocks,which provides a good opportunity to address the geochemical behavior of HFSE in crustal environments.In the Sumdo eclogite,titanite occurs either as a corona around rutile grains or as semi-continuous veins cross-cutting the major foliation,whereas rutile grains occur either as inclusions in garnet or omphacite or as a relict core surrounded by titanite.Textural relationships and trace elements characteristics of rutile and titanite with different occurrences indicate that both minerals preferentially incorporate Nb and Hf over Ta and Zr in aqueous fluid.Moreover,the breakdown of omphacite and epidote could release substantial amounts of aqueous fluids enriched in Ca,Si,Fe and REE,which would react with rutile to form titanite coronae and veins.During this process,water-insoluble elements,like HFSE and HREE,behave like mobile elements,but they do not migrate substantially out of the system,instead,tending to react in situ.This suggests that the aqueous fluids released during the retrograde metamorphic reactions in mafic rocks could not substantially transfer fluidimmobile elements into the overlying mantle wedge in subduction environments.