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Investor sentiments and stock marketsduring the COVID-19 pandemic 被引量:2
作者 Emre Cevik Buket Kirci Altinkeski +1 位作者 Emrah Ismail Cevik Sel Dibooglu 《Financial Innovation》 2022年第1期1896-1929,共34页
This study examines the relationship between positive and negative investor sentiments and stock market returns and volatility in Group of 20 countries using variousmethods, including panel regression with fixed effec... This study examines the relationship between positive and negative investor sentiments and stock market returns and volatility in Group of 20 countries using variousmethods, including panel regression with fixed effects, panel quantile regressions, apanel vector autoregression (PVAR) model, and country-specific regressions. We proxyfor negative and positive investor sentiments using the Google Search Volume Indexfor terms related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and COVID-19 vaccine, respectively. Using weekly data from March 2020 to May 2021, we document significantrelationships between positive and negative investor sentiments and stock marketreturns and volatility. Specifically, an increase in positive investor sentiment leads toan increase in stock returns while negative investor sentiment decreases stock returnsat lower quantiles. The effect of investor sentiment on volatility is consistent acrossthe distribution: negative sentiment increases volatility, whereas positive sentimentreduces volatility. These results are robust as they are corroborated by Granger causalitytests and a PVAR model. The findings may have portfolio implications as they indicatethat proxies for positive and negative investor sentiments seem to be good predictorsof stock returns and volatility during the pandemic. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 investor sentiment Stock market returns VOLATILITY
Investor Sentiment and Cross-Sectional Return after Share Issuance:Evidence from Seasonal Equity Offering in China Market 被引量:1
作者 Di Liu 《Journal of Finance Research》 2020年第1期42-54,共13页
Our research on private placement of equity on China capital market reveals that firms prefer to equity financing when their stock price is overvalued and investor sentiment is high,following the market timing hypothe... Our research on private placement of equity on China capital market reveals that firms prefer to equity financing when their stock price is overvalued and investor sentiment is high,following the market timing hypothesis.However,after private issuance,we document a significant positive abnormal return within three years.We believe firms choose to polish their financial statement before the exit of institutional investors and controlling shareholders.Through manipulation of discretional accruals,firms improve the profitability and market valuation,and help institutional investors and controlling shareholders obtain the abnormal return after private placement of equity.Nevertheless,such manipulation cannot be sustained and will do harm to other investors in the long-term. 展开更多
关键词 investor sentiment Cross-sectional return Seasonal equity offering China market
An empirical examination of investor sentiment and stock market volatility: evidence from India
作者 Haritha P H Abdul Rishad 《Financial Innovation》 2020年第1期667-681,共15页
Understanding the irrational sentiments of the market participants is necessary for making good investment decisions.Despite the recent academic effort to examine the role of investors’sentiments in market dynamics,t... Understanding the irrational sentiments of the market participants is necessary for making good investment decisions.Despite the recent academic effort to examine the role of investors’sentiments in market dynamics,there is a lack of consensus in delineating the structural aspect of market sentiments.This research is an attempt to address this gap.The study explores the role of irrational investors’sentiments in determining stock market volatility.By employing monthly data on market-related implicit indices,we constructed an irrational sentiment index using principal component analysis.This sentiment index was modelled in the GARCH and Granger causality framework to analyse its contribution to volatility.The results showed that irrational sentiment significantly causes excess market volatility.Moreover,the study indicates that the asymmetrical aspects of an inefficient market contribute to excess volatility and returns.The findings are crucial for retail investors as well as portfolio managers seeking to make an optimum portfolio to maximise profits. 展开更多
关键词 investor sentiment Stock market volatility Principal component analysis GARCH Granger causality test
A Study on Interaction between Investor Sentiments, China' s Monetary Policy and Stock Market
作者 Wang Boshi 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期315-321,共7页
This paper builds the structure of the vector autoregression( SVAR) model short-term constraints and studies the interactive mechanism of investor sentiment,monetary policy and stock market from 2008 to 2016. The resu... This paper builds the structure of the vector autoregression( SVAR) model short-term constraints and studies the interactive mechanism of investor sentiment,monetary policy and stock market from 2008 to 2016. The result finds that investor sentiment, currency liquidity and stock market gains a significant asymmetric effect. First,the interaction effects of investor sentiment and stock market are positive feedback mechanism, and investor sentiment significantly affects the stock market in the short term. Furthermore,monetary policy and stock market has a positive role in promoting each other. Finally, investor sentiment shows negative feedback mechanism of monetary policy. 展开更多
关键词 股票市场 货币政策 投资者 情绪 相互作用 正反馈机制 中国 自回归模型
作者 李婧 李博渝 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期19-31,共13页
中国作为全球系统重要性国家,外部环境变化必然冲击国内债券市场,投资者情绪起落传递金融风险.本文选取2007—2022年中国非金融上市公司发行债券数据验证地缘政治风险对企业融资成本的影响.研究发现,此类风险带来的冲击扩大企业债券信... 中国作为全球系统重要性国家,外部环境变化必然冲击国内债券市场,投资者情绪起落传递金融风险.本文选取2007—2022年中国非金融上市公司发行债券数据验证地缘政治风险对企业融资成本的影响.研究发现,此类风险带来的冲击扩大企业债券信用利差,投资者乐观情绪与低违约避险效应缓解了冲击,国有企业债券违约强化负面信息传递,并且企业应对措施因其特性和货币金融环境不同而异,良好的经济基本面是应对地缘政治冲击最有效的平滑器.为增加企业财务韧性,建议宏观上应健全风险预警机制,完善资本市场体系,合理引导预期,同时要加强企业信息披露机制,建立信誉累积的长效机制. 展开更多
关键词 地缘政治风险 企业融资成本 债券市场 投资者情绪
作者 唐亮 杨国玉 《中国流通经济》 北大核心 2025年第2期86-99,共14页
在全球倡导绿色低碳与可持续发展的时代背景下,企业环境、社会与治理(ESG)表现已成为衡量企业长期价值与社会责任的重要标尺。随着资本市场的不断成熟与投资者理念的转变,注重长期回报、愿意陪伴企业共同成长的耐心资本,正逐渐成为推动... 在全球倡导绿色低碳与可持续发展的时代背景下,企业环境、社会与治理(ESG)表现已成为衡量企业长期价值与社会责任的重要标尺。随着资本市场的不断成熟与投资者理念的转变,注重长期回报、愿意陪伴企业共同成长的耐心资本,正逐渐成为推动ESG投资实践的关键驱动力。深入研究耐心资本投资对企业ESG表现的影响,不仅关乎资本市场的健康发展,而且是促进经济绿色转型、实现社会可持续发展目标的重要途径。以2009—2023年我国A股上市公司为样本,实证检验耐心资本投资提升企业ESG表现的效果和机制,分析耐心资本通过促进企业创新、降低代理成本进而提高企业ESG表现的传导机制。研究结果表明,耐心资本占比提高将显著改善企业的ESG表现,尤其影响企业环境维度、社会责任维度表现,且该结论经过内生性和稳健性检验后依然成立。该影响的机制在于耐心资本占比提高降低创新项目的投资风险,提升企业创新水平,规避企业与利益相关群体之间的道德风险,减少信息不对称程度,进而降低代理成本。同时耐心资本能够向投资者传递经营状况良好的信号,稳定投资者情绪,减少非效率投资。异质性分析表明,对于非国有企业、大规模上市公司、上市时间长的公司,耐心资本的作用效果更显著。另外,耐心资本会“传染”,即自我壮大,从而促进企业筹资环境的良性循环。因此,要鼓励企业加强长期战略规划,优化金融体系结构和营商环境,增强对耐心资本的吸引力,提高耐心资本利用效率,降低企业经营风险。 展开更多
关键词 耐心资本 企业创新 ESG表现 非效率投资 投资者情绪
作者 李睿 杨戈 《经济论坛》 2025年第1期41-52,共12页
科学精准的市值管理是“增强资本市场内在稳定性”“强本强基”的重要内容,也是商业银行实现高质量发展的战略任务。随着市值管理考核的全面推开和逐渐细化,商业银行将在稳市场、稳预期上起到表率作用,关注市场表现、强化市值管理,增强... 科学精准的市值管理是“增强资本市场内在稳定性”“强本强基”的重要内容,也是商业银行实现高质量发展的战略任务。随着市值管理考核的全面推开和逐渐细化,商业银行将在稳市场、稳预期上起到表率作用,关注市场表现、强化市值管理,增强投资者对市场的信心和信任,吸引更多的投资者特别是中长期资金参与市场。文章在明晰商业银行市值管理战略站位与关键内核的基础上,探究估值折价背后的盈利可持续性,深挖我国资本市场中的中国特色和时代特征双重加持下的市值管理新挑战,为现阶段商业银行市值管理工作的进一步优化提供可行性建议。 展开更多
关键词 市值管理 资本市场 商业银行 市场信心 投资者情绪
作者 尹林辉 张靖婉 《华东经济管理》 北大核心 2025年第1期106-116,共11页
为缓解企业债务“爆雷”背后的资金期限错配,文章以2008—2022年中国A股上市公司为研究样本,分析媒体关注、投资者情绪与企业资金期限错配三者的关系。研究发现:媒体关注能缓解企业资金期限错配,投资者情绪会抑制媒体关注对企业资金期... 为缓解企业债务“爆雷”背后的资金期限错配,文章以2008—2022年中国A股上市公司为研究样本,分析媒体关注、投资者情绪与企业资金期限错配三者的关系。研究发现:媒体关注能缓解企业资金期限错配,投资者情绪会抑制媒体关注对企业资金期限错配的缓解作用;机制分析表明,媒体关注通过缓解融资约束和抑制管理层短视来降低企业资金期限错配;异质性分析显示,媒体关注对企业资金期限错配的缓解作用在非负面媒体报道、长期借款占比低、非国有以及内部控制质量高的企业中更显著。研究结论为缓解企业资金期限错配提供理论依据和政策参考,有助于降低市场系统性金融风险,更好支撑实体企业高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 媒体关注 资金期限错配 投资者情绪 融资约束 管理层短视
作者 于慧佳 《江苏商论》 2025年第1期77-82,共6页
2019年12月底,由美国暴发的新冠疫情传入中国,疫情对全球、全国的经济造成了显著影响,全球股市也进入寒冬。股市是经济的晴雨表,在中国的股票市场中,有超过九成的投资者属于个人投资者,个人投资者的情绪反映与股票市场的涨跌息息相关。... 2019年12月底,由美国暴发的新冠疫情传入中国,疫情对全球、全国的经济造成了显著影响,全球股市也进入寒冬。股市是经济的晴雨表,在中国的股票市场中,有超过九成的投资者属于个人投资者,个人投资者的情绪反映与股票市场的涨跌息息相关。基于此,论文选取换手率、成交量、腾落比例、融资融券余额和百度搜索指数这5个单项指标通过主成分分析法建立投资者情绪综合指标。同时选取相关指标构建疫情综合指标,并通过VAR模型、Granger因果检验、脉冲响应分析、方差分解等方法考察二者与股票收益率之间的关系,同时,提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 冲击事件 投资者情绪 主成分分析 VAR 脉冲响应
Overreaction and Availability Bias: Analysis of Real Estate Sector’s Stock Prices and Investors’ Reaction during Demonetisation in India
作者 Kavita Singh Sarthak Sengupta Anurika Vaish 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2019年第5期232-240,共9页
The stock market is full of events that affect the sensitivity reaction of investors at a large scale. Individual investor sentiment is just like his/her personal feeling depending upon their nature, risk appetite, an... The stock market is full of events that affect the sensitivity reaction of investors at a large scale. Individual investor sentiment is just like his/her personal feeling depending upon their nature, risk appetite, and market scenario. This research study investigates the investors’ reaction in the stock market for the real estate segment during the massive market crisis in developing countries. Demonetisation of 2016 in India has been taken with the purpose of implementing a pilot study to analyse the overreaction and availability bias. The primary focus was on analysing how the investors react on the information of demonetisation and their pattern of investment in the stock market with a special emphasis on real estate sector where the effect of the event had dramatically changed the stock prices. Therefore, a pre- and post- analysis had been conducted to gauge the prices, sensitivity, and reaction of investors in the stock market. The reaction of the citizens after these events was found to be drastically affected. Five real estate companies had been focused upon in this study to examine the impact of investors’ overreaction owing to the demonetisation and their investment pattern for stocks during pre- and post- demonetisation period at that timeframe. The analysis was done on a shorter period of time so that the impact of overreaction and availability bias can be critically analysed. The paper thus exhibits how investor sentiments and reaction for stock preference had changed over time through statistical study. 展开更多
关键词 investor sentiment stock market demonetisation OVERREACTION AVAILABILITY BIAS
Can Twitter Sentiment Gives the Weather of the Financial Markets?
作者 Imen Hamraoui Adel Boubaker 《Journal on Big Data》 2021年第4期155-173,共19页
Finance 3.0 is still in its infancy.Yet big data represents an unprecedented opportunity for finance.The massive increase in the volume of data generated by individuals every day on the Internet offers researchers the... Finance 3.0 is still in its infancy.Yet big data represents an unprecedented opportunity for finance.The massive increase in the volume of data generated by individuals every day on the Internet offers researchers the opportunity to approach the question of financial market predictability from a new perspective.In this article,we study the relationship between a well-known Twitter micro-blogging platform and the Tunisian financial market.In particular,we consider,over a 12-month period,Twitter volume and sentiment across the 22 stock companies that make up the Tunindex index.We find a relatively weak Pearson correlation and Granger causality between the corresponding time series over the entire period. 展开更多
关键词 TWITTER investor sentiment tunisian financial market Twitter volume
Herding and investor sentiment after the cryptocurrency crash:evidence from Twitter and natural language processing
作者 Michael Cary 《Financial Innovation》 2024年第1期425-447,共23页
Although the 2022 cryptocurrency market crash prompted despair among investors,the rallying cry,“wagmi”(We’re all gonna make it.)emerged among cryptocurrency enthusiasts in the aftermath.Did cryptocurrency enthusia... Although the 2022 cryptocurrency market crash prompted despair among investors,the rallying cry,“wagmi”(We’re all gonna make it.)emerged among cryptocurrency enthusiasts in the aftermath.Did cryptocurrency enthusiasts respond to this crash differently compared to traditional investors?Using natural language processing techniques applied to Twitter data,this study employed a difference-in-differences method to determine whether the cryptocurrency market crash had a differential effect on investor sentiment toward cryptocurrency enthusiasts relative to more traditional investors.The results indicate that the crash affected investor sentiment among cryptocurrency enthusiastic investors differently from traditional investors.In particular,cryptocurrency enthusiasts’tweets became more neutral and,surprisingly,less negative.This result appears to be primarily driven by a deliberate,collectivist effort to promote positivity within the cryptocurrency community(“wagmi”).Considering the more nuanced emotional content of tweets,it appears that cryptocurrency enthusiasts expressed less joy and surprise in the aftermath of the cryptocurrency crash than traditional investors.Moreover,cryptocurrency enthusiasts tweeted more frequently after the cryptocurrency crash,with a relative increase in tweet frequency of approximately one tweet per day.An analysis of the specific textual content of tweets provides evidence of herding behavior among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. 展开更多
关键词 Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Herding investor sentiment Natural language processing sentiment analysis Twitter
Investor sentiment and the holiday effect in the cryptocurrency market:evidence from China
作者 Pengcheng Zhang Kunpeng Xu +1 位作者 Jian Huang Jiayin Qi 《Financial Innovation》 2024年第1期967-1002,共36页
This study employs a fixed-effects model to investigate the holiday effect in the cryptocurrency market,using trading data for the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization on Coinmarketcap.com from January 1,... This study employs a fixed-effects model to investigate the holiday effect in the cryptocurrency market,using trading data for the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization on Coinmarketcap.com from January 1,2017 to July 1,2022.The results indicate that returns on cryptocurrencies increase significantly during Chinese holiday periods.Additionally,we use textual analysis to construct an investor sentiment indicator and find that positive investor sentiment boosts cryptocurrency market returns.However,when positive investor sentiment prevails in the cryptocurrency market,the holiday effect weakens,implying that positive investor sentiment attenuates the holiday effect.Robustness tests based on the Bitcoin market generate consistent results.Moreover,this study explores the mechanisms underlying the cryptocurrency holiday effect and examines the impact of epidemic transmission risk and heterogeneity characteristics on this phenomenon.These findings offer novel insights into the impact of Chinese statutory holidays on the cryptocurrency market and illuminate the role of investor sentiment in this market. 展开更多
关键词 Cryptocurrency Holiday effect investor sentiment Text analysis
基于深度学习的投资者情绪挖掘及其对股价崩盘风险的影响 被引量:3
作者 尹海员 南早红 《中央财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期36-56,共21页
本文基于网络爬虫挖掘东方财富股吧中个股的发帖文本,搭建卷积神经网络和长短时记忆神经网络特征融合模型(LSTM-CNN),对样本股的股吧发帖文本进行情感识别,构建投资者情绪指标并分析了其对股价崩盘风险的影响效应及其机制。实证发现,当... 本文基于网络爬虫挖掘东方财富股吧中个股的发帖文本,搭建卷积神经网络和长短时记忆神经网络特征融合模型(LSTM-CNN),对样本股的股吧发帖文本进行情感识别,构建投资者情绪指标并分析了其对股价崩盘风险的影响效应及其机制。实证发现,当期投资者情绪对下一期股价崩盘风险存在显著的正向影响效应,投资者情绪高涨加剧了未来股价崩盘风险;不同市场环境下,情绪对股价崩盘风险影响具有不对称性,熊市状态下投资者情绪对崩盘风险的正向影响效应更为明显。进一步的异质性分析表明,规模较小、股权集中度较低、卖空限制大、公司所在地市场化水平低的样本公司中投资者情绪对股价崩盘风险的影响更为明显。此外,我们发现股票流动性是投资者情绪影响股价崩盘风险的一个重要的中介变量。研究结论有助于从投资者情绪视角来解释股价崩盘风险的形成机理,丰富了对股价崩盘风险影响因素的认识。 展开更多
关键词 投资者情绪 股价崩盘风险 深度学习 股票流动性
Do US states’responses to COVID-19 restore investor sentiment?Evidence from S&P 500 financial institutions
作者 Kaouther Chebbi Aymen Ammari +1 位作者 Seyed Alireza Athari Kashif Abbass 《Financial Innovation》 2024年第1期1996-2016,共21页
This paper specifically investigates the effects of US government emergency actions on the investor sentiment–financial institution stock returns relationship.Despite attempts by many studies,the literature still pro... This paper specifically investigates the effects of US government emergency actions on the investor sentiment–financial institution stock returns relationship.Despite attempts by many studies,the literature still provides no answers concerning this nexus.Using a new firm-specific Twitter investor sentiment(TS)metric and performing a panel smooth transition regression for daily data on 66 S&P 500 financial institutions from January 1 to December 31,2020,we find that TS acts asymmetrically,nonlinearly,and time varyingly according to the pandemic situation and US states’responses to COVID-19.In other words,we uncover the nexus between TS and financial institution stock returns and determine that it changes with US states’reactions to COVID-19.With a permissive government response(the first regime),TS does not impact financial institution stock returns;however,when moving to a strict government response(the overall government response index exceeds the 63.59 threshold),this positive effect becomes significant in the second regime.Moreover,the results show that the slope of the transition function is high,indicating an abrupt rather than a smooth transition between the first and second regimes.The results are robust and have important policy implications for policymakers,investment analysts,and portfolio managers. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 Financial institution stock returns investor sentiment US states responses
企业ESG与资本市场表现——来自股票流动性的证据 被引量:2
作者 徐晟 哈斯木其尔 +1 位作者 梁富友 沈熙峰 《科学决策》 CSSCI 2024年第4期42-60,共19页
在经济社会发展绿色化、低碳化态势下,ESG理念在资本市场中的地位日益凸显。文章基于2015—2021年我国A股上市公司数据,研究ESG表现对企业股票流动性的影响。研究发现,ESG表现显著提升了企业股票流动性,该效应在国有企业、大规模企业以... 在经济社会发展绿色化、低碳化态势下,ESG理念在资本市场中的地位日益凸显。文章基于2015—2021年我国A股上市公司数据,研究ESG表现对企业股票流动性的影响。研究发现,ESG表现显著提升了企业股票流动性,该效应在国有企业、大规模企业以及市场化程度较高的地区企业中更显著。机制分析表明,企业ESG有利于提升投资者情绪和信息透明度,进而促进股票流动性。进一步研究发现,企业良好ESG表现所带来的股票流动性显著提升了企业价值和企业创新。发掘企业ESG在金融市场的作用效果,为活跃资本市场提供新的经验证据。 展开更多
关键词 ESG 股票流动性 投资者情绪 信息透明度 文本分析
投资者情绪是否会影响股票定价效率?——来自股票社区的文本证据 被引量:1
作者 尹海员 王晓晓 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2024年第3期96-111,共16页
股票定价效率是衡量股票市场有效性的重要指标,更高的定价效率有利于促进资本市场资源的合理配置,更好地服务实体经济高质量发展。本文挖掘东方财富的投资者社区的文本发帖信息,利用机器学习方法分析文本情绪状态,构建投资者情绪指标并... 股票定价效率是衡量股票市场有效性的重要指标,更高的定价效率有利于促进资本市场资源的合理配置,更好地服务实体经济高质量发展。本文挖掘东方财富的投资者社区的文本发帖信息,利用机器学习方法分析文本情绪状态,构建投资者情绪指标并分析其对股票定价效率的影响。研究表明,投资者情绪与股票定价效率之间存在显著正相关关系,也即乐观的投资者情绪会带动股票定价效率的提升。这种影响效应是通过乐观情绪降低了信息不对称程度,进而提升了股价信息含量,并与定价效率的机制路径产生作用。进一步看,随着卖空限制的降低,股票定价效率对情绪的敏感程度会增大;良好的信息环境会降低情绪对股票定价效率的影响。研究结论为从个体投资者情绪视角透视我国股票市场运行效率以及网络媒体信息监管的必要性提供了证据。 展开更多
关键词 投资者情绪 股票定价效率 数据挖掘 机器学习
经济政策不确定性、投资者情绪与银行系统性风险传染 被引量:1
作者 王周伟 李凯琪 《金融理论探索》 2024年第1期18-31,共14页
面对经济政策不确定性和投资者情绪,银行业需承担应对经济衰退、化解银行风险和实现经济高质量稳定增长的责任。本文利用MVMQ-CAViaR模型测度了2008—2021年所有上市银行的系统性风险,构建面板门限回归模型和面板平滑转换模型,研究在投... 面对经济政策不确定性和投资者情绪,银行业需承担应对经济衰退、化解银行风险和实现经济高质量稳定增长的责任。本文利用MVMQ-CAViaR模型测度了2008—2021年所有上市银行的系统性风险,构建面板门限回归模型和面板平滑转换模型,研究在投资者情绪转换作用下经济政策不确定性影响银行系统性风险多重传染的边际效应结构变化。研究表明:投资者情绪具有显著的区制转换效应,使经济不确定性影响银行系统性风险多重传染的净边际效应,以指数转换模式发生结构变化。据此提出正确处理经济政策不确定性与银行系统性风险的关系,投资者要保持理性情绪以及监管部门要加强监管的建议。 展开更多
关键词 经济政策不确定性 投资者情绪 银行系统性风险 风险传染 指数平滑转换模式
作者 卜君 孙光国 徐俊洁 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期219-225,共7页
资本市场本质上是一个信息市场,信息是决定上市公司股票价值最重要的因素之一。随着信息技术的运用和市场成熟度的提高,上市公司与投资者之间的信息传递模式正在由“单向式信息披露”向“互动式信息沟通”转变。本文考察了我国上市公司... 资本市场本质上是一个信息市场,信息是决定上市公司股票价值最重要的因素之一。随着信息技术的运用和市场成熟度的提高,上市公司与投资者之间的信息传递模式正在由“单向式信息披露”向“互动式信息沟通”转变。本文考察了我国上市公司与投资者新型互动式信息沟通行为对股票市场定价效率的影响。研究发现:上市公司与投资者的互动式信息沟通行为越积极,即回复率越高、回复越及时,公司股票的错误定价程度越低;公司与投资者的积极互动沟通行为主要通过减少投资者异质信念、增加股价信息含量和改善公司信息环境来降低股票错误定价水平;进一步结合我国股票市场特征发现,这种互动沟通产生的定价效率优化效应在投资者情绪较强、机构投资者持股较少的公司中更加显著。本文的研究结论证实了我国交易所监管下互动沟通平台的市场有效性,同时也为进一步优化市场资源配置的效果提供了新的经验证据。 展开更多
关键词 互动式信息沟通 股票错误定价 股价信息含量 投资者异质信念 投资者情绪
作者 杨科 胡楠 田凤平 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第11期129-141,共13页
本文基于自动编码深度学习技术和长短期记忆网络构建动态集成网络定价模型,选取上证180碳效率成分股作为研究样本,通过量化主要定价特征的边际贡献,分析投资者有限关注和个人投资者情绪等在我国绿色股票定价中的传导效应。实证结果表明... 本文基于自动编码深度学习技术和长短期记忆网络构建动态集成网络定价模型,选取上证180碳效率成分股作为研究样本,通过量化主要定价特征的边际贡献,分析投资者有限关注和个人投资者情绪等在我国绿色股票定价中的传导效应。实证结果表明,具有多层网络结构的动态集成网络定价模型能够捕捉公司特征和预期收益的非线性关系,从而更好地刻画绿色企业的风险溢价。此外,有限关注特征、价格动量特征、个人投资者情绪特征是我国绿色股票关键的定价因素,研发信息等绿色化成本因素也可通过有限关注、个人投资者情绪渠道间接影响绿色溢酬。鉴于研发信息等对绿色溢酬的重要影响,需进一步完善绿色企业研发信息披露机制,为投资者提供准确透明的绿色化成本信息,进而加强投资者对企业绿色信息的认知识别能力,实现企业绿色研发投入与市值增值的良性循环。 展开更多
关键词 绿色溢酬 深度学习 有限关注 投资者情绪
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