In order to ensure the safety of coal mine shaft construction, a double-layer steel plate concrete composite shaft wall structure was proposed. However, fewer studies were conducted on this structure, which made engin...In order to ensure the safety of coal mine shaft construction, a double-layer steel plate concrete composite shaft wall structure was proposed. However, fewer studies were conducted on this structure, which made engineers too confused to fully recognize its feasibility of this structure. Hence, based on the previous experimental research on the Taohutu mine construction project in Ordos in Inner Mongolia, this research paper aims to provide a widely deep numerical analysis by the usage of the finite element software, in fact, to establish the corresponding numerical analysis model and make a comparison with the experimental data to get the rationality of the verified model. The influence of the composite characteristics of the steel plate and concrete on the ultimate bearing capacity and stress field of the shaft wall structure is studied here through the method of multi-factor analysis. Also, the optimal design scheme of the double-layer steel plate and concrete composite shaft wall structure is proposed in this research paper.展开更多
文摘In order to ensure the safety of coal mine shaft construction, a double-layer steel plate concrete composite shaft wall structure was proposed. However, fewer studies were conducted on this structure, which made engineers too confused to fully recognize its feasibility of this structure. Hence, based on the previous experimental research on the Taohutu mine construction project in Ordos in Inner Mongolia, this research paper aims to provide a widely deep numerical analysis by the usage of the finite element software, in fact, to establish the corresponding numerical analysis model and make a comparison with the experimental data to get the rationality of the verified model. The influence of the composite characteristics of the steel plate and concrete on the ultimate bearing capacity and stress field of the shaft wall structure is studied here through the method of multi-factor analysis. Also, the optimal design scheme of the double-layer steel plate and concrete composite shaft wall structure is proposed in this research paper.
文摘为了解决锁铆技术在装配式冷弯薄壁型钢结构中应用的问题,采用5种常见厚度的冷弯薄壁型钢锁铆连接及自攻螺钉连接进行了抗剪性能、抗拉性能对比试验;以自攻螺钉连接的性能为标准,依据抗剪与抗拉的承载力、刚度、延性、变形量等性能指标分析了锁铆连接力学性能的可行性;基于冷弯薄壁型钢结构房屋工地建造方式及锁铆连接工艺的特殊性,分析了锁铆连接施工可行性.研究结果表明:同等情况下,锁铆连接的抗拉性能指标及抗剪承载力、抗剪刚度、剪切延性均优于自攻螺钉连接,尤其抗剪刚度优势显著,但剪切变形相对较小;锁铆连接应用于非抗震结构中可行性较大,对于有抗震需求的结构可行性有待进一步验证;锁铆仅适用于工厂生产加工的模块化装配式冷弯薄壁型钢结构体系,且被连接的钢板组合厚度不宜大于4 mm.