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4D-Flow MRI在肥厚型心肌病左室流出道血流评估中的价值探索 被引量:1
作者 徐晶 陈秀玉 +3 位作者 尹刚 闫伟鹏 陆敏杰 赵世华 《磁共振成像》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期56-61,共6页
目的 探索四维血流(four-dimensional flow,4D-Flow)磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)技术在左心室腔内应用的可行性。材料与方法 本研究为前瞻性、横断面研究,纳入2022年8月至2023年1月于我院接受心脏MRI检查的21例肥厚型... 目的 探索四维血流(four-dimensional flow,4D-Flow)磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)技术在左心室腔内应用的可行性。材料与方法 本研究为前瞻性、横断面研究,纳入2022年8月至2023年1月于我院接受心脏MRI检查的21例肥厚型心肌病患者,采用3.0 T MRI扫描仪进行二维血流(tow-dimensional flow,2D-Flow)及4D-Flow成像,收集患者一周内进行的超声心动图检查结果。采用组内相关系数(inter-class correlation coefficient,ICC)、变异系数(coefficients of variation,COV)及Bland-Altman分析比较2D-Flow、4D-Flow评估左室流出道峰值流速的可重复性及一致性,并通过Pearson相关性分析探究二者与超声心动图测量结果的关系。结果 2D-Flow和4D-Flow观察者内/观察者间的ICC分别为0.999/0.999和0.995/0.992,COV分别为0.5%/0.5%和2.4%/2.6%。4D-Flow与超声心动图的测量结果呈中度相关,相关系数r值为0.574(P=0.006),但一致性较差,ICC为0.375(P=0.013)。2D-Flow与4D-Flow和超声心动图间无显著的一致性及相关性。结论 4D-Flow技术能够可视化心腔内血流模式,对左室流出道峰值流速的测量具有高度可重复性,且与超声心动图的测量结果具有显著的一致性。 展开更多
关键词 肥厚型心肌病 四维血流 二维血流 心脏磁共振 磁共振成像
作者 文军 丁锐 李默嘉 《通信技术》 2024年第9期911-916,共6页
在无线控制环境下,受限于控制通道的带宽和时延,OpenFlow交换机通过Packet-In消息申请流表的过程耗时较长,这个时段内交换机可能收到同一条流的大量后续报文,并分别产生与首包报文完全相同的Packet-In消息发往控制器,明显浪费网络资源... 在无线控制环境下,受限于控制通道的带宽和时延,OpenFlow交换机通过Packet-In消息申请流表的过程耗时较长,这个时段内交换机可能收到同一条流的大量后续报文,并分别产生与首包报文完全相同的Packet-In消息发往控制器,明显浪费网络资源。同时,针对每条流独立发送一个Packet-In报文的方式容易导致控制通道负载以小包为主、包头开销占比过大、网络资源利用率不高的问题。因此,针对无线控制条件下报文粒度Packet-In消息触发和离散化Packet-In消息发送机制存在的问题,提出了一种基于流粒度实现Packet-In消息触发和Packet-In消息聚合发送的方案,并通过仿真试验,验证了方案的效果。 展开更多
关键词 Openflow Packet-In 流表申请 流粒度 消息聚合
iFlow彩色血流编码成像技术在下肢动脉硬化闭塞症诊断中的应用价值 被引量:1
作者 龙海灯 殷世武 +3 位作者 潘升权 项廷淼 宋均飞 王元 《实用医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第18期2623-2628,共6页
目的研究iFlow彩色血流编码成像技术在下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(LEASO)诊断中的应用价值。方法选择2022年3月至2023年10月期间确诊的106例LEASO患者作为本研究的LEASO组,以一般资料与LEASO组匹配且无动脉病变的80例志愿者作为对照组。两组受... 目的研究iFlow彩色血流编码成像技术在下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(LEASO)诊断中的应用价值。方法选择2022年3月至2023年10月期间确诊的106例LEASO患者作为本研究的LEASO组,以一般资料与LEASO组匹配且无动脉病变的80例志愿者作为对照组。两组受试者均进行数字减影血管造影(DSA)并采用iFlow彩色血流编码成像技术检测股骨头区域和踝关节区域达峰时间(TTP)、计算踝关节区域与股骨头区域TTP的差值,测量踝肱指数(ABI)。结果两组研究对象年龄、性别、体质量指数、吸烟史、高血压病史、糖尿病史、冠心病史、股骨头区域TTP的比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);LEASO组踝关节区域TTP及TTP差值均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);LEASO组中不同Rutherford分类患者股骨头区域TTP的比较以及左侧病变患者与右侧病变患者股骨头区域TTP、踝关节区域TTP、TTP差值的比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),Rutherford分类越高,踝关节区域TTP及TTP差值越低(P<0.05);经Pearson检验,LEASO患者的踝关节区域TTP、TTP差值与ABI呈负相关(P<0.05);经受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析,踝关节区域TTP、TTP差值对LEASO具有诊断效能;经Delong检验,TTP差值诊断的ROC曲线下面积高于踝关节区域TTP(P<0.05)。结论iFlow彩色血流编码成像技术测定踝关节区TTP及TTP差值是诊断LEASO的量化指标。 展开更多
关键词 下肢动脉硬化闭塞症 iflow彩色血流编码成像技术 达峰时间 踝关节
基于 Moldflow 的汽车中控台框架翘曲变形分析及优化 被引量:3
作者 刘巨保 黄建军 +3 位作者 杨明 李峰 张亮 查翔 《塑料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期83-88,共6页
以某汽车中控台框架为研究对象,测量试模样品发现其翘曲变形量超过了装配要求。通过Moldflow软件模拟了该塑件实际的注塑过程,翘曲变形量的模拟值与实测平均值的最大误差为5.98%,发现该塑件翘曲变形的主要因素为冷却不均和收缩不均。本... 以某汽车中控台框架为研究对象,测量试模样品发现其翘曲变形量超过了装配要求。通过Moldflow软件模拟了该塑件实际的注塑过程,翘曲变形量的模拟值与实测平均值的最大误差为5.98%,发现该塑件翘曲变形的主要因素为冷却不均和收缩不均。本文在原物料中添加质量分数为25%的玻璃纤维以及优化工艺参数后,翘曲变形量的模拟值与初始方案相比降低了86.22%。试模验证表明,优化后的翘曲变形量模拟值与实测平均值的最大误差为4.35%,证明了Moldflow软件模拟分析的准确性。试模后各检测点的最大翘曲变形量降到了1.6 mm以下,较优化之前降低了80%以上,为类似大型复杂注塑件的翘曲变形分析及优化提供了思路。 展开更多
关键词 注塑成型 中控台框架 翘曲变形 模流分析 玻璃纤维
基于Flow Simulation的某发动机涡轮压气机流场与效率分析
作者 邹春龙 饶纪元 +1 位作者 邓小雯 孙海明 《内燃机与配件》 2024年第11期13-15,共3页
涡轮机内部流场对涡轮增压器的性能和效率有着重要影响,采用SolidWorks Flow Simulation模块对某发动机涡轮压气机侧流场和压气效率分析。在六种不同空气体积流量工况下,体积流量为0.29时,压气机效率最高,达到80%左右。模型的建模和流... 涡轮机内部流场对涡轮增压器的性能和效率有着重要影响,采用SolidWorks Flow Simulation模块对某发动机涡轮压气机侧流场和压气效率分析。在六种不同空气体积流量工况下,体积流量为0.29时,压气机效率最高,达到80%左右。模型的建模和流体分析均在SolidWorks环境下,分析效率高,为涡轮增压器设计和优化提供了支撑。 展开更多
关键词 涡轮压气机 流场 效率
作者 赵媛媛 王妙英 +5 位作者 王婷婷 董有伟 石丽洁 赵鹏 王海波 焦鹏增 《安徽医药》 CAS 2024年第12期2479-2482,共4页
目的研究e-Flow胎盘血流结合子宫动脉血流频谱在妊娠期高血压疾病中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析2021年5月至2023年2月邯郸市中心医院103例纳入时无高血压,后随访出现妊娠期高血压孕妇作为妊娠期高血压组,选择产检正常且无高血压的110例... 目的研究e-Flow胎盘血流结合子宫动脉血流频谱在妊娠期高血压疾病中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析2021年5月至2023年2月邯郸市中心医院103例纳入时无高血压,后随访出现妊娠期高血压孕妇作为妊娠期高血压组,选择产检正常且无高血压的110例正常孕妇作为健康组。收集妊娠期高血压组未出现高血压时以及健康组的子宫动脉血流频谱和e-Flow胎盘血流数据,获得子宫动脉阻力指数、搏动指数、收缩期峰值与舒张末期流速比值(S/D),舒张早期切迹与胎盘血管图像;采用受试者操作特征曲线(ROC曲线)分析各指标单独以及联合预测妊娠期高血压的价值。结果妊娠期高血压组搏动指数、阻力指数及S/D值高于健康组(P<0.05)。子宫动脉舒张早期切迹存在率方面,妊娠期高血压组相较于健康组更高(P<0.05)。妊娠期高血压组三级绒毛动脉计数少于健康组[(2.34±0.48)个比(4.36±0.53)个,P<0.05]。ROC曲线显示,搏动指数、阻力指数、S/D、三级绒毛动脉计数联合检查对妊娠期高血压的灵敏度、特异度为74.80%、93.30%,预测价值高于单独检查。结论子宫动脉血流频谱联合e-Flow胎盘血流能有效预测妊娠期高血压发生,可作为临床早期疾病评估的有效检查方式。 展开更多
关键词 高血压 妊娠性 脉冲波多普勒超声成像 子宫动脉 血流频谱 胎盘血流 子宫动脉搏动指数 阻力指数
袋型阻尼密封动力学特性双控制体Bulk Flow模型
作者 桂佳强 李志刚 李军 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期26-38,共13页
为快速准确预测袋型阻尼密封泄漏特性和动力学特性,针对传统单控制体Bulk Flow模型预测精度低、无法预测交叉动力系数的问题,提出了袋型阻尼密封双控制体Bulk Flow模型和动力学特性数值预测方法,并开发了计算程序。首先,依据边界层理论... 为快速准确预测袋型阻尼密封泄漏特性和动力学特性,针对传统单控制体Bulk Flow模型预测精度低、无法预测交叉动力系数的问题,提出了袋型阻尼密封双控制体Bulk Flow模型和动力学特性数值预测方法,并开发了计算程序。首先,依据边界层理论,将袋型密封腔室划分为两个控制体,推导了控制体的连续性、周向动量和能量方程,引入Swamee-Jain和Takahashi方程,计算流体-壁面间和流体-流体间的周向黏性摩擦力;其次,采用牛顿-拉夫森算法和摄动分析法分别求解0阶和1阶控制方程,获得各刚度、阻尼动力特性系数;然后,通过与袋型阻尼密封泄漏量和动力特性系数的实验值、单控制体Bulk Flow模型和非定常计算流体动力学(CFD)数值结果进行比较,验证了模型和方法的准确性和可靠性;最后,研究了转子转速(10 000、15 000、20 000 r/min)和预旋比(0.067、0.724、0.997)对袋型阻尼密封动力学特性的影响。结果表明:所发展的模型和方法具有计算速度快、预测精度高(泄漏量预测误差小于6%,动力特性系数预测误差小于38%)的优点;转子转速和进口预旋的增大均会导致袋型阻尼密封有效阻尼显著减小,穿越频率显著增大,易诱发轴系失稳。 展开更多
关键词 袋型阻尼密封 泄漏特性 动力学特性 双控制体 Bulk flow模型
作者 张友谊 王渝源 王云骏 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2024年第20期8444-8453,共10页
桩林坝是一种以桩为基础的竖向格子坝,既有良好的受力条件,又相对节约材料,同时拥有“拦粗排细”的功效,现有桩林坝的研究,多在冲击荷载、拦截固源和调控泥石流性能等方面构建不同布置形式的桩林坝模型。以杨家沟为例,通过野外现场踏勘... 桩林坝是一种以桩为基础的竖向格子坝,既有良好的受力条件,又相对节约材料,同时拥有“拦粗排细”的功效,现有桩林坝的研究,多在冲击荷载、拦截固源和调控泥石流性能等方面构建不同布置形式的桩林坝模型。以杨家沟为例,通过野外现场踏勘和数值仿真计算,基于Flow-3D软件开展数值模拟研究,建立不同布置形式(单排桩、双排桩、桩间距、排间距)的桩林坝模型,探讨不同影响因素下桩林坝坝基冲刷侵蚀规律。结果表明:桩林坝的整体设计中桩林不宜过密,桩间距和排间距以2.5 m为宜;单排桩的稳定性较弱,在泥石流冲击下极易发生剪切破坏,且对上游的“固源”作用远不如多排桩,但单排桩的冲刷深度及侵蚀规模均小于多排桩。研究成果对桩林坝的布置形式及冲刷机制提供数据支撑,并为震后泥石流防治工程设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 桩林坝 泥石流 冲刷深度 冲刷侵蚀
肝硬化患者4D flow MRI血流动力学参数与中医证型的相关性研究
作者 胡勤勤 姜阳 +3 位作者 张玉龙 方玉 梁仁容 杨华 《中国中医急症》 2024年第6期982-985,989,共5页
目的探讨肝硬化患者4D flow MRI血流动力学参数与中医证型的相关性。方法将118例肝硬化患者依据中医辨证分为肝气郁结证、湿热蕴结证、肝肾阴虚证、脾肾阳虚证、瘀血阻络证5个证型,所有患者均行门静脉4D flow MRI检查,统计不同证型肝硬... 目的探讨肝硬化患者4D flow MRI血流动力学参数与中医证型的相关性。方法将118例肝硬化患者依据中医辨证分为肝气郁结证、湿热蕴结证、肝肾阴虚证、脾肾阳虚证、瘀血阻络证5个证型,所有患者均行门静脉4D flow MRI检查,统计不同证型肝硬化患者分布情况,观察门静脉系统(门静脉主干、脾静脉、肠系膜上静脉)的血流动力学参数,包括血流量、流速、壁剪切力等,比较不同证型患者门静脉血流动力学参数差异。结果肝硬化代偿期以肝气郁结证、湿热蕴结证为主,肝硬化失代偿期以脾肾阳虚、瘀血络阻证为主;A级以肝气郁结证、湿热蕴结证为主,B、C级以瘀血络阻证为主。瘀血络阻证肝硬化患者门静脉主干及脾静脉血流量明显高于肝气郁结证、湿热蕴结证患者(P<0.05);脾肾阳虚证门静脉主干血流量明显高于肝气郁结证肝硬化患者(P<0.05);瘀血络阻证肝硬化患者门静脉主干流速及剪切力较肝气郁结证和湿热蕴结证低。结论肝硬化患者中医辨证分型与门静脉血流动力学参数具有一定相关性,4D flow MRI可为肝硬化的中医辨证提供血流动力学参考。 展开更多
关键词 肝硬化 4D flow MRI 血流动力学 中医证型
Beautiful Flow Plus与FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀在牙颈部楔状缺损治疗中的应用效果比较
作者 唐怡 彭凤英 邓赟 《陕西医学杂志》 CAS 2024年第11期1508-1512,共5页
目的:比较Beautiful Flow Plus与FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀在牙颈部楔状缺损治疗中的应用效果。方法:选取牙颈部楔状缺损患者198例(567颗患牙),根据修复时充填材料不同将患者分为观察组101例289颗患牙(Beautiful Flow Plus修复治疗)和对照... 目的:比较Beautiful Flow Plus与FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀在牙颈部楔状缺损治疗中的应用效果。方法:选取牙颈部楔状缺损患者198例(567颗患牙),根据修复时充填材料不同将患者分为观察组101例289颗患牙(Beautiful Flow Plus修复治疗)和对照组97例278颗患牙(FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀修复治疗)。比较两组患者治疗后1、2年填充体状态及修复成功率。比较两组患者治疗后2年咀嚼功能、美观度评分。记录治疗期间和治疗后2年内患者不良事件发生情况。结果:两组治疗后1年患牙填充体状态良好率及修复成功率比较差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。治疗后2年,观察组色泽协调性良好及无边缘着色的牙齿比例高于对照组(均P<0.05)。两组其余充填体状态良好率及修复成功率比较差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。治疗后2年,两组干燥咀嚼物X50数值较治疗前降低,且观察组低于对照组(均P<0.05)。治疗后2年,两组患者和医生美观度评分较治疗前升高,且观察组高于对照组(均P<0.05)。在治疗期间和治疗后2年内,两组不良事件总发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:与FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀比较,Beautiful Flow Plus在牙颈部楔状缺损治疗中具有较好的远期美学效果,且有助于改善患者咀嚼功能。 展开更多
关键词 牙颈部楔状缺损 Beautiful flow Plus FUjiⅨ玻璃离子水门汀 填充体状态 美观度 咀嚼功能
Numerical and experimental study on the falling film flow characteristics with the effect of co-current gas flow in hydrogen liquefaction process 被引量:1
作者 Chong-Zheng Sun Yu-Xing Li +2 位作者 Hui Han Xiao-Yi Geng Xiao Lu 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期1369-1384,共16页
Liquid hydrogen storage and transportation is an effective method for large-scale transportation and utilization of hydrogen energy. Revealing the flow mechanism of cryogenic working fluid is the key to optimize heat ... Liquid hydrogen storage and transportation is an effective method for large-scale transportation and utilization of hydrogen energy. Revealing the flow mechanism of cryogenic working fluid is the key to optimize heat exchanger structure and hydrogen liquefaction process(LH2). The methods of cryogenic visualization experiment, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation are conducted to study the falling film flow characteristics with the effect of co-current gas flow in LH2spiral wound heat exchanger.The results show that the flow rate of mixed refrigerant has a great influence on liquid film spreading process, falling film flow pattern and heat transfer performance. The liquid film of LH2mixed refrigerant with column flow pattern can not uniformly and completely cover the tube wall surface. As liquid flow rate increases, the falling film flow pattern evolves into sheet-column flow and sheet flow, and liquid film completely covers the surface of tube wall. With the increase of shear effect of gas-phase mixed refrigerant in the same direction, the liquid film gradually becomes unstable, and the flow pattern eventually evolves into a mist flow. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrogen liquefaction Spiral wound heat exchanger flow pattern transition Falling film flow
V Flow技术测量颈动脉壁面剪应力的一致性研究
作者 加依达尔·沙亚哈提 周琛云 陈曼琳 《四川医学》 CAS 2024年第1期28-34,共7页
目的评价血流向量成像(V Flow)技术在测量健康成年人颈动脉壁面剪应力(WSS)中的一致性。方法于2021年2月至2021年3月招募健康成年志愿者20人,由2名不同年资的超声医师使用配备V Flow功能的Mindray Resona 7超声仪和3~9 MHz线阵探头进行... 目的评价血流向量成像(V Flow)技术在测量健康成年人颈动脉壁面剪应力(WSS)中的一致性。方法于2021年2月至2021年3月招募健康成年志愿者20人,由2名不同年资的超声医师使用配备V Flow功能的Mindray Resona 7超声仪和3~9 MHz线阵探头进行双侧颈动脉扫查,分别采集双侧颈总动脉远段、颈总动脉分叉至颈内动脉起始部两段动脉的动态V Flow图像,测量两侧颈总动脉远段的近心端、远心端、分叉处及颈内动脉起始部的前、后壁的WSS,使用组内相关系数(ICC)和Bland-Altman图评估组内一致性及组间一致性。结果双侧颈动脉前、后壁的4个不同节段之间WSS值差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。高年资超声医师2次测量结果的一致性结果显示,左侧颈总动脉远段的远心端一致性极好(ICC 0.779),右侧颈总动脉远段的近心端(ICC 0.605)、远心端(ICC 0.585)、颈内动脉起始部(ICC 0.457)、左侧颈总动脉分叉处(ICC 0.606)及颈内动脉起始部(ICC 0.702)一致性均较好;不同年资超声医师的测量结果显示,仅右侧颈总动脉分叉处(ICC 0.486)及左侧颈总动脉远段的远心端(ICC 0.576)一致性较好。结论V Flow技术可显示不同位点间颈动脉WSS之间的差异,其组内一致性较好,但在不同年资超声医师间存在一定的差异。 展开更多
关键词 颈动脉 动脉粥样硬化 壁面剪应力 V flow成像技术
A semi-analytical model for coupled flow in stress-sensitive multi-scale shale reservoirs with fractal characteristics 被引量:2
作者 Qian Zhang Wen-Dong Wang +4 位作者 Yu-Liang Su Wei Chen Zheng-Dong Lei Lei Li Yong-Mao Hao 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期327-342,共16页
A large number of nanopores and complex fracture structures in shale reservoirs results in multi-scale flow of oil. With the development of shale oil reservoirs, the permeability of multi-scale media undergoes changes... A large number of nanopores and complex fracture structures in shale reservoirs results in multi-scale flow of oil. With the development of shale oil reservoirs, the permeability of multi-scale media undergoes changes due to stress sensitivity, which plays a crucial role in controlling pressure propagation and oil flow. This paper proposes a multi-scale coupled flow mathematical model of matrix nanopores, induced fractures, and hydraulic fractures. In this model, the micro-scale effects of shale oil flow in fractal nanopores, fractal induced fracture network, and stress sensitivity of multi-scale media are considered. We solved the model iteratively using Pedrosa transform, semi-analytic Segmented Bessel function, Laplace transform. The results of this model exhibit good agreement with the numerical solution and field production data, confirming the high accuracy of the model. As well, the influence of stress sensitivity on permeability, pressure and production is analyzed. It is shown that the permeability and production decrease significantly when induced fractures are weakly supported. Closed induced fractures can inhibit interporosity flow in the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV). It has been shown in sensitivity analysis that hydraulic fractures are beneficial to early production, and induced fractures in SRV are beneficial to middle production. The model can characterize multi-scale flow characteristics of shale oil, providing theoretical guidance for rapid productivity evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-scale coupled flow Stress sensitivity Shale oil Micro-scale effect Fractal theory
A study of the effect of local scour on the flow field near the spur dike 被引量:2
作者 Yu-Tian Li Jie-Min Zhan Wing-Hong Onyx Wai 《Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期98-105,共8页
The flow field near a spur dike such as down flow and horseshoe vortex system(HVS)are susceptible to the topographic changes in the local scouring process,resulting in variation of the sediment transport with time.In ... The flow field near a spur dike such as down flow and horseshoe vortex system(HVS)are susceptible to the topographic changes in the local scouring process,resulting in variation of the sediment transport with time.In this study,large eddy simulations with fixed-bed at different scouring stages were conducted to investigate the changes in flow field.The results imply that the bed deformation leads to an increase in flow rate per unit area,which represent the capability of sediment transportation by water,in the scour hole.Moreover,the intensity of turbulent kinetic energy and bimodal motion near the sand bed induced by the HVS were also varied.However,the peak moments between the two sediment transport mechanisms were different.Hence,understanding the complex feedback mechanism between topography and flow field is essential for the local scour problem. 展开更多
关键词 Spur dike Local scour Large eddy simulation Down flow Horseshoe vortex system
Modelling of debris-flow susceptibility and propagation: a case study from Northwest Himalaya 被引量:2
作者 Hamza DAUD Javed Iqbal TANOLI +5 位作者 Sardar Muhammad ASIF Muhammad QASIM Muhammad ALI Junaid KHAN Zahid Imran BHATTI Ishtiaq Ahmad Khan JADOON 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期200-217,共18页
The geological and geographical position of the Northwest Himalayas makes it a vulnerable area for mass movements particularly landslides and debris flows. Mass movements have had a substantial impact on the study are... The geological and geographical position of the Northwest Himalayas makes it a vulnerable area for mass movements particularly landslides and debris flows. Mass movements have had a substantial impact on the study area which is extending along Karakorum Highway(KKH) from Besham to Chilas. Intense seismicity, deep gorges, steep terrain and extreme climatic events trigger multiple mountain hazards along the KKH, among which debris flow is recognized as the most destructive geohazard. This study aims to prepare a field-based debris flow inventory map at a regional scale along a 200 km stretch from Besham to Chilas. A total of 117 debris flows were identified in the field, and subsequently, a point-based debris-flow inventory and catchment delineation were performed through Arc GIS analysis. Regional scale debris flow susceptibility and propagation maps were prepared using Weighted Overlay Method(WOM) and Flow-R technique sequentially. Predisposing factors include slope, slope aspect, elevation, Topographic Roughness Index(TRI), Topographic Wetness Index(TWI), stream buffer, distance to faults, lithology rainfall, curvature, and collapsed material layer. The dataset was randomly divided into training data(75%) and validation data(25%). Results were validated through the Receiver Operator Characteristics(ROC) curve. Results show that Area Under the Curve(AUC) using WOM model is 79.2%. Flow-R propagation of debris flow shows that the 13.15%, 22.94%, and 63.91% areas are very high, high, and low susceptible to debris flow respectively. The propagation predicated by Flow-R validates the naturally occurring debris flow propagation as observed in the field surveys. The output of this research will provide valuable input to the decision makers for the site selection, designing of the prevention system, and for the protection of current infrastructure. 展开更多
关键词 North Pakistan Debris flow flow-R Propagation Susceptibility mapping Debris-flow inventory Weighted Overlay Method
Investigation of pore geometry influence on fluid flow in heterogeneous porous media:A pore-scale study 被引量:2
作者 Ramin Soltanmohammadi Shohreh Iraji +3 位作者 Tales Rodrigues de Almeida Mateus Basso Eddy Ruidiaz Munoz Alexandre Campane Vidal 《Energy Geoscience》 EI 2024年第1期72-88,共17页
Brazilian pre-salt reservoirs are renowned for their intricate pore networks and vuggy nature,posing significant challenges in modeling and simulating fluid flow within these carbonate reservoirs.Despite possessing ex... Brazilian pre-salt reservoirs are renowned for their intricate pore networks and vuggy nature,posing significant challenges in modeling and simulating fluid flow within these carbonate reservoirs.Despite possessing excellent petrophysical properties,such as high porosity and permeability,these reservoirs typically exhibit a notably low recovery factor,sometimes falling below 10%.Previous research has indicated that various enhanced oil recovery(EOR)methods,such as water alternating gas(WAG),can substantially augment the recovery factor in pre-salt reservoirs,resulting in improvements of up to 20%.Nevertheless,the fluid flow mechanism within Brazilian carbonate reservoirs,characterized by complex pore geometry,remains unclear.Our study examines the behavior of fluid flow in a similar heterogeneous porous material,utilizing a plug sample obtained from a vugular segment of a Brazilian stromatolite outcrop,known to share analogies with certain pre-salt reservoirs.We conducted single-phase and multi-phase core flooding experiments,complemented by medical-CT scanning,to generate flow streamlines and evaluate the efficiency of water flooding.Subsequently,micro-CT scanning of the core sample was performed,and two cross-sections from horizontal and vertical plates were constructed.These cross-sections were then employed as geometries in a numerical simulator,enabling us to investigate the impact of pore geometry on fluid flow.Analysis of the pore-scale modeling and experimental data unveiled that the presence of dead-end pores and vugs results in a significant portion of the fluid remaining stagnant within these regions.Consequently,the injected fluid exhibits channeling-like behavior,leading to rapid breakthrough and low areal swept efficiency.Additionally,the numerical simulation results demonstrated that,irrespective of the size of the dead-end regions,the pressure variation within the dead-end vugs and pores is negligible.Despite the stromatolite's favorable petrophysical properties,including relatively high porosity and permeability,as well as the presence of interconnected large vugs,the recovery factor during water flooding remained low due to early breakthrough.These findings align with field data obtained from pre-salt reservoirs,providing an explanation for the observed low recovery factor during water flooding in such reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 Pore-scale modeling Pore geometry flow streamlines Computational modeling Digital rock analysis
Progress and prospects of pH-neutral aqueous organic redox flow batteries:Electrolytes and membranes 被引量:1
作者 Kang Peng Gonggen Tang +6 位作者 Chao Zhang Xian Yang Peipei Zuo Zhanfeng Xiang Zhong Yao Zhengjin Yang Tongwen Xu 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期89-109,共21页
Aqueous organic redox flow batteries(AORFBs),which exploit the reversible electrochemical reactions of water-soluble organic electrolytes to store electricity,have emerged as an efficient electrochemical energy storag... Aqueous organic redox flow batteries(AORFBs),which exploit the reversible electrochemical reactions of water-soluble organic electrolytes to store electricity,have emerged as an efficient electrochemical energy storage technology for the grid-scale integration of renewable electricity.pH-neutral AORFBs that feature high safety,low corrosivity,and environmental benignity are particularly promising,and their battery performance is significantly impacted by redox-active molecules and ion-exchange membranes(IEMs).Here,representative anolytes and catholytes engineered for use in pH-neutral AORFBs are outlined and summarized,as well as their side reactions that cause irreversible battery capacity fading.In addition,the recent achievements of IEMs for pH-neutral AORFBs are discussed,with a focus on the construction and tuning of ion transport channels.Finally,the critical challenges and potential research opportunities for developing practically relevant pH-neutral AORFBs are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Aqueous organic redox flow battery pH-Neutral ANOLYTE CATHOLYTE Membrane
Flow Patterns and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Polymer Pulsating Heat Pipe Filled with Hydrofluoroether 被引量:1
作者 Nobuhito Nagasato Zhengyuan Pei Yasushi Koito 《Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer》 EI 2024年第1期49-63,共15页
Visualization experiments were conducted to clarify the operational characteristics of a polymer pulsating heat pipe(PHP).Hydrofluoroether(HFE)-7100 was used as a working fluid,and its filling ratio was 50%of the enti... Visualization experiments were conducted to clarify the operational characteristics of a polymer pulsating heat pipe(PHP).Hydrofluoroether(HFE)-7100 was used as a working fluid,and its filling ratio was 50%of the entire PHP channel.A semi-transparent PHP was fabricated using a transparent polycarbonate sheet and a plastic 3D printer,and the movements of liquid slugs and vapor plugs of the working fluid were captured with a high-speed camera.The video images were then analyzed to obtain the flow patterns in the PHP.The heat transfer characteristics of the PHPwere discussed based on the flowpatterns and temperature distributions obtainedwith thermocouples.Before starting heating,because of high wettability,large liquid slugs positioned at the evaporator section of the PHP.After starting heating,since the occurrence of boiling divided the large liquid slugs,oscillatory flowof smaller liquid slugs and vapor plugs was found in the PHP.Clear circulation flow of liquid slugs and vapor plugs was observed when the power input to the PHP was larger than 12.0 W.The flow patterns and temperature distributions confirmed that the circulation flow enhanced the heat transfer from the evaporator section to the condenser section of the PHP.In the circulation flow mode,large growth and contraction of vapor plugs were found one after another in all even-numbered PHP channels.However,the analysis of flow patterns clarified that the phase-change heat transfer rate by large growth and contraction of vapor plugs was 19%of the total heat transfer rate of the PHP.Although the generation of large vapor plugs was found in the PHP,most of the heat was transferred by the sensible heat of the working fluid. 展开更多
关键词 Polymer heat pipe VISUALIZATION oscillatory flow circulation flow thermal management 3D printer
In vivo label-free measurement of blood flow velocity symmetry based on dual line scanning third-harmonic generation microscopy excited at the 1700 nm window 被引量:1
作者 Hui Cheng Jincheng Zhong +1 位作者 Ping Qiu Ke Wang 《Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第1期61-68,共8页
Measurement of bloodflow velocity is key to understanding physiology and pathology in vivo.While most measurements are performed at the middle of the blood vessel,little research has been done on characterizing the in... Measurement of bloodflow velocity is key to understanding physiology and pathology in vivo.While most measurements are performed at the middle of the blood vessel,little research has been done on characterizing the instantaneous bloodflow velocity distribution.This is mainly due to the lack of measurement technology with high spatial and temporal resolution.Here,we tackle this problem with our recently developed dual-wavelength line-scan third-harmonic generation(THG)imaging technology.Simultaneous acquisition of dual-wavelength THG line-scanning signals enables measurement of bloodflow velocities at two radially symmetric positions in both venules and arterioles in mouse brain in vivo.Our results clearly show that the instantaneous bloodflow velocity is not symmetric under general conditions. 展开更多
关键词 1700 nm-Window third-harmonic generation imaging blood flow velocity
Evaluating the stability and volumetric flowback rate of proppant packs in hydraulic fractures using the lattice Boltzmann-discrete element coupling method 被引量:1
作者 Duo Wang Sanbai Li +2 位作者 Rui Wang Binhui Li Zhejun Pan 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第6期2052-2063,共12页
The stability and mobility of proppant packs in hydraulic fractures during hydrocarbon production are numerically investigated by the lattice Boltzmann-discrete element coupling method(LB-DEM).This study starts with a... The stability and mobility of proppant packs in hydraulic fractures during hydrocarbon production are numerically investigated by the lattice Boltzmann-discrete element coupling method(LB-DEM).This study starts with a preliminary proppant settling test,from which a solid volume fraction of 0.575 is calibrated for the proppant pack in the fracture.In the established workflow to investigate proppant flowback,a displacement is applied to the fracture surfaces to compact the generated proppant pack as well as further mimicking proppant embedment under closure stress.When a pressure gradient is applied to drive the fluid-particle flow,a critical aperture-to-diameter ratio of 4 is observed,above which the proppant pack would collapse.The results also show that the volumetric proppant flowback rate increases quadratically with the fracture aperture,while a linear variation between the particle flux and the pressure gradient is exhibited for a fixed fracture aperture.The research outcome contributes towards an improved understanding of proppant flowback in hydraulic fractures,which also supports an optimised proppant size selection for hydraulic fracturing operations. 展开更多
关键词 Numerical simulation Hydraulic fracturing Proppant flowback Closure stress Particulate flow
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