Hegu (LI 4) is one of the most frequently used and most important analgesic points in Chinese acupuncture. It is particularly effective for treating disorders of the head and face. According to the meridian theory in ...Hegu (LI 4) is one of the most frequently used and most important analgesic points in Chinese acupuncture. It is particularly effective for treating disorders of the head and face. According to the meridian theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Large Intestine Meridian to which it belongs originates in the hand and terminates in the face. This theory is based, however, more on thousands of years of clinical experience rather than on scientific evidence. In our study of acupuncture effects on normal human volunteers with the non-invasive BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependant)technique for FMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), we demonstrated widespread effects in the brain during acupuncture at Hegu and Zusanli (ST 36). A finding of special interest was observed in the primary somatosensory cortes (SI) during Hegu acupuncture. In additlon to activation of the area representing the hand in response to the sensory impulses arising from the site of stimulation, activation also occurred in the face representation in all 3 subjects brains studied by coronal brain sections. In one of these subjects activation in the face representation was even stronger than that in the hand representation. Areas representing the neck, trunk and other parts of the upper extremity also exhibited increase in signal intensity, subject to individual variability. As compared with Hegu, such effects were either absent or much weaker with acupuncture at Zusanli (ST 36) or with other forms of sensory stimulation to the hand. Functional mapping of the brain with MRI has provided the first direct evidence in support of the important role of Hegu acupuncture in TCM.展开更多
The human brain is a huge,complex system generating brain activity.The exploration of human brain function using functional magnetic resonance imaging(f MRI) is a promising method to understand brain activity.However,...The human brain is a huge,complex system generating brain activity.The exploration of human brain function using functional magnetic resonance imaging(f MRI) is a promising method to understand brain activity.However,the complexity of the big data generated by f MRI facilitates the analysis of various levels of human brain activity,such as the distribution of neural representations,the interaction between different regions,and the dynamic interaction over time.These different levels can depict distinct prospects of the human brain activity,and considerable progress has been achieved.In the future,more big data analysis methods combining advances in computer science,including larger-scale computing,machine learning,and graph theory,will promote the understanding of the human brain.展开更多
人脑效应连接网络刻画了脑区间神经活动的因果效应.对不同人群的脑效应连接网络进行研究不仅能为神经精神疾病病理机制的理解提供新视角,而且能为疾病的早期诊断和治疗评价提供新的脑网络影像学标记,具有十分重要的理论意义和应用价值....人脑效应连接网络刻画了脑区间神经活动的因果效应.对不同人群的脑效应连接网络进行研究不仅能为神经精神疾病病理机制的理解提供新视角,而且能为疾病的早期诊断和治疗评价提供新的脑网络影像学标记,具有十分重要的理论意义和应用价值.利用计算方法从功能磁共振成像(Functional magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)数据中识别脑效应连接网络是目前人脑连接组学中一项重要的研究课题.本文首先概括了从fMRI数据中进行脑效应连接网络识别的主要流程,说明了其中的主要步骤和方法;然后,给出了一种脑效应连接网络识别方法的分类体系,并对其中一些代表性的识别算法进行了阐述;最后,通过对该领域挑战性问题的分析,预测了脑效应连接网络识别未来的研究方向,以期对相关研究提供一定的参考.展开更多
The aim of this study is to define the anatomical localization of corresponding brain function area during calculating. The activating modes in brain during continuous silent calculating subtraction and repeated silen...The aim of this study is to define the anatomical localization of corresponding brain function area during calculating. The activating modes in brain during continuous silent calculating subtraction and repeated silent reading multiplication table were compared and investigated. Fourteen volunteers of right-handedness were enrolled in this experiment. The quite difference of reaction modes in brain area during the two modes of calculation reveal that there are different processing pathways in brain during these two operating actions. During continuous silent calculating, the function area is localized on the posterior portion of superior and middle gyrus of frontal lobe and the lobule of posterior parietal lobe (P 【 0.01, T = 5.41). It demonstrates that these function areas play an important role in the performance of calculation and working memory. Whereas the activating of visual cortex shows that even in mental arithmetic processing the brain action is having the aid of vision and visual展开更多
文摘Hegu (LI 4) is one of the most frequently used and most important analgesic points in Chinese acupuncture. It is particularly effective for treating disorders of the head and face. According to the meridian theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Large Intestine Meridian to which it belongs originates in the hand and terminates in the face. This theory is based, however, more on thousands of years of clinical experience rather than on scientific evidence. In our study of acupuncture effects on normal human volunteers with the non-invasive BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependant)technique for FMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), we demonstrated widespread effects in the brain during acupuncture at Hegu and Zusanli (ST 36). A finding of special interest was observed in the primary somatosensory cortes (SI) during Hegu acupuncture. In additlon to activation of the area representing the hand in response to the sensory impulses arising from the site of stimulation, activation also occurred in the face representation in all 3 subjects brains studied by coronal brain sections. In one of these subjects activation in the face representation was even stronger than that in the hand representation. Areas representing the neck, trunk and other parts of the upper extremity also exhibited increase in signal intensity, subject to individual variability. As compared with Hegu, such effects were either absent or much weaker with acupuncture at Zusanli (ST 36) or with other forms of sensory stimulation to the hand. Functional mapping of the brain with MRI has provided the first direct evidence in support of the important role of Hegu acupuncture in TCM.
基金supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(91320201)the Funds for International Cooperation and Exchange of the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China(61210001)+1 种基金the Excellent Young Scientist Program of China(61222113)the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University(NCET-12-0056)
文摘The human brain is a huge,complex system generating brain activity.The exploration of human brain function using functional magnetic resonance imaging(f MRI) is a promising method to understand brain activity.However,the complexity of the big data generated by f MRI facilitates the analysis of various levels of human brain activity,such as the distribution of neural representations,the interaction between different regions,and the dynamic interaction over time.These different levels can depict distinct prospects of the human brain activity,and considerable progress has been achieved.In the future,more big data analysis methods combining advances in computer science,including larger-scale computing,machine learning,and graph theory,will promote the understanding of the human brain.
文摘人脑效应连接网络刻画了脑区间神经活动的因果效应.对不同人群的脑效应连接网络进行研究不仅能为神经精神疾病病理机制的理解提供新视角,而且能为疾病的早期诊断和治疗评价提供新的脑网络影像学标记,具有十分重要的理论意义和应用价值.利用计算方法从功能磁共振成像(Functional magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)数据中识别脑效应连接网络是目前人脑连接组学中一项重要的研究课题.本文首先概括了从fMRI数据中进行脑效应连接网络识别的主要流程,说明了其中的主要步骤和方法;然后,给出了一种脑效应连接网络识别方法的分类体系,并对其中一些代表性的识别算法进行了阐述;最后,通过对该领域挑战性问题的分析,预测了脑效应连接网络识别未来的研究方向,以期对相关研究提供一定的参考.
文摘The aim of this study is to define the anatomical localization of corresponding brain function area during calculating. The activating modes in brain during continuous silent calculating subtraction and repeated silent reading multiplication table were compared and investigated. Fourteen volunteers of right-handedness were enrolled in this experiment. The quite difference of reaction modes in brain area during the two modes of calculation reveal that there are different processing pathways in brain during these two operating actions. During continuous silent calculating, the function area is localized on the posterior portion of superior and middle gyrus of frontal lobe and the lobule of posterior parietal lobe (P 【 0.01, T = 5.41). It demonstrates that these function areas play an important role in the performance of calculation and working memory. Whereas the activating of visual cortex shows that even in mental arithmetic processing the brain action is having the aid of vision and visual