To mitigate the impact of wind power volatility on power system scheduling,this paper adopts the wind-storage combined unit to improve the dispatchability of wind energy.And a three-level optimal scheduling and power ...To mitigate the impact of wind power volatility on power system scheduling,this paper adopts the wind-storage combined unit to improve the dispatchability of wind energy.And a three-level optimal scheduling and power allocation strategy is proposed for the system containing the wind-storage combined unit.The strategy takes smoothing power output as themain objectives.The first level is the wind-storage joint scheduling,and the second and third levels carry out the unit combination optimization of thermal power and the power allocation of wind power cluster(WPC),respectively,according to the scheduling power of WPC and ESS obtained from the first level.This can ensure the stability,economy and environmental friendliness of the whole power system.Based on the roles of peak shaving-valley filling and fluctuation smoothing of the energy storage system(ESS),this paper decides the charging and discharging intervals of ESS,so that the energy storage and wind power output can be further coordinated.Considering the prediction error and the output uncertainty of wind power,the planned scheduling output of wind farms(WFs)is first optimized on a long timescale,and then the rolling correction optimization of the scheduling output of WFs is carried out on a short timescale.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed optimal scheduling and power allocation strategy is verified through case analysis.展开更多
Task scheduling for electro-magnetic detection satellite is a typical combinatorial optimization problem. The count of constraints that need to be taken into account is of large scale. An algorithm combined integer pr...Task scheduling for electro-magnetic detection satellite is a typical combinatorial optimization problem. The count of constraints that need to be taken into account is of large scale. An algorithm combined integer programming with constraint programming is presented. This algorithm is deployed in this problem through two steps. The first step is to decompose the original problem into master and sub-problem using the logic-based Benders decomposition; then a circus combines master and sub-problem solving process together, and the connection between them is general Benders cut. This hybrid algorithm is tested by a set of derived experiments. The result is compared with corresponding outcomes generated by the strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm and the pure constraint programming solver GECODE, which is an open source software. These tests and comparisons yield promising effect.展开更多
This paper presents a novel approach based on differential evolution for short-term combined economic emission hydrothermal scheduling, which is formulated as a bi-objective problem: 1) minimizing fuel cost and 2) min...This paper presents a novel approach based on differential evolution for short-term combined economic emission hydrothermal scheduling, which is formulated as a bi-objective problem: 1) minimizing fuel cost and 2) minimizing emission cost. A penalty factor approach is employed to convert the bi-objective problem into a single objective one. In the proposed approach, heuristic rules are proposed to handle water dynamic balance constraints and heuristic strategies based on priority list are employed to repair active power balance constraints violations. A feasibility-based selection technique is also devised to handle the reservoir storage volumes constraints. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach are demonstrated and the test results are compared with those of other methods reported in the literature. Numerical experiments show that the proposed method can obtain better-quality solutions with higher precision than any other optimization methods. Hence, the proposed method can well be extended for solving the large-scale hydrothermal sched-uling.展开更多
With the introduction of the“dual carbon”goal and the continuous promotion of low-carbon development,the integrated energy system(IES)has gradually become an effective way to save energy and reduce emissions.This st...With the introduction of the“dual carbon”goal and the continuous promotion of low-carbon development,the integrated energy system(IES)has gradually become an effective way to save energy and reduce emissions.This study proposes a low-carbon economic optimization scheduling model for an IES that considers carbon trading costs.With the goal of minimizing the total operating cost of the IES and considering the transferable and curtailable characteristics of the electric and thermal flexible loads,an optimal scheduling model of the IES that considers the cost of carbon trading and flexible loads on the user side was established.The role of flexible loads in improving the economy of an energy system was investigated using examples,and the rationality and effectiveness of the study were verified through a comparative analysis of different scenarios.The results showed that the total cost of the system in different scenarios was reduced by 18.04%,9.1%,3.35%,and 7.03%,respectively,whereas the total carbon emissions of the system were reduced by 65.28%,20.63%,3.85%,and 18.03%,respectively,when the carbon trading cost and demand-side flexible electric and thermal load responses were considered simultaneously.Flexible electrical and thermal loads did not have the same impact on the system performance.In the analyzed case,the total cost and carbon emissions of the system when only the flexible electrical load response was considered were lower than those when only the flexible thermal load response was taken into account.Photovoltaics have an excess of carbon trading credits and can profit from selling them,whereas other devices have an excess of carbon trading and need to buy carbon credits.展开更多
Scheduling chain combination is the core of chain-based scheduling algorithms, the speed of which determines the overall performance of corresponding scheduling algorithm. However, backtracking is used in general comb...Scheduling chain combination is the core of chain-based scheduling algorithms, the speed of which determines the overall performance of corresponding scheduling algorithm. However, backtracking is used in general combination algorithms to traverse the whole search space which may introduce redundant operations, so performance of the combination algorithm is generally poor. A fast scheduling chain combination algorithm which avoids redundant operations by skipping “incompatible” steps of scheduling chains and using a stack to remember the scheduling state is presented in this paper to overcome the problem. Experimental results showed that it can improve the performance of scheduling algorithms by up to 15 times. By further omitting unnecessary operations, a fast algorithm of minimum combination length prediction is developed, which can improve the speed by up to 10 times.展开更多
As a targeted therapy, antiangiogenic treatment has been increasingly studied for advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) and has proven effective for the treatment of advanced NSCLC. Bevacizumab, a monoclonal anti...As a targeted therapy, antiangiogenic treatment has been increasingly studied for advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) and has proven effective for the treatment of advanced NSCLC. Bevacizumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting angiogenesis, is the only antiangiogenic agent approved for use in combination with first-line chemotherapy for non-squamous NSCLC. Small-molecule inhibitors targeting the tyrosine kinase receptor have also shown promise when combined with standard chemotherapeutic agents in patients with advanced NSCLC. However, unlike bevacizumab, not all other antiangiogenic agents show significant benefits when combined with chemotherapy. As for the failures of most other combinations, the combination schedule may be an important reason that has so far been overlooked in clinical trials. This article reviews the combination of angiogenic agents with chemotherapy in the treatment of NSCLC.展开更多
In a local search algorithm,one of its most important features is the definition of its neighborhood which is crucial to the algorithm's performance.In this paper,we present an analysis of neighborhood combination...In a local search algorithm,one of its most important features is the definition of its neighborhood which is crucial to the algorithm's performance.In this paper,we present an analysis of neighborhood combination search for solv-ing the single-machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time with the objective of minimizing total weighted tardiness(SMSWT).First,We propose a new neighborhood structure named Block Swap(B1)which can be con-sidered as an extension of the previously widely used Block Move(B2)neighborhood,and a fast incremental evaluation technique to enhance its evaluation efficiency.Second,based on the Block Swap and Block Move neighborhoods,we present two kinds of neighborhood structures:neighborhood union(denoted by B1UB2)and token-ring search(denoted by B1→B2),both of which are combinations of B1 and B2.Third,we incorporate the neighborhood union and token-ring search into two representative metaheuristic algorithms:the Iterated Local Search Algorithm(ILSnew)and the Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm(HEA_(new))to investigate the performance of the neighborhood union and token-ring search.Exten-sive experiments show the competitiveness of the token-ring search combination mechanism of the two neighborhoods.Tested on the 120 public benchmark instances,our HEA_(new)has a highly competitive performance in solution quality and computational time compared with both the exact algorithms and recent metaheuristics.We have also tested the HEA,new algorithm with the selected neighborhood combination search to deal with the 64 public benchmark instances of the single-machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time.HEAnew is able to match the optimal or the best known results for all the 64 instances.In particular,the computational time for reaching the best well-known results for five chal-lenging instances is reduced by at least 61.25%.展开更多
“双碳”目标下,为进一步降低综合能源系统(integrated energy system,IES)碳排放,提升可再生能源消纳能力,提出一种IES低碳经济运行优化策略。首先引入阶梯型碳交易机制约束IES的碳排放;然后建立耦合电转气(power to gas,P2G)和碳捕集...“双碳”目标下,为进一步降低综合能源系统(integrated energy system,IES)碳排放,提升可再生能源消纳能力,提出一种IES低碳经济运行优化策略。首先引入阶梯型碳交易机制约束IES的碳排放;然后建立耦合电转气(power to gas,P2G)和碳捕集系统(carbon capture system,CCS)模型,并细化P2G两阶段运行;接着在传统热电联产机组(combined heat and power,CHP)中引入卡琳娜循环与电锅炉联合运行,构造热电灵活输出的CHP模型;最后以系统运维成本、碳交易成本、购能成本和弃风弃光成本之和最小为优化目标,构建IES低碳经济调度模型,并设置不同运行场景对比分析。结果表明:IES碳排放减少38.45%,运行总成本降低10.37%,验证了所建模型的低碳性和经济性。展开更多
外卖配取过程中实时订单的不断插入具有强烈的不确定性,需持续进行滚动优化以动态更新配取路径。动态条件下,有效地合并取餐与配送作业(dynamic order combination,DOC)可显著减少冗余路径。本文将动态配取路径规划问题转化为变长开放...外卖配取过程中实时订单的不断插入具有强烈的不确定性,需持续进行滚动优化以动态更新配取路径。动态条件下,有效地合并取餐与配送作业(dynamic order combination,DOC)可显著减少冗余路径。本文将动态配取路径规划问题转化为变长开放链滚动优化问题,并构建多目标滚动配取路径规划模型对DOC与节点排序进行集成决策。考虑滚动优化框架下紧前决策对紧后决策的调度影响,模型在兼顾配取效率和客户满意度的同时,考虑了基于look-forward的滚动调度后效性。针对该模型,本文基于NSGA-Ⅲ框架开发了多目标元启发式算法进行求解,并设计了基于插入限制规则的元胞数组解编码和混合PMX&SBX交叉方式以适应模型的复杂可行域结构。通过一系列的仿真实验,本文验证了所提出的模型和算法的有效性与优越性。展开更多
This paper investigates the production scheduling problems of allocating resources and sequencing jobs in the seru production system(SPS).As a new-type manufacturing mode arising from Japanese production practices,ser...This paper investigates the production scheduling problems of allocating resources and sequencing jobs in the seru production system(SPS).As a new-type manufacturing mode arising from Japanese production practices,seru production can achieve efficiency,flexibility,and responsiveness simultaneously.The production environment in which a set of jobs must be scheduled over a set of serus according to due date and different execution modes is considered,and a combination optimization model is provided.Motivated by the problem complexity and the characteristics of the proposed seru scheduling model,a nested partitioning method(NPM)is designed as the solution approach.Finally,computational studies are conducted,and the practicability of the proposed seru scheduling model is proven.Moreover,the efficiency of the nested partitioning solution method is demonstrated by the computational results obtained from different scenarios,and the good scalability of the proposed approach is proven via comparative analysis.展开更多
热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)机组与虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)结合,可以有效提高能源利用效率,增强电力系统运行的可靠性及稳定性。为保证CHP-VPP灵活、低碳、经济运行,文中提出一种聚合风电、光伏、CHP机组、锅炉...热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)机组与虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)结合,可以有效提高能源利用效率,增强电力系统运行的可靠性及稳定性。为保证CHP-VPP灵活、低碳、经济运行,文中提出一种聚合风电、光伏、CHP机组、锅炉、碳捕集设备、燃气轮机、燃料电池、储能及电、热负荷的综合能源VPP,并在参与电-热-旋转备用-碳等多市场下,研究其低碳经济协同调度问题。首先,以各时刻VPP在多市场下整体净收益最大为目标,建立其CHP-VPP两阶段鲁棒优化调度模型;然后,考虑新能源出力、市场价格及负荷的不确定性,利用蒙特卡洛法进行场景削减,从而降低系统风险,增强其鲁棒性;最后,采用列与约束生成算法对模型进行求解,得到最恶劣场景下系统运行的经济性最优调度方案。仿真结果表明:所提综合能源VPP结构合理,可通过动态调整碳捕集设备及储能电池,达到平抑新能源出力波动的效果,从而实现碳排放的大幅降低;所提调度策略可有效保证源-荷-储多侧电、热资源的协同优化运行,提高VPP的灵活性、经济性和低碳性。展开更多
基金supported by the State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co.,Ltd.Technology Project(J2023035).
文摘To mitigate the impact of wind power volatility on power system scheduling,this paper adopts the wind-storage combined unit to improve the dispatchability of wind energy.And a three-level optimal scheduling and power allocation strategy is proposed for the system containing the wind-storage combined unit.The strategy takes smoothing power output as themain objectives.The first level is the wind-storage joint scheduling,and the second and third levels carry out the unit combination optimization of thermal power and the power allocation of wind power cluster(WPC),respectively,according to the scheduling power of WPC and ESS obtained from the first level.This can ensure the stability,economy and environmental friendliness of the whole power system.Based on the roles of peak shaving-valley filling and fluctuation smoothing of the energy storage system(ESS),this paper decides the charging and discharging intervals of ESS,so that the energy storage and wind power output can be further coordinated.Considering the prediction error and the output uncertainty of wind power,the planned scheduling output of wind farms(WFs)is first optimized on a long timescale,and then the rolling correction optimization of the scheduling output of WFs is carried out on a short timescale.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed optimal scheduling and power allocation strategy is verified through case analysis.
基金supported by the National Security Fundamental Research Foundation of China (61361)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61104180)
文摘Task scheduling for electro-magnetic detection satellite is a typical combinatorial optimization problem. The count of constraints that need to be taken into account is of large scale. An algorithm combined integer programming with constraint programming is presented. This algorithm is deployed in this problem through two steps. The first step is to decompose the original problem into master and sub-problem using the logic-based Benders decomposition; then a circus combines master and sub-problem solving process together, and the connection between them is general Benders cut. This hybrid algorithm is tested by a set of derived experiments. The result is compared with corresponding outcomes generated by the strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm and the pure constraint programming solver GECODE, which is an open source software. These tests and comparisons yield promising effect.
文摘This paper presents a novel approach based on differential evolution for short-term combined economic emission hydrothermal scheduling, which is formulated as a bi-objective problem: 1) minimizing fuel cost and 2) minimizing emission cost. A penalty factor approach is employed to convert the bi-objective problem into a single objective one. In the proposed approach, heuristic rules are proposed to handle water dynamic balance constraints and heuristic strategies based on priority list are employed to repair active power balance constraints violations. A feasibility-based selection technique is also devised to handle the reservoir storage volumes constraints. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach are demonstrated and the test results are compared with those of other methods reported in the literature. Numerical experiments show that the proposed method can obtain better-quality solutions with higher precision than any other optimization methods. Hence, the proposed method can well be extended for solving the large-scale hydrothermal sched-uling.
基金supported by State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company Science and Technology Project“Research on key technologies of carbon tracking and carbon evaluation for new power system”(Grant:520530230005)。
文摘With the introduction of the“dual carbon”goal and the continuous promotion of low-carbon development,the integrated energy system(IES)has gradually become an effective way to save energy and reduce emissions.This study proposes a low-carbon economic optimization scheduling model for an IES that considers carbon trading costs.With the goal of minimizing the total operating cost of the IES and considering the transferable and curtailable characteristics of the electric and thermal flexible loads,an optimal scheduling model of the IES that considers the cost of carbon trading and flexible loads on the user side was established.The role of flexible loads in improving the economy of an energy system was investigated using examples,and the rationality and effectiveness of the study were verified through a comparative analysis of different scenarios.The results showed that the total cost of the system in different scenarios was reduced by 18.04%,9.1%,3.35%,and 7.03%,respectively,whereas the total carbon emissions of the system were reduced by 65.28%,20.63%,3.85%,and 18.03%,respectively,when the carbon trading cost and demand-side flexible electric and thermal load responses were considered simultaneously.Flexible electrical and thermal loads did not have the same impact on the system performance.In the analyzed case,the total cost and carbon emissions of the system when only the flexible electrical load response was considered were lower than those when only the flexible thermal load response was taken into account.Photovoltaics have an excess of carbon trading credits and can profit from selling them,whereas other devices have an excess of carbon trading and need to buy carbon credits.
基金Project (No. Y105355) supported by the Natural Science Foundationof Zhejiang Province, China
文摘Scheduling chain combination is the core of chain-based scheduling algorithms, the speed of which determines the overall performance of corresponding scheduling algorithm. However, backtracking is used in general combination algorithms to traverse the whole search space which may introduce redundant operations, so performance of the combination algorithm is generally poor. A fast scheduling chain combination algorithm which avoids redundant operations by skipping “incompatible” steps of scheduling chains and using a stack to remember the scheduling state is presented in this paper to overcome the problem. Experimental results showed that it can improve the performance of scheduling algorithms by up to 15 times. By further omitting unnecessary operations, a fast algorithm of minimum combination length prediction is developed, which can improve the speed by up to 10 times.
文摘As a targeted therapy, antiangiogenic treatment has been increasingly studied for advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) and has proven effective for the treatment of advanced NSCLC. Bevacizumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting angiogenesis, is the only antiangiogenic agent approved for use in combination with first-line chemotherapy for non-squamous NSCLC. Small-molecule inhibitors targeting the tyrosine kinase receptor have also shown promise when combined with standard chemotherapeutic agents in patients with advanced NSCLC. However, unlike bevacizumab, not all other antiangiogenic agents show significant benefits when combined with chemotherapy. As for the failures of most other combinations, the combination schedule may be an important reason that has so far been overlooked in clinical trials. This article reviews the combination of angiogenic agents with chemotherapy in the treatment of NSCLC.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.62202192,71801218,and 72101094.
文摘In a local search algorithm,one of its most important features is the definition of its neighborhood which is crucial to the algorithm's performance.In this paper,we present an analysis of neighborhood combination search for solv-ing the single-machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time with the objective of minimizing total weighted tardiness(SMSWT).First,We propose a new neighborhood structure named Block Swap(B1)which can be con-sidered as an extension of the previously widely used Block Move(B2)neighborhood,and a fast incremental evaluation technique to enhance its evaluation efficiency.Second,based on the Block Swap and Block Move neighborhoods,we present two kinds of neighborhood structures:neighborhood union(denoted by B1UB2)and token-ring search(denoted by B1→B2),both of which are combinations of B1 and B2.Third,we incorporate the neighborhood union and token-ring search into two representative metaheuristic algorithms:the Iterated Local Search Algorithm(ILSnew)and the Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm(HEA_(new))to investigate the performance of the neighborhood union and token-ring search.Exten-sive experiments show the competitiveness of the token-ring search combination mechanism of the two neighborhoods.Tested on the 120 public benchmark instances,our HEA_(new)has a highly competitive performance in solution quality and computational time compared with both the exact algorithms and recent metaheuristics.We have also tested the HEA,new algorithm with the selected neighborhood combination search to deal with the 64 public benchmark instances of the single-machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time.HEAnew is able to match the optimal or the best known results for all the 64 instances.In particular,the computational time for reaching the best well-known results for five chal-lenging instances is reduced by at least 61.25%.
文摘“双碳”目标下,为进一步降低综合能源系统(integrated energy system,IES)碳排放,提升可再生能源消纳能力,提出一种IES低碳经济运行优化策略。首先引入阶梯型碳交易机制约束IES的碳排放;然后建立耦合电转气(power to gas,P2G)和碳捕集系统(carbon capture system,CCS)模型,并细化P2G两阶段运行;接着在传统热电联产机组(combined heat and power,CHP)中引入卡琳娜循环与电锅炉联合运行,构造热电灵活输出的CHP模型;最后以系统运维成本、碳交易成本、购能成本和弃风弃光成本之和最小为优化目标,构建IES低碳经济调度模型,并设置不同运行场景对比分析。结果表明:IES碳排放减少38.45%,运行总成本降低10.37%,验证了所建模型的低碳性和经济性。
文摘外卖配取过程中实时订单的不断插入具有强烈的不确定性,需持续进行滚动优化以动态更新配取路径。动态条件下,有效地合并取餐与配送作业(dynamic order combination,DOC)可显著减少冗余路径。本文将动态配取路径规划问题转化为变长开放链滚动优化问题,并构建多目标滚动配取路径规划模型对DOC与节点排序进行集成决策。考虑滚动优化框架下紧前决策对紧后决策的调度影响,模型在兼顾配取效率和客户满意度的同时,考虑了基于look-forward的滚动调度后效性。针对该模型,本文基于NSGA-Ⅲ框架开发了多目标元启发式算法进行求解,并设计了基于插入限制规则的元胞数组解编码和混合PMX&SBX交叉方式以适应模型的复杂可行域结构。通过一系列的仿真实验,本文验证了所提出的模型和算法的有效性与优越性。
基金This research was sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.71401075,71801129)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.30922011406)+1 种基金System Science and Enterprise Development Research Center(Grant No.Xq22B06)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)of Japan(Grant No.20K01897).
文摘This paper investigates the production scheduling problems of allocating resources and sequencing jobs in the seru production system(SPS).As a new-type manufacturing mode arising from Japanese production practices,seru production can achieve efficiency,flexibility,and responsiveness simultaneously.The production environment in which a set of jobs must be scheduled over a set of serus according to due date and different execution modes is considered,and a combination optimization model is provided.Motivated by the problem complexity and the characteristics of the proposed seru scheduling model,a nested partitioning method(NPM)is designed as the solution approach.Finally,computational studies are conducted,and the practicability of the proposed seru scheduling model is proven.Moreover,the efficiency of the nested partitioning solution method is demonstrated by the computational results obtained from different scenarios,and the good scalability of the proposed approach is proven via comparative analysis.
文摘热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)机组与虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)结合,可以有效提高能源利用效率,增强电力系统运行的可靠性及稳定性。为保证CHP-VPP灵活、低碳、经济运行,文中提出一种聚合风电、光伏、CHP机组、锅炉、碳捕集设备、燃气轮机、燃料电池、储能及电、热负荷的综合能源VPP,并在参与电-热-旋转备用-碳等多市场下,研究其低碳经济协同调度问题。首先,以各时刻VPP在多市场下整体净收益最大为目标,建立其CHP-VPP两阶段鲁棒优化调度模型;然后,考虑新能源出力、市场价格及负荷的不确定性,利用蒙特卡洛法进行场景削减,从而降低系统风险,增强其鲁棒性;最后,采用列与约束生成算法对模型进行求解,得到最恶劣场景下系统运行的经济性最优调度方案。仿真结果表明:所提综合能源VPP结构合理,可通过动态调整碳捕集设备及储能电池,达到平抑新能源出力波动的效果,从而实现碳排放的大幅降低;所提调度策略可有效保证源-荷-储多侧电、热资源的协同优化运行,提高VPP的灵活性、经济性和低碳性。