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Using multi-criteria decision-making and machine learning for football player selection and performance prediction:a systematic review
作者 Abdessatar Ati Patrick Bouchet Roukaya Ben Jeddou 《Data Science and Management》 2024年第2期79-88,共10页
Evaluating and selecting players to suit football clubs and decision-makers (coaches, managers, technical, and medical staff) is a difficult process from a managerial-financial and sporting perspective. Football is a ... Evaluating and selecting players to suit football clubs and decision-makers (coaches, managers, technical, and medical staff) is a difficult process from a managerial-financial and sporting perspective. Football is a highly competitive sport where sponsors and fans are attracted by success. The most successful players, based on their characteristics (criteria and sub-criteria), can influence the outcome of a football game at any given time. Consequently, the D-day of selection should employ a more appropriate approach to human resource management. To effectively address this issue, a detailed study and analysis of the available literature are needed to assist practitioners and professionals in making decisions about football player selection and hiring. Peer-reviewed journals were selected for collecting published papers between 2018 and 2023. A total of 66 relevant articles (journal articles, conference articles, book sections, and review articles) were selected for evaluation and analysis. The purpose of the study is to present a systematic literature review (SLR) on how to solve this problem and organize the published research papers that answer our four research questions. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-criteria decision-making Machine learning Football player selection Managerial-financial and sporting performance
Nash Equilibrium of a Fixed-Sum Two-Player Game
作者 Yoshihiro Tanaka 《American Journal of Computational Mathematics》 2024年第3期346-357,共12页
It is well established that Nash equilibrium exists within the framework of mixed strategies in strategic-form non-cooperative games. However, finding the Nash equilibrium generally belongs to the class of problems kn... It is well established that Nash equilibrium exists within the framework of mixed strategies in strategic-form non-cooperative games. However, finding the Nash equilibrium generally belongs to the class of problems known as PPAD (Polynomial Parity Argument on Directed graphs), for which no polynomial-time solution methods are known, even for two-player games. This paper demonstrates that in fixed-sum two-player games (including zero-sum games), the Nash equilibrium forms a convex set, and has a unique expected payoff. Furthermore, these equilibria are Pareto optimal. Additionally, it is shown that the Nash equilibrium of fixed-sum two-player games can theoretically be found in polynomial time using the principal-dual interior point method, a solution method of linear programming. 展开更多
关键词 Nash Equilibrium Fixed-Sum Two-player Game Principal-Dual Interior Point Method
Web服务器与Player的通信机制研究 被引量:1
作者 胡慕海 李文锋 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2005年第5期747-750,共4页
移动机器人远程控制具有良好的应用前景,其核心问题之一就是操作者与机器人之间的通信,实现数据的有效传输、交换、解析、存储等.提出了一种W eb技术和机器人网络服务器P layer相结合的3层通信框架,实现了W eb服务器与P layer服务器间... 移动机器人远程控制具有良好的应用前景,其核心问题之一就是操作者与机器人之间的通信,实现数据的有效传输、交换、解析、存储等.提出了一种W eb技术和机器人网络服务器P layer相结合的3层通信框架,实现了W eb服务器与P layer服务器间的通信.利用这种通信机制建立的基于W eb的移动机器人远程监控系统具有良好的可重构、可扩展,可以扩展支持多用户的协同操作和多机器人的协同工作. 展开更多
关键词 机器人远程监控 通信 WEB服务 player
Direct3D Player性能优化
作者 周宽久 侯刚 张熙菡 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第23期97-99,146,共4页
Direct3D(以下简称D3D)Player是测试显卡驱动所必须的工具软件,其设计并没有考虑到性能,渲染一帧画面通常需要很长时间,给显卡驱动程序的开发带来不便。提出针对D3D Player的性能优化方法,从其运行的机制上研究如何提高其性能,将其分成... Direct3D(以下简称D3D)Player是测试显卡驱动所必须的工具软件,其设计并没有考虑到性能,渲染一帧画面通常需要很长时间,给显卡驱动程序的开发带来不便。提出针对D3D Player的性能优化方法,从其运行的机制上研究如何提高其性能,将其分成脚本编译子系统和编译后目标代码执行子系统,最后实现一个优化的D3D Player,并以3D MARK 2001-2005的若干个测试用例来测试D3D Player的优化效果,并比较优化前后的性能变化。 展开更多
关键词 DIRECT3D player DIRECT3D Logger 显卡示驱动 性能优化
Windows Media Player SDK剖析与应用研究 被引量:3
作者 王荣海 《福建电脑》 2007年第10期180-181,195,共3页
本文对微软公司的媒体播放器Windows Media Player提供的SDK进行深入的剖析,比较系统地分析了该SDK的各个组成部分,并给出了利用该SDK进行二次开发的思路。本文同时给出了该SDK几个较为典型应用的操作步骤。
关键词 Windows MEDIA player SDK(Software Development Kit) 元文件
典型Adobe Flash Player漏洞简介与原理分析 被引量:3
作者 孟正 曾天宁 +1 位作者 马洋洋 文伟平 《信息网络安全》 2014年第10期31-37,共7页
随着Flash文件在网络上的应用日益广泛,Adobe Flash Player的安全问题受到人们越来越多的关注,它的每一个漏洞都有引发巨大安全问题的可能性。文章首先从Flash客户端技术和Flash三维可视化分析两个方面对Adobe Flash Player的运行机制... 随着Flash文件在网络上的应用日益广泛,Adobe Flash Player的安全问题受到人们越来越多的关注,它的每一个漏洞都有引发巨大安全问题的可能性。文章首先从Flash客户端技术和Flash三维可视化分析两个方面对Adobe Flash Player的运行机制进行了介绍,研究了Action Script语言、Flash渲染模型、事件机制、Flash三维图形显示、Stage3D硬件加速和Stage3D三维建模的特性;接下来描述了SWF文件的格式信息,对SWF文件的文件头和标签结构进行介绍;然后结合CVE网站的统计信息,对Adobe Flash Player漏洞进行分类,将其划分为Flash文件格式漏洞、Flash拒绝服务漏洞、Flash跨站脚本攻击漏洞和Flash欺骗攻击漏洞等4大类;随后对漏洞分析技术进行了详细介绍,建立了针对Adobe Flash Player的漏洞分析技术模型;最后以10个典型的Adobe Flash Player漏洞作为实例,经过信息收集、数据流跟踪和漏洞原理分析等过程,得到了漏洞的产生机理。 展开更多
关键词 漏洞分类 漏洞分析 SWF文件格式
声强技术在CD-RW-Player噪声控制中的应用 被引量:1
作者 鲍俊瑶 陆益民 陈品 《振动.测试与诊断》 EI CSCD 2006年第1期67-69,共3页
某企业生产的CD机存在着噪声较大的现象,为了降低噪声,采用声强测试法,找出了CD机的主要辐射频率和特征频率处声强空间分布状况,进而对噪声源进行识别与定位,为控制CD机的振动和噪声提供了实验依据。同时,针对CD机存在的振动噪声缺陷,... 某企业生产的CD机存在着噪声较大的现象,为了降低噪声,采用声强测试法,找出了CD机的主要辐射频率和特征频率处声强空间分布状况,进而对噪声源进行识别与定位,为控制CD机的振动和噪声提供了实验依据。同时,针对CD机存在的振动噪声缺陷,提出了相应的改进措施。实验证明,采取以上措施后,噪声降低了3dB以上。 展开更多
关键词 CD机 噪声控制 互功率谱 声强分析
使用Windows Media Player控件在PowerPoint2007中播放音、视频
作者 刘治华 高志标 胡希 《科技广场》 2009年第5期148-149,共2页
针对PowerPoint在音、视频方面无法添加多个曲目和有效控制其播放的局限性,通过对PowerPoint提供的VBA和Windows Media Player控件的深入研究,利用Windows Media Player控件的特性,运用简单的编程和界面设计,给出了在PowerPoint2007中... 针对PowerPoint在音、视频方面无法添加多个曲目和有效控制其播放的局限性,通过对PowerPoint提供的VBA和Windows Media Player控件的深入研究,利用Windows Media Player控件的特性,运用简单的编程和界面设计,给出了在PowerPoint2007中对音、视频实现曲目灵活播放和控制的方法。 展开更多
关键词 POWERPOINT2007 VBA Windows MEDIA player控件 音频 播放
作者 鲍俊瑶 李志远 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期52-54,共3页
关键词 振动与波 声强分析 CD机 噪声控制 模态分析
Neusoft Media Player的设计与实现
作者 刘晓灵 《科技信息》 2012年第33期I0097-I0097,I0124,共2页
多媒体播放器是人们平时娱乐的一个重要内容。随着时代的进步,信息化逐渐变得越来越重要。如何管理好用户平时娱乐收藏的媒体文件,从而达到娱乐、工作两不误,已经成为日常生活中的一个大问题。在这种情况下,拥有一个可以规范化、现代化... 多媒体播放器是人们平时娱乐的一个重要内容。随着时代的进步,信息化逐渐变得越来越重要。如何管理好用户平时娱乐收藏的媒体文件,从而达到娱乐、工作两不误,已经成为日常生活中的一个大问题。在这种情况下,拥有一个可以规范化、现代化、多样化的多媒体播放器就显得非常必要。虽然目前国内外关于多媒体播放器的软件很多,但其种类都比较繁杂,而且多数都致力于专门的一种功能,并不能满足用户的实际需求,缺乏一定的多样性。下面介绍的Neusoft Media Player可以很好地解决以上问题,本系统具有音频播放、视频播放和图片播放三种基本功能,综合了三种媒体播放器,从本质上实现了播放器的多样性,另外,除了基本功能之外,还具备最近播放列表、用户自定义列表、显示媒体文件详细信息、按照不同信息对媒体文件排序等功能,而且进一步完善了三种播放模式之间的互相转换。这不仅取代了传统的媒体播放器的单一性,而且更加符合用户的实际生活需求,给用户的日常生活及娱乐活动带来前所未有的方便。系统采用Microsoft Visual Studio 2010作为前端开发工具,SQL Server 2005作为后台的数据库开发平台。连接数据库采用的是比较流行的ADO技术,主要功能通过各种函数和控件进行实现。 展开更多
关键词 Neusoft MEDIA player 控件 信息系统 数据库
基于Player的室内服务机器人的地图构建和定位系统 被引量:2
作者 何武 路巍 +1 位作者 汪瑶 王斌 《仪表技术》 2011年第5期56-58,共3页
在开源框架Player平台的基础上搭建了针对室内服务机器人的地图构建和定位系统。首先将DP-SLAM算法移植到Player,离线构建动态地图,以减少人工绘制地图的误差和制约;然后引入一种KLD取样的适应的蒙特卡洛(KLD-AMCL)定位算法,通过计算ML... 在开源框架Player平台的基础上搭建了针对室内服务机器人的地图构建和定位系统。首先将DP-SLAM算法移植到Player,离线构建动态地图,以减少人工绘制地图的误差和制约;然后引入一种KLD取样的适应的蒙特卡洛(KLD-AMCL)定位算法,通过计算MLE与真实后验的KL距离,自适应调整所需粒子数;最后结合Player平台、动态地图和KLD-AMCL算法,搭建了针对室内服务机器人的定位系统。实验表明,该系统具有较好的环境适应性和较高的定位精度。 展开更多
关键词 player 服务机器人 地图构建 DP-SLAM KLD-AMCL 定位
A Violin Player
作者 仲卫东 《中学英语园地(八九年级适用)》 2002年第2期19-20,共2页
关键词 A Violin player
DELPHI编程清除Windows Media Player的播放记录
作者 丛迎九 《软件工程师》 2013年第12期41-42,共2页
Windows Media Player是一款流行的媒体播放器。为了使它更容易为您找到经常播放的内容,Windows媒体播放器保持您最近访问的文件和网址列表。它可能会严重危及您的隐私,您应该清理Windows Media Player的历史。本文介绍了通过DELPHI操... Windows Media Player是一款流行的媒体播放器。为了使它更容易为您找到经常播放的内容,Windows媒体播放器保持您最近访问的文件和网址列表。它可能会严重危及您的隐私,您应该清理Windows Media Player的历史。本文介绍了通过DELPHI操作注册表,实现Windows Media Player的播放记录的清除。 展开更多
关键词 播放器 DELPHI 注册表
作者 贾光 周琦 《辽宁体育科技》 2025年第1期134-140,共7页
目的:探讨增强式训练对青年女子篮球运动员下肢爆发力的影响,旨在优化和完善女子篮球运动员日常体能训练方案,提高运动员的运动能力。方法:将20名青年女子篮球运动员随机分为对照组和实验组,每组各10名运动员。在每周一、周三、周五下... 目的:探讨增强式训练对青年女子篮球运动员下肢爆发力的影响,旨在优化和完善女子篮球运动员日常体能训练方案,提高运动员的运动能力。方法:将20名青年女子篮球运动员随机分为对照组和实验组,每组各10名运动员。在每周一、周三、周五下午的体能训练课中,对照组运动员按队里原有训练计划进行传统体能训练,实验组运动员在此期间进行增强式训练。两组运动员其他时间的训练内容完全相同,共持续8周。在实验后,对所有运动员进行30m冲刺跑、见线折返跑、立定跳远、原地纵跳摸高、助跑单脚起跳摸高、深蹲最大力量进行测试。结果:对照组在实验前后各测试指标均无显著性变化,实验组各测试指标均有显著性提高(P<0.05),并且实验后实验组各测试指标成绩要显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:8周的增强式训练能够有效提高青年女子篮球运动员的下肢爆发力,增强式训练可以作为提升女子篮球运动员下肢爆发力的有效训练手段。 展开更多
关键词 增强式训练 青年女子篮球运动员 下肢爆发力 体能训练
Differential game strategy in three-player evasion and pursuit scenarios 被引量:11
作者 SUN Qilong QI Naiming +1 位作者 XIAO Longxu LIN Haiqi 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第2期352-366,共15页
A conflict of three players, including an attacker, a defender, and a target with bounded control is discussed based on the differential game theories in which the target and the defender use an optimal pursuit strate... A conflict of three players, including an attacker, a defender, and a target with bounded control is discussed based on the differential game theories in which the target and the defender use an optimal pursuit strategy. The current approach chooses the miss distance as the outcome of the conflict. Different optimal guidance laws are investigated, and feasible conditions are analyzed for the attacker to accomplish an attacking task. For some given conditions, the attacker cannot intercept the target by only using a one-to-one optimal pursuit guidance law; thus, a guidance law for the attacker to reach a critical safe value is investigated.Specifically, the guidance law is divided into two parts. Before the engagement time between the defender and the attacker, the attacker uses this derived guidance law to guarantee that the evasion distance from the defender is safe, and that the zero-effort-miss(ZEM) distance between the attacker and the target is the smallest.After that engagement time, the attacker uses the optimal one-toone guidance law to accomplish the pursuit task. The advantages and limited conditions of these derived guidance laws are also investigated by using nonlinear simulations. 展开更多
关键词 three players differential game theory zero-effort-miss(ZEM) distance guidance law
作者 郭世龙 李文锋 李波 《微计算机信息》 北大核心 2008年第26期182-184,共3页
本文在Player/Stage仿真平台上仿真了在无线传感网络环境下的进行环境位置信息采集的机器人。利用Java客户端与仿真机器人进行Socket连接,实现了C/S工作模式的绘图系统。机器人可以传回采集的环境现场位置坐标数据,客户端实时处理这些... 本文在Player/Stage仿真平台上仿真了在无线传感网络环境下的进行环境位置信息采集的机器人。利用Java客户端与仿真机器人进行Socket连接,实现了C/S工作模式的绘图系统。机器人可以传回采集的环境现场位置坐标数据,客户端实时处理这些位置坐标数据并绘制机器人工作环境的结构地图。本绘图系统的实现有助于多机器人系统利用这些信息行进行机器人的壁障与编队。 展开更多
关键词 player/Stage 机器人 绘图 JAVA
An Automated Player Detection and Tracking in Basketball Game 被引量:3
作者 P.K.Santhosh B.Kaarthick 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2019年第3期625-639,共15页
Vision-based player recognition is critical in sports applications.Accuracy,efficiency,and Low memory utilization is alluring for ongoing errands,for example,astute communicates and occasion classification.We develope... Vision-based player recognition is critical in sports applications.Accuracy,efficiency,and Low memory utilization is alluring for ongoing errands,for example,astute communicates and occasion classification.We developed an algorithm that tracks the movements of different players from a video of a basketball game.With their position tracked,we then proceed to map the position of these players onto an image of a basketball court.The purpose of tracking player is to provide the maximum amount of information to basketball coaches and organizations,so that they can better design mechanisms of defence and attack.Overall,our model has a high degree of identification and tracking of the players in the court.We directed investigations on soccer,basketball,ice hockey and pedestrian datasets.The trial comes about an exhibit that our technique can precisely recognize players under testing conditions.Contrasted and CNNs that are adjusted from general question identification systems,for example,Faster-RCNN,our approach accomplishes cutting edge exactness on three sorts of recreations(basketball,soccer and ice hockey)with 1000×fewer parameters.The all-inclusive statement of our technique is additionally shown on a standard passer-by recognition dataset in which our strategy accomplishes aggressive execution contrasted and cutting-edge methods. 展开更多
关键词 player detection basketball game player tracking court detection color classification mapping pedestrian detection heat map
Multi-Modal Data Analysis Based Game Player Experience Modeling Using LSTM-DNN 被引量:1
作者 Sehar Shahzad Farooq Mustansar Fiaz +4 位作者 Irfan Mehmood Ali Kashif Bashir Raheel Nawaz KyungJoong Kim Soon Ki Jung 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2021年第9期4087-4108,共22页
Game player modeling is a paradigm of computational models to exploit players’behavior and experience using game and player analytics.Player modeling refers to descriptions of players based on frameworks of data deri... Game player modeling is a paradigm of computational models to exploit players’behavior and experience using game and player analytics.Player modeling refers to descriptions of players based on frameworks of data derived from the interaction of a player’s behavior within the game as well as the player’s experience with the game.Player behavior focuses on dynamic and static information gathered at the time of gameplay.Player experience concerns the association of the human player during gameplay,which is based on cognitive and affective physiological measurements collected from sensors mounted on the player’s body or in the player’s surroundings.In this paper,player experience modeling is studied based on the board puzzle game“Candy Crush Saga”using cognitive data of players accessed by physiological and peripheral devices.Long Short-Term Memory-based Deep Neural Network(LSTM-DNN)is used to predict players’effective states in terms of valence,arousal,dominance,and liking by employing the concept of transfer learning.Transfer learning focuses on gaining knowledge while solving one problem and using the same knowledge to solve different but related problems.The homogeneous transfer learning approach has not been implemented in the game domain before,and this novel study opens a new research area for the game industry where the main challenge is predicting the significance of innovative games for entertainment and players’engagement.Relevant not only from a player’s point of view,it is also a benchmark study for game developers who have been facing problems of“cold start”for innovative games that strengthen the game industrial economy. 展开更多
关键词 Game player modeling experience modeling player analytics deep learning LSTM game play data Candy Crush Saga
Data Comparison between Elite and Amateur Soccer Players by 20 Hz GPS Data Collection 被引量:1
作者 Riccardo Izzo Angelo De Vanna Ciro Hosseini Varde'i 《Journal of Sports Science》 2018年第1期31-35,共5页
The athletic component in football is nowadays one of the most important factor to determinate the performance. This consideration is part of our study, which aims to evaluate and quantify the difference between the w... The athletic component in football is nowadays one of the most important factor to determinate the performance. This consideration is part of our study, which aims to evaluate and quantify the difference between the workload of an amateur footballer and an elite one. All this is allowed by match analysis made by GPS evaluation method for amateur and video tracking for elite. The examined teams were playing in 7th Italian league, and we used 10 GPS to track 6 games, 5 for each team. For every team and every game were analysed a forward, a central midfielder, a wide midfielder, a central defender and a full back (Age 25.3 + 4.2, Weight 74.5 Kg a: 5.3, Height 1.76 cm + 5.2). In our study, we used a 20 Hz GPS (thanks to Advanced Research Group in Sport, School of Health and Sport Science with K-Sport Universal, Italy) to detect performance data, and then we compared the outcome with matches performance data from elite players gather from scientific literature. Data analysis shows that elite players reach higher values in almost all parameters taken into account. In particular, they obtained higher value in meters per minutes, High Speed Distance (〉 16 Km/h), High Metabolic Power Distance (〉 20 W/Kg) and in high and very high and acceleration (2 m/s, 3 m/s, 〉 3 m/s) and deceleration (-2 m/s, -3 m/s, 〉 -3 m/s). This study can be useful to select and catalogue player performance model, in order to better understand the real value of a player, and to help coaches and teams to identify talent, at least in physical values. 展开更多
关键词 GPS soccer performance athletic data match analysis amateur player elite player.
Correlation analysis of national elite Chinese male table tennis players’ shoulder proprioception and muscle strength 被引量:1
作者 Xue-Dong Shang En-Ming Zhang +2 位作者 Zhen-Lei Chen Lei Zhang Jing-Hua Qian 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2022年第24期8514-8524,共11页
BACKGROUND Shoulder is the most injured part in table tennis players,and it takes multiple roles in transmitting power and striking the center of the ball during the stroke.Proprioception is strongly correlated with h... BACKGROUND Shoulder is the most injured part in table tennis players,and it takes multiple roles in transmitting power and striking the center of the ball during the stroke.Proprioception is strongly correlated with high level of athletic performance.It is customary to assume that there is a correlation between proprioception and muscle strength and therefore proprioceptive assessment and rehabilitation is often neglected.AIM To investigate the correlation between isokinetic muscle strength and proprioception in the internal and external rotation muscle groups of elite Chinese male table tennis players,to provide reference for physical training and rehabilitation of elite table tennis players.METHODS A total of 19 national elite table tennis players from the Chinese National Table Tennis Team were recruited in this research.All of them had more than 10 years training experience and had participated major competitions such as the National Games and World Youth Championships.IsoMed 2000 was used to test the peak torque of internal and external rotation isokinetic concentric contraction of the athletes'bilateral shoulder joints at low speed(60°/s)and high speed(180°/s)respectively;IsoMed 2000 was used to conduct the Joint Position Reproduction test to evaluate the athletes'proprioceptive ability capacity at low speed(60°/s)and high speed(180°/s)respectively.If the data satisfied the normal distribution,the correlation between the differences in peak torque s and angles in different directions was analyzed using a Pearson simple linear model;otherwise,Spearman correlation analysis was used.The comparison of proprioceptive ability between the table tennis racket-holding hand and non-racket-holding hands was performed using independent samples t-test if the data satisfied a normal distribution;otherwise,the Mann-Whitney U test was used.RESULTS There was no direct linear correlation between the strength and proprioceptive correlation analysis at slow speed(60°/s)and fast speed(180°/s)in the racket-holding hand;At the slow speed(60°/s)and fast speed(180°/s),there was no correlation between muscle strength and proprioception in the non-racket-holding hand except for the internal rotation variable error(VE)and external rotation relative peak torque,which showed a moderate positive correlation(r=0.477,P<0.05),(r=0.554,P<0.05).The internal rotation’s constant error(CE)and VE were 1.06±3.99 and 2.94±2.16,respectively,for the racket-holding hand,and-3.36±2.39 and 1.22±0.93,respectively,for the non-racket-holding hand;the internal rotation’s CE,VE of the racket-holding hand was lower than that of the non-racket-holding hand,and there was a highly significant difference(P<0.01).CONCLUSION There was no correlation between muscle strength and proprioceptive function in the internal and external rotation of the racket-holding hand’s shoulder in elite Chinese male table tennis players.These results may be useful for interventions for shoulder injuries and for the inclusion of proprioceptive training in rehabilitation programs. 展开更多
关键词 Elite table tennis player SHOULDER PROPRIOCEPTION Muscle strength Correlation analysis
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