Flexibly in recent years, the army strategy, earnestly implement the talent of military science and technology talents of military and civilian integration type development has carried on the positive exploration and ...Flexibly in recent years, the army strategy, earnestly implement the talent of military science and technology talents of military and civilian integration type development has carried on the positive exploration and obtained certain achievements. But there are low levels, pertinence is not strong, the introduction of fewer problems, it has both idea lag, the train of thought is not open, also has the system and mechanism is not perfect, imperfect laws and regulations and so on. We should start from mastering the characteristics of civil-military integration rule, renew the idea, and actively push forward scientific and technological personnel civil-military integration to a higher level, the deeper development.展开更多
A high-level technology is revealed that can effectively convert any distributed system into a globally programmable machine capable of operating without central resources and self-recovering from indiscriminate damag...A high-level technology is revealed that can effectively convert any distributed system into a globally programmable machine capable of operating without central resources and self-recovering from indiscriminate damages. Integral mission scenarios in Distributed Scenario Language (DSL) can be injected from any point, runtime covering & grasping the whole system or its parts, setting operational infrastructures, and orienting local and global behavior in the way needed. Many operational scenarios can be simultaneously injected into this spatial machine from different points, cooperating or competing over the shared distributed knowledge as overlapping fields of solutions. Distributed DSL interpreter organization and benefits of using this technology for integrated air and missile defense are discussed along with programming examples in this and other fields.展开更多
天临空一体协同遥感体系综合利用现代信息技术,聚合天、临、空各域多源异构数据,实现精准应急服务与指挥决策,系统庞大、结构复杂,缺乏体系结构建模与仿真方面的研究。基于天临空一体协同遥感体系结构特点,构建了体系最小原型系统;借鉴D...天临空一体协同遥感体系综合利用现代信息技术,聚合天、临、空各域多源异构数据,实现精准应急服务与指挥决策,系统庞大、结构复杂,缺乏体系结构建模与仿真方面的研究。基于天临空一体协同遥感体系结构特点,构建了体系最小原型系统;借鉴DoDAF(department of defense architecture framework)以及ABM(activity based methodology)方法完成了最小原型系统结构建模,分析了天临空一体协同遥感体系作战资源流程与信息交互方式、功能结构划分与系统接口表述以及在应急信息支援模式以及常规遥感观测模式下的具体应用。验证试验结果表明:模型构建合理,可为体系集成仿真与效能评估奠定基础,为天临空一体协同遥感体系研究与优化设计提供参考。展开更多
美国是军民技术融合成功的典型国家,拥有雄厚的科技实力和强大的转化能力。美国国防部制造创新所(Department of Defense-Manufacturing Innovation Institutes,DoD-MIIs)是一种有效的军民技术融合载体,实现了军事部门和民用部门的优势...美国是军民技术融合成功的典型国家,拥有雄厚的科技实力和强大的转化能力。美国国防部制造创新所(Department of Defense-Manufacturing Innovation Institutes,DoD-MIIs)是一种有效的军民技术融合载体,实现了军事部门和民用部门的优势互补和深度交互,在此基础上形成了制造业创新生态系统的良好态势。从美国国防部制造创新所的协同治理模式和发展机制两个方面探究了美国国防部先进制造创新所的发展模式,总结成功的经验和启示,提出中国建设军民融合联合体的相关政策建议。展开更多
文摘Flexibly in recent years, the army strategy, earnestly implement the talent of military science and technology talents of military and civilian integration type development has carried on the positive exploration and obtained certain achievements. But there are low levels, pertinence is not strong, the introduction of fewer problems, it has both idea lag, the train of thought is not open, also has the system and mechanism is not perfect, imperfect laws and regulations and so on. We should start from mastering the characteristics of civil-military integration rule, renew the idea, and actively push forward scientific and technological personnel civil-military integration to a higher level, the deeper development.
文摘A high-level technology is revealed that can effectively convert any distributed system into a globally programmable machine capable of operating without central resources and self-recovering from indiscriminate damages. Integral mission scenarios in Distributed Scenario Language (DSL) can be injected from any point, runtime covering & grasping the whole system or its parts, setting operational infrastructures, and orienting local and global behavior in the way needed. Many operational scenarios can be simultaneously injected into this spatial machine from different points, cooperating or competing over the shared distributed knowledge as overlapping fields of solutions. Distributed DSL interpreter organization and benefits of using this technology for integrated air and missile defense are discussed along with programming examples in this and other fields.
文摘天临空一体协同遥感体系综合利用现代信息技术,聚合天、临、空各域多源异构数据,实现精准应急服务与指挥决策,系统庞大、结构复杂,缺乏体系结构建模与仿真方面的研究。基于天临空一体协同遥感体系结构特点,构建了体系最小原型系统;借鉴DoDAF(department of defense architecture framework)以及ABM(activity based methodology)方法完成了最小原型系统结构建模,分析了天临空一体协同遥感体系作战资源流程与信息交互方式、功能结构划分与系统接口表述以及在应急信息支援模式以及常规遥感观测模式下的具体应用。验证试验结果表明:模型构建合理,可为体系集成仿真与效能评估奠定基础,为天临空一体协同遥感体系研究与优化设计提供参考。
文摘美国是军民技术融合成功的典型国家,拥有雄厚的科技实力和强大的转化能力。美国国防部制造创新所(Department of Defense-Manufacturing Innovation Institutes,DoD-MIIs)是一种有效的军民技术融合载体,实现了军事部门和民用部门的优势互补和深度交互,在此基础上形成了制造业创新生态系统的良好态势。从美国国防部制造创新所的协同治理模式和发展机制两个方面探究了美国国防部先进制造创新所的发展模式,总结成功的经验和启示,提出中国建设军民融合联合体的相关政策建议。