Internet of Things (IoT) has become a prevalent topic in the world of technology. It helps billion of devices to connect to the internet so that they can exchange data with each other. Nowadays, the IoT can be applied...Internet of Things (IoT) has become a prevalent topic in the world of technology. It helps billion of devices to connect to the internet so that they can exchange data with each other. Nowadays, the IoT can be applied in anything, from cellphones, coffee makers, cars, body sensors to smart surveillance, water distribution, energy management system, and environmental monitoring. However, the rapid growth of IoT has brought new and critical threats to the security and privacy of the users. Due to the millions of insecure IoT devices, an adversary can easily break into an application to make it unstable and steal sensitive user information and data. This paper provides an overview of different kinds of cybersecurity attacks against IoT devices as well as an analysis of IoT architecture. It then discusses the security solutions we can take to protect IoT devices against different kinds of security attacks. The main goal of this research is to enhance the development of IoT research by highlighting the different kinds of security challenges that IoT is facing nowadays, and the existing security solutions we can implement to make IoT devices more secure. In this study, we analyze the security solutions of IoT in three forms: secure authentication, secure communications, and application security to find suitable security solutions for protecting IoT devices.展开更多
Internet of Things (IoT) networks present unique cybersecurity challenges due to their distributed and heterogeneous nature. Our study explores the effectiveness of two types of deep learning models, long-term memory ...Internet of Things (IoT) networks present unique cybersecurity challenges due to their distributed and heterogeneous nature. Our study explores the effectiveness of two types of deep learning models, long-term memory neural networks (LSTMs) and deep neural networks (DNNs), for detecting attacks in IoT networks. We evaluated the performance of six hybrid models combining LSTM or DNN feature extractors with classifiers such as Random Forest, k-Nearest Neighbors and XGBoost. The LSTM-RF and LSTM-XGBoost models showed lower accuracy variability in the face of different types of attack, indicating greater robustness. The LSTM-RF and LSTM-XGBoost models show variability in results, with accuracies between 58% and 99% for attack types, while LSTM-KNN has higher but more variable accuracies, between 72% and 99%. The DNN-RF and DNN-XGBoost models show lower variability in their results, with accuracies between 59% and 99%, while DNN-KNN has higher but more variable accuracies, between 71% and 99%. LSTM-based models are proving to be more effective for detecting attacks in IoT networks, particularly for sophisticated attacks. However, the final choice of model depends on the constraints of the application, taking into account a trade-off between accuracy and complexity.展开更多
We introduce a novel model for robustness of complex with a tunable attack information parameter. The random failure and intentional attack known are the two extreme cases of our model. Based on the model, we study th...We introduce a novel model for robustness of complex with a tunable attack information parameter. The random failure and intentional attack known are the two extreme cases of our model. Based on the model, we study the robustness of complex networks under random information and preferential information, respectively. Using the generating function method, we derive the exact value of the critical removal fraction of nodes for the disintegration of networks and the size of the giant component. We show that hiding just a small fraction of nodes randomly can prevent a scale-free network from collapsing and detecting just a small fraction of nodes preferentially can destroy a scale-free network.展开更多
With the increase in the number of computers connected to Internet, the number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks has also been increasing. A DDoS attack consumes the computing resources of a computer or ...With the increase in the number of computers connected to Internet, the number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks has also been increasing. A DDoS attack consumes the computing resources of a computer or a server, by degrading its computing performance or by preventing legitimate users from accessing its services. Recently, Operating Systems (OS) are increasingly deploying embedded DDoS prevention schemes to prevent computing exhaustion caused by such attacks. In this paper, we compare the effectiveness of two popular operating systems, namely the Apple’s Lion and Microsoft’s Windows 7, against DDoS attacks. We compare the computing performance of these operating systems under two ICMP based DDoS attacks. Since the role of the OS is to manage the computer or servers resources as efficiently as possible, in this paper we investigate which OS manages its computing resources more efficiently. In this paper, we evaluate and compare the built-in security of these two operating systems by using an iMac computer which is capable of running both Windows 7 and Lion. The DDoS attacks that are simulated for this paper are the ICMP Ping and Land Attack. For this experiment, we measure the exhaustion of the processors and the number of Echo Request and Echo Reply messages that were generated under varying attack loads for both the Ping and Land Attack. From our experiments, we found that both operating systems were able to survive the attacks however they reacted a bit differently under attack. The Operating System Lion was handling both the Ping and Land attack in the exactly the same way, whereas Windows 7 handled the two attacks a bit differently, resulting in different processor consumptions by two different operating systems.展开更多
Due to the long-term goal of bringing about significant changes in the quality of services supplied to smart city residents and urban environments and life, the development and deployment of ICT in city infrastructure...Due to the long-term goal of bringing about significant changes in the quality of services supplied to smart city residents and urban environments and life, the development and deployment of ICT in city infrastructure has spurred interest in smart cities. Applications for smart cities can gather private data in a variety of fields. Different sectors such as healthcare, smart parking, transportation, traffic systems, public safety, smart agriculture, and other sectors can control real-life physical objects and deliver intelligent and smart information to citizens who are the users. However, this smart ICT integration brings about numerous concerns and issues with security and privacy for both smart city citizens and the environments they are built in. The main uses of smart cities are examined in this journal article, along with the security needs for IoT systems supporting them and the identified important privacy and security issues in the smart city application architecture. Following the identification of several security flaws and privacy concerns in the context of smart cities, it then highlights some security and privacy solutions for developing secure smart city systems and presents research opportunities that still need to be considered for performance improvement in the future.展开更多
由于LoRa技术具有通信距离长、功耗低和可扩展性强等优点,LoRa网络已成为低功耗网络(low power wide area network, LPWAN)领域中应用最广泛的技术之一,但其日益增多和丰富的应用场景也给LoRa网络的安全性提出了新的挑战。针对目前有关L...由于LoRa技术具有通信距离长、功耗低和可扩展性强等优点,LoRa网络已成为低功耗网络(low power wide area network, LPWAN)领域中应用最广泛的技术之一,但其日益增多和丰富的应用场景也给LoRa网络的安全性提出了新的挑战。针对目前有关LoRa网络攻防手段的综述文献缺乏综合性讨论的问题,进行了详细的调研。首先分析了LoRa网络架构,归纳总结了LoRaWAN协议多个版本之间的安全性差异;其次通过对大量文献的研读,分析了针对LoRa网络攻击和防御的相关技术;在此基础上,提出了一种基于生成式AI的抗射频指纹识别机制—GAI-Anti-RFFI;最后对LoRa网络的攻击与防御技术未来可能面临的发展方向进行了分析并提出了展望。展开更多
新一代信息技术与工业系统深度融合,提升了工业控制系统和工业设备网络的连接性,使得工业互联网成为APT攻击的重点目标.针对现有偏向于静态认证的方法难以识别APT攻击者控制内部失陷终端获取的“傀儡身份”,进而造成敏感数据泄露的问题...新一代信息技术与工业系统深度融合,提升了工业控制系统和工业设备网络的连接性,使得工业互联网成为APT攻击的重点目标.针对现有偏向于静态认证的方法难以识别APT攻击者控制内部失陷终端获取的“傀儡身份”,进而造成敏感数据泄露的问题,提出一种面向工业互联网的零信任动态认证方案.融合CNN-BiLSTM构建混合神经网络,利用其时序特性设计行为因子预测模型.通过多个残差块组成的深度卷积网络提取特征,双向长短时记忆网络(bidirectional long short-term memory,BiLSTM)进行时间序列分析,生成对主体的行为因子预测,作为零信任动态认证重要凭据.为快速识别“傀儡身份”,融入行为因子设计IPK-SPA动态认证机制.利用轻量级标识公钥技术适应工业互联网海量末梢,借助零信任单包授权技术隐藏工控网络边界.安全性分析和实验结果表明,提出的动态认证方案具有较好的“傀儡身份”识别能力,有助于抗击工业互联网环境下因APT攻击者窃取身份导致的数据窃密威胁.展开更多
纵向联邦学习(Vertical federated learning,VFL)是一种新兴的分布式机器学习技术,在保障隐私性的前提下,利用分散在各个机构的数据实现机器学习模型的联合训练.纵向联邦学习被广泛应用于工业互联网、金融借贷和医疗诊断等诸多领域中,...纵向联邦学习(Vertical federated learning,VFL)是一种新兴的分布式机器学习技术,在保障隐私性的前提下,利用分散在各个机构的数据实现机器学习模型的联合训练.纵向联邦学习被广泛应用于工业互联网、金融借贷和医疗诊断等诸多领域中,因此保证其隐私安全性具有重要意义.首先,针对纵向联邦学习协议中由于参与方交换的嵌入表示造成的隐私泄漏风险,研究由协作者发起的通用的属性推断攻击.攻击者利用辅助数据和嵌入表示训练一个攻击模型,然后利用训练完成的攻击模型窃取参与方的隐私属性.实验结果表明,纵向联邦学习在训练推理阶段产生的嵌入表示容易泄漏数据隐私.为了应对上述隐私泄漏风险,提出一种基于最大−最小策略的纵向联邦学习隐私保护方法(Privacy preservation method for vertical federated learning based on max-min strategy,PPVFL),其引入梯度正则组件保证训练过程主任务的预测性能,同时引入重构组件掩藏参与方嵌入表示中包含的隐私属性信息.最后,在钢板缺陷诊断工业场景的实验结果表明,相比于没有任何防御方法的VFL,隐私保护方法将攻击推断准确度从95%下降到55%以下,接近于随机猜测的水平,同时主任务预测准确率仅下降2%.展开更多
文摘Internet of Things (IoT) has become a prevalent topic in the world of technology. It helps billion of devices to connect to the internet so that they can exchange data with each other. Nowadays, the IoT can be applied in anything, from cellphones, coffee makers, cars, body sensors to smart surveillance, water distribution, energy management system, and environmental monitoring. However, the rapid growth of IoT has brought new and critical threats to the security and privacy of the users. Due to the millions of insecure IoT devices, an adversary can easily break into an application to make it unstable and steal sensitive user information and data. This paper provides an overview of different kinds of cybersecurity attacks against IoT devices as well as an analysis of IoT architecture. It then discusses the security solutions we can take to protect IoT devices against different kinds of security attacks. The main goal of this research is to enhance the development of IoT research by highlighting the different kinds of security challenges that IoT is facing nowadays, and the existing security solutions we can implement to make IoT devices more secure. In this study, we analyze the security solutions of IoT in three forms: secure authentication, secure communications, and application security to find suitable security solutions for protecting IoT devices.
文摘Internet of Things (IoT) networks present unique cybersecurity challenges due to their distributed and heterogeneous nature. Our study explores the effectiveness of two types of deep learning models, long-term memory neural networks (LSTMs) and deep neural networks (DNNs), for detecting attacks in IoT networks. We evaluated the performance of six hybrid models combining LSTM or DNN feature extractors with classifiers such as Random Forest, k-Nearest Neighbors and XGBoost. The LSTM-RF and LSTM-XGBoost models showed lower accuracy variability in the face of different types of attack, indicating greater robustness. The LSTM-RF and LSTM-XGBoost models show variability in results, with accuracies between 58% and 99% for attack types, while LSTM-KNN has higher but more variable accuracies, between 72% and 99%. The DNN-RF and DNN-XGBoost models show lower variability in their results, with accuracies between 59% and 99%, while DNN-KNN has higher but more variable accuracies, between 71% and 99%. LSTM-based models are proving to be more effective for detecting attacks in IoT networks, particularly for sophisticated attacks. However, the final choice of model depends on the constraints of the application, taking into account a trade-off between accuracy and complexity.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 70501032.
文摘We introduce a novel model for robustness of complex with a tunable attack information parameter. The random failure and intentional attack known are the two extreme cases of our model. Based on the model, we study the robustness of complex networks under random information and preferential information, respectively. Using the generating function method, we derive the exact value of the critical removal fraction of nodes for the disintegration of networks and the size of the giant component. We show that hiding just a small fraction of nodes randomly can prevent a scale-free network from collapsing and detecting just a small fraction of nodes preferentially can destroy a scale-free network.
文摘With the increase in the number of computers connected to Internet, the number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks has also been increasing. A DDoS attack consumes the computing resources of a computer or a server, by degrading its computing performance or by preventing legitimate users from accessing its services. Recently, Operating Systems (OS) are increasingly deploying embedded DDoS prevention schemes to prevent computing exhaustion caused by such attacks. In this paper, we compare the effectiveness of two popular operating systems, namely the Apple’s Lion and Microsoft’s Windows 7, against DDoS attacks. We compare the computing performance of these operating systems under two ICMP based DDoS attacks. Since the role of the OS is to manage the computer or servers resources as efficiently as possible, in this paper we investigate which OS manages its computing resources more efficiently. In this paper, we evaluate and compare the built-in security of these two operating systems by using an iMac computer which is capable of running both Windows 7 and Lion. The DDoS attacks that are simulated for this paper are the ICMP Ping and Land Attack. For this experiment, we measure the exhaustion of the processors and the number of Echo Request and Echo Reply messages that were generated under varying attack loads for both the Ping and Land Attack. From our experiments, we found that both operating systems were able to survive the attacks however they reacted a bit differently under attack. The Operating System Lion was handling both the Ping and Land attack in the exactly the same way, whereas Windows 7 handled the two attacks a bit differently, resulting in different processor consumptions by two different operating systems.
文摘Due to the long-term goal of bringing about significant changes in the quality of services supplied to smart city residents and urban environments and life, the development and deployment of ICT in city infrastructure has spurred interest in smart cities. Applications for smart cities can gather private data in a variety of fields. Different sectors such as healthcare, smart parking, transportation, traffic systems, public safety, smart agriculture, and other sectors can control real-life physical objects and deliver intelligent and smart information to citizens who are the users. However, this smart ICT integration brings about numerous concerns and issues with security and privacy for both smart city citizens and the environments they are built in. The main uses of smart cities are examined in this journal article, along with the security needs for IoT systems supporting them and the identified important privacy and security issues in the smart city application architecture. Following the identification of several security flaws and privacy concerns in the context of smart cities, it then highlights some security and privacy solutions for developing secure smart city systems and presents research opportunities that still need to be considered for performance improvement in the future.
文摘由于LoRa技术具有通信距离长、功耗低和可扩展性强等优点,LoRa网络已成为低功耗网络(low power wide area network, LPWAN)领域中应用最广泛的技术之一,但其日益增多和丰富的应用场景也给LoRa网络的安全性提出了新的挑战。针对目前有关LoRa网络攻防手段的综述文献缺乏综合性讨论的问题,进行了详细的调研。首先分析了LoRa网络架构,归纳总结了LoRaWAN协议多个版本之间的安全性差异;其次通过对大量文献的研读,分析了针对LoRa网络攻击和防御的相关技术;在此基础上,提出了一种基于生成式AI的抗射频指纹识别机制—GAI-Anti-RFFI;最后对LoRa网络的攻击与防御技术未来可能面临的发展方向进行了分析并提出了展望。
文摘新一代信息技术与工业系统深度融合,提升了工业控制系统和工业设备网络的连接性,使得工业互联网成为APT攻击的重点目标.针对现有偏向于静态认证的方法难以识别APT攻击者控制内部失陷终端获取的“傀儡身份”,进而造成敏感数据泄露的问题,提出一种面向工业互联网的零信任动态认证方案.融合CNN-BiLSTM构建混合神经网络,利用其时序特性设计行为因子预测模型.通过多个残差块组成的深度卷积网络提取特征,双向长短时记忆网络(bidirectional long short-term memory,BiLSTM)进行时间序列分析,生成对主体的行为因子预测,作为零信任动态认证重要凭据.为快速识别“傀儡身份”,融入行为因子设计IPK-SPA动态认证机制.利用轻量级标识公钥技术适应工业互联网海量末梢,借助零信任单包授权技术隐藏工控网络边界.安全性分析和实验结果表明,提出的动态认证方案具有较好的“傀儡身份”识别能力,有助于抗击工业互联网环境下因APT攻击者窃取身份导致的数据窃密威胁.
文摘纵向联邦学习(Vertical federated learning,VFL)是一种新兴的分布式机器学习技术,在保障隐私性的前提下,利用分散在各个机构的数据实现机器学习模型的联合训练.纵向联邦学习被广泛应用于工业互联网、金融借贷和医疗诊断等诸多领域中,因此保证其隐私安全性具有重要意义.首先,针对纵向联邦学习协议中由于参与方交换的嵌入表示造成的隐私泄漏风险,研究由协作者发起的通用的属性推断攻击.攻击者利用辅助数据和嵌入表示训练一个攻击模型,然后利用训练完成的攻击模型窃取参与方的隐私属性.实验结果表明,纵向联邦学习在训练推理阶段产生的嵌入表示容易泄漏数据隐私.为了应对上述隐私泄漏风险,提出一种基于最大−最小策略的纵向联邦学习隐私保护方法(Privacy preservation method for vertical federated learning based on max-min strategy,PPVFL),其引入梯度正则组件保证训练过程主任务的预测性能,同时引入重构组件掩藏参与方嵌入表示中包含的隐私属性信息.最后,在钢板缺陷诊断工业场景的实验结果表明,相比于没有任何防御方法的VFL,隐私保护方法将攻击推断准确度从95%下降到55%以下,接近于随机猜测的水平,同时主任务预测准确率仅下降2%.