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作者 郭劼 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第3期36-47,共12页
本文聚焦英国维多利亚时期旅行家伊莎贝拉·博德(Isabella Bird, 1831-1904)旅行记录《前往金色半岛》(The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither)(1883)。这部作品以信件的方式写成,记录了1879年博德在英属马来半岛一带的旅行。... 本文聚焦英国维多利亚时期旅行家伊莎贝拉·博德(Isabella Bird, 1831-1904)旅行记录《前往金色半岛》(The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither)(1883)。这部作品以信件的方式写成,记录了1879年博德在英属马来半岛一带的旅行。博德一生去过世界很多地方、出版过很多游记。在她旅行生涯的后期,摄影扮演了重要角色。虽然博德前往东南亚之时,尚未研习摄影,但她已在娴熟使用视觉手段来观察并进行图像记录。尽管个人角度在博德的观看中占有地位,但她作品很大程度上采用了帝国的视角。依靠着这个政治化视角,博德得以分享威权,积极参与了英帝国对这一地区的知识建构。但同时,我们也应看到,在博德的行旅生涯中,女性身份并非毫无意义。身为女性,博德得以较为方便地与当地女性互动,从而获得了独特的观察机会。此外,她对性别问题的关心在作品中也展露无疑。 展开更多
关键词 伊莎贝拉·博德(Isabella Bird) 《前往金色半岛》 旅行文学 观看 知识 帝国 性别
水杨酸对重瓣百合‘Isabella’生长、开花及采后品质的影响 被引量:4
作者 刘婕 张勤 +3 位作者 张颖 李芹梅 黄美娟 黄海泉 《山东农业科学》 北大核心 2022年第1期38-43,共6页
本研究以清水为对照,设置5个不同浓度(50、100、150、200、250mg/L)的水杨酸叶面喷施处理,通过分析株高、茎粗、叶片数、花苞数、开花率以及采后瓶插期品质等指标,探讨不同浓度水杨酸对东方型重瓣百合‘Isabella’生长和开花的影响。结... 本研究以清水为对照,设置5个不同浓度(50、100、150、200、250mg/L)的水杨酸叶面喷施处理,通过分析株高、茎粗、叶片数、花苞数、开花率以及采后瓶插期品质等指标,探讨不同浓度水杨酸对东方型重瓣百合‘Isabella’生长和开花的影响。结果表明:250mg/L水杨酸对‘Isabella’叶绿素相对含量促进效果最佳,且延长单朵花期和整株花期效果最优,分别比对照长70.05%和17.36%,差异显著;200mg/L水杨酸对增加‘Isabella’茎粗和叶片数量有一定促进作用,叶片数显著多于对照11.66%;150mg/L水杨酸对‘Isabella’株高促进效果最佳,100mg/L处理对种球促进作用最大,而50mg/L处理则对株高和种球有抑制作用;水杨酸随着浓度的升高对花苞数表现出一定的抑制作用。采后瓶插期间,200mg/L水杨酸处理在抑制花枝鲜重下降、延长花期、增加花苞数、提高开花率方面效果最佳。综上所述,150mg/L水杨酸对‘Isabella’生长和开花的促进作用最好,200mg/L水杨酸对‘Isabella’采后品质的促进作用最好。 展开更多
关键词 东方型重瓣百合‘Isabella’ 水杨酸 植株生长 花期 采后品质
Tropical Isabella Grape Juices: Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Power Depends on Harvest Season
作者 Cinthia Bau Betim Cazarin Luiz Claudio Correa +6 位作者 Juliana Kelly da Silva Angela Giovana Batista Cibele Priscila Busch Furlan Aline Camarao Telles Biasoto Giuliano Elias Pereira Ana Cecilia Poloni Rybka Mairio Roberto Marostica Junior 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2013年第2期64-70,共7页
Grapes are important sources of antioxidants compounds and one of the most used varieties to elaborate juices is "Isabel", or "Isabella", as it is called in North-America. This study aimed to evaluate the antioxid... Grapes are important sources of antioxidants compounds and one of the most used varieties to elaborate juices is "Isabel", or "Isabella", as it is called in North-America. This study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of Isabella grape juices from the tropical semi-arid climate produced in Brazil on March and September, 2010. Total phenolics and anthocyanins were determined, as well as the antioxidant capacity by DPPH, FRAP and hydrophilic ORAC methods. Test T was used to compare statistical difference at 5% of significance level. As expected, the results showed that the season can play a significant role on phenolics content and antioxidant power. Polyphenols content in juices varied from 82.9 ± 0.92 to 102.2± 1.59 mg GAE 100 mL1- and anthocyanins content ranged from 44.3 ± 2.01 to 129.5 ± 2.82 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside 100 mL-1. Regression analyses showed a high correlation of antioxidant capacity and anthocyanins content. Grapes from Sao Francisco River Valley demonstrated to be a good source of antioxidant for human diet. 展开更多
关键词 Isabella grape Vitis labrusca grape juice antioxidant activity anthocyanins phenolic content.
Colonial and Gender Discourses in Modern European Travel Writing About East Asia
作者 Haeseong Park 《History Research》 2012年第7期447-460,共14页
This article explains how modern European travelers, particularly European women adventurers, described East Asia. Travel writings that are expected to be truthful are not free from travelers' own personal, cultural,... This article explains how modern European travelers, particularly European women adventurers, described East Asia. Travel writings that are expected to be truthful are not free from travelers' own personal, cultural, social, and political experiences and perceptions. At the turn of the 19th century, Europe was dominated by colonial discourse based on Western-centered textualized or imaginary knowledge of "the Orient''1. The imaginary texts affected European travelers. In turn, their travel writings helped substantiate and reinforce the texts. European women travelers, who were in a relatively disadvantageous situation at home, enjoyed going beyond the sexual boundaries imposed on them at home by using their assumed racial superiority in the Orient. However, their marginal position in Western society helped them ponder their own understanding of other peoples and cultures, of themselves, and of their home societies. This article traces not only the surface discourse of travelogues on East Asia, particularly on Korea, but also travel writers' inner worlds, focusing on differences between men and women. 展开更多
关键词 travel writings ORIENTALISM modem European women travelers Isabella Bird Bishop
Is the expansion of the pine processionary moth, due to global warming, impacting the endangered Spanish moon moth through an induced change in food quality?
作者 Charles-Edouard IMBERT Francis GOUSSARD Alain ROQUES 《Integrative Zoology》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期147-157,共11页
Recent climate change is known to affect the distribution of a number of insect species,resulting in a modifica­tion of their range boundaries.In newly colonized areas,novel interactions become apparent between e... Recent climate change is known to affect the distribution of a number of insect species,resulting in a modifica­tion of their range boundaries.In newly colonized areas,novel interactions become apparent between expanding and endemic species sharing the same host.The pine processionary moth is a highly damaging pine defoliator,extending its range northwards and upwards in response to winter warming.Its expansion in the Alps has result­ed in an invasion into the range of the Spanish moon moth,a red listed species developing on Scots pine.Pine processionary moth larvae develop during winter,preceding those of the moon moth,which hatch in late spring.Using pine trees planted in a clonal design,we experimentally tested the effect of previous winter defoliation by pine processionary moth larvae upon the survival and development of moon moth larvae.Feeding on foliage of heavily defoliated trees(>50%)resulted in a significant increase in the development time of moon moth larvae and a decrease in relative growth rate compared to feeding on foliage of undefoliated trees.Dry weight of pupae also decreased when larvae were fed with foliage of defoliated trees,and might,therefore,affect imago perfor­mances.However,lower defoliation degrees did not result in significant differences in larval performances com­pared to the control.Because a high degree of defoliation by pine processionary moth is to be expected during the colonization phase,its arrival in subalpine pine stands might affect the populations of the endangered moon moth . 展开更多
关键词 Actias isabellae climate change competition conservation EXPANSION PINUS Thaumetopoea pityocampa
Isabella Blow 混搭女魔头
作者 赵妍 东方IC 《优品》 2013年第9期40-41,共2页
一件小事足以形容Isabella Blow对时尚的狂热程度:一次,因为车祸而使脚踝骨折,但她担心的不是病情,而是能否继续穿上她心爱的Manolo Blahnik鞋子。她可以为了看秀,一天换7套行头。她的衣柜里没有平底鞋和牛仔裤,只有在看肥皂剧时才会穿... 一件小事足以形容Isabella Blow对时尚的狂热程度:一次,因为车祸而使脚踝骨折,但她担心的不是病情,而是能否继续穿上她心爱的Manolo Blahnik鞋子。她可以为了看秀,一天换7套行头。她的衣柜里没有平底鞋和牛仔裤,只有在看肥皂剧时才会穿一生中仅有一件的休闲装。这位骨灰级时尚人物在着装方面可谓极其不按常理出牌。即使在日常生活中,她也不会放弃自己的着装原则:永远顶着一顶夸张的帽饰,穿着风格混搭的服装。一副"圣女贞德"的造型,搭配在一起,更像是在出演一场莎士比亚戏剧,仿佛不安的只有别人。 展开更多
关键词 帽饰 女魔头 Isabella BLOW 莎士比亚戏剧 踝骨折 骨灰级 贞德 圣女
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