In this paper, we completely determine the structure of the unit group of the group algebra of some dihedral groups D2 n over the finite field Fpk, where p is a prime.
A group action on a set is a process of developing an algebraic structure through a relation defined by the permutations in the group and the elements of the set. The process suppresses most of the group properties, e...A group action on a set is a process of developing an algebraic structure through a relation defined by the permutations in the group and the elements of the set. The process suppresses most of the group properties, emphasizing the permutation aspect, so that the algebraic structure has a wider application among other algebras. Such structures not only reveal connections between different areas in Mathematics but also make use of results in one area to suggest conjectures and also prove results in a related area. The structure (G, X) is a transitive permutation group G acting on the set X. Investigations on the properties associated with various groups acting on various sets have formed a subject of recent study. A lot of investigations have been done on the action of the symmetric group Sn on various sets, with regard to rank, suborbits and subdegrees. However, the action of the dihedral group has not been thoroughly worked on. This study aims at investigating the properties of suborbits of the dihedral group Dn acting on ordered subsets of ?X={1,2,...,N}. The action of Dn on X[r], the set of all ordered r-element subsets of X, has been shown to be transitive if and only if n = 3. The number of self-paired suborbits of Dn acting on X[r] has been determined, amongst other properties. Some of the results have been used to determine graphical properties of associated suborbital graphs, which also reflect some group theoretic properties. It has also been proved that when G = Dn acts on ordered adjacent vertices of G, the number of self-paired suborbits is n + 1 if n is odd and n + 2 if n is even. The study has also revealed a conjecture that gives a formula for computing the self-paired suborbits of the action of Dn on its ordered adjacent vertices. Pro-perties of suborbits are significant as they form a link between group theory and graph theory.展开更多
In this paper, sharp upper bounds for the domination number, total domination number and connected domination number for the Cayley graph G = Cay(D2n, Ω) constructed on the finite dihedral group D2n, and a specified ...In this paper, sharp upper bounds for the domination number, total domination number and connected domination number for the Cayley graph G = Cay(D2n, Ω) constructed on the finite dihedral group D2n, and a specified generating set Ω of D2n. Further efficient dominating sets in G = Cay(D2n, Ω) are also obtained. More specifically, it is proved that some of the proper subgroups of D2n are efficient domination sets. Using this, an E-chain of Cayley graphs on the dihedral group is also constructed.展开更多
In this paper, a certain class of welded knots K;is considered. By calculating the commutators subgroup of fundamental group Gn of welded knot K;,n ∈ Z;, we show that these welded knots are not equivalent to each oth...In this paper, a certain class of welded knots K;is considered. By calculating the commutators subgroup of fundamental group Gn of welded knot K;,n ∈ Z;, we show that these welded knots are not equivalent to each other and they are all not classical knots. Secondly, we study some properties of Gn and obtain that Gn is linear, residually finite and Hopfian.展开更多
This paper investigates the approach of presenting groups by generators and relations from an original angle. It starts by interpreting this familiar concept with the novel notion of “formal words” created by juxtap...This paper investigates the approach of presenting groups by generators and relations from an original angle. It starts by interpreting this familiar concept with the novel notion of “formal words” created by juxtaposing letters in a set. Taking that as basis, several fundamental results related to free groups, such as Dyck’s Theorem, are proven. Then, the paper highlights three creative applications of the concept in classifying finite groups of a fixed order, representing all dihedral groups geometrically, and analyzing knots topologically. All three applications are of considerable significance in their respective topic areas and serve to illustrate the advantages and certain limitations of the approach flexibly and comprehensively.展开更多
The classification of groups of order less than 16 is reconsidered. The goal of the paper is partly historical and partly pedagogical and aims to achieve the classification as simply as possible in a way which can be ...The classification of groups of order less than 16 is reconsidered. The goal of the paper is partly historical and partly pedagogical and aims to achieve the classification as simply as possible in a way which can be easily incorporated into a first course in abstract algebra and without appealing to the Sylow Theorems. The paper concludes with some exercises for students.展开更多
Let p be a prime. For any finite p-group G, the deep transfers T H,G ' : H / H ' → G ' / G " from the maximal subgroups H of index (G:H) = p in G to the derived subgroup G ' are introduced as an ...Let p be a prime. For any finite p-group G, the deep transfers T H,G ' : H / H ' → G ' / G " from the maximal subgroups H of index (G:H) = p in G to the derived subgroup G ' are introduced as an innovative tool for identifying G uniquely by means of the family of kernels ùd(G) =(ker(T H,G ')) (G: H) = p. For all finite 3-groups G of coclass cc(G) = 1, the family ùd(G) is determined explicitly. The results are applied to the Galois groups G =Gal(F3 (∞)/ F) of the Hilbert 3-class towers of all real quadratic fields F = Q(√d) with fundamental discriminants d > 1, 3-class group Cl3(F) □ C3 × C3, and total 3-principalization in each of their four unramified cyclic cubic extensions E/F. A systematic statistical evaluation is given for the complete range 1 d 7, and a few exceptional cases are pointed out for 1 d 8.展开更多
Air Force Space Command is interested in improving the accuracy of GPS receiver positioning, navigation, and timing. To this end, it is useful to identify a set of optimal satellite constellations where each correspon...Air Force Space Command is interested in improving the accuracy of GPS receiver positioning, navigation, and timing. To this end, it is useful to identify a set of optimal satellite constellations where each corresponds to a configuration specifying the number of satellites in each orbital plane. These constellations could then be maintained in a library for future use as satellites fail and are launched. We utilize symmetry in the geometry of the GPS satellite orbits to partition the configurations into a much smaller set of equivalence classes where each class has the same overall receiver accuracy performance. We apply a classical algebraic combinatorial result, Polya's Theorem, to count and categorize the classes. Incorporating our results into a GPS constellation optimization computer tool will reduce run time by about an order of magnitude. We apply other algebraic and combinatorial techniques in original ways to count the class sizes and the classes that contain a given number of satellites. Finally, we break the equivalence classes into a still smaller set of new "structure" classes that are useful in applying the GPS computer tool.展开更多
Let V be a 2-dimensional vector space over the real field R with an affine or indefinite symmetric bilinear form. The infinite dihedral group W can be viewed as a subgroup of GL(V). In the present paper we will class...Let V be a 2-dimensional vector space over the real field R with an affine or indefinite symmetric bilinear form. The infinite dihedral group W can be viewed as a subgroup of GL(V). In the present paper we will classify all crystallographic groups associated with W up to conjugation in the affine group A(V).展开更多
A graph G is one-regular if its automorphism group Aut(G) acts transitively and semiregularly on the arc set. A Cayley graph Cay(Г, S) is normal if Г is a normal subgroup of the full automorphism group of Cay(...A graph G is one-regular if its automorphism group Aut(G) acts transitively and semiregularly on the arc set. A Cayley graph Cay(Г, S) is normal if Г is a normal subgroup of the full automorphism group of Cay(Г, S). Xu, M. Y., Xu, J. (Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math., 25, 355-363 (2001)) classified one-regular Cayley graphs of valency at most 4 on finite abelian groups. Marusic, D., Pisanski, T. (Croat. Chemica Acta, 73, 969-981 (2000)) classified cubic one-regular Cayley graphs on a dihedral group, and all of such graphs turn out to be normal. In this paper, we classify the 4-valent one-regular normal Cayley graphs G on a dihedral group whose vertex stabilizers in Aut(G) are cyclic. A classification of the same kind of graphs of valency 6 is also discussed.展开更多
Denote by Dm the dihedral group of order 2m. Let R(Dm) be its complex representation ring, and let △(Dm) be its augmentation ideal. In this paper, we determine the isomorphism class of the n-th augmentation quoti...Denote by Dm the dihedral group of order 2m. Let R(Dm) be its complex representation ring, and let △(Dm) be its augmentation ideal. In this paper, we determine the isomorphism class of the n-th augmentation quotient △^n(Dm)/△^n+1(Dm) for each positive integer n.展开更多
Let p be an odd prime, and D2p = (a,b I aP = b2 = l,bab= a 1) the dihedral group of order 2p. In this paper, we completely classify the cubic Cayley graphs on D2p up to isomorphism by means of spectral method. By th...Let p be an odd prime, and D2p = (a,b I aP = b2 = l,bab= a 1) the dihedral group of order 2p. In this paper, we completely classify the cubic Cayley graphs on D2p up to isomorphism by means of spectral method. By the way, we show that two cubic Cayley graphs on D2p are isomorphic if and only if they are cospectral. Moreover, we obtain the number of isomorphic classes of cubic Cayley graphs on D2 by using Gauss' celebrated law of quadratic reciprocity.展开更多
Tutte conjectured that every 4-edge-connected graph admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow. In this paper, we show that this conjecture is true for Cayley graph on generalized dihedral groups and generalized quaternion groups, ...Tutte conjectured that every 4-edge-connected graph admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow. In this paper, we show that this conjecture is true for Cayley graph on generalized dihedral groups and generalized quaternion groups, which generalizes the result of F. Yang and X. Li [Inform. Process. Lett., 2011, 111: 416-419]. We also generalizes an early result of M. Nanasiova and M. Skoviera [J. Algebraic Combin., 2009, 30: 103-110].展开更多
Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and Dn be the dihedral group of order 2n, where n is a positive even integer. In this paper, we investigate Yetter-Drinfeld modules over the Hopf-Ore exte...Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and Dn be the dihedral group of order 2n, where n is a positive even integer. In this paper, we investigate Yetter-Drinfeld modules over the Hopf-Ore extension A(n,0) of kDn. We describe the structures and properties of simple Yetter Drinfeld modules over A(n, 0), and classify all simple Yetter-Drinfeld modules over A(n, 0).展开更多
Cayley graphs have many good properties as models of communication networks. This study analyzes the reliability of the Cayley graph based on the dihedral graph. Graph theory and analyses show that almost all Cayley g...Cayley graphs have many good properties as models of communication networks. This study analyzes the reliability of the Cayley graph based on the dihedral graph. Graph theory and analyses show that almost all Cayley graphs of the dihedral graph D2n are optimal super-λ. The number Ni(G) of cutsets of size i, λ≤ i≤λ' is given as Ni(G) = n[^(n-1)δ i-δ].展开更多
Let D be a generalized dihedral group and Autcol(D) its Coleman automorphism group. Denote by Outcol(D) the quotient group of Autcol(D) by Inn(D), where Inn(D) is the inner automorphism group of D. It is pro...Let D be a generalized dihedral group and Autcol(D) its Coleman automorphism group. Denote by Outcol(D) the quotient group of Autcol(D) by Inn(D), where Inn(D) is the inner automorphism group of D. It is proved that either Outcol(D) = i or Outcol(D) is an elementary abelian 2-group whose order is completely determined by the cardinality of π(D). Furthermore, a necessary and sufficient condition for Outcol(D) = 1 is obtained. In addition, whenever Outcol(D) ≠ 1, it is proved that Autcol(D) is a split extension of Inn(D) by an elementary abelian 2-group for which an explicit description is given.展开更多
文摘In this paper, we completely determine the structure of the unit group of the group algebra of some dihedral groups D2 n over the finite field Fpk, where p is a prime.
文摘A group action on a set is a process of developing an algebraic structure through a relation defined by the permutations in the group and the elements of the set. The process suppresses most of the group properties, emphasizing the permutation aspect, so that the algebraic structure has a wider application among other algebras. Such structures not only reveal connections between different areas in Mathematics but also make use of results in one area to suggest conjectures and also prove results in a related area. The structure (G, X) is a transitive permutation group G acting on the set X. Investigations on the properties associated with various groups acting on various sets have formed a subject of recent study. A lot of investigations have been done on the action of the symmetric group Sn on various sets, with regard to rank, suborbits and subdegrees. However, the action of the dihedral group has not been thoroughly worked on. This study aims at investigating the properties of suborbits of the dihedral group Dn acting on ordered subsets of ?X={1,2,...,N}. The action of Dn on X[r], the set of all ordered r-element subsets of X, has been shown to be transitive if and only if n = 3. The number of self-paired suborbits of Dn acting on X[r] has been determined, amongst other properties. Some of the results have been used to determine graphical properties of associated suborbital graphs, which also reflect some group theoretic properties. It has also been proved that when G = Dn acts on ordered adjacent vertices of G, the number of self-paired suborbits is n + 1 if n is odd and n + 2 if n is even. The study has also revealed a conjecture that gives a formula for computing the self-paired suborbits of the action of Dn on its ordered adjacent vertices. Pro-perties of suborbits are significant as they form a link between group theory and graph theory.
文摘In this paper, sharp upper bounds for the domination number, total domination number and connected domination number for the Cayley graph G = Cay(D2n, Ω) constructed on the finite dihedral group D2n, and a specified generating set Ω of D2n. Further efficient dominating sets in G = Cay(D2n, Ω) are also obtained. More specifically, it is proved that some of the proper subgroups of D2n are efficient domination sets. Using this, an E-chain of Cayley graphs on the dihedral group is also constructed.
基金The NSF(11329101,11431009,11301135 and 11471245) of China
文摘In this paper, a certain class of welded knots K;is considered. By calculating the commutators subgroup of fundamental group Gn of welded knot K;,n ∈ Z;, we show that these welded knots are not equivalent to each other and they are all not classical knots. Secondly, we study some properties of Gn and obtain that Gn is linear, residually finite and Hopfian.
文摘This paper investigates the approach of presenting groups by generators and relations from an original angle. It starts by interpreting this familiar concept with the novel notion of “formal words” created by juxtaposing letters in a set. Taking that as basis, several fundamental results related to free groups, such as Dyck’s Theorem, are proven. Then, the paper highlights three creative applications of the concept in classifying finite groups of a fixed order, representing all dihedral groups geometrically, and analyzing knots topologically. All three applications are of considerable significance in their respective topic areas and serve to illustrate the advantages and certain limitations of the approach flexibly and comprehensively.
文摘The classification of groups of order less than 16 is reconsidered. The goal of the paper is partly historical and partly pedagogical and aims to achieve the classification as simply as possible in a way which can be easily incorporated into a first course in abstract algebra and without appealing to the Sylow Theorems. The paper concludes with some exercises for students.
文摘Let p be a prime. For any finite p-group G, the deep transfers T H,G ' : H / H ' → G ' / G " from the maximal subgroups H of index (G:H) = p in G to the derived subgroup G ' are introduced as an innovative tool for identifying G uniquely by means of the family of kernels ùd(G) =(ker(T H,G ')) (G: H) = p. For all finite 3-groups G of coclass cc(G) = 1, the family ùd(G) is determined explicitly. The results are applied to the Galois groups G =Gal(F3 (∞)/ F) of the Hilbert 3-class towers of all real quadratic fields F = Q(√d) with fundamental discriminants d > 1, 3-class group Cl3(F) □ C3 × C3, and total 3-principalization in each of their four unramified cyclic cubic extensions E/F. A systematic statistical evaluation is given for the complete range 1 d 7, and a few exceptional cases are pointed out for 1 d 8.
文摘Air Force Space Command is interested in improving the accuracy of GPS receiver positioning, navigation, and timing. To this end, it is useful to identify a set of optimal satellite constellations where each corresponds to a configuration specifying the number of satellites in each orbital plane. These constellations could then be maintained in a library for future use as satellites fail and are launched. We utilize symmetry in the geometry of the GPS satellite orbits to partition the configurations into a much smaller set of equivalence classes where each class has the same overall receiver accuracy performance. We apply a classical algebraic combinatorial result, Polya's Theorem, to count and categorize the classes. Incorporating our results into a GPS constellation optimization computer tool will reduce run time by about an order of magnitude. We apply other algebraic and combinatorial techniques in original ways to count the class sizes and the classes that contain a given number of satellites. Finally, we break the equivalence classes into a still smaller set of new "structure" classes that are useful in applying the GPS computer tool.
文摘Let V be a 2-dimensional vector space over the real field R with an affine or indefinite symmetric bilinear form. The infinite dihedral group W can be viewed as a subgroup of GL(V). In the present paper we will classify all crystallographic groups associated with W up to conjugation in the affine group A(V).
文摘A graph G is one-regular if its automorphism group Aut(G) acts transitively and semiregularly on the arc set. A Cayley graph Cay(Г, S) is normal if Г is a normal subgroup of the full automorphism group of Cay(Г, S). Xu, M. Y., Xu, J. (Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math., 25, 355-363 (2001)) classified one-regular Cayley graphs of valency at most 4 on finite abelian groups. Marusic, D., Pisanski, T. (Croat. Chemica Acta, 73, 969-981 (2000)) classified cubic one-regular Cayley graphs on a dihedral group, and all of such graphs turn out to be normal. In this paper, we classify the 4-valent one-regular normal Cayley graphs G on a dihedral group whose vertex stabilizers in Aut(G) are cyclic. A classification of the same kind of graphs of valency 6 is also discussed.
文摘Denote by Dm the dihedral group of order 2m. Let R(Dm) be its complex representation ring, and let △(Dm) be its augmentation ideal. In this paper, we determine the isomorphism class of the n-th augmentation quotient △^n(Dm)/△^n+1(Dm) for each positive integer n.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11671344 and 11531011)
文摘Let p be an odd prime, and D2p = (a,b I aP = b2 = l,bab= a 1) the dihedral group of order 2p. In this paper, we completely classify the cubic Cayley graphs on D2p up to isomorphism by means of spectral method. By the way, we show that two cubic Cayley graphs on D2p are isomorphic if and only if they are cospectral. Moreover, we obtain the number of isomorphic classes of cubic Cayley graphs on D2 by using Gauss' celebrated law of quadratic reciprocity.
基金Acknowledgements The first author was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11301254), the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province (Grant No. 132300410313), and the Natural Science Foundation of Education Bureau of Henan Province (Grant No. 13A110800). The second author was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11171129) and the Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 20130144110001).
文摘Tutte conjectured that every 4-edge-connected graph admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow. In this paper, we show that this conjecture is true for Cayley graph on generalized dihedral groups and generalized quaternion groups, which generalizes the result of F. Yang and X. Li [Inform. Process. Lett., 2011, 111: 416-419]. We also generalizes an early result of M. Nanasiova and M. Skoviera [J. Algebraic Combin., 2009, 30: 103-110].
基金Supported by NSF of China (Grant No. 11171291)Doctorate Foundation (Grant No. 200811170001),Ministry of Education of China
文摘Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and Dn be the dihedral group of order 2n, where n is a positive even integer. In this paper, we investigate Yetter-Drinfeld modules over the Hopf-Ore extension A(n,0) of kDn. We describe the structures and properties of simple Yetter Drinfeld modules over A(n, 0), and classify all simple Yetter-Drinfeld modules over A(n, 0).
基金Supported by the National Key Basic Research and Development (973) Program of China(No. 2007CB311003)
文摘Cayley graphs have many good properties as models of communication networks. This study analyzes the reliability of the Cayley graph based on the dihedral graph. Graph theory and analyses show that almost all Cayley graphs of the dihedral graph D2n are optimal super-λ. The number Ni(G) of cutsets of size i, λ≤ i≤λ' is given as Ni(G) = n[^(n-1)δ i-δ].
基金Supported by a Discovery Grant from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canadathe National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.71171120,71571108,11401329)+5 种基金the Project of International(Regional) Cooperation and Exchanges of NSFC(Grant No.71411130215)the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(Grant No.20133706110002)the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(Grant No.ZR2015GZ007)the Doctoral Fund of Shandong Province(Grant No.BS2012SF003)the Project of Shandong Province Higher Educational Science and Technology Program(Grant No.J14LI10)the Project of Shandong Province Higher Educational Excellent Backbone Teachers for International Cooperation and Training
文摘Let D be a generalized dihedral group and Autcol(D) its Coleman automorphism group. Denote by Outcol(D) the quotient group of Autcol(D) by Inn(D), where Inn(D) is the inner automorphism group of D. It is proved that either Outcol(D) = i or Outcol(D) is an elementary abelian 2-group whose order is completely determined by the cardinality of π(D). Furthermore, a necessary and sufficient condition for Outcol(D) = 1 is obtained. In addition, whenever Outcol(D) ≠ 1, it is proved that Autcol(D) is a split extension of Inn(D) by an elementary abelian 2-group for which an explicit description is given.