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基于MaxEnt模型预测未来气候变化情境下红树秋茄(Kandelia obovata)在中国潜在适生区的变化 被引量:2
作者 应邦肯 田阔 +5 位作者 郭浩宇 杨晓龙 李伟业 李启 骆宇晨 张秀梅 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期224-234,共11页
红树秋茄为自然分布于我国南方热带与亚热带潮间带的木本植物群落,是淤泥质滩涂上特有的植被类型,由其构成的红树林生境在维持海岸生态系统平衡、湿地生物多样性等方面具有重要作用。全球气候变化影响了红树秋茄的地理分布范围,尤其是... 红树秋茄为自然分布于我国南方热带与亚热带潮间带的木本植物群落,是淤泥质滩涂上特有的植被类型,由其构成的红树林生境在维持海岸生态系统平衡、湿地生物多样性等方面具有重要作用。全球气候变化影响了红树秋茄的地理分布范围,尤其是其分布北界的变化一直是当前红树研究领域的争论焦点之一。基于MaxEnt模型,筛选了141个秋茄现有分布点,并结合筛选后的14个陆地气候变量和2个海洋表层海洋环境因子,模拟了秋茄种群在不同碳排放情景下的潜在适生分布区域。分析了影响秋茄自然分布的主要环境因子,揭示了其在中国内地分布北界的演化趋势。根据模型结果,当前模拟的潜在分布区与现有分布范围吻合度较高,受试者工作特征曲线下面积(AUC值)为0.990,预测结果优良。通过广义加性模型回归验证表明,主要环境因子与秋茄的生境适生性指数呈显著相关,整体方差解释率为94.7%(R^(2)=0.915),说明MaxEnt模型预测结果可靠稳定。基于环境变量贡献率和刀切法的结果表明海洋表层平均水温、等温性、最暖季度降水量、年平均气温、最热月份最高温度等可能是影响秋茄分布的主要环境因子;等温性(bio_03)为23.43—33.99,最热月份最高温度(bio_05)>31.7℃,最暖季度降水量(bio_18)>740.61mm,海洋表层平均水温(temperature)>24.9℃,将有利于秋茄种群的发育与扩散。根据模型预测,在21世纪中叶和21世纪末,秋茄的潜在分布区发生集中变化的区域在浙江与江苏一带,以秋茄自然分布区域北界变化最为显著。不同代表性浓度路径(Representative Concentration Pathways, RCPs2.6、4.5、8.5)下,秋茄高适生区域均发生北移,低适生区域可至长江口附近,甚至到达江苏沿岸。这为上述区域未来利用红树秋茄进行生态系统修复和增加碳汇储备提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 秋茄 最大熵模型 未来分布 气候变化 适生分布区
秋茄(Kandelia candel)幼苗对多氯联苯污染的生理生态响应 被引量:15
作者 刘亚云 孙红斌 +2 位作者 陈桂珠 赵波 李伟煜 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期746-754,共9页
通过盆栽实验,研究了4种不同浓度(180、900、1800和2700μg kg-1)的多氯联苯(PCBs)对红树植物秋茄幼苗的茎高、茎径、生物量、相对生长速率以及叶片的叶绿素含量、水势、丙二醛含量和游离脯氨酸含量等生理生态指标的影响,结果表明:(1)... 通过盆栽实验,研究了4种不同浓度(180、900、1800和2700μg kg-1)的多氯联苯(PCBs)对红树植物秋茄幼苗的茎高、茎径、生物量、相对生长速率以及叶片的叶绿素含量、水势、丙二醛含量和游离脯氨酸含量等生理生态指标的影响,结果表明:(1)在所设PCBs浓度范围内,PCBs对秋茄幼苗的茎高、茎径、生物量和相对生长速率等生长指标的生长没有产生不利的影响,相反具有促进作用,红树植物秋茄在PCBs污染情况下能旺盛生长;(2)在所设PCBs浓度范围内,秋茄幼苗叶片能保持相对正常的叶绿素水平和相对稳定的叶绿素a/b值,叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素a+b的含量虽然有所降低,但均为对照的70%以上;叶绿素a/b值有所升高,但均未超过对照的15%。(3)随着PCBs浓度的升高,秋茄幼苗叶片水势呈上升趋势,而游离脯氨酸含量和膜质过氧化产物MDA含量均有一定的增加,说明PCBs对秋茄幼苗产生了一定的影响。总体来看,秋茄幼苗能在所设浓度的PCBs范围内正常生长,对PCBs有较强的耐受性和适应性,对PCBs污染的沉积物进行修复是可行的。 展开更多
关键词 红树植物 秋茄 多氯联苯 生理生态 响应
秋茄(Kandelia obovata)和无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)红树人工林消波效应量化研究 被引量:9
作者 陈玉军 廖宝文 +5 位作者 黄勃 张乔民 徐大平 陈元海 林卫海 李玫 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期764-770,共7页
采用野外监测的方法对海南东寨港三江湾秋茄和无瓣海桑红树人工林的消波效应进行了量化研究。结果表明,裸露海滩的消波作用较弱,波浪在经过裸滩50m后,1/10波高、1/3波高和平均波高分别减低2.9%、4.4%和5.8%。红树林的消波作用显著,总体... 采用野外监测的方法对海南东寨港三江湾秋茄和无瓣海桑红树人工林的消波效应进行了量化研究。结果表明,裸露海滩的消波作用较弱,波浪在经过裸滩50m后,1/10波高、1/3波高和平均波高分别减低2.9%、4.4%和5.8%。红树林的消波作用显著,总体来说,波浪在经过秋茄林50m后,1/10波高、1/3波高和平均波高分别减低46.3%、46.4%和46.1%,在经过无瓣海桑林50m后分别减低30.1%、29.6%和28.8%。红树林的消波率随林分基部断面积的增大而增加;在浅水区域,红树林的消波率随水深增加而降低;在水深相同的条件下,红树林的消波效应随着波高的增加而增强;红树林的消波率与波浪的传播距离呈非线性正相关性,随着传播距离的增加,波高持续降低,但降幅减小。 展开更多
关键词 人工红树林 秋茄 无瓣海桑 消波效应
淹水胁迫对秋茄(Kandelia candel)幼苗叶片C、N及单宁含量的影响——一个关于碳素-营养平衡假说的实验 被引量:9
作者 何缘 张宜辉 +2 位作者 于俊义 黄冠闽 林鹏 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期4725-4731,共7页
通过在福建厦门同安湾潮间带滩涂种植红树植物秋茄,测定不同滩面高程(黄海高程1.6,1.0,0.4m)下1年生秋茄幼苗叶片单宁、C、N、叶绿素含量及幼苗的生长指标,研究了淹水胁迫对秋茄幼苗次生代谢物质单宁的影响及作用机理。结果表明,随着滩... 通过在福建厦门同安湾潮间带滩涂种植红树植物秋茄,测定不同滩面高程(黄海高程1.6,1.0,0.4m)下1年生秋茄幼苗叶片单宁、C、N、叶绿素含量及幼苗的生长指标,研究了淹水胁迫对秋茄幼苗次生代谢物质单宁的影响及作用机理。结果表明,随着滩面高程的降低,淹水胁迫增强,秋茄幼苗生物量、叶片C/N及单宁含量显著降低,在滩面高程0.4m处,与1.0m和1.6m相比,幼苗生物量分别降低了18.2%和47.0%,叶片C/N比值分别降低了17.5%和20.0%,相应地,叶片单宁含量也分别降低了44.6%和70.5%。秋茄幼苗叶片单宁含量与叶片C/N比值呈显著正相关(R=0.8425),表明秋茄幼苗叶片中C、N含量及单宁含量对淹水胁迫的响应符合碳素/营养平衡假说。 展开更多
关键词 秋茄 淹水 单宁 C/N比值
秋茄(Kandelia candel)胚轴阴干过程中单宁的动态变化 被引量:2
作者 吴彪 刘进文 +2 位作者 向平 黄玉杰 林益明 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第B06期182-185,共4页
对红树植物秋茄(Kandeliacandel)成熟胚轴进行30d阴干处理,每隔3d测定含水量、总多酚、可溶性缩合单宁、蛋白质结合缩合单宁和纤维素结合单宁.探讨了缩合单宁与蛋白质,纤维素结合的动态变化.结果表明:1)胚轴含水量由最初的60.36%以线性... 对红树植物秋茄(Kandeliacandel)成熟胚轴进行30d阴干处理,每隔3d测定含水量、总多酚、可溶性缩合单宁、蛋白质结合缩合单宁和纤维素结合单宁.探讨了缩合单宁与蛋白质,纤维素结合的动态变化.结果表明:1)胚轴含水量由最初的60.36%以线性模式减少到45.38%,保水抗旱能力较强;2)干旱处理过程中的繁殖体的总多酚的含量在12.13%~15.49%之间,变化不显著,这与叶片等凋落物酚类物质迅速被淋溶、氧化和分解不同,酚类物质在完整的有生活力的胚轴中得以保存,可溶性缩合单宁因为与蛋白质及纤维素结合,转化为结合的缩合单宁;3)与蛋白质结合的单宁在阴干处理18d后迅速增加,活的植物组织具有某种机制阻止单宁与蛋白质结合,随着胚轴的失活,这种机制也逐渐解除.纤维素结合的缩合单宁变化与蛋白质结合的缩合单宁大致相同. 展开更多
关键词 动态变化 胚轴 阴干 秋茄 蛋白质结合 缩合单宁 酚类物质 纤维素 红树植物 抗旱能力 线性模式 处理过程 植物组织 含水量 总多酚 可溶性 繁殖体 凋落物 和分解 生活力 机制 保水
多氯联苯(PCBs)污染对秋茄Kandelia candel生长的影响 被引量:5
作者 刘亚云 孙红斌 陈桂珠 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期23-27,共5页
通过盆栽实验研究了不同浓度(180×10-9、900×10-9、1800×10-9和2700×10-9)的多氯联苯(PCBs)对红树植物秋茄Kandelia candel幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:秋茄的生长指标茎高、茎径、茎体积和生物量的生长量呈现先上升... 通过盆栽实验研究了不同浓度(180×10-9、900×10-9、1800×10-9和2700×10-9)的多氯联苯(PCBs)对红树植物秋茄Kandelia candel幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:秋茄的生长指标茎高、茎径、茎体积和生物量的生长量呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势,不过各处理的生长指标均高于对照组;研究表明,秋茄能在PCBs浓度为2 700×10-9的沉积物中正常生长,对PCBs有较强的耐受性和适应性。 展开更多
关键词 秋茄 多氯联苯 生长 影响
Cold acclimation improves photosynthesis by regulating the ascorbate–glutathione cycle in chloroplasts of Kandelia obovata 被引量:12
作者 Weicheng Liu Chunfang Zheng +4 位作者 Jinong Chen Jianbiao Qiu Zhixing Huang Qi Wang Yong Ye 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期755-765,共11页
As the most northerly mangrove species in China, Kandelia obovata may undergo extreme cold event stress. Enhancing the cold tolerance of this species is crucial to its successful afforestation. This study aimed to det... As the most northerly mangrove species in China, Kandelia obovata may undergo extreme cold event stress. Enhancing the cold tolerance of this species is crucial to its successful afforestation. This study aimed to determine the resistance of K. obovata seedlings to low temperature stress by cold acclimation and to explain the mechanisms for alleviating cold injury. To understand these mechanisms, seedlings that were acclimatized and not acclimatized were exposed to 5℃/- 2℃(day/night)for 48 h.Results showed that low temperature stress reduced leaf photosynthesis of non-acclimatized seedlings by inducing oxidative stress and structural damage to chloroplasts. These phenomena were shown by increasing levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), O2-and H2O2, as well as decreasing enzyme activities in the ascorbate–glutathione (AsA-GSH) cycle. However, cold-acclimatized seedlings had improved photosynthetic rates and efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) under low temperature stress. Compared with non-acclimatized seedlings, leaves of coldacclimatized seedlings under low temperature stress for 48 h exhibited higher anti-oxidative enzyme activities, lower levels of O2^- and H2O2, less damage to chloroplast structure, and removed 33.7% of MDA at low temperature stress for 48 h. The data indicate that cold acclimation enhances photosynthetic capacity by effectively regulating activation in the PSII electron transport and the AsA–GSH cycle to scavenge excess ROS in chloroplasts, while the latter is more important. 展开更多
关键词 Ascorbate–glutathione CYCLE Cold ACCLIMATION kandelia obovata PHOTOSYNTHESIS
秋茄(Kandelia candel(L))根系分泌低分子量有机酸及其对重金属生物有效性的影响 被引量:56
作者 卢豪良 严重玲 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期4173-4181,共9页
应用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-Ms)与高效液相色谱(HPLC)分别对福建漳江口红树林湿地不同土壤结构(砂质与泥质)根际与非根际沉积物中重金属(Cu,Pb,Cd,Zn)含量,以及生长于砂质与泥质滩涂上的红树植物秋茄(Kandelia candel(L)Druce))幼苗... 应用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-Ms)与高效液相色谱(HPLC)分别对福建漳江口红树林湿地不同土壤结构(砂质与泥质)根际与非根际沉积物中重金属(Cu,Pb,Cd,Zn)含量,以及生长于砂质与泥质滩涂上的红树植物秋茄(Kandelia candel(L)Druce))幼苗根系分泌物中的低分子量有机酸进行测定。在室内模拟秋茄根系分泌的低分子量有机酸,作为重金属提取剂提取沉积物中可溶解态与碳酸盐结合态重金属,并与欧盟标准物质局(BCR)连续提取法相比较,探讨红树根系分泌的低分子量有机酸对红树林沉积物重金属生物有效性的影响。研究结果表明:漳江口红树林泥质沉积物中重金属含量大于砂质沉积物,根际沉积物大于非根际沉积物。两样地沉积物中重金属的赋存形态主要以铁锰氧化物结合态为主,根际沉积物中可交换态与碳酸盐结合态重金属含量均大于非根际沉积物。秋茄根系分泌低分子量有机酸为甲酸,丁酸,苹果酸,柠檬酸,乳酸。不同土壤结构对秋茄根系分泌的苹果酸,柠檬酸,乳酸有显著影响(P<0.05)。以低分子量有机酸作为提取剂对沉积物中可溶解态与碳酸盐结合态重金属的提取率表现为:柠檬酸>混合酸>苹果酸>乳酸>乙酸,低分子量有机酸对红树林沉积物重金属的生物有效性有促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 秋茄 低分子量有机酸 重金属 生物有效性
闽东秋茄(Kandelia candel)人工林与天然林异龄叶性状比较 被引量:1
作者 潘云龙 朱清波 +4 位作者 陈欣凡 李彬 欧阳玉莹 吴承祯 洪滔 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期630-634,共5页
比较闽东不同生境秋茄[Kandelia candel(Linn.)Druce]人工林与天然林异龄叶性状间的相互关系,结果显示:(1)2种林分的秋茄林叶MLA、SLA和LDMC,当年生均大于往年生,分别为MLA(38.4 cm^2>36.0 cm^2)、SLA(78.9 m^2/kg>67.5 m^2/kg)、... 比较闽东不同生境秋茄[Kandelia candel(Linn.)Druce]人工林与天然林异龄叶性状间的相互关系,结果显示:(1)2种林分的秋茄林叶MLA、SLA和LDMC,当年生均大于往年生,分别为MLA(38.4 cm^2>36.0 cm^2)、SLA(78.9 m^2/kg>67.5 m^2/kg)、LDMC(258.7 mg/g>193.8 mg/g);(2)当年生和往年生叶MLA人工林均大于天然林,分别为当年生(40.7 cm^2>36.1 cm^2)、往年生(37.5 cm^2>34.4 cm^2)。当年生叶SLA人工林小于天然林,为(78.4 m^2/kg<79.4 m^2/kg),往年生叶SLA人工林大于天然林,为(71.0 m^2/kg>64.0 m^2/kg)。当年生与往年生叶LDMC人工林均大于天然林,分别为当年生(344.4 mg/g>173.0 mg/g)、往年生(225.6 mg/g>162.0 mg/g)。研究表明,异龄叶对光资源获取和储存物质以构建叶器官这2种投资策略的权衡,是植物在各自生境中适应性进化的结果。秋茄能对生境因子胁迫调整生活策略应对,具有较强的环境适应性,适宜作为海岸防护林树种人工栽植。 展开更多
关键词 秋茄 异龄叶 叶性状
Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated soil by Kandelia candel 被引量:1
作者 HONG Youwei YUAN Dongxing +1 位作者 LIAO Dan LIU Baomin 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期24-29,共6页
The purpose of this study was to investigate the accumulation behavior of two typical PAHs, phenanthrene (PHE) and fluoranthene (FLA), uptaken by the mangrove Kandelia candel in various treated sandy soils. The ex... The purpose of this study was to investigate the accumulation behavior of two typical PAHs, phenanthrene (PHE) and fluoranthene (FLA), uptaken by the mangrove Kandelia candel in various treated sandy soils. The experiment lasted for three months. Soil and plant samples were collected after 3, 6, 9 and 13 weeks of the incubation and the levels of PAHs were analyzed using a GC/MS (HP6890-5975B). The results showed that the root accumulations of PHE and FLA were elevated with the increase of the PAH concentrations in the soil. With prolonged exposure time, PHE and FLA concentrations of the roots increased significantly in comparison with the control. PHE and FLA concentrations of root after 13 weeks of treatment ranged from 0.28 to 4.36 #g.g-1 and 0.79 to 35.76 pg.g 1 respectively. The calculated mean values of the root concentration factors were 0.58 for PHE and 0.71 for FLA. This indicated that root accumulation of FLA was greater than PHE, which would result from the higher octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) of FLA. These results underline the ability of mangroves to remove PAHs from contaminated marine substrates and hence their potential use in bioremediation and the removal of PAHs from the marine food chain. 展开更多
关键词 ACCUMULATION UPTAKE PHENANTHRENE FLUORANTHENE mangrove ecosystem kandelia candel
Biomass accumulation and organic carbon stocks of Kandelia obovata mangrove vegetation under different simulated sea levels 被引量:1
作者 Jiahui Chen Min Gao +2 位作者 Guangcheng Chen Heng Zhu Yong Ye 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第8期78-86,共9页
Mangrove forests are vulnerably threatened by sea level rise(SLR).Vegetation organic carbon(OC)stocks are important for mangrove ecosystem carbon cycle.It is critical to understand how SLR affects vegetation OC stocks... Mangrove forests are vulnerably threatened by sea level rise(SLR).Vegetation organic carbon(OC)stocks are important for mangrove ecosystem carbon cycle.It is critical to understand how SLR affects vegetation OC stocks for evaluating mangrove blue carbon budget and global climate change.In this study,biomass accumulation and OC stocks of mangrove vegetation were compared among three 10 year-old Kandelia obovata(a common species in China)mangrove forests under three intertidal elevations through species-specific allometric equations.This study simulated mangrove forests with SLR values of 0 cm,40 cm and 80 cm,respectively,representing for the current,future~100 a and future~200 a SLR of mangrove forests along the Jiulong River Estuary,China.SLR directly decreased mangrove individual density and inhibited the growth of mangrove vegetation.The total vegetation biomasses were(12.86±0.95)kg/m^2,(7.97±0.90)kg/m^2 and(3.89±0.63)kg/m^2 at Sites SLR 0 cm,SLR40 cm and SLR 80 cm,respectively.The total vegetation OC stock decreased by approximately 3.85 kg/m^2(in terms of C)from Site SLR 0 cm to Site SLR 80 cm.Significantly lower vegetation biomass and OC stock of various components(stem,branch,leaf and root)were found at Site SLR 80 cm.Annual increments of vegetation biomass and OC stock also decreased with SLR increase.Moreover,significant lower sedimentation rate was found at Site SLR 80 cm.These indicated that SLR will decrease mangrove vegetation biomass and OC stock,which may reduce global blue carbon sink by mangroves,exacerbate global warming and give positive feedback to SLR. 展开更多
关键词 sea level rise vegetation biomass organic carbon stock COMPONENT mangrove forest kandelia obovata
Effect of soil salinity on cold tolerance of mangrove Kandelia candel
作者 杨盛昌 李云波 林鹏 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期98-103,共6页
Analysis of cold tolerance on mangrove Kandelia candel leaf growing in different soil salinity along Jiulong River Estuary in South China showed that the cold tolerance decreased as the increase of soil salinity. The ... Analysis of cold tolerance on mangrove Kandelia candel leaf growing in different soil salinity along Jiulong River Estuary in South China showed that the cold tolerance decreased as the increase of soil salinity. The lethal temperatures of K. candel leaf were -10.4, -9.9 and -8.6 ℃ in Liaodong, Baijiao and Aotou, respectively. Under 1–2℃ cold stress treatment on detached leaves of K. candel, their caloric value gradually decreased, while electrolyte leakage gradually increased. The leaf’s caloric value and electrolyte leakage in Aotou with higher soil salinity varied more largely than those in Liaodong with lower soil salinity. In K. candel leaf, total water content lowered a little, bound water content rose significantly and free water content dropped significantly with duration of cold stress. At the same time, reduction sugar, soluble sugar and starch content gradually decreased and sucrose content gradually increased. Bound water, free water and sucrose content in K. candel leaf from Aotou with higher soil salinity changed more slowly than those from Liaodong with lower soil salinity, but reduction sugar, soluble sugar and starch content in K. candel leaf from Aotou had faster variations than those from Liaodong. These data indicated that soil salinity can reduce cold tolerance of K. candel leaf by increasing negative effect of salt ions in cell membrane, inhibiting variations of water content, and aggravating consumption of material and energy. 展开更多
关键词 kandelia candel SALINITY cold tolerance caloric value
秋茄(Kandelia candel L.)响应重金属胁迫的数字基因表达谱 被引量:5
作者 袁柳娇 傅梦妮 +4 位作者 余如凤 黎海利 袁长春 陈燕 刘锴栋 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期22-28,共7页
基于高通量测序的数字基因表达谱(DGE)技术,对重金属污水胁迫处理组和对照组秋茄材料进行转录组测序分析。结果表明,重金属污水胁迫处理样品与对照样品相比,共筛选出的3 097个差异表达基因,其中2 202个表达上调,895个表达下调。GO功能... 基于高通量测序的数字基因表达谱(DGE)技术,对重金属污水胁迫处理组和对照组秋茄材料进行转录组测序分析。结果表明,重金属污水胁迫处理样品与对照样品相比,共筛选出的3 097个差异表达基因,其中2 202个表达上调,895个表达下调。GO功能显著性富集分析出38个GO分类条目,大量与生长发育,代谢调控,环境刺激响应相关的基因表现为富集。进一步的KEGG代谢途径分析表明,差异表达基因主要与糖类、核酸、蛋白质和脂质等生物大分子代谢、能量代谢以及次生代谢过程有关。转录因子分析发现b HLH,MYB,NAC和WRKY在重金属胁迫中发挥重要作用。此外,重金属胁迫还促进萜类、黄酮类化合物生物合成的关键酶基因(牻牛儿基焦磷酸合酶(Unigene0029352)、黄酮醇合成酶(Unigene0010384))的表达,进而促进秋茄有效成分的积累;显著诱导细胞分裂素相关基因type-b响应调节子ARR2(Unigene0033740)的表达、抑制油菜素内酯的信号转导组分基因BSK(Unigene0008986)的表达,进而提高秋茄对重金属胁迫的适应能力。实验选取了5个与环境刺激响应密切相关的基因,通过qRT-PCR验证了它们在重金属污水胁迫处理下的表达差异,结果与数字基因表达谱分析的结果较为一致,证实了差异表达基因数据的有效性。说明在重金属胁迫处理下,秋茄通过调节基因表达提高自身对污染胁迫的耐受能力。 展开更多
关键词 秋茄 重金属 污水胁迫处理 数字基因表达谱(DEG) 差异表达基因
作者 蒋文骏 舒红锁 +4 位作者 陈正满 任典挺 杨党 田荣江 杜照奎 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1832-1843,共12页
转录因子WRKY在开花植物中广泛存在,参与并调节植物的生长发育与防御反应等。为探究红树植物秋茄WRKY基因在非生物胁迫过程中的作用,以秋茄幼苗为试验材料,提取叶片总RNA,通过反转录PCR(RT-PCR)技术克隆获得KoWRKY43基因(GenBank登录号O... 转录因子WRKY在开花植物中广泛存在,参与并调节植物的生长发育与防御反应等。为探究红树植物秋茄WRKY基因在非生物胁迫过程中的作用,以秋茄幼苗为试验材料,提取叶片总RNA,通过反转录PCR(RT-PCR)技术克隆获得KoWRKY43基因(GenBank登录号OR789874),采用生物信息学手段分析其基因序列和蛋白质结构特点,利用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)技术研究其表达模式。结果表明,KoWRKY43基因开放阅读框(ORF)为942 bp,编码313个氨基酸,蛋白质分子式为C_(1484)H_(2415)N_(439)O_(459)S_(14),分子量为34.2 ku,理论等电点为9.74,无信号肽,无跨膜结构,定位于细胞核,与木薯、银白杨和簸箕柳亲缘关系相对较近。qPCR检测显示,KoWRKY43基因在秋茄根中表达量最大,显著高于茎、叶、花和果实;幼叶KoWRKY43的表达量受NaCl诱导持续上升,在24 h表达量最大;激素水杨酸和脱落酸的诱导使其表达量先升高后降低,在6 h达到峰值;茉莉酸甲酯在24 h内均未显著改变其表达水平。研究结果为后续开展KoWRKY43基因的功能研究和培育抗逆秋茄品种提供了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 秋茄 KoWRKY43基因 生物信息学分析 基因克隆 激素
Mechanisms on inhibition of photosynthesis in Kandelia obovata due to extreme cold events under climate change 被引量:6
作者 Chunfang Zheng Jianwu Tang +4 位作者 Jinong Chen Weicheng Liu Jianbiao Qiu Xin Peng Yong Ye 《Ecological Processes》 SCIE EI 2016年第1期250-260,共11页
Introduction:Mangroves that grow at the latitudinal extremes of their distribution are susceptible to extreme cold events.Successive enhancement of low temperature stress(seLTS)is a typical characteristic of extreme c... Introduction:Mangroves that grow at the latitudinal extremes of their distribution are susceptible to extreme cold events.Successive enhancement of low temperature stress(seLTS)is a typical characteristic of extreme cold events.Low temperature stress can inhibit mangrove photosynthesis,which often inhibits the growth and development of mangroves.However,the possible reasons for impairment to photosynthesis of mangroves due to extreme cold events remain unclear.Methods:Kandelia obovata seedlings in a growth chamber were exposed to 5℃/−2℃(day/night)for 36 h(−2℃ for 16 h)with 12 h light per day at 600μmol m^(−2) s^(−1) photosynthetic photon flux density(PPFD)(a low temperature stress,aLTS),then the plants were transferred to the control condition(15℃/10℃(day/night)and allowed to recover for 5 days(R1).The other seedlings were subjected to low temperature treatment with a day/night temperature of 5℃/−1℃ in a growth chamber for 24 h.Then these plants were transferred to 5℃/−2℃(day/night)under the same light and climate conditions for 36 h(two low temperature stresses,tLTS).Following the successive enhancement of low temperature treatment,these plants were returned to 15℃/10℃(day/night)for another 5-day recovery period(R2).Results:Results showed that aLTS treatment significantly reduced leaf net photosynthetic rate(P_(n))and stomatal conductance(G_(s)),while increased intercellular CO_(2) concentration(C_(i)).Photosynthetic activity of leaves quickly recovered after the plants were returned to control temperature for 5 days(R1).However,decreases in leaf Pn were more obvious under tLTS treatment than those under aLTS treatment.This reduced Pn might be attributed to stomatal and non-stomatal limitations.Moreover,non-stomatal limitation played a major role in reducing Pn during tLTS treatment,as proven by reduced ribulose 1,5-biphosphate carboxylase(RuBPCase)activity.This limitation also enhanced lipid peroxidation in chloroplasts,decreased sucrosemetabolizing enzymes and ratios of both chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b(Chl a/b)and chlorophyll/carotenoids(Chl/Car),and increased protease senescence.Damages of tLTS treatment to photosynthesis were insufficiently alleviated even after the plants were returned to control temperature for 5 days(R2).Conclusions:Successive enhancement of low temperature depressed successful recovery of leaf photosynthesis of K.obovata seedlings mainly by impairing pigment synthesis,antioxidant metabolism,and sucrose translocation,as well as accelerating senescence of endopeptidase.Furthermore,our results suggest that decreases in sucrose content in leaves might also account for increases in reactive oxygen species(ROS)in chloroplasts. 展开更多
关键词 kandelia obovata Low temperature Gas exchange Sucrose synthesis PEPTIDASE
Recovery of photosynthesis,sucrose metabolism,and proteolytic enzymes in Kandelia obovata from rare cold events in the northernmost mangrove,China 被引量:5
作者 Chunfang Zheng Yong Ye +4 位作者 Weicheng Liu Jianwu Tang Chengnian Zhang Jianbiao Qiu Jinong Chen 《Ecological Processes》 SCIE EI 2016年第1期108-119,共12页
Introduction:Understanding how mangroves respond to rare cold events has implications for both restoration and conservation under climate change scenarios.This study investigated the responses of photosynthesis and ac... Introduction:Understanding how mangroves respond to rare cold events has implications for both restoration and conservation under climate change scenarios.This study investigated the responses of photosynthesis and activities of key enzymes involving carbon and nitrogen metabolism at different ages of Kandelia obovata to a rare cold event in the winter of 2010.Methods:This study took place on Ximen Island,Zhejiang Province,China.We measured the physiological recovery of 2-3-,5-6-,9-10-and 54-55-year-old K.obovata trees after freezing injury in February and March in 2011 and 2012,respectively.Results:Chilling injury index and electrolyte leakage of K.obovata increased with increasing tree age in the winter of 2010,and electrolyte leakage in K.obovata at different ages in the winter of 2010 was far higher than that in the winter of 2011.The rare cold events significantly changed the recoveries of the leaf net photosynthetic rate(Pn)and stomatal conductance(Gs);ratios of chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b(Chl a/Chl b);contents of total soluble sugar(TSS),sucrose,free amino acid(FAA),and soluble protein;and activities of sucrose phosphate synthase(SPS),endopeptidase,and carboxypeptidase in K.obovata at different ages.These effects were mainly due to changes in the physiological mechanism in the 2-year-old trees.A clear decrease in Pn of the 2-year-old trees was observed in February 2011,as exemplified by reductions in ratios of Chl a/Chl b and chlorophyll/carotenoid(Chl/Car),as well as inhibition of the levels of TSS and FAA(osmotic substances).During recovery in 2011 and 2012,the activities of SPS and sucrose synthase(SS)were responsible for sucrose synthesis after the rare cold events in 2011,but only SPS activity was one of the main factors contributing to the metabolism of stachyose to sucrose without cold damage in 2012.Carboxypeptidase played a more important role than endopeptidase during protein hydrolysis after the rare cold events.Conclusions:The results suggest that the recovery of photosynthetic capacity in K.obovata was changed after a rare cold event,which is associated with pigment components and activities of SS,SPS,and carboxypeptidase,especially the seedlings. 展开更多
关键词 kandelia obovata PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sucrose synthase Rare cold events PEPTIDASE
作者 舒红锁 任典挺 +2 位作者 杨党 蒋文骏 杜照奎 《浙江林业科技》 2024年第5期95-104,共10页
为探讨容器类型和生长基质对秋茄树Kandelia obovata幼苗质量的影响,筛选出适宜的容器苗培育方法,为秋茄树容器育苗提供指导,本研究采用双因子随机区组试验设计,包括2种容器类型(C1-塑料袋和C2-无纺布袋)和4种生长基质(M1-海泥;M2-V_(... 为探讨容器类型和生长基质对秋茄树Kandelia obovata幼苗质量的影响,筛选出适宜的容器苗培育方法,为秋茄树容器育苗提供指导,本研究采用双因子随机区组试验设计,包括2种容器类型(C1-塑料袋和C2-无纺布袋)和4种生长基质(M1-海泥;M2-V_(泥炭土)∶V_(蛭石)∶V_(珍珠岩)=4∶4∶2;M3-V_(泥炭土)∶V_(蛭石)∶V_(珍珠岩)=5∶3∶2,以及M4-V_(泥炭土)∶V_(蛭石)∶V_(珍珠岩)=6∶2∶2),通过对不同组合下容器苗的形态、根系、光合和生物量等指标的测定分析,揭示容器类型、基质配比以及两因素交互作用对秋茄树容器苗质量的影响。结果表明:容器类型显著影响秋茄树幼苗的株高、根生物量、茎生物量、总生物量、根体积和根尖数(P<0.05),与C1容器培育的幼苗相比,C2容器苗的株高、根生物量、茎生物量、总生物量、根体积和根尖数分别提高了8.33%、9.47%、15.21%、9.72%、33.97%和23.55%;基质配比显著影响秋茄树幼苗的株高、地径、生物量、Dickson质量指数(DQI)、平均根直径、净光合速率和叶氮含量(P<0.05),与采用M1基质培育的幼苗相比,用轻基质(M2、M3或M4)培育幼苗的株高、地径、地上部生物量、地下部生物量、总生物量、DQI、平均根直径、净光合速率和叶氮含量至少提高了9.78%、13.60%、29.25%、20.39%、30.06%、30.88%、8.75%、24.22%和74.44%;两者的交互作用对株高、叶生物量和根表面积均有显著影响(P<0.05)。综合考虑苗木质量和育苗成本,秋茄树容器育苗宜采用C2M2组合。 展开更多
关键词 容器育苗 Dickson质量指数 秋茄树 根系形态 幼苗质量
作者 林鹏 范航清 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1989年第19期1634-1638,共5页
The measurement of caloric values is one of the most important ways in ecology research, which has seldom been carried out in our country. The mangrove serves as a primary producer in the aquatic food chain of the tro... The measurement of caloric values is one of the most important ways in ecology research, which has seldom been carried out in our country. The mangrove serves as a primary producer in the aquatic food chain of the tropical estuary, and its leaves not only function as energy assimilation, but also take up the majority of litter. Therefore, to study the variations in energy content of the leaves of mangrove plants would be valuable for the researches of physiological ecology and the ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 MANGROVE kandelia candel caloric VALUE MONTHLY CHANGE
Pattern changes and early risk warning of Spartina alterniflora invasion:a study of mangrove-dominated wetlands in northeastern Fujian,China
作者 Fangyi Wang Jiacheng Zhang +4 位作者 Yan Cao Ren Wang Giri Kattel Dongjin He Weibin You 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第5期1447-1462,共16页
The exotic saltmarsh cordgrass,Spartina alterniflora(Loisel)Peterson&Saarela,is one of the important causes for the extensive destruction of mangroves in China due to its invasive nature.The species has rapidly sp... The exotic saltmarsh cordgrass,Spartina alterniflora(Loisel)Peterson&Saarela,is one of the important causes for the extensive destruction of mangroves in China due to its invasive nature.The species has rapidly spread wildly across coastal wetlands,challenging resource managers for control of its further spread.An investigation of S.alterniflora invasion and associated ecological risk is urgent in China's coastal wetlands.In this study,an ecological risk invasive index system was developed based on the Driving Force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework.Predictions were made of'warning degrees':zero warning and light,moderate,strong,and extreme warning,by developing a back propagation(BP)artificial neural network model for coastal wetlands in eastern Fujian Province.Our results suggest that S.alterniflora mainly has invaded Kandelia candel beaches and farmlands with clustered distributions.An early warning indicator system assessed the ecological risk of the invasion and showed a ladder-like distribution from high to low extending from the urban area in the central inland region with changes spread to adjacent areas.Areas of light warning and extreme warning accounted for43%and 7%,respectively,suggesting the BP neural network model is reliable prediction of the ecological risk of S.alterniflora invasion.The model predicts that distribution pattern of this invasive species will change little in the next 10 years.However,the invaded patches will become relatively more concentrated without warning predicted.We suggest that human factors such as land use activities may partially determine changes in warning degree.Our results emphasize that an early warning system for S.alterniflora invasion in China's eastern coastal wetlands is significant,and comprehensive control measures are needed,particularly for K.candel beach. 展开更多
关键词 Early warning system Ecological risk BP neural network model Spartina alterniflora invasion kandelia candel beaches Fujian China
作者 郭晋敏 杨升 +3 位作者 刘星 王金旺 王文卿 陈秋夏 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期39-49,共11页
[目的]深入了解秋茄响应低温胁迫的分子机制以及培育秋茄的抗寒新品种。[方法 ]以耐寒红树植物‘龙港’秋茄1年生容器苗为实验材料,15℃处理12 h为对照组(CK),-5℃处理12 h为低温组(LT),采用Illumina HiSeq测序平台进行转录组测序,挖掘... [目的]深入了解秋茄响应低温胁迫的分子机制以及培育秋茄的抗寒新品种。[方法 ]以耐寒红树植物‘龙港’秋茄1年生容器苗为实验材料,15℃处理12 h为对照组(CK),-5℃处理12 h为低温组(LT),采用Illumina HiSeq测序平台进行转录组测序,挖掘脱落酸信号途径相关基因。[结果 ]转录组测序共鉴定到148个转录因子,分属于25个转录因子家族,其中,ERF、NAC、WRKY、bHLH、MYB、bZIP、HB-other和MYB-related等家族所包含的基因数量较多,分别为17、14、12、12、10、9、6和6;差异组共筛选到1 330个差异表达基因(Differentially Expressed Genes, DEGs),其中,698(52.48%)个上调表达,632(47.52%)个下调表达;KEGG通路富集分析发现,DEGs显著富集在植物激素信号转导、苯丙素生物合成、半乳糖代谢、光合作用-天线蛋白和α-亚麻酸代谢等通路中;脱落酸信号途径相关基因KoPYL1、KoABF1和KoABF2上调表达,KoPP2C1和KoABF3下调表达,且这些基因表达情况与qRT-PCR验证结果一致。[结论 ]ERF、NAC、WRKY、b HLH、MYB、bZIP、HB-other和MYB-related等家族转录因子对秋茄响应低温胁迫起重要调控作用。植物激素信号转导、苯丙素生物合成、半乳糖代谢、光合作用-天线蛋白和α-亚麻酸代谢等是秋茄响应低温胁迫的重要KEGG通路。脱落酸信号途径中的KoPYL1、 KoPP2C1、KoABF1、KoABF2和KoABF3基因可作为后期研究秋茄响应低温胁迫的重要候选基因。 展开更多
关键词 秋茄 低温胁迫 转录组 转录因子 脱落酸信号途径
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