It has been commonly acknowledged that the current global mapping projects have encountered the accuracy challenge. By conducting a comparison among the four existing global land cover datasets (MODIS LC, GLC2000, GLC...It has been commonly acknowledged that the current global mapping projects have encountered the accuracy challenge. By conducting a comparison among the four existing global land cover datasets (MODIS LC, GLC2000, GLCNMO and GLOBCOVER), it has been identified that certain areas’ accuracy has dragged down the overall accuracy of these global land cover datasets. In this paper, those areas have been defined as the “unreliable area”. This study has recollected the training data from the “unreliable area” within the above four mentioned datasets and reclassified the “unreliable area” by using two supervised classifications. The final result has shown that compared with any existing datasets, a relatively higher accuracy has been able to achieve.展开更多
We evaluated the use of spatial sampling and satellite images to identify deforested areas in Wonju, South Korea. The changes in land cover were identified using a grid of sample points overlaid onto medium and high-r...We evaluated the use of spatial sampling and satellite images to identify deforested areas in Wonju, South Korea. The changes in land cover were identified using a grid of sample points overlaid onto medium and high-resolution remote sensing (RS) satellite images. Deforestation identified in this way (hereafter, RSD) was compared to administrative data on deforestation. We also compared high-resolution satellite images (HR-RSD) and actual deforestation based on categories which were Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change data. RSD generated by medium-resolution satellite images overesti- mated the amount of deforested area by 1.5-2.4 times the actual deforested area, whereas RSD generated by HR- RSD underestimated the amount of deforested area by 0.4-0.9 times the actual area. The highest degree of matching (90 %) was found in HR-RSD with a grid interval of 500 m and the accuracy of HR-RSD was the highest, at 67 %. The results also revealed that the largest cause of deforestation was the establishment of settlements followed by conversion to cropland and grassland. We conclude that for the identification of deforestation using satellite images, HR-RSD with a grid interval of 500 m is most suitable.展开更多
Land cover map for a part of North Sinai was produced using the FAO—Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) of 2004. The standard FAO classification scheme provides a standardized system of classification that can be...Land cover map for a part of North Sinai was produced using the FAO—Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) of 2004. The standard FAO classification scheme provides a standardized system of classification that can be used to analyze spatial and temporal land cover variability in the study area. This approach also has the advantage of facilitating the integration of Sinai land cover mapping products to be included with the regional and global land cover datasets. The total study area is 7450 km2 (1,773,842) feddans. The landscape classification was performed on SPOT4 data acquired in 2011 using combined multi-spectral bands of 20 meter spatial resolution. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to edit the classification result in order to reach the maximum possible accuracy. GIS was also used to include all necessary information. The identified vegetative land cover classes of the study area are irrigated herbaceous crops, irrigated tree crops and rain fed tree crops. The non-vegetated land covers in the study area include: bare rock, bare soil, bare soil stony, bare soil very stony, bare soil salt crusts, loose and shifting sands and sand dunes. The water bodies were classified as artificial perennial water bodies (fish ponds and irrigated canals) and natural perennial water bodies as lakes (standing) and rivers (flowing). Artificial surfaces in the study area include linear and non-linear. The produced maps and the statistics of the different land covers are included in the following sub-sections.展开更多
Up to date information about the existing land cover patterns and changes in land cover over time is one of the prime prerequisites for the preparation of an integrated development plan and economic development progra...Up to date information about the existing land cover patterns and changes in land cover over time is one of the prime prerequisites for the preparation of an integrated development plan and economic development program of a region. By using ETM+ image data from 2002, we provided a land cover map of deciduous forest regions in Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Initial qualitative evaluation of the data showed no significant radiometric errors. Image classification was carried out using a maximum likelihood-based supervised classification method. In the end, we determined five major land cover classes, i.e., grass lands, deciduous broad-leaf forest, cultivated land, river and land without vegetation cover. Accuracy, estimated by the use of criteria such as overall accuracy from a confusion matrix of classification was 86% with a 0.88 Kappa coefficient. Such high accuracy results demonstrate that the combined use of spectral and textural characteristics increased the number of classes in the field classification, also with excellent accuracy. The availability and use of time series of remote sensing data permit the detection and quantification of land cover changes and improve our understanding of the past and present status of forest ecosystems.展开更多
The aim of this study is to identify the relationship between Vegetation Cover (VC) and the land Surface Temperature (LST), using satellite data of Wadi Bisha, south the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The Landsat 7 T...The aim of this study is to identify the relationship between Vegetation Cover (VC) and the land Surface Temperature (LST), using satellite data of Wadi Bisha, south the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The Landsat 7 Thematic Mapper (ETM) thermal band (band 6) was used for calculating the (LST) values. The near-infrared (NIR) and red band (bands 3 and 4 respectively) were used for estimating the vegetation cover. ERDAS Imagine 9.3 and ArcGIS 10.2 were used in the current study. The results of the study show that the increase of vegetation cover (VC) coincides with decrease of (LST), while the decrease in vegetation cover is linked with increase of (LST). It was found that there was no vegetation observed in areas practiced the highest temperature of 49℃, while areas of lowest temperature of 28℃ were characterized by dense vegetation cover. Thus, a quite significant correlation is approved between the (VC) and the (LST), based on the validation of (50) locations. It was concluded that availability and continuity of Satellite remote sensing data was required for elaborating a continuous monitoring of vegetation cover conditions and mapping was recommended in Wadi Bisha. Operational monitoring is recommended to ensure the adoption of flexible land cover validation protocols.展开更多
The burning of crop residues emits large quantities of atmospheric aerosols.Published studies have developed inventories of emissions from crop residue burning based on statistical data.In contrast,this study used sat...The burning of crop residues emits large quantities of atmospheric aerosols.Published studies have developed inventories of emissions from crop residue burning based on statistical data.In contrast,this study used satellite-retrieved land-cover data(1 km×1 km)as activity data to compile an inventory of atmospheric pollutants emitted from the burning of crop residues in China in 2015.The emissions of PM10,PM2.5,VOCs,NOx,SO2,CO,and NH3 from burning crop straw on nonirrigated farmland in China in 2015 were 610.5,598.4,584.4,230.6,35.4,3329.3,and 36.1 Gg(1 Gg=109 g),respectively;the corresponding emissions from burning paddy rice residues were 234.1,229.7,342.3,57.5,57.5,1122.1,and 21.5 Gg,respectively.The emissions from crop residue burning showed large spatial and temporal variations.The emissions of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants from crop residue burning in nonirrigated farmland were highest in east China,particularly in Shandong,Henan,Anhui,and Sichuan provinces.Emissions from burning paddy rice residue were highest in east and central China,with particularly high levels in Shandong,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,and Hunan provinces.The monthly variations in atmospheric pollutant emissions were similar among different regions,with the highest levels observed in October in north,northeast,northwest,east,and southwest China and in June and July in central and south China.The developed inventory of emissions from crop residue burning is expected to help improve air quality models by providing high-resolution spatial and temporal data.展开更多
This paper assesses the changes in forest cover in Yok Don National Park of Vietnam between 2004 and 2010, and the implications of such changes on the biomass stocks of this national park. Remote sensing and GIS tools...This paper assesses the changes in forest cover in Yok Don National Park of Vietnam between 2004 and 2010, and the implications of such changes on the biomass stocks of this national park. Remote sensing and GIS tools along with the ground truth data collected from the field were employed for classifying the forest types of the study area from SPOT HRV satellite imagery for years 2004 and 2010. The total area considered in this study is 115.5 thousand ha. Five different categories of forests were identified. The results demonstrated that between 2004 and 2010, the Evergreen broad leaved rich quality forest decreased by 11.2 thousand ha (3.5 Mega tons of biomass) and the Dry open dipterocarps medium quality forest decreased by 15.3 thousand ha (2.5 Mega tons of biomass). In that time period, the Evergreen broad leaved medium quality forest increased by 3.2 thousand ha (0.8 Mega tons of biomass), the Evergreen broad leaved poor quality forest increased by 2.5 thousand ha (0.24 Mega tons of biomass), and the Dry open dipterocarps poor quality forest increased by 3.2 thousand ha (0.69 Mega tons of biomass). Total biomass of the study area decreased by 4.3 Mega tons.展开更多
Change analysis acquires effective information in the form of maps and statistical data which becomes the central component in spatial planning, monitoring environmental changes, management and utilization of land. Th...Change analysis acquires effective information in the form of maps and statistical data which becomes the central component in spatial planning, monitoring environmental changes, management and utilization of land. The present study makes an attempt to assess the changes in land use land cover using multi-temporal satellite data in south</span><span style="font-family:"">-</span><span style="font-family:"">east Rajasthan. These maps were derived from geocoded dia-positive False Color Composites (FCC’s) of IRS 1991, 2001, 2010 & 2018 using Arc GIS platform. The present study demonstrates the extension, approach and result of change analysis which might be helpful for decision making and sustainable growth. The landscape has been divided into 12 categories. Mining and its associated features were increased whereas forest and open scrub cover shows decreasing trend during the study period. The former increased by 23.82 km<sup>2</sup> while the later shrunk by 26.08 km<sup>2</sup>. Most significant changes are also witnessed in settlement and indus<span>trial area</span></span><span style="font-family:"">s</span><span style="font-family:""> which shows increment by 8.8 km<sup>2</sup> and 1.33 km<sup>2</sup>. Stone quarrying ha</span><span style="font-family:"">s</span><span style="font-family:""> destroyed arable land, natural vegetation cover, topsoil, subsoil and consequently the soil profile of the area. On the other hand cultivated land is increasing due to </span><span style="font-family:"">the </span><span style="font-family:"">conversion of uncultivated land and scrub cover with facilitation</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:"">of irrigation and modern agricultural activities under different government schemes. The study shows that the area of 184.88 km<sup>2</sup> </span><span style="font-family:"">has</span><span style="font-family:""> under</span><span style="font-family:"">gone</span><span style="font-family:""> significant spatial and temporal changes during </span><span style="font-family:"">the </span><span style="font-family:"">study perio</span><span style="font-family:"">d.展开更多
针对国产高分一号卫星(GF-1)成像质量是否可以满足区域生态环境监测需求的问题,开展了宽幅多光谱相机(wide field view,WFV)在荒漠绿洲过渡带的成像质量评估研究。从辐射质量、纹理、地类识别精度和归一化植被指数等方面构建评估指标,...针对国产高分一号卫星(GF-1)成像质量是否可以满足区域生态环境监测需求的问题,开展了宽幅多光谱相机(wide field view,WFV)在荒漠绿洲过渡带的成像质量评估研究。从辐射质量、纹理、地类识别精度和归一化植被指数等方面构建评估指标,定量分析了GF-1 WFV和Landsat-8OLI在荒漠绿洲过渡带的成像质量差异。结果表明:GF-1 WFV影像虽然具有较高的空间分辨率,但在辐射质量、地类识别效果、纹理信息及植被指数等方面与Landsat-8OLI相比有一定差距;GF-1 WFV影像的信噪比优势明显,对噪声的抑制效果较好;通过与纹理信息的波段组合,可以有效提高GF-1WFV影像的地物识别效果,缩小与Landsat-8OLI在分类精度上的差距;鉴于明显的光谱范围差异,二者归一化植被指数数据在协同应用的过程中宜分地物类型转换,在西北荒漠绿洲过渡带的国土资源调查、城市规划、农情监测等方面可发挥积极作用。展开更多
Due to the limitation of data sources, the application of Distributed Hydrological Models (DHMs) using earth observation data to research water resources is necessary. In this study, the BTOPMC (Block-wise use of TOPM...Due to the limitation of data sources, the application of Distributed Hydrological Models (DHMs) using earth observation data to research water resources is necessary. In this study, the BTOPMC (Block-wise use of TOPMODEL) model was applied for 2 basins in the tropical monsoon region. This is the first time that the land cover map of the CCI (Climate Change Initiative Land Cover Team) was prepared for input data instead of IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) land cover map as proposed in the demo version of the BTOPMC model. The calibration and validation results showed that the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients for daily stream discharge were 77.5% and 68.7% at Cung Son station (Ba basin). The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients for daily stream discharge were 79.4% and 69.0% at Binh Tuong station (Kone basin), respectively. Because of a stop in measuring the discharge at Binh Tuong station in 2007, this model was applied to simulate discharge during the period of 2008-2015. Furthermore, the effect of land cover on discharge at Cung Son station was considered. The annual discharge in 2010 at Cung Son decreased 8 m3/s in the comparison between two scenarios (land cover of 2000 and 2010). According to this result, it is possible to propose a wide application range of the DHMs model to the tropical monsoon river basins using earth observation data.展开更多
文摘It has been commonly acknowledged that the current global mapping projects have encountered the accuracy challenge. By conducting a comparison among the four existing global land cover datasets (MODIS LC, GLC2000, GLCNMO and GLOBCOVER), it has been identified that certain areas’ accuracy has dragged down the overall accuracy of these global land cover datasets. In this paper, those areas have been defined as the “unreliable area”. This study has recollected the training data from the “unreliable area” within the above four mentioned datasets and reclassified the “unreliable area” by using two supervised classifications. The final result has shown that compared with any existing datasets, a relatively higher accuracy has been able to achieve.
文摘We evaluated the use of spatial sampling and satellite images to identify deforested areas in Wonju, South Korea. The changes in land cover were identified using a grid of sample points overlaid onto medium and high-resolution remote sensing (RS) satellite images. Deforestation identified in this way (hereafter, RSD) was compared to administrative data on deforestation. We also compared high-resolution satellite images (HR-RSD) and actual deforestation based on categories which were Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change data. RSD generated by medium-resolution satellite images overesti- mated the amount of deforested area by 1.5-2.4 times the actual deforested area, whereas RSD generated by HR- RSD underestimated the amount of deforested area by 0.4-0.9 times the actual area. The highest degree of matching (90 %) was found in HR-RSD with a grid interval of 500 m and the accuracy of HR-RSD was the highest, at 67 %. The results also revealed that the largest cause of deforestation was the establishment of settlements followed by conversion to cropland and grassland. We conclude that for the identification of deforestation using satellite images, HR-RSD with a grid interval of 500 m is most suitable.
文摘Land cover map for a part of North Sinai was produced using the FAO—Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) of 2004. The standard FAO classification scheme provides a standardized system of classification that can be used to analyze spatial and temporal land cover variability in the study area. This approach also has the advantage of facilitating the integration of Sinai land cover mapping products to be included with the regional and global land cover datasets. The total study area is 7450 km2 (1,773,842) feddans. The landscape classification was performed on SPOT4 data acquired in 2011 using combined multi-spectral bands of 20 meter spatial resolution. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to edit the classification result in order to reach the maximum possible accuracy. GIS was also used to include all necessary information. The identified vegetative land cover classes of the study area are irrigated herbaceous crops, irrigated tree crops and rain fed tree crops. The non-vegetated land covers in the study area include: bare rock, bare soil, bare soil stony, bare soil very stony, bare soil salt crusts, loose and shifting sands and sand dunes. The water bodies were classified as artificial perennial water bodies (fish ponds and irrigated canals) and natural perennial water bodies as lakes (standing) and rivers (flowing). Artificial surfaces in the study area include linear and non-linear. The produced maps and the statistics of the different land covers are included in the following sub-sections.
文摘Up to date information about the existing land cover patterns and changes in land cover over time is one of the prime prerequisites for the preparation of an integrated development plan and economic development program of a region. By using ETM+ image data from 2002, we provided a land cover map of deciduous forest regions in Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Initial qualitative evaluation of the data showed no significant radiometric errors. Image classification was carried out using a maximum likelihood-based supervised classification method. In the end, we determined five major land cover classes, i.e., grass lands, deciduous broad-leaf forest, cultivated land, river and land without vegetation cover. Accuracy, estimated by the use of criteria such as overall accuracy from a confusion matrix of classification was 86% with a 0.88 Kappa coefficient. Such high accuracy results demonstrate that the combined use of spectral and textural characteristics increased the number of classes in the field classification, also with excellent accuracy. The availability and use of time series of remote sensing data permit the detection and quantification of land cover changes and improve our understanding of the past and present status of forest ecosystems.
文摘The aim of this study is to identify the relationship between Vegetation Cover (VC) and the land Surface Temperature (LST), using satellite data of Wadi Bisha, south the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The Landsat 7 Thematic Mapper (ETM) thermal band (band 6) was used for calculating the (LST) values. The near-infrared (NIR) and red band (bands 3 and 4 respectively) were used for estimating the vegetation cover. ERDAS Imagine 9.3 and ArcGIS 10.2 were used in the current study. The results of the study show that the increase of vegetation cover (VC) coincides with decrease of (LST), while the decrease in vegetation cover is linked with increase of (LST). It was found that there was no vegetation observed in areas practiced the highest temperature of 49℃, while areas of lowest temperature of 28℃ were characterized by dense vegetation cover. Thus, a quite significant correlation is approved between the (VC) and the (LST), based on the validation of (50) locations. It was concluded that availability and continuity of Satellite remote sensing data was required for elaborating a continuous monitoring of vegetation cover conditions and mapping was recommended in Wadi Bisha. Operational monitoring is recommended to ensure the adoption of flexible land cover validation protocols.
基金Under the auspices of National Key R&D Program of China(No.2017YFC0212303,2017YFC0212304)Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.QYZDB-SSW-DQC045)+1 种基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41775116)Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.2017275).
文摘The burning of crop residues emits large quantities of atmospheric aerosols.Published studies have developed inventories of emissions from crop residue burning based on statistical data.In contrast,this study used satellite-retrieved land-cover data(1 km×1 km)as activity data to compile an inventory of atmospheric pollutants emitted from the burning of crop residues in China in 2015.The emissions of PM10,PM2.5,VOCs,NOx,SO2,CO,and NH3 from burning crop straw on nonirrigated farmland in China in 2015 were 610.5,598.4,584.4,230.6,35.4,3329.3,and 36.1 Gg(1 Gg=109 g),respectively;the corresponding emissions from burning paddy rice residues were 234.1,229.7,342.3,57.5,57.5,1122.1,and 21.5 Gg,respectively.The emissions from crop residue burning showed large spatial and temporal variations.The emissions of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants from crop residue burning in nonirrigated farmland were highest in east China,particularly in Shandong,Henan,Anhui,and Sichuan provinces.Emissions from burning paddy rice residue were highest in east and central China,with particularly high levels in Shandong,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,and Hunan provinces.The monthly variations in atmospheric pollutant emissions were similar among different regions,with the highest levels observed in October in north,northeast,northwest,east,and southwest China and in June and July in central and south China.The developed inventory of emissions from crop residue burning is expected to help improve air quality models by providing high-resolution spatial and temporal data.
文摘This paper assesses the changes in forest cover in Yok Don National Park of Vietnam between 2004 and 2010, and the implications of such changes on the biomass stocks of this national park. Remote sensing and GIS tools along with the ground truth data collected from the field were employed for classifying the forest types of the study area from SPOT HRV satellite imagery for years 2004 and 2010. The total area considered in this study is 115.5 thousand ha. Five different categories of forests were identified. The results demonstrated that between 2004 and 2010, the Evergreen broad leaved rich quality forest decreased by 11.2 thousand ha (3.5 Mega tons of biomass) and the Dry open dipterocarps medium quality forest decreased by 15.3 thousand ha (2.5 Mega tons of biomass). In that time period, the Evergreen broad leaved medium quality forest increased by 3.2 thousand ha (0.8 Mega tons of biomass), the Evergreen broad leaved poor quality forest increased by 2.5 thousand ha (0.24 Mega tons of biomass), and the Dry open dipterocarps poor quality forest increased by 3.2 thousand ha (0.69 Mega tons of biomass). Total biomass of the study area decreased by 4.3 Mega tons.
文摘Change analysis acquires effective information in the form of maps and statistical data which becomes the central component in spatial planning, monitoring environmental changes, management and utilization of land. The present study makes an attempt to assess the changes in land use land cover using multi-temporal satellite data in south</span><span style="font-family:"">-</span><span style="font-family:"">east Rajasthan. These maps were derived from geocoded dia-positive False Color Composites (FCC’s) of IRS 1991, 2001, 2010 & 2018 using Arc GIS platform. The present study demonstrates the extension, approach and result of change analysis which might be helpful for decision making and sustainable growth. The landscape has been divided into 12 categories. Mining and its associated features were increased whereas forest and open scrub cover shows decreasing trend during the study period. The former increased by 23.82 km<sup>2</sup> while the later shrunk by 26.08 km<sup>2</sup>. Most significant changes are also witnessed in settlement and indus<span>trial area</span></span><span style="font-family:"">s</span><span style="font-family:""> which shows increment by 8.8 km<sup>2</sup> and 1.33 km<sup>2</sup>. Stone quarrying ha</span><span style="font-family:"">s</span><span style="font-family:""> destroyed arable land, natural vegetation cover, topsoil, subsoil and consequently the soil profile of the area. On the other hand cultivated land is increasing due to </span><span style="font-family:"">the </span><span style="font-family:"">conversion of uncultivated land and scrub cover with facilitation</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:"">of irrigation and modern agricultural activities under different government schemes. The study shows that the area of 184.88 km<sup>2</sup> </span><span style="font-family:"">has</span><span style="font-family:""> under</span><span style="font-family:"">gone</span><span style="font-family:""> significant spatial and temporal changes during </span><span style="font-family:"">the </span><span style="font-family:"">study perio</span><span style="font-family:"">d.
文摘Due to the limitation of data sources, the application of Distributed Hydrological Models (DHMs) using earth observation data to research water resources is necessary. In this study, the BTOPMC (Block-wise use of TOPMODEL) model was applied for 2 basins in the tropical monsoon region. This is the first time that the land cover map of the CCI (Climate Change Initiative Land Cover Team) was prepared for input data instead of IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) land cover map as proposed in the demo version of the BTOPMC model. The calibration and validation results showed that the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients for daily stream discharge were 77.5% and 68.7% at Cung Son station (Ba basin). The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients for daily stream discharge were 79.4% and 69.0% at Binh Tuong station (Kone basin), respectively. Because of a stop in measuring the discharge at Binh Tuong station in 2007, this model was applied to simulate discharge during the period of 2008-2015. Furthermore, the effect of land cover on discharge at Cung Son station was considered. The annual discharge in 2010 at Cung Son decreased 8 m3/s in the comparison between two scenarios (land cover of 2000 and 2010). According to this result, it is possible to propose a wide application range of the DHMs model to the tropical monsoon river basins using earth observation data.