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作者 钟华 杨凯元 +4 位作者 秦云梦 高鹏 黄臣 蒋霖 赵祥 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1819-1831,共13页
本研究选择达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza daurica)根瘤分离且结瘤效果较好的7株根瘤菌(TG64,TG97,TG98,TG100,TG101,TG105和TG115),通过测定达乌里胡枝子生长表型和主要营养成分,结合结瘤和光合特性初步分析促生的生理生化机制,研究不同根瘤... 本研究选择达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza daurica)根瘤分离且结瘤效果较好的7株根瘤菌(TG64,TG97,TG98,TG100,TG101,TG105和TG115),通过测定达乌里胡枝子生长表型和主要营养成分,结合结瘤和光合特性初步分析促生的生理生化机制,研究不同根瘤菌的促生作用;通过分子生物学、形态学和生理生化特性鉴定高效根瘤菌。结果表明:除TG64,其余菌株显著提高了株高、根长、生物量和蛋白质含量,改善了根系构建,TG101促生最明显。所有处理单株结瘤5~33个,根瘤干重2.55~35.87 mg;TG98,TG100,TG101和TG115显著提高了叶绿素含量、光合和氮吸收能力,是促生的主要生理生化机制。经鉴定,TG101为格木慢生根瘤菌(Bradyrhizobium erythrophlei)。综上,根瘤菌通过改善植株氮营养促进叶绿素合成、增强光系统活性,提高光合能力,进而促进干物质积累调控生长。其中TG101为高效根瘤菌,为后续研发适用黄土高原的达乌里胡枝子根瘤菌剂提供了菌种资源和理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 达乌里胡枝子 根瘤菌 筛选 鉴定
硫化氢对盐胁迫下达乌里胡枝子生长和抗氧化系统的影响 被引量:1
作者 张亚慧 马春 +5 位作者 张晓燕 张田 王开喜 赵祥 朱慧森 王永新 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期772-780,共9页
为探讨外源硫化氢对盐胁迫下达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)幼苗生长和抗氧化系统的影响,本试验以盐胁迫下的达乌里胡枝子为研究对象,通过施加不同浓度的外源硫化氢,并在盐胁迫第0,10,20,30 d分别测定幼苗的生长特性和抗氧化系统指... 为探讨外源硫化氢对盐胁迫下达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)幼苗生长和抗氧化系统的影响,本试验以盐胁迫下的达乌里胡枝子为研究对象,通过施加不同浓度的外源硫化氢,并在盐胁迫第0,10,20,30 d分别测定幼苗的生长特性和抗氧化系统指标。结果表明:施加外源硫化氢缓减了盐胁迫对达乌里胡枝子幼苗生长的抑制作用,提高了盐胁迫下达乌里胡枝子幼苗抗氧化酶活性以及抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽含量,增加了叶片相对含水量,降低了叶片相对电导率以及丙二醛的含量。综上所述,施加外源硫化氢在一定程度上提高了达乌里胡枝子幼苗叶片的抗氧化酶活性,延缓了膜脂过氧化的发生,因此增强了达乌里胡枝子幼苗对盐的耐受性。 展开更多
关键词 达乌里胡枝子 硫化氢 盐胁迫 抗氧化系统
作者 朱泯珏 陈橙 +4 位作者 史文甯 李景冲 殷俐娜 王仕稳 邓西平 《种子》 北大核心 2024年第3期1-10,共10页
为优化达乌里胡枝子愈伤诱导培养基的激素含量及比例,明确甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变愈伤组织及种子的最佳条件,本研究以达乌里胡枝子种子为外植体,探究了不同激素配比对愈伤诱导的影响,并针对愈伤组织和种子处理分别设置了两时间两浓度(2 h... 为优化达乌里胡枝子愈伤诱导培养基的激素含量及比例,明确甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变愈伤组织及种子的最佳条件,本研究以达乌里胡枝子种子为外植体,探究了不同激素配比对愈伤诱导的影响,并针对愈伤组织和种子处理分别设置了两时间两浓度(2 h和6 h,0.3%和0.9%)及三时间两浓度(6 h、8 h、10 h,0.4%、0.8%)的EMS处理时间和浓度的组合,研究各处理对愈伤分化系数和后期植株成活率以及种子发芽率、发芽势和幼苗表型变异的影响。结果表明,达乌里胡枝子种子愈伤的最佳激素配比为0.25 mg/L NAA+0.5 mg/L 6-BA+0.5 mg/L 2,4-D,此时达乌里胡枝子愈伤诱导率为94.9%。EMS诱变达乌里胡枝子愈伤组织的适宜浓度为0.3%,处理时间为6 h,分化系数和植株相对成活率分别为46.31%和47.78%,接近半致死范围,且生根数、根长和平均株高等指标与高浓度EMS处理相比受到的负面影响较小。EMS诱变达乌里胡枝子种子的适宜浓度为0.8%,处理时间10 h,发芽率、出苗率、成苗率分别为53.61%、51.06%和53.28%,均接近半致死量,同时发现多株幼苗叶片出现了明显的形态变异。本试验在达乌里胡枝子原有种质资源基础上,丰富了达乌里胡枝子突变体库,也为后续开展达乌里胡枝子诱变育种研究提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 达乌里胡枝子 EMS 愈伤组织 种子诱变
木本植物适应酸性土壤机理的研究进展——以胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)和油茶(Camellia oleifera)为例 被引量:12
作者 陈荣府 董晓英 +1 位作者 赵学强 沈仁芳 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期252-258,共7页
综述了近年来木本植物适应酸性土壤的耐铝机理研究进展,重点以酸性土壤先锋植物胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)和铝累积植物油茶(Camellia oleifera)为例,总结了木本植物根系有机酸的分泌、铝吸收和运输机制及铝与氮磷胁迫的协同适应等。木... 综述了近年来木本植物适应酸性土壤的耐铝机理研究进展,重点以酸性土壤先锋植物胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)和铝累积植物油茶(Camellia oleifera)为例,总结了木本植物根系有机酸的分泌、铝吸收和运输机制及铝与氮磷胁迫的协同适应等。木本植物有铝累积和铝排斥植物之分;铝排斥植物胡枝子耐铝的重要机制是其根系同时分泌柠檬酸和苹果酸;铝累积植物油茶高效累积铝的原因在于其不仅可以高效吸收土壤和土壤溶液中广泛存在的铝(Al3+和Al-F),而且可以通过木质部运输和特定季节韧皮部运输的配合实现铝的高效分配和传输;铵态氮相对于硝态氮可缓解胡枝子的铝毒害;磷对不同胡枝子耐铝作用的影响明显不同。木本植物适应酸性土壤机理的深入研究将会有助于完善植物的耐铝机理及铝运输理论,并为酸性土壤中矿质养分管理提供理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 酸性土壤 木本植物 油茶 胡枝子 适应机制
作者 王雯颖 徐宝珠 +2 位作者 胡佳瑶 潘高 刘文胜 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期5269-5279,共11页
大叶胡枝子(Lespedeza davidii)为一种豆科灌木,具有较强耐受重金属胁迫及固氮能力,也是矿区一种重要修复植物。丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF)是一类植物共生真菌,它在矿区与植物共生可促进植物生长、提高植物的抗逆... 大叶胡枝子(Lespedeza davidii)为一种豆科灌木,具有较强耐受重金属胁迫及固氮能力,也是矿区一种重要修复植物。丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF)是一类植物共生真菌,它在矿区与植物共生可促进植物生长、提高植物的抗逆性;但其种类、分布及其影响机制尚不够清楚。以大叶胡枝子灌丛土壤AMF群落为研究对象,采集矿区与非矿区大叶胡枝子冠下及其相邻空旷地土壤进行内部转录间隔区(ITS)测序,分析土壤理化性质,揭示不同样地土壤AMF群落的多样性及其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)土壤样本共得到2961个可操作分类单元(OTU),其中属于AMF的OTU为66个;Silva数据库比对发现AMF有7目10科16属24种。AMF总体物种丰度为矿区相邻空旷地土壤>矿区冠下土壤>非矿区冠下土壤>非矿区相邻空旷地土壤,Shannon指数和Simpson指数与该趋势保持一致。(2)矿区土壤AMF群落以内养囊霉属(Entrophospora)等为优势属,非矿区冠下以斗管囊霉属(Funneliformis)等为优势属。稀有内养囊霉(Entrophospora infrequens)是4个样地共有的优势种,该种为广谱生态型种;Archaeospora sp.和Paraglomerales sp.为矿区冠下的优势种,它们对锰胁迫有较强的耐受性;Funneliformis sp.为非矿区冠下的优势种。(3)冗余分析(RDA)表明,AMF的种类和数量受到锰含量、土壤pH值以及全磷含量的显著影响。本研究结果说明AMF种类及多样性受到土壤理化性质的影响;矿区一些耐性AMF的存在提高了AMF多样性,它们有利于逆境条件下植物的生长。 展开更多
关键词 矿区 大叶胡枝子 丛枝菌根真菌 多样性 灌丛
Tissue Culture of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya 被引量:3
作者 陈佳 李忠秋 陈晓阳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第3期359-362,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to carry out study on tissue culture of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya. [Method] The seeds of L. cyrtobotrya were used as materials to study on its tissue culture. [Result] The best sterilization time t... [Objective] The aim was to carry out study on tissue culture of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya. [Method] The seeds of L. cyrtobotrya were used as materials to study on its tissue culture. [Result] The best sterilization time to L. cyrtobotrya seeds was 8 min with 2.1% NaClO,in which shooting percent reached 37.8% and no polluted situations occurred. In the primary culture with the MS as basal medium,the concentration of 6-BA showed a significant effect on the index of buds differentiation,the optimum differentiation culture medium was MS+BA 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L+2,4-D 0.01 mg/L,on which the index of generation could reach 6.69. The optimum subculture medium was MS+6-BA 1.0 mg/L+2,4-D 0.05 mg/L. The plants can generate the highest roots and rooting percent with IBA 0.50 mg/L. [Conclusion] This study had provided theoretical basis for genetic improvement of L. cyrtobotrya. 展开更多
关键词 lespedeza cyrtobotrya Tissue culture REGENERATION
水土资源恢复中的先锋豆科灌木──胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)的栽植研究 被引量:27
作者 杨艳生 刘柏根 沙寄石 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSCD 1994年第4期330-336,共7页
胡枝子栽植在侵蚀劣地上,其栽植技术简单,表现耐瘠、耐旱、耐寒,根系发达,生物量高,其枝叶或可作“三料”或可用以编织;同其它常见灌木相比,具有显著的生长优势。利用胡枝子碎粉培殖香茹,既能节约大量木材,又可获取可观经济效... 胡枝子栽植在侵蚀劣地上,其栽植技术简单,表现耐瘠、耐旱、耐寒,根系发达,生物量高,其枝叶或可作“三料”或可用以编织;同其它常见灌木相比,具有显著的生长优势。利用胡枝子碎粉培殖香茹,既能节约大量木材,又可获取可观经济效益;胡枝子栽植对侵蚀劣地蓄水改土效果明显,对恢复土壤肥力和水利资源,因而值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 水土资源 先锋豆科灌木 胡枝子 种植
作者 冯树林 周婷 王军利 《热带农业科学》 2024年第6期61-68,共8页
探究生物炭基肥对干旱胁迫下胡枝子幼苗叶水势的影响,为胡枝子的栽培利用提供理论和技术支撑。通过温室盆栽试验,研究不同生物炭基肥添加量(750、1 500、2250 kg/hm^(2))和不同水分处理[100.00%Soil Relative Water Content(SRWC),87.84... 探究生物炭基肥对干旱胁迫下胡枝子幼苗叶水势的影响,为胡枝子的栽培利用提供理论和技术支撑。通过温室盆栽试验,研究不同生物炭基肥添加量(750、1 500、2250 kg/hm^(2))和不同水分处理[100.00%Soil Relative Water Content(SRWC),87.84%SRWC,70.00%SRWC,52.16%SRWC,40.00%SRWC]对胡枝子叶水势的影响。结果表明:在750、1500、2250 kg/hm^(2)生物炭基肥添加条件下,随着干旱胁迫程度加剧,植物幼苗叶水势逐渐下降,水分胁迫指数逐渐上升;40.00%SRWC处理组的植株叶水势下降幅度较大,15和30d干旱历时下,3个生物炭基肥处理的胡枝子幼苗平均叶水势分别比对照下降了0.69和0.48 MPa。旱后复水条件下植物叶水势逐渐恢复,恢复情况与干旱程度、干旱历时紧密相关。复水6d后,除15 d干旱历时下52.16%SRWC和40.00%SRWC处理的胡枝子幼苗叶水势未完全恢复到对照水平外,其余处理组的植株叶水势均恢复到接近或超过对照水平,出现补偿效应和超补偿效应。 展开更多
关键词 胡枝子 干旱胁迫 复水 生物炭基肥 水分生理
作者 张鑫月 周晓慧 +3 位作者 张悦 史宝胜 庞会娟 刘嘉君 《中国农学通报》 2024年第16期83-88,共6页
为建立胡枝子属植物观赏综合评价体系,通过层次分析法(AHP法)构建胡枝子属植物的观赏性评价结构模型,并用该模型对12个胡枝子种类(品种)进行观赏性综合评价。通过相关的公式、评价指标的评分标准以及总权重系数的确定,测算出各种(品种)... 为建立胡枝子属植物观赏综合评价体系,通过层次分析法(AHP法)构建胡枝子属植物的观赏性评价结构模型,并用该模型对12个胡枝子种类(品种)进行观赏性综合评价。通过相关的公式、评价指标的评分标准以及总权重系数的确定,测算出各种(品种)的观赏性综合评分。结果表明,花色、花期、花序大小及耐旱耐寒性在13个指标中所占权重较大(W_(i)≥0.09),是评价胡枝子属植物观赏价值重要的指标。花大色浓、花期长久、花繁叶茂、抗寒抗旱等特点的分值较高,在评分标准中均为5分。根据评分标准将12个胡枝子种类(品种)划分为4个等级,综合得分最高的3个胡枝子属植物为胡枝子‘、夏日香雪’、多花胡枝子,这3种胡枝子观赏价值高、适应性强、经济价值高,是良好的园林观赏植物,在河北地区具有较好的园林应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 胡枝子属 层次分析法 观赏性评价 种质资源 综合评价
Effect of Supplemental Sericea Lespedeza Pellets on Internal Parasite Infection and Nutritional Status of Grazing Goats
作者 Tiffani Hamilton Thomas Tenill +6 位作者 Dill Sandeep Kommuru: Aqiyla Rivers Jorge Mosjidis James Miller Chris Drake Irene Mueller-Harvey Joan Burke 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第5期334-344,共11页
Feeding pelleted sericea lespedeza (SL; Lespedeza cuneata) on pasture can reduce gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) and coccidia (Eimeria spp.) infection in sheep and goats, but effects on nutritional status are un... Feeding pelleted sericea lespedeza (SL; Lespedeza cuneata) on pasture can reduce gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) and coccidia (Eimeria spp.) infection in sheep and goats, but effects on nutritional status are unclear. Therefore, a study was completed comparing yearling goats grazing grass pasture supplemented with SL or non-condensed tannins (CT) commercial pellets (control group), respectively, at 1.5% of body weight for 14 weeks, and then after 14 weeks, they were only fed with non-CT pellets at 2.5% of body weight for additional six weeks. Animal body weight was measured at the start of the trial, the 7th week, 14th week and end of the trial. Fecal samples were taken weekly to determine GIN egg output (fecal egg count; FEC) and coccidial oocyst production (fecal oocyst count; FOC). Blood samples (to determine packed cell volume; PCV) were taken weekly to monitor anemia status of the goats, and on days 0, 98 and 137 to determine aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and creatine kinase (CK). The study revealed that supplemental SL leaf meal pellets had no effect on FEC, but reduced FOC (P 〈 0.05) and improved FAMACHA~ scores (P 〈 0.001) in the goats, and the SL supplemented goats tended to gain more weight (P = 0.07) than control animals during the first 49 d, following initiation of pellet feeding. There were no treatment effects on enzymes related to liver function or muscle turnover (AST, ALT and CK), suggesting that there was no muscle damage due to long-term feeding of SL pellets. In conclusion, feeding supplemental SL pellets at 1.5% of body weight on pasture may be a viable strategy for improving health and productivity of yearling goats. 展开更多
关键词 COCCIDIA gastrointestinal nematodes goats MICRONUTRIENT sericea lespedeza.
作者 王杰芬 吴国华 +3 位作者 汤啸峰 钟张胜 钱其霞 葛永金 《陕西林业科技》 2024年第5期18-22,共5页
胡枝子作为一种常见的豆科蜜源植物,青草产量高,养分元素丰富,可作为绿肥使用,与油茶套作可以提高油茶产量。通过对油茶林下胡枝子的生物量及元素累积情况的研究,有助于进一步指导胡枝子作为绿肥的推广应用。采用随机取样,全挖取法,收... 胡枝子作为一种常见的豆科蜜源植物,青草产量高,养分元素丰富,可作为绿肥使用,与油茶套作可以提高油茶产量。通过对油茶林下胡枝子的生物量及元素累积情况的研究,有助于进一步指导胡枝子作为绿肥的推广应用。采用随机取样,全挖取法,收集试验材料,用Excel整理数据,用SPSS软件对胡枝子各器官生物量进行线性和非线性分析和元素累积分析,从而得到各器官生物量最优模型。结果表明:单株胡枝子各器官生物量(M)均与株高(H)构建最优模型分别为:M_(1)=-9.023×10^(-5)H^(3)-0.008 H^(2)-0.186H+1.360、M_(2)=0.078H-0.188、M_(3)=-4.486×10^(-5)H^(3)+0.004 H^(2)-0.087H+0.647、M_(4)=0.01 H^(2)-0.24H+1.788、M_(5)=0.078H-0.188、M_(6)=0.0013 H^(2)-0.298H+2.273。胡枝子中元素累积顺序为:N>K>Ca>P>Mg>Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu,总的趋势为Cu、Fe元素在根组织中含量较高,N、P、K、Mn、Ca、Mg、Zn元素在叶组织中较高。单株胡枝子总干质量为1.07 g·株^(-1),估算每产1 kg胡枝子可累积N、P、K、Fe、Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn、Mn的量分别为49.34、4.04、19.5、2.98、16.02、4.19、34.32、163.11、988.75 mg。通过对油茶林下胡枝子各器官生物量模型的构建以及元素累积的分析,为提高套种油茶林下胡枝子产量,获得更好地经济效益提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 胡枝子 生物量 数学模型 回归分析 微量元素
作者 林阳 荆烁 +1 位作者 于欣 朱虹 《辽宁林业科技》 2024年第2期25-28,共4页
为探明辽西地区两种常见灌木合适的播种育苗基质,在3种基质上播胡枝子和荆条种子,测定2种苗木的根系指标。结果表明:育苗基质对胡枝子幼苗的根基径、主根长及根总体积无明显影响。在育苗基质中掺入碎石砾,胡枝子幼苗的主根、侧根较粗,... 为探明辽西地区两种常见灌木合适的播种育苗基质,在3种基质上播胡枝子和荆条种子,测定2种苗木的根系指标。结果表明:育苗基质对胡枝子幼苗的根基径、主根长及根总体积无明显影响。在育苗基质中掺入碎石砾,胡枝子幼苗的主根、侧根较粗,细根发育不好,根总表面积相对较小,而掺入较多的园土更有利于胡枝子幼苗的侧根发育。育苗基质对荆条幼苗的根基径、根幅、总根长、根总表面积和根总体积均无明显影响,在基质中掺入一定比例的碎石砾和河沙有利于荆条幼苗的主根垂直生长发育。最后筛选出适宜的育苗基质,胡枝子为V_(河沙):V_(园土)=1:1,荆条为V_(碎石砾):V_(河沙):V_(园土)=1:1:1。 展开更多
关键词 育苗基质 胡枝子 荆条 根系
作者 宋选飞 谢欢 +4 位作者 周斌 杨芳芳 刘耀 徐剑 张永萍 《贵州科学》 2024年第2期16-22,共7页
目的:研究血人参不同极性部位促创伤性慢性创面愈合效果,筛选出最佳活性部位并对其进行成分研究。方法:建立创伤性慢性创面,给予不同极性部位的血人参提取物,通过创面愈合情况与程度筛选出促创愈合的最佳活性部位;通过LC-MS对最佳活性... 目的:研究血人参不同极性部位促创伤性慢性创面愈合效果,筛选出最佳活性部位并对其进行成分研究。方法:建立创伤性慢性创面,给予不同极性部位的血人参提取物,通过创面愈合情况与程度筛选出促创愈合的最佳活性部位;通过LC-MS对最佳活性部位进行全谱分析。结果:血人参不同极性部位提取物对创伤性慢性创面均有不同程度的治疗效果,其中石油醚萃取部位的治疗效果最佳;LC-MS全谱分析结果显示,石油醚萃取物中主要含大量的脂肪酰类、部分黄酮和异黄酮、羧酸及其衍生物、香豆素及其衍生物等物质。结论:血人参石油醚萃取物对大鼠创伤性慢性创面的治疗效果最佳,可能是其中的脂肪酰、黄酮、香豆素以及羧酸类化合物发挥合疗效的结果。 展开更多
关键词 血人参 慢性创面 石油醚萃取物
Structure, composition and enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-exploded lespedeza stalks 被引量:6
作者 Wang Kun Wang Fang Jiang Jian-xin Zhu Li-wei Fan Hong-zhuai 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2007年第2期137-141,共5页
Pretreatment of lespedeza stalks by steam explosion has been studied. The results indicate that steam-exploded pretreatment has strong effects on physical features, morphology, crystallinity, and composition of lesped... Pretreatment of lespedeza stalks by steam explosion has been studied. The results indicate that steam-exploded pretreatment has strong effects on physical features, morphology, crystallinity, and composition of lespedeza stalks as shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared (IR), and X-ray diffraction spectrometry methods. After steam explosion, the cellulose and lignin contents of lespedeza stalks varied only slightly, but the hemicellulose content had decreased from 29.34% to 7.48%. The cellulose obtained by steam-exploded pretreatment had a higher degree of crystallinity than that of the raw material. At the explosion condition of 2.25 MPa and 4 min, lignocellulose is easier to hydrolyze by enzyme than the original lignocellulose. The concentration of reduced sugar in the hydrolyzate liquid increased from 71.77 to 162.84 g·L^-1. 展开更多
关键词 steam explosion lespedeza stalks STRUCTURE COMPOSITION enzymatic hydrolysis
Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of steam-pretreated lespedeza stalks for the production of ethanol 被引量:2
作者 Jiang Jian-xin Zhu Li-wei Wang Kun Wang Wei-gan 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2006年第3期30-33,共4页
Lespedeza stalks were subjected to steam pretreatment at 210℃ for some steaming time before simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). Cellulose-derived glucose was extensively utilized by yeast during S... Lespedeza stalks were subjected to steam pretreatment at 210℃ for some steaming time before simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). Cellulose-derived glucose was extensively utilized by yeast during SSE The ethanol yields after steam pretreatment of the lespedeza stalks at 210℃ were 59.3%, 72.8% and 62.2% of the theoretically expected values when the steaming times were 2, 4 and 6 min, respectively. The highest yield from α-cellulose was 92.7% of the theoretical value. Steam explosion pretreatment of lespedeza stalks increased ethanol yields by a factor of 4.4, from 16.4% (untreated) to 72.8% (steam explosion pretreated). 展开更多
关键词 ETHANOL lespedeza stalks steam explosion simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
Phenotypic variation in thirteen native provenances of Lespedeza bicolor Turcz 被引量:1
作者 Pian Rui-qi Zhao Yang +1 位作者 Li Wei Chen Xiao-yang 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2007年第4期272-278,共7页
Lespedeza bicolor Turcz is a native shrub in the temperate region of China. Thirteen provenances of L. bicolor were investigated in our study. Morphological diversity among and within provenances were analyzed based o... Lespedeza bicolor Turcz is a native shrub in the temperate region of China. Thirteen provenances of L. bicolor were investigated in our study. Morphological diversity among and within provenances were analyzed based on 19 phenotypic traits, including seven vegetative growth characteristics, nine floral traits and three pod characteristics. The coefficient of variation (CV) ranged from 6.4% to 65.4% and the phenotypic differentiation coefficient from 43.3% to 97.3%. Analyses of variance showed that there were extremely significant variations among and within provenances in pod length. Differences in plant height, inter-nodal length, number of branches, leaf width, leaf length and leaf area were not remarkable among provenance, but distinct within provenances. Other traits showed evidence of contrasts. Variation among provenances was the main part of phenotypic variation. Correlation analysis indicated that there were highly significant positive correlations between plant height and other vegetative growth characteristics. Floral traits were not associated with vegetative growth characteristics. The 13 provenances of L. bicolor investigated can be classified into three groups according to a UPGMA cluster analysis. 展开更多
关键词 lespedeza bicolor phenotypic variation analysis of variance correlation analysis cluster analysis
Effects of Four Chemicals on Tissue Differentiation of Lespedeza bicolor in In-vitro Culture
作者 Xiaohong YANG Wen LIU +1 位作者 Lin TANG Xiaojuan XIE 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第1期56-59,66,共5页
In order to find the optimal bacteriostatic agents and selectors and their concentrations in genetic transformation of Lespedeza bicolor with BADH as a marker gene, an resistance experiment was carried out with four c... In order to find the optimal bacteriostatic agents and selectors and their concentrations in genetic transformation of Lespedeza bicolor with BADH as a marker gene, an resistance experiment was carried out with four chemicals, NaCl, betaine aldehyde, PEG and cefotaxime (Cef) added into the media, Different concentrations and combinations of different chemicals were added into the media in the stage of adventitious bud regeneration of cotyledonary nodes, Shoot segment multiplication, and rooting. The results showed that NaCI and betaine aldehyde could inhibit tissue differentiation of L. bicolor, and could thus be used as selectors. Furthermore, 0.8 g/L NaCI could completely inhibit the cotytedonary node differentiation and shoot segment multiplication, and 0.5 g/L NaCI was optimal for inhibition of rooting. It was also found that with the concentration increase of betaine aldehyde in media, adventitious buds regenerated from cotyledonary nodes decreased, and 1.5 g/L was confirmed to be the optimum concentration. Moreover, the mixture of 0.7 g/L NaCI and 0.3 g/L betaine aldehyde significantly inhibited shoot segment multiplication and rooting, so this mixture could be used asa selector. The Cef ex- periment showed that 200-300 mg/L C, ef in media did not inhibit significantly the regeneration of adventitious buds from cotyledonary nodes, and 100 mg/L Cef had little effect on the shoot segment multiplication and rooting. 展开更多
关键词 lespedeza bicolor NaCl Betaine aldehyde CEFOTAXIME POLYETHYLENEGLYCOL In-vitro culture
Effect of Ensiling on Efficacy of Sericea Lespedeza against Gastrointestinal Nematodes and Coccidia in Goats
作者 Niki Whitley Thomas Terrill +9 位作者 Elizabeth Griffin Loreal Greer-Mapson Anil Singh Vicki Owen Greg Dykes, Dill Sandeep Kommuru James Miller Jorge Mosjidis Somashekhar Punnuri Joan Burke4 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2018年第6期377-387,共11页
Effect of ensiled sericea lespedeza(SL,Lespedeza cuneata)on indicators of gastrointestinal parasitism was investigated in two trials using intact male Spanish goats(n=36/trial).Naturally parasite-infected animals at 2... Effect of ensiled sericea lespedeza(SL,Lespedeza cuneata)on indicators of gastrointestinal parasitism was investigated in two trials using intact male Spanish goats(n=36/trial).Naturally parasite-infected animals at 24.4±3.7 kg body weight(BW)and nine months of age or 24.6±0.57 kg BW at 4-6 months of age were used for 28 d or 21 d for Trials 1 and 2,respectively.For Trial 1,goats were fed SL silage(SLS),SL hay(SLH),or Bermuda grass(BG,Cynodon dactylon)hay at 70%of the diet.For Trial 2,goats were provided with SLH or SLS and orally drenched with distilled water(Hay or silage plus water,HW and SW,respectively)or polyethylene glycol(PEG;SLS only;SP)daily.Fecal and blood samples were collected weekly to determine gastrointestinal nematode fecal egg counts(FEC)and coccidia fecal oocyst counts(FOC)per gram of feces and blood packed cell volume(PCV).The SL diets significantly reduced(p<0.05)FEC and FOC in both trials,with the SLH diet reducing FEC 7 d faster compared to SLS.In PEG-treated goats,FOC tended to increase(p<0.07)at day 7 before decreasing.There was no treatment effect on PCV scores.Overall,SLH and SLS reduced fecal egg and oocyst counts in goats,but PEG results were inconclusive,so more research is needed. 展开更多
关键词 COCCIDIA GASTROINTESTINAL nematodes goats sericea lespedeza SILAGE
Effect of Ground and Pelleted Sericea Lespedeza Whole Plant and Leaf Only on Gastrointestinal Nematode and Coccidial Infection in Goats
作者 Gregory Dykes Thomas Terrill +4 位作者 Niki Whitley Anil Singh Jorge Mosjidis Joan Burke James Miller 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2019年第2期93-102,共10页
Two 42-day feeding trials in pens were completed with young goats(Spanish,intact male,six months old,n=29 Trial 1;n=20 Trial 2)to determine the anti-parasitic bioactivity of whole plant and leaf only sericea lespedeza... Two 42-day feeding trials in pens were completed with young goats(Spanish,intact male,six months old,n=29 Trial 1;n=20 Trial 2)to determine the anti-parasitic bioactivity of whole plant and leaf only sericea lespedeza(SL;Lespedeza cuneata)fed as a ground meal or in pelleted form.In Trial 1,goats were fed SL leaf only pellets,SL whole plant pellets,or a commercial goat pellet as 50%of a complete ration,while in Trial 2,kids were fed either ground SL leaf meal or ground whole plant SL meal as 25%of a complete ration.Fecal samples were collected weekly for determination of gastrointestinal nematode(GIN)fecal egg counts(FEC)and coccidia fecal oocyst counts(FOC).In Trial 1,both of the pelleted SL rations reduced FEC(p<0.06)relative to the kids fed the control ration,and for FOC,there were lower values on Days 7 to 42 relative to Day 0 for goats on either pelleted SL diet,while FOC for control animals did not change over time(interaction,p<0.01).In Trial 2,both ground whole plant and leaf only SL diets reduced(p<0.05)FEC of the goats over time,but the effect was faster in the kids on the SL leaf meal ration.At 50%of the diet,SL leaf and whole plant meal pellets were equally effective against GIN egg and coccidial oocyst production in young kids,but SL leaf meal was more effective in reducing GIN egg production than whole plant SL meal when fed at 25%of the diet. 展开更多
关键词 COCCIDIA GASTROINTESTINAL nematodes goats PELLETS sericea lespedeza
陇东黄土高原优势植物不同龄级株丛数量性状及养分特征 被引量:1
作者 张成霞 瓦勒塔 +1 位作者 牟晓明 常生华 《草业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期61-70,共10页
研究草地植物种群数量特征,可揭示其对环境和放牧干扰的适应性机制,以往龄级水平草地植物种群数量性状研究相对缺乏。本研究以2种放牧年限下黄土高原典型草原优势植物(长芒草、达乌里胡枝子和茵陈蒿)为对象,通过对不同龄级下3种植物株... 研究草地植物种群数量特征,可揭示其对环境和放牧干扰的适应性机制,以往龄级水平草地植物种群数量性状研究相对缺乏。本研究以2种放牧年限下黄土高原典型草原优势植物(长芒草、达乌里胡枝子和茵陈蒿)为对象,通过对不同龄级下3种植物株丛数量性状及养分特征的定量分析,探究植物种群龄级划分方法,明晰放牧下植物种群数量性状变化规律。结果表明:1)3种植物数量性状在轮牧第6和11年间整体变化小。2)放牧年限对各龄级植物种群株丛特征影响为茵陈蒿<长芒草和达乌里胡枝子,2种轮牧年份下3种植物株丛特征均随龄级增加呈增加趋势;达乌里胡枝子冠幅和基径及长芒草冠幅、基径和分糵数均为幼龄期<其他龄级。3)长芒草磷(P)含量为幼龄期<成年期和老年前期+老年期,达乌里胡枝子和茵陈蒿则与之相反;3种植物粗蛋白(CP)含量为老年前期+老年期<幼龄期和成年期,酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)含量则与之相反;各龄级磷(P)、钙(Ca)、钾(K)和镁(Mg)含量为长芒草<达乌里胡枝子和茵陈蒿。研究表明,依据3种植物株丛分蘖或分枝特征及“空心化”程度,可有效划分其龄级;轮牧下3种植物数量性状具有较高稳定性,放牧年限对植物株丛特性的影响受龄级调控。 展开更多
关键词 长芒草 达乌里胡枝子 茵陈蒿 龄级 株丛性状
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