Exercise is a potent force of nature with significant potential for extending longevity and boosting physical fitness. It is also be- ing increasingly used as a prophylactic and curative measure for various physical a...Exercise is a potent force of nature with significant potential for extending longevity and boosting physical fitness. It is also be- ing increasingly used as a prophylactic and curative measure for various physical ailments, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.展开更多
Innovation in forestry education is needed to address changing contexts of the positionality of forests.This is particularly signifi cant in the Asia–Pacifi c region,where deforestation and degradation are high.Howev...Innovation in forestry education is needed to address changing contexts of the positionality of forests.This is particularly signifi cant in the Asia–Pacifi c region,where deforestation and degradation are high.However,the accessibility of high-quality forestry education to address changing regional and global contexts is lacking.A series of innovative sustainable forest management(SFM)open education resource(OER)courses were developed and implemented to improve the accessibility of SFM education to enhance teaching quality,curriculum,and research capacity of universities in the Asia-Pacifi c Region.To evaluate the SFM-OER program in terms of student experiences,this study investigated student achievement,perceived success of the pedagogical approach and instructional design,and perceived eff ectiveness of the learning activities in promoting active and transformative learning through the assessment of a 1,191-course feedback survey between 2018 and 2020,including the global pandemic.This study revealed that the program attracted diverse student demographics,including a higher proportion of female students majoring in forestry,ecology,and other environmental studies.Their primary motivation to participate in the courses was to gain international experience,followed by the fl exibility of online learning,mandatory course requirements,and earning course credits.Students were satisfi ed with the Canvas learning management system.Most students spent less than 5 to 10 h of their weekly time in the course and agreed or strongly agreed that the workloads were manageable.Students refl ected positively on various learning activities and assignments,such as watching lecture videos,taking quizzes,reading and summarizing,having discussions,and peer review writing.However,they did not clearly prefer specifi c learning activities,signifying the importance of using diverse learning activities to satisfy diverse individual learning styles in online settings.This analysis contributes to the further development of student-centered pedagogical development for online learning and provides insight into the ways forward for online higher forestry education,while repurposing existing OER courses in a post-Covid-19 era.展开更多
In ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), acute reperfusion of the infarct-related artery (IRA)is the main goal in the early minutes after the patient seeks medical attention. Fibrinolytic therapy (FT) an...In ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), acute reperfusion of the infarct-related artery (IRA)is the main goal in the early minutes after the patient seeks medical attention. Fibrinolytic therapy (FT) and/or primary coronary intervention (PCI) were proven to be effective in opening the IRA.展开更多
Healthcare institutions are vulnerable to disruptionfrom events such as earthquakes, fires, and floods, andthe damage incurred can endanger the lives of patientsin the hospital.[1] In this type of scenario hospital st...Healthcare institutions are vulnerable to disruptionfrom events such as earthquakes, fires, and floods, andthe damage incurred can endanger the lives of patientsin the hospital.[1] In this type of scenario hospital staffhave primary responsibility for the hospitalized patients'safety, since patients are neither fit to respond to sucha disaster, nor do they know how to respond.[2,3] Thesituation becomes more difficult and challenging if thedisaster occurs in critical care areas such as intensivecare units (ICUs) and operating rooms.展开更多
<strong>Background:</strong> Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) dramatically impacted institutions of higher education. The effect was acute in the practice disciplines such as medicine, medical laboratory science,...<strong>Background:</strong> Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) dramatically impacted institutions of higher education. The effect was acute in the practice disciplines such as medicine, medical laboratory science, and nursing. The purpose is to describe how an interdisciplinary team, led by nursing faculty, adapted to the changes driven by COVID-19 and the lessons that were learned for nursing and other disciplines in higher education. <strong>Method:</strong> The interdisciplinary group created a comprehensive list which captured the impact of COVID-19 on their academic disciplines. Similarities and differences between the disciplines regarding faculty experiences, teaching, and responding to student concerns were discovered. <strong>Results:</strong> Collective review resulted in the identification of four inclusive thematic categories and several sub-categories. These were: academic considerations (didactic, lab, clinical), perceptions (faculty, student), ethical considerations, and social determinants affecting the learning environment. Lessons Learned: This project utilized an innovative interdisciplinary approach to identify common COVID-19 effects on higher education. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> Nursing and other health-related disciplines should pursue interdisciplinary collaboration to address common academic issues that arise during the COVID.展开更多
This paper provides <span style="font-family:Verdana;">an </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">analysis and a description of the best practices and lessons learned in the imp...This paper provides <span style="font-family:Verdana;">an </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">analysis and a description of the best practices and lessons learned in the implementation of </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">the </span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Global Framework for Climate S</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ervices Adaptation Program in Africa (GFCS-APA) focusing on Tanzania </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">coun</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">try</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">’s</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> activities. GFCS-APA was the first multi-agency initiative imple</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">mented </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">under the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) in two African</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> countries, namely Tanzania and Malawi with funding from the Royal</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> Govern</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ment of Norway. In Tanzania, the programme was implemented in two</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> phases from the year 2014 to 2021 in the three pilot districts of Kondoa, Longido and Kiteto located in Dodoma, Arusha and Manyara regions</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> re</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">spectively. The overarching goal of the programme was to enable bette</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">r management of the risks caused by climate variability and change at all levels, from </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">end-users to policy level, through development and incorporation of</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> science</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">based climate in</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">formation and prediction services into planning, policy and practice. The</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> programme focused on bridging the gap between provider</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">s</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">users of climate information and products through development of us</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">er-driven climate services for food security, health and disaster risk reduction. </span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">This paper aimed to analyze lessons learned and best practices in the course of the implementation of the GFCS</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">APA phase I and II in Tanzania. A qualitative approach was employed to analyze the lessons learned and best practices, by extracting them and exploring further </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">on </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">their contribution </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">to</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">the </span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">enhancement of climate services, as well as their applicability and potentiality for scaling out in other </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">regions </span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">with</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">in Tanzania, and </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">in</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> other countries. The results indicate the </span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">identified best practices and lessons learned contributed </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">significantly in enhancing climate services, particularly in understanding, </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">availability, accessibility, utilization, ownership and sustainability of climate services among users (farmers </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">and pastoralists) of various gender, as well as intermediaries and deci</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">sion</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ma</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">kers. Results also indicate the lessons learned and the documented best prac</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">tices could influence </span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">the </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">effectiveness of climate services in other areas, to</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> ad</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">dress existing challenges in access, uptake and sustainability of climate ser</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">vices. The best practices and lessons learned could be considered for integration in the future projects or operational activities in other regions within the coun</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">try and other countries, particularly in the developing world, including </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Sub-</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Saharan Africa.</span>展开更多
In a prior practice and policy article published in Healthcare Science,we introduced the deployed application of an artificial intelligence(AI)model to predict longer‐term inpatient readmissions to guide community ca...In a prior practice and policy article published in Healthcare Science,we introduced the deployed application of an artificial intelligence(AI)model to predict longer‐term inpatient readmissions to guide community care interventions for patients with complex conditions in the context of Singapore's Hospital to Home(H2H)program that has been operating since 2017.In this follow on practice and policy article,we further elaborate on Singapore's H2H program and care model,and its supporting AI model for multiple readmission prediction,in the following ways:(1)by providing updates on the AI and supporting information systems,(2)by reporting on customer engagement and related service delivery outcomes including staff‐related time savings and patient benefits in terms of bed days saved,(3)by sharing lessons learned with respect to(i)analytics challenges encountered due to the high degree of heterogeneity and resulting variability of the data set associated with the population of program participants,(ii)balancing competing needs for simpler and stable predictive models versus continuing to further enhance models and add yet more predictive variables,and(iii)the complications of continuing to make model changes when the AI part of the system is highly interlinked with supporting clinical information systems,(4)by highlighting how this H2H effort supported broader Covid‐19 response efforts across Singapore's public healthcare system,and finally(5)by commenting on how the experiences and related capabilities acquired from running this H2H program and related community care model and supporting AI prediction model are expected to contribute to the next wave of Singapore's public healthcare efforts from 2023 onwards.For the convenience of the reader,some content that introduces the H2H program and the multiple readmissions AI prediction model that previously appeared in the prior Healthcare Science publication is repeated at the beginning of this article.展开更多
THE Ebola virus has made another appearance on the African continent. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on May 11 that they were informed about an outbreak of the vLrus by the Ministry of Health of the D...THE Ebola virus has made another appearance on the African continent. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on May 11 that they were informed about an outbreak of the vLrus by the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). At least nine people are suspected of being infected, and four have died as of May 21. The Ebola virus disease is often fatal in humans, transmitted from wild animals and spread via human-to-human transmission. In 2014, the West African countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia were at the center of the largest Ebola epidemic in history, resulting in 11.310 deaths, and now they have been Ebola-free since June 2016 according to the WHO.展开更多
Five years after the devastating 8.0-magnitude Wenchuan earthquake struck southwest China's Sichuan Province, the same fault zone produced another quake on April 20, this time with a preliminary magnitude of 7.0.
A series of suicides recently at the Foxconn companyin Shenzhen have deeply distressed the nation.Given thefact that such suicide cases happened in succession, in ashort time span, profound social ills must lie behind...A series of suicides recently at the Foxconn companyin Shenzhen have deeply distressed the nation.Given thefact that such suicide cases happened in succession, in ashort time span, profound social ills must lie behind thescene.展开更多
With the economic globalization,increasing numbers of Chinese entrepreneurs have taken an interest in international investments and acquisitions in order to expand their business territories around the world.Based on ...With the economic globalization,increasing numbers of Chinese entrepreneurs have taken an interest in international investments and acquisitions in order to expand their business territories around the world.Based on various motivations for international investments,this paper analyzed the challenges faced by Wanda,Fuyao Glass,and Fosun in regard to different business backgrounds and models,cultural concepts,as well as the changing global political and economic environments in addition to summarizing their experiences and lessons from international investments.展开更多
AN old adage posits that there is safety in numbers.However the growing number of Chinese workers and businesspeople in Africa seems to belie this wisdom,as recent incidents of kidnapping show. Some reports in Western...AN old adage posits that there is safety in numbers.However the growing number of Chinese workers and businesspeople in Africa seems to belie this wisdom,as recent incidents of kidnapping show. Some reports in Western media have indicated that the January 2012 cases of 29 Chinese road workers being kidnapped by rebels in Southern Kordofan, an unstable oil-rich area of Sudan and 25 Chinese taken hostage in Egypt are examples of anti-Chinese sentiment in Africa.展开更多
While some struggle to find their path in life. for others, nature aligns things for them. This is what happened to Edward .loseph Yawson, a 26-year-old teaching assistant at the Chinese Section of the Department of M...While some struggle to find their path in life. for others, nature aligns things for them. This is what happened to Edward .loseph Yawson, a 26-year-old teaching assistant at the Chinese Section of the Department of Modern Languages, Uni versity of Ghana, Legon, who trusted his intuition when a Chinese language course was offered to him.展开更多
This article addresses three large earthquake disasters in Iran: Tabas in 1978, Rudbar in 1990, and Bam in 2003. Lessons and 'Lessons Learned' from these three earthquake disasters were investigated together w...This article addresses three large earthquake disasters in Iran: Tabas in 1978, Rudbar in 1990, and Bam in 2003. Lessons and 'Lessons Learned' from these three earthquake disasters were investigated together with their contributions over time towards earthquake disaster risk reduction in Iran. Many lessons from 1978 Tabas, 1990 Rudbar, and 2003 Bam did not become 'Lessons Learned' and they were identified again within the dramatic context of other earthquake disasters in various places of Iran. Both lessons and 'Lessons Learned' from Tabas, Rudbar, Bam,and other earthquake disasters in Iran require a sustainable long-term framework—an earthquake culture.展开更多
Since my father, Ray Wu, would have been 80 years old this past August, the eighth month of 2008, and since 8 is a lucky number in China-associated with good luck and good fortune (as seen so dramatically in the Beiji...Since my father, Ray Wu, would have been 80 years old this past August, the eighth month of 2008, and since 8 is a lucky number in China-associated with good luck and good fortune (as seen so dramatically in the Beijing Olympics)-I thought I would write about 8 important things that I was lucky to have the chance to learn from my father.展开更多
During Yushu Earthquake,a large number of rescuers flocked to the mountainous quake areas. Under such a very specific circumstance,a high incidence of acute altitude illness was observed in rescuers who rapidly travel...During Yushu Earthquake,a large number of rescuers flocked to the mountainous quake areas. Under such a very specific circumstance,a high incidence of acute altitude illness was observed in rescuers who rapidly traveled from near sea level to an altitude of 4 000 m. It is evident that acute altitude illness leads to a significant human and economic toll,and also seriously influences the mountain rescue operation. So what does this teach us about mountain rescue in Yushu? Professor Wu Tianyi and many other authors collected shining points of the experiences and drew the lessons from the Yushu Earthquake into this special issue in Engineering Sciences which is like to thread pearl beads for a necklace. What readers learn from this special issue will have implications for the health and well-being of all high altitude populations all over the world.展开更多
Two days after the earthquake that devastated Sichuan Province,Beijing Review reporter Li Li interviewed Shi Peijun,a member of the expert panel of the National Disaster Reduction Committee under the State Council,whi...Two days after the earthquake that devastated Sichuan Province,Beijing Review reporter Li Li interviewed Shi Peijun,a member of the expert panel of the National Disaster Reduction Committee under the State Council,which is China’s top government think tank on disaster relief, about post-earthquake relief efforts展开更多
As the Wall Street chaos of 2008 swept the globe,China—with little exposure to subprime mortgages—was one of the only calm ports in the growing financial storm.If one lesson can be learned from the crisis,it is this...As the Wall Street chaos of 2008 swept the globe,China—with little exposure to subprime mortgages—was one of the only calm ports in the growing financial storm.If one lesson can be learned from the crisis,it is this: maintain a constant state of financial vigilance against risks even in boom times.China now faces the task of ensuring its financial health as it further opens to the world amid a global financial landscape reshaped by deep recessions.Economists and finance professors discussed these challenges at the Asia-Pacific Economic and Financial Forum recently held in Beijing.Edited excerpts follow展开更多
文摘Exercise is a potent force of nature with significant potential for extending longevity and boosting physical fitness. It is also be- ing increasingly used as a prophylactic and curative measure for various physical ailments, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
基金Asia-Pacifi c Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation SFM-ORE-2018。
文摘Innovation in forestry education is needed to address changing contexts of the positionality of forests.This is particularly signifi cant in the Asia–Pacifi c region,where deforestation and degradation are high.However,the accessibility of high-quality forestry education to address changing regional and global contexts is lacking.A series of innovative sustainable forest management(SFM)open education resource(OER)courses were developed and implemented to improve the accessibility of SFM education to enhance teaching quality,curriculum,and research capacity of universities in the Asia-Pacifi c Region.To evaluate the SFM-OER program in terms of student experiences,this study investigated student achievement,perceived success of the pedagogical approach and instructional design,and perceived eff ectiveness of the learning activities in promoting active and transformative learning through the assessment of a 1,191-course feedback survey between 2018 and 2020,including the global pandemic.This study revealed that the program attracted diverse student demographics,including a higher proportion of female students majoring in forestry,ecology,and other environmental studies.Their primary motivation to participate in the courses was to gain international experience,followed by the fl exibility of online learning,mandatory course requirements,and earning course credits.Students were satisfi ed with the Canvas learning management system.Most students spent less than 5 to 10 h of their weekly time in the course and agreed or strongly agreed that the workloads were manageable.Students refl ected positively on various learning activities and assignments,such as watching lecture videos,taking quizzes,reading and summarizing,having discussions,and peer review writing.However,they did not clearly prefer specifi c learning activities,signifying the importance of using diverse learning activities to satisfy diverse individual learning styles in online settings.This analysis contributes to the further development of student-centered pedagogical development for online learning and provides insight into the ways forward for online higher forestry education,while repurposing existing OER courses in a post-Covid-19 era.
文摘In ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), acute reperfusion of the infarct-related artery (IRA)is the main goal in the early minutes after the patient seeks medical attention. Fibrinolytic therapy (FT) and/or primary coronary intervention (PCI) were proven to be effective in opening the IRA.
文摘Healthcare institutions are vulnerable to disruptionfrom events such as earthquakes, fires, and floods, andthe damage incurred can endanger the lives of patientsin the hospital.[1] In this type of scenario hospital staffhave primary responsibility for the hospitalized patients'safety, since patients are neither fit to respond to sucha disaster, nor do they know how to respond.[2,3] Thesituation becomes more difficult and challenging if thedisaster occurs in critical care areas such as intensivecare units (ICUs) and operating rooms.
文摘<strong>Background:</strong> Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) dramatically impacted institutions of higher education. The effect was acute in the practice disciplines such as medicine, medical laboratory science, and nursing. The purpose is to describe how an interdisciplinary team, led by nursing faculty, adapted to the changes driven by COVID-19 and the lessons that were learned for nursing and other disciplines in higher education. <strong>Method:</strong> The interdisciplinary group created a comprehensive list which captured the impact of COVID-19 on their academic disciplines. Similarities and differences between the disciplines regarding faculty experiences, teaching, and responding to student concerns were discovered. <strong>Results:</strong> Collective review resulted in the identification of four inclusive thematic categories and several sub-categories. These were: academic considerations (didactic, lab, clinical), perceptions (faculty, student), ethical considerations, and social determinants affecting the learning environment. Lessons Learned: This project utilized an innovative interdisciplinary approach to identify common COVID-19 effects on higher education. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> Nursing and other health-related disciplines should pursue interdisciplinary collaboration to address common academic issues that arise during the COVID.
文摘This paper provides <span style="font-family:Verdana;">an </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">analysis and a description of the best practices and lessons learned in the implementation of </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">the </span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Global Framework for Climate S</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ervices Adaptation Program in Africa (GFCS-APA) focusing on Tanzania </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">coun</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">try</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">’s</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> activities. GFCS-APA was the first multi-agency initiative imple</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">mented </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">under the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) in two African</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> countries, namely Tanzania and Malawi with funding from the Royal</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> Govern</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ment of Norway. In Tanzania, the programme was implemented in two</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> phases from the year 2014 to 2021 in the three pilot districts of Kondoa, Longido and Kiteto located in Dodoma, Arusha and Manyara regions</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> re</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">spectively. The overarching goal of the programme was to enable bette</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">r management of the risks caused by climate variability and change at all levels, from </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">end-users to policy level, through development and incorporation of</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> science</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">based climate in</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">formation and prediction services into planning, policy and practice. The</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> programme focused on bridging the gap between provider</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">s</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">users of climate information and products through development of us</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">er-driven climate services for food security, health and disaster risk reduction. </span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">This paper aimed to analyze lessons learned and best practices in the course of the implementation of the GFCS</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">APA phase I and II in Tanzania. A qualitative approach was employed to analyze the lessons learned and best practices, by extracting them and exploring further </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">on </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">their contribution </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">to</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">the </span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">enhancement of climate services, as well as their applicability and potentiality for scaling out in other </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">regions </span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">with</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">in Tanzania, and </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">in</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> other countries. The results indicate the </span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">identified best practices and lessons learned contributed </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">significantly in enhancing climate services, particularly in understanding, </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">availability, accessibility, utilization, ownership and sustainability of climate services among users (farmers </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">and pastoralists) of various gender, as well as intermediaries and deci</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">sion</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ma</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">kers. Results also indicate the lessons learned and the documented best prac</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">tices could influence </span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">the </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">effectiveness of climate services in other areas, to</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> ad</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">dress existing challenges in access, uptake and sustainability of climate ser</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">vices. The best practices and lessons learned could be considered for integration in the future projects or operational activities in other regions within the coun</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">try and other countries, particularly in the developing world, including </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Sub-</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Saharan Africa.</span>
文摘In a prior practice and policy article published in Healthcare Science,we introduced the deployed application of an artificial intelligence(AI)model to predict longer‐term inpatient readmissions to guide community care interventions for patients with complex conditions in the context of Singapore's Hospital to Home(H2H)program that has been operating since 2017.In this follow on practice and policy article,we further elaborate on Singapore's H2H program and care model,and its supporting AI model for multiple readmission prediction,in the following ways:(1)by providing updates on the AI and supporting information systems,(2)by reporting on customer engagement and related service delivery outcomes including staff‐related time savings and patient benefits in terms of bed days saved,(3)by sharing lessons learned with respect to(i)analytics challenges encountered due to the high degree of heterogeneity and resulting variability of the data set associated with the population of program participants,(ii)balancing competing needs for simpler and stable predictive models versus continuing to further enhance models and add yet more predictive variables,and(iii)the complications of continuing to make model changes when the AI part of the system is highly interlinked with supporting clinical information systems,(4)by highlighting how this H2H effort supported broader Covid‐19 response efforts across Singapore's public healthcare system,and finally(5)by commenting on how the experiences and related capabilities acquired from running this H2H program and related community care model and supporting AI prediction model are expected to contribute to the next wave of Singapore's public healthcare efforts from 2023 onwards.For the convenience of the reader,some content that introduces the H2H program and the multiple readmissions AI prediction model that previously appeared in the prior Healthcare Science publication is repeated at the beginning of this article.
文摘THE Ebola virus has made another appearance on the African continent. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on May 11 that they were informed about an outbreak of the vLrus by the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). At least nine people are suspected of being infected, and four have died as of May 21. The Ebola virus disease is often fatal in humans, transmitted from wild animals and spread via human-to-human transmission. In 2014, the West African countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia were at the center of the largest Ebola epidemic in history, resulting in 11.310 deaths, and now they have been Ebola-free since June 2016 according to the WHO.
文摘Five years after the devastating 8.0-magnitude Wenchuan earthquake struck southwest China's Sichuan Province, the same fault zone produced another quake on April 20, this time with a preliminary magnitude of 7.0.
文摘A series of suicides recently at the Foxconn companyin Shenzhen have deeply distressed the nation.Given thefact that such suicide cases happened in succession, in ashort time span, profound social ills must lie behind thescene.
文摘With the economic globalization,increasing numbers of Chinese entrepreneurs have taken an interest in international investments and acquisitions in order to expand their business territories around the world.Based on various motivations for international investments,this paper analyzed the challenges faced by Wanda,Fuyao Glass,and Fosun in regard to different business backgrounds and models,cultural concepts,as well as the changing global political and economic environments in addition to summarizing their experiences and lessons from international investments.
文摘AN old adage posits that there is safety in numbers.However the growing number of Chinese workers and businesspeople in Africa seems to belie this wisdom,as recent incidents of kidnapping show. Some reports in Western media have indicated that the January 2012 cases of 29 Chinese road workers being kidnapped by rebels in Southern Kordofan, an unstable oil-rich area of Sudan and 25 Chinese taken hostage in Egypt are examples of anti-Chinese sentiment in Africa.
文摘While some struggle to find their path in life. for others, nature aligns things for them. This is what happened to Edward .loseph Yawson, a 26-year-old teaching assistant at the Chinese Section of the Department of Modern Languages, Uni versity of Ghana, Legon, who trusted his intuition when a Chinese language course was offered to him.
基金financial support from the International Centre for Geohazards (ICG)/ Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Oslo, Norway for the research and field trips to Iran
文摘This article addresses three large earthquake disasters in Iran: Tabas in 1978, Rudbar in 1990, and Bam in 2003. Lessons and 'Lessons Learned' from these three earthquake disasters were investigated together with their contributions over time towards earthquake disaster risk reduction in Iran. Many lessons from 1978 Tabas, 1990 Rudbar, and 2003 Bam did not become 'Lessons Learned' and they were identified again within the dramatic context of other earthquake disasters in various places of Iran. Both lessons and 'Lessons Learned' from Tabas, Rudbar, Bam,and other earthquake disasters in Iran require a sustainable long-term framework—an earthquake culture.
文摘Since my father, Ray Wu, would have been 80 years old this past August, the eighth month of 2008, and since 8 is a lucky number in China-associated with good luck and good fortune (as seen so dramatically in the Beijing Olympics)-I thought I would write about 8 important things that I was lucky to have the chance to learn from my father.
基金"973"National Key Basic Research and Development Program(No.2012CB518202)
文摘During Yushu Earthquake,a large number of rescuers flocked to the mountainous quake areas. Under such a very specific circumstance,a high incidence of acute altitude illness was observed in rescuers who rapidly traveled from near sea level to an altitude of 4 000 m. It is evident that acute altitude illness leads to a significant human and economic toll,and also seriously influences the mountain rescue operation. So what does this teach us about mountain rescue in Yushu? Professor Wu Tianyi and many other authors collected shining points of the experiences and drew the lessons from the Yushu Earthquake into this special issue in Engineering Sciences which is like to thread pearl beads for a necklace. What readers learn from this special issue will have implications for the health and well-being of all high altitude populations all over the world.
文摘Two days after the earthquake that devastated Sichuan Province,Beijing Review reporter Li Li interviewed Shi Peijun,a member of the expert panel of the National Disaster Reduction Committee under the State Council,which is China’s top government think tank on disaster relief, about post-earthquake relief efforts
文摘As the Wall Street chaos of 2008 swept the globe,China—with little exposure to subprime mortgages—was one of the only calm ports in the growing financial storm.If one lesson can be learned from the crisis,it is this: maintain a constant state of financial vigilance against risks even in boom times.China now faces the task of ensuring its financial health as it further opens to the world amid a global financial landscape reshaped by deep recessions.Economists and finance professors discussed these challenges at the Asia-Pacific Economic and Financial Forum recently held in Beijing.Edited excerpts follow