The recent discovery of deep and ultra-deep gas reservoirs in the Permian Changxing Formation reefs, northeastern Sichuan Basin is a significant development in marine carbonate oil & gas exploration in China. Reef do...The recent discovery of deep and ultra-deep gas reservoirs in the Permian Changxing Formation reefs, northeastern Sichuan Basin is a significant development in marine carbonate oil & gas exploration in China. Reef dolomites and their origins have been major research topics for sedimentologists and oil & gas geologists. The petrography, trace element and isotope geochemistry of the reef dolomites indicated that the dolomites are characterized by low Sr and Mn contents, relatively low Fe contents, very similar δ13C and 6180 values and very different 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Although the calculated results of the fluid mixing suggested that a mixture with 85%-95% meteoric water and 50/o- 15% seawater seemed to be the dolomitizing fluids of the reef dolomites, the low Mn contents, relatively low Fe contents, high δ13c values and high homogenization temperatures of the dolomites did not support that there were large proportions of meteoric water in the dolomitization process, and the 87Sr/86Sr ratios which were close to coeval seawater also did not support the possibility of the mixture of deep-burial circulated fluids from clastic rocks. High temperature deep-burial circulated seawater with low Mn and Fe contents, high Sr content and high δ13C values from the dissolution of widely distributed Triassic evaporites during the burial diagenetic processes (including dehydration of water-bearing evaporites) could have been the dolomitizing fluids of the reef dolomites.展开更多
Carbonate rocks are important reservoirs for global petroleum exploration.The largest oilfield in the South China Sea,Liuhua 11-1,is distributed in the massive carbonate reef area of the Zhujiang(Pearl)River Mouth Bas...Carbonate rocks are important reservoirs for global petroleum exploration.The largest oilfield in the South China Sea,Liuhua 11-1,is distributed in the massive carbonate reef area of the Zhujiang(Pearl)River Mouth Basin.Previous studies showed that one 802.17-m-long core from well Xichen-1 in the South China Sea mainly consisted of white and light gray-white organic reefs.Recently,a Miocene whole core(161.9 m long)of well Xiyong-2,near well Xichen-1,was found to contain six layers of yellowish brown,light yellowish gray,iron black,or light yellowish gray-white organic reefs.Scanning electron microscope images of these layers reveal a typical ferroan dolomite rich in Fe(up to 29%),with the high concentrations of Mn,Cu,W,Zn,Cr,Ni,and Co.Systematic X-ray powder diffraction analysis yields a 1.9–6.1 match in phase ratio with ankerite,5.4–26.9 with dolomite,and zero with calcite,which indicate that the samples can be classified as ferroan dolomite.The iron and heavy metals are inferred to be originated from multiple volcanic eruptions of Gaojianshi Island in the Dongdao Atoll during the middle-late Miocene.These elements were dissolved in seawater,likely as a sol,and carried to Yongxing Island in the Xuande Atoll by sea currents and tides enhanced by prevailing winds,and deposited as a part of the sedimentation process in the study area.The ferroan dolomite has Sr content of (125–285)×10^(-6),which is lower than the accepted Sr boundary value of dolomite.This finding suggests that dolomitization occurred during large-scale global glacial regression in the late Miocene.The isolated Xisha carbonate platform,exposed to air,underwent freshwater leaching and dolomitization induced by mixed water,and caused the extensive Fe-Mg exchange along the organic reef profile to form ankerite and ferroan dolomite.These results may help to understand paleoceanographic environmental changes in the South China Sea during the Miocene.展开更多
Rare earth element compositions of Lower Ordovician dolomites in the Central and Northern Tarim Basin are studied. Most dolomite samples are more or less contaminated by clay minerals. Their rare earth element composi...Rare earth element compositions of Lower Ordovician dolomites in the Central and Northern Tarim Basin are studied. Most dolomite samples are more or less contaminated by clay minerals. Their rare earth element compositions have been consequently changed, showing both seawater-like and non-seawater-like features. The clay contamination should be disposed before the REE data are used. Through ICP-MS and ICP-AES analyses, the REE features are well documented. The clay contamination is quantitatively determined by microscopic investigation, trace elements and REE contents. The dolomites, at least in the Tarim Basin, are thought to be pure when their total LREE contents are less than 3×10^-6. Through comparison, the pure dolomites show similarities in REE patterns but differences in REE contents with co-existing pure limestone, which indicates that dolomitization may slightly change the REE compositions. Nevertheless, whatever the change is, the pure dolomites may act as a potential REE proxy for Ordovician seawater, which would be significant for ancient massive dolomite strata that lack limestone.展开更多
The genesis of the fine crystalline dolomites that exhibit good to excellent reservoir properties in the upper fourth member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es4s)around the Sikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, is uncertain....The genesis of the fine crystalline dolomites that exhibit good to excellent reservoir properties in the upper fourth member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es4s)around the Sikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, is uncertain. This paper investigates the formation mechanisms of this fine crystalline dolomite using XRD, SEM, thin section analysis and geochemical data. The stratigraphy of the Sikou lacustrine carbonate is dominated by the repetition of metre-scale, high-frequency deposition cycles, and the amount of dolomite within a cycle increases upward from the cycle bottom. These dolomite crystals are 2–30 μm in length, subhedral to anhedral in shape and typically replace both grains and matrix. They also occur as rim cement and have thin lamellae within ooid cortices. Textural relations indicate that the dolomite predates equant sparry calcite cement and coarse calcite cement. The Sr concentrations of dolomites range from 900 to 1200 ppm. Dolomite δ18O values(-11.3 to-8.2 ‰ PDB) are depleted relative to calcite mudstone(-8.3 to-5.4 ‰ PDB) that precipitated from lake water, while δ13C values(0.06–1.74 ‰ PDB) are within the normal range of calcite mudstone values(-2.13 to 1.99 ‰ PDB). High87Sr/86Sr values(0.710210–0.710844) indicate that amounts of Ca2+ and Mg2+have been derived from the chemical weathering of Palaeozoic carbonate bedrocks. The high strontium concentration indicates that hypersaline conditions were maintainedduring the formation of the dolomites and that the dolomites were formed by the replacement of precursor calcite or by direct precipitation.展开更多
Increasing interests in hydrocarbon resources at depths have drawn greater attentions to the deeply-buried carbonate reservoirs in the Tarim Basin in China.In this study,the cyclic dolomite rocks of Upper Cambrian Low...Increasing interests in hydrocarbon resources at depths have drawn greater attentions to the deeply-buried carbonate reservoirs in the Tarim Basin in China.In this study,the cyclic dolomite rocks of Upper Cambrian Lower Qiulitag Group from four outcrop sections in northwestern Tarim Basin were selected to investigate and evaluate the petrophysical properties in relation to depositional facies and cyclicity.The Lower Qiulitag Group includes ten lithofacies,which were deposited in intermediate to shallow subtidal,restricted shallow subtidal,intertidal,and supratidal environments on a carbonate ramp system.These lithofacies are vertically stacked into repeated shallowing-upward,meter-scale cycles which are further grouped into six third-order depositional sequences(Sq1 to Sq6).There are variable types of pore spaces in the Lower Qiulitag Group dolomite rocks,including interparticle,intraparticle,and fenestral pores of primary origin,inter crystal,and vuggy pores of late diagenetic modification.The porosity in the dolomites is generally facies-selective as that the microbially-originated thrombolites and stromatolites generally yield a relatively high porosity.In contrast,the high-energy ooidal grainstones generally have very low porosity.In this case,the microbialite-based peritidal cycles and peritidal cycle-dominated highstand(or regressive)successions have relatively high volumes of pore spaces,although highly fluctuating(or vertical inhomogeneous).Accordingly,the grainstone-based subtidal cycles and subtidal cycle-dominated transgressive successions generally yield extremely low porosity.This scenario indicates that porosity development and preservation in the thick dolomite successions are primarily controlled by depositional facies which were influenced by sea-level fluctuations of different orders and later diagenetic overprinting.展开更多
The Tepearasi Formation of the autochthonous Geyikdagi Group in the CentralTauride Belt, SE of Beysehir, is Dogger in age and consists dominantly of massive limestones andgreyish dolomites occurring within the middle ...The Tepearasi Formation of the autochthonous Geyikdagi Group in the CentralTauride Belt, SE of Beysehir, is Dogger in age and consists dominantly of massive limestones andgreyish dolomites occurring within the middle to upper sections. The total thickness of thedolomitic levels ranges from 100-300 m and laterally extends 500-700 m. Three types of dolomite weredistinguished through petrographic analyses: homogeneous, mottled (saddle-crystalline) andjoint-filling dolomite, which were interpreted to have formed in two different stages, earlydiagenetic and late diagenetic. The homogeneous dolomite of the early diagenetic stage islight-coloured and monotonous-textured and shows the form of a dolosparite mosaic. The mottleddolomite formed in the late diagenetic stage is light- to dark-coloured and coarsely granularidiomorphic. The other type of late diagenetic dolomite, described as the joint-filling type,presents a crystal growth pattern from the joint walls towards the centre of the joint space. It isassociated with coarse calcite crystals as well as primary dolomite crystal clasts which were formedin the early diagenetic stage. In addition to these characteristics, cataclastic texture indicatingthe influence of tectonism is also observed. Microtexture-oriented scanning electron microscopy(SEM) studies indicate that mottled dolomites show zonal structures and contain secondarydissolution vugs. SEM studies also revealed the existence of some remains (calcite, clay etc.) injoint-filling dolomites. Analyses by energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) indicate the existence ofclay minerals (likely to be illite) in the pores of dolomite. Isotope studies conducted to shedlight onto the origin of the dolomites of the Tepearasi Formation yielded the results of delta^18O=-2.48 to - 3.87 per thousand and delta^13C=0.93 to l.12 per thousand for the early diagenetichomogeneous dolomites. Mottled and joint-filling type dolomites of the late diagenetic stage, on theother hand, gave the results of delta^18O = -5.42 to -7.12 per thousand, and delta^13C= -2.29 and-5.70 respectively. X-Ray diffractometry (XRD) and energy dispersive analysis X-Ray (EDAX), atomicabsorption spectrometry (AAS) analyses, results of petrographic data, and delta^18O and delta^13Cvalues suggest that the early diagenetic dolomitization in the Tepearasi Formation occurred underthe control of hypersaline (rich in Mg) and fresh water mixing zone. The late diagenetic dolomitespartly developed under the control of tectonic thrusting.展开更多
Flotation separation of magnesite and its calcium-containing carbonate minerals is a difficult problem.Recently,new regulat-ors have been proposed for magnesite flotation decalcification,although traditional regulator...Flotation separation of magnesite and its calcium-containing carbonate minerals is a difficult problem.Recently,new regulat-ors have been proposed for magnesite flotation decalcification,although traditional regulators such as tannin,water glass,sodium carbon-ate,and sodium hexametaphosphate are more widely used in industry.However,they are rarely used as the main regulators in research because they perform poorly in magnesite and dolomite single-mineral flotation tests.Inspired by the limonite presedimentation method and the addition of a regulator to magnesite slurry mixing,we used a tannin pretreatment method for separating magnesite and dolomite.Microflotation experiments confirmed that the tannin pretreatment method selectively and largely reduces the flotation recovery rate of dolomite without affecting the flotation recovery rate of magnesite.Moreover,the contact angles of the tannin-pretreated magnesite and dolomite increased and decreased,respectively,in the presence of NaOl.Zeta potential and Fourier transform infrared analyses showed that the tannin pretreatment method efficiently hinders NaOl adsorption on the dolomite surface but does not affect NaOl adsorption on the magnesite surface.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations confirmed that tannin interacts more strongly with dolomite than with magnesite.展开更多
The Middle Ordovician subsalt Majiagou Formation in the Ordos Basin comprises pervasively dolomitized shallow marine limestone and is a major reservoir rich in natural gas resources.Four types of dolomite matrix and c...The Middle Ordovician subsalt Majiagou Formation in the Ordos Basin comprises pervasively dolomitized shallow marine limestone and is a major reservoir rich in natural gas resources.Four types of dolomite matrix and cement were identified based on petrographic textures:(very)finely crystalline,non-planar to planar-s matrix dolomite(Md1);finely to medium crystalline,planar-s to planar-e matrix dolomite(Md2);microbialites comprising dolomite microcrystals(Md3);and finely to coarsely crystalline dolomite cement(Cd).The Md1 and Md2 dolomites were controlled by alternating lagoon-shoal facies and haveδ13C values(−1.89 to+1.45‰VPDB for Md1,−1.35 to+0.42‰VPDB for Md2)that fall within or are slightly higher than the coeval seawater,suggesting the dolomitizing fluid of evaporated seawater.Md2 dolomite was then subjected to penecontemporaneous karstification by meteoric water and burial recrystallization by sealed brines during diagenesis,as indicated by its relatively lowerδ18O values(−8.89 to−5.73‰VPDB)and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios(0.708920–0.710199).Md3 dolomite comprises thrombolite and stromatolite and is interpreted to form by a combination of initial microbial mediation and later replacive dolomitization related to evaporated seawater.Cd dolomite was associated with early-formed karst system in the Md2 host dolomite.The lowestδ18O values(−11.78 to−10.18‰VPDB)and 87Sr/86Sr ratios(0.708688–0.708725)and fluid inclusion data(Th:123–175°C)indicate involvement of hydrothermal fluid from which the Cd dolomite precipitated during deep burial.These results reveal the multi-stage dolomitization history of the Majiagou Formation and provide new constraints on fluid origins and dolomites evolution during deep burial in old superimposed basins,such as the Ordos Basin and elsewhere.展开更多
Reactive transport modeling(RTM)is an emerging method used to address geological issues in diagenesis research.However,the extrapolation of RTM results to practical reservoir prediction is not sufficiently understood....Reactive transport modeling(RTM)is an emerging method used to address geological issues in diagenesis research.However,the extrapolation of RTM results to practical reservoir prediction is not sufficiently understood.This paper presents a case study of the Eocene Qaidam Basin that combines RTM results with petrological and mineralogical evidence.The results show that the Eocene Xiaganchaigou Formation is characterized by mixed siliciclastic-carbonate-evaporite sedimentation in a semiclosed saline lacustrine environment.Periodic evaporation and salinization processes during the syngeneticpenecontemporaneous stage gave rise to the replacive genesis of dolomites and the cyclic enrichment of dolomite in the middle-upper parts of the meter-scale depositional sequences.The successive change in mineral paragenesis from terrigenous clastics to carbonates to evaporites was reconstructed using RTM simulations.Parametric uncertainty analyses further suggest that the evaporation intensity(brine salinity)and particle size of sediments(reactive surface area)were important rate-determining factors in the dolomitization,as shown by the relatively higher reaction rates under conditions of higher brine salinity and fine-grained sediments.Combining the simulation results with measured mineralogical and reservoir physical property data indicates that the preservation of original intergranular pores and the generation of porosity via replacive dolomitization were the major formation mechanisms of the distinctive lacustrine dolomite reservoirs(widespread submicron intercrystalline micropores)in the Eocene Qaidam Basin.The results confirm that RTM can be effectively used in geological studies,can provide a better general understanding of the dolomitizing fluid-rock interactions,and can shed light on the spatiotemporal evolution of mineralogy and porosity during dolomitization and the formation of lacustrine dolomite reservoirs.展开更多
Origin of authigenic dolomites in the dolomitic reservoir of the Permian Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Sag of Junggar Basin is unclear.Occurrence and genetic evolution of the authigenic dolomites in dolomitic rock r...Origin of authigenic dolomites in the dolomitic reservoir of the Permian Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Sag of Junggar Basin is unclear.Occurrence and genetic evolution of the authigenic dolomites in dolomitic rock reservoir of the Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Sag were analyzed by polarized and fluorescence thin sections,scanning electron microscope(SEM),electron microprobe(EMP),C,O and Sr isotopes analysis,and other techniques.(1)Dolomites were mainly precipitated in three stages:penecontemporaneous-shallow burial stage(early stage of the Middle Permian),middle burial stage(middle stage of the Middle Permian),and middle-deep burial stage,with the former two stages in dominance.(2)Dolomitization fluid was high-salinity brine originating from alkaline lake.In the penecontemporaneous-shallow burial stage,Mg^(2+)was mainly supplied by alkaline-lake fluid and devitrification of volcanic glass.In the middle burial stage,Mg^(2+)mainly came from the transformation of clay minerals,devitrification of volcanic glass and dissolution of aluminosilicates such as feldspar.(3)Regular changes of Mg,Mn,Fe,Sr,Si and other elements during the growth of dolomite were mainly related to the alkaline-lake fluid,and to different influences of devitrification and diagenetic alteration of volcanic materials during the burial.(4)In the penecontemporaneous stage,induced by alkaline-lake microorganisms,the micritic-microcrystalline dolomites were formed by primary precipitation,replacement of aragonite and high-Mg calcite,and other processes;in the shallow burial stage,the silt-sized dolomites were formed by continuous growth of micritic-microcrystalline dolomite and replacement of calcites,tuffs and other substances;in the middle burial stage,the dolomites,mainly silt-and fine-sized,were formed by replacement of volcanic materials.The research results are referential for investigating the formation mechanism and distribution patterns of tight dolomitic reservoirs in the Mahu Sag and other similar oil and gas bearing areas.展开更多
Given the depletion of high-quality magnesite deposits and the rising demand for high-end magnesium materials,the separation and utilization of high-calcium magnesite ores have become essential.However,the similar sur...Given the depletion of high-quality magnesite deposits and the rising demand for high-end magnesium materials,the separation and utilization of high-calcium magnesite ores have become essential.However,the similar surface properties and solubility of semi-soluble salt-type minerals,pose significant challenges for the utilization of dolomite-rich magnesite resources.In this study,1-hydroxypropane-1,1-di phosphonic acid(HPDP)was identified for the first time as a high-performance depressant for dolomite.Various tests,including contact angle measurements,ζ potential analysis,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,and atomic force microscopy,were conducted to elucidate the interfacial interaction mechanisms of HPDP on the surfaces of the two minerals at different scales.Additionally,molecular modeling calculations were used to detail the spatial matching relationship between HPDP and the crystal faces of the two minerals.It was emphasized that HPDP specifically adsorbed onto the dolomite surface by forming calcium phosphonate,ensuring that the dolomite surface remained hydrophilic and sank.Moreover,it was found that the adsorption strength of HPDP on the mineral surfaces depended on the activity of the metal sites and their spatial distribution.These findings provide a theoretical foundation for the molecular design of flotation reagents for high-calcium magnesite ores.展开更多
The intraplatform shoal dolomite of the Middle Permian Qixia Formation is currently considered the key target of hydrocarbon exploration in the central Sichuan Basin. To systematically investigate the origin of the st...The intraplatform shoal dolomite of the Middle Permian Qixia Formation is currently considered the key target of hydrocarbon exploration in the central Sichuan Basin. To systematically investigate the origin of the stratabound facies-controlled porous dolomites of the Qixia Formation, integrated petrography,logging and seismic analysis were carried out in this work. The results are as following:(1) the dolomite reservoir is universal in the central Sichuan Basin, and its distribution is controlled by intraplatform shoals, with multilayer superposition vertically. Thick massive dolostone may also develop along with the fault.(2) Three replaced dolomites and one dolomite cement were identified: very finely to finely crystalline, anhedral to subhedral dolomite(Rd1);finely to medium crystalline, anhedral to subhedral dolomite(Rd2);coarsely crystalline, subhedral to euhedral dolomite(Rd3) and coarsely crystalline saddle dolomite cement(Sd). Rd2 and Rd3 are partly fabric-retentive, and preserve the original bioclastic ghosts. Sd shows wavy extinction, filled in the breccia veins.(3) The U-Pb dating and homogenization temperatures results indicate that the dolomite and Sd cement are associated with hydrothermal event during the Emeishan large igneous province. The δ^(13)C,^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr, and seawater-like REEY patterns suggest that the dolomitization and Sd precipitation fluids originate from connate seawater heated by elevated heat-flow.(4) The ELIP triggered large scale thermal anomalies in the basin during the Dongwu movement period. The increased temperature and pressure drove the formation water in the intra-platform shoal facies and overcame the binding effect of Mg^(2+) hydrate. Moreover, the deep hydrothermal fluid preferentially penetrated into the porous strata of shoal facies along the faults and fractures, mixed with formation water to some extent, and extensive dolomitization occurred. The facies-controlled dolomite reservoir and the underlying Cambrian source rock form a good source-reservoir assemblage, which can be a key replacement option.展开更多
Leaf trait networks(LTNs)visualize the intricate linkages reflecting plant trait-functional coordination.Typical karst vegetation,developed from lithological dolomite and limestone,generally exhibits differential comm...Leaf trait networks(LTNs)visualize the intricate linkages reflecting plant trait-functional coordination.Typical karst vegetation,developed from lithological dolomite and limestone,generally exhibits differential communities,possibly due to habitat rock exposure,soil depth,and soil physicochemical properties variations,leading to a shift from plant trait variation to functional linkages.However,how soil and habitat quality affect the differentiation of leaf trait networks remains unclear.LTNs were constructed for typical dolomite and limestone habitats by analyzing twenty-one woody plant leaf traits across fifty-six forest subplots in karst mountains.The differences between dolomite and limestone LTNs were compared using network parameters.The network association of soil and habitat quality was analyzed using redundancy analysis(RDA),Mantle's test,and a random forest model.The limestone LTN exhibited significantly higher edge density with lower diameter and average path length when compared to the dolomite LTN.It indicates LTN differentiation,with the limestone network displaying a more compact architecture and higher connectivity than the dolomite network.The specific leaf phosphorus and leaf nitrogen contents of dolomite LTN,as well as the leaf mass and leaf carbon contents of limestone LTN,significantly contributed to network degree and closeness,serving as crucial node traits regulating LTN connectedness.Additionally,both habitat LTNs significantly correlated with soil nitrogen and phosphorus,stoichiometric ratios,pH,and organic carbon,as well as soil depth and rock exposure rates,with soil depth and rock exposure showing greater relative importance.Soil depth and rock exposure dominate trait network differentiation,with the limestone habitat exhibiting a more compact network architecture than the dolomite habitat.展开更多
Based on the study of the distribution of intra-platform shoals and the characteristics of dolomite reservoirs in the Middle Permian Qixia Formation in the Gaoshiti–Moxi area of the Sichuan Basin,SW China,the control...Based on the study of the distribution of intra-platform shoals and the characteristics of dolomite reservoirs in the Middle Permian Qixia Formation in the Gaoshiti–Moxi area of the Sichuan Basin,SW China,the controlling factors of reservoir development were analyzed,and the formation model of“intra-platform shoal thin-layer dolomite reservoir”was established.The Qixia Formation is a regressive cycle from bottom to top,in which the first member(Qi1 Member)develops low-energy open sea microfacies,and the second member(Qi2 Member)evolves into intra-platform shoal and inter-shoal sea with decreases in sea level.The intra-platform shoal is mainly distributed near the top of two secondary shallowing cycles of the Qi2 Member.The most important reservoir rock of the Qixia Formation is thin-layer fractured-vuggy dolomite,followed by vuggy dolomite.The semi-filled saddle dolomite is common in fracture-vug,and intercrystalline pores and residual dissolution pores combined with fractures to form the effective pore-fracture network.Based on the coupling analysis of sedimentary and diagenesis characteristics,the reservoir formation model of“pre-depositional micro-paleogeomorphology controlling shoal,sedimentary shoal controlling dolomite,penecontemporaneous dolomite benefiting preservation of pores,and late hydrothermal action effectively improving reservoir quality”was systematically established.The“first-order high zone”micro-paleogeomorphology before the deposition of the Qixia Formation controlled the development of large area of intra-platform shoals in Gaoshiti area during the deposition of the Qi2 Member.Shoal facies is the basic condition of early dolomitization,and the distribution range of intra-platform shoal and dolomite reservoir is highly consistent.The grain limestone of shoal facies is transformed by two stages of dolomitization.The penecontemporaneous dolomitization is conducive to the preservation of primary pores and secondary dissolved pores.The burial hydrothermal fluid enters the early dolomite body along the fractures associated with the Emeishan basalt event,makes it recrystallized into medium–coarse crystal dolomite.With the intercrystalline pores and the residual vugs after the hydrothermal dissolution along the fractures,the high-quality intra-platform shoal-type thin-layer dolomite reservoirs are formed.The establishment of this reservoir formation model can provide important theoretical support for the sustainable development of Permian gas reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin.展开更多
The Middle Permian Qixia Formation in the Shuangyushi area,northwestern Sichuan Basin,develops shoal-facies dolomite reservoirs.To pinpoint promising reservoirs in the Qixia Formation,deep thin shoal-facies dolomite r...The Middle Permian Qixia Formation in the Shuangyushi area,northwestern Sichuan Basin,develops shoal-facies dolomite reservoirs.To pinpoint promising reservoirs in the Qixia Formation,deep thin shoal-facies dolomite reservoirs were predicted using the techniques of pre-stack Kirchhoff-Q compensation for absorption,inverse Q filtering,low-to high-frequency compensation,forward modeling,and facies-controlled seismic meme inversion.The results are obtained in six aspects.First,the dolomite reservoirs mainly exist in the middle and lower parts of the second member of Qixia Formation(Qi2 Member),which coincide with the zones shoal cores are developed.Second,the forward modeling shows that the trough energy at the top and bottom of shoal core increases with increasing shoal-core thickness,and weak peak reflections are associated in the middle of shoal core.Third,five types of seismic waveform are identified through waveform analysis of seismic facies.Type-Ⅰ and Type-Ⅱ waveforms correspond to promising facies(shoal core microfacies).Fourth,vertically,two packages of thin dolomite reservoirs turn up in the sedimentary cycle of intraplatform shoal in the Qi2 Member,and the lower package is superior to the upper package in dolomite thickness,scale and lateral connectivity.Fifth,in plane,significantly controlled by sedimentary facies,dolomite reservoirs laterally distribute with consistent thickness in shoal cores at topographical highs and extend toward the break.Sixth,the promising prospects are the zones with thick dolomite reservoirs and superimposition of horstegraben structural traps.展开更多
The deep-ultra deep carbonate reservoir in China,commonly subjected to modification of multi-stage diagenesis,has extremely high heterogeneity.Conventional rock physics analysis cannot accurately identify the elastic ...The deep-ultra deep carbonate reservoir in China,commonly subjected to modification of multi-stage diagenesis,has extremely high heterogeneity.Conventional rock physics analysis cannot accurately identify the elastic responses of reservoir.Here,the rock physics properties of the dolomite from the 4th Member of the Sinian Dengying Formation are experimentally measured,and the change law of rock physics characteristics is investigated within the framework of the diagenetic processes by the analysis of the elastic and petrologic characteristics,pore structure,and sedimentary environments.The results show that the differentiated diagenesis results in different pore structure characteristics and microtexture characteristics of the rock.The microbial dolomite of the algal mound-grain beach facies is subjected to the contemporaneous microbial dolomitization and seepage-reflux dolomitization,penecontemporaneous selective dissolution,burial dolomitization,and hydrothermal dolomitization.The resultant crystalline dolomite is found with one main type of the dolomite crystal contact boundaries,and the dissolution pore is extensive development.The siliceous,muddy,and limy dolomite of the interbeach sea environment mainly experiences the weak capillary concentration dolomitization,intensive mechanical compaction-induced densification,and burial dolomitization.Such crystalline dolomite is observed with four types of contact boundaries,namely the dolomite contact,clay contact,quartz contact,and calcite contact boundaries,and porosity mostly attributed to residual primary inter-granular or crystalline pores.The samples with the same crystal boundary condition have consistent correlations between the compressional-and shear-wave velocities,and between the compressional-wave velocity and the velocity ratio.Additionally,the variation of the acoustic velocity with effective pressure and the intensity of pore-scale fluid-related dispersion are controlled by the differentiation of pore structure types of the samples.The varied effects of soft pores like micro-cracks on the compressional-and shearwave velocity causes considerable changes in the relationships between the compressional-and shearwave velocities,compressional-wave velocity and velocity ratio,and porosity and acoustic velocity.This research is an attempt to demonstrate a novel method for investigating the rock physics variation of rock during the geological process,and the obtained findings can provide the rock physics basis for seismic prediction of the characteristics of deep carbonate reservoirs.展开更多
Although disintegrated dolomite,widely distributed across the globe,has conventionally been a focus of research in underground engineering,the issue of slope stability issues in disintegrated dolomite strata is gainin...Although disintegrated dolomite,widely distributed across the globe,has conventionally been a focus of research in underground engineering,the issue of slope stability issues in disintegrated dolomite strata is gaining increasing prominence.This is primarily due to their unique properties,including low strength and loose structure.Current methods for evaluating slope stability,such as basic quality(BQ)and slope stability probability classification(SSPC),do not adequately account for the poor integrity and structural fragmentation characteristic of disintegrated dolomite.To address this challenge,an analysis of the applicability of the limit equilibrium method(LEM),BQ,and SSPC methods was conducted on eight disintegrated dolomite slopes located in Baoshan,Southwest China.However,conflicting results were obtained.Therefore,this paper introduces a novel method,SMRDDS,to provide rapid and accurate assessment of disintegrated dolomite slope stability.This method incorporates parameters such as disintegrated grade,joint state,groundwater conditions,and excavation methods.The findings reveal that six slopes exhibit stability,while two are considered partially unstable.Notably,the proposed method demonstrates a closer match with the actual conditions and is more time-efficient compared with the BQ and SSPC methods.However,due to the limited research on disintegrated dolomite slopes,the results of the SMRDDS method tend to be conservative as a safety precaution.In conclusion,the SMRDDS method can quickly evaluate the current situation of disintegrated dolomite slopes in the field.This contributes significantly to disaster risk reduction for disintegrated dolomite slopes.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (41172099,40839908)Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(20050616005)
文摘The recent discovery of deep and ultra-deep gas reservoirs in the Permian Changxing Formation reefs, northeastern Sichuan Basin is a significant development in marine carbonate oil & gas exploration in China. Reef dolomites and their origins have been major research topics for sedimentologists and oil & gas geologists. The petrography, trace element and isotope geochemistry of the reef dolomites indicated that the dolomites are characterized by low Sr and Mn contents, relatively low Fe contents, very similar δ13C and 6180 values and very different 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Although the calculated results of the fluid mixing suggested that a mixture with 85%-95% meteoric water and 50/o- 15% seawater seemed to be the dolomitizing fluids of the reef dolomites, the low Mn contents, relatively low Fe contents, high δ13c values and high homogenization temperatures of the dolomites did not support that there were large proportions of meteoric water in the dolomitization process, and the 87Sr/86Sr ratios which were close to coeval seawater also did not support the possibility of the mixture of deep-burial circulated fluids from clastic rocks. High temperature deep-burial circulated seawater with low Mn and Fe contents, high Sr content and high δ13C values from the dissolution of widely distributed Triassic evaporites during the burial diagenetic processes (including dehydration of water-bearing evaporites) could have been the dolomitizing fluids of the reef dolomites.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(No.2012CB956004)the Science and Technology Basic Resources Investigation Program of China(No.2017FY201407)+1 种基金the National Oil and Gas Major Projects of China(No.2011ZX05025-002)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(No.41106064)
文摘Carbonate rocks are important reservoirs for global petroleum exploration.The largest oilfield in the South China Sea,Liuhua 11-1,is distributed in the massive carbonate reef area of the Zhujiang(Pearl)River Mouth Basin.Previous studies showed that one 802.17-m-long core from well Xichen-1 in the South China Sea mainly consisted of white and light gray-white organic reefs.Recently,a Miocene whole core(161.9 m long)of well Xiyong-2,near well Xichen-1,was found to contain six layers of yellowish brown,light yellowish gray,iron black,or light yellowish gray-white organic reefs.Scanning electron microscope images of these layers reveal a typical ferroan dolomite rich in Fe(up to 29%),with the high concentrations of Mn,Cu,W,Zn,Cr,Ni,and Co.Systematic X-ray powder diffraction analysis yields a 1.9–6.1 match in phase ratio with ankerite,5.4–26.9 with dolomite,and zero with calcite,which indicate that the samples can be classified as ferroan dolomite.The iron and heavy metals are inferred to be originated from multiple volcanic eruptions of Gaojianshi Island in the Dongdao Atoll during the middle-late Miocene.These elements were dissolved in seawater,likely as a sol,and carried to Yongxing Island in the Xuande Atoll by sea currents and tides enhanced by prevailing winds,and deposited as a part of the sedimentation process in the study area.The ferroan dolomite has Sr content of (125–285)×10^(-6),which is lower than the accepted Sr boundary value of dolomite.This finding suggests that dolomitization occurred during large-scale global glacial regression in the late Miocene.The isolated Xisha carbonate platform,exposed to air,underwent freshwater leaching and dolomitization induced by mixed water,and caused the extensive Fe-Mg exchange along the organic reef profile to form ankerite and ferroan dolomite.These results may help to understand paleoceanographic environmental changes in the South China Sea during the Miocene.
文摘Rare earth element compositions of Lower Ordovician dolomites in the Central and Northern Tarim Basin are studied. Most dolomite samples are more or less contaminated by clay minerals. Their rare earth element compositions have been consequently changed, showing both seawater-like and non-seawater-like features. The clay contamination should be disposed before the REE data are used. Through ICP-MS and ICP-AES analyses, the REE features are well documented. The clay contamination is quantitatively determined by microscopic investigation, trace elements and REE contents. The dolomites, at least in the Tarim Basin, are thought to be pure when their total LREE contents are less than 3×10^-6. Through comparison, the pure dolomites show similarities in REE patterns but differences in REE contents with co-existing pure limestone, which indicates that dolomitization may slightly change the REE compositions. Nevertheless, whatever the change is, the pure dolomites may act as a potential REE proxy for Ordovician seawater, which would be significant for ancient massive dolomite strata that lack limestone.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2014CB239002)Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, China (Grant No. ZR2014DQ016)
文摘The genesis of the fine crystalline dolomites that exhibit good to excellent reservoir properties in the upper fourth member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es4s)around the Sikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, is uncertain. This paper investigates the formation mechanisms of this fine crystalline dolomite using XRD, SEM, thin section analysis and geochemical data. The stratigraphy of the Sikou lacustrine carbonate is dominated by the repetition of metre-scale, high-frequency deposition cycles, and the amount of dolomite within a cycle increases upward from the cycle bottom. These dolomite crystals are 2–30 μm in length, subhedral to anhedral in shape and typically replace both grains and matrix. They also occur as rim cement and have thin lamellae within ooid cortices. Textural relations indicate that the dolomite predates equant sparry calcite cement and coarse calcite cement. The Sr concentrations of dolomites range from 900 to 1200 ppm. Dolomite δ18O values(-11.3 to-8.2 ‰ PDB) are depleted relative to calcite mudstone(-8.3 to-5.4 ‰ PDB) that precipitated from lake water, while δ13C values(0.06–1.74 ‰ PDB) are within the normal range of calcite mudstone values(-2.13 to 1.99 ‰ PDB). High87Sr/86Sr values(0.710210–0.710844) indicate that amounts of Ca2+ and Mg2+have been derived from the chemical weathering of Palaeozoic carbonate bedrocks. The high strontium concentration indicates that hypersaline conditions were maintainedduring the formation of the dolomites and that the dolomites were formed by the replacement of precursor calcite or by direct precipitation.
基金funded by geological survey projects of China Geological Survey(DD20190405,DD20190406)National Science and Technology Special Project of China(2011ZX0500803)National Basic Research Project(2012CB214802).
文摘Increasing interests in hydrocarbon resources at depths have drawn greater attentions to the deeply-buried carbonate reservoirs in the Tarim Basin in China.In this study,the cyclic dolomite rocks of Upper Cambrian Lower Qiulitag Group from four outcrop sections in northwestern Tarim Basin were selected to investigate and evaluate the petrophysical properties in relation to depositional facies and cyclicity.The Lower Qiulitag Group includes ten lithofacies,which were deposited in intermediate to shallow subtidal,restricted shallow subtidal,intertidal,and supratidal environments on a carbonate ramp system.These lithofacies are vertically stacked into repeated shallowing-upward,meter-scale cycles which are further grouped into six third-order depositional sequences(Sq1 to Sq6).There are variable types of pore spaces in the Lower Qiulitag Group dolomite rocks,including interparticle,intraparticle,and fenestral pores of primary origin,inter crystal,and vuggy pores of late diagenetic modification.The porosity in the dolomites is generally facies-selective as that the microbially-originated thrombolites and stromatolites generally yield a relatively high porosity.In contrast,the high-energy ooidal grainstones generally have very low porosity.In this case,the microbialite-based peritidal cycles and peritidal cycle-dominated highstand(or regressive)successions have relatively high volumes of pore spaces,although highly fluctuating(or vertical inhomogeneous).Accordingly,the grainstone-based subtidal cycles and subtidal cycle-dominated transgressive successions generally yield extremely low porosity.This scenario indicates that porosity development and preservation in the thick dolomite successions are primarily controlled by depositional facies which were influenced by sea-level fluctuations of different orders and later diagenetic overprinting.
文摘The Tepearasi Formation of the autochthonous Geyikdagi Group in the CentralTauride Belt, SE of Beysehir, is Dogger in age and consists dominantly of massive limestones andgreyish dolomites occurring within the middle to upper sections. The total thickness of thedolomitic levels ranges from 100-300 m and laterally extends 500-700 m. Three types of dolomite weredistinguished through petrographic analyses: homogeneous, mottled (saddle-crystalline) andjoint-filling dolomite, which were interpreted to have formed in two different stages, earlydiagenetic and late diagenetic. The homogeneous dolomite of the early diagenetic stage islight-coloured and monotonous-textured and shows the form of a dolosparite mosaic. The mottleddolomite formed in the late diagenetic stage is light- to dark-coloured and coarsely granularidiomorphic. The other type of late diagenetic dolomite, described as the joint-filling type,presents a crystal growth pattern from the joint walls towards the centre of the joint space. It isassociated with coarse calcite crystals as well as primary dolomite crystal clasts which were formedin the early diagenetic stage. In addition to these characteristics, cataclastic texture indicatingthe influence of tectonism is also observed. Microtexture-oriented scanning electron microscopy(SEM) studies indicate that mottled dolomites show zonal structures and contain secondarydissolution vugs. SEM studies also revealed the existence of some remains (calcite, clay etc.) injoint-filling dolomites. Analyses by energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) indicate the existence ofclay minerals (likely to be illite) in the pores of dolomite. Isotope studies conducted to shedlight onto the origin of the dolomites of the Tepearasi Formation yielded the results of delta^18O=-2.48 to - 3.87 per thousand and delta^13C=0.93 to l.12 per thousand for the early diagenetichomogeneous dolomites. Mottled and joint-filling type dolomites of the late diagenetic stage, on theother hand, gave the results of delta^18O = -5.42 to -7.12 per thousand, and delta^13C= -2.29 and-5.70 respectively. X-Ray diffractometry (XRD) and energy dispersive analysis X-Ray (EDAX), atomicabsorption spectrometry (AAS) analyses, results of petrographic data, and delta^18O and delta^13Cvalues suggest that the early diagenetic dolomitization in the Tepearasi Formation occurred underthe control of hypersaline (rich in Mg) and fresh water mixing zone. The late diagenetic dolomitespartly developed under the control of tectonic thrusting.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.51974064,52174239,and 52374259)the Open Project of the Key Laboratory of Solid Waste Treatment and Resource Utiliza-tion of the Ministry of Education,China (No.23kfgk02).
文摘Flotation separation of magnesite and its calcium-containing carbonate minerals is a difficult problem.Recently,new regulat-ors have been proposed for magnesite flotation decalcification,although traditional regulators such as tannin,water glass,sodium carbon-ate,and sodium hexametaphosphate are more widely used in industry.However,they are rarely used as the main regulators in research because they perform poorly in magnesite and dolomite single-mineral flotation tests.Inspired by the limonite presedimentation method and the addition of a regulator to magnesite slurry mixing,we used a tannin pretreatment method for separating magnesite and dolomite.Microflotation experiments confirmed that the tannin pretreatment method selectively and largely reduces the flotation recovery rate of dolomite without affecting the flotation recovery rate of magnesite.Moreover,the contact angles of the tannin-pretreated magnesite and dolomite increased and decreased,respectively,in the presence of NaOl.Zeta potential and Fourier transform infrared analyses showed that the tannin pretreatment method efficiently hinders NaOl adsorption on the dolomite surface but does not affect NaOl adsorption on the magnesite surface.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations confirmed that tannin interacts more strongly with dolomite than with magnesite.
基金This study was supported by the National Science and Technology Major Projects of China(Grant Nos.2016ZX05004006-001-002 and 2016ZX05004002-001)PetroChina Science and Technology Project(Grant No.2019B-0406)the China Scholarship Council(No.201908080005)。
文摘The Middle Ordovician subsalt Majiagou Formation in the Ordos Basin comprises pervasively dolomitized shallow marine limestone and is a major reservoir rich in natural gas resources.Four types of dolomite matrix and cement were identified based on petrographic textures:(very)finely crystalline,non-planar to planar-s matrix dolomite(Md1);finely to medium crystalline,planar-s to planar-e matrix dolomite(Md2);microbialites comprising dolomite microcrystals(Md3);and finely to coarsely crystalline dolomite cement(Cd).The Md1 and Md2 dolomites were controlled by alternating lagoon-shoal facies and haveδ13C values(−1.89 to+1.45‰VPDB for Md1,−1.35 to+0.42‰VPDB for Md2)that fall within or are slightly higher than the coeval seawater,suggesting the dolomitizing fluid of evaporated seawater.Md2 dolomite was then subjected to penecontemporaneous karstification by meteoric water and burial recrystallization by sealed brines during diagenesis,as indicated by its relatively lowerδ18O values(−8.89 to−5.73‰VPDB)and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios(0.708920–0.710199).Md3 dolomite comprises thrombolite and stromatolite and is interpreted to form by a combination of initial microbial mediation and later replacive dolomitization related to evaporated seawater.Cd dolomite was associated with early-formed karst system in the Md2 host dolomite.The lowestδ18O values(−11.78 to−10.18‰VPDB)and 87Sr/86Sr ratios(0.708688–0.708725)and fluid inclusion data(Th:123–175°C)indicate involvement of hydrothermal fluid from which the Cd dolomite precipitated during deep burial.These results reveal the multi-stage dolomitization history of the Majiagou Formation and provide new constraints on fluid origins and dolomites evolution during deep burial in old superimposed basins,such as the Ordos Basin and elsewhere.
文摘Reactive transport modeling(RTM)is an emerging method used to address geological issues in diagenesis research.However,the extrapolation of RTM results to practical reservoir prediction is not sufficiently understood.This paper presents a case study of the Eocene Qaidam Basin that combines RTM results with petrological and mineralogical evidence.The results show that the Eocene Xiaganchaigou Formation is characterized by mixed siliciclastic-carbonate-evaporite sedimentation in a semiclosed saline lacustrine environment.Periodic evaporation and salinization processes during the syngeneticpenecontemporaneous stage gave rise to the replacive genesis of dolomites and the cyclic enrichment of dolomite in the middle-upper parts of the meter-scale depositional sequences.The successive change in mineral paragenesis from terrigenous clastics to carbonates to evaporites was reconstructed using RTM simulations.Parametric uncertainty analyses further suggest that the evaporation intensity(brine salinity)and particle size of sediments(reactive surface area)were important rate-determining factors in the dolomitization,as shown by the relatively higher reaction rates under conditions of higher brine salinity and fine-grained sediments.Combining the simulation results with measured mineralogical and reservoir physical property data indicates that the preservation of original intergranular pores and the generation of porosity via replacive dolomitization were the major formation mechanisms of the distinctive lacustrine dolomite reservoirs(widespread submicron intercrystalline micropores)in the Eocene Qaidam Basin.The results confirm that RTM can be effectively used in geological studies,can provide a better general understanding of the dolomitizing fluid-rock interactions,and can shed light on the spatiotemporal evolution of mineralogy and porosity during dolomitization and the formation of lacustrine dolomite reservoirs.
基金Supported the Major National Oil and Gas Projects of China(2016ZX05046-006).
文摘Origin of authigenic dolomites in the dolomitic reservoir of the Permian Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Sag of Junggar Basin is unclear.Occurrence and genetic evolution of the authigenic dolomites in dolomitic rock reservoir of the Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Sag were analyzed by polarized and fluorescence thin sections,scanning electron microscope(SEM),electron microprobe(EMP),C,O and Sr isotopes analysis,and other techniques.(1)Dolomites were mainly precipitated in three stages:penecontemporaneous-shallow burial stage(early stage of the Middle Permian),middle burial stage(middle stage of the Middle Permian),and middle-deep burial stage,with the former two stages in dominance.(2)Dolomitization fluid was high-salinity brine originating from alkaline lake.In the penecontemporaneous-shallow burial stage,Mg^(2+)was mainly supplied by alkaline-lake fluid and devitrification of volcanic glass.In the middle burial stage,Mg^(2+)mainly came from the transformation of clay minerals,devitrification of volcanic glass and dissolution of aluminosilicates such as feldspar.(3)Regular changes of Mg,Mn,Fe,Sr,Si and other elements during the growth of dolomite were mainly related to the alkaline-lake fluid,and to different influences of devitrification and diagenetic alteration of volcanic materials during the burial.(4)In the penecontemporaneous stage,induced by alkaline-lake microorganisms,the micritic-microcrystalline dolomites were formed by primary precipitation,replacement of aragonite and high-Mg calcite,and other processes;in the shallow burial stage,the silt-sized dolomites were formed by continuous growth of micritic-microcrystalline dolomite and replacement of calcites,tuffs and other substances;in the middle burial stage,the dolomites,mainly silt-and fine-sized,were formed by replacement of volcanic materials.The research results are referential for investigating the formation mechanism and distribution patterns of tight dolomitic reservoirs in the Mahu Sag and other similar oil and gas bearing areas.
基金supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.N2201005).
文摘Given the depletion of high-quality magnesite deposits and the rising demand for high-end magnesium materials,the separation and utilization of high-calcium magnesite ores have become essential.However,the similar surface properties and solubility of semi-soluble salt-type minerals,pose significant challenges for the utilization of dolomite-rich magnesite resources.In this study,1-hydroxypropane-1,1-di phosphonic acid(HPDP)was identified for the first time as a high-performance depressant for dolomite.Various tests,including contact angle measurements,ζ potential analysis,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,and atomic force microscopy,were conducted to elucidate the interfacial interaction mechanisms of HPDP on the surfaces of the two minerals at different scales.Additionally,molecular modeling calculations were used to detail the spatial matching relationship between HPDP and the crystal faces of the two minerals.It was emphasized that HPDP specifically adsorbed onto the dolomite surface by forming calcium phosphonate,ensuring that the dolomite surface remained hydrophilic and sank.Moreover,it was found that the adsorption strength of HPDP on the mineral surfaces depended on the activity of the metal sites and their spatial distribution.These findings provide a theoretical foundation for the molecular design of flotation reagents for high-calcium magnesite ores.
基金financially supported by China Petroleum Science and Technology Project (No. 2023ZZ16-01)。
文摘The intraplatform shoal dolomite of the Middle Permian Qixia Formation is currently considered the key target of hydrocarbon exploration in the central Sichuan Basin. To systematically investigate the origin of the stratabound facies-controlled porous dolomites of the Qixia Formation, integrated petrography,logging and seismic analysis were carried out in this work. The results are as following:(1) the dolomite reservoir is universal in the central Sichuan Basin, and its distribution is controlled by intraplatform shoals, with multilayer superposition vertically. Thick massive dolostone may also develop along with the fault.(2) Three replaced dolomites and one dolomite cement were identified: very finely to finely crystalline, anhedral to subhedral dolomite(Rd1);finely to medium crystalline, anhedral to subhedral dolomite(Rd2);coarsely crystalline, subhedral to euhedral dolomite(Rd3) and coarsely crystalline saddle dolomite cement(Sd). Rd2 and Rd3 are partly fabric-retentive, and preserve the original bioclastic ghosts. Sd shows wavy extinction, filled in the breccia veins.(3) The U-Pb dating and homogenization temperatures results indicate that the dolomite and Sd cement are associated with hydrothermal event during the Emeishan large igneous province. The δ^(13)C,^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr, and seawater-like REEY patterns suggest that the dolomitization and Sd precipitation fluids originate from connate seawater heated by elevated heat-flow.(4) The ELIP triggered large scale thermal anomalies in the basin during the Dongwu movement period. The increased temperature and pressure drove the formation water in the intra-platform shoal facies and overcame the binding effect of Mg^(2+) hydrate. Moreover, the deep hydrothermal fluid preferentially penetrated into the porous strata of shoal facies along the faults and fractures, mixed with formation water to some extent, and extensive dolomitization occurred. The facies-controlled dolomite reservoir and the underlying Cambrian source rock form a good source-reservoir assemblage, which can be a key replacement option.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC:32260268)the Science and Technology Project of Guizhou Province[(2021)General-455]the Guizhou Hundred-level Innovative Talents Project[Qian-ke-he platform talents(2020)6004-2].
文摘Leaf trait networks(LTNs)visualize the intricate linkages reflecting plant trait-functional coordination.Typical karst vegetation,developed from lithological dolomite and limestone,generally exhibits differential communities,possibly due to habitat rock exposure,soil depth,and soil physicochemical properties variations,leading to a shift from plant trait variation to functional linkages.However,how soil and habitat quality affect the differentiation of leaf trait networks remains unclear.LTNs were constructed for typical dolomite and limestone habitats by analyzing twenty-one woody plant leaf traits across fifty-six forest subplots in karst mountains.The differences between dolomite and limestone LTNs were compared using network parameters.The network association of soil and habitat quality was analyzed using redundancy analysis(RDA),Mantle's test,and a random forest model.The limestone LTN exhibited significantly higher edge density with lower diameter and average path length when compared to the dolomite LTN.It indicates LTN differentiation,with the limestone network displaying a more compact architecture and higher connectivity than the dolomite network.The specific leaf phosphorus and leaf nitrogen contents of dolomite LTN,as well as the leaf mass and leaf carbon contents of limestone LTN,significantly contributed to network degree and closeness,serving as crucial node traits regulating LTN connectedness.Additionally,both habitat LTNs significantly correlated with soil nitrogen and phosphorus,stoichiometric ratios,pH,and organic carbon,as well as soil depth and rock exposure rates,with soil depth and rock exposure showing greater relative importance.Soil depth and rock exposure dominate trait network differentiation,with the limestone habitat exhibiting a more compact network architecture than the dolomite habitat.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42172177)CNPC Scientific Research and Technological Development Project(2021DJ05)PetroChina-Southwest University of Petroleum Innovation Consortium Project(2020CX020000).
文摘Based on the study of the distribution of intra-platform shoals and the characteristics of dolomite reservoirs in the Middle Permian Qixia Formation in the Gaoshiti–Moxi area of the Sichuan Basin,SW China,the controlling factors of reservoir development were analyzed,and the formation model of“intra-platform shoal thin-layer dolomite reservoir”was established.The Qixia Formation is a regressive cycle from bottom to top,in which the first member(Qi1 Member)develops low-energy open sea microfacies,and the second member(Qi2 Member)evolves into intra-platform shoal and inter-shoal sea with decreases in sea level.The intra-platform shoal is mainly distributed near the top of two secondary shallowing cycles of the Qi2 Member.The most important reservoir rock of the Qixia Formation is thin-layer fractured-vuggy dolomite,followed by vuggy dolomite.The semi-filled saddle dolomite is common in fracture-vug,and intercrystalline pores and residual dissolution pores combined with fractures to form the effective pore-fracture network.Based on the coupling analysis of sedimentary and diagenesis characteristics,the reservoir formation model of“pre-depositional micro-paleogeomorphology controlling shoal,sedimentary shoal controlling dolomite,penecontemporaneous dolomite benefiting preservation of pores,and late hydrothermal action effectively improving reservoir quality”was systematically established.The“first-order high zone”micro-paleogeomorphology before the deposition of the Qixia Formation controlled the development of large area of intra-platform shoals in Gaoshiti area during the deposition of the Qi2 Member.Shoal facies is the basic condition of early dolomitization,and the distribution range of intra-platform shoal and dolomite reservoir is highly consistent.The grain limestone of shoal facies is transformed by two stages of dolomitization.The penecontemporaneous dolomitization is conducive to the preservation of primary pores and secondary dissolved pores.The burial hydrothermal fluid enters the early dolomite body along the fractures associated with the Emeishan basalt event,makes it recrystallized into medium–coarse crystal dolomite.With the intercrystalline pores and the residual vugs after the hydrothermal dissolution along the fractures,the high-quality intra-platform shoal-type thin-layer dolomite reservoirs are formed.The establishment of this reservoir formation model can provide important theoretical support for the sustainable development of Permian gas reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin.
文摘The Middle Permian Qixia Formation in the Shuangyushi area,northwestern Sichuan Basin,develops shoal-facies dolomite reservoirs.To pinpoint promising reservoirs in the Qixia Formation,deep thin shoal-facies dolomite reservoirs were predicted using the techniques of pre-stack Kirchhoff-Q compensation for absorption,inverse Q filtering,low-to high-frequency compensation,forward modeling,and facies-controlled seismic meme inversion.The results are obtained in six aspects.First,the dolomite reservoirs mainly exist in the middle and lower parts of the second member of Qixia Formation(Qi2 Member),which coincide with the zones shoal cores are developed.Second,the forward modeling shows that the trough energy at the top and bottom of shoal core increases with increasing shoal-core thickness,and weak peak reflections are associated in the middle of shoal core.Third,five types of seismic waveform are identified through waveform analysis of seismic facies.Type-Ⅰ and Type-Ⅱ waveforms correspond to promising facies(shoal core microfacies).Fourth,vertically,two packages of thin dolomite reservoirs turn up in the sedimentary cycle of intraplatform shoal in the Qi2 Member,and the lower package is superior to the upper package in dolomite thickness,scale and lateral connectivity.Fifth,in plane,significantly controlled by sedimentary facies,dolomite reservoirs laterally distribute with consistent thickness in shoal cores at topographical highs and extend toward the break.Sixth,the promising prospects are the zones with thick dolomite reservoirs and superimposition of horstegraben structural traps.
基金funded by the CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation)Scientific Research and Technology Development Project (Grant No.2023ZZ0205,2021DJ0506)sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41774136,41374135)。
文摘The deep-ultra deep carbonate reservoir in China,commonly subjected to modification of multi-stage diagenesis,has extremely high heterogeneity.Conventional rock physics analysis cannot accurately identify the elastic responses of reservoir.Here,the rock physics properties of the dolomite from the 4th Member of the Sinian Dengying Formation are experimentally measured,and the change law of rock physics characteristics is investigated within the framework of the diagenetic processes by the analysis of the elastic and petrologic characteristics,pore structure,and sedimentary environments.The results show that the differentiated diagenesis results in different pore structure characteristics and microtexture characteristics of the rock.The microbial dolomite of the algal mound-grain beach facies is subjected to the contemporaneous microbial dolomitization and seepage-reflux dolomitization,penecontemporaneous selective dissolution,burial dolomitization,and hydrothermal dolomitization.The resultant crystalline dolomite is found with one main type of the dolomite crystal contact boundaries,and the dissolution pore is extensive development.The siliceous,muddy,and limy dolomite of the interbeach sea environment mainly experiences the weak capillary concentration dolomitization,intensive mechanical compaction-induced densification,and burial dolomitization.Such crystalline dolomite is observed with four types of contact boundaries,namely the dolomite contact,clay contact,quartz contact,and calcite contact boundaries,and porosity mostly attributed to residual primary inter-granular or crystalline pores.The samples with the same crystal boundary condition have consistent correlations between the compressional-and shear-wave velocities,and between the compressional-wave velocity and the velocity ratio.Additionally,the variation of the acoustic velocity with effective pressure and the intensity of pore-scale fluid-related dispersion are controlled by the differentiation of pore structure types of the samples.The varied effects of soft pores like micro-cracks on the compressional-and shearwave velocity causes considerable changes in the relationships between the compressional-and shearwave velocities,compressional-wave velocity and velocity ratio,and porosity and acoustic velocity.This research is an attempt to demonstrate a novel method for investigating the rock physics variation of rock during the geological process,and the obtained findings can provide the rock physics basis for seismic prediction of the characteristics of deep carbonate reservoirs.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.42162026)the Applied Basic Research Foundation of Yunnan Province(Grant No.202201AT070083).
文摘Although disintegrated dolomite,widely distributed across the globe,has conventionally been a focus of research in underground engineering,the issue of slope stability issues in disintegrated dolomite strata is gaining increasing prominence.This is primarily due to their unique properties,including low strength and loose structure.Current methods for evaluating slope stability,such as basic quality(BQ)and slope stability probability classification(SSPC),do not adequately account for the poor integrity and structural fragmentation characteristic of disintegrated dolomite.To address this challenge,an analysis of the applicability of the limit equilibrium method(LEM),BQ,and SSPC methods was conducted on eight disintegrated dolomite slopes located in Baoshan,Southwest China.However,conflicting results were obtained.Therefore,this paper introduces a novel method,SMRDDS,to provide rapid and accurate assessment of disintegrated dolomite slope stability.This method incorporates parameters such as disintegrated grade,joint state,groundwater conditions,and excavation methods.The findings reveal that six slopes exhibit stability,while two are considered partially unstable.Notably,the proposed method demonstrates a closer match with the actual conditions and is more time-efficient compared with the BQ and SSPC methods.However,due to the limited research on disintegrated dolomite slopes,the results of the SMRDDS method tend to be conservative as a safety precaution.In conclusion,the SMRDDS method can quickly evaluate the current situation of disintegrated dolomite slopes in the field.This contributes significantly to disaster risk reduction for disintegrated dolomite slopes.