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Bronchopleural fistula following application of Hem-o-lock clip at bronchial stump after lobectomy:A case report
作者 Qian-Yu Li Xiao-Long Wang +1 位作者 Feng Zhang Hai-Tao Wei 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 2025年第13期35-40,共6页
BACKGROUND Hem-o-lock clip,a versatile and reliable non-absorbable tissue clip,has gained widespread acceptance in laparoscopic surgeries for vessel ligation and tissue approximation.Its efficacy and safety have been ... BACKGROUND Hem-o-lock clip,a versatile and reliable non-absorbable tissue clip,has gained widespread acceptance in laparoscopic surgeries for vessel ligation and tissue approximation.Its efficacy and safety have been well-documented.CASE SUMMARY This case report describes the occurrence of a bronchopleural fistula following the application of the Hem-o-lock clip for the treatment of a lobar bronchial stump after lobectomy.CONCLUSION This case underscores the importance of exercising caution when using the Hem-o-lock clip for the management of non-vascular tissues during thoracic surgery. 展开更多
关键词 Bronchopleural fistula Hem-o-lock clip lobectomy Surgical complications Case report
CT Pulmo3D处理技术制作肺叶模型在指导胸腔镜肺叶切除术方面的应用研究
作者 陆超 刘玉蒙 +3 位作者 孙庆军 陈启兴 宋涛 吴若岱 《中国CT和MRI杂志》 2025年第1期95-96,99,共3页
目的 探究CT Pulmo3D处理技术制作肺叶模型在胸腔镜肺叶切除术方面的临床应用。方法选取我院在2023年10月到2024年6月收治的需行胸腔镜肺叶切除手术的肺癌患者60例,采用数字随机表法将其分为对照组和观察组,每组患者30例。对照组患者在... 目的 探究CT Pulmo3D处理技术制作肺叶模型在胸腔镜肺叶切除术方面的临床应用。方法选取我院在2023年10月到2024年6月收治的需行胸腔镜肺叶切除手术的肺癌患者60例,采用数字随机表法将其分为对照组和观察组,每组患者30例。对照组患者在术前进行普通胸部增强CT检查,观察组在术前应用CT Pulmo3D后处理技术制作肺叶模型,制定术前计划并模拟手术过程,比较两组患者的手术时间、术中出血量、术后引流管留置时间、术后住院时间以及并发症情况。结果 观察组患者的手术时间和术中出血量均少于对照组患者的手术时间和术中出血量,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组患者的术后引流管留置时间以及术后住院时间进行比较,存在差异(P>0.05);观察组患者的并发症发生率低于对照组患者的并发症发生率,存在差异(P>0.05)。结论 在患者进行胸腔镜肺叶切除术前采用CT Pulmo3D处理技术制作肺叶模型并模拟手术过程,具有良好的效果,能够保证手术安全并快速完成。 展开更多
关键词 CT Pulmo3D处理技术 肺叶模型 胸腔镜肺叶切除术 应用
作者 任廷楷 刘政 +1 位作者 刘锋 朱红军 《罕少疾病杂志》 2025年第1期60-62,共3页
目的 分析胸腔镜肺叶切除术治疗对老年NSCLC临床疗效、肺功能及血清穿透素-3(Pentraxin-3)水平的影响。方法 选取本院2019年3月至2021年3月收治NSCLC患者122例,根据手术治疗方案不同分为对照组(传统开放性肺叶切除术,n=59)和研究组(胸... 目的 分析胸腔镜肺叶切除术治疗对老年NSCLC临床疗效、肺功能及血清穿透素-3(Pentraxin-3)水平的影响。方法 选取本院2019年3月至2021年3月收治NSCLC患者122例,根据手术治疗方案不同分为对照组(传统开放性肺叶切除术,n=59)和研究组(胸腔镜肺叶切除术,n=63)。对比两组临床疗效、围手术情况、第1秒用力呼气容积(forced expiratory volume in I second,FEV1)、每分钟通气量(minute ventilation,MV)、最大呼气流量(peak expiratory flow,PEF)、Pentraxin-3、附睾蛋白4(human epididymal protein4,HE4)、正五聚蛋白(pentameric protein,PTX3)、并发症发生率及1年生存率、复发率。结果 研究组临床疗效高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组术后FEV1、MV及PEF均下降,且研究组术后FEV1、MV及PEF均高于对照组(P<0.05)。两组术后Pentraxin-3、HE4、PTX3水平均下降,且研究组Pentraxin-3、HE4、PTX3水平低于对照组(P<0.05)。对照组并发症发生率高于研究组(P<0.05)。两组生存率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);研究组复发率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 老年NSCLC患者应用胸腔镜肺叶切除术临床疗效确切,对肺功能影响小,可改善Pentraxin-3、HE4、PTX3水平,且安全性高,值得临床广泛推广。 展开更多
关键词 胸腔镜肺叶切除术 NSCLC 临床疗效 肺功能 Pentraxin-3
作者 卜乐晔 马启刚 +1 位作者 张传鑫 何光耀 《局解手术学杂志》 2025年第2期159-163,共5页
目的 分析对乙酰氨基酚超前镇痛复合肋间神经阻滞在胸腔镜肺叶切除术中的应用效果。方法 选取2021年1月至2023年9月六安市中医院收治的120例经胸腔镜行肺叶切除术的肺癌患者作为研究对象,按随机数字表法将其分为对照组和观察组,每组60... 目的 分析对乙酰氨基酚超前镇痛复合肋间神经阻滞在胸腔镜肺叶切除术中的应用效果。方法 选取2021年1月至2023年9月六安市中医院收治的120例经胸腔镜行肺叶切除术的肺癌患者作为研究对象,按随机数字表法将其分为对照组和观察组,每组60例。对照组患者于麻醉诱导前给予对乙酰氨基酚超前镇痛,观察组患者在对照组的基础上复合肋间神经阻滞。比较2组患者术后3、12、24、48 h的视觉模拟量表(VAS)评分、Ramsay镇静评分及血清β-内啡肽、前列腺素E2水平;比较2组患者麻醉诱导前、拔管后的去甲肾上腺素(NE)、肾上腺素(E)、血清皮质醇(Cor)等应激反应指标及CD3^(+)、CD4^(+)、CD4^(+)/CD8^(+)等免疫功能指标;比较2组患者拔管后不良反应的发生情况。结果 2组患者术后VAS评分随时间延长逐渐增加,Ramsay镇静评分随时间延长逐渐降低,观察组患者术后各时点VAS评分均低于对照组,Ramsay镇静评分均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组患者术后血清β-内啡肽、前列腺素E2水平随时间延长逐渐降低,观察组患者术后各时点血清β-内啡肽水平均高于对照组,前列腺素E2水平均低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组患者拔管后NE、E、Cor水平均显著降低(P<0.05),且观察组低于对照组(P<0.05);2组患者拔管后CD3^(+)、CD4^(+)、CD4^(+)/CD8^(+)水平均显著降低(P<0.05),且观察组高于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组不良反应总发生率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 对乙酰氨基酚超前镇痛复合肋间神经阻滞应用于胸腔镜肺叶切除术,患者镇痛和镇静效果良好,有助于提高患者免疫功能,减少术后不良反应。 展开更多
关键词 胸腔镜肺叶切除术 对乙酰氨基酚 超前镇痛 肋间神经阻滞
作者 王雅楠 宋静超 张芳 《临床医学研究与实践》 2025年第2期117-120,共4页
目的探究Hogan理论护理模式对胸腔镜部分肺叶切除术患者心理恐惧及术后康复锻炼依从性的影响。方法根据随机数字表法将126例胸腔镜部分肺叶切除术患者分为对照组与研究组,每组63例。对照组行常规护理模式干预,研究组行Hogan理论护理模... 目的探究Hogan理论护理模式对胸腔镜部分肺叶切除术患者心理恐惧及术后康复锻炼依从性的影响。方法根据随机数字表法将126例胸腔镜部分肺叶切除术患者分为对照组与研究组,每组63例。对照组行常规护理模式干预,研究组行Hogan理论护理模式干预。比较两组的干预效果。结果干预后,研究组的抑郁自评量表(SDS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)及恐惧疾病进展量表(FoP-Q-SF)评分低于对照组(P<0.05)。研究组的院外功能锻炼依从性量表各维度评分高于对照组(P<0.05)。干预后,研究组的屈服、回避评分低于对照组,面对评分高于对照组(P<0.05)。研究组的术后并发症总发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论Hogan理论护理模式可明显改善胸腔镜部分肺叶切除术患者的不良情绪和心理恐惧,增加其术后康复锻炼依从性,降低并发症发生率。 展开更多
关键词 胸腔镜部分肺叶切除术 Hogan理论 心理恐惧 依从性
作者 范逸松 王瑞 《现代肿瘤医学》 2025年第2期249-254,共6页
目的:探讨单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术肺癌患者中转开胸手术的影响因素及手术规划策略。方法:回顾性分析2019年1月至2022年5月期间我院收治的105例肺癌患者的一般资料。根据患者术中是否中转开胸手术,将其分为发生组和未发生组。采用单因素及... 目的:探讨单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术肺癌患者中转开胸手术的影响因素及手术规划策略。方法:回顾性分析2019年1月至2022年5月期间我院收治的105例肺癌患者的一般资料。根据患者术中是否中转开胸手术,将其分为发生组和未发生组。采用单因素及多因素logistic回归模型分析单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术治疗肺癌患者中转开胸手术的相关影响因素。结果:105例行单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术肺癌患者中转开胸手术的发生率为28.57%。发生组手术时间、淋巴结扫除数量、术中失血量[(150.83±35.24)min、10.81±2.65、(289.79±51.74)mL]多于未发生组[(132.28±30.32)min、9.63±2.15、(198.95±39.68)mL],并发症发生率(26.67%)高于未发生组(14.67%)(P<0.05);两组术后住院时间、引流管留置时间及术后总引流量[发生组:(7.93±2.07)天、(6.53±2.12)天、(1005.28±315.20)mL;未发生组:(8.14±2.65)天、(6.43±2.01)天、(1027.65±302.34)mL]无明显差异(P>0.05)。年龄、肺结核史、肿瘤位置、胸腔粘连程度、肿瘤最大直径、CT淋巴结情况均为肺癌患者单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术发生中转开胸手术的影响因素,差异均具有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄≥65岁、肺结核史、肿瘤位于肺上叶、胸腔粘连≥4级、肺门淋巴结增大是肺癌患者单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术发生中转开胸手术的独立危险因素(P均<0.05)。结论:年龄≥65岁、肺结核史、肿瘤位于肺上叶、胸膜粘连≥4级、肺门淋巴结增大均为肺癌患者单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术发生中转开胸手术的独立危险因素;肺癌患者行单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术时,应严格评估其手术适应证,详细规划手术路径,尽可能减少中转开胸手术发生率。 展开更多
关键词 肺癌 单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术 中转开胸手术
作者 许琳 邢曼兮 张瑞杰 《中国内镜杂志》 2025年第1期86-90,共5页
目的探讨自制标本袋在单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术中的应用效果。方法回顾性分析2021年10月-2022年7月该院40例接受单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术的患者的临床资料,按照操作方法不同,分为常规方法组和新式方法组,各20例。常规方法组一次性使用医用无... 目的探讨自制标本袋在单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术中的应用效果。方法回顾性分析2021年10月-2022年7月该院40例接受单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术的患者的临床资料,按照操作方法不同,分为常规方法组和新式方法组,各20例。常规方法组一次性使用医用无菌防护套1个,保留一侧约20 cm的长度,底部打结并内翻,用两把卵圆钳夹持袋口,置入胸腔内取出标本;新式方法组在常规方法组操作基础上,于袋口穿入一根引流管。术中标本均由自制标本袋取出。比较两组患者标本装入时间、一次性成功率、伤口愈合情况和近期预后。结果新式方法组无标本脱落,均一次性成功,常规方法组出现两次标本脱落(2/20),两组患者一次性成功率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);新式方法组标本装入时间平均(36.20±6.08)s,明显短于常规方法组的(57.95±6.59)s,两组患者比较,差异有统计学意义(t=10.85,P<0.01)。所有标本袋均无破损,所有患者手术切口愈合良好,无切口感染和肿瘤种植,并且在1年内无胸腔内播散转移。结论自制胸腔镜取物标本袋制作简单,成本低廉,使用安全便捷,能够节省手术时间,降低医疗成本。 展开更多
关键词 自制标本袋 单孔胸腔镜 肺叶切除 引流管 医用无菌防护套
作者 罗来杰 《中国医药指南》 2025年第3期90-92,共3页
目的分析甲状腺结节患者采取不同术式(甲状腺腺叶切除术、甲状腺次全切除术)体现的临床价值。方法纳入2023年6月至2024年6月本院收治甲状腺结节患者开展分组对照试验,符合条件共入组86例并划分2个组别(数字随机表法),对照组(n=43)开展... 目的分析甲状腺结节患者采取不同术式(甲状腺腺叶切除术、甲状腺次全切除术)体现的临床价值。方法纳入2023年6月至2024年6月本院收治甲状腺结节患者开展分组对照试验,符合条件共入组86例并划分2个组别(数字随机表法),对照组(n=43)开展甲状腺次全切除术,观察组(n=43)开展甲状腺腺叶切除术。根据综合指标对两组手术疗效进行全面评价。结果观察组临床治疗效果、术中出血量、手术时间、术后引流量、术后24hVAS评分、术后住院时间、甲状腺激素水平、并发症发生率、生活质量评分各项指标改善效果较对照组更明显(P<0.05)。结论甲状腺腺叶切除术、甲状腺次全切除术在甲状腺结节治疗中均有较好效果,但前者能减轻手术创伤和术后疼痛,促进甲状腺激素水平恢复,减少并发症发生,提高生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 甲状腺腺叶切除术 甲状腺次全切除术 甲状腺结节 治疗效果
Emergency caudate lobectomy for ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma with multiple primary cancers 被引量:4
作者 Long-Hao Sun Hong-Qiu Han +1 位作者 Peng-Zhi Wang Wei-Jun Tian 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第3期418-421,共4页
We report a case of metachronous multiple primary malignancies involving both rectum and liver with colonic metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) through hematogenous pathway.A 72-year-old woman was admitted t... We report a case of metachronous multiple primary malignancies involving both rectum and liver with colonic metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) through hematogenous pathway.A 72-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency department with right upper abdominal pain for 4 h.Considering her surgical history of Mile's procedure plus liver resection for rectal cancer with liver metastasis three years ago and the finding of urgent computed tomography scan on admission,the preoperative diagnosis was spontaneous rupture of rectal liver metastasis located in caudate lobe and colonic metastasis from rectal cancer. The patient underwent an emergency isolated caudate lobectomy at a hemorrhagic shock status.Pathology reported a primary HCC in the caudate lobe and colonic metastasis of HCC with tumor embolus in the surrounding vessels of the intestine.No regional lymph node involvement was found.It is hypothesized that HCC may disseminate hematogenously to the ascending colon,thus making it a rare case. 展开更多
关键词 EMERGENCY isolated CAUDATE lobectomy Multiple primary MALIGNANCIES Rectal adenocarcinoma Hepatocellular carcinoma HEMATOGENOUS metastasis
Thoracoscopic segmentectomy and lobectomy assisted by threedimensional computed-tomography bronchography and angiography for the treatment of primary lung cancer 被引量:8
作者 Yun-Jiang Wu Qing-Tong Shi +1 位作者 Yong Zhang Ya-Li Wang 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2021年第34期10494-10506,共13页
BACKGROUND Anatomical segmentectomy has been proposed as a substitution for lobectomy for early-stage lung cancer.However,it requires technical meticulousness due to the complex anatomical variations of segmental vess... BACKGROUND Anatomical segmentectomy has been proposed as a substitution for lobectomy for early-stage lung cancer.However,it requires technical meticulousness due to the complex anatomical variations of segmental vessels and bronchi.AIM To assess the safety and feasibility of three-dimensional computed-tomography bronchography and angiography(3D-CTBA)in performing video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery(VATS)for lung cancers.METHODS In this study,we enrolled 123 patients who consented to undergo thoracoscopic segmentectomy and lobectomy assisted by 3D-CTBA between May 2017 and June 2019.The image data of enhanced computed tomography(CT)scans was reconstructed three-dimensionally by the Mimics software.The results of preoperative 3D-CTBA,in combination with intraoperative navigation,guided the surgery.RESULTS A total of 59 women and 64 men were enrolled,of whom 57(46.3%)underwent segmentectomy and 66(53.7%)underwent lobectomy.The majority of tumor appearance on CT was part-solid ground-glass nodule(pGGN;55.3%).The mean duration of chest tube placement was 3.5±1.6 d,and the average length of postoperative hospital stay was 6.8±1.8 d.Surgical complications included one case of pneumonia and four cases of prolonged air leak lasting>5 d.Notably,there was no intraoperative massive hemorrhage,postoperative intensive-care unit stay,or 30-d mortality.Preoperative 3D-CTBA images can display clearly and vividly the targeted structure and the variations of vessels and bronchi.To reduce the risk of locoregional recurrence,the application of 3D-CTBA with a virtual 3D surgical margin help the VATS surgeon determine accurate distances and positional relations among the tumor,bronchial trees,and the intersegmental vessels.Three-dimensional navigation was performed to confirm the segmental structure,precisely cut off the targeted segment,and avoid intersegmental veins injury.CONCLUSION VATS and 3D-CTBA worked in harmony in our study.This combination also provided a new pattern of transition from lesion-directed location of tumors to computer-aided surgery for the management of early lung cancer. 展开更多
关键词 THORACOSCOPY SEGMENTECTOMY lobectomy Three-dimensional computed tomography Bronchography and angiography
Nonintubated thoracoscopic lobectomy plus lymph node dissection following segmentectomy for central type pulmonary masses 被引量:7
作者 Wenlong Shao Wei Wang +4 位作者 Weiqiang Yin Zhihua Guo Guilin Peng Ying Chen Jianxing He 《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期124-127,共4页
Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. In the United States, it causes more cancer-related deaths than the next four causes (breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer) of cancer-r... Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. In the United States, it causes more cancer-related deaths than the next four causes (breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer) of cancer-related mortality combined (1). About 30% of people have already progressed to stage III lung cancer and 40% to stage IV at the time they are diagnosed (2). Although chest X-ray and sputum cytology, when applied in health check-ups, can identify some relatively small tumors, they are not able to lower the overall mortality (3). More recently, 展开更多
关键词 node VATS Nonintubated thoracoscopic lobectomy plus lymph node dissection following segmentectomy for central type pulmonary masses lung
Anatomic isolated caudate lobectomy: Is it possible to establish a standard surgical flow? 被引量:5
作者 Yun Jin Liang Wang +5 位作者 Yuan-Quan Yu Dong-Er Zhou Da-Ren Liu Jun-Jie Yang Shu-You Peng Jiang-Tao Li 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第41期7433-7439,共7页
AIM To establish the surgical flow for anatomic isolated caudate lobe resection. METHODS The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine(SAHZU). ... AIM To establish the surgical flow for anatomic isolated caudate lobe resection. METHODS The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine(SAHZU). From April 2004 to July 2014, 20 patients were enrolled who underwent anatomic isolated caudate lobectomy at SAHZU. Clinical and postoperative pathological data were analyzed. RESULTS Of the total 20 cases, 4 received isolated complete caudate lobectomy(20%) and 16 received isolated partial caudate lobectomy(80%). There were 4 caseswith the left approach(4/20, 20%), 6 cases with the right approach(6/20, 30%), 7 cases with the bilateral combined approach(7/20, 35%), 3 cases with the anterior approach(3/20, 15%), and the hanging maneuver was also combined in 2 cases. The median tumor size was 5.5 cm(2-12 cm). The median intraoperative blood loss was 600 m L(200-5700 m L). The median intra-operative blood transfusion volume was 250 m L(0-2400 m L). The median operation time was 255 min(110-510 min). The median post-operative hospital stay was 14 d(7-30 d). The 1-and 3-year survival rates for malignant tumor were 88.9% and 49.4%, respectively. CONCLUSION Caudate lobectomy was a challenging procedure. It was demonstrated that anatomic isolated caudate lobectomy can be done safely and effectively. 展开更多
关键词 Caudate lobectomy Surgical flow Anatomic liver resection
Caudate lobectomy by the third porta hepatis anatomical method: a study of 16 cases 被引量:3
作者 Huai-Quan Zuo, Lu-Nan Yan, Yong Zeng, Jia-Ying Yang, Hong-Zhi Luo, Jiang-Wen Liu, Li-Xin Zhou and Qiang Jin Department of General Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China 《Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International》 SCIE CAS 2006年第3期387-390,共4页
BACKGROUND: The treatment for primary tumor in the caudate lobe of the liver is difficult because of its unique anatomical location. This study was undertaken to improve operative techniques and results by a new anato... BACKGROUND: The treatment for primary tumor in the caudate lobe of the liver is difficult because of its unique anatomical location. This study was undertaken to improve operative techniques and results by a new anatomical method of caudate lobectomy. METHODS: Clinical data of 16 patients who had had caudate lobectomy for the liver from January 1996 to November 2004 were retrospectively analyzed. The third porta hepatis anatomical method was performed in all 16 patients. Operative time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative complications were recorded. The 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates of 13 patients with caudate lobe carcinoma were followed up. Anatomical status, operative routes, operative procedures, liver blood supply were evaluated. RESULTS: The operation was successful in the 16 patients. The operative time was 255±70 minutes and blood loss 740±402 ml. None of the patients died from massive bleeding during the operation, nor did complications such as biliary fistula and liver failure occurred. In 13 patients with malignant tumor, 7 died from recurrence and metastasis of the tumor and the other 6 are still alive at the end of follow-up. One patient has survived for 6 years. The 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates in the 13 patients were 83.9%, 58.7% and 39.2%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Caudate lobectomy by the third porta hepatis anatomical method can improve operative effect and increase the resection probability for solitary tumor in the caudate lobe. 展开更多
关键词 caudate lobectomy the third porta hepatis ANATOMY titanium clip
Robotic isolated partial and complete hepatic caudate lobectomy:A single institution experience 被引量:3
作者 Zhi-Ming Zhao Zhu-Zeng Yin +3 位作者 Li-Chao Pan Ming-Gen Hu Xiang-Long Tan Rong Liu 《Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第5期435-439,共5页
Background:Current reports on robotic hepatic caudate lobectomy are limited to Spiegel lobectomy.This study aimed to compare the safety and feasibility of robotic isolated partial and complete hepatic caudate lobectom... Background:Current reports on robotic hepatic caudate lobectomy are limited to Spiegel lobectomy.This study aimed to compare the safety and feasibility of robotic isolated partial and complete hepatic caudate lobectomy.Methods:Clinical data of 32 patients who underwent robotic resection of the hepatic caudate lobe in our department from May 2016 to January 2020 were retrospectively analyzed.The patients were divided into three groups according to the lobectomy location:left dorsal segment lobectomy(Spiegel lobectomy),right dorsal segment lobectomy(caudate process or paracaval portion lobectomy),and complete caudate lobectomy.General information and perioperative results of the three groups were compared and analyzed.Results:Among the 32 patients,none had conversion to laparotomy,three received intraoperative blood transfusion(9.38%),and none had complications of Clavien-Dindo gradeⅢor higher or died in the perioperative period.Among them,17 patients(53.13%)underwent Spiegel lobectomy,7(21.88%)underwent caudate process or paracaval portion lobectomy,and 8(25.00%)underwent complete caudate lobectomy.The operative time and blood loss in the left dorsal segment lobectomy group were significantly better than those in the right dorsal segment lobectomy and complete caudate lobectomy groups(operative time:P=0.010 and P=0.005;blood loss:P=0.005 and P=0.017,respectively).The postoperative hospital stay in the left dorsal segment lobectomy group was significantly shorter than that in the complete caudate lobectomy group(P=0.003);however,there was no difference in the postoperative hospital stay between the left dorsal segment lobectomy group and right dorsal segment lobectomy group(P=0.240).Conclusions:Robotic isolated partial and complete caudate lobectomy is safe and feasible.Spiegel lobectomy is relatively straightforward and suitable for beginners. 展开更多
关键词 Robotic surgery Caudate lobe Caudate lobectomy
Choice of approach for hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma located in the caudate lobe:Isolated or combined lobectomy? 被引量:13
作者 Peng Liu Bao-An Qiu Gang Bai Hong-Wei Bai Nian-Xin Xia Ying-Xiang Yang Jian-Yong Zhu Yang An Bing Hu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第29期3904-3909,共6页
AIM:To investigate the significance of the surgical approaches in the prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) located in the caudate lobe with a multivariate regression analysis using a Cox proportional hazard mode... AIM:To investigate the significance of the surgical approaches in the prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) located in the caudate lobe with a multivariate regression analysis using a Cox proportional hazard model.METHODS:Thirty-six patients with HCC underwent caudate lobectomy at a single tertiary referral center between January 1995 and June 2010.In this series,left-sided,right-sided and bilateral approaches were used.The outcomes of patients who underwent isolated caudate lobectomy or caudate lobectomy combined with an additional partial hepatectomy were compared.The survival curves of the isolated and combined resection groups were generated by the Kaplan-Meier method and compared by a log-rank test.RESULTS:Sixteen(44.4%) of 36 patients underwent isolated total or partial caudate lobectomy whereas 20(55.6%) received a total or partial caudate lobectomy combined with an additional partial hepatectomy.The median diameter of the tumor was 6.7 cm(range,2.1-15.8 cm).Patients who underwent an isolated caudate lobectomy had significantly longer operative time(240 min vs 170 min),longer length of hospital stay(18 d vs 13 d) and more blood loss(780 mL vs 270 mL) than patients who underwent a combined caudate lobectomy(P < 0.05).There were no perioperative deaths in both groups of patients.The complication rate was higher in the patients who underwent an isolated caudate lobectomy than in those who underwent combined caudate lobectomy(31.3% vs 10.0%,P < 0.05).The 1-,3-and 5-year disease-free survival rates for the isolated caudate lobectomy and the combined caudate lobectomy groups were 54.5%,6.5% and 0% and 85.8%,37.6% and 0%,respectively(P < 0.05).The corresponding overall survival rates were 73.8%,18.5% and 0% and 93.1%,43.6% and 6.7%(P < 0.05).CONCLUSION:The caudate lobectomy combined with an additional partial hepatectomy is preferred because this approach is technically less demanding and offers an adequate surgical margin. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma Hepatectomy Caudate lobectomy Caudate lobe Combined resection
Anterior transhepatic approach for total caudate lobectomy including spigelian lobe,paracaval portion and caudate process:A Brazilian experience 被引量:1
作者 Eduardo de Souza Martins Fernandes Carlo Alberto Pacilio +3 位作者 Felipe Pedreira Tavares de Mello Ronaldo de Oliveira Andrade Leandro Moreira Savattone Pimentel Camila Liberato Girão 《Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期371-373,共3页
To the Editor:Nowadays,because of the infiltration of cholangiocarcinoma to the parenchyma and/or bile ducts of the caudate lobe,the inclusion of caudate lobe combined with a major hepatectomy remains the gold standar... To the Editor:Nowadays,because of the infiltration of cholangiocarcinoma to the parenchyma and/or bile ducts of the caudate lobe,the inclusion of caudate lobe combined with a major hepatectomy remains the gold standard approach for a resectable hilar cholangiocarcinoma.Since the last years of the 20th century,some authors have begun to report isolated caudate lobe resection for hepatocellular 展开更多
关键词 HCC Anterior transhepatic approach for total caudate lobectomy including spigelian lobe paracaval portion and caudate process:A Brazilian experience
Robot-assisted lobectomy in a patient with poor lung function:Another advantage of robot-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 被引量:1
作者 Miguel R.Buitrago Marco E.Guerrero +2 位作者 Kristin L.Eckland Ana María Ramírez Eric E.Vinck 《Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery》 2021年第2期57-60,共4页
Patients with poor lung function have a high-risk for pulmonary complications following lobectomy.The development of minimally invasive thoracic surgical techniques allows sicker patients to safely undergo lung resect... Patients with poor lung function have a high-risk for pulmonary complications following lobectomy.The development of minimally invasive thoracic surgical techniques allows sicker patients to safely undergo lung resection.Robotic lobectomy could benefit these higher risk patients.Here we present a case of a 58-year-old female patient with poor lung function presented with a 3-cm mass in her lower left pulmonary lobe,who successfully underwent lobectomy via robot-assisted thoracoscopic surgery.Her forced expiratory volume in one second was slightly improved compared to the preoperative value.Her forced vital capacity continued to improve in the follow-up period.There was no recorded recurrence during the three years follow-up period. 展开更多
关键词 Poor lung function Lung cancer Robot-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy
Complete Thoracoscopic Segmentectomy and Pulmonary Lobectomy in the Treatment of Small Pulmonary Nodules 被引量:2
作者 Yu Zhou 《Proceedings of Anticancer Research》 2021年第6期57-60,共4页
Objective:To compare the clinical effect of complete thoracoscopic segmentectomy and pulmonary lobectomy for pulmonary nodules.Methods:In this study,176 patients with pulmonary nodules were treated in Changshu Hospita... Objective:To compare the clinical effect of complete thoracoscopic segmentectomy and pulmonary lobectomy for pulmonary nodules.Methods:In this study,176 patients with pulmonary nodules were treated in Changshu Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine from January 2019 to June 2021;according to the type of surgery,the patients were divided into group A(complete thoracoscopic segmentectomy)and group B(complete thoracoscopic pulmonary lobectomy),and the clinical effects were analyzed.Results:The intraoperative blood loss,postoperative drainage volume,postoperative hospitalization days,and lung function of patients in group A were significantly better than those in group B(P<0.05),while there was no significant difference in the number of dissected lymph nodes.Conclusion:The clinical effect of complete thoracoscopic segmentectomy for patients with small pulmonary nodules is more significant;it does not only ensure lymph node dissection,but also improve surgical-related indicators and treatment safety as well as speed up the recovery of pulmonary function.Its clinical application value is worthy of key analysis by medical institutions. 展开更多
关键词 Complete thoracoscopic segmentectomy Pulmonary lobectomy Small pulmonary nodules
Application of Blocking Unilateral Main Pulmonary Artery in Pulmonary Lobectomy of Lung Cancer
作者 Fei Gao Yunchao Huang +2 位作者 Lixia Liang Anning Chen Tierong Zhao 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2009年第3期221-224,共4页
OBJECTIVE To explore the application of blocking the unilateralmain pulmonary artery (MPA) in pulmonary lobectomy (PL) forpatients with stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ lung cancer, and to retrospectivelyanalyze the methods of surgery... OBJECTIVE To explore the application of blocking the unilateralmain pulmonary artery (MPA) in pulmonary lobectomy (PL) forpatients with stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ lung cancer, and to retrospectivelyanalyze the methods of surgery for blocking the unilateral mainpulmonary artery, perioperative indications, intraoperativeconcerns and postoperative cardio-pulmonary complications.METHODS During a period from January 2006 to January 2008,intra-pericardial, or extra-pericardial separation and blockade ofthe left or right MPA followed by completion of various PLs wereconducted for 30 lung cancer patients in stage-Ⅱ to Ⅲ with ill-defined anatomic structure of the pulmonary hilum and difficultpulmonary angiodiastasis.RESULTS In the 30 patients, 5 were diagnosed as stage-Ⅱb, 11stage-Ⅲa, and 14 stage-Ⅲb. During the surgery, giant tumors atthe superior pulmonary lobe, with a diameter of over 10 cm, wereseen in 13 cases, in which tumor invasion in the extra-pericardiacpulmonary artery was found in 5 cases. Hilar lymphadenectasiswith severe tumor adhesion to pulmonary blood vessel couldbe seen in 20 cases and partial tumorous invasion in thepericardium in 7. In most of the cases, adhesions existed aroundthe tumor, aorta, superior vena, and azygous vein. Invasion ofthe laryngeal and vagus nerves on the left side was found in 3cases. Of the 30 patients, simple PL was conducted in 12, andsleeve lobectomy combined with a pulmonary arterioplasty in18 cases. With a blockade of unilateral MPA, no intraoperativehemorrhea of pulmonary blood vessels occurred during surgery,when there was a clear surgical field of vision. Both PL andlymphadenectomy were smoothly completed in the 30 patients.The healthy pulmonary lobes with normal function were keptand total pneumonectomy was avoided. The time of blocking thepulmonary artery ranged from 10 to 30 min, and intraoperativeblood loss was from 200 to 300 ml. Postoperative complicatedacute pulmonary edema occurred in 5 patients and tachycardia in7 cases. Nevertheless, all patients recovered and left the hospitalafter treatment. No severe cardiopulmonary complications werefound in all patients of the group.CONCLUSION Blocking the unilateral MPA is effective todecrease the risk of intraoperative hemorrhea in the PL. It canshorten the time of surgery, improve the excision rate of lungcancer, and cut down on the rate of total pneumonectomy. 展开更多
关键词 lung tumor pulmonary artery BLOCKADE pulmonary lobectomy.
Robotic lobectomy-the future of minimally invasive lobectomy?
作者 Brian E. Louie 《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期1-3,共3页
It has been almost 20 years since the first reports of minimally invasive lobectomies appeared. Despite the tremendous amounts of research performed on VATS lobectomy showing its benefit over open thoracotomy, a mere ... It has been almost 20 years since the first reports of minimally invasive lobectomies appeared. Despite the tremendous amounts of research performed on VATS lobectomy showing its benefit over open thoracotomy, a mere 32% of all lobectomies are performed via this technique in the Society for Thoracic Surgeons database and only 6% in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (1). So, why is it that in a recent review of clinical stage I lung cancers over 70% were still completed using open thoracotomy?(2). Advocates of an open approach still cite the ability to sample and perform a "more thorough" lymphadenectomy, the instability of the VATS platform and the lack of precision with the fissure-less-dissection VATS technique as reasons to maintain the status quo. 展开更多
关键词 VATS Robotic lobectomy-the future of minimally invasive lobectomy
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