A Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) has driven tremendous improvements on an acoustic model based on Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM). However, these models based on a hybrid method require a force...A Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) has driven tremendous improvements on an acoustic model based on Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM). However, these models based on a hybrid method require a forced aligned Hidden Markov Model(HMM) state sequence obtained from the GMM-based acoustic model. Therefore, it requires a long computation time for training both the GMM-based acoustic model and a deep learning-based acoustic model. In order to solve this problem, an acoustic model using CTC algorithm is proposed. CTC algorithm does not require the GMM-based acoustic model because it does not use the forced aligned HMM state sequence. However, previous works on a LSTM RNN-based acoustic model using CTC used a small-scale training corpus. In this paper, the LSTM RNN-based acoustic model using CTC is trained on a large-scale training corpus and its performance is evaluated. The implemented acoustic model has a performance of 6.18% and 15.01% in terms of Word Error Rate(WER) for clean speech and noisy speech, respectively. This is similar to a performance of the acoustic model based on the hybrid method.展开更多
Wind power volatility not only limits the large-scale grid connection but also poses many challenges to safe grid operation.Accurate wind power prediction can mitigate the adverse effects of wind power volatility on w...Wind power volatility not only limits the large-scale grid connection but also poses many challenges to safe grid operation.Accurate wind power prediction can mitigate the adverse effects of wind power volatility on wind power grid connections.For the characteristics of wind power antecedent data and precedent data jointly to determine the prediction accuracy of the prediction model,the short-term prediction of wind power based on a combined neural network is proposed.First,the Bi-directional Long Short Term Memory(BiLSTM)network prediction model is constructed,and the bi-directional nature of the BiLSTM network is used to deeply mine the wind power data information and find the correlation information within the data.Secondly,to avoid the limitation of a single prediction model when the wind power changes abruptly,the Wavelet Transform-Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm-Back Propagation(WT-IAGA-BP)neural network based on the combination of the WT-IAGA-BP neural network and BiLSTM network is constructed for the short-term prediction of wind power.Finally,comparing with LSTM,BiLSTM,WT-LSTM,WT-BiLSTM,WT-IAGA-BP,and WT-IAGA-BP&LSTM prediction models,it is verified that the wind power short-term prediction model based on the combination of WT-IAGA-BP neural network and BiLSTM network has higher prediction accuracy.展开更多
To supplement missing logging information without increasing economic cost, a machine learning method to generate synthetic well logs from the existing log data was presented, and the experimental verification and app...To supplement missing logging information without increasing economic cost, a machine learning method to generate synthetic well logs from the existing log data was presented, and the experimental verification and application effect analysis were carried out. Since the traditional Fully Connected Neural Network(FCNN) is incapable of preserving spatial dependency, the Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) network, which is a kind of Recurrent Neural Network(RNN), was utilized to establish a method for log reconstruction. By this method, synthetic logs can be generated from series of input log data with consideration of variation trend and context information with depth. Besides, a cascaded LSTM was proposed by combining the standard LSTM with a cascade system. Testing through real well log data shows that: the results from the LSTM are of higher accuracy than the traditional FCNN; the cascaded LSTM is more suitable for the problem with multiple series data; the machine learning method proposed provides an accurate and cost effective way for synthetic well log generation.展开更多
Currently,Bitcoin is the world’s most popular cryptocurrency.The price of Bitcoin is extremely volatile,which can be described as high-benefit and high-risk.To minimize the risk involved,a means of more accurately pr...Currently,Bitcoin is the world’s most popular cryptocurrency.The price of Bitcoin is extremely volatile,which can be described as high-benefit and high-risk.To minimize the risk involved,a means of more accurately predicting the Bitcoin price is required.Most of the existing studies of Bitcoin prediction are based on historical(i.e.,benchmark)data,without considering the real-time(i.e.,live)data.To mitigate the issue of price volatility and achieve more precise outcomes,this study suggests using historical and real-time data to predict the Bitcoin candlestick—or open,high,low,and close(OHLC)—prices.Seeking a better prediction model,the present study proposes time series-based deep learning models.In particular,two deep learning algorithms were applied,namely,long short-term memory(LSTM)and gated recurrent unit(GRU).Using real-time data,the Bitcoin candlesticks were predicted for three intervals:the next 4 h,the next 12 h,and the next 24 h.The results showed that the best-performing model was the LSTM-based model with the 4-h interval.In particular,this model achieved a stellar performance with a mean absolute percentage error(MAPE)of 0.63,a root mean square error(RMSE)of 0.0009,a mean square error(MSE)of 9e-07,a mean absolute error(MAE)of 0.0005,and an R-squared coefficient(R2)of 0.994.With these results,the proposed prediction model has demonstrated its efficiency over the models proposed in previous studies.The findings of this study have considerable implications in the business field,as the proposed model can assist investors and traders in precisely identifying Bitcoin sales and buying opportunities.展开更多
In the electricity market,fluctuations in real-time prices are unstable,and changes in short-term load are determined by many factors.By studying the timing of charging and discharging,as well as the economic benefits...In the electricity market,fluctuations in real-time prices are unstable,and changes in short-term load are determined by many factors.By studying the timing of charging and discharging,as well as the economic benefits of energy storage in the process of participating in the power market,this paper takes energy storage scheduling as merely one factor affecting short-term power load,which affects short-term load time series along with time-of-use price,holidays,and temperature.A deep learning network is used to predict the short-term load,a convolutional neural network(CNN)is used to extract the features,and a long short-term memory(LSTM)network is used to learn the temporal characteristics of the load value,which can effectively improve prediction accuracy.Taking the load data of a certain region as an example,the CNN-LSTM prediction model is compared with the single LSTM prediction model.The experimental results show that the CNN-LSTM deep learning network with the participation of energy storage in dispatching can have high prediction accuracy for short-term power load forecasting.展开更多
Predicting wind speed accurately is essential to ensure the stability of the wind power system and improve the utilization rate of wind energy.However,owing to the stochastic and intermittent of wind speed,predicting ...Predicting wind speed accurately is essential to ensure the stability of the wind power system and improve the utilization rate of wind energy.However,owing to the stochastic and intermittent of wind speed,predicting wind speed accurately is difficult.A new hybrid deep learning model based on empirical wavelet transform,recurrent neural network and error correction for short-term wind speed prediction is proposed in this paper.The empirical wavelet transformation is applied to decompose the original wind speed series.The long short term memory network and the Elman neural network are adopted to predict low-frequency and high-frequency wind speed sub-layers respectively to balance the calculation efficiency and prediction accuracy.The error correction strategy based on deep long short term memory network is developed to modify the prediction errors.Four actual wind speed series are utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model.The empirical results indicate that the method proposed in this paper has satisfactory performance in wind speed prediction.展开更多
锂离子电池是电力系统中不可或缺的重要储能元件,脉冲大倍率工况下运行的锂离子电池具有单次放电时间短、放电循环多、状态变化频繁、非线性极化现象明显等特点。该文以脉冲大倍率工况下锂离子电池模型为研究对象,针对电化学模型和等效...锂离子电池是电力系统中不可或缺的重要储能元件,脉冲大倍率工况下运行的锂离子电池具有单次放电时间短、放电循环多、状态变化频繁、非线性极化现象明显等特点。该文以脉冲大倍率工况下锂离子电池模型为研究对象,针对电化学模型和等效电路模型对模型依赖度高、模型参数难以获取以及脉冲大倍率工况下非线性极化现象导致拟合精度不足等问题,提出基于长短期记忆循环神经网络(long short term memory recurrent neural network,LSTM-RNN)以实现准确的锂离子电池建模。该方法利用LSTM-RNN的动态逼近和长时记忆能力,以获取脉冲大倍率工况下锂离子电池性能参数和电池端电压、荷电状态、电流、温度之间的非线性关系。在6种脉冲大倍率放电工况下对磷酸铁锂电池进行建模,实验结果表明,所提出的基于长短期记忆循环神经网络的锂离子电池模型均能够准确表征磷酸铁锂电池工作特性。展开更多
当前推特等国外社交平台,已成为从事网络黑灰产犯罪不可或缺的工具,对推特上黑灰产账号进行发现、检测和分类对于打击网络犯罪、维护社会稳定具有重大意义。现有的推文分类模型双向长短时记忆网络(bi-directional long short-term memor...当前推特等国外社交平台,已成为从事网络黑灰产犯罪不可或缺的工具,对推特上黑灰产账号进行发现、检测和分类对于打击网络犯罪、维护社会稳定具有重大意义。现有的推文分类模型双向长短时记忆网络(bi-directional long short-term memory,BiLSTM)可以学习推文的上下文信息,却无法学习局部关键信息,卷积神经网络(convolution neural network,CNN)模型可以学习推文的局部关键信息,却无法学习推文的上下文信息。结合BiLSTM与CNN两种模型的优势,提出了BiLSTM-CNN推文分类模型,该模型将推文进行向量化后,输入BiLSTM模型学习推文的上下文信息,再在BiLSTM模型后引入CNN层,进行局部特征的提取,最后使用全连接层将经过池化的特征连接在一起,并应用softmax函数进行四分类。模型在自主构建的中文推特黑灰产推文数据集上进行实验,并使用TextCNN、TextRNN、TextRCNN三种分类模型作为对比实验,实验结果显示,所提的BiLSTM-CNN推文分类模型在对四类推文进行分类的宏准确率为98.32%,明显高于TextCNN、TextRNN和TextRCNN三种模型的准确率。展开更多
滚动轴承作为机械设备的重要部件,对其进行剩余使用寿命预测在企业的生产过程中变得越来越重要。目前,虽然主流的卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network, CNN)可以自动地从轴承的振动信号中提取特征,却不能给特征分配不同的权重来...滚动轴承作为机械设备的重要部件,对其进行剩余使用寿命预测在企业的生产过程中变得越来越重要。目前,虽然主流的卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network, CNN)可以自动地从轴承的振动信号中提取特征,却不能给特征分配不同的权重来提高模型对重要特征的关注程度,对于长时间序列容易丢失重要信息。另外,神经网络中隐藏层神经元个数、学习率以及正则化参数等超参数还需要依靠人工经验设置。为了解决上述问题,提出基于灰狼优化(grey wolf optimizer, GWO)算法、优化集合CNN、双向长短期记忆(bidirectional long short term memory, BiLSTM)网络和注意力机制(Attention)轴承剩余使用寿命预测方法。首先,从原始振动信号中提取时域、频域以及时频域特征指标构建可选特征集;然后,通过构建考虑特征相关性、鲁棒性和单调性的综合评价指标筛选出高于设定阈值的轴承退化敏感特征集,作为预测模型的输入;最后,将预测值和真实值的均方误差作为GWO算法的适应度函数,优化预测模型获得最优隐藏层神经元个数、学习率和正则化参数,利用优化后模型进行剩余使用寿命预测,并在公开数据集上进行验证。结果表明,所提方法可在非经验指导下获得最优的超参数组合,优化后的预测模型与未进行优化模型相比,平均绝对误差与均方根误差分别降低了28.8%和24.3%。展开更多
针对无法有效利用脑电通道拓扑结构学习更有鉴别性的脑电特征问题,本文基于长短期记忆网络和图卷积神经网络,提出动态图卷积联合记忆网络(Dynamic Graph Convolutional Joint Long Short Term Memory Network,DGCJMN)方法。首先将脑电...针对无法有效利用脑电通道拓扑结构学习更有鉴别性的脑电特征问题,本文基于长短期记忆网络和图卷积神经网络,提出动态图卷积联合记忆网络(Dynamic Graph Convolutional Joint Long Short Term Memory Network,DGCJMN)方法。首先将脑电通道作为图的节点,微分熵作为节点特征,利用动态参数学习最优的脑电通道拓扑结构,构建特征图;之后,由图卷积神经网络提取图域特征,并结合长短期记忆网络和池化进一步提取特征;最后将图卷积网络、长短期记忆网络和池化提取的特征融合后进行情绪分类。所提方法在SEED数据集上针对积极、中性和消极3种情绪取得的平均准确率为95.93%,精确率、召回率和F1值分别为96.11%、95.93%和0.96,Kappa系数为0.939。混淆矩阵表明,模型对于3种情绪都达到了较好的分类效果。展开更多
基金supported by the Ministry of Trade,Industry & Energy(MOTIE,Korea) under Industrial Technology Innovation Program (No.10063424,'development of distant speech recognition and multi-task dialog processing technologies for in-door conversational robots')
文摘A Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) has driven tremendous improvements on an acoustic model based on Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM). However, these models based on a hybrid method require a forced aligned Hidden Markov Model(HMM) state sequence obtained from the GMM-based acoustic model. Therefore, it requires a long computation time for training both the GMM-based acoustic model and a deep learning-based acoustic model. In order to solve this problem, an acoustic model using CTC algorithm is proposed. CTC algorithm does not require the GMM-based acoustic model because it does not use the forced aligned HMM state sequence. However, previous works on a LSTM RNN-based acoustic model using CTC used a small-scale training corpus. In this paper, the LSTM RNN-based acoustic model using CTC is trained on a large-scale training corpus and its performance is evaluated. The implemented acoustic model has a performance of 6.18% and 15.01% in terms of Word Error Rate(WER) for clean speech and noisy speech, respectively. This is similar to a performance of the acoustic model based on the hybrid method.
基金support of national natural science foundation of China(No.52067021)natural science foundation of Xinjiang(2022D01C35)+1 种基金excellent youth scientific and technological talents plan of Xinjiang(No.2019Q012)major science&technology special project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(2022A01002-2)。
文摘Wind power volatility not only limits the large-scale grid connection but also poses many challenges to safe grid operation.Accurate wind power prediction can mitigate the adverse effects of wind power volatility on wind power grid connections.For the characteristics of wind power antecedent data and precedent data jointly to determine the prediction accuracy of the prediction model,the short-term prediction of wind power based on a combined neural network is proposed.First,the Bi-directional Long Short Term Memory(BiLSTM)network prediction model is constructed,and the bi-directional nature of the BiLSTM network is used to deeply mine the wind power data information and find the correlation information within the data.Secondly,to avoid the limitation of a single prediction model when the wind power changes abruptly,the Wavelet Transform-Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm-Back Propagation(WT-IAGA-BP)neural network based on the combination of the WT-IAGA-BP neural network and BiLSTM network is constructed for the short-term prediction of wind power.Finally,comparing with LSTM,BiLSTM,WT-LSTM,WT-BiLSTM,WT-IAGA-BP,and WT-IAGA-BP&LSTM prediction models,it is verified that the wind power short-term prediction model based on the combination of WT-IAGA-BP neural network and BiLSTM network has higher prediction accuracy.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(U1663208,51520105005)the National Science and Technology Major Project of China(2017ZX05009-005,2016ZX05037-003)
文摘To supplement missing logging information without increasing economic cost, a machine learning method to generate synthetic well logs from the existing log data was presented, and the experimental verification and application effect analysis were carried out. Since the traditional Fully Connected Neural Network(FCNN) is incapable of preserving spatial dependency, the Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) network, which is a kind of Recurrent Neural Network(RNN), was utilized to establish a method for log reconstruction. By this method, synthetic logs can be generated from series of input log data with consideration of variation trend and context information with depth. Besides, a cascaded LSTM was proposed by combining the standard LSTM with a cascade system. Testing through real well log data shows that: the results from the LSTM are of higher accuracy than the traditional FCNN; the cascaded LSTM is more suitable for the problem with multiple series data; the machine learning method proposed provides an accurate and cost effective way for synthetic well log generation.
文摘Currently,Bitcoin is the world’s most popular cryptocurrency.The price of Bitcoin is extremely volatile,which can be described as high-benefit and high-risk.To minimize the risk involved,a means of more accurately predicting the Bitcoin price is required.Most of the existing studies of Bitcoin prediction are based on historical(i.e.,benchmark)data,without considering the real-time(i.e.,live)data.To mitigate the issue of price volatility and achieve more precise outcomes,this study suggests using historical and real-time data to predict the Bitcoin candlestick—or open,high,low,and close(OHLC)—prices.Seeking a better prediction model,the present study proposes time series-based deep learning models.In particular,two deep learning algorithms were applied,namely,long short-term memory(LSTM)and gated recurrent unit(GRU).Using real-time data,the Bitcoin candlesticks were predicted for three intervals:the next 4 h,the next 12 h,and the next 24 h.The results showed that the best-performing model was the LSTM-based model with the 4-h interval.In particular,this model achieved a stellar performance with a mean absolute percentage error(MAPE)of 0.63,a root mean square error(RMSE)of 0.0009,a mean square error(MSE)of 9e-07,a mean absolute error(MAE)of 0.0005,and an R-squared coefficient(R2)of 0.994.With these results,the proposed prediction model has demonstrated its efficiency over the models proposed in previous studies.The findings of this study have considerable implications in the business field,as the proposed model can assist investors and traders in precisely identifying Bitcoin sales and buying opportunities.
基金supported by a State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd.Economic and Technical Research Institute Project(Key Technologies and Empirical Research of Diversified Integrated Operation of User-Side Energy Storage in Power Market Environment,No.5211JY19000W)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Research on Power Market Management to Promote Large-Scale New Energy Consumption,No.71804045).
文摘In the electricity market,fluctuations in real-time prices are unstable,and changes in short-term load are determined by many factors.By studying the timing of charging and discharging,as well as the economic benefits of energy storage in the process of participating in the power market,this paper takes energy storage scheduling as merely one factor affecting short-term power load,which affects short-term load time series along with time-of-use price,holidays,and temperature.A deep learning network is used to predict the short-term load,a convolutional neural network(CNN)is used to extract the features,and a long short-term memory(LSTM)network is used to learn the temporal characteristics of the load value,which can effectively improve prediction accuracy.Taking the load data of a certain region as an example,the CNN-LSTM prediction model is compared with the single LSTM prediction model.The experimental results show that the CNN-LSTM deep learning network with the participation of energy storage in dispatching can have high prediction accuracy for short-term power load forecasting.
基金the Gansu Province Soft Scientific Research Projects(No.2015GS06516)the Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of Lanzhou University of Technology,China(No.J201304)。
文摘Predicting wind speed accurately is essential to ensure the stability of the wind power system and improve the utilization rate of wind energy.However,owing to the stochastic and intermittent of wind speed,predicting wind speed accurately is difficult.A new hybrid deep learning model based on empirical wavelet transform,recurrent neural network and error correction for short-term wind speed prediction is proposed in this paper.The empirical wavelet transformation is applied to decompose the original wind speed series.The long short term memory network and the Elman neural network are adopted to predict low-frequency and high-frequency wind speed sub-layers respectively to balance the calculation efficiency and prediction accuracy.The error correction strategy based on deep long short term memory network is developed to modify the prediction errors.Four actual wind speed series are utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model.The empirical results indicate that the method proposed in this paper has satisfactory performance in wind speed prediction.
文摘锂离子电池是电力系统中不可或缺的重要储能元件,脉冲大倍率工况下运行的锂离子电池具有单次放电时间短、放电循环多、状态变化频繁、非线性极化现象明显等特点。该文以脉冲大倍率工况下锂离子电池模型为研究对象,针对电化学模型和等效电路模型对模型依赖度高、模型参数难以获取以及脉冲大倍率工况下非线性极化现象导致拟合精度不足等问题,提出基于长短期记忆循环神经网络(long short term memory recurrent neural network,LSTM-RNN)以实现准确的锂离子电池建模。该方法利用LSTM-RNN的动态逼近和长时记忆能力,以获取脉冲大倍率工况下锂离子电池性能参数和电池端电压、荷电状态、电流、温度之间的非线性关系。在6种脉冲大倍率放电工况下对磷酸铁锂电池进行建模,实验结果表明,所提出的基于长短期记忆循环神经网络的锂离子电池模型均能够准确表征磷酸铁锂电池工作特性。
文摘滚动轴承作为机械设备的重要部件,对其进行剩余使用寿命预测在企业的生产过程中变得越来越重要。目前,虽然主流的卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network, CNN)可以自动地从轴承的振动信号中提取特征,却不能给特征分配不同的权重来提高模型对重要特征的关注程度,对于长时间序列容易丢失重要信息。另外,神经网络中隐藏层神经元个数、学习率以及正则化参数等超参数还需要依靠人工经验设置。为了解决上述问题,提出基于灰狼优化(grey wolf optimizer, GWO)算法、优化集合CNN、双向长短期记忆(bidirectional long short term memory, BiLSTM)网络和注意力机制(Attention)轴承剩余使用寿命预测方法。首先,从原始振动信号中提取时域、频域以及时频域特征指标构建可选特征集;然后,通过构建考虑特征相关性、鲁棒性和单调性的综合评价指标筛选出高于设定阈值的轴承退化敏感特征集,作为预测模型的输入;最后,将预测值和真实值的均方误差作为GWO算法的适应度函数,优化预测模型获得最优隐藏层神经元个数、学习率和正则化参数,利用优化后模型进行剩余使用寿命预测,并在公开数据集上进行验证。结果表明,所提方法可在非经验指导下获得最优的超参数组合,优化后的预测模型与未进行优化模型相比,平均绝对误差与均方根误差分别降低了28.8%和24.3%。
文摘针对无法有效利用脑电通道拓扑结构学习更有鉴别性的脑电特征问题,本文基于长短期记忆网络和图卷积神经网络,提出动态图卷积联合记忆网络(Dynamic Graph Convolutional Joint Long Short Term Memory Network,DGCJMN)方法。首先将脑电通道作为图的节点,微分熵作为节点特征,利用动态参数学习最优的脑电通道拓扑结构,构建特征图;之后,由图卷积神经网络提取图域特征,并结合长短期记忆网络和池化进一步提取特征;最后将图卷积网络、长短期记忆网络和池化提取的特征融合后进行情绪分类。所提方法在SEED数据集上针对积极、中性和消极3种情绪取得的平均准确率为95.93%,精确率、召回率和F1值分别为96.11%、95.93%和0.96,Kappa系数为0.939。混淆矩阵表明,模型对于3种情绪都达到了较好的分类效果。