Based on the review of the influence of human activity on global environment,and recognition of current climate warming,it is considered that human activity is the primary reason and climate change has caused serious ...Based on the review of the influence of human activity on global environment,and recognition of current climate warming,it is considered that human activity is the primary reason and climate change has caused serious global environmental problems and threatened human's survival and development.After the introduction of low carbon and conclusion of the main contents and development of researches,it has emphasized that low-carbon urban living mode is an important component of low-carbon urban planning.In view of the situation of China,the main content of low-carbon urban living mode has been illustrated from the perspective of low-carbon life behavior,low-carbon life consumption and carbon budget life mode.On this basis,the purpose and significance of low-carbon living environment design,design principles and requirements,low-carbon life measures have been analyzed.展开更多
协同实现水稻高产和碳减排对维护国家粮食自给和实现碳达峰碳中和意义重大。为定量分析华南地区水稻生产碳足迹及构成特征,明确栽培技术对水稻产量及碳足迹的影响,本研究在广东省4个典型的水稻产区开展田间试验,利用生命周期评价法分析...协同实现水稻高产和碳减排对维护国家粮食自给和实现碳达峰碳中和意义重大。为定量分析华南地区水稻生产碳足迹及构成特征,明确栽培技术对水稻产量及碳足迹的影响,本研究在广东省4个典型的水稻产区开展田间试验,利用生命周期评价法分析不同栽培技术模式的水稻产量、肥料利用率和间接碳足迹及其构成。结果表明,广东省籼稻生产单位面积碳足迹为1235.3~1487.7 kg CO_(2)-eq/hm^(2),单位产量碳足迹为0.12~0.31 kg CO_(2)-eq/kg;栽培技术对水稻产量、化肥利用效率、灌溉次数和单位产量碳足迹有显著影响。与常规栽培技术相比,低碳高产栽培技术显著减少氮肥用量,并提高了水稻产量,栽培技术和品种之间无显著交互作用。相同技术模式下,单位产量间接碳足迹与产量呈极显著负相关,表明在相同种植条件下选用高产水稻品种能有效降低单位产量碳足迹。示范区的多点试验表明,与常规栽培技术相比,低碳高产栽培技术水稻产量增加3.67%~21.62%,氮肥偏生产力提高21.68%~60.81%,每季平均减少灌溉次数4次,单位面积碳足迹和单位产量碳足迹均值分别减少6.11%和16.19%。柴油和氮肥是影响间接碳足迹的关键因子,两者碳排放分别占总间接排放量49.65%~52.88%和30.62%~34.70%。平均每减少1 kg氮肥,碳足迹降低2.49 kg CO_(2)-eq/hm^(2)。水稻单位产量间接碳足迹与氮肥偏生产力呈极显著负相关,表明提高单位产量和氮肥利用率能有效减少水稻单产间接碳足迹。综上表明,华南地区水稻生产可通过选用高产水稻品种,结合水肥优化栽培技术降低氮肥和灌溉水投入,提高水稻产量和氮肥利用率,减少单位面积碳足迹和单位产量碳足迹,实现高产与低碳排的协同。展开更多
Achieving sustainable patterns of consumption and production is perhaps the biggest challenge facing our society today. The de-mand for more safe environmentally benign products is rising and many companies are lookin...Achieving sustainable patterns of consumption and production is perhaps the biggest challenge facing our society today. The de-mand for more safe environmentally benign products is rising and many companies are looking for new ways to progressively improve the sus-tainability of their products. Moreover, there are numerous opportunities and countless innovations, technological as well as non-technologi-cal,that need to be exploited to improve the sustainability of products. Manufacturing industry is an important sector of any economy and hasthe potential to become a driving force for enabling sustainable patterns of production and consumption through introducing efficient productionpractices and developing products and services that help reduce environmental impacts. The benefits of adopting an integrated policy towardsproduct development based on life cycle thinking and eco-design to stimulate improvement of the environmental performance of each part ofproduct life cycle phases and achieve sustainable patterns of production and consumption are emphasized. The challenges in implementingsustainable manufacturing and the circular economy approaches are listed. A number of solutions are suggested to face up these challenges,for instance, increased awareness of enterprises particularly SME's of product life cycle issues and the opportunities that are available for costsavings and profit making from eco-innovation in product development for both the domestic and export markets and providing practical helpand advice directly to enterprises on integrated product development to promote enterprise led Eco-innovation. Aiming at contributing to sus-tainable manufacturing in China, Sino-UK Low Carbon Manufacturing Consortium, a multi-disciplinary research and educational partnershipbetween academia, industry and government agencies in the UK and China with interest in sustainable manufacturing issues, has been formedrecently.The vision, aims and benefits of membership of the consortium are also discussed.展开更多
【目的】畜禽养殖业是重要的温室气体排放源,我国是生猪养殖大国,科学评估生猪养殖系统碳足迹,能够为畜牧业深入推进减排降碳提供参考借鉴。【方法】本文中从碳足迹评估模型、评估方法和主要排放源三方面对国内外生猪养殖系统碳足迹评...【目的】畜禽养殖业是重要的温室气体排放源,我国是生猪养殖大国,科学评估生猪养殖系统碳足迹,能够为畜牧业深入推进减排降碳提供参考借鉴。【方法】本文中从碳足迹评估模型、评估方法和主要排放源三方面对国内外生猪养殖系统碳足迹评估研究现状进行梳理,围绕系统边界、排放源、核算方法以及单位选择等因素深入分析了评估结果差异性的成因,解析了饲料生产、粪污处理等环节对评估结果的影响。【结果】目前国外对生猪养殖生产全生命周期的碳足迹评估形成了较为成熟的评估模型。每生产1 kg功能单位的猪肉碳足迹为2.2—10.3 kg CO_(2)-eq。各研究中,不同评估方法会对评估结果产生较大影响。划定不同的系统边界、采用不同的功能单位,均会导致碳足迹评估结果出现差异。同时,在相同系统边界内,核算的排放源不同、同一排放源选取的参数不同,或者选择不同的分配方法也会影响评估结果。在生猪养殖生产系统中,饲料生产是对生猪生产系统碳足迹贡献最大的环节,占比为49%—83%。粪便管理环节的排放仅次于饲料生产环节,占比为12%—41%。【结论】为了使我国生猪养殖系统的碳足迹评估更加精准和广泛,应开展针对中国不同区域不同养殖模式下温室气体排放关键参数的监测,根据我国生猪养殖系统发展现状建立适合本国国情的碳足迹评估数据库,统一评估方法,规范评估要求,创建符合地区实践的评估模型,为我国生猪养殖产业的可持续发展提供数据参考。展开更多
文摘Based on the review of the influence of human activity on global environment,and recognition of current climate warming,it is considered that human activity is the primary reason and climate change has caused serious global environmental problems and threatened human's survival and development.After the introduction of low carbon and conclusion of the main contents and development of researches,it has emphasized that low-carbon urban living mode is an important component of low-carbon urban planning.In view of the situation of China,the main content of low-carbon urban living mode has been illustrated from the perspective of low-carbon life behavior,low-carbon life consumption and carbon budget life mode.On this basis,the purpose and significance of low-carbon living environment design,design principles and requirements,low-carbon life measures have been analyzed.
文摘协同实现水稻高产和碳减排对维护国家粮食自给和实现碳达峰碳中和意义重大。为定量分析华南地区水稻生产碳足迹及构成特征,明确栽培技术对水稻产量及碳足迹的影响,本研究在广东省4个典型的水稻产区开展田间试验,利用生命周期评价法分析不同栽培技术模式的水稻产量、肥料利用率和间接碳足迹及其构成。结果表明,广东省籼稻生产单位面积碳足迹为1235.3~1487.7 kg CO_(2)-eq/hm^(2),单位产量碳足迹为0.12~0.31 kg CO_(2)-eq/kg;栽培技术对水稻产量、化肥利用效率、灌溉次数和单位产量碳足迹有显著影响。与常规栽培技术相比,低碳高产栽培技术显著减少氮肥用量,并提高了水稻产量,栽培技术和品种之间无显著交互作用。相同技术模式下,单位产量间接碳足迹与产量呈极显著负相关,表明在相同种植条件下选用高产水稻品种能有效降低单位产量碳足迹。示范区的多点试验表明,与常规栽培技术相比,低碳高产栽培技术水稻产量增加3.67%~21.62%,氮肥偏生产力提高21.68%~60.81%,每季平均减少灌溉次数4次,单位面积碳足迹和单位产量碳足迹均值分别减少6.11%和16.19%。柴油和氮肥是影响间接碳足迹的关键因子,两者碳排放分别占总间接排放量49.65%~52.88%和30.62%~34.70%。平均每减少1 kg氮肥,碳足迹降低2.49 kg CO_(2)-eq/hm^(2)。水稻单位产量间接碳足迹与氮肥偏生产力呈极显著负相关,表明提高单位产量和氮肥利用率能有效减少水稻单产间接碳足迹。综上表明,华南地区水稻生产可通过选用高产水稻品种,结合水肥优化栽培技术降低氮肥和灌溉水投入,提高水稻产量和氮肥利用率,减少单位面积碳足迹和单位产量碳足迹,实现高产与低碳排的协同。
文摘Achieving sustainable patterns of consumption and production is perhaps the biggest challenge facing our society today. The de-mand for more safe environmentally benign products is rising and many companies are looking for new ways to progressively improve the sus-tainability of their products. Moreover, there are numerous opportunities and countless innovations, technological as well as non-technologi-cal,that need to be exploited to improve the sustainability of products. Manufacturing industry is an important sector of any economy and hasthe potential to become a driving force for enabling sustainable patterns of production and consumption through introducing efficient productionpractices and developing products and services that help reduce environmental impacts. The benefits of adopting an integrated policy towardsproduct development based on life cycle thinking and eco-design to stimulate improvement of the environmental performance of each part ofproduct life cycle phases and achieve sustainable patterns of production and consumption are emphasized. The challenges in implementingsustainable manufacturing and the circular economy approaches are listed. A number of solutions are suggested to face up these challenges,for instance, increased awareness of enterprises particularly SME's of product life cycle issues and the opportunities that are available for costsavings and profit making from eco-innovation in product development for both the domestic and export markets and providing practical helpand advice directly to enterprises on integrated product development to promote enterprise led Eco-innovation. Aiming at contributing to sus-tainable manufacturing in China, Sino-UK Low Carbon Manufacturing Consortium, a multi-disciplinary research and educational partnershipbetween academia, industry and government agencies in the UK and China with interest in sustainable manufacturing issues, has been formedrecently.The vision, aims and benefits of membership of the consortium are also discussed.
文摘【目的】畜禽养殖业是重要的温室气体排放源,我国是生猪养殖大国,科学评估生猪养殖系统碳足迹,能够为畜牧业深入推进减排降碳提供参考借鉴。【方法】本文中从碳足迹评估模型、评估方法和主要排放源三方面对国内外生猪养殖系统碳足迹评估研究现状进行梳理,围绕系统边界、排放源、核算方法以及单位选择等因素深入分析了评估结果差异性的成因,解析了饲料生产、粪污处理等环节对评估结果的影响。【结果】目前国外对生猪养殖生产全生命周期的碳足迹评估形成了较为成熟的评估模型。每生产1 kg功能单位的猪肉碳足迹为2.2—10.3 kg CO_(2)-eq。各研究中,不同评估方法会对评估结果产生较大影响。划定不同的系统边界、采用不同的功能单位,均会导致碳足迹评估结果出现差异。同时,在相同系统边界内,核算的排放源不同、同一排放源选取的参数不同,或者选择不同的分配方法也会影响评估结果。在生猪养殖生产系统中,饲料生产是对生猪生产系统碳足迹贡献最大的环节,占比为49%—83%。粪便管理环节的排放仅次于饲料生产环节,占比为12%—41%。【结论】为了使我国生猪养殖系统的碳足迹评估更加精准和广泛,应开展针对中国不同区域不同养殖模式下温室气体排放关键参数的监测,根据我国生猪养殖系统发展现状建立适合本国国情的碳足迹评估数据库,统一评估方法,规范评估要求,创建符合地区实践的评估模型,为我国生猪养殖产业的可持续发展提供数据参考。