With the continuous development of mechanical industry,higher requirements are put forward for the comprehensive properties of spring steel.The chemical composition and production process of spring flat steel are desi...With the continuous development of mechanical industry,higher requirements are put forward for the comprehensive properties of spring steel.The chemical composition and production process of spring flat steel are designed to meet the requirements of high strength and high toughness of spring flat steel,through the test,the product surface quality and internal quality all meet the national standards,the performance indicators to meet user requirements.展开更多
The characteristics of complete and partial decarburizations in spring steel 60Si2MnA were systematically investigated, including the microstructure, the hardness gradient, and the formation mechanism. The relation be...The characteristics of complete and partial decarburizations in spring steel 60Si2MnA were systematically investigated, including the microstructure, the hardness gradient, and the formation mechanism. The relation between decarburized types and heating temperature of the steel was comprehensively discussed. It is found that heating temper- ature has an important influence on the decarburized types. With the rise of heating temperature, the decarburized types change from no decarburization to complete decarburization, complete and partial decarburizations, partial decarburiza- tion, and no decarburization.展开更多
The ferrite decarburization behavior of 60Si2MnA spring steel wires for automotive suspensions, including the forming condition and the influence of heating time and cooling rate after hot rolling, was investigated co...The ferrite decarburization behavior of 60Si2MnA spring steel wires for automotive suspensions, including the forming condition and the influence of heating time and cooling rate after hot rolling, was investigated comprehensively. Also, a control strategy during the reheating process and cooling process after rolling was put forward to protect against ferrite decarburization. The results show that ferrite decarburization, which has the strong temperature dependence due to phase transformation, is produced between 675 and 875°C. The maximum depth is found at 750°C. Heating time and cooling rate after rolling have an important influence on decarburization. Reasonable preheating temperature in the billet reheating process and austenitizing temperature in the heat-treatment process are suggested to protect against ferrite decarburization.展开更多
The corrosion resistance and evolution of corrosion products in medium-carbon high-strength spring steels were investigated in a neutral salt spray(5 wt% Na Cl solution). A formation model of γ-Fe OOH and a transform...The corrosion resistance and evolution of corrosion products in medium-carbon high-strength spring steels were investigated in a neutral salt spray(5 wt% Na Cl solution). A formation model of γ-Fe OOH and a transformation model describing the conversion of γ-Fe OOH to α-Fe OOH were constructed. The results indicated that, at the initial corrosion stage, the corrosion resistance was gradually improved with the addition of Cr; however, with the addition of alloying element V, the corrosion resistance decreased. These results were attributed mainly to the initial corrosion stage being closely related to the matrix microstructure parameters such as grain-boundary character and dislocation density. After the rust layer was formed at a later corrosion stage, the corrosion resistance was reinforced with the addition of Cr and V because Cr strongly influenced the composition, structure, and morphology of the corrosion products. The results presented herein show that Cr was conducive to the transformation of γ-Fe OOH into α-Fe OOH. Moreover, V and Cr exhibited obvious synergy and were enriched in the inner layer of the corrosion products.展开更多
In order to control the composition,morphology and size distribution of oxide inclusions in spring steel,the relationship between the content or activity of aluminum and calcium in molten steel and compositions of oxi...In order to control the composition,morphology and size distribution of oxide inclusions in spring steel,the relationship between the content or activity of aluminum and calcium in molten steel and compositions of oxide inclusion precipitated at different temperatures was determined based on thermodynamic equilibrium for spring steel 60Si2 MnA,and has been verified by practice.The size distribution of non-metallic inclusions electrolytically extracted from specimens of hot rolled spring steel was determined by image analyzer.The results show that there are a great deal of large inclusions in spring steel produced by the conventional process,and the quantity and the size of large inclusions in spring steel produced by new process are largely reduced.As a result,the fatigue properties of the spring steel produced by new process are highly improved,and the ratio ofσ-1/σbis raised from 0.451 to 0.468.展开更多
A new kind of high strength, high toughness and high plasticity spring steel has been developed. The strength, the reduction of area and the elongation of the steel are all higher than those of the steel 60Si2CrVA. Th...A new kind of high strength, high toughness and high plasticity spring steel has been developed. The strength, the reduction of area and the elongation of the steel are all higher than those of the steel 60Si2CrVA. The decarburization resistance and the sag resistance are also higher than those of the steel 60Si2CrVA. It has good hardenability, and is suitable for making springs with big cross section. The bogie springs made of this kind of steel have passed 2×106 cycles without broken under the conditions of maximum stress of 906 MPa and the minimum stress of 388 MPa.展开更多
In order to investigate the regularity of metal magnetic signals of ferromagnetic materials under the effect of applied load, the static tensile test of Q235 steel and 18CrNiWA steel plate specimens were conducted and...In order to investigate the regularity of metal magnetic signals of ferromagnetic materials under the effect of applied load, the static tensile test of Q235 steel and 18CrNiWA steel plate specimens were conducted and metal magnetic memory signals of specimens were measured during the test process. The influencing factors of metal magnetic memory signals and the relationship between axial applied load and signals were analyzed. The fracture and microstructure of the specimens were observed. The results show that the magnetic signals corresponding to the measured points change linearly approximately with increasing axial load. The microstructure of Q235 steel is ferrite and perlite, whereas that of 18CrNiWA steel is bainite and low-carbon martensite. The fracture of these two kinds of specimens is ductile rupture; carbon content of specimen materials and dislocation glide give much contribution to the characteristics of magnetic curves.展开更多
We present a study concerning Fe-0. 176C-1.31Si-1.58Mn-0.26Al-0.3Cr (wt%) steel subjected to a quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process. The results of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microsco...We present a study concerning Fe-0. 176C-1.31Si-1.58Mn-0.26Al-0.3Cr (wt%) steel subjected to a quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process. The results of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and tensile tests demon- strate that the microstructures primarily consist of lath martensite, retained austenite, lower bainite (LB), and a small amount of tempered martensite; moreover, few twin austenite grains were observed. In the microstrucmre, three types of retained austenite with different sizes and morphologies were observed: blocky retained austenite (-300 nm in width), film-like retained austenite (80-120 nm in width), and ul- tra-fine film-like retained austenite (30-40 nm in width). Because of the effect of the retained austenite/martensite/LB triplex microstructure, the specimens prepared using different quenching temperatures exhibit high ultimate tensile strength and yield strength. Furthermore, the strength effect of LB can partially counteract the decreasing strength effect of martensite. The formation of LB substantially reduces the amount of retained austenite. Analyses of the retained austenite and the amount of blocky retained austenite indicated that the carbon content is critical to the total elongation of Q&P steel.展开更多
The effect of fast cooling rate on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low-carbon high-strength steel annealed in the intercritical region was investigated using a Gleeble 1500 thermomechanical simulator a...The effect of fast cooling rate on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low-carbon high-strength steel annealed in the intercritical region was investigated using a Gleeble 1500 thermomechanical simulator and a continuous annealing thermomeehanical simulator. The results showed that the microstructure consisted of ferrite and bainite as the main phases with a small amount of retained austenite and martensite islands at cooling rate of 5 and 50 ℃/s, respectively. Fast cooling after continuous annealing affected all constituents of the microstructure. The mechanical properties were improved considerably. Ultimate tensile strength (U-TS) increased and total elongation (TEL) decreased with increasing cooling rate in all specimens. The specimen 1 at a cooling rate of 5 ℃/s exhibited the maximum TEL and UTSxTEL (20% and 27 200 MPa%, respectively) because of the competition between weakening by presence of the retained austenite plus the carbon indigence by carbide precipitation, and strengthening by martensitic islands and precipitation. The maximum UTS and YS (1 450 and 951 MPa, respectively) were obtained for specimen 2 at a cooling rate of 50 ℃/s. This is attributed to the effect of dispersion strengthening of finer martensite islands and the effect of precipitation strengthening of carbide precipitates.展开更多
Two-dimensional rigid-plastic finite element method (FEM) was used for simulation of the effect of process parameterson the static recrystallization of 60SiMnA spring steel using MARC/AutoForge 3.1 software. A thermo-...Two-dimensional rigid-plastic finite element method (FEM) was used for simulation of the effect of process parameterson the static recrystallization of 60SiMnA spring steel using MARC/AutoForge 3.1 software. A thermo-mechanicalcoupled analysis was conducted considering the heat transfer between the workpiece, the roll and the environment,and the heat generation due to plastic work. The static recrystallization laws under different processing conditionsand the predicted distribution of the static recrystallization volume fraction on the deformation cross section arepresented.展开更多
The process of automotive spring steel in the basic oxygen furnace and ingot casting (BOF-IC) of Baosteel is described in this paper. High quality spring steel can be obtained through designing reasonable deoxidizat...The process of automotive spring steel in the basic oxygen furnace and ingot casting (BOF-IC) of Baosteel is described in this paper. High quality spring steel can be obtained through designing reasonable deoxidization and alloying processes ,enhancing steel purity and reducing inclusions in steel.展开更多
The delayed fracture behavior of medium carbon high strength spring steel containing different amounts of boron (0. 000 5%, 0. 001 6 %) was studied using sustained load delayed fracture test. The results show that d...The delayed fracture behavior of medium carbon high strength spring steel containing different amounts of boron (0. 000 5%, 0. 001 6 %) was studied using sustained load delayed fracture test. The results show that delayed fracture resistance of boron containing steels is higher than that of conventional steel 60Si2MnA at the same strength level and it increases with the increase of boron eontent from 0. 000 5% to 0. 001 6%. The delayed fracture mode is mainly intergranular in the boron containing steels tempered at 350℃, which indicates that the addition of boron does not change the fracture character. However, the increase of boron content enlarges the size of the crack initia tion area. Further study of phase analysis indicates that most boron is in solid solution, and only a very small quantity of boron is in the M3 (C, B) phase.展开更多
The effect of acicular ferrite (AF) on banded structures in low-carbon microalloyed steel with Mn segregation during both iso- thermal transformation and continuous cooling processes was studied by dilatometry and m...The effect of acicular ferrite (AF) on banded structures in low-carbon microalloyed steel with Mn segregation during both iso- thermal transformation and continuous cooling processes was studied by dilatometry and microscopic observation. With respect to the iso- thermal transformation process, the specimen isothermed at 550℃ consisted of AF in Mn-poor bands and martensite in Mn-rich bands, whereas the specimen isothermed at 450℃ exhibited two different morphologies of AF that appeared as bands. At a continuous cooling rate in the range of 4 to 50℃/s, a mixture of AF and martensite formed in both segregated bands, and the volume fraction of martensite in Mn-rich bands was always higher than that in Mn-poor bands. An increased cooling rate resulted in a decrease in the difference of martensite volume fraction between Mn-rich and Mn-poor bands and thereby leaded to less distinct microstrucmral banding. The results show that Mn segregation and cooling rate strongly affect the formation of AF-containing banded structures. The formation mechanism of microstructural banding was also discussed.展开更多
Based on mechanical properties tests and microstructures investigations, the relationship between microstructures and mechanical properties of resistance spot welded joints of spring steel is studied. The agglomeratio...Based on mechanical properties tests and microstructures investigations, the relationship between microstructures and mechanical properties of resistance spot welded joints of spring steel is studied. The agglomeration of precipitated carbide is the sign that indicates spot welded joints structure of spring steel is fully tempered. Spot welded joints microstructure of nickelplaied spring steel is fully tempered in random tempering heat treatment process, and mechanical properties of the welded joints are advanced. This research results showed a new approach for increasing spot welded joints quality of spring steel and hardened steel.展开更多
Claw poles are a key component of automobile generators.The output power performance of the generator is very dependent on the magnetic properties of its claw poles.Plastic deformation is known to significantly change...Claw poles are a key component of automobile generators.The output power performance of the generator is very dependent on the magnetic properties of its claw poles.Plastic deformation is known to significantly change the magnetic behavior of ferromagnetic materials in claw poles.In this paper,changes in the magnetic properties of low-carbon steel,used for claw pole components due to their plastic deformation,were investigated for different strains and temperatures.Ring-shaped material samples were prepared by machining and their magnetic properties were measured.The surface roughness was first evaluated and a machining process with an arithmetic average of roughness Ra 1.6μm was selected as enabling the lowest measurement error.Hysteresis loops at different applied magnetic fields of the material were obtained for different plastic strains and forming temperatures.The magnetic parameters of magnetic flux density,coercivity,and remanence were obtained and compared with magnetic flux density as the primary focus.Results showed that machining,cold forming,and hot forming all led to lower magnetic flux density,larger coercivity,and smaller remanence.Magnetic flux density showed a sharp decrease at the start of plastic deformation,but as the strain increased,the decreasing trend gradually reached a constant value.The decrease was much larger for cold forming than for hot forming.For example,at 500 A/m,the degradation of magnetic flux density with a reduction percentage of 5%at room temperature was about 50%,while that of hot forming at 1200°C was about 10%.Results of this research may provide a reference for the future process design of hot-forged claw poles.展开更多
In this work, low-carbon steel specimens were subjected to the quenching and partitioning process after being partially or fully austenitized to investigate their microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. A...In this work, low-carbon steel specimens were subjected to the quenching and partitioning process after being partially or fully austenitized to investigate their microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. According to the results of scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy observations, X-ray diffraction analysis, and tensile tests, upper bainite or tempered martensite appears successively in the microstructure with increasing austenitization temperature or increasing partitioning time. In the partially austenitized specimens, the retained austenite grains are carbon-enriched twice during the heat treatment, which can significantly stabilize the phases at room temperature. Furthermore, after partial austenitization, the specimen exhibits excellent elongation, with a maximum elongation of 37.1%. By contrast, after full austenitization, the specimens exhibit good ultimate tensile strength and high yield strength. In the case of a specimen with a yield strength of 969 MPa, the maximum value of the ultimate tensile strength reaches 1222 MPa. During the partitioning process, carbon partitioning and carbon homogenization within austenite affect interface migration. In addition, the volume fraction and grain size of retained austenite observed in the final microstructure will also be affected.展开更多
A coupled dynamics computation model for metro vehicles, along with a steel-spring floating-slab track, is developed based on the theory of vehicle-track coupled dynamics. Using the developed model, the influences of ...A coupled dynamics computation model for metro vehicles, along with a steel-spring floating-slab track, is developed based on the theory of vehicle-track coupled dynamics. Using the developed model, the influences of the thickness, length and mass of floating-slab, spring rate and its arrangement space, running speed, etc. on the time and frequency domain characteristics of steel-spring fulcrum force are analyzed. The applicability of steel-spring floatingslab track is discussed through two integrated example cases of metro and buildings possessing distinct natural vibra- tion characteristics. It is concluded that, it is quite significant, in the optimization modular design of the parameters of steel-spring floating-slab track, to take the matching relationship of both the amplitude-frequency characteristics of steel-spring fulcrum force and natural vibration characteristics of integrated structures into comprehensive consideration. In this way the expensive steel-spring floating-slab track can be economically and efficiently utilized according to the site condition, and at the same time, the economic losses and bad social impact resulted from the resonance during usage of steel-spring floating-slab track can be avoided.展开更多
The coating microstructure of hot-dip aluminum (HDA) of deformed low-carbon steel containing RE was analyzed by metallography microscopy, TEM and XRD, and the forming mechanism was also discussed. The results show tha...The coating microstructure of hot-dip aluminum (HDA) of deformed low-carbon steel containing RE was analyzed by metallography microscopy, TEM and XRD, and the forming mechanism was also discussed. The results show that, the Fe_2Al_5 phase, on whose subcrystal boundaries, Al particles with the size of 7~30 μm existing on parallel linear are, grows a strong orientation. And the spread activation energy of Al is 155.22 kJ·mol -1. In addition, the effects of deformation on coating microstructure of hot-dip aluminum and the function of RE were preliminarily analyzed.展开更多
An interaction between ferrite recrystallization and austenite transformation in low-carbon steel occurs when recrystallization is delayed until the intercritical temperature range by employing high heating rate. The ...An interaction between ferrite recrystallization and austenite transformation in low-carbon steel occurs when recrystallization is delayed until the intercritical temperature range by employing high heating rate. The kinetics of recrystallization and transformation is affected by high heating rate and such an interaction. In this study, different levels of strain are applied to low-carbon steel using a severe plastic deformation method. Then, ultra-rapid annealing is performed at different heating rates of 200–1100°C/s and peak temperatures of near critical temperature. Five regimes are proposed to investigate the effects of heating rate, strain, and temperature on the interaction between recrystallization and transformation. The microstructural evolution of severely deformed low-carbon steel after ultra-rapid annealing is investigated based on the proposed regimes. Regarding the intensity and start temperature of the interaction, different microstructures consisting of ferrite and pearlite/martensite are formed. It is found that when the interaction is strong, the microstructure is refined because of the high kinetics of transformation and recrystallization. Moreover, strain shifts an interaction zone to a relatively higher heating rate. Therefore, severely deformed steel should be heated at relatively higher heating rates for it to undergo a strong interaction.展开更多
The steel industry is a major source of CO_(2) emissions,and thus,the mitigation of carbon emissions is the most pressing challenge in this sector.In this paper,international environmental governance in the steel indu...The steel industry is a major source of CO_(2) emissions,and thus,the mitigation of carbon emissions is the most pressing challenge in this sector.In this paper,international environmental governance in the steel industry is reviewed,and the current state of development of low-carbon technologies is discussed.Additionally,low-carbon pathways for the steel industry at the current time are proposed,emphasizing prevention and treatment strategies.Furthermore,the prospects of low-carbon technologies are explored from the perspective of transitioning the energy structure to a“carbon-electricity-hydrogen”relationship.Overall,steel enterprises should adopt hydrogen-rich metallurgical technologies that are compatible with current needs and process flows in the short term,based on the carbon substitution with hydrogen(prevention)and the CCU(CO_(2) capture and utilization)concepts(treatment).Additionally,the capture and utilization of CO_(2) for steelmaking,which can assist in achieving short-term emission reduction targets but is not a long-term solution,is discussed.In conclusion,in the long term,the carbon metallurgical process should be gradually supplanted by a hydrogen-electric synergistic approach,thus transforming the energy structure of existing steelmaking processes and attaining near-zero carbon emission steelmaking technology.展开更多
文摘With the continuous development of mechanical industry,higher requirements are put forward for the comprehensive properties of spring steel.The chemical composition and production process of spring flat steel are designed to meet the requirements of high strength and high toughness of spring flat steel,through the test,the product surface quality and internal quality all meet the national standards,the performance indicators to meet user requirements.
文摘The characteristics of complete and partial decarburizations in spring steel 60Si2MnA were systematically investigated, including the microstructure, the hardness gradient, and the formation mechanism. The relation between decarburized types and heating temperature of the steel was comprehensively discussed. It is found that heating temper- ature has an important influence on the decarburized types. With the rise of heating temperature, the decarburized types change from no decarburization to complete decarburization, complete and partial decarburizations, partial decarburiza- tion, and no decarburization.
文摘The ferrite decarburization behavior of 60Si2MnA spring steel wires for automotive suspensions, including the forming condition and the influence of heating time and cooling rate after hot rolling, was investigated comprehensively. Also, a control strategy during the reheating process and cooling process after rolling was put forward to protect against ferrite decarburization. The results show that ferrite decarburization, which has the strong temperature dependence due to phase transformation, is produced between 675 and 875°C. The maximum depth is found at 750°C. Heating time and cooling rate after rolling have an important influence on decarburization. Reasonable preheating temperature in the billet reheating process and austenitizing temperature in the heat-treatment process are suggested to protect against ferrite decarburization.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51474031)
文摘The corrosion resistance and evolution of corrosion products in medium-carbon high-strength spring steels were investigated in a neutral salt spray(5 wt% Na Cl solution). A formation model of γ-Fe OOH and a transformation model describing the conversion of γ-Fe OOH to α-Fe OOH were constructed. The results indicated that, at the initial corrosion stage, the corrosion resistance was gradually improved with the addition of Cr; however, with the addition of alloying element V, the corrosion resistance decreased. These results were attributed mainly to the initial corrosion stage being closely related to the matrix microstructure parameters such as grain-boundary character and dislocation density. After the rust layer was formed at a later corrosion stage, the corrosion resistance was reinforced with the addition of Cr and V because Cr strongly influenced the composition, structure, and morphology of the corrosion products. The results presented herein show that Cr was conducive to the transformation of γ-Fe OOH into α-Fe OOH. Moreover, V and Cr exhibited obvious synergy and were enriched in the inner layer of the corrosion products.
基金Item Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China(59874023)
文摘In order to control the composition,morphology and size distribution of oxide inclusions in spring steel,the relationship between the content or activity of aluminum and calcium in molten steel and compositions of oxide inclusion precipitated at different temperatures was determined based on thermodynamic equilibrium for spring steel 60Si2 MnA,and has been verified by practice.The size distribution of non-metallic inclusions electrolytically extracted from specimens of hot rolled spring steel was determined by image analyzer.The results show that there are a great deal of large inclusions in spring steel produced by the conventional process,and the quantity and the size of large inclusions in spring steel produced by new process are largely reduced.As a result,the fatigue properties of the spring steel produced by new process are highly improved,and the ratio ofσ-1/σbis raised from 0.451 to 0.468.
文摘A new kind of high strength, high toughness and high plasticity spring steel has been developed. The strength, the reduction of area and the elongation of the steel are all higher than those of the steel 60Si2CrVA. The decarburization resistance and the sag resistance are also higher than those of the steel 60Si2CrVA. It has good hardenability, and is suitable for making springs with big cross section. The bogie springs made of this kind of steel have passed 2×106 cycles without broken under the conditions of maximum stress of 906 MPa and the minimum stress of 388 MPa.
基金Projects(50235030, 50505052) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘In order to investigate the regularity of metal magnetic signals of ferromagnetic materials under the effect of applied load, the static tensile test of Q235 steel and 18CrNiWA steel plate specimens were conducted and metal magnetic memory signals of specimens were measured during the test process. The influencing factors of metal magnetic memory signals and the relationship between axial applied load and signals were analyzed. The fracture and microstructure of the specimens were observed. The results show that the magnetic signals corresponding to the measured points change linearly approximately with increasing axial load. The microstructure of Q235 steel is ferrite and perlite, whereas that of 18CrNiWA steel is bainite and low-carbon martensite. The fracture of these two kinds of specimens is ductile rupture; carbon content of specimen materials and dislocation glide give much contribution to the characteristics of magnetic curves.
基金funded by the China Scholarship Council (No. 201406460053)
文摘We present a study concerning Fe-0. 176C-1.31Si-1.58Mn-0.26Al-0.3Cr (wt%) steel subjected to a quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process. The results of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and tensile tests demon- strate that the microstructures primarily consist of lath martensite, retained austenite, lower bainite (LB), and a small amount of tempered martensite; moreover, few twin austenite grains were observed. In the microstrucmre, three types of retained austenite with different sizes and morphologies were observed: blocky retained austenite (-300 nm in width), film-like retained austenite (80-120 nm in width), and ul- tra-fine film-like retained austenite (30-40 nm in width). Because of the effect of the retained austenite/martensite/LB triplex microstructure, the specimens prepared using different quenching temperatures exhibit high ultimate tensile strength and yield strength. Furthermore, the strength effect of LB can partially counteract the decreasing strength effect of martensite. The formation of LB substantially reduces the amount of retained austenite. Analyses of the retained austenite and the amount of blocky retained austenite indicated that the carbon content is critical to the total elongation of Q&P steel.
基金Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51004037)Shenyang City Application Basic Research Project(No.F13-316-1-15)
文摘The effect of fast cooling rate on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low-carbon high-strength steel annealed in the intercritical region was investigated using a Gleeble 1500 thermomechanical simulator and a continuous annealing thermomeehanical simulator. The results showed that the microstructure consisted of ferrite and bainite as the main phases with a small amount of retained austenite and martensite islands at cooling rate of 5 and 50 ℃/s, respectively. Fast cooling after continuous annealing affected all constituents of the microstructure. The mechanical properties were improved considerably. Ultimate tensile strength (U-TS) increased and total elongation (TEL) decreased with increasing cooling rate in all specimens. The specimen 1 at a cooling rate of 5 ℃/s exhibited the maximum TEL and UTSxTEL (20% and 27 200 MPa%, respectively) because of the competition between weakening by presence of the retained austenite plus the carbon indigence by carbide precipitation, and strengthening by martensitic islands and precipitation. The maximum UTS and YS (1 450 and 951 MPa, respectively) were obtained for specimen 2 at a cooling rate of 50 ℃/s. This is attributed to the effect of dispersion strengthening of finer martensite islands and the effect of precipitation strengthening of carbide precipitates.
文摘Two-dimensional rigid-plastic finite element method (FEM) was used for simulation of the effect of process parameterson the static recrystallization of 60SiMnA spring steel using MARC/AutoForge 3.1 software. A thermo-mechanicalcoupled analysis was conducted considering the heat transfer between the workpiece, the roll and the environment,and the heat generation due to plastic work. The static recrystallization laws under different processing conditionsand the predicted distribution of the static recrystallization volume fraction on the deformation cross section arepresented.
文摘The process of automotive spring steel in the basic oxygen furnace and ingot casting (BOF-IC) of Baosteel is described in this paper. High quality spring steel can be obtained through designing reasonable deoxidization and alloying processes ,enhancing steel purity and reducing inclusions in steel.
基金Item Sponsored by National Key Fundamental Research and Development Programme of China (2004CB619104)
文摘The delayed fracture behavior of medium carbon high strength spring steel containing different amounts of boron (0. 000 5%, 0. 001 6 %) was studied using sustained load delayed fracture test. The results show that delayed fracture resistance of boron containing steels is higher than that of conventional steel 60Si2MnA at the same strength level and it increases with the increase of boron eontent from 0. 000 5% to 0. 001 6%. The delayed fracture mode is mainly intergranular in the boron containing steels tempered at 350℃, which indicates that the addition of boron does not change the fracture character. However, the increase of boron content enlarges the size of the crack initia tion area. Further study of phase analysis indicates that most boron is in solid solution, and only a very small quantity of boron is in the M3 (C, B) phase.
基金financially supported by the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists (No. 51325401)the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Program Special Project (No. 2014GB125006)+1 种基金the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (No. 2014CB046805)the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin City (No. 14JCZDJC38700)
文摘The effect of acicular ferrite (AF) on banded structures in low-carbon microalloyed steel with Mn segregation during both iso- thermal transformation and continuous cooling processes was studied by dilatometry and microscopic observation. With respect to the iso- thermal transformation process, the specimen isothermed at 550℃ consisted of AF in Mn-poor bands and martensite in Mn-rich bands, whereas the specimen isothermed at 450℃ exhibited two different morphologies of AF that appeared as bands. At a continuous cooling rate in the range of 4 to 50℃/s, a mixture of AF and martensite formed in both segregated bands, and the volume fraction of martensite in Mn-rich bands was always higher than that in Mn-poor bands. An increased cooling rate resulted in a decrease in the difference of martensite volume fraction between Mn-rich and Mn-poor bands and thereby leaded to less distinct microstrucmral banding. The results show that Mn segregation and cooling rate strongly affect the formation of AF-containing banded structures. The formation mechanism of microstructural banding was also discussed.
文摘Based on mechanical properties tests and microstructures investigations, the relationship between microstructures and mechanical properties of resistance spot welded joints of spring steel is studied. The agglomeration of precipitated carbide is the sign that indicates spot welded joints structure of spring steel is fully tempered. Spot welded joints microstructure of nickelplaied spring steel is fully tempered in random tempering heat treatment process, and mechanical properties of the welded joints are advanced. This research results showed a new approach for increasing spot welded joints quality of spring steel and hardened steel.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51875348)
文摘Claw poles are a key component of automobile generators.The output power performance of the generator is very dependent on the magnetic properties of its claw poles.Plastic deformation is known to significantly change the magnetic behavior of ferromagnetic materials in claw poles.In this paper,changes in the magnetic properties of low-carbon steel,used for claw pole components due to their plastic deformation,were investigated for different strains and temperatures.Ring-shaped material samples were prepared by machining and their magnetic properties were measured.The surface roughness was first evaluated and a machining process with an arithmetic average of roughness Ra 1.6μm was selected as enabling the lowest measurement error.Hysteresis loops at different applied magnetic fields of the material were obtained for different plastic strains and forming temperatures.The magnetic parameters of magnetic flux density,coercivity,and remanence were obtained and compared with magnetic flux density as the primary focus.Results showed that machining,cold forming,and hot forming all led to lower magnetic flux density,larger coercivity,and smaller remanence.Magnetic flux density showed a sharp decrease at the start of plastic deformation,but as the strain increased,the decreasing trend gradually reached a constant value.The decrease was much larger for cold forming than for hot forming.For example,at 500 A/m,the degradation of magnetic flux density with a reduction percentage of 5%at room temperature was about 50%,while that of hot forming at 1200°C was about 10%.Results of this research may provide a reference for the future process design of hot-forged claw poles.
基金funded by China Scholarship Council (No. 201406460053)
文摘In this work, low-carbon steel specimens were subjected to the quenching and partitioning process after being partially or fully austenitized to investigate their microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. According to the results of scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy observations, X-ray diffraction analysis, and tensile tests, upper bainite or tempered martensite appears successively in the microstructure with increasing austenitization temperature or increasing partitioning time. In the partially austenitized specimens, the retained austenite grains are carbon-enriched twice during the heat treatment, which can significantly stabilize the phases at room temperature. Furthermore, after partial austenitization, the specimen exhibits excellent elongation, with a maximum elongation of 37.1%. By contrast, after full austenitization, the specimens exhibit good ultimate tensile strength and high yield strength. In the case of a specimen with a yield strength of 969 MPa, the maximum value of the ultimate tensile strength reaches 1222 MPa. During the partitioning process, carbon partitioning and carbon homogenization within austenite affect interface migration. In addition, the volume fraction and grain size of retained austenite observed in the final microstructure will also be affected.
基金supported by the Key Project of Science and Technology in an Action of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Innovation (No. 09231201600)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 50823004)the Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province
文摘A coupled dynamics computation model for metro vehicles, along with a steel-spring floating-slab track, is developed based on the theory of vehicle-track coupled dynamics. Using the developed model, the influences of the thickness, length and mass of floating-slab, spring rate and its arrangement space, running speed, etc. on the time and frequency domain characteristics of steel-spring fulcrum force are analyzed. The applicability of steel-spring floatingslab track is discussed through two integrated example cases of metro and buildings possessing distinct natural vibra- tion characteristics. It is concluded that, it is quite significant, in the optimization modular design of the parameters of steel-spring floating-slab track, to take the matching relationship of both the amplitude-frequency characteristics of steel-spring fulcrum force and natural vibration characteristics of integrated structures into comprehensive consideration. In this way the expensive steel-spring floating-slab track can be economically and efficiently utilized according to the site condition, and at the same time, the economic losses and bad social impact resulted from the resonance during usage of steel-spring floating-slab track can be avoided.
文摘The coating microstructure of hot-dip aluminum (HDA) of deformed low-carbon steel containing RE was analyzed by metallography microscopy, TEM and XRD, and the forming mechanism was also discussed. The results show that, the Fe_2Al_5 phase, on whose subcrystal boundaries, Al particles with the size of 7~30 μm existing on parallel linear are, grows a strong orientation. And the spread activation energy of Al is 155.22 kJ·mol -1. In addition, the effects of deformation on coating microstructure of hot-dip aluminum and the function of RE were preliminarily analyzed.
基金the research board of the Sharif University of Technology for financial support and the provision of the research facilities used in this work
文摘An interaction between ferrite recrystallization and austenite transformation in low-carbon steel occurs when recrystallization is delayed until the intercritical temperature range by employing high heating rate. The kinetics of recrystallization and transformation is affected by high heating rate and such an interaction. In this study, different levels of strain are applied to low-carbon steel using a severe plastic deformation method. Then, ultra-rapid annealing is performed at different heating rates of 200–1100°C/s and peak temperatures of near critical temperature. Five regimes are proposed to investigate the effects of heating rate, strain, and temperature on the interaction between recrystallization and transformation. The microstructural evolution of severely deformed low-carbon steel after ultra-rapid annealing is investigated based on the proposed regimes. Regarding the intensity and start temperature of the interaction, different microstructures consisting of ferrite and pearlite/martensite are formed. It is found that when the interaction is strong, the microstructure is refined because of the high kinetics of transformation and recrystallization. Moreover, strain shifts an interaction zone to a relatively higher heating rate. Therefore, severely deformed steel should be heated at relatively higher heating rates for it to undergo a strong interaction.
文摘The steel industry is a major source of CO_(2) emissions,and thus,the mitigation of carbon emissions is the most pressing challenge in this sector.In this paper,international environmental governance in the steel industry is reviewed,and the current state of development of low-carbon technologies is discussed.Additionally,low-carbon pathways for the steel industry at the current time are proposed,emphasizing prevention and treatment strategies.Furthermore,the prospects of low-carbon technologies are explored from the perspective of transitioning the energy structure to a“carbon-electricity-hydrogen”relationship.Overall,steel enterprises should adopt hydrogen-rich metallurgical technologies that are compatible with current needs and process flows in the short term,based on the carbon substitution with hydrogen(prevention)and the CCU(CO_(2) capture and utilization)concepts(treatment).Additionally,the capture and utilization of CO_(2) for steelmaking,which can assist in achieving short-term emission reduction targets but is not a long-term solution,is discussed.In conclusion,in the long term,the carbon metallurgical process should be gradually supplanted by a hydrogen-electric synergistic approach,thus transforming the energy structure of existing steelmaking processes and attaining near-zero carbon emission steelmaking technology.