The sustainability of the planning and design goals of urban green land and that of its maintenance and management are mutually related and act as an organic whole. For a long time, the independence of the two is more...The sustainability of the planning and design goals of urban green land and that of its maintenance and management are mutually related and act as an organic whole. For a long time, the independence of the two is more prominent than their organic connection. This research has made preliminary considerations from three aspects. First, it concerns infusing the concept of ecology, contemplating and demonstrating space, as well as reducing the incidence of plant diseases and insect pests of urban green land. Second, the arrangement of flowers and trees for the planning and design of urban green land should comply with the biological attributes of flowers and trees to realize the organic unification of biological and scenic attributes of flowers and trees. Third, the planning and design of urban green land should attach importance to the organic unification of biological and scenic attributes of lawn grass seeds and reduce the difficulty of maintaining lawn. This research attempts to reduce the pressure of maintaining urban green land from the beginning, i.e. the planning and design of urban green land. It also tries to reduce the cost of maintenance and management to the realize planning and design goals of urban green land and the sustainability concerning its maintenance and management and arrive at the mutual unification of the planning and design as well as maintenance and management of urban green land.展开更多
According to the measured data of typhoons going over the Chinese coasts in 1949-2002, a statistic relative equation showing the relation between the central atmospheric pressure of typhoons in a certain region at a...According to the measured data of typhoons going over the Chinese coasts in 1949-2002, a statistic relative equation showing the relation between the central atmospheric pressure of typhoons in a certain region at a certain period of time and their accumulation of frequency is established, and the concept of recurrence interval of typhoons is put forward, which is of actual significance for typhoon disaster reduction along the coastal area.展开更多
Based on the Global Regional Assimilation and Prediction System-Tropical Cyclone Model(GRAPES-TCM),an ensemble forecast experiment was performed,in which Typhoon Wipha during the period immediately prior to landfall w...Based on the Global Regional Assimilation and Prediction System-Tropical Cyclone Model(GRAPES-TCM),an ensemble forecast experiment was performed,in which Typhoon Wipha during the period immediately prior to landfall was selected for the study and the breeding of growing mode(BGM) method was used to perturb the initial conditions of the vortex field and the environment field.The results of the experiment indicate that each member had a different initial status in BGM processing and they show a reasonable spread among members along with the forecast phase.Changes in the large-scale field,thermodynamic structure,and spread among members took place when Wipha made landfall.The steering effect of the large-scale field and the interaction between the thermodynamics and the dynamics resulted in different tracks of the members.Meanwhile,the forecast uncertainty increased.In summary,the ensemble mean did not perform as well as the control forecast,but the cluster mean provided some useful information,and performed better than the control in some instances.The position error was 34 km for 24 h forecast,153 km for 48 h forecast,and 191 km for 66 h forecast.The strike probability chart qualitatively described the forecast uncertainty.展开更多
The asymmetric distribution of convection associated with tropical cyclones making landfall on the east China coast is studied with black-body temperature (TBB) data from Fengyun-2 (FY-2) geostationary weather satelli...The asymmetric distribution of convection associated with tropical cyclones making landfall on the east China coast is studied with black-body temperature (TBB) data from Fengyun-2 (FY-2) geostationary weather satellite. The convection in various quadrants of the TCs is examined for the period of -24 to 6 h relative to landfall. The convection to the southern side of the TCs was much more intense than that to the northern side during the whole landfall period. The convection to the western side of the TCs was stronger than that to the eastern side for the time -8 h before and at the landfall. After landfall, the situation reverses. The asymmetric convection of the TCs was partly due to the vertical wind shear and storm motion, and partly because the process of landfall restrained the convection in relevant quadrants. Besides, the orographic uplift along the east of China was favorable to the enhancement of convection in the eastern side of the TCs. From the characteristics of convective asymmetry of the TCs landing on the south and east of China, it is known that their main difference might be the included angle between the TC path and the coastline as well as the terrain along the coast.展开更多
The removal of noise and velocity ambiguity and retrieval and verification of horizontal wind field is a prerequisite to make the best and fullest use of Doppler radar measurements. This approach was applied to the Do...The removal of noise and velocity ambiguity and retrieval and verification of horizontal wind field is a prerequisite to make the best and fullest use of Doppler radar measurements. This approach was applied to the Doppler radar data collected during August 2005 for a landing typhoon Matsa (0509) in Yantai, Shangdong Province, and the verified result shows that the quality control for this dataset was successful. The horizontal wind field was retrieved and then verified by studying the characteristics of the radar radial velocity and large-scale wind field and the vertical cross section of the radial velocity determined with the typhoon center as the circle center and comparing it with satellite imagery. The results show that the meso- and small-scale systems in Matsa and its horizontal and vertical structure could be clearly retrieved using the dataset collected by single Doppler radar, and a shear or a convergence was corresponding with a band of severe storm around Matsa. At the same time, the retrieved wind field from single Doppler radar is proved to be a reliable and high-resolution dataset in analyzing the inner meso-scale structure of Matsa. It is also proved that the method for removing the velocity ambiguity could be an effective approach for preliminary quality control of the Doppler radar data, and the VAP method could also be a reasonable solution for the analysis of mesoscale wind field.展开更多
A diagnostic study is performed in the paper on the process of typhoon Norris (1980) transforming into an ex-tratropical cyclone after its landing over Southeast China. The main findings are as follows:The changes of ...A diagnostic study is performed in the paper on the process of typhoon Norris (1980) transforming into an ex-tratropical cyclone after its landing over Southeast China. The main findings are as follows:The changes of kinetic energy are mainly attributed to the generation due to non-divergent wind. During the early stage of the typhoon landing, there exits only a small quantity of kinetic energy exchanging with the environment. And after it is transformed into an extratropical cyclone, a large amount of kinetic energy is exported from the system toward the environment.The horizontal and vertical flux-divergence terms of eddy available potenlial energy are the prominent sinks in the budgets of eddy kinetic energy. The generations of eddy kinetic energy due to both the barotropic and baroclinic processes are source terms. The former is remarkable during the initial stage. But after the depression is transformed into an extratropical cyclone, the roles of the generation by the barotropic and baroclinic processes are reversed, 1. e. , the latter has become more significant than the former.Diabatic heating is the most dominant heat source. The terms of vertical heat flux by cumulus and large-scale motion are the major sinks. And the latter is prominent after the system is transformed into an extratropical cycfone.展开更多
Lop Nur potash mine greening projects is located in the heart of the Lop Nur, known as the "green zone ban". The project overcomes the extreme drought, high temperature, gale and dust salt and salt, and many other a...Lop Nur potash mine greening projects is located in the heart of the Lop Nur, known as the "green zone ban". The project overcomes the extreme drought, high temperature, gale and dust salt and salt, and many other adverse environmen- tal factors. Adopted the suitable salt improvement measures and management tech- nology, the artificial green has emerged in the sea of death. At the same time the greening project improved the office environment of mining area, and shaped ex- treme environment greening projects successful cases.展开更多
Variations in coastline geometry caused by coastal engineering affect tides, storm surges, and storm tides. Three cluster land reclamation projects have been planned for construction in the Jiaojiang Estuary during th...Variations in coastline geometry caused by coastal engineering affect tides, storm surges, and storm tides. Three cluster land reclamation projects have been planned for construction in the Jiaojiang Estuary during the period from 2011 to 2023. They will cause significant changes in coastline geometry. In this study, a surge-tide coupled model was established based on a three-dimensional finite-volume coastal ocean model (FVCOM). A series of numerical experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of variations in coastline geometry on tides, storm surges, and storm tides. This model was calibrated using data observed at the Haimen and Ruian gauge stations and then used to reproduce the tides, storm surges, and storm tides in the Jiaojiang Estuary caused by Typhoon Winnie in 1997. Results show that the high tide level, peak storm surge, and high storm tide level at the Haimen Gauge Station increased along with the completion of reclamation projects, and the maximum increments caused by the third project were 0.13 m, 0.50 m, and 0.43 m, respectively. The envelopes with maximum storm tide levels of 7.0 m and 8.0 m inside the river mouth appeared to move seaward, with the latter shifting 1.8 km, 3.3 km, and 4.4 km due to the first project, second project, and third project, respectively. The results achieved in this study contribute to reducing the effects of, and preventing storm disasters after the land reclamation in the Jiaojiang Estuary.展开更多
受登陆北上台风“利奇马”等影响,2019年8月9~12日山东省出现连续暴雨,其中10日夜间出现降雨峰值。利用中国气象局上海台风研究所(Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration,简称CMA-STI)热带气旋最佳路径数...受登陆北上台风“利奇马”等影响,2019年8月9~12日山东省出现连续暴雨,其中10日夜间出现降雨峰值。利用中国气象局上海台风研究所(Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration,简称CMA-STI)热带气旋最佳路径数据、山东省自动气象站逐时降雨量、常规观测资料、中国风云二号地球静止气象卫星(FY-2G)0.1°×0.1°逐小时云顶相当黑体亮温和美国环境预报中心(National Center of Environmental Prediction,简称NCEP)1°×1°逐6 h再分析等资料,主要运用纬向风局地变化方程与大气动能方程,诊断分析降雨明显增幅与高、低层风场变化的关系。结果表明:(1)暴雨主要影响系统有高低空急流、500 hPa西风槽、850 hPa台风倒槽及“利奇马”本体环流等。10日200 hPa中纬度大尺度西南风急流东南移影响鲁西北,当天08:00(北京时,下同)850 hPa因双台风活动而形成的大尺度东南风急流突然北伸越过山东省。台风倒槽对流云与本体环流对流云先、后北移经鲁中,累积效应造成该地区10日夜间雨量最大。(2)10日20:00850 hPa章丘站东北侧出现了过程最快东风增幅,纬向运动方程诊断结果表明,东风平流是东风增加最主要原因,地转偏向力项则不利于东风增加。(3)10日20:00章丘站200 hPa西南风风力明显加大形成急流,10日08:00至11日08:00青岛站850 hPa维持东南风低空急流。同时位于高空急流右后侧与低空急流左前方是鲁中附近10日夜间降雨增幅的重要原因。章丘200 hPa与青岛850 hPa都是在最大风力之前12 h动能增加最快。动能方程诊断表明,最有利于鲁西北高空急流形成的是位能平流项,最有利于鲁东南低空急流形成的是动能垂直通量散度项。(4)10日20:00至13日08:00“利奇马”本体环流一直在影响山东,暴雨期间山东中部地形的动力作用也一直存在,而降雨的峰值是出现在10日夜间,说明10日20:00前后高、低空急流的耦合可能是山东暴雨增幅的主要影响因子。其主要作用至少有加强山东中部的垂直运动、整层水汽输送与静力不稳定度等方面。展开更多
The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is an important physical characteristic of the Earth's atmosphere. Compared with the typical ABL, the ABL in arid regions has distinct features and is formed by particular mecha...The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is an important physical characteristic of the Earth's atmosphere. Compared with the typical ABL, the ABL in arid regions has distinct features and is formed by particular mechanisms. In this paper, the depth of the diurnal and nocturnal ABLs and their related thermodynamic features of land surface processes, including net radiation, the ground-air temperature difference and sensible heat flux, under typical summer and winter conditions are discussed on the basis of comprehensive observations of the ABL and thermodynamic processes at the land surface carried out in the extreme arid zone of Dunhuang. The relationships of the ABL depth in the development and maintenance stages with these thermodynamic features are also investigated. The results show that the depth of the ABL is closely correlated with the thermodynamic features in both development and maintenance stages and more energy is consumed in the development stage. Further analysis indicates that wind velocity also affects ABL development, especially the development of a stable boundary layer in winter. Taken together, the analysis results indicate that extremely strong thermodynamic processes at the land surface are the main driving factor for the formation of a deep ABL in an arid region.展开更多
In the El Ni?o year, the positive anomaly of SST begins in March-ApriI and continues about one year or more; the maximum positive anomaly occurs in November-December and may reach to 1°C. If a negative anomaly of...In the El Ni?o year, the positive anomaly of SST begins in March-ApriI and continues about one year or more; the maximum positive anomaly occurs in November-December and may reach to 1°C. If a negative anomaly of SST in the equatorial castern Pacific area takes place the year is called an inverse El Ni?o year.展开更多
By investigating the effects on deep ocean ambient noise of typhoon "KAI-TAK" which passed the north area of the South China Sea,it is shown that the wind speed,the rainfall intensity and the long wave swell caused ...By investigating the effects on deep ocean ambient noise of typhoon "KAI-TAK" which passed the north area of the South China Sea,it is shown that the wind speed,the rainfall intensity and the long wave swell caused by typhoon affect the ocean ambient noise significantly.The correlation between the ocean ambient noise and the wind speed during the typhoon is much better than that in the non-typhoon period in the same Beaufort scale.Analysis of the correlation between the 415 h ocean ambient noise measured data and wind speed shows that,when the frequency is greater than 300 Hz,the correlation coefficient between the ocean ambient noise and the wind speed is greater than 0.5,achieving a moderate correlation;when the frequency is greater than 630 Hz,the correlation coefficient is between 0.8 and 0.9,achieving a high degree of correlation.The correlation between the ocean ambient noise and the wind speed is better than that between the ocean ambient noise and the significant wave height when the frequency is greater than 300 Hz.The correlation between the ocean ambient noise and the wind speed in infrasonic band from 10 Hz to 20 Hz is poor in the South China Sea,because the shipping is busy in this sea area and the ocean ambient noise is contaminated by the ship noise even during the typhoon.展开更多
基金Sponsored by S & T Development Program(2008)of Suzhou Municipal S&T Bureau:"Study on the Early-warning Standards for the Protection and Monitoring of Ancient Trees in Suzhou Classical Gardens(SS08055)~~
文摘The sustainability of the planning and design goals of urban green land and that of its maintenance and management are mutually related and act as an organic whole. For a long time, the independence of the two is more prominent than their organic connection. This research has made preliminary considerations from three aspects. First, it concerns infusing the concept of ecology, contemplating and demonstrating space, as well as reducing the incidence of plant diseases and insect pests of urban green land. Second, the arrangement of flowers and trees for the planning and design of urban green land should comply with the biological attributes of flowers and trees to realize the organic unification of biological and scenic attributes of flowers and trees. Third, the planning and design of urban green land should attach importance to the organic unification of biological and scenic attributes of lawn grass seeds and reduce the difficulty of maintaining lawn. This research attempts to reduce the pressure of maintaining urban green land from the beginning, i.e. the planning and design of urban green land. It also tries to reduce the cost of maintenance and management to the realize planning and design goals of urban green land and the sustainability concerning its maintenance and management and arrive at the mutual unification of the planning and design as well as maintenance and management of urban green land.
基金Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province No.402034 No.ZE0204
文摘According to the measured data of typhoons going over the Chinese coasts in 1949-2002, a statistic relative equation showing the relation between the central atmospheric pressure of typhoons in a certain region at a certain period of time and their accumulation of frequency is established, and the concept of recurrence interval of typhoons is put forward, which is of actual significance for typhoon disaster reduction along the coastal area.
基金National Basic Research Program of China (2009CB421500)Shanghai Science and Technology Program (10231203700)National Natural Science Foundation of China (40921160381)
文摘Based on the Global Regional Assimilation and Prediction System-Tropical Cyclone Model(GRAPES-TCM),an ensemble forecast experiment was performed,in which Typhoon Wipha during the period immediately prior to landfall was selected for the study and the breeding of growing mode(BGM) method was used to perturb the initial conditions of the vortex field and the environment field.The results of the experiment indicate that each member had a different initial status in BGM processing and they show a reasonable spread among members along with the forecast phase.Changes in the large-scale field,thermodynamic structure,and spread among members took place when Wipha made landfall.The steering effect of the large-scale field and the interaction between the thermodynamics and the dynamics resulted in different tracks of the members.Meanwhile,the forecast uncertainty increased.In summary,the ensemble mean did not perform as well as the control forecast,but the cluster mean provided some useful information,and performed better than the control in some instances.The position error was 34 km for 24 h forecast,153 km for 48 h forecast,and 191 km for 66 h forecast.The strike probability chart qualitatively described the forecast uncertainty.
基金Natural Science Foundation of China (40805018)Foundation of Natural Science for Zhejiang Province(Y506236)Project 973 (2004CB418300)
文摘The asymmetric distribution of convection associated with tropical cyclones making landfall on the east China coast is studied with black-body temperature (TBB) data from Fengyun-2 (FY-2) geostationary weather satellite. The convection in various quadrants of the TCs is examined for the period of -24 to 6 h relative to landfall. The convection to the southern side of the TCs was much more intense than that to the northern side during the whole landfall period. The convection to the western side of the TCs was stronger than that to the eastern side for the time -8 h before and at the landfall. After landfall, the situation reverses. The asymmetric convection of the TCs was partly due to the vertical wind shear and storm motion, and partly because the process of landfall restrained the convection in relevant quadrants. Besides, the orographic uplift along the east of China was favorable to the enhancement of convection in the eastern side of the TCs. From the characteristics of convective asymmetry of the TCs landing on the south and east of China, it is known that their main difference might be the included angle between the TC path and the coastline as well as the terrain along the coast.
文摘The removal of noise and velocity ambiguity and retrieval and verification of horizontal wind field is a prerequisite to make the best and fullest use of Doppler radar measurements. This approach was applied to the Doppler radar data collected during August 2005 for a landing typhoon Matsa (0509) in Yantai, Shangdong Province, and the verified result shows that the quality control for this dataset was successful. The horizontal wind field was retrieved and then verified by studying the characteristics of the radar radial velocity and large-scale wind field and the vertical cross section of the radial velocity determined with the typhoon center as the circle center and comparing it with satellite imagery. The results show that the meso- and small-scale systems in Matsa and its horizontal and vertical structure could be clearly retrieved using the dataset collected by single Doppler radar, and a shear or a convergence was corresponding with a band of severe storm around Matsa. At the same time, the retrieved wind field from single Doppler radar is proved to be a reliable and high-resolution dataset in analyzing the inner meso-scale structure of Matsa. It is also proved that the method for removing the velocity ambiguity could be an effective approach for preliminary quality control of the Doppler radar data, and the VAP method could also be a reasonable solution for the analysis of mesoscale wind field.
文摘A diagnostic study is performed in the paper on the process of typhoon Norris (1980) transforming into an ex-tratropical cyclone after its landing over Southeast China. The main findings are as follows:The changes of kinetic energy are mainly attributed to the generation due to non-divergent wind. During the early stage of the typhoon landing, there exits only a small quantity of kinetic energy exchanging with the environment. And after it is transformed into an extratropical cyclone, a large amount of kinetic energy is exported from the system toward the environment.The horizontal and vertical flux-divergence terms of eddy available potenlial energy are the prominent sinks in the budgets of eddy kinetic energy. The generations of eddy kinetic energy due to both the barotropic and baroclinic processes are source terms. The former is remarkable during the initial stage. But after the depression is transformed into an extratropical cyclone, the roles of the generation by the barotropic and baroclinic processes are reversed, 1. e. , the latter has become more significant than the former.Diabatic heating is the most dominant heat source. The terms of vertical heat flux by cumulus and large-scale motion are the major sinks. And the latter is prominent after the system is transformed into an extratropical cycfone.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(31300449)Science and Technology Support Program of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region(201433101)+1 种基金Doctoral Fund in the West of China of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XBBS201205)Major Science and Technology Program of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region(201130106-3)
文摘Lop Nur potash mine greening projects is located in the heart of the Lop Nur, known as the "green zone ban". The project overcomes the extreme drought, high temperature, gale and dust salt and salt, and many other adverse environmen- tal factors. Adopted the suitable salt improvement measures and management tech- nology, the artificial green has emerged in the sea of death. At the same time the greening project improved the office environment of mining area, and shaped ex- treme environment greening projects successful cases.
基金supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40776007)Projects Founded by the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province(Grant No.2009C03008-1)
文摘Variations in coastline geometry caused by coastal engineering affect tides, storm surges, and storm tides. Three cluster land reclamation projects have been planned for construction in the Jiaojiang Estuary during the period from 2011 to 2023. They will cause significant changes in coastline geometry. In this study, a surge-tide coupled model was established based on a three-dimensional finite-volume coastal ocean model (FVCOM). A series of numerical experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of variations in coastline geometry on tides, storm surges, and storm tides. This model was calibrated using data observed at the Haimen and Ruian gauge stations and then used to reproduce the tides, storm surges, and storm tides in the Jiaojiang Estuary caused by Typhoon Winnie in 1997. Results show that the high tide level, peak storm surge, and high storm tide level at the Haimen Gauge Station increased along with the completion of reclamation projects, and the maximum increments caused by the third project were 0.13 m, 0.50 m, and 0.43 m, respectively. The envelopes with maximum storm tide levels of 7.0 m and 8.0 m inside the river mouth appeared to move seaward, with the latter shifting 1.8 km, 3.3 km, and 4.4 km due to the first project, second project, and third project, respectively. The results achieved in this study contribute to reducing the effects of, and preventing storm disasters after the land reclamation in the Jiaojiang Estuary.
文摘受登陆北上台风“利奇马”等影响,2019年8月9~12日山东省出现连续暴雨,其中10日夜间出现降雨峰值。利用中国气象局上海台风研究所(Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration,简称CMA-STI)热带气旋最佳路径数据、山东省自动气象站逐时降雨量、常规观测资料、中国风云二号地球静止气象卫星(FY-2G)0.1°×0.1°逐小时云顶相当黑体亮温和美国环境预报中心(National Center of Environmental Prediction,简称NCEP)1°×1°逐6 h再分析等资料,主要运用纬向风局地变化方程与大气动能方程,诊断分析降雨明显增幅与高、低层风场变化的关系。结果表明:(1)暴雨主要影响系统有高低空急流、500 hPa西风槽、850 hPa台风倒槽及“利奇马”本体环流等。10日200 hPa中纬度大尺度西南风急流东南移影响鲁西北,当天08:00(北京时,下同)850 hPa因双台风活动而形成的大尺度东南风急流突然北伸越过山东省。台风倒槽对流云与本体环流对流云先、后北移经鲁中,累积效应造成该地区10日夜间雨量最大。(2)10日20:00850 hPa章丘站东北侧出现了过程最快东风增幅,纬向运动方程诊断结果表明,东风平流是东风增加最主要原因,地转偏向力项则不利于东风增加。(3)10日20:00章丘站200 hPa西南风风力明显加大形成急流,10日08:00至11日08:00青岛站850 hPa维持东南风低空急流。同时位于高空急流右后侧与低空急流左前方是鲁中附近10日夜间降雨增幅的重要原因。章丘200 hPa与青岛850 hPa都是在最大风力之前12 h动能增加最快。动能方程诊断表明,最有利于鲁西北高空急流形成的是位能平流项,最有利于鲁东南低空急流形成的是动能垂直通量散度项。(4)10日20:00至13日08:00“利奇马”本体环流一直在影响山东,暴雨期间山东中部地形的动力作用也一直存在,而降雨的峰值是出现在10日夜间,说明10日20:00前后高、低空急流的耦合可能是山东暴雨增幅的主要影响因子。其主要作用至少有加强山东中部的垂直运动、整层水汽输送与静力不稳定度等方面。
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40830957, 40805009)
文摘The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is an important physical characteristic of the Earth's atmosphere. Compared with the typical ABL, the ABL in arid regions has distinct features and is formed by particular mechanisms. In this paper, the depth of the diurnal and nocturnal ABLs and their related thermodynamic features of land surface processes, including net radiation, the ground-air temperature difference and sensible heat flux, under typical summer and winter conditions are discussed on the basis of comprehensive observations of the ABL and thermodynamic processes at the land surface carried out in the extreme arid zone of Dunhuang. The relationships of the ABL depth in the development and maintenance stages with these thermodynamic features are also investigated. The results show that the depth of the ABL is closely correlated with the thermodynamic features in both development and maintenance stages and more energy is consumed in the development stage. Further analysis indicates that wind velocity also affects ABL development, especially the development of a stable boundary layer in winter. Taken together, the analysis results indicate that extremely strong thermodynamic processes at the land surface are the main driving factor for the formation of a deep ABL in an arid region.
文摘In the El Ni?o year, the positive anomaly of SST begins in March-ApriI and continues about one year or more; the maximum positive anomaly occurs in November-December and may reach to 1°C. If a negative anomaly of SST in the equatorial castern Pacific area takes place the year is called an inverse El Ni?o year.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China(2016J01019)the Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean(201305038)
文摘By investigating the effects on deep ocean ambient noise of typhoon "KAI-TAK" which passed the north area of the South China Sea,it is shown that the wind speed,the rainfall intensity and the long wave swell caused by typhoon affect the ocean ambient noise significantly.The correlation between the ocean ambient noise and the wind speed during the typhoon is much better than that in the non-typhoon period in the same Beaufort scale.Analysis of the correlation between the 415 h ocean ambient noise measured data and wind speed shows that,when the frequency is greater than 300 Hz,the correlation coefficient between the ocean ambient noise and the wind speed is greater than 0.5,achieving a moderate correlation;when the frequency is greater than 630 Hz,the correlation coefficient is between 0.8 and 0.9,achieving a high degree of correlation.The correlation between the ocean ambient noise and the wind speed is better than that between the ocean ambient noise and the significant wave height when the frequency is greater than 300 Hz.The correlation between the ocean ambient noise and the wind speed in infrasonic band from 10 Hz to 20 Hz is poor in the South China Sea,because the shipping is busy in this sea area and the ocean ambient noise is contaminated by the ship noise even during the typhoon.