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作者 张慧智 李犀尧 《工业技术经济》 北大核心 2024年第6期12-19,共8页
本文以2011~2022年上市公司为研究样本,基于数字化转型赋能新质生产力提升的深层逻辑,考察了数字化转型对企业新质生产力的影响、作用机制及异质性特征。研究发现:(1)数字化转型对企业新质生产力的发展具有显著的正向影响,数字化转型带... 本文以2011~2022年上市公司为研究样本,基于数字化转型赋能新质生产力提升的深层逻辑,考察了数字化转型对企业新质生产力的影响、作用机制及异质性特征。研究发现:(1)数字化转型对企业新质生产力的发展具有显著的正向影响,数字化转型带来的技术创新与管理创新满足了新质生产力的催生条件;(2)不同特征的企业数字化转型对新质生产力的发展存在异质性,相对于其他类型企业,数字化转型更加有利于提升技术密集型企业、东部企业、国有企业的新质生产力,这有助于企业深刻理解新质生产力的特征并助力企业提升新质生产力;(3)机制检验结果显示,数字化转型主要通过技术创新与管理创新两个渠道促进企业新质生产力的发展,技术创新是新质生产力发展的底层支撑,而管理创新为技术创新提供了制度保障。 展开更多
关键词 数字化转型 新质生产力 技术创新 管理创新 逐步回归 异质性
作者 董春利 《湖南邮电职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期1-4,共4页
有效的移动性管理对于确保5G异构网络预期的QoS和QoE至关重要。切换过程在移动性管理中起着至关重要的作用。在此过程中的故障可能会对5G通信网络的可靠性、稳定性和连接性产生不利影响。对5G HetNet的切换过程进行了分析,包括5G切换过... 有效的移动性管理对于确保5G异构网络预期的QoS和QoE至关重要。切换过程在移动性管理中起着至关重要的作用。在此过程中的故障可能会对5G通信网络的可靠性、稳定性和连接性产生不利影响。对5G HetNet的切换过程进行了分析,包括5G切换过程步骤、5G HetNet的三层切换、5G HetNet的关键切换参数。此外,针对具体问题,如超高速、负载均衡和小区间干扰,归纳总结了5G HetNet的移动性管理主要解决方案,并提出了5G/B5G HetNet的移动性管理新方法。 展开更多
关键词 5G异构网络 切换 基站 移动性管理
作者 郭焱 骈宇彤 《运筹与管理》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期204-210,共7页
本文以2008—2019年深沪两市A股上市企业为样本,实证研究了高管团队(TMT)整体异质性、企业风险承担及企业价值的关系,并基于产权异质性和企业规模视角进行进一步研究。结果显示:TMT整体异质性能够正向影响企业价值,其中年龄、性别、金... 本文以2008—2019年深沪两市A股上市企业为样本,实证研究了高管团队(TMT)整体异质性、企业风险承担及企业价值的关系,并基于产权异质性和企业规模视角进行进一步研究。结果显示:TMT整体异质性能够正向影响企业价值,其中年龄、性别、金融背景和海外背景异质性作为主要影响变量;企业风险承担在TMT的年龄、金融背景及海外背景方面的异质性与企业价值间存在中介效应;进一步研究表明,相较于非国有企业,国有企业的TMT异质性对企业价值的影响力度和显著性都较大;国有企业能够显著缓解非国有企业在TMT的教育背景、职能背景、任期三个方面的异质性对企业价值的负向作用。低资产规模企业中TMT异质性对企业价值的影响结果要明显于高资产规模企业。本文首次将TMT异质性、企业风险承担及企业价值纳入一个体系进行研究,且在TMT异质性的衡量指标方面增加了职能背景、海外背景及金融背景三项指标,丰富且深化了高层梯队理论。 展开更多
关键词 高管团队(TMT)异质性 企业价值 企业风险承担 产权性质 固定效应
作者 黄莲琴 李雅静 黄栩 《电子科技大学学报(社科版)》 2024年第4期98-112,共15页
公司是践行绿色治理和生态文明建设的主力军,如何依靠外部监管压力驱使公司提升绿色治理水平是促进生态环境质量持续改善的关键。以中国A股重污染行业上市公司为研究样本,利用固定效应模型探究政府环境审计对公司绿色治理的影响。政府... 公司是践行绿色治理和生态文明建设的主力军,如何依靠外部监管压力驱使公司提升绿色治理水平是促进生态环境质量持续改善的关键。以中国A股重污染行业上市公司为研究样本,利用固定效应模型探究政府环境审计对公司绿色治理的影响。政府环境审计对公司绿色治理具有显著的促进作用。机制检验结果表明,政府环境审计通过地方政府强化环境规制执行而提升公司绿色治理水平;高管团队异质性程度越高,政府环境审计对公司绿色治理的促进作用越大。进一步研究发现,在官员任期较短地区、内部控制质量较高的样本中,政府环境审计对公司绿色治理的正向影响更为显著。 展开更多
关键词 政府环境审计 公司绿色治理 政府环境规制 高管团队异质性
作者 谭庆美 林胜男 孙雅妮 《西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期91-105,共15页
以2008-2020年A股上市家族企业数据为样本,基于家族高管亲缘关系异质性考察家族管理权涉入对企业避税的影响。研究发现,家族管理权涉入与家族企业避税程度之间显著负相关,家族高管亲缘关系异质性增强能够显著削弱家族管理权涉入对避税... 以2008-2020年A股上市家族企业数据为样本,基于家族高管亲缘关系异质性考察家族管理权涉入对企业避税的影响。研究发现,家族管理权涉入与家族企业避税程度之间显著负相关,家族高管亲缘关系异质性增强能够显著削弱家族管理权涉入对避税程度的负向影响。拓展性检验结果表明,延伸型社会情感财富及第一类代理成本在家族管理权涉入与避税程度之间中具有部分中介效应。面临较高社会信任水平、较稳定的经济政策及较强宗族文化氛围的家族企业中,家族管理权涉入对避税程度的负向影响更为显著。研究结论对于理解亲缘关系对家族企业避税决策的影响具有一定借鉴意义,对于税务部门进行税收征管也有一定参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 家族管理权涉入 企业避税 亲缘关系异质性 社会情感财富 代理成本
糖尿病合并轻度认知功能障碍患者亚群分类研究 被引量:1
作者 王韵娴 林榕 +1 位作者 颜缘娇 李红 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期45-48,共4页
目的探索糖尿病合并轻度认知功能障碍患者的潜在分类,以识别各类患者特征,为分层管理提供参考。方法采用蒙特利尔认知评估量表、精神简明状态量表、糖尿病自我管理量表对235例糖尿病合并轻度认知功能障碍患者进行调查。根据患者认知功... 目的探索糖尿病合并轻度认知功能障碍患者的潜在分类,以识别各类患者特征,为分层管理提供参考。方法采用蒙特利尔认知评估量表、精神简明状态量表、糖尿病自我管理量表对235例糖尿病合并轻度认知功能障碍患者进行调查。根据患者认知功能和自我管理特征对患者进行系统聚类确定分类数,再采用K-means进行患者分类研究及特征分析。结果糖尿病合并轻度认知功能障碍患者分为高认知低管理型、低认知低管理型、高认知型高管理和低认知高管理型4类;不同文化程度、来源、医保类型、个人月收入、低血糖发生频率患者的类别分布比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论糖尿病合并轻度认知功能障碍患者的认知功能及自我管理能力存在异质性。建议医护人员在对患者分类的基础上,应充分考虑不同类别的特征,为患者制定个性化治疗护理方案,以预防疾病进一步发展。 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病 认知功能 轻度认知功能障碍 自我管理 聚类分析 低血糖 异质性类别 分层管理
作者 孟佶贤 梁晨 陈文汇 《北京林业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期42-51,共10页
基于2003-2019年中国30个省份的面板数据,引入5类环境规制工具作为调节变量,并以森林管理为中介变量,探讨在环境规制政策多元的背景下,我国森林碳汇增长的路径及机制。结果表明:①林业财政支持是促进森林碳汇持续增长的主因,森林管理在... 基于2003-2019年中国30个省份的面板数据,引入5类环境规制工具作为调节变量,并以森林管理为中介变量,探讨在环境规制政策多元的背景下,我国森林碳汇增长的路径及机制。结果表明:①林业财政支持是促进森林碳汇持续增长的主因,森林管理在财政支持与森林固碳能力的正向关系中发挥中介作用;②在以提升森林覆盖率为目标的增汇路径中,正式的环境规制发挥显著的正向调节作用,公众参与型这一非正式的环境规制发挥负向调节作用;③在以提升森林固碳能力为目标的增汇路径中,面向污染治理的市场激励型、面向生态保护的命令控制型和公众参与型环境规制发挥了一定作用。据此,应积极探索市场激励型的碳汇产品价值实现机制,重视并强化命令控制型环境规制在生态保护中的作用,鼓励公众参与生态环境监督工作,以激发森林固碳潜力,保障森林碳汇稳定增长。 展开更多
关键词 森林碳汇 异质性环境规制 森林管理 调节效应
作者 高雪 吴丽丽 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2024年第6期303-311,共9页
减少农业碳排放对于加快促进我国“双碳”目标的实现具有重要现实意义。利用固定效应模型、中介效应模型,采用2000—2022年省际面板数据,考察农地规模经营对农业碳排放的影响效应与作用机制,并进行地区异质性分析。研究发现:农地经营规... 减少农业碳排放对于加快促进我国“双碳”目标的实现具有重要现实意义。利用固定效应模型、中介效应模型,采用2000—2022年省际面板数据,考察农地规模经营对农业碳排放的影响效应与作用机制,并进行地区异质性分析。研究发现:农地经营规模每扩大1%,农业的碳排放量将减少0.01%。其机制在于,农地经营规模通过农用化学品投入强度、农业技术进步、种植结构这三个中介变量来发挥作用。具体而言,农地经营规模每扩大1%,农用化学品投入强度将降低0.06%、农业技术进步增加0.69%、种植结构则呈“趋粮化”,而且这些变化有利于农业碳减排。分地区来看,农地经营规模扩大会显著降低东部地区、东北地区的农业碳排放,但会提升西部地区的农业碳排放。由此,促进我国农业低碳发展,要引导农业生产者适当扩大农地经营规模,降低化肥用量和采纳低碳生产技术。 展开更多
关键词 农地经营规模 农业技术进步 农业碳排放 地区异质性
作者 帅昭文 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第2期163-176,共14页
在诠释实体企业金融化的动机时,现有文献主要分析了收益动机,而实际上风险动机也同样存在。通过构建带有异质性高管的企业投资决策模型以及来自A股上市非金融企业的实证分析可以发现,企业金融化与金融市场风险有着显著的负向变动关系,... 在诠释实体企业金融化的动机时,现有文献主要分析了收益动机,而实际上风险动机也同样存在。通过构建带有异质性高管的企业投资决策模型以及来自A股上市非金融企业的实证分析可以发现,企业金融化与金融市场风险有着显著的负向变动关系,金融市场风险是企业金融化的重要影响因素,企业金融化存在明显的风险动机。高管金融背景对企业金融化的风险动机形成倒U型调节关系,随着企业中有金融背景的高管比例上升,企业对金融市场风险的反应先减弱后增强,而这种调节作用部分通过管理层分歧来实现:当两类高管的数量相当时,实体企业对金融投资的管理分歧最大。此外,极端市场风险下企业有风险越大、投资越多的“彩票型”投资偏好。实证结果表明,实体企业金融化的风险动机受高管金融背景和金融市场状态的影响,当管理层分歧严重、极端市场出现时应当关注风险动机失灵问题。 展开更多
关键词 企业金融化 金融市场风险 高管金融背景 异质性高管 管理层分歧
作者 鲁蔚征 戴奇志 张策 《大数据》 2024年第2期94-108,共15页
跨域算力网络希望整合多个算力中心的计算和数据资源,但现有的方案对跨域文件和数据管理关注不够。提出了一种轻量级的跨域算力网络数据管理方案:通过文件系统协议转换,接入远程算力中心的并行文件系统存储资源;算力中心内部的存储资源... 跨域算力网络希望整合多个算力中心的计算和数据资源,但现有的方案对跨域文件和数据管理关注不够。提出了一种轻量级的跨域算力网络数据管理方案:通过文件系统协议转换,接入远程算力中心的并行文件系统存储资源;算力中心内部的存储资源作为一种补充,应对高IOPS应用;通过容器绑定技术,将远程存储挂载并绑定到指定目录。基于该方案的原型系统已经在高校校级计算平台部署运行。实测数据和用户体验显示,该方案能够满足常见高性能计算应用需求。 展开更多
关键词 算力网络 并行文件系统 数据管理 异构存储资源
作者 陈家璘 查志勇 +2 位作者 詹伟 陈铈 吴耿 《电气自动化》 2024年第3期52-55,59,共5页
传统的数据仓库在构建时,存在许多的冗余数据,而且物联网系统存在重复部署,数据之间形成逻辑孤岛,从而降低数据运行效率。为此,研究一种基于电力大数据异构数据混合采集方案的电力数据仓库系统。构建一个统一管理的电力数据仓库,对电力... 传统的数据仓库在构建时,存在许多的冗余数据,而且物联网系统存在重复部署,数据之间形成逻辑孤岛,从而降低数据运行效率。为此,研究一种基于电力大数据异构数据混合采集方案的电力数据仓库系统。构建一个统一管理的电力数据仓库,对电力企业管辖范围内的所有相关应用软件提供统一的数据服务;在SimuWorks平台下使用25个变电站近一年真实数据进行数据模拟,发现新方案可节约超过85%的数据仓库硬件设施,提升约82.7%的数据分析准确率,同时实现IDC机房超过50%的节能。使用该方案,数据管理算法得到充分简化,数据读写响应时间也得到了显著提升。结果表明,设计的异构数据混合采集系统模型能够提高数据管理效率和读写响应时间,从而提高数据的使用效果。 展开更多
关键词 电力大数据 数据仓库 异构数据 混合采集 信息管理
作者 黄庆 许阳光 《中国高新科技》 2024年第12期158-160,共3页
关键词 异构多云 政务云 统一安全管理
A Secure Key Management Scheme for Heterogeneous Secure Vehicular Communication Systems 被引量:3
作者 LEI Ao Chibueze Ogah +2 位作者 Philip Asuquo Haitham Cruickshank SUN Zhili 《ZTE Communications》 2016年第B06期21-31,共11页
Intelligent transportation system (ITS) is proposed as the most effective way to improve road safety and traffic efficiency. However, the future of ITS for large scale transportation infrastructures deployment highl... Intelligent transportation system (ITS) is proposed as the most effective way to improve road safety and traffic efficiency. However, the future of ITS for large scale transportation infrastructures deployment highly depends on the security level of vehicular communication systems (VCS). Security applications in VCS are fulfilled through secured group broadcast. Therefore, secure key management schemes are considered as a critical research topic for network security. In this paper, we propose a framework for providing secure key management within heterogeneous network. The seeurity managers (SMs) play a key role in the framework by retrieving the vehicle departnre infi^rmation, encapsulating block to transport keys and then executing rekeying to vehicles within the same security domain. The first part of this framework is a novel Group Key Management (GKM) scheme basing on leaving probability (LP) of vehicles to depart current VCS region. Vehicle's LP factor is introduced into GKM scheme to achieve a more effieient rekeying scheme and less rekeying costs. The second component of the framework using the blockchain concept to simplify the distributed key management in heterogeneous VCS domains. Extensive simulations and analysis are provided to show the effectiveness and effieiency of the proposed framework: Our GKM results demonstrate that probability-based BR reduees rekeying eost compared to the benchmark scheme, while the blockchain deereases the time eost of key transmission over heterogeneous net-works. 展开更多
关键词 leaving probability bloekchain group key management HETEROGENEOUS vehicular communication systems (VCS)
Conflict Resolution Strategy in Handover Management for 4G and 5G Networks 被引量:1
作者 Abdulraqeb Alhammadi Wan Haslina Hassan +3 位作者 Ayman A.El-Saleh Ibraheem Shayea Hafizal Mohamad Yousef Ibrahim Daradkeh 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2022年第9期5215-5232,共18页
Fifth-generation(5G)cellular networks offer high transmission rates in dense urban environments.However,a massive deployment of small cells will be required to provide wide-area coverage,which leads to an increase in ... Fifth-generation(5G)cellular networks offer high transmission rates in dense urban environments.However,a massive deployment of small cells will be required to provide wide-area coverage,which leads to an increase in the number of handovers(HOs).Mobility management is an important issue that requires considerable attention in heterogeneous networks,where 5G ultra-dense small cells coexist with current fourth-generation(4G)networks.Although mobility robustness optimization(MRO)and load balancing optimization(LBO)functions have been introduced in the 3GPP standard to address HO problems,non-robust and nonoptimal algorithms for selecting appropriate HO control parameters(HCPs)still exist,and an optimal solution is subjected to compromise between LBO and MRO functions.Thus,HO decision algorithms become inefficient.This paper proposes a conflict resolution technique to address the contradiction between MRO and LBO functions.The proposed technique exploits received signal reference power(RSRP),cell load and user speed to adapt HO margin(HM)and time to trigger(TTT).Estimated HM and TTT depend on a weighting function and HO type which is represented by user status during mobility.The proposed technique is validated with other existing algorithms from the literature.Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed technique outperforms existing algorithms overall performance metrics.The proposed technique reduces the overall average HO ping-pong probability,HO failure rate and interruption time by more than 90%,46%and 58%,respectively,compared with the other schemes overall speed scenarios and simulation time. 展开更多
关键词 Mobility management HANDOVER 5G heterogeneous networks
QoS-Aware Dynamic Resource Management in Heterogeneous Mobile Cloud Computing Networks 被引量:7
作者 SI Pengbo ZHANG Qian +1 位作者 F. Richard YU ZHANG Yanhua 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期144-159,共16页
In mobile cloud computing(MCC) systems,both the mobile access network and the cloud computing network are heterogeneous,implying the diverse configurations of hardware,software,architecture,resource,etc.In such hetero... In mobile cloud computing(MCC) systems,both the mobile access network and the cloud computing network are heterogeneous,implying the diverse configurations of hardware,software,architecture,resource,etc.In such heterogeneous mobile cloud(HMC) networks,both radio and cloud resources could become the system bottleneck,thus designing the schemes that separately and independently manage the resources may severely hinder the system performance.In this paper,we aim to design the network as the integration of the mobile access part and the cloud computing part,utilizing the inherent heterogeneity to meet the diverse quality of service(QoS)requirements of tenants.Furthermore,we propose a novel cross-network radio and cloud resource management scheme for HMC networks,which is QoS-aware,with the objective of maximizing the tenant revenue while satisfying the QoS requirements.The proposed scheme is formulated as a restless bandits problem,whose "indexability" feature guarantees the low complexity with scalable and distributed characteristics.Extensive simulation results are presented to demonstrate the significant performance improvement of the proposed scheme compared to the existing ones. 展开更多
关键词 动态资源管理 QOS要求 计算网络 移动 感知 异构 软件体系结构 设计网络
TMT Heterogeneity and Firm Performance: The Moderating Effect of Managerial Discretion 被引量:1
作者 Pengbin Gao Yiyuan Zhang +1 位作者 Yan Xiang Shaocong Bo 《经济管理学刊(中英文版)》 2020年第2期116-125,共10页
Now the top management team and managerial discretion play an important role in driving the firms’development.This paper built a theoretical model to explore the effect of top management team heterogeneity on firm pe... Now the top management team and managerial discretion play an important role in driving the firms’development.This paper built a theoretical model to explore the effect of top management team heterogeneity on firm performance,and analyze the moderating role of managerial discretion.Based on the data of 167 listed firms from Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2019,this paper constructs a multiple regression model and tested the hypothesis.The empirical results show that gender heterogeneity,tenure heterogeneity and education level heterogeneity have a negative effect on firms performance.At the same time managerial discretion can partially moderates the relationship between the heterogeneity of top management team and firm performance,in which capital intensity and the firm size play a negative moderating role,and duality play a positive moderating role.According to the research results,this paper also puts forward corresponding suggestions to improve the firm performance. 展开更多
关键词 Top management Team Team heterogeneity Firm Performance Managerial Discretion
Traffic Characteristics Based Dynamic Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 被引量:4
作者 WEN Juan SHENG Min ZHANG Yan WANG Xijun LI Yuzhou 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期1-11,共11页
The traffic with tidal phenomenon in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks(HWNs)has radically increased the complexity of radio resource management and its performance analysis.In this paper,a Simplified Dynamic Hierarchy R... The traffic with tidal phenomenon in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks(HWNs)has radically increased the complexity of radio resource management and its performance analysis.In this paper,a Simplified Dynamic Hierarchy Resource Management(SDHRM)algorithm exploiting the resources dynamically and intelligently is proposed with the consideration of tidal traffic.In network-level resource allocation,the proposed algorithm first adopts wavelet neural network to forecast the traffic of each sub-area and then allocates the resources to those sub-areas to maximise the network utility.In connection-level network selection,based on the above resource allocation and the pre-defined QoS requirement,three typical network selection policies are provided to assign traffic flow to the most appropriate network.Furthermore,based on multidimensional Markov model,we analyse the performance of SDHRM in HWNs with heavy tailed traffic.Numerical results show that our theoretical values coincide with the simulation results and the SDHRM can improve the resource utilization. 展开更多
关键词 异构无线网络 无线资源管理 流量特征 资源分配 神经网络预测 马尔可夫模型 性能分析 潮汐现象
Interference management via access control and mobility prediction in two-tier heterogeneous networks 被引量:1
作者 肖竹 陈杰 +2 位作者 王东 李仁发 易克初 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期3169-3177,共9页
Two-tier heterogeneous networks(HetNets),where the current cellular networks,i.e.,macrocells,are overlapped with a large number of randomly distributed femtocells,can potentially bring significant benefits to spectral... Two-tier heterogeneous networks(HetNets),where the current cellular networks,i.e.,macrocells,are overlapped with a large number of randomly distributed femtocells,can potentially bring significant benefits to spectral utilization and system capacity.The interference management and access control for open and closed femtocells in two-tier HetNets were focused.The contributions consist of two parts.Firstly,in order to reduce the uplink interference caused by MUEs(macrocell user equipments) at closed femtocells,an incentive mechanism to implement interference mitigation was proposed.It encourages femtocells that work with closed-subscriber-group(CSG) to allow the interfering MUEs access in but only via uplink,which can reduce the interference significantly and also benefit the marco-tier.The interference issue was then studied in open-subscriber-group(OSG) femtocells from the perspective of handover and mobility prediction.Inbound handover provides an alternative solution for open femtocells when interference turns up,while this accompanies with PCI(physical cell identity) confusion during inbound handover.To reduce the PCI confusion,a dynamic PCI allocation scheme was proposed,by which the high handin femtocells have the dedicated PCI while the others share the reuse PCIs.A Markov chain based mobility prediction algorithm was designed to decide whether the femtocell status is with high handover requests.Numerical analysis reveals that the UL interference is managed well for the CSG femtocell and the PCI confusion issue is mitigated greatly in OSG femtocell compared to the conventional approaches. 展开更多
关键词 上行干扰 异构网络 移动预测 访问控制 管理 微蜂窝基站 PCI 微小区
Study on key management scheme for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
作者 秦丹阳 Ma Jingya +3 位作者 Zhang Yan Yang Songxiang Ji Ping Feng Pan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2018年第4期343-350,共8页
Heterogeneous wireless sensor network( HWSN) is composed of different functional nodes and is widely applied. With the deployment in hostile environment,the secure problem of HWSN is of great importance; moreover,it b... Heterogeneous wireless sensor network( HWSN) is composed of different functional nodes and is widely applied. With the deployment in hostile environment,the secure problem of HWSN is of great importance; moreover,it becomes complex due to the mutual characteristics of sensor nodes in HWSN. In order to enhance the network security,an asymmetric key pre-distributed management scheme for HWSN is proposed combining with authentication process to further ensure the network security; meanwhile,an effective authentication method for newly added nodes is presented. Simulation result indicates that the proposed scheme can improve the network security while reducing the storage space requirement efficiently. 展开更多
Performance Analysis for Mobility Management of Dual Connectivity in HetNet
作者 Wei Huang Lin Guo Kai Sun 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2022年第5期505-512,共8页
Dual connectivity(DC)is regarded as a promising technology to increase users’throughput,provide radio link robustness,and improve load-balancing among base stations(BSs).However,since the introduction of DC makes the... Dual connectivity(DC)is regarded as a promising technology to increase users’throughput,provide radio link robustness,and improve load-balancing among base stations(BSs).However,since the introduction of DC makes the mobility of network more complex and diversified,especially the mobility management of heterogeneous networks(HetNets)based on DC faces great challenges.Taking event-A3-based measurement report as the trigger condition for handover(HO),this paper compares and evaluates the influences of HO of master nodes(MNs)and secondary nodes(SNs)on link reliability in different bearing modes.Particularly,hybrid automatic repeat request(HARQ),throughput,channel quality indicators(CQIs),and data packets queuing time are taken as link reliability analysis indicators.Besides,we study how DC utilizes the traffic split ratio between MNs and SNs to maximize the superiority of throughput.Simulation results show that DC can effectively reduce the impact of HO on the number of HARQ and increase the throughput of users.When the data traffic is tilted to the secondary nodes,the superiority of throughput is more obvious. 展开更多
关键词 dual connectivity heterogeneous network(HetNet) mobility management traffic split ratio
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