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华北克拉通栖霞地区~2.9Ga变质基性火山岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年、Hf-O同位素特征及构造意义
作者 智云宝 李秀章 +5 位作者 孙斌 王立功 王巧云 戴广凯 赵西强 郭艳 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1907-1921,共15页
胶东地区是华北克拉通重要的早前寒武纪研究区之一。中太古代唐家庄岩群在形成时代、岩石成因及构造环境等方面一直少有研究。作者在栖霞地区对出露的唐家庄岩群变质表壳岩进行系统地质调查研究基础上,开展了变质基性火山岩全岩地球化... 胶东地区是华北克拉通重要的早前寒武纪研究区之一。中太古代唐家庄岩群在形成时代、岩石成因及构造环境等方面一直少有研究。作者在栖霞地区对出露的唐家庄岩群变质表壳岩进行系统地质调查研究基础上,开展了变质基性火山岩全岩地球化学、锆石SHRIMP U-Pb和Hf-O同位素等分析研究。结果显示,变质基性火山岩岩浆锆石年龄为2907.9±6.3Ma,代表了中太古代唐家庄岩群的形成时间,并遭受新太古代早、晚期变质作用。这是~2.9Ga唐家庄岩群变质基性火山岩在胶东地区首次报道。岩石地球化学特征表现为相对富集大离子亲石元素K、Rb、Sr等,Th、Nb、Zr、Hf等高场强元素相对亏损,具有中等分异的REE配分模式。岩石中岩浆锆石具有相似的Hf、O同位素组成,εHf(t)值介于-0.68~+4.21,δ18 O值介于1.38‰~6.73‰。结合前人的工作,我们得出的主要结论如下:(1)胶东地区经历~2.9Ga岩浆事件,局部地段仍保留下了同时期的变质表壳岩;(2)唐家庄岩群是中太古代初始的洋盆环境中所形成的一套火山-沉积建造;(3)华北克拉通中太古代晚期是亏损地幔新生地壳加积的主要时期,局部地壳再循环了较老的陆源物质;(4)华北克拉通新太古代晚期经历了伸展构造背景,岩浆底侵作用使岩石发生强烈变质作用。 展开更多
关键词 栖霞 变质基性火山岩 锆石shrimp U-Pb定年 地球化学 构造意义
作者 吴佳 巫建华 +2 位作者 刘晓东 王凯兴 刘帅 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期56-71,共16页
贵东复式岩体由多期次、多类型的岩体组成,且东部盛产铀矿床,因此精确厘定该复式岩体的时代及其时序,查明复式岩体东部与中西部岩浆活动的差异性及其与铀成矿的关系,不仅有利于深入研究区域岩浆活动,而且有利于深刻认识铀的成矿规律。... 贵东复式岩体由多期次、多类型的岩体组成,且东部盛产铀矿床,因此精确厘定该复式岩体的时代及其时序,查明复式岩体东部与中西部岩浆活动的差异性及其与铀成矿的关系,不仅有利于深入研究区域岩浆活动,而且有利于深刻认识铀的成矿规律。现有研究认为,以龟尾山断裂带为界,贵东复式岩体中西部岩基属燕山早期、东部岩基属印支早期,东部广泛发育的燕山期中基性脉岩与铀成矿关系密切。但对复式岩体中东部呈岩枝、岩株广泛出露的晚期花岗质小岩体的成岩地质时代及其分布规律尚存在争议,也有待进一步查明花岗质小岩体与铀矿床的时空关系。文章选择贵东复式岩体中东部晚期花岗质小岩体为研究对象,采用SHRIMP锆石U-Pb法厘定其成岩时代,并分析它们的时空分布及其与铀成矿的关系。测试结果显示,贵东复式岩体中东部晚期花岗质小岩体普遍存在高铀锆石,这可能是对同一岩体不同学者所获得的^(206)Pb/^(238)U加权平均年龄差别较大的主要原因。剔除高铀锆石的年龄数据,龟尾山断裂带以西的隘子、司前、陈洞岩体锆石^(206)Pb/^(238)U加权平均年龄分别为163.0±1.6 Ma、163.1±1.6 Ma、160.7±1.9 Ma,属燕山早期岩浆活动的产物;而以东的帽峰、分水坳、龟尾山岩体锆石^(206)Pb/^(238)U加权平均年龄分别为230.0±2.7 Ma、225.9±2.9 Ma和232.6±3.1 Ma,属印支期岩浆活动的产物。所以,龟尾山断裂以西和以东晚期花岗质小岩体的时代不同。且龟尾山断裂带以东的印支期花岗质小岩体空间上与铀矿化、尤其是与燕山早期的绢英岩化型等中高温热液铀矿化关系密切,是主要的储矿围岩;结合元素地球化学研究结果,该区产出的印支期花岗质小岩体也可为铀成矿提供铀源。 展开更多
关键词 贵东复式岩体 花岗质小岩体 shrimp锆石U-PB年龄 铀成矿
作者 王宇晴 单吉成 +4 位作者 董春艳 王世进 董津蒙 颉颃强 万渝生 《地球学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期903-912,共10页
鲁西地区太古宙表壳岩包括新太古代早期和晚期两期表壳岩,早期表壳岩主要由变质玄武岩-科马提岩组成,晚期表壳岩主要由变质火山岩-碎屑沉积岩和BIF(Banded Iron Formations)组成。韩旺铁矿位于鲁西的西北部,铁矿区内存在大量变质玄武岩... 鲁西地区太古宙表壳岩包括新太古代早期和晚期两期表壳岩,早期表壳岩主要由变质玄武岩-科马提岩组成,晚期表壳岩主要由变质火山岩-碎屑沉积岩和BIF(Banded Iron Formations)组成。韩旺铁矿位于鲁西的西北部,铁矿区内存在大量变质玄武岩-科马提岩,早期认为该BIF形成于新太古代早期,而新的研究认为鲁西地区BIF都形成于新太古代晚期。本文对韩旺铁矿区内与BIF互层的黑云变粒岩和侵入其中的片麻状花岗闪长岩开展锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年,获得年龄分别为(2529±7)Ma和(2534±11)Ma。黑云变粒岩和片麻状花岗闪长岩的TREE、(La/Yb)N、Eu/Eu*分别为76×10^(–6)、19.8、0.84和82.7×10^(–6)、17.3、1.14,它们的岩浆锆石的εHf值、单阶段Hf同位素模式年龄分别为5.5~9.46、2.5~2.6 Ga和6.3~9.4、2.48~2.60 Ga。研究支持了鲁西地区BIF形成于新太古代晚期的认识。表壳岩形成、变质变形和花岗闪长岩侵入发生在一个很短的时间范围内。研究还表明,黑云变粒岩的原岩为英安质火山岩,很可能形成于新生玄武质岩浆的强烈结晶分异作用,花岗闪长岩形成于新生玄武质岩石部分熔融,形成过程中有陆壳物质的加入。 展开更多
关键词 BIF 韩旺铁矿 鲁西 太古宙 锆石shrimp U-Pb定年
作者 马驭舟 苏文博 +3 位作者 祝禧艳 刘书琪 李惠民 宋彪 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1343-1363,共21页
燕辽地区长城群年代学工作一直是华北克拉通中元古代地质学研究的重点之一。由于团山子组与下伏串岭沟组界限年龄不明确,且此前的年龄都是来自于其中的火山熔岩锆石的年龄,亟待新的测年工作加以验证和完善。本文作者在北京市密云区、平... 燕辽地区长城群年代学工作一直是华北克拉通中元古代地质学研究的重点之一。由于团山子组与下伏串岭沟组界限年龄不明确,且此前的年龄都是来自于其中的火山熔岩锆石的年龄,亟待新的测年工作加以验证和完善。本文作者在北京市密云区、平谷区的团山子组下部发现了层凝灰岩,并对其开展了系统的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年,获得两个高精度年龄1634±9Ma和1637±8Ma,进一步精确限定了该组的形成年代。结合前人研究,燕辽地区团山子组的底界、也即下伏串岭沟组顶界年龄,可进一步限定为1638Ma。由此可对燕辽地区长城群地层格架进行更准确的年代学厘定,并进一步确认其整体处于持续拉张的裂谷-被动陆缘背景下的快速沉积特征、以及长城群团山子组-大红峪组与华北克拉通南缘汝阳群洛峪口组等相关沉积更为精确的对比关系。结合其他资料还可推断,在团山子组-大红峪组及洛峪口组等形成时,华北克拉通南北两侧都开始被碳酸盐岩浅海覆盖,且最终还可能在其中部出现了南北联通的碳酸盐岩浅海通道。这显示出华北克拉通与早先所拼合克拉通之间已产生明显的拉张性疏离及新生海洋,应标志着华北克拉通从哥伦比亚超大陆裂解的新阶段。 展开更多
关键词 shrimp锆石U-PB年龄 层凝灰岩 团山子组 长城群 华北克拉通 哥伦比亚(努纳)超大陆
作者 尉鹏飞 耿科 +6 位作者 刘建辉 张岩 李大鹏 蔡娜 张超 刘强 谢伟 《岩矿测试》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期723-733,共11页
氧同位素分析能够为岩石、热液及矿床形成演化提供重要的成因信息,是岩石学与矿床学研究的强有力工具。二次离子质谱仪(SIMS)以其独特的微区原位优势,广泛应用于锆石等矿物氧同位素分析,往代型号SHRIMP存在三维机械样品台在移动过程中... 氧同位素分析能够为岩石、热液及矿床形成演化提供重要的成因信息,是岩石学与矿床学研究的强有力工具。二次离子质谱仪(SIMS)以其独特的微区原位优势,广泛应用于锆石等矿物氧同位素分析,往代型号SHRIMP存在三维机械样品台在移动过程中发热甚至放气破坏样品腔真空的风险。为了维持样品腔稳定的高真空,保证氧同位素测试精度,本次研究首次利用升级压电陶瓷驱动高真空样品台的第五代高灵敏度、高分辨率二次离子质谱仪(SHRIMPⅤ),建立了氧同位素微区原位分析测试方法。在一次离子强度为3nA,电子枪能量为−1.9keV,束斑大小为25μm,入射狭缝宽度为120μm,^(18)O−和^(16)O−两个接收器狭缝宽度均为300μm的条件下,用锆石标样Temora 2和Qinghu对系统进行调试,获得^(16)O信号强度约为1.2×10^(9)cps,并对标样R33、FC1和Tanz进行了测试。结果表明,标样氧同位素δ^(18)O分析结果与其参考值在误差范围内一致,δ^(18)O单点内在分析精度优于0.30‰(2SE),外在精度优于0.50‰(2SD),测试精度整体与国内外原有SHRIMP相当,验证了仪器准确度、精密度和稳定性。升级高真空样品台后,SHRIMPⅤ样品腔真空度优于2.5×10^(−8)torr(原有SHRIMP为4.0×10^(−8)torr),进一步提高了极限真空及重复定位能力和分辨力,更有利于氧等稳定同位素分析,并为今后传统无水矿物水含量的测试提供了可能。 展开更多
关键词 氧同位素 shrimp 高真空样品台 锆石 微区原位分析方法
Effect of Different Feeds on Growth and Survival of the Sergestid Shrimp Acetes vulgaris Hansen, 1919 (Decapoda: Sergestidae)
作者 Alongkorn Phudhom Karnjana Hrimpeng +1 位作者 Wansuk Senanan Nongnud Tangkrock-Olan 《Agricultural Sciences》 2024年第1期71-81,共11页
The sergestid shrimp Acetes vulgaris has long been an important fishery species in estuaries and coastal waters along the Pang-Rad River, Rayong province, Thailand. In nature, this shrimp feeds on a wide range of food... The sergestid shrimp Acetes vulgaris has long been an important fishery species in estuaries and coastal waters along the Pang-Rad River, Rayong province, Thailand. In nature, this shrimp feeds on a wide range of food items, such as phytoplankton, zooplankton, algae, plant matter, debris, sand, and mud. The objective of this study was to compare different feeds on growth and survival of A. vulgaris reared in fiberglass tanks containing 70 m<sup>3</sup> of seawater salinity 25 ppt over a period of 70 days. Individual shrimps were fed with four different types of feeds i.e., newly hatched Artemia (Ar), rotifer (Ro), newly hatched Artemia + rotifer (ArRo) and shrimp larvae commercial feed (SF). Results suggested that specific growth rates (both for body weight and body length) of shrimps reared with SF were not significantly different with treatment feed with Ar, ArRo and Ro (p ≥ 0.05). The survival rate of A. vulgaris did not vary significantly (p ≥ 0.05) among the Ar, Ro and ArRo treatments. However, the highest survival rate of shrimp (81.78% ± 3.08%) was observed in SF treatment and the percentage of survival rate was significantly different with treatment feed with Ar, Ro and ArRo (p ≤ 0.05). The findings reflected the ability of Acetes shrimps to consume diverse food types including both live feed and pelleted feed. Insights obtained from this research suggested that artificial feed can be as efficient as live feeds. This new knowledge is a needed addition to a currently lacking knowledge base for aquaculture of this Acetes species. 展开更多
关键词 Acetes vulgaris Sergestid shrimp FOOD GROWTH SURVIVAL
Fairy shrimp Branchinella kugenumaensis displays sensitivity to microplastic exposure
作者 Yingying ZHANG Xinrui XU +2 位作者 Wenbo SUN Yuting WANG Hui YANG 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期1186-1199,共14页
The increasing global concern regarding plastic pollution has prompted the research into the consequences of microplastics(MPs)on aquatic ecosystems.Fairy shrimp Branchinella kugenumaensis are freshwater planktonic or... The increasing global concern regarding plastic pollution has prompted the research into the consequences of microplastics(MPs)on aquatic ecosystems.Fairy shrimp Branchinella kugenumaensis are freshwater planktonic organisms that have existed for 250 million years.This study aimed to uncover the harmful effects of MPs,with a particular focus on their size variations(0.1,1,and 5μm),on the fairy shrimp.We focused on how MPs could significantly affect the survival and growth of fairy shrimp.Notably,larger MPs,especially those measuring 5μm,caused higher mortality rates and hindered the growth compared to smaller ones.The impact of MPs continued even subsequent to depuration in clean water.The accumulation of MPs within the intestines of fairy shrimp resulted in intestinal blockages,disrupted excretory functions,and harmed intestinal epithelial cells.Examinations at the histological,cellular,and molecular levels showed that exposure to MPs triggered necroptosis in intestinal cells,accompanied by alterations in pathways related to transcription,translation,digestion,energy metabolism,and neurological functions.Furthermore,the effects of MPs on gene expression and pathways varied based on particle size,with larger MPs having a more significant effect and causing a strong response in xenobiotic biodegradation and metabolism pathways.We suggest that the increasing severity of MPs pollution could pose a significant threat to the survival of fairy shrimp.This study provided vital insights into the complex relationship between microplastics and aquatic organisms,and highlighted the urgent need to address the potential devastating impact of plastic pollution on freshwater ecosystems.Additionally,due to their rapid growth,strong reproductive capacity,sensitivity,and ease of cultivation,fairy shrimp hold the potential candidate to serve as a model organism for studying the effects of MPs and other pollutants on freshwater ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 microplastic freshwater ecosystem toxic effects fairy shrimp model organism
Evaluation of Agricultural Contamination Level by Heavy Metals and Pesticides in Sediments of Rivers and Water Bodies for Shrimp Fishing in the Lower Ouémé: Case of the Aguigadji, Ahlan and Sele Stations in Benin
作者 Souradjou Orou Goura Fadéby Modeste Gouissi +3 位作者 Armelle Sabine Yélignan Hounkpatin Wakili Bolatito Yessoufou Tayéwo Sylvain Biaou Nonvignon Martial Fassinou 《Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry》 CAS 2024年第2期25-46,共22页
This study assessed sediment contamination by heavy metals and pesticide active ingredients linked to chemical inputs used in agricultural activities in the lower Ouémé. Pesticide residues from the organochl... This study assessed sediment contamination by heavy metals and pesticide active ingredients linked to chemical inputs used in agricultural activities in the lower Ouémé. Pesticide residues from the organochlorine, pyrethroid and organophosphorus families were investigated by gas chromatography, and heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As, Ni, Zn, Fe, Mg, Cr and Hg) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The metallic pollution indices, the contamination factor (CF) and the ecological risk index were calculated. The results revealed 8 active ingredients in the rainy season and 9 in the dry season. Glyphosate was the active ingredient with the highest concentration at all stations, 9.65 ± 0.84 mg/kg recorded in the dry season at the Aguigadji station. All glyphosate values were above the EQS. DDT, Atrazine and Endosulfan also showed high concentrations in the dry and rainy seasons. Emamectin, Abamectin and Lambda Cyhalothrin also showed high concentrations in the dry season at Aguigadji, Ahlan and Sele. Only glyphosate was recorded at the control station (Toho), but in very low concentrations. Lead showed the highest concentrations at all the stations, 265.96 ± 21.02 mg/Kg in the rainy season and 255.38 ± 79.09 mg/Kg in the dry season, all detected at the Aguigadji station and above the EQS. Zn, Ni, Fe, Cu and Cr were all representative in both the dry and rainy seasons at the contaminated stations. Manganese showed high concentrations in the rainy season. Pb showed very high contamination (FC ≥ 6) at the Aguigadji and Ahlan stations and significant contamination (3 ≤ FC 6) at the Sele station in both the rainy and dry seasons. Ni, Hg and Cd, showed either moderate or significant contamination at the contaminated stations. The risk values showed a considerable ecological Ri (190 ≤ Ri < 380) in the rainy season and a moderate ecological Ri (95 ≤ Ri < 190) in the dry season at these contaminated stations. 展开更多
关键词 PESTICIDES Heavy Metals SEDIMENTS shrimp Fishing Area Lower Ouémé
Updated roles of the gut microbiota in exploring shrimp etiology, polymicrobial pathogens, and disease incidence
作者 Jin-Bo Xiong Hao-Nan Sha Jiong Chen 《Zoological Research》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期910-923,共14页
Litopenaeus vannamei is the most extensively cultured shrimp species globally,recognized for its scale,production,and economic value.However,its aquaculture is plagued by frequent disease outbreaks,resulting in rapid ... Litopenaeus vannamei is the most extensively cultured shrimp species globally,recognized for its scale,production,and economic value.However,its aquaculture is plagued by frequent disease outbreaks,resulting in rapid and massive mortality.etiological research often lags behind the emergence of new diseases,leaving the causal agents of some shrimp diseases unidentified and leading to nomenclature based on symptomatic presentations,especially in cases involving co-and polymicrobial pathogens.Comprehensive data on shrimp disease statuses remain limited.In this review,we summarize current knowledge on shrimp diseases and their effects on the gut microbiome.Furthermore,we also propose a workflow integrating primary colonizers,“driver”taxa in gut networks from healthy to diseased states,disease-discriminatory taxa,and virulence genes to identify potential polymicrobial pathogens.We examine both abiotic and biotic factors(e.g.,external and internal sources and specific-disease effects)that influence shrimp gut microbiota,with an emphasis on the“holobiome”concept and common features of gut microbiota response to diverse diseases.After excluding the effects of confounding factors,we provide a diagnosis model for quantitatively predicting shrimp disease incidence using disease common-discriminatory taxa,irrespective of the causal agents.Due to the conservation of functional genes used in designing specific primers,we propose a practical strategy applying qPCR-assayed abundances of disease common-discriminatory functional genes.This review updates the roles of the gut microbiota in exploring shrimp etiology,polymicrobial pathogens,and disease incidence,offering a refined perspective for advancing shrimp aquaculture health management. 展开更多
关键词 shrimp disease Gut microbiota Polymicrobial pathogens Diagnosis model Disease common-discriminatory taxa Disease prediction
Polymetamorphism of the ultrahigh-temperature granulites in the Rauer Group,East Antarctica:new evidence from zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages
作者 TONG Laixi LIU Zhao +3 位作者 LI Chao LU Junsheng YANG Wenqiang WANG Yanbin 《Advances in Polar Science》 CSCD 2024年第2期192-205,共14页
The Rauer Group is located on the eastern margin of the early Paleozoic Prydz Belt in East Antarctica,and the typical ultrahigh-temperature(UHT,>900℃)granulites outcrop on Mather Peninsula.However,the timing of UH... The Rauer Group is located on the eastern margin of the early Paleozoic Prydz Belt in East Antarctica,and the typical ultrahigh-temperature(UHT,>900℃)granulites outcrop on Mather Peninsula.However,the timing of UHT metamorphism and P–T path of the UHT granulites have long been debated,which is critical to understanding the tectonic nature and evolution history of the Prydz Belt.Thus,both a sapphirine-bearing UHT metapelitic granulite and a garnet-bearing UHT mafic granulite are selected for zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age dating.The results show that metamorphic zircon mantles yield weighted mean^(206)Pb/^(238)U ages of 918±29 Ma and 901±29 Ma for the metapelitic and mafic granulites,respectively,while zircon rims and newly grown zircons yield weighted mean^(206)Pb/^(238)U ages of 523±9 Ma and 532±11 Ma,respectively.These new zircon age data suggest that the UHT granulites may have experienced polymetamorphism,in which pre-peak prograde stage occurred in the early Neoproterozoic Grenvillian orogenesis(1000–900 Ma),whereas the UHT metamorphism occurred in the late Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic Pan-African orogenesis(580–460 Ma).This implies that P–T path of the UHT granulites should consist of two separate high-grade metamorphic events including the Grenvillian and Pan-African events,which are supposed to be related to assembly of Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinents respectively,and hence the overprinting UHT metamorphic event may actually reflect an important intracontinental reworking. 展开更多
关键词 ultrahigh-temperature granulites zircon shrimp U-Pb ages POLYMETAMORPHISM Rauer Group East Antarctica
铀矿区花岗岩锆石定年的“高铀效应”:来自鲁溪和下庄花岗岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄的启示 被引量:5
作者 吴佳 巫建华 +2 位作者 刘晓东 王凯兴 刘帅 《大地构造与成矿学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期449-460,共12页
下庄铀矿田是我国最重要的花岗岩型铀矿田之一,其中的复式花岗岩体已获得了一批锆石U-Pb年龄,基本上构筑了下庄铀矿田加里东、印支和燕山多期多阶段的岩浆演化系列。分析前人数据发现,不同学者获得的同一岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄差别较大,最... 下庄铀矿田是我国最重要的花岗岩型铀矿田之一,其中的复式花岗岩体已获得了一批锆石U-Pb年龄,基本上构筑了下庄铀矿田加里东、印支和燕山多期多阶段的岩浆演化系列。分析前人数据发现,不同学者获得的同一岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄差别较大,最大相差达17 Ma,主要原因之一可能是高U锆石的存在导致了加权平均年龄可靠程度的降低。针对这一问题,笔者以下庄铀矿田鲁溪粗粒黑云母花岗岩和下庄中粒黑云母花岗岩为研究对象,采用SHRIMP锆石U-Pb法测试U-Th-Pb含量,重点分析了锆石U含量对^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄的影响,并厘定了这两个岩体的侵位年龄。测试结果显示,鲁溪粗粒黑云母花岗岩38颗锆石的U含量变化于152×10^(–6)~5687×10^(–6)之间,^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄变化于234~1345 Ma之间,可分为五组,其中年龄最小一组由27颗锆石组成,变化于234~265 Ma之间,加权平均年龄为247.3±3.2 Ma,MSWD=3.9;下庄中粒黑云母花岗岩18颗锆石的U含量变化于243×10^(–6)~2071×10^(–6)之间,^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄为227~871 Ma,可分为三组,其中年龄最小一组由15颗锆石组成,加权平均值236.5±3.3 Ma,MSWD=1.6。鲁溪粗粒黑云母花岗岩年龄最小一组的锆石U含量变化大,^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄变化也比较大,且U含量>2000×10^(–6)的锆石^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄存在不确定性,大部分呈明显偏大的现象,若剔除U含量>2000×10^(–6)的锆石^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄数据,加权平均年龄为240.9±2.4 Ma(n=11,MSWD=0.38);下庄中粒黑云母花岗岩也有一颗锆石的U含量>2000×10^(–6),^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄为245.4±4.7 Ma,存在年龄偏大的问题,若剔除这个数据,加权平均年龄为235.9±3.3 Ma(n=12,MSWD=1.4)。再结合前人的测试数据表明,铀矿区普遍存在锆石的“高铀效应”,锆石的U含量>2000×10^(–6)时,虽然也存在部分颗粒年龄变化不大的情况,但多数颗粒的^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄明显偏大或偏小。因此,认为U含量>2000×10^(–6)的锆石,其^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄不一定能代表寄主岩石的形成年龄,在加权平均年龄数据处理中应尽量剔除。 展开更多
关键词 花岗岩 高U锆石 shrimp锆石U-PB年龄 下庄铀矿田
江西上饶蔡家坪铅锌矿床地质特征和成矿岩体SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年 被引量:1
作者 黄安杰 李康东 温祖高 《桂林理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第2期176-183,共8页
蔡家坪铅锌矿床是近年来在北武夷成矿带内铜钹山中生代陆相火山盆地中新发现的铅锌矿床。在野外地质调查的基础上,通过钻孔揭露和岩矿鉴定等方法对蔡家坪铅锌矿床的地质特征进行分析,并对成矿流纹斑岩进行同位素定年。蔡家坪铅锌矿矿化... 蔡家坪铅锌矿床是近年来在北武夷成矿带内铜钹山中生代陆相火山盆地中新发现的铅锌矿床。在野外地质调查的基础上,通过钻孔揭露和岩矿鉴定等方法对蔡家坪铅锌矿床的地质特征进行分析,并对成矿流纹斑岩进行同位素定年。蔡家坪铅锌矿矿化类型可分为次火山岩型和层间破碎带型,矿床成因均与流纹斑岩关系密切;流纹斑岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年显示其^(206)Pb/^(238)U与^(207)Pb/^(235)U的谐和曲线年龄为133±3 Ma,而^(206)Pb/^(238)U加权平均年龄为133.3±2.7 Ma,表明成岩时代为早白垩世,属于燕山中晚期。综合区域地质分析认为,该矿床的成岩成矿时代、成矿条件等与冷水坑铅锌银矿相似,找矿潜力较大。 展开更多
关键词 铅锌矿 地质特征 shrimp锆石U-PB定年 上饶 江西
Analysis of the changes of volatile flavor compounds in a traditional Chinese shrimp paste during fermentation based on electronic nose,SPME-GC-MS and HS-GC-IMS 被引量:30
作者 Ying Li Li Yuan +4 位作者 Huijie Liu Hongying Liu Yue Zhou Miaonan Li Ruichang Gao 《Food Science and Human Wellness》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第1期173-182,共10页
Traditionally fermented shrimp paste has a long fermentation period and is susceptible of external factors,which leads to unstable quality and limits its development and application.Therefore,the purpose of this study... Traditionally fermented shrimp paste has a long fermentation period and is susceptible of external factors,which leads to unstable quality and limits its development and application.Therefore,the purpose of this study is to analyze the flavor changes in the shrimp paste fermentation process and screen out the key volatile aroma components in the shrimp paste to control the flavor quality of the shrimp paste products.The overall odor profile was detected by the electronic nose.A total of 106 volatile flavor compounds in the shrimp paste samples at different fermentation stages were identified by solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(SPME-GC-MS)and headspace-gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry(HS-GC-IMS).The main aroma components alcohols,aldehydes,pyrazines and other substances in the fermentation process showed an overall upward trend.A total of 17 key volatile aroma components in shrimp paste at different fermentation stages were identified by the relative aroma activity value(ROAV)method.The combination of electronic nose,SPME-GC-MS and HS-GC-IMS could comprehensively reflect the changes of volatile components in shrimp paste at different fermentation stages,which helps to further understand the mechanism of shrimp paste flavor formation and provides a basis for the regulation of the flavor quality of shrimp paste products. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese shrimp paste Electronic nose SPME-GC-MS HS-GC-IMS ROAV
基于耳石核心氧同位素SHRIMP分析研究青海湖裸鲤繁殖特征 被引量:1
作者 周玲 千琳勃 +4 位作者 赵素梅 张秀兰 刘英烈 唐巧玲 原杰 《岩矿测试》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期464-477,共14页
青海湖裸鲤是中国重要的内陆珍稀鱼种,在青海湖湖泊生态系统中起着核心作用。繁殖环境是鱼类种群延续的关键因素,能获取青海湖裸鲤的繁殖环境参数和明确最佳产卵场,对于保护和扩大其渔业资源量也非常重要。本文尝试利用耳石的微区原位... 青海湖裸鲤是中国重要的内陆珍稀鱼种,在青海湖湖泊生态系统中起着核心作用。繁殖环境是鱼类种群延续的关键因素,能获取青海湖裸鲤的繁殖环境参数和明确最佳产卵场,对于保护和扩大其渔业资源量也非常重要。本文尝试利用耳石的微区原位氧同位素组成分析青海湖裸鲤的繁殖特征,利用SHRIMPⅡ离子探针测定5尾青海湖裸鲤耳石微区原位δ^(18)O组成,沿着最长生长轴到边缘打点,束斑直径大约25μm,束斑深度约2~3μm。分析结果表明,裸鲤耳石的δ^(18)O值变动范围分别是−4.88‰~3.46‰、−0.28‰~3.91‰、−1.43‰~2.94‰、−1.81‰~3.35‰,并且耳石间歇带的δ^(18)O值高于成长带。耳石间歇带是裸鲤在湖水中形成,而成长带是在河水中形成,上述结果与青海湖湖水的δ^(18)O值显著高于河水的δ^(18)O值一致,因此记录了裸鲤的洄游行为。核心区域差异性的δ^(18)O值则反映了裸鲤的产卵地和水温状况,表明有的裸鲤在水温较低的河口产卵孵化,有的在水温较高的河流上游产卵孵化。与其他样品不同的是,其中1尾裸鲤耳石的δ^(18)O变动范围是−9.36‰~−5.21‰,表明该裸鲤固定在河流里生长繁殖,不发生洄游行为。这一发现为进一步优化青海湖裸鲤的人工繁殖和利用耳石化石探究青海湖水环境演变提供了研究基础。 展开更多
关键词 青海湖裸鲤 产卵地 耳石 氧同位素 shrimp 水温
Correlation between dominant bacterial community and non-volatile organic compounds during the fermentation of shrimp sauces 被引量:3
作者 Ruichang Gao Huijie Liu +3 位作者 Ying Li Hongying Liu Yue Zhou Li Yuan 《Food Science and Human Wellness》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第1期233-241,共9页
Shrimp sauce,one of the traditional salt-fermented food in China,has a unique flavor that is influenced by the resident microflora.The quality of salt-fermented shrimp sauce was evaluated in this work by determining t... Shrimp sauce,one of the traditional salt-fermented food in China,has a unique flavor that is influenced by the resident microflora.The quality of salt-fermented shrimp sauce was evaluated in this work by determining the total volatile basic nitrogen(TVB-N),the amino acid nitrogen(AAN),organic acid,5’-nucleotide and free amino acids(FAA).Moreover,the dynamics of microbial diversity during processing was investigated by using high-throughput sequencing technology.The results showed that the AAN,TVB-N,organic acid,5’-nucleotide and FAA content were in range of 0.93-1.42 g/100 mL,49.91-236.27 mg/100 mL,6.65-20.68 mg/mL,3.51-6.56 mg/mL and 81.27-102.90 mg/mL.Among the microbial diversity found in the shrimp sauce,Tetragenococcus,Flavobacterium,Polaribacter,Haematospirillum and Staphylococcus were the predominant genera.Correlation analysis indicated that the bacteria Tetragenococcus and Staphylococcus were important in the formation of non-volatile compounds.Tetragenococcus positively correlated with a variety of FAAs;Staphylococcus positively correlated with 5’-nucleotides.The analysis indicated that Tetragenococcus and Staphylococcus were the core genera affecting non-volatile components.These findings indicate the dynamics of the bacterial community and non-volatile components inter-relationships during shrimp sauce fermentation and provide a theoretical basis for improving the fermentation process of shrimp sauce. 展开更多
关键词 shrimp sauces Non-volatile compounds Bacterial community Electronic tongue Correlation analysis
Seabuckthorn juice alleviates allergic symptoms in shrimp-induced food allergy mice 被引量:1
作者 Hong Ren Xiaofan Zhu +6 位作者 Shiyu Zhai Xiaoping Feng Zhuomin Yan Jiao Sun Ye Liu Zhenpeng Gao Fangyu Long 《Food Science and Human Wellness》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第3期783-788,共6页
Tropomyosin(TM)in shrimp is one of the predominant causes of food allergy around the world.In the present study,the effect of seabuckthorn juice against TM-induced shrimp allergy was investigated in BALB/c mice.Allerg... Tropomyosin(TM)in shrimp is one of the predominant causes of food allergy around the world.In the present study,the effect of seabuckthorn juice against TM-induced shrimp allergy was investigated in BALB/c mice.Allergic symptoms,spleen index,intestinal section and diarrhea were measured in shrimp allergy mice.As the results,seabuckthorn juice suppressed the lesions in jejunum tissue,diarrhea and allergic symptoms in shrimp allergy mice.Seabuckthorn juice also reduced serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-a(TNF-α)as well as immunoglobulin E(IgE)and stimulated the secretion of interleukin-10(IL-10)in mice with shrimp allergy.Taken together,our findings suggest that increased IL-10 by seabuckthorn juice inhibits Th2 cytokine production to suppress shrimp allergic symptoms.Furthermore,seabuckthorn juice also regulates shrimp allergy by reducing jejunum lesions,inhibiting levels of TNF-αand IgE. 展开更多
关键词 shrimp Seabuckthorn juice ALLERGY BALB/c mouse model
Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology,geochemistry,and geological significance of dacite in the Zhesang gold district,southeast Yunnan Province,China 被引量:1
作者 Bo Wang Jiasheng Wang +3 位作者 Jinlong Li Hao Fu Yuehua Ma Bin Ye 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2023年第2期290-308,共19页
The Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic tectonic framework of the Nanpanjiang Basin has much been disputed.Herein,the middle-acid volcanic rock,dacite,exposed to the Zhesang gold district,southeast Yunnan Province,has been an... The Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic tectonic framework of the Nanpanjiang Basin has much been disputed.Herein,the middle-acid volcanic rock,dacite,exposed to the Zhesang gold district,southeast Yunnan Province,has been analyzed.The results show that the dacite belongs to a calc-alkaline series,SiO_(2)contents range from 62.79 to 76.66 wt%.Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb dating of dacite demonstrates that they were formed in the Early Triassic(247.8±1.7 Ma,MSWD=1.2).All samples exhibit enrichment in LILE(e.g.Rb,K,Th,and U),and depletion in HFSE(e.g.Nb,Ta,and Ti),which has the geochemical affinity of I-type granite.La–La/Sm and La–La/Yb discrimination diagrams show that the partial melting,mainly of the mafic lower crust,of rocks,plays a major role in the formation process.The dacite has low initial ^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr ratios(0.706954 to 0.708589)and negative ε_(Nd)(t)values(-11.77 to-10.88).Zircons in dacite have ε_(Hf)(t)values of-16.2 to-8.3,and the two-stage Hf model ages are 1799–2301 Ma,mostly concentrated between 1800 and 1900 Ma,indicating that the magma source area is the reconstructed ancient lower crust mixed with some mantle materials,and crystal fractionation process underwent in the late stage of magma migration.This study reveals that the arc-volcanic rocks of the Early Triassic in the southern margin of the Nanpanjiang Basin were formed by the subduction of the Late Paleozoic ocean basin within the border region between China and Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 DACITE Zircon shrimp U–Pb geochronology Sr–Nd–Hf isotope GEOCHEMISTRY Arcvolcanic rock Late Paleozoic ocean basin
Integrated Rice-Based Shrimp and Crabs Farming: Adaptation to Climate Change and Potential Mitigation of Global Warming in the Coastal Wetlands of Bangladesh
作者 Muhammad Aslam Ali Shahroz Mahean Haque +7 位作者 Khalid Sohrawardi S. K. Fazlay Rabbi Shuvo Kumar Sarkar Hafsa Jahan Hiya Fakir Azmol Huda Sumon Malakar Mahjabeen Rahman Md. Shakir Ahammed 《Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment》 2023年第3期223-237,共15页
Coastal agriculture is vulnerable to climate change, thereby may affect food production systems and food security in Bangladesh. Methane (CH4) emission from coastal wetlands rice farming is a major environmental conce... Coastal agriculture is vulnerable to climate change, thereby may affect food production systems and food security in Bangladesh. Methane (CH4) emission from coastal wetlands rice farming is a major environmental concern due to its global warming potential. Therefore, field experiments were conducted at the southern coastal region of Shyamnagar, Satkhira, to investigate the feasibility of Rice-Shrimp and Rice-Crabs mixed farming for adaptation to the changing climate and sustaining food production system. The experimental treatments were designed on rice-based diversified farming systems such as rice sole cropping with no NPKS + no soil amendments (T1), rice sole cropping following farmers’ practice (FP) without soil amendment (T2), rice sole cropping following FP with phosphogypsum (PG) amendment (T3), Rice-Shrimp mixed culture with PG amendment (T4), Rice-Crabs mixed culture with PG amendment (T5), Rice-Shrimp mixed culture + PG amendment with Spirulina (Cyanobacteria) inoculation (T6), and Rice-Crabs mixed culture + PG amendment with Spirulina inoculation (T7). A closed chamber technique was followed to collect gas samples from the rice paddy field and samples were analyzed by Gas Chromatograph. It was found that Rice-Shrimp (T6) and Rice-Crabs mixed farming (T7) practices significantly decreased GWPs compared to the rice sole cropping system. In the dry boro season, the maximum GWPs 4175 kg CO<sub>2</sub> eq. ha<sup>-1</sup> was recorded from rice sole cropping (T2), which was decreased by 30% and 36.7% under Rice-Shrimp (T6) and Rice-Crabs (T7) mixed farming practices, respectively. Furthermore, in the wet aman season, maximum GWP 4525 kg CO<sub>2</sub> eq. ha<sup>-1</sup> was recorded from rice sole cropping (T2), which was decreased by 33.0% and 38.8% under Rice-Shrimp and Rice-Crabs mixed farming, respectively. Rice grain yield was low under rice sole cropping (3500 kg/ha), which was increased by 11.0% and 14.7% under Rice-Shrimp mixed farming amended with PG and Spirulina (T6) during wet aman and dry boro seasons, respectively. The postharvest soil properties, such as soil organic matter content, redox potential value (Eh), and exchangeable K<sup>+</sup> and Ca<sup>2+</sup>, contents in soil increased significantly with Phosphogypsum and Spirulina applications, however, decreased Na<sup>+</sup> content and electrical conductivity (EC) eventually improved rice plants’ tolerance to salinity and enhanced overall productivity of Rice-Shrimp and Rice-Crabs mixed farming. Conclusively, the conversion of wetland mono rice cropping into mixed Rice-Shrimp and Rice-Crabs farming would be a feasible strategy to sustain rice aquaculture-based farming, ensure food security and mitigate GWPs in coastal wetlands ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 Coastal Paddy shrimp CRABS SPIRULINA GWPs
Risk Assessment of Human Exposure to 2-Methylnaphthalene, Phenanthrene and Didodecylphthalate via Consumption of Shrimps (Macrobrachium vollenhovenii) from Qua Iboe River Estuary, South-South Nigeria
作者 Inyang O. Oyo-Ita Bassey B. Asuquo +1 位作者 Emmanuella E. Oyo-Ita Orok E. Oyo-Ita 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2023年第6期125-144,共20页
Ibeno, one of the major oil producing communities in South-South Nigeria is a coastal commercial fishery hub that houses Axon-Mobil operational base and pharmaceutical/plastic industries. Shrimp species (Macrobrachium... Ibeno, one of the major oil producing communities in South-South Nigeria is a coastal commercial fishery hub that houses Axon-Mobil operational base and pharmaceutical/plastic industries. Shrimp species (Macrobrachium vollenhovenii) is a major aquatic food frequently consumed by inhabitants of the coastal area and those living hinterland, thus, being a major route of human exposure to 2-methylnaphthalene, phenanthrene and didodecyl phthalate in the area. The purpose of the study was to evaluate factors that determine bioaccumulation and assess the potential cancer and non-cancer risk posed by these contaminants through human (adult and children) exposure via shrimp’s consumption using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. The associated sediment showed higher mean concentrations of 2-methylnaphthalene, phenanthrene and didodecylphthalate at the two sites relative to those in fresh shrimp samples and factors such as size, lipid content, physicochemical property and environmental condition influenced the uptake of these contaminants. Besides water loss, the traditional drying process enhanced the levels of phenanthrene and didodecylphthalate in dry shrimps most likely due to combustion process and relatively low volatility, respectively and lowered the level of 2-methylnapthalene linked to its relatively high volatility. The potential of cancer and non-cancer development in human were highest via dry large shrimp consumption and followed the sequence: dry small shrimp > fresh large shrimp > fresh small shrimp and were within the USEPA reference standards. Although children were more vulnerable, the exposed individuals may not exhibit notable health-associated adverse effects in the near future. Thus, adequate advocacy is needed to sensitize those living in the catchments who often prefer dry shrimp in their meals on the adverse health implications of these contaminants for their survival and the need to maintain the health of the ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 BIOACCUMULATION Human Exposure Toxicity Potential shrimp
作者 耿科 李大鹏 +7 位作者 尉鹏飞 蔡娜 谢伟 张岩 张嫚 刘强 张超 杜敬贤 《山东国土资源》 2023年第11期10-19,共10页
澳大利亚ASI公司生产的SHRIMP系列和法国CAMECA公司生产的IMS系列是目前世界上最成功的大型二次离子磁质谱。自从20世纪80年代以来,它们在探索地球最古老物质和行星早期演化过程、岩浆形成与变质过程、矿床成因及气候变化等方面做出了... 澳大利亚ASI公司生产的SHRIMP系列和法国CAMECA公司生产的IMS系列是目前世界上最成功的大型二次离子磁质谱。自从20世纪80年代以来,它们在探索地球最古老物质和行星早期演化过程、岩浆形成与变质过程、矿床成因及气候变化等方面做出了突出贡献。SHRIMP现在已发展至第五代,IMS系列也发展到了1300-HR3。本文通过前人资料简单回顾了一下ASI SHRIMP和CAMECA IMS这对地学双子星的起源、发展过程,在铭记科学巨匠们的卓越贡献之余,也对大型二次离子磁质谱在地球科学领域的未来发展做一下展望。 展开更多
关键词 shrimp CAMECA 二次离子质谱 磁质谱 发展史
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