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作者 马婧仪 《山东女子学院学报》 2023年第3期45-53,共9页
在当代女性寻求“性别公正”的过程中,男性主体也被置于巨大的不确定性当中。这是一个男性气质不断变动的时代,有关理想男性形象的讨论从未停止。通过对大卫•D.吉尔默的《发明男性气概》进行系统梳理,可将问题导向学界对男性气概与男性... 在当代女性寻求“性别公正”的过程中,男性主体也被置于巨大的不确定性当中。这是一个男性气质不断变动的时代,有关理想男性形象的讨论从未停止。通过对大卫•D.吉尔默的《发明男性气概》进行系统梳理,可将问题导向学界对男性气概与男性气质的论争,同时回顾男性研究的历史,以澄清概念之间的差异与联系。尽管目前国内的男性研究领域仍然比较沉默,但也在一定程度上拥有了理性自觉。通过考察国内的男性气质研究现状,并分析经验研究中理论的呈现方式,能够指出未来的拓展方向,这有利于构建更加和谐的性别文化。 展开更多
关键词 男性气质 男性气概 男性研究 masculinities
作者 高春刚 李志强 +1 位作者 原方政 宋淑华 《武汉体育学院学报》 北大核心 2024年第3期81-89,共9页
目的:针对“男性女性化”话题进行理论分析和调查研究,探讨体育活动与性别角色之间的关系。方法:对云南大学、昆明理工大学和云南师范大学的大学生发放《大学生性别角色量表》(CSRI—50)和体育活动调查表,回收有效问卷1 030份。通过交... 目的:针对“男性女性化”话题进行理论分析和调查研究,探讨体育活动与性别角色之间的关系。方法:对云南大学、昆明理工大学和云南师范大学的大学生发放《大学生性别角色量表》(CSRI—50)和体育活动调查表,回收有效问卷1 030份。通过交叉表卡方检验对体育活动的每次平均持续时间、周运动频率、运动强度等是否对性别角色的表现形式有统计学意义进行检验;然后将通过显著性检验的变量纳入无序多分类Logistic回归分析,以确定体育活动的各要素及其水平是否对性别角色的表现形式起到预测作用。结果:交叉表卡方检验结果显示,每次运动持续时间、运动频率和运动强度对性别角色的表现均具有统计学意义。Logistic回归结果显示,相对于未分化的性别角色,与每次运动持续时间小于30 min、每周1次的运动频率、无汗和微微出汗的运动强度相比,在男性化和女性化模型中,除了每周2~4次的运动频率对男性化具有正向提升之外,每次运动持续时间、运动强度、运动频率等均无统计学意义。在双性化模型中,大于60分钟的运动持续时间、更高的运动频率、出汗较多和大汗淋漓的运动强度对双性化具有统计学意义。结论:体育活动的每次持续时间、周运动频率、运动强度等都可能是影响性别角色发展的重要原因;每次1小时以上、高于每周1次的运动频率、出汗较多的运动强度,都是双性化性别角色的有效预测变量;可以通过体育参与的情况对大学生的性别角色进行初步的判别,或通过大学生的性别角色来初步判别其参与体育活动的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 性别 性别角色 男性女性化 阳刚之气 双性化教育
作者 曾光 《语文学刊》 2024年第1期77-82,共6页
《耻》是南非作家库切(J.M.Coetzee)的作品。作为南非著名作家,库切作品多次涉及复杂的种族、社会和个人伦理问题,深刻探讨了后殖民主义和种族关系等主题。他以其深刻洞察力和文学才华在国际文坛上活跃,并获得了广泛的赞誉和认可。《耻... 《耻》是南非作家库切(J.M.Coetzee)的作品。作为南非著名作家,库切作品多次涉及复杂的种族、社会和个人伦理问题,深刻探讨了后殖民主义和种族关系等主题。他以其深刻洞察力和文学才华在国际文坛上活跃,并获得了广泛的赞誉和认可。《耻》这部作品使库切在1999年第二次获得布克奖,成为历史上首位两次获得该奖项的作家。故事的主人公卢里因个人放荡的行为导致了家庭伦理、性爱伦理和社会伦理的错位。本文从分析“男性气质”的概念开始,结合南非社会变革的大环境,探讨这种层层伦理错位如何导致卢里失去了大学教授的职位,进而白人男性的种族优越感消失,造成社会阶层的下降,父亲角色认同失败,并最终导致其整体男性气质的缺失和悲剧色彩浓厚的个人命运。 展开更多
关键词 《耻》 卢里 伦理错位 男性气质
作者 丁洋 鲁子怡 +9 位作者 刘娅 曹霄 王亚 梁浩文 任旌雷 邓翔 何焱 樊启学 牟长军 沈志刚 《水生生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1365-1377,共13页
研究以XX遗传型全雌黄颡鱼(Tachysurus fulvidraco)群体为实验材料,利用加氢甲基睾酮(17α-methyldihydrotestosterone,MDHT)和来曲唑(Letrozole,LZ)对性别分化关键时期(12-60日龄)黄颡鱼幼鱼进行投喂处理,设置MH组(50 mg/kg MDHT)、ML... 研究以XX遗传型全雌黄颡鱼(Tachysurus fulvidraco)群体为实验材料,利用加氢甲基睾酮(17α-methyldihydrotestosterone,MDHT)和来曲唑(Letrozole,LZ)对性别分化关键时期(12-60日龄)黄颡鱼幼鱼进行投喂处理,设置MH组(50 mg/kg MDHT)、ML组(10 mg/kg MDHT)、MH+L组(50 mg/kg MDHT,1000 mg/kg LZ)、ML+L组(10 mg/kg MDHT,1000 mg/kg LZ)及对照CR组(0 MDHT,0 LZ)。结果显示,ML组和ML+L组雄性化个体比例较高,分别为66.7%和83.3%,其性腺类型包括间性性腺(37.5%和50.0%)和全精巢性腺(29.2%和33.3%),且两组中均获得了43.8%的功能性XX伪雄鱼。以XX伪雄鱼为父本、以经多代选育的全雌黄颡鱼为母本,进行规模化人工繁殖,获得了280万尾XX遗传型黄颡鱼苗种。在92日龄时发现,在室外池塘养殖条件下,98.0%的个体卵巢发育良好,2.0%的个体性逆转为非功能性XX伪雄鱼。研究建立了一套黄颡鱼全雌种群规模化繁育技术体系,为黄颡鱼规模化人工繁育与遗传改良、黄颡鱼产业健康可持续发展提供保障。 展开更多
关键词 性别控制 加氢甲基睾酮 来曲唑 全雌种群 雄性化 黄颡鱼
作者 王婷婷 张奇才 《河南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期57-64,共8页
在反映大萧条时期美国社会的文学作品中,性别关系和男性气质问题尚未得到学界的足够重视。本文结合美国大萧条时期特定的历史背景,研究斯坦贝克的小说《愤怒的葡萄》中反映的性别关系和男性气质。在小说中,男女性别关系发生了变化,母权... 在反映大萧条时期美国社会的文学作品中,性别关系和男性气质问题尚未得到学界的足够重视。本文结合美国大萧条时期特定的历史背景,研究斯坦贝克的小说《愤怒的葡萄》中反映的性别关系和男性气质。在小说中,男女性别关系发生了变化,母权在崛起,父权受到威胁,这种变化造成了男性气质的危机。小说在同情、抚慰着处于男性气质危机的男性的同时,要求男性采取诸如禁欲和尊重女性的策略来重构男性气质。此外,小说也建构了一种新的男性气质的类型,即“自造工匠”,它融合了“自造男人”和“勇武工匠”的双重特点。这种新型的男性气质要求男性不断学习,以服务社区和社会。小说中男性气质的危机与重构呼应了大萧条的历史背景,体现了作家对文学作品与现实二者互动关系的思考。 展开更多
关键词 愤怒的葡萄 性别关系 男性气质
作者 李星翰 马金科 《东北亚外语研究》 2024年第3期121-129,共9页
荷兰学者吉尔特·霍夫斯泰德(Geert Hofstede)通过对大量的调查数据进行分析,深入研究了文化模式,提出了文化尺度理论。借助该理论对朝鲜半岛的檀君神话进行分析,可以从文化尺度理论的视角对檀君神话的文化模式及其带来的影响进行... 荷兰学者吉尔特·霍夫斯泰德(Geert Hofstede)通过对大量的调查数据进行分析,深入研究了文化模式,提出了文化尺度理论。借助该理论对朝鲜半岛的檀君神话进行分析,可以从文化尺度理论的视角对檀君神话的文化模式及其带来的影响进行阐释。檀君神话可以被看作一个历史不断“层累”下的具有长期导向的神话故事。檀君神话中存在着严密的权力领导体系;带有明显的集体主义色彩;具有男性文化导向的色彩。神话中明显的上下级领导体系也可看出权力距离大的民族文化模式。 展开更多
关键词 檀君神话 文化尺度理论 集体主义 权力距离 男性文化
Beware the Demon of Love Jihad! The Gendered and Sexual Abjectification of Muslim Masculinities by Hindu Nationalists on Twitter
作者 Zeinab Farokhi 《Sociology Study》 2024年第3期157-170,共14页
In this paper,I examine the Twitter accounts of right-wing extremist groups(RWEGs)in India,arguing that the abjectification of Muslim masculinities is central to the narratives of Hindu supremacist groups.The abjectif... In this paper,I examine the Twitter accounts of right-wing extremist groups(RWEGs)in India,arguing that the abjectification of Muslim masculinities is central to the narratives of Hindu supremacist groups.The abjectification process on Twitter serves as a rhetorical device to:a)criticize and problematize Muslim masculinities;b)idealize and glorify Hindu and white masculinities;c)promote Hindu and white masculine nationalist projects;and d)unify Hindu supremacists against Muslim others.By analyzing the gender ideologies expressed implicitly or explicitly on the Twitter accounts of RWEGs,and using the“Love Jihad”conspiracy case as a focal point,I demonstrate how the abjectification of Muslim masculinities is constructed in opposition to the idealized Hindu masculinities.This study highlights the intersection of gender and nationalism in the digital discourse of Hindu supremacist groups,offering insights into the mechanisms through which social media platforms are used to reinforce and propagate Islamophobic ideologies. 展开更多
关键词 Muslim masculinities Hindu supremacy conspiracy theory social media right-wing extremism
作者 熊欢 李康壮 《上海体育大学学报》 北大核心 2024年第8期27-38,共12页
通过参与式观察、深度访谈和主题分析等方法,探讨在当前健身文化背景下,中国男性健身者是如何呈现和建构其男性气质的。发现:在健身活动中,男性气质的自我呈现主要集中在个人品质与外形、身体能力、性别关系的处理以及健身等级关系4个方... 通过参与式观察、深度访谈和主题分析等方法,探讨在当前健身文化背景下,中国男性健身者是如何呈现和建构其男性气质的。发现:在健身活动中,男性气质的自我呈现主要集中在个人品质与外形、身体能力、性别关系的处理以及健身等级关系4个方面;男性气质的主体建构过程则经历了从自我规训、自我调整和反抗到重新评估和多元化理解3个阶段。认为:男性气质的自我呈现和建构是通过个体经验和社会互动的具身过程实现的,健身为男性提供了一个在社会文化规范内寻求个性化自我表达和身份认同的重要场所;通过健身,男性不仅塑造和展现了自己多样化的内在品质,还能促使其对性别特质进行重新评价和协商,从而在社会性别角色中寻求更加平等和包容的定位。 展开更多
关键词 男性气质 健身文化 具身性 自我呈现 主体建构
作者 王洋圆 《中国文学研究》 北大核心 2024年第3期160-168,共9页
苏雪林相当一部分文学创作具有比较明显的男性化特征。她在创作中追求魄力,视野开阔,颇有刚健之气。这种男性化特征与她的性别自卑有一定关系,在某种程度上是她补偿性别自卑的结果。男性化特征使苏雪林突破了传统女性文学格局,在历来被... 苏雪林相当一部分文学创作具有比较明显的男性化特征。她在创作中追求魄力,视野开阔,颇有刚健之气。这种男性化特征与她的性别自卑有一定关系,在某种程度上是她补偿性别自卑的结果。男性化特征使苏雪林突破了传统女性文学格局,在历来被认为属于男性的领域进行了可贵尝试,但也遮蔽和束缚了她。该特征表明苏雪林认同、维护男性秩序。 展开更多
关键词 苏雪林 文学创作 男性化 性别自卑
作者 陈红梅 杨菲 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期92-104,共13页
以2007—2022年网络流行的男性称谓词为研究对象,分析其构词方式和传播特点,纵向梳理了16年间男性气质的流变,指出男性气质呈现出从外在化和片面化到趋向内在化和情感化,再到气质背后的“她经济”与“她凝视”等阶段性特征。网络称谓语... 以2007—2022年网络流行的男性称谓词为研究对象,分析其构词方式和传播特点,纵向梳理了16年间男性气质的流变,指出男性气质呈现出从外在化和片面化到趋向内在化和情感化,再到气质背后的“她经济”与“她凝视”等阶段性特征。网络称谓语中所体现的男性气质总体上出现观看视角的位移、支配性男性气质的瓦解、称谓词汇的多义传播,以及被物化的“男色消费”等特征。以网络流行称谓词为切入口关注男性气质,是当下男性气质研究的一个视角补充。这些称谓词体现了不同时期人们对男性的角色期待,对我们审视社会变迁中的男性气质变化,以及思考这种变化背后所映射出的时代发展和民众心理,具有重要的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 网络流行语 男性称谓词 男性气质 性别秩序 男色消费
作者 王淑琴 薛颖 +3 位作者 王培 姚红 徐会会 高怡青 《安徽医药》 CAS 2024年第3期555-559,共5页
目的 报道1例家族性男性限性性早熟(FMPP)病儿及家族的临床特征及基因分析。方法 回顾性收集2022年4月就诊于徐州医科大学附属徐州儿童医院的1例3岁2个月FMPP病儿的临床资料,包括体格检查、实验室相结果等,并测序病儿及其父母外周血LHCG... 目的 报道1例家族性男性限性性早熟(FMPP)病儿及家族的临床特征及基因分析。方法 回顾性收集2022年4月就诊于徐州医科大学附属徐州儿童医院的1例3岁2个月FMPP病儿的临床资料,包括体格检查、实验室相结果等,并测序病儿及其父母外周血LHCGR基因的11个外显子编码区。结果 病儿自生后2个月起出现外生殖器阴茎增大,身高增长加速,现身高110.5 cm,双侧睾丸4 mL,阴茎长6.3 cm、横径3.5 cm,阴毛2期;血睾酮8.09 nmol/L,促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)激发试验呈青春期前低水平表现;LHCGR基因的11号c.1118C>T,导致373位丙氨酸变为缬氨酸。病儿母亲检测到相同的基因突变位点,有多囊卵巢病史。结论 FMPP是外周性性早熟罕见病因,该病例临床表现典型,检测发现LHCGR基因杂合突变c.1118C>T(p.Ala 373 Val),母子具有相同基因型但表型不同,母亲为多囊卵巢病人,为该文献复习FMPP病因诊断、产前诊断及家系的遗传咨询提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 青春期 早熟 家族史 男性化 男性限性性早熟 外周性性早熟 LHCGR基因 点突变 多囊卵巢
作者 周传进 梁凌 许舒琪 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第19期11-15,共5页
该文基于瑞文·康奈尔的男性气质理论,参照《简·爱》,从性别结构和性别构型两个角度深入剖析了《茫茫藻海》中罗切斯特男性气质的演变过程。一方面,性别关系结构四维度下,置身于西印度群岛的罗切斯特的男性气质面临前所未有的... 该文基于瑞文·康奈尔的男性气质理论,参照《简·爱》,从性别结构和性别构型两个角度深入剖析了《茫茫藻海》中罗切斯特男性气质的演变过程。一方面,性别关系结构四维度下,置身于西印度群岛的罗切斯特的男性气质面临前所未有的挑战,并显露出严重的危机倾向。另一方面,在应对危机和挑战的过程中,罗切斯特积极应对,调整并重塑了自身男性气质,从《茫茫藻海》中的边缘性男性气质衍化成《简·爱》中的霸权性男性气质。该文通过分析小说中罗切斯特男性气质的危机及积极构建,从而揭示作者重书《简·爱》中被遮蔽的历史的创作意图。 展开更多
关键词 琼·里斯 《茫茫藻海》 《简·爱》 男性气质 危机 构型
“There is Always The Other Side”: Deconstruction of English Identity and Masculinity——Intertextuality between Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre
作者 吴娟娟 《海外英语》 2015年第9期187-189,共3页
Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea is the classic revisionary novella of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. It rewrites the tragic story of Mr. Rochester's voiceless and lunatic ex-wife, Berthe Mason. This paper turn... Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea is the classic revisionary novella of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. It rewrites the tragic story of Mr. Rochester's voiceless and lunatic ex-wife, Berthe Mason. This paper turns to the intertextual relationship between the two texts and argues that the subversive rewriting of Wide Sargasso Sea destabilizes and deconstructs Mr. Rochester's English identity and masculinity, which are manifestly presented in the pre-text. It therefore renders the young Mr. Rochester problematic and insufficient, reveals"the other side"of the story and articulately tells the truth about who is really the mad one. 展开更多
关键词 Wide Sargasso Sea Jean EYRE Mr.Rochester INTERTEXTUALITY ENGLISH IDENTITY masculinity
The“Conscious Absence”and“Virtuoso Presence”of Hegemonic Masculinity——Deciphering Ian McEwan's Atonement
作者 谢淑芬 《海外英语》 2016年第10期137-140,144,共5页
Wittingly concealing the father images in his novel Atonement(2001), McEwan creates the"absence"of traditional hegemonic masculinity, which is a conscious activity in a combined consideration of the figural ... Wittingly concealing the father images in his novel Atonement(2001), McEwan creates the"absence"of traditional hegemonic masculinity, which is a conscious activity in a combined consideration of the figural and thematic progress, the grim social context, as well as his anxiety of influence and identity. Although this manliness is effaced on the surface, regarding the powerful images within, male authority still keeps running through the whole work. Hegemonic masculinity"presents"in manifold transformed and metaphorical forms, invisibly dictating the development of the protagonists and plots. This paper, giving a masculine reading through R.W. Connell's lens, aims to analyze and crystallize McEwan's such male writing, and finally to reach his real concerns: to deconstruct patriarchal culture, to defy dominant discourse, and to build a new order that opens up a real equality and coexistence for both the two sexes. 展开更多
关键词 Ian McEwan ATONEMENT hegemonic masculinity PATRIARCHAL CULTURE R.W.Connell
On the Elements of Masculinity and Femininity in Arthur Miller’s Dramas
作者 ZHANG Qin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第4期202-208,共7页
Arthur Miller is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century in the United States,together with the conscience of American drama.Nevertheless,his works have always been considered as h... Arthur Miller is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century in the United States,together with the conscience of American drama.Nevertheless,his works have always been considered as having misogynic inclinations.This paper,on the basis of gender theories,seeks to undertake an interpretation to the elements of masculinity and femininity regarding female characters in Arthur Miller’s dramas.Taking The Crucible and A Memory of Two Mondays as a case in point,the author seeks to identify and discuss three categories of female characters,comprising“the angel in the house”,the figure of Medea,and the silenced and absent females,in order to deconstruct Miller’s dichotomized outlook on females. 展开更多
A Model for Reference: On the Masculinity in The Dahomean
作者 SUI Hong-sheng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第7期395-401,共7页
This paper is about the model of masculinity exhibited in the African American novelist Frank Yerby's historical novel The Dahomean (1971) which is a classic text for masculinity study but has been ignored. In a fl... This paper is about the model of masculinity exhibited in the African American novelist Frank Yerby's historical novel The Dahomean (1971) which is a classic text for masculinity study but has been ignored. In a flash-back narration, the novel tells us the legendary experience of Nyasanu in Africa before he becomes a slave in the south of America, portrays a well-rounded and authentic Black male character, and constructs a model of masculinity of great value for reference. The model of masculinity demonstrated by Nyasanu is no longer limited by the rigid and unitary stipulations of traditional gender concept. It is a model which integrates tenderness into toughness, combines physical power or military prowess with mental power or wisdom, and most importantly, a model that stresses men's agency and authenticity. At the same time, by the resentment of war and cherishement of life, this model of masculinity exhibits considerable ethical dimension and humanitarianism. It can be said that the model of masculinity inscribed in The Dahornean is of much enlightening importance for contemporary people to reflect upon the patriarchal culture and prevalent gender notions such as gender role concept. As for people's pursueing and constructing their ideal masculinity, the model of masculinity embodied in The Dahomean can be an important model for reference. 展开更多
关键词 Frank Yerby The Dahomean masculinity AUTHENTICITY African American literature
Women as Part of the Patriarchy: Masculinity, Women, andRelationships in Virginia Woolf's Novels
作者 David Powers Corwin 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2015年第4期201-210,共10页
This article focuses on three of Virginia Woolf's widely read novels, Jacob's Room, Mrs. Dalloway, and To theLighthouse. I focus on the male protagonists in the novels Jacob Flanders, Richard Dalloway, and Mr. Ramsa... This article focuses on three of Virginia Woolf's widely read novels, Jacob's Room, Mrs. Dalloway, and To theLighthouse. I focus on the male protagonists in the novels Jacob Flanders, Richard Dalloway, and Mr. Ramsay. Upto this point, literary studies and women's studies almost focus on the positive female characters in her works andignore the constructs of masculinity that she discusses in her fiction. Furthermore, critics do not critique the femalecharacters and take into consideration their role as perpetrators in the patriarchy in order to maintain the patriarchalregime. I argue that the female characters in these novels police the male characters in their performance ofmasculinity, which in turn makes them perpetrators of the same discourse that in turn oppresses them. In this article,I use theorists such as Judith Butler, Nancy Chodorow, and Judith (who now identifies as Jack) Halberstam todiscuss the sex/gender system and how women can hold oppressive roles within the patriarchy. Finally, I willconclude that Virginia Woolf needs more exposure with feminist theory and masculinity studies because of theradical characterizations of people she promotes in her fiction. 展开更多
关键词 masculinity patriarchy WOOLF
Promoting Effect of School Physical Education on Adolescent Mental Health Education--On the Cultivation of“Masculinity”
作者 ZHONG Xiang ZHANG Shihai +1 位作者 Lu Linlin ZHAO Bo 《Psychology Research》 2022年第10期795-801,共7页
This paper learned the status quo of adolescent mental health through literature method.In recent years,the lack of“masculinity”has attracted more and more attention from the society,which has become a hot topic at ... This paper learned the status quo of adolescent mental health through literature method.In recent years,the lack of“masculinity”has attracted more and more attention from the society,which has become a hot topic at present.The lack of“masculinity”is also closely related to the problems of adolescent mental health.By analyzing the causes of the lack of youth“masculinity”,this paper makes clear the mission of the times that school sports should undertake in the process of shaping youth“masculinity”in the new era:(1)strengthen the top-level design of policy and pay attention to policy guarantee;(2)integrated education of physical education and moral education,focusing on the training of students’sense of responsibility and moral responsibility;(3)improve the competition system,promote learning by“competition”,and promote teaching by“competition”to strengthen physical quality practice and build up physical and mental health quality;(4)strengthen the condition guarantee:“matching”and“strengthening”physical education teachers,reform the physical education teaching content,strengthen the school physical education curriculum system.Only from the action,the idea,the method step by step to perfect,the implementation of the ground,the school physical education to the youth’s mental health problems can play a real role in promoting. 展开更多
关键词 school physical education mental health masculinity
It Was 50 Years Ago Today: Reading the Beatles as a Challenge to Discourses of Hegemonic Masculinity
作者 Martin King 《Sociology Study》 2014年第1期44-51,共8页
This paper explores the notion of the Beatles as a text through which to explore representations of hegemonic masculinity in "the sixties". It will argue that the Beatles produced an anti-hegemonic masculine discour... This paper explores the notion of the Beatles as a text through which to explore representations of hegemonic masculinity in "the sixties". It will argue that the Beatles produced an anti-hegemonic masculine discourse through a number of aspects of their work, challenging ideas about men and masculinities prevalent at the time of their existence as a working group and beyond. Rooted in the literature on men and masculinities the paper draws together a number of authors' work and presents ideas from the author's own work, using discourse analysis of the Beatles' live action films, based on a framework suggested by Foucault, Van Dijk, Hall, and McKee. An exploration of the ways in which the Beatles challenged and subverted traditional ideas about masculinity and the way in which their global fame provided a vehicle for representations of alternative versions of masculinity is the basis of the resultant discussion. 展开更多
关键词 The Beatles masculinities subversive feminized GLOBAL
Redefining Masculinity:A Comparative Study of Olive Schreiner’s The Story of an African Farmand Allan Grant’s The Woman Who Did
作者 Xinyue Wang 《Journal of Linguistics and Education Research》 2020年第3期5-9,共5页
Illuminated by the idea that like women,Victorian men often felt the need to transgress or redefine the gender roles society assigned to them,I compared two distinguished New Women fictions The Story of an African Far... Illuminated by the idea that like women,Victorian men often felt the need to transgress or redefine the gender roles society assigned to them,I compared two distinguished New Women fictions The Story of an African Farm written by the pioneer New Woman Olive Schreiner,and The Women Who Did authored by Allen Grant to see how male characters embrace new models of masculinity.With a feminist perspective and a close textual reading approach,I intend to argue that the efforts male characters paid in redefining gender roles in embracing womanhood as free,fearless,and independent,accompanying them with love,understanding,and support have concerns for the integrity of both woman and men,and will lead to a healthy and beautiful human life. 展开更多
关键词 masculinity Gender Equality New Man New Woman
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