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The Black Protests in Poland: An Example of an Anti-pastoral Revolution
作者 Szymon Wróbel 《Philosophy Study》 2024年第2期53-62,共10页
Michel Foucault in Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1977-1978 argues, that there has never been such a thing as an anti-pastoral revolution in Western societies. Yes, we have ha... Michel Foucault in Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1977-1978 argues, that there has never been such a thing as an anti-pastoral revolution in Western societies. Yes, we have had revolutions against the disciplinary apparatus and legal devices of power (schools, hospitals, prisons) and we have had examples of revolutions against the economic foundations of social inequality, but there has never been a genuine revolution against pastoral power as a power relating to the conduct of individuals (but also entire social groups) and their disposition to “voluntary submission” to the will of external authorities. In my paper, I would like to reflect on this thesis, and taking it quite seriously, to look for examples of such revolutions. One of them is a women’s strike in Poland during the power of the conservative government of “Law and Justice”. Mainly referring to the texts of Silvia Federici and Paul Preciado, I will want to reflect on contemporary practices of reclaiming the body in contemporary capitalism. I will defend the thesis that regaining control over sexuality and reproduction means changing the material conditions of life and modern reproductive technologies. 展开更多
关键词 black protest morning-after pill primitive accumulation procreation refusal resistance voluntary submission women’s reproductive strike
作者 肖皓 陈亚林 +3 位作者 高洋 汪诚文 田金平 陈吕军 《中国环境管理》 CSSCI 2024年第4期141-149,159,共10页
工业园区作为经济发展主战场,产城融合发展趋势愈发明显,其环境社会风险已成为园区高质量发展新阶段中的突出问题。本文围绕工业园区环境社会风险特征、防范与化解等问题,重点开展了三方面研究:首先,基于政策分析和文献计量,探究园区环... 工业园区作为经济发展主战场,产城融合发展趋势愈发明显,其环境社会风险已成为园区高质量发展新阶段中的突出问题。本文围绕工业园区环境社会风险特征、防范与化解等问题,重点开展了三方面研究:首先,基于政策分析和文献计量,探究园区环境社会风险问题,对问题形成过程和研究现状进行梳理,提出在产城融合趋势下,环境抗争日益成为园区环境社会风险的主要表现。进而,运用数据统计和机制模型等方法,深入剖析工业园区环境抗争问题的时空特点和发生机制,并分析得出其历史成因复杂、多种利益诉求、多方主体博弈和多重监管难点等复杂特性。最后,提出工业园区环境社会风险防范和化解的对策建议:开展环境社会风险常态化管理、鼓励多元共治管理创新、持续提升管理效能、推进技术攻关,多策并举,软硬兼施,促进园区经济社会环境协调发展。 展开更多
关键词 环境社会风险 工业园区 环境抗争 产城融合
Loud Protest amidst Silence:Conflicts in Ron Milner's The Ray
作者 马刚 樊晓莉 《海外英语》 2016年第7期5-6,共2页
This paper makes comments on conflicts in a micro-story of 527 words,The Ray,written by American writer Ron Milner.The story,from a unique perspective of narration,attracts and strikes the reader as a loud protest ami... This paper makes comments on conflicts in a micro-story of 527 words,The Ray,written by American writer Ron Milner.The story,from a unique perspective of narration,attracts and strikes the reader as a loud protest amidst silence,against human beings' self-destructive abuse of nuclear technology and craziness of arms races during the cold war.The paper,from the historical,cultural,and religious contexts,presents an analysis of the hero's death and of the message the reader can draw from the story. 展开更多
关键词 LOUD protest nuclear technology conflicts DEATH
作者 李克非 《西部学刊》 2024年第9期70-73,共4页
1500年葡萄牙殖民巴西后,大力发展蔗糖产业,并进口黑人奴隶作为种植园劳动力,使巴西蔗糖在很短时间内畅销欧洲。十六世纪末,西葡合并后的葡萄牙大力推行宗教迫害政策,整个巴西殖民地都笼罩在宗教恐怖之中。在这种背景下,荷兰人趁虚而入,... 1500年葡萄牙殖民巴西后,大力发展蔗糖产业,并进口黑人奴隶作为种植园劳动力,使巴西蔗糖在很短时间内畅销欧洲。十六世纪末,西葡合并后的葡萄牙大力推行宗教迫害政策,整个巴西殖民地都笼罩在宗教恐怖之中。在这种背景下,荷兰人趁虚而入,于1621年占领巴西东北部。为了巩固殖民地的统治,发展蔗糖产业,笼络新教徒、犹太投资者乃至葡萄牙种植园主,西印度公司在荷属巴西殖民地推行了一定程度的宗教宽容政策,这种宽容在约翰·莫里斯总督时期达到了顶峰,他不仅给予犹太人种种特权,还进行司法上的改革,提供礼拜自由。但随着时间的推移,不同族群之间政治、经济方面的矛盾开始激化,十七世纪中叶爆发的大叛乱摧毁了荷属巴西的经济基础,迫使荷兰人于1654年退出巴西,宣告荷属巴西的彻底覆灭。 展开更多
关键词 荷属巴西 宽容政策 新教徒
作者 池天成 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期137-152,共16页
实证表明,认罪认罚抗诉的监督纠错功能正逐渐退化,对抗属性愈发强烈。认罪认罚抗诉的对抗属性主要存在于反制型和争议型两类抗诉中,前者是控方对“失信”被告人施加的程序性制裁,后者源于控审关于从宽程序话语权归属的分歧。认罪认罚抗... 实证表明,认罪认罚抗诉的监督纠错功能正逐渐退化,对抗属性愈发强烈。认罪认罚抗诉的对抗属性主要存在于反制型和争议型两类抗诉中,前者是控方对“失信”被告人施加的程序性制裁,后者源于控审关于从宽程序话语权归属的分歧。认罪认罚抗诉在实践中存在抗诉权力失范、诉讼效率克减、二审裁判失衡等问题。为此,需从诉前、诉中、诉后三个维度维护认罪认罚抗诉程序的运转秩序,实现认罪认罚从宽制度效率价值与二审程序救济价值的平衡。具体而言,应规范抗诉启动程序,推动检察抗诉回归监督本位,避免抗诉权的不当扩张;建立二审分流机制,强化控辩二审协商“合意”,简化二审审理程序;明确二审裁判标准,厘清控审权力边界,实现裁判统一。 展开更多
关键词 认罪认罚从宽制度 抗诉 控辩审关系 诉讼分流 司法理性
作者 李书齐 《区域国别学刊》 2024年第1期89-107,158,共20页
2021年底至2022年初,哈萨克斯坦因液化石油气涨价而爆发了全国范围内的社会动荡,哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫借助集体安全条约组织的力量迅速平息了骚乱,并且终结了自2019年3月以来的“纳扎尔巴耶夫—托卡耶夫双头政治”格局,随即拉开了政... 2021年底至2022年初,哈萨克斯坦因液化石油气涨价而爆发了全国范围内的社会动荡,哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫借助集体安全条约组织的力量迅速平息了骚乱,并且终结了自2019年3月以来的“纳扎尔巴耶夫—托卡耶夫双头政治”格局,随即拉开了政治改革的序幕。托卡耶夫的政治改革包括政党改革、议会改革、总统与议会权力再分配、行政区划调整等多个方面。马克斯·韦伯的“社会行动取向理论”是全方位认识托卡耶夫的政治改革深层动机的一把钥匙,“民主”“普世价值”等口号构成了改革的“价值理性”表征。而托卡耶夫的改革是出于“工具理性”的考虑,他在“一月事件”后所实行政治改革是一种权力的策略,其并没有因议会的“多党化”而削弱总统的权力。改革的目的在于重塑总统的权威,为解决“不能解决的问题”赢得时间与空间。此外,当前的改革还有“情绪”与“传统”的因素:看似是在宣誓与纳扎尔巴耶夫时代的切割,实际上并没有从根本上触及纳扎尔巴耶夫所造就的哈萨克斯坦政治模式。 展开更多
关键词 哈萨克斯坦 一月事件 政治改革 社会行动取向
作者 徐上 《太原学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期1-12,共12页
美国人权价值观形成的历史基础决定了其显著的宗教特征,全球化和世俗化的发展促进了人权理念的发展,却加速了美国国内保守势力与进步势力的矛盾激化,导致其人权理念日益脆弱和分裂。美国人权价值观深陷世俗化停滞不前的困境,甚至出现逆... 美国人权价值观形成的历史基础决定了其显著的宗教特征,全球化和世俗化的发展促进了人权理念的发展,却加速了美国国内保守势力与进步势力的矛盾激化,导致其人权理念日益脆弱和分裂。美国人权价值观深陷世俗化停滞不前的困境,甚至出现逆世俗化的趋势;美国不仅在国际上推行人权外交,在国内党争方面也积极进行人权话语权的争夺,美国人权的政治工具化特点突出。导致美国人权的逆世俗化与政治工具化的根本原因在于美国新教文化与多元文化矛盾激化、国内阶层矛盾的扩大两个方面。讨论美国人权的逆世俗化与政治工具化不仅有利于全面了解美国的人权价值观,还有利于加强对世俗化与人权关系的认知、对人权普遍性争论的认识、对人权政治属性和实践的探索以及对国际人权发展路径的探析。 展开更多
关键词 美国人权 逆世俗化 政治工具化 新教文化 人权价值观
作者 钟本章 李健民 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第2期67-77,共11页
抗争形式何时激烈?既有研究因缺乏对不同激烈程度的抗争形式的比较,因而难以回答。为此,在抗争者视角下,通过对33个案例的定性比较分析发现导致激烈抗争形式的二元路径:一是以抗争者之强诉求为必要条件的内部驱动模式。当抗争者诉求强... 抗争形式何时激烈?既有研究因缺乏对不同激烈程度的抗争形式的比较,因而难以回答。为此,在抗争者视角下,通过对33个案例的定性比较分析发现导致激烈抗争形式的二元路径:一是以抗争者之强诉求为必要条件的内部驱动模式。当抗争者诉求强烈、对政府态度感知积极且组织化程度低,或抗争者诉求强烈、对政府态度感知消极且人数多,或抗争者诉求强烈、所属社会阶层低且组织化程度高,都会产生激烈的抗争形式。二是无需抗争者自身诉求驱动下的建基于外部情绪感染之上的外部感染模式。当来自较低社会阶层的抗争者人数众多、组织涣散且对政府态度感知消极时,亦会产生激烈的抗争形式。这些发现在弥补既有理论缺憾之余,亦能对政府的实际决策提供智力支持。 展开更多
关键词 抗争形式 抗争者 定性比较分析 内部驱动模式 外部感染模式
作者 施鑫 《警学研究》 2024年第1期61-70,共10页
我国正处于中国式现代化建设的关键期,防范化解重大风险和维护社会稳定是社会建设的主要任务。但现阶段报复社会等仇恨犯罪现象增加了社会风险的防控难度。而我国仇恨犯罪理论研究疏于从多学科视角和社会治理层面剖析犯罪的生成机制,无... 我国正处于中国式现代化建设的关键期,防范化解重大风险和维护社会稳定是社会建设的主要任务。但现阶段报复社会等仇恨犯罪现象增加了社会风险的防控难度。而我国仇恨犯罪理论研究疏于从多学科视角和社会治理层面剖析犯罪的生成机制,无法适应仇恨犯罪社会治理的新形势。依托社会抗争理论对仇恨犯罪现象的本体研究,能揭示社会抗争行动与仇恨犯罪生成的内在逻辑,可进一步将仇恨犯罪类型化为基于偏见歧视和个人恩怨形成的“非社会抗争型仇恨犯罪”与基于生活挫折和暴力维权衍生的“社会抗争型仇恨犯罪”。这种犯罪类型化研究,勾勒了仇恨犯罪的深层社会原因,拓展仇恨犯罪的基本理论,可以为仇恨犯罪的精细治理提供新路径,使打击犯罪与化解社会风险相互统筹,对推进新时代社会建设与社会治理现代化具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 社会抗争 仇恨犯罪 犯罪类型学 社会建设
Understanding Why People Change Their Technology Use in Protests: User Study on Ebonyi State Mobile Telecommunication Subscribers Experiences
作者 Nwani Henry Ogbu Ignatius Nwoyibe Ogbaga 《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》 2021年第8期119-133,共15页
The rise in consumers complains against their service/tech providers has empowered government of various nations to set up Consumer Complaint Commissions. Some corporate organizations who wish to handle the complaints... The rise in consumers complains against their service/tech providers has empowered government of various nations to set up Consumer Complaint Commissions. Some corporate organizations who wish to handle the complaints of their customers usually set up an in-house/internal customer care centres, a platform through which they attend to their customers’ needs. This research therefore is interested in exploring the reasons for user-protests among the mobile telecommunication subscribers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria against their network service providers. To arrive at this, we designed a research questionnaire to capture the experiences of the subscribers of the 4 major mobile telecommunication network service provider companies operating in the state. The participants were recruited through physical administration of research instrument and social media such as facebook, whatsapp and email platforms with a total of 72 participants feedbacks received. The users responses on the various issues raised on our questionnaire were thematically analyzed and represented using adequate data presentation tools. Our results proved that there are growing numbers of disgruntled customers among subscribers of the various network providers. From our survey, we gathered that 81.90% of the respondents have engaged in protest use at one point or the other against their service providers with MTN network topping the list with 36.50%, followed by GLO network 27%, Airtel network 23.80% and 9 Mobile 12.70%. Finally, we proposed a design prototype named “<strong><em>Komplain</em></strong>” that will serve as rallying system for the protest users to use and prosecute their actions. The system can also recommend actions which the protesters may undertake. 展开更多
关键词 User protests Disgruntled Users Technology Non-Use protest Non-Use MTN NFR 9 Mobile Airtel
作者 SCHLE.,A 曹利华 《软件》 北大核心 1991年第4期299-317,共19页
关键词 调试程序 逻辑框模型 protest
Protestant Pretence in John Donne's Poetry
作者 YUN Hai-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第4期55-58,64,共5页
Known as a representative of the English metaphysical poets, John Donne's poems are under Protestant pretence. Scepticism, cynicism, anxiety and penitence as well as the employment of numerous religious images constr... Known as a representative of the English metaphysical poets, John Donne's poems are under Protestant pretence. Scepticism, cynicism, anxiety and penitence as well as the employment of numerous religious images construct the unique and profound characteristics of John Donne's poetry. The paper focuses on the Protestant pretence in Donne's poetry. In order to avoid religious persecution and to realize his ambition, Donne deserted Catholicism and converted into a Protestant. Inner conflicts and struggle are revealed in many of his poems. Scepticism and penitence are also embodiments of Donne's Protestant pretence in poetry. 展开更多
关键词 protestANT CATHOLIC John Donne POETRY
"Painting with Words": "Social Justice" Protest's Narrative in the Israeli' s News
作者 Alonit Berenson 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第8期373-387,共15页
This article analyzes the role of the media during the 2011 social protests in Israel, in order to examine why the "Social Justice" protest proved more effective than any other social protest organized previously in... This article analyzes the role of the media during the 2011 social protests in Israel, in order to examine why the "Social Justice" protest proved more effective than any other social protest organized previously in Israel. Scholars have shown that media fi'aming has a powerful effect on citizen perception and policy debates. The social protests focused on the political-social-economic policy based on a neo-liberal ideology. They signified the beginnings of resistance to the system and became the focus of public and media identification via reports published by leading Israeli newspapers: Yedioth Ahronoth and lsrael Hayom. Using content analysis, the author explore how the media plays an important role to shape the public perception of how to think and act about the protest. Due to the results, we evident the expand media capacity and influence, and that these effects are mediated in presenting positive and supportive coverage, including connotations and metaphors expressed by means of familiar slogans and events in the collective memory of Israeli society. Additionally, the expression "social justice" that became the protest's slogan, offered a broad common basis with which each citizen could identify, including journalists. 展开更多
关键词 media framing JOURNALISM social justice protest
Critical Discourse Analysis--The Slogans in the Protests for George Floyd
作者 CHEN Meng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2021年第4期90-94,共5页
Critical discourse methodology is an extremely significant and meaningful branch of systemic functional linguistics which pays more attentions in the formation,diffusion,and acceptability of acertain discourse,and als... Critical discourse methodology is an extremely significant and meaningful branch of systemic functional linguistics which pays more attentions in the formation,diffusion,and acceptability of acertain discourse,and also the investigation on social background;meanwhile it is always used to discuss and pin down those familiar perceptions and ideologies that have been overlooked by the public so that new re-examination can be carried out to dig out some other attractive points.In this paper some basic theoretical basis and methodologies will be explained and then,by applying the critical discourse analysis,the slogans in the protests from Minneapolis to the whole America.Racial discrimination has invariably been a severe social problem for more two centuries in the U.S.A.After the Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln,157 years has passed;however this kind of serious social issue still haunts among every American people.Countless protests have happened in the development of America;thus by analyzing the different types of slogans in this recent protest,novel discovery and meaningful retrospect would emerge. 展开更多
关键词 critical discourse analysis methodology protest slogans social background racial discrimination
Collective Action and Networks in Civil Society: The Case of South Korea's Protest Movement
作者 YunJoo Lee 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2015年第1期8-18,共11页
The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was nearly ratified by United States and South Korea countries' administrations and can be described as a network of transnational trade. However, the candlelight protests have been h... The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was nearly ratified by United States and South Korea countries' administrations and can be described as a network of transnational trade. However, the candlelight protests have been held that network was set between the individuals of the South Korean society as a reaction against the FTA and Korean government, The network was the results of a new method of amassing power which comparing past protest in South Korea, and it was able to deal a severe blow to the ongoing FTA negotiations. In this paper, we will be using the actor-network theory (ANT) set forth by Law (1992) and Latour (2005) to explain Korean candlelight protest situations. A key claim is that ANT must range beyond studies of science and technology to other "social" subjects because it raises much broader questions about the construction of the social and nature. Therefore, this paper focused more on how the public opinion was aggregate in the social process, rather than the result. And we can see that the role of non-human actors is highly important. Through this attempt the citizen can reveal undisclosed information and get power to have communication with the government. 展开更多
关键词 actor-network theory collective action Free Trade Agreement (FTA) candlelight protest South Korea
作者 张莉 《语言教育》 1992年第8期48-49,共2页
英语中有些动词的用法对学生来说十分微妙,我们叫它微妙动词(tricky verbs)。这类动词的微妙之处表现在两个方面:一是词义不易用汉语确切地解释清楚,二是由于搭配关系引起误解或造成使用上的困难。现将object、suspect和protest的微妙... 英语中有些动词的用法对学生来说十分微妙,我们叫它微妙动词(tricky verbs)。这类动词的微妙之处表现在两个方面:一是词义不易用汉语确切地解释清楚,二是由于搭配关系引起误解或造成使用上的困难。现将object、suspect和protest的微妙用法归纳如下: 学生在学习object这个词的时候,往往只记住汉语释义是“反对”,并记住它的后面要跟to,由于这两个意思在脑子里扎根较深,所以往往忽视了。object与宾语从句连用时意义上发生了变化,当它与宾语从句连用时,从句是指“反对的理由”而不是指“反对的内容”。object that…是指出“…作为反对的理由”,而不是“反对或不赞成”。例如: 展开更多
关键词 搭配关系 宾语从句 OBJECT protest SUSPECT 直接宾语 mother night never expensive
On Latin American Protests in 2019
作者 Wu Hongying 《Contemporary International Relations》 2020年第2期88-113,共26页
A large-scale wave of mass protests broke out in fifteen Latin American countries during 2019.Some protests led to the resignation of the president and the collapse of the government.Others caused social unrest and bl... A large-scale wave of mass protests broke out in fifteen Latin American countries during 2019.Some protests led to the resignation of the president and the collapse of the government.Others caused social unrest and bloody conflicts.Some protests led to a national"curfew",and the government was forced to cancel major international conferences.For a time,over ten countries were engaged in turbulent and chaotic activities.Accordingly,the 2019 Latin American protests were also dubbed"Latin America’s Turmoil"by the international media.The scale,scope and impact of the protests have been rarely seen over the last forty years.They constituted part of the global chaos of 2019.The cause was not only the anxious response of the Latin American countries facing global changes not seen for a century,but also a concentrated outbreak of political,economic and social contradictions that has been accumulating in certain Latin American countries over a long period of time.Facing unprecedented global change over a century,the Latin American countries will be able to usher in the"Latin American Spring"only if they carry out profound reform with great courage,and achieve significant progress in their political systems,economic structures,and social security systems. 展开更多
关键词 Latin America’s protests Latin American turmoil the world’s unprecedented changes for a century reform and adjustment Latin American Spring
Canada protests:After police cleared bridge,is this the end?
作者 周越 《数理天地(高中版)》 2022年第5期97-97,共1页
On Feb 13 morning,the officers arrived by the bus load,carrying long guns,ready to oust the last few protesters blocking the roads leading to the Ambassador Bridge.A week-long stalemate was about to come to an end.Abo... On Feb 13 morning,the officers arrived by the bus load,carrying long guns,ready to oust the last few protesters blocking the roads leading to the Ambassador Bridge.A week-long stalemate was about to come to an end.About 100 vehicles had been parked along a 2km stretch of the road for days on end.There were pickups,SUVs and even a dog-grooming van,festooned with Canadian flags,anti-vaccination slogans and anti-Trudeau epithets,as well as some heavy commercial trucks.The Freedom Convoy,as it’s been called,began as a protest against a mandate requiring truckers who cross the US-Canada border to be vaccinated against Covid. 展开更多
关键词 CANADA protest BORDER
认罪认罚案件上诉问题实证研究——基于B市508件案例的分析 被引量:5
作者 汪海燕 《中国应用法学》 CSSCI 2023年第3期86-102,共17页
对B市相关裁判文书的实证研究显示,认罪认罚案件上诉理由种类主要包括留所服刑、量刑过重、事实认定不当、法律适用错误和程序违法等。法院与检察机关对于认罪认罚案件被告人上诉的态度并不一致,而且同一系统内部对此问题的处理也不尽... 对B市相关裁判文书的实证研究显示,认罪认罚案件上诉理由种类主要包括留所服刑、量刑过重、事实认定不当、法律适用错误和程序违法等。法院与检察机关对于认罪认罚案件被告人上诉的态度并不一致,而且同一系统内部对此问题的处理也不尽相同。为了完善刑事诉讼中的认罪认罚从宽制度和二审制度,在形式层面,有关机关应当在弥合理念差异的基础上,强化法律供给,对被告人上诉的问题作出统一、明确的规定;在内容层面,不仅保障被告人的上诉权,而且在上诉条件上贯彻无因上诉原则,同时不应将被告人单纯的上诉行为视为撤回认罪认罚。推动刑事诉讼中认罪认罚从宽制度的发展,不能仅停留于前期的控辩协商、配套措施的完善,也要着眼于一审裁判后的救济与纠错,唯有如此,才能实现公正与效率的双重价值。 展开更多
关键词 认罪认罚 二审 上诉理由 技术型抗诉 实证
Analysis on Discourse Construction of HK Riots between HK Protesters and China's Mainland Media Based on Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Framework of Critical Discourse Analysis
作者 Jie Li 《教育研究前沿(中英文版)》 2020年第3期159-166,共8页
The Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA)is an interdisciplinary tool in various conditions,which aims to provide a better understanding of sociocultural aspects of texts and accounts of the production of internal structur... The Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA)is an interdisciplinary tool in various conditions,which aims to provide a better understanding of sociocultural aspects of texts and accounts of the production of internal structure,and overall organization of texts as well as to provide a critical dimension in its theoretical and descriptive accounts of texts.Since June last year,HK protests or HK violence have been frequently reported by worldwide media.In this paper,the author aims to find out how the HK protesters and the Mainland media describe the same event based on the three-dimensional framework of CDA.At last,the author concludes that the mainland media generally describe the event as violence and riot while the HK protesters define themselves as warriors striving for more freedom,justice and democracy.Besides,on this event,the Mainland media mainly accuses some western countries of interference into HK affairs,which is undoubtedly of China’s internal affairs,and the media give full support to the HK police in safeguarding the peace and stability of Hong Kong.But from the perspective of HK protesters,they firmly believe that they are using their actions to protect all the people of HK,and they are defending their values such as freedom,democracy and justice.These are two totally different systems of language,and the author also gives its potential reasons in the paper so as to offer some viewpoints in this aspect in combination with the CDA theory. 展开更多
关键词 The Critical Discourse Analysis The Three-Dimensional Framework The HK protest The Discourse Construction The HK Riot
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