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作者 仲建兰 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第9期91-104,共14页
文章探讨中小旅游企业组织韧性有助于提升其应对外部冲击和市场波动的能力,从而增强企业的持续发展和竞争力。通过文献综述和专家访谈,揭示了影响中小旅游企业组织韧性的关键因素,并利用决策试验与评价实验、解释结构模型和交叉影响矩... 文章探讨中小旅游企业组织韧性有助于提升其应对外部冲击和市场波动的能力,从而增强企业的持续发展和竞争力。通过文献综述和专家访谈,揭示了影响中小旅游企业组织韧性的关键因素,并利用决策试验与评价实验、解释结构模型和交叉影响矩阵相乘法(DEMATEL-ISM-MICMAC)对这些关键因素间的逻辑关系进行了分析。领导力被确认为根本驱动因素,关键在于其塑造企业应对挑战能力的作用。组织架构、合作、员工发展和组织文化等因素在加速决策、提高执行效率和促进跨部门协作中发挥重要作用。政府支持则为企业提供了必要的资源和政策环境。综上所述,通过强化领导力、优化组织架构,并充分利用政府支持,可以有效增强中小旅游企业的组织韧性,以应对市场挑战和不确定性。 展开更多
关键词 中小旅游企业 组织韧性 影响因素 DEMATEL-ism-MICMAC
基于ISM-Fuzzy AHP的我国中小企业核心竞争力要素分析 被引量:20
作者 楼迎军 荣先恒 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期97-103,共7页
本文首先基于已有研究及调研结果,采用主成分分析法选出7个核心竞争力要素,并以苏州、杭州中小企业为例,通过问卷调查获取数据,并运用ISM-Fuzzy AHP模型分析法对中小企业核心竞争力要素进行实证研究。分析表明,我国企业已日益重视对人... 本文首先基于已有研究及调研结果,采用主成分分析法选出7个核心竞争力要素,并以苏州、杭州中小企业为例,通过问卷调查获取数据,并运用ISM-Fuzzy AHP模型分析法对中小企业核心竞争力要素进行实证研究。分析表明,我国企业已日益重视对人力资源、技术创新、市场营销、组织管理能力等核心竞争力要素的培育,但对企业文化的塑造仍不够重视。 展开更多
关键词 中小企业 核心竞争力 ism—Fuzzy AHP模型
作者 李宏杰 何玉新 +2 位作者 周建军 加尔肯·叶生别克 周冬冬 《天文学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期113-134,共22页
选择67个相对孤立的大质量恒星形成团块,使用4种分子谱线(HCN(1-0)、HNC(1-0)、HCO^(+)(1-0)和CN(1-0),括号中的1-0代表分子从转动能级1跃迁到转动能级0)和红外波段数据,研究它们的整体化学性质.通过对源的积分强度、柱密度、分子丰度... 选择67个相对孤立的大质量恒星形成团块,使用4种分子谱线(HCN(1-0)、HNC(1-0)、HCO^(+)(1-0)和CN(1-0),括号中的1-0代表分子从转动能级1跃迁到转动能级0)和红外波段数据,研究它们的整体化学性质.通过对源的积分强度、柱密度、分子丰度和丰度比在不同演化阶段的统计,发现大质量恒星形成团块CN(1-0)、HCO^(+)(1-0)、HCN(1-0)和HNC(1-0)的积分强度和柱密度中值随着演化阶段的增加都呈现增加趋势,这与理论预期相符.然而单一分子进行的柱密度和丰度统计结果存在较大的误差,用以示踪的演化阶段有很大的局限性.I(CN)/I(HNC)、I(CN)/I(HCN)和I(HCN)/I(HCO^(+))的积分强度比随演化阶段递增(I代表分子的积分强度),是潜在的用来示踪大质量恒星形成团块演化的探针;N(CN)/N(H2)、N(HNC)/N(H2)和N(HCN)/N(HCO^(+))的中值随演化阶段单调递增(N代表分子的柱密度),有希望作为示踪大质量恒星演化的化学探针.需要注意的是由于研究工作观测数据的限制,不能获得各分子的光学厚度,受光学厚度影响得不到可靠的柱密度,从而得不到可靠的丰度,最终影响对丰度比化学时钟的检验. 展开更多
关键词 星际介质:分子 星际介质:丰度 恒星:形成 星际介质:谱线与谱带
作者 徐小云 陈学鹏 +1 位作者 张世瑜 孙燕 《天文学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1-36,共36页
大质量恒星强烈的反馈深刻影响其周围的星际介质,并可能触发下一代恒星形成.S187是位于银河系第2象限的大质量恒星形成区,呈现出“扫集-坍缩”的触发式恒星形成模式.基于“银河画卷”巡天^(12)CO/^(13)CO/C^(18)O(J=1-0,下文J=1-0为简... 大质量恒星强烈的反馈深刻影响其周围的星际介质,并可能触发下一代恒星形成.S187是位于银河系第2象限的大质量恒星形成区,呈现出“扫集-坍缩”的触发式恒星形成模式.基于“银河画卷”巡天^(12)CO/^(13)CO/C^(18)O(J=1-0,下文J=1-0为简便起见省略)谱线数据,对S187区域分子云的基本性质开展了研究,探索了该区域大质量恒星对分子云的反馈.利用GaussPy+和聚类算法,在该区域证认了32个分子云,并结合Gaia(Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics)卫星恒星消光数据测量得到其中8个分子云的距离.S187区域由^(13)CO和C^(18)O示踪的相对致密的气体含量相比于银道面第2象限大部分区域的分子云高出1–2个量级.S187区域分子云中证认了243个^(13)CO团块和98个C^(18)O团块,其中有7个^(13)CO团块和5个C^(18)O团块有形成大质量恒星的潜力.研究结果显示,大质量恒星的反馈对其周围分子云的聚集作用明显,为下一代大质量恒星的形成提供了条件. 展开更多
关键词 星际介质:云 星际介质:电离氢区 恒星:形成 射电谱线:星际介质 星际介质:个别:S187
Observation of Complex Organic Molecules Containing Peptide-like Bonds Toward Hot Core G358.93-0.03 MM1
作者 Arijit Manna Sabyasachi Pal 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第7期181-189,共9页
In star formation regions,the complex organic molecules(COMs)that contain peptide bonds(-NH-C(=O)-)play a major role in the metabolic process because-NH-C(=O)-is connected to amino acids(R-CHNH_2-COOH).Over the past f... In star formation regions,the complex organic molecules(COMs)that contain peptide bonds(-NH-C(=O)-)play a major role in the metabolic process because-NH-C(=O)-is connected to amino acids(R-CHNH_2-COOH).Over the past few decades,many COMs containing peptide-like bonds have been detected in hot molecular cores(HMCs),hot corinos,and cold molecular clouds,however,their prebiotic chemistry is poorly understood.We present the first detection of the rotational emission lines of formamide(NH_2CHO)and isocyanic acid(HNCO),which contain peptide-like bonds toward the chemically rich HMC G358.93-0.03 MM1,using high-resolution and high-sensitivity Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array bands 6 and 7.We estimate that the column densities of NH_2CHO and HNCO toward G358.93-0.03 MM1 are(2.80±0.29)×10~(15)cm~(-2)and(1.80±0.42)×10~(16)cm~(-2)with excitation temperatures of 165±21 K and 170±32 K,respectively.The fractional abundances of NH_2CHO and HNCO toward G358.93-0.03 MM1 are(9.03±1.44)×10~(-10)and(5.80±2.09)×10^(-9).We compare the estimated abundances of NH_2CHO and HNCO with the existing threephase warm-up chemical model abundance values and notice that the observed and modeled abundances are very close.We conclude that NH_2CHO is produced by the reaction of NH_2and H_2CO in the gas phase toward G358.93-0.03 MM1.Likewise,HNCO is produced on the surface of grains by the reaction of NH and CO toward G358.93-0.03 MM1.We also find that NH_2CHO and HNCO are chemically linked toward G358.93-0.03 MM1. 展开更多
关键词 ism individual objects(G358.93-0.03)-ism abundances-ism kinematics and dynamics-stars formation-astrochemistry
Cosmic Ray-driven Bioenergetics for Life in Molecular Clouds
作者 FENG Lei 《天文学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期26-31,共6页
According to models such as panspermia or the Nebula-Relay hypothesis,the ancestors of life on Earth once lived in molecular clouds.Then what are the energy source and bioenergetics for such lifeforms?A new bioenerget... According to models such as panspermia or the Nebula-Relay hypothesis,the ancestors of life on Earth once lived in molecular clouds.Then what are the energy source and bioenergetics for such lifeforms?A new bioenergetic mechanism powered by cosmic ray ionization of hydrogen molecules is proposed and its relation with the origin of chemiosmosis is also discussed in this paper.Based on this mechanism,the Last Universal Common Ancestor may be a type of lifeform that utilizes hydrogen molecules as donors of electron transport chains. 展开更多
关键词 ASTROBIOLOGY ASTROCHEMISTRY interstellar medium(ism) NEBULAE cosmic ray
Summary of a Life in Observational Ultraviolet/Optical Astronomy
作者 Donald G.York 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第1期1-43,共43页
I reminisce on my early life in Section 1;on my education in Sections 2 and 3;on the years at Princeton as a research astronomer in Section 4;on the years on the faculty at Chicago in Section 5;on research on Diffuse ... I reminisce on my early life in Section 1;on my education in Sections 2 and 3;on the years at Princeton as a research astronomer in Section 4;on the years on the faculty at Chicago in Section 5;on research on Diffuse Interstellar Bands(DIBs) in Section 6;on construction of the 3.5 m telescope at Apache Point Observatory(APO)in Section 7;on work on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS) in Section 8;on work in public education in Chicago in Section 9;and on my travels in Section 10. My main science research is of an observational nature,concerning Galactic and intergalactic interstellar gas. Highlights for me included my work on the orbiting telescope Copernicus, including the discovery of interstellar deuterium;early observations of absorption associated with fivetimes ionized oxygen;and discoveries concerning the phases of gas in the local interstellar medium, based on previously unobservable interstellar UV spectral lines. With other instruments and collaborations, I extended interstellar UV studies to the intergalactic cool gas using quasi-stellar object QSO absorption lines redshifted to the optical part of the spectrum;provided a better definition of the emission and morphological character of the source of absorption lines in QSO spectra;and pursued the identification of the unidentified DIBs. For several of these topics, extensive collaborations with many scientists were essential over many years. The conclusions developed slowly, as I moved from being a graduate student at Chicago, to a research scientist position at Princeton and then to a faculty position at Chicago. At each stage of life, I was exposed to new technologies adaptable to my science and to subsequent projects. From high school days, I encountered several management opportunities which were formative. I have been extremely fortunate both in scientific mentors I had and in experimental opportunities I encountered. 展开更多
关键词 Interstellar medium(ism) NEBULAE (galaxies:)quasars:absorption lines ultraviolet:stars
作者 孙志豪 马鹏雄 +2 位作者 张克文 张超 许鑫 《天文学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期148-160,共13页
自触发射电阵列的设计是宇宙线大气簇射的射电探测所面临的机遇和难题之一,例如由背景源产生高振幅的瞬时噪声会导致射电阵列的误触发,而阵列设计需要避免由噪声导致的误触发.大气簇射射电信号独有的偏振特征为解决阵列的误触发问题提... 自触发射电阵列的设计是宇宙线大气簇射的射电探测所面临的机遇和难题之一,例如由背景源产生高振幅的瞬时噪声会导致射电阵列的误触发,而阵列设计需要避免由噪声导致的误触发.大气簇射射电信号独有的偏振特征为解决阵列的误触发问题提供了解决方案,而利用信号偏振特征解决阵列误触发的方法的前提是射电信号的电场重建.由于背景噪声也会通过天线响应耦合到最终的观测数据中,这对正确重建射电信号的电场构成不可忽视的挑战.基于GRAND(Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection)验证阵列GP300(GRAND-Proto 300)的样机,结合模拟软件ZHAireS(ZHS AIR-shower Extended Simulations)模拟大气簇射产生的射电信号,耦合三极化天线的真实响应并使用最小二乘法重建电场,研究了射电信号的偏振特性,最终统计了以偏振为基础的天线的触发效率. 展开更多
关键词 星际介质:宇宙线 星际介质:射电探测 辐射:偏振 星际介质:大气簇射
投资者关系管理对股权融资约束的影响及路径研究——来自创新型中小企业的经验证据 被引量:16
作者 马连福 王丽丽 张琦 《财贸研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期125-133,共9页
利用2011—2012年创业板上市公司的数据,以及南开大学投资者关系互动指数,研究投资者关系管理的现状及其对股权融资约束的影响,结果发现,我国企业的投资者关系管理整体水平还比较低,实证分析证明开展投资者关系管理能够降低公司所面临... 利用2011—2012年创业板上市公司的数据,以及南开大学投资者关系互动指数,研究投资者关系管理的现状及其对股权融资约束的影响,结果发现,我国企业的投资者关系管理整体水平还比较低,实证分析证明开展投资者关系管理能够降低公司所面临的融资约束,而沟通保障、网络沟通、现场沟通及沟通反馈是投资者关系管理降低融资约束的主要路径。 展开更多
关键词 创新型中小企业 投资者关系管理 股权融资约束
创新型中小企业成长性评价与预测研究——基于我国创业板上市公司数据 被引量:28
作者 张玉明 梁益琳 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期32-38,共7页
创新型中小企业成长对经济增长、创新国家建设有重要的作用,科学评价其成长性有助于为规范和促进它们实现快速发展创造条件提供依据。在已有研究基础上,结合创新型中小企业主要特征,提出了创新型中小企业成长性评价体系。然后以我国创... 创新型中小企业成长对经济增长、创新国家建设有重要的作用,科学评价其成长性有助于为规范和促进它们实现快速发展创造条件提供依据。在已有研究基础上,结合创新型中小企业主要特征,提出了创新型中小企业成长性评价体系。然后以我国创业板上市公司为样本,初步对企业成长性进行检验与评价。在此基础上,运用神经网络方法构建了创新型中小企业成长性预测模型。进而根据分析结果揭示导致企业成长主要差异原因,并提出了一些促进企业成长的建议。 展开更多
关键词 创新型中小企业 企业成长性 评价体系 神经网络
作者 周愉欣 徐烨 +5 位作者 加尔肯·叶生别克 刘德剑 周建军 何玉新 吴刚 李光辉 《天文学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期18-37,共20页
恒星形成于分子云之中,分子外向流是恒星形成正在进行的重要动力学特征,也是研究和认识恒星形成的重要契入点.利用紫金山天文台青海观测站德令哈13.7m毫米波望远镜,采用5种分子谱线探针(包括^(12)CO、^(13)CO、C^(18)O、HCO+J=1-0和CS J... 恒星形成于分子云之中,分子外向流是恒星形成正在进行的重要动力学特征,也是研究和认识恒星形成的重要契入点.利用紫金山天文台青海观测站德令哈13.7m毫米波望远镜,采用5种分子谱线探针(包括^(12)CO、^(13)CO、C^(18)O、HCO+J=1-0和CS J=2-1,J为角动量量子数),对一个包含IRAS 19230+1506、IRAS 19232+1504和G050.3179--00.4186这3个源的大质量恒星形成复合体进行了成图观测研究.通过对以上分子谱线数据并结合红外波段巡天数据的分析,在这3个源中首次探测到了分子外向流活动,并确定了分子外向流的中心驱动源.最后对这3个源进行了分子外向流相关物理量参数的计算,分析了这些物理量参数之间的关系,结果表明分子外向流的性质与中心驱动源的性质息息相关. 展开更多
关键词 恒星:形成 星际介质:云 星际介质:分子 星际介质:恒星
High Spatial Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of Cas A with Chandra 被引量:2
作者 Xue-Juan Yang Fang-Jun Lu Li Chen 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 2008年第4期439-450,共12页
We present high spatial resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A with the Chandra observations. The X-ray emitting region of this remnant was divided into 38 × 34 pixels of 10″× 1... We present high spatial resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A with the Chandra observations. The X-ray emitting region of this remnant was divided into 38 × 34 pixels of 10″× 10″ each. Spectra of 960 pixels were created and fitted with an absorbed two component non-equilibrium ionization model. From the results of the spectral analysis we obtained maps of absorbing column density, temperatures, ionization ages, and the abundances of Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ca and Fe. The Si, S and possibly Ca abundance maps show obvious jet structures, while Fe does not follow the jet but seems to be distributed perpendicular to it. The abundances of Si, S and Ca show tight correlations between one another over a range of about two dex. This suggests that they are ejecta from explosive O- burning and incomplete Si-burning. Meanwhile, the Ne abundance is well correlated with that of Mg, indicating them to be the ashes of explosive C/Ne burning. The Fe abundance is positively correlated with that of Si when the latter is lower than 3 times the solar value, and is negatively correlated when higher. We suggest that such a two phase correlation is due to the different ways in which Fe was synthesized. 展开更多
关键词 ism supernova remnants -ism INDIVIDUAL Cassiopeia A
Gas infall in the massive star formation core G192.16–3.84 被引量:1
作者 Meng-Yao Tang Sheng-Li Qin +1 位作者 Tie Liu Yue-Fang Wu 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期71-78,共8页
Previous observations have revealed an accretion disk and outflow motion in the high-mass starforming region G192.16–3.84, but collapse has not been reported before. Here we present molecular line and continuum obser... Previous observations have revealed an accretion disk and outflow motion in the high-mass starforming region G192.16–3.84, but collapse has not been reported before. Here we present molecular line and continuum observations toward the massive core G192.16–3.84 with the Submillimeter Array. C18 O(2–1) and HCO+(3–2) lines show pronounced blue profiles, indicating gas infalling in this region. This is the first time that infall motion has been reported in the G192.16–3.84 core. Two-layer model fitting gives infall velocities of 2.0±0.2 and 2.8±0.1 km s-1. Assuming that the cloud core follows a power-law density profile(ρ∝ r1.5), the corresponding mass infall rates are(4.7±1.7)×10-3 and(6.6±2.1)×10-3 M⊙yr-1 for C18 O(2–1) and HCO+(3–2), respectively. The derived infall rates are in agreement with the turbulent core model and those in other high-mass star-forming regions, suggesting that high accretion rate is a general requirement for forming a massive star. 展开更多
关键词 ism INDIVIDUAL objects(G192.16-3.84)-ism molecules-stars formation
Submillimeter/millimeter observations of the molecular clouds associated with Tycho's supernova remnant 被引量:2
作者 Jin—LongXu Jun—JieWang Martin Miller 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期537-544,共8页
We have carried out CO J=2 - 1 and CO J = 3 - 2 observations toward Tycho's supernova remnant (SNR) using the KOSMA 3m-telescope. From these observations, we identified three molecular clouds (MCs) around the SNR... We have carried out CO J=2 - 1 and CO J = 3 - 2 observations toward Tycho's supernova remnant (SNR) using the KOSMA 3m-telescope. From these observations, we identified three molecular clouds (MCs) around the SNR. The small cloud in the southwest was discovered for the first time. In the north and east, two MCs (Cloud A and Cloud B) adjacent in space display a bow-shaped morphology, and have broad emission lines, which provide some direct evidences of the SNR-MCs interaction. The MCs are revealed at-69∽-59 km s-1, coincident with Tycho's SNR. The MCs associated with Tycho's SNR have a mass of-2.13 x 10^3 Mo. Position- velocity diagrams show the two clouds to be adjacent in velocity, which means cloud- cloud collision could occur in this region. The maximum value (0.66±0.10) of the integrated CO line intensity ratio (IcoJ=3-2/Icoj=2-1) for the three MCs agrees well with the previous measurement of individual Galactic MCs, implying that the SNR shock drove into the MCs. The two MCs have a line intensity ratio gradient. The distribution of the ratio appears to indicate that the shock propagates from the southwest to the northeast. 展开更多
关键词 ism individual objects (Tycho's supernova remnant (G120.1+1.4))-ism molecules-supernova remnants
Heiles星光偏振源表的距离更正 被引量:1
作者 蒙美娘 孙晓辉 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期29-36,共8页
星光偏振是研究星际介质磁场的有力工具之一.Heiles源表收集了9286颗恒星的偏振信息,是目前最大的光学波段星光偏振源表,被广泛使用.但该表中恒星的距离参数是以前的测光距离,很不确定.把Heiles源表和Gaia第2次数据释放(DR2)源表进行交... 星光偏振是研究星际介质磁场的有力工具之一.Heiles源表收集了9286颗恒星的偏振信息,是目前最大的光学波段星光偏振源表,被广泛使用.但该表中恒星的距离参数是以前的测光距离,很不确定.把Heiles源表和Gaia第2次数据释放(DR2)源表进行交叉证认,以位置和星等作为判据,匹配了7613颗恒星,并获得了这些恒星的三角视差距离和误差,超过90%的恒星距离相对误差小于20%.基于新的距离,展示了星光偏振在银河系内的分布并讨论了可能的应用. 展开更多
关键词 星表 星际介质:磁场 恒星:距离 天体测量 视差
作者 张燕坤 朱逢尧 +2 位作者 唐孟尧 秦胜利 汪敏 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期13-29,共17页
W51M (W51 Main)是一个和HⅡ区成协的大质量恒星形成区,在其中可以探测到众多的分子谱线和H、He射电复合线.中国科学院上海天文台基于天马65 m望远镜对W51M的观测数据,证认了主量子数在74–117之间的H、He复合发射线,其中主量子数在74... W51M (W51 Main)是一个和HⅡ区成协的大质量恒星形成区,在其中可以探测到众多的分子谱线和H、He射电复合线.中国科学院上海天文台基于天马65 m望远镜对W51M的观测数据,证认了主量子数在74–117之间的H、He复合发射线,其中主量子数在74–78之间的H和He的α复合线均被探测到.结合H和He复合线的多普勒致宽,算出该HⅡ区的电子温度约为7400 K, He+/H+的离子丰度比约为0.09,这与已有的研究基本吻合.考虑高信噪比的复合线,即H(n)α(74n78),计算得出W51M的平均湍动速度是13.767 km·s-1.通过确定W51M或其他HⅡ区中的复合线,获取电子温度、湍动速度以及其他物理参量,在电子数密度、元素丰度、恒星形成率等方面进行了探讨,对分子谱线以及其他波段的复合线研究具有借鉴意义. 展开更多
关键词 谱线:复合线 星际介质:H_Ⅱ区 星际介质:云 星际介质:分子 厘米:星际介质
An Improved Pair Method to Probe the Dust Extinction Law
作者 Yuxi Wang Jian Gao +1 位作者 Yi Ren Jun Li 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第5期27-37,共11页
Dust extinction law is crucial to recover the intrinsic energy distribution of celestial objects and infer the characteristics of interstellar dust.Based on the traditional pair method,an improved pair method is propo... Dust extinction law is crucial to recover the intrinsic energy distribution of celestial objects and infer the characteristics of interstellar dust.Based on the traditional pair method,an improved pair method is proposed to model the dust extinguished spectral energy distribution(SED)of an individual star.Instead of the mathematically parameterizing extinction curves,the extinction curves in this work are directly from the silicate-graphite dust model,so that the dust extinction law can be obtained and the dust properties can be analyzed simultaneously.The ATLAS9 stellar model atmosphere is adopted for the intrinsic SEDs in this work,while the silicate-graphite dust model with a dust size distribution of dn da~a^(-a)exp(-a a_(c)),0.005<a<5μmfor each component is adopted for the model extinction curves.One typical extinction tracer in the dense region(V410 Anon9)and one in the diffuse region(Cyg OB2#12)of the Milky Way are chosen to test the reliability and the practicability of the improved pair method in different stellar environments.The results are consistent with their interstellar environments and are in agreement with the previous observations and studies,which prove that the improved pair method is effective and applicable in different stellar environments.In addition to the reliable extinction results,the derived parameters in the dust model can be used to analyze the dust properties,which cannot be achieved by other methods with the mathematical extinction models.With the improved pair method,the stellar parameters can also be inferred and the extinction law beyond the wavelengths of observed data can be predicted based on the dust model as well. 展开更多
关键词 STARS individual(V410 Anon 9 Cyg OB2#12)-interstellar medium(ism)-ism dust extinction
“双碳”目标视域下中小企业绿色转型制约因素研究 被引量:6
作者 王伟歌 《绿色科技》 2022年第21期275-280,共6页
在查阅国内外相关文献和专家调研的基础上,对中小企业绿色转型的现状和问题进行了研究。分析了7项制约中小企业绿色转型发展的影响因素,通过联用ISM-MICMAC方法明晰了各因素间的内在逻辑关系。结果表明:3个因素对于中小企业绿色转型有... 在查阅国内外相关文献和专家调研的基础上,对中小企业绿色转型的现状和问题进行了研究。分析了7项制约中小企业绿色转型发展的影响因素,通过联用ISM-MICMAC方法明晰了各因素间的内在逻辑关系。结果表明:3个因素对于中小企业绿色转型有着关键性和驱动性的作用,分别是:外部环境监管举措、供应链管理模式、政府激励性政策,可以通过调整和改善这3个因素以影响和控制其他因素。基于分析结果提出了相应的对策建议:即加强全社会环境监管、创新面向中小企业环境治理的政策工具、实施绿色供应链管理模式等措施,以促进和推动中小企业实现绿色化和低碳化的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 绿色转型 制约因素 中小企业 解释结构模型(ism) MICMAC模型
Model of Hydrogen Deficient Nebulae in H II Regions at High Temperature
作者 Belay S. Goshu Derck P. Smits 《Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第8期21-29,共9页
In current photoionization models, determination of the ionization structure of the nebulae is a crucial part of the calculations for non-uniform hydrogen density. We have been tried to compute temperature fluctuation... In current photoionization models, determination of the ionization structure of the nebulae is a crucial part of the calculations for non-uniform hydrogen density. We have been tried to compute temperature fluctuations of electron and electron density by changing hydrogen density by scale factor of 10 at high temperature of blackbody. We have studied the ionization structure of hydrogen and helium by means of cloudy C13.01 codes. We find a reasonable close agreement of the computed value. Moreover, the ionization structure of oxygen at ionization stages of, O I - O IV, in gaseous nebulae are studied by changing non uniform hydrogen density with power law. Our simulation also shows that how the change of this density affect temperature fluctuations, electron density and ionization structures of oxygen, helium and hydrogen with and without grains. The result also shows the impact of the forbidden lines of [O III] and [O II] to cool down the temperature of electron. 展开更多
Chemical bonding in representative astrophysically relevant neutral,cation,and anion HC_(n)H chains
作者 Ioan Baldea 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期156-168,共13页
Most existing studies assign a polyynic and cumulenic character of chemical bonding in carbon-based chains relying on values of the bond lengths.Building on our recent work,in this paper we add further evidence on the... Most existing studies assign a polyynic and cumulenic character of chemical bonding in carbon-based chains relying on values of the bond lengths.Building on our recent work,in this paper we add further evidence on the limitations of such an analysis and demonstrate the significant insight gained via natural bond analysis.Presently reported results include atomic charges,natural bond order and valence indices obtained from ab initio computations for representative members of the astrophysically relevant neutral and charged HC_(2k/2k+1)H chain family.They unravel a series of counter-intuitive aspects and/or help naive intuition in properly understanding microscopic processes,e.g.,electron removal from or electron attachment to a neutral chain.Demonstrating that the Wiberg indices adequately quantify the chemical bonding structure of the HC_(2k/2k+1)H chains—while the often heavily advertised Mayer indices do not—represents an important message conveyed by the present study. 展开更多
关键词 ASTROPHYSICS interstellar medium(ism) carbon chains Wiberg and Mayer bond order indices
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