In the present study,the dynamic response of block foundations of different equivalent radius to mass(R;/m) ratios under coupled vibrations is investigated for various homogeneous and layered systems.The frequency-d...In the present study,the dynamic response of block foundations of different equivalent radius to mass(R;/m) ratios under coupled vibrations is investigated for various homogeneous and layered systems.The frequency-dependent stiffness and damping of foundation resting on homogeneous soils and rocks are determined using the half-space theory.The dynamic response characteristics of foundation resting on the layered system considering rock-rock combination are evaluated using finite element program with transmitting boundaries.Frequencies versus amplitude responses of block foundation are obtained for both translational and rotational motion.A new methodology is proposed for determination of dynamic response of block foundations resting on soil-rock and weathered rock-rock system in the form of equations and graphs.The variations of dimensionless natural frequency and dimensionless resonant amplitude with shear wave velocity ratio are investigated for different thicknesses of top soil/weathered rock layer.The dynamic behaviors of block foundations are also analyzed for different rock-rock systems by considering sandstone,shale and limestone underlain by basalt.The variations of stiffness,damping and amplitudes of block foundations with frequency are shown in this study for various rock—rock combinations.In the analysis,two resonant peaks are observed at two different frequencies for both translational and rotational motion.It is observed that the dimensionless resonant amplitudes decrease and natural frequencies increase with increase in shear wave velocity ratio.Finally,the parametric study is performed for block foundations with dimensions of 4 m × 3 m × 2 m and 8m×5m×2m by using generalized graphs.The variations of natural frequency and peak displacement amplitude are also studied for different top layer thicknesses and eccentric moments.展开更多
滤膜堵塞型传感器可以半定量地评价油液的固体颗粒污染度,其关键元件为金属微孔滤膜.为了获得性价比较高的金属微孔滤膜,选择600目斜纹不锈钢丝网为镀覆基材,研究所选不锈钢丝网表面化学镀镍的工艺流程,通过扫描电镜(LEO1450VP)和能...滤膜堵塞型传感器可以半定量地评价油液的固体颗粒污染度,其关键元件为金属微孔滤膜.为了获得性价比较高的金属微孔滤膜,选择600目斜纹不锈钢丝网为镀覆基材,研究所选不锈钢丝网表面化学镀镍的工艺流程,通过扫描电镜(LEO1450VP)和能谱分析仪(INCA ENERGY 300)分析镀层成分、镀层与基材的结合情况以及微孔滤膜的微孔及丝径尺寸.结果表明,本研究工艺下制备的微孔滤膜镀层为低磷镀层,抗拉强度为400~700MPa,硬度为580HV,镀层与基体材料结合牢固.镀覆20min和30min后可获得微孔尺寸分别为14μm和10μm的微孔滤膜,且丝径镀覆厚度均匀一致,微孔大小也均匀一致.利用所研制的金属微孔滤膜制成滤膜堵塞型传感器,配制样液分别对该传感器的重复性精度和污染度检测精度进行检验,结果表明,微孔滤膜传感器具有较好的重复性精度,对油液中固体颗粒污染度等级的测定结果与实际值完全一致,因此所研制的金属微孔滤膜可以满足滤膜堵塞型传感器的使用要求.展开更多
文摘In the present study,the dynamic response of block foundations of different equivalent radius to mass(R;/m) ratios under coupled vibrations is investigated for various homogeneous and layered systems.The frequency-dependent stiffness and damping of foundation resting on homogeneous soils and rocks are determined using the half-space theory.The dynamic response characteristics of foundation resting on the layered system considering rock-rock combination are evaluated using finite element program with transmitting boundaries.Frequencies versus amplitude responses of block foundation are obtained for both translational and rotational motion.A new methodology is proposed for determination of dynamic response of block foundations resting on soil-rock and weathered rock-rock system in the form of equations and graphs.The variations of dimensionless natural frequency and dimensionless resonant amplitude with shear wave velocity ratio are investigated for different thicknesses of top soil/weathered rock layer.The dynamic behaviors of block foundations are also analyzed for different rock-rock systems by considering sandstone,shale and limestone underlain by basalt.The variations of stiffness,damping and amplitudes of block foundations with frequency are shown in this study for various rock—rock combinations.In the analysis,two resonant peaks are observed at two different frequencies for both translational and rotational motion.It is observed that the dimensionless resonant amplitudes decrease and natural frequencies increase with increase in shear wave velocity ratio.Finally,the parametric study is performed for block foundations with dimensions of 4 m × 3 m × 2 m and 8m×5m×2m by using generalized graphs.The variations of natural frequency and peak displacement amplitude are also studied for different top layer thicknesses and eccentric moments.
文摘滤膜堵塞型传感器可以半定量地评价油液的固体颗粒污染度,其关键元件为金属微孔滤膜.为了获得性价比较高的金属微孔滤膜,选择600目斜纹不锈钢丝网为镀覆基材,研究所选不锈钢丝网表面化学镀镍的工艺流程,通过扫描电镜(LEO1450VP)和能谱分析仪(INCA ENERGY 300)分析镀层成分、镀层与基材的结合情况以及微孔滤膜的微孔及丝径尺寸.结果表明,本研究工艺下制备的微孔滤膜镀层为低磷镀层,抗拉强度为400~700MPa,硬度为580HV,镀层与基体材料结合牢固.镀覆20min和30min后可获得微孔尺寸分别为14μm和10μm的微孔滤膜,且丝径镀覆厚度均匀一致,微孔大小也均匀一致.利用所研制的金属微孔滤膜制成滤膜堵塞型传感器,配制样液分别对该传感器的重复性精度和污染度检测精度进行检验,结果表明,微孔滤膜传感器具有较好的重复性精度,对油液中固体颗粒污染度等级的测定结果与实际值完全一致,因此所研制的金属微孔滤膜可以满足滤膜堵塞型传感器的使用要求.