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PBL-EBM教学法在骨科住院医师规范化培训中的应用 被引量:1
作者 郭志勇 陈汉政 +2 位作者 钟树栅 吴景明 黄君庭 《中国继续医学教育》 2024年第9期53-57,共5页
目的探讨以问题为基础的学习结合基于循证医学(problem-based learning,evidence-based medicine,PBL-EBM)教学法在骨科住院医师规范化培训(简称“住培”)临床教学中的应用。方法选择2022年1月—2023年1月在广州医科大学附属第一医院骨... 目的探讨以问题为基础的学习结合基于循证医学(problem-based learning,evidence-based medicine,PBL-EBM)教学法在骨科住院医师规范化培训(简称“住培”)临床教学中的应用。方法选择2022年1月—2023年1月在广州医科大学附属第一医院骨科进行住院医师规范化培训的医生作为研究对象,将其随机分为对照组和试验组,试验组57名,其中男51名,女6名;对照组56名,其中男50名,女6名。试验组采用PBLEBM教学法,对照组采用传统教学方法,教学结束后均对2组进行出科考评及教学效果评估。结果试验组出科考评成绩为(92.5±0.22)分,对照组出科考评成绩为(87.6±0.38)分;提高医学文献检索及数据研判能力[试验组(93.5±0.20)分vs.对照组(90.0±0.28)分]、提高临床问题的分析能力[试验组(93.6±0.18)分vs.对照组(89.6±0.25)分]、提高解决临床问题的能力[试验组(93.4±0.25)分vs.对照组(89.1±0.21)分]、提高专业术语交流表达能力[试验组(92.6±0.27)分vs.对照组(89.3±0.23)分],试验组与对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);而在提高学习的主动性、积极性[试验组(92.4±0.40)分vs.对照组(93.0±0.45)分]和提高临床操作能力[试验组(92.4±0.32)分vs.对照组(92.7±0.37)分]上,2组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结果显示,同传统教学法相比,PBL-EBM教学法,更有助于提高正在进行规范化培训的住院医师的综合分析和解决问题的能力,也有利于提高文献资料检索及循证医学证据的分析辨别能力。结论在骨科住院医师规范化培训临床教学中,采用PBL-EBM教学法具有可行性,有助于提高住培生主动进行文献检索、分析文献资料的最新研究成果及证据,并将其运用到临床实践中制定最佳治疗方案的能力。 展开更多
关键词 PBL ebm 骨科 住院医师规范化培训 临床教学 教学评价
作者 周衍平 李悦 陈会英 《生态经济》 北大核心 2024年第11期38-46,52,共10页
专利密集型制造业是实现绿色转型升级与经济高质量发展的新引擎。如何协同技术、组织和环境三个层面,提升绿色转型效率是亟待解决的现实问题。论文以专利密集型制造业为研究对象,运用EBM-GML模型与模糊集定性比较分析方法,基于TOE框架... 专利密集型制造业是实现绿色转型升级与经济高质量发展的新引擎。如何协同技术、组织和环境三个层面,提升绿色转型效率是亟待解决的现实问题。论文以专利密集型制造业为研究对象,运用EBM-GML模型与模糊集定性比较分析方法,基于TOE框架探讨专利密集型制造业绿色转型路径。研究发现:(1)我国专利密集型制造业还未真正实现技术创新与绿色发展有效融合;(2)单个因素均无法作为推动绿色转型的必要条件;(3)存在环境主导型、自主创新型、全维度协同型三条驱动专利密集型制造业高绿色转型的路径,与非高绿色转型驱动路径存在非对称关系;(4)知识产权保护是专利密集型制造业绿色转型的关键因素。研究为专利密集型制造业绿色转型实践提供了经验借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 专利密集型制造业 绿色转型 ebm-GML模型 模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA) TOE框架
作者 马晶 宋金萍 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)教育科学》 2024年第11期0029-0032,共4页
分析PBL+EBM教学用于临床分子生物学检验技术的效果。方法 选择2021年2月至2023年12月临床检验中心学生80例,通过教学方法的不同将其分为参考组(n=40)和联合组(n=40),参考组开展PBL教学,联合组在此基础上结合EBM教学,比较学生的教学成... 分析PBL+EBM教学用于临床分子生物学检验技术的效果。方法 选择2021年2月至2023年12月临床检验中心学生80例,通过教学方法的不同将其分为参考组(n=40)和联合组(n=40),参考组开展PBL教学,联合组在此基础上结合EBM教学,比较学生的教学成绩。结果 联合组学生的教学优良率显著高于参考组,对教学方式的认可度显著高于参考组,相关考核评分高于参考组(P<0.05)。结论 PBL+EBM教学用于临床分子生物学检验技术的效果确切。 展开更多
关键词 PBL ebm 分子生物学 带教 教学成绩
我国社区医疗卫生机构服务效率评价——基于超效率EBM模型 被引量:1
作者 张军琳 兰娅菲 茅宁莹 《卫生经济研究》 北大核心 2024年第7期9-14,共6页
目的:对我国30个省(区、市)社区医疗卫生机构服务效率进行测算,并提出建议。方法:运用超效率EBM模型对社区医疗卫生机构服务效率进行静态分析,运用Malmquist指数模型对数据进行动态分析。结果:2012—2021年,我国社区医疗卫生机构服务效... 目的:对我国30个省(区、市)社区医疗卫生机构服务效率进行测算,并提出建议。方法:运用超效率EBM模型对社区医疗卫生机构服务效率进行静态分析,运用Malmquist指数模型对数据进行动态分析。结果:2012—2021年,我国社区医疗卫生机构服务效率有所提升,但依旧面临发展不稳定、地区间发展存在差异以及医疗技术应用水平较低等问题。结论:各地社区医疗卫生机构需制定长期发展战略规划,优化医疗卫生资源配置,提升医疗技术应用水平;结合发展现状及特征,实行差异化发展策略。 展开更多
关键词 社区医疗卫生机构 超效率ebm模型 MALMQUIST指数 服务效率
作者 李惠久 黄霞 +3 位作者 李江峰 刘淑红 崔楠 蒋光峰 《中国医院》 北大核心 2024年第10期80-82,共3页
目的:对某公立医院多院区临床医疗人力资源效率进行评价,针对存在的问题提出应对策略。方法:收集山东省某公立医院多院区2022年各院区科室的临床医疗人力资源效率数据,应用EBM模型对临床医疗人力资源效率进行分析及评价。结果:在综合技... 目的:对某公立医院多院区临床医疗人力资源效率进行评价,针对存在的问题提出应对策略。方法:收集山东省某公立医院多院区2022年各院区科室的临床医疗人力资源效率数据,应用EBM模型对临床医疗人力资源效率进行分析及评价。结果:在综合技术效率方面,A、B、C、D院区分别有52.63%、60.53%、60.53%、47.37%的科室达到了DEA有效;从纯技术效率来看各院区各有57.89%、63.16%、71.05%、55.26%的临床科室达到技术有效;从规模效率与规模收益来看,仅B、D院区各有13.16%和7.89%的临床科室达到规模有效的状态,总体来看大多数科室的规模效率未达到有效的状态。结论:EBM模型适用于多院区临床医疗人力资源效率评价。样本医院各院区综合技术效率与纯技术效率达到有效的科室超过50%,但规模效率有效的科室占比均较低,总体来看规模效率不高是制约该医院科室效率提升的主要原因。医院应在优化科室规模的基础上合理配置临床医疗人力资源,提升多院区医院整体运行效率。 展开更多
关键词 ebm模型 一院多区 临床医疗 人力资源 效率评价
EBM联合CPC在《中医全科医学概论》教学中的应用 被引量:1
作者 周海燕 董珍珍 +2 位作者 王群 杨学攀 陶帅 《新疆中医药》 2024年第2期36-38,共3页
目的探讨在《中医全科医学概论》教学中融入EBM和CPC中的应用效果。方法选取本校2019级中医学(全科方向)65名学生作为研究对象,课程中融入EBM和CPC,课程结束后发放调查问卷。结果回收有效问卷50份。通过描述统计对“融入循证医学的必要... 目的探讨在《中医全科医学概论》教学中融入EBM和CPC中的应用效果。方法选取本校2019级中医学(全科方向)65名学生作为研究对象,课程中融入EBM和CPC,课程结束后发放调查问卷。结果回收有效问卷50份。通过描述统计对“融入循证医学的必要性”“增加课程趣味性和实用性”“提高解决临床问题的能力”等问卷条目进行分析,结果显示平均值均接近4,说明50位同学对《中医全科医学概论》课程融入循证医学内容比较认可。在课程融入社区卫生实践必要性层面,72%学生认为有必要融入社区卫生实践。他们认为增加实践,首先可以了解社区卫生服务情况(88%),其次也可以增加感官认知(74%)。结论《中医全科医学概论》融入EBM和CPC值得进一步研究应用。 展开更多
关键词 ebm CPC 《中医全科医学概论》 教学改革
“互联网+”背景下TBL和EBM教学法在临床医学教学中的应用 被引量:3
作者 龚琳婧 王新元 《中国继续医学教育》 2024年第9期74-78,共5页
随着互联网技术的发展,传统的临床医学教学法逐渐无法满足现代医学教育的需求,“互联网+”背景下的临床医学教学法应运而生。其中,以基于团队合作(team-based learning,TBL)教学法和基于循证证据(evidence-based medicine,EBM)教学法为... 随着互联网技术的发展,传统的临床医学教学法逐渐无法满足现代医学教育的需求,“互联网+”背景下的临床医学教学法应运而生。其中,以基于团队合作(team-based learning,TBL)教学法和基于循证证据(evidence-based medicine,EBM)教学法为代表的新兴教学法正在被越来越多地应用于各类教学场景中。本文回顾了既往发表的相关文献,对临床医学常用的教学法和新时代“互联网+”背景下的临床医学教学法进行了总结,并探讨了现阶段在“互联网+”背景下,TBL和EBM教学法各自在临床医学教学中的应用,并对其进行了评价。最后,本文还讨论了在“互联网+”背景下,临床医学教学中联合应用TBL和EBM教学法的可行性及预期教学效果,以期为今后临床医学的教育改革提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 互联网 TBL ebm 教学法 联合教学 临床医学教学
Effects of projectile parameters on the momentum transfer and projectile melting during hypervelocity impact 被引量:1
作者 Wenjin Liu Qingming Zhang +6 位作者 Renrong Long Zizheng Gong Ren Jiankang Xin Hu Siyuan Ren Qiang Wu Guangming Song 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期89-103,共15页
The effects of projectile/target impedance matching and projectile shape on energy,momentum transfer and projectile melting during collisions are investigated by numerical simulation.By comparing the computation resul... The effects of projectile/target impedance matching and projectile shape on energy,momentum transfer and projectile melting during collisions are investigated by numerical simulation.By comparing the computation results with the experimental results,the correctness of the calculation and the statistical method of momentum transfer coefficient is verified.Different shapes of aluminum,copper and heavy tungsten alloy projectiles striking aluminum,basalt,and pumice target for impacts up to 10 km/s are simulated.The influence mechanism of the shape of the projectile and projectile/target density on the momentum transfer was obtained.With an increase in projectile density and length-diameter ratio,the energy transfer time between the projectile and targets is prolonged.The projectile decelerates slowly,resulting in a larger cratering depth.The energy consumed by the projectile in the excavation stage increased,resulting in lower mass-velocity of ejecta and momentum transfer coefficient.The numerical simulation results demonstrated that for different projectile/target combinations,the higher the wave impedance of the projectile,the higher the initial phase transition velocity and the smaller the mass of phase transition.The results can provide theoretical guidance for kinetic impactor design and material selection. 展开更多
关键词 Hypervelocity impact Energy partitioning Impact melting Momentum transfer
Interplay of laser power and pore characteristics in selective laser melting of ZK60 magnesium alloys:A study based on in-situ monitoring and image analysis 被引量:1
作者 Weijie Xie Hau-Chung Man Chi-Wai Chan 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期1346-1366,共21页
This study offers significant insights into the multi-physics phenomena of the SLM process and the subsequent porosity characteristics of ZK60 Magnesium(Mg)alloys.High-speed in-situ monitoring was employed to visualis... This study offers significant insights into the multi-physics phenomena of the SLM process and the subsequent porosity characteristics of ZK60 Magnesium(Mg)alloys.High-speed in-situ monitoring was employed to visualise process signals in real-time,elucidating the dynamics of melt pools and vapour plumes under varying laser power conditions specifically between 40 W and 60 W.Detailed morphological analysis was performed using Scanning-Electron Microscopy(SEM),demonstrating a critical correlation between laser power and pore formation.Lower laser power led to increased pore coverage,whereas a denser structure was observed at higher laser power.This laser power influence on porosity was further confirmed via Optical Microscopy(OM)conducted on both top and cross-sectional surfaces of the samples.An increase in laser power resulted in a decrease in pore coverage and pore size,potentially leading to a denser printed part of Mg alloy.X-ray Computed Tomography(XCT)augmented these findings by providing a 3D volumetric representation of the sample internal structure,revealing an inverse relationship between laser power and overall pore volume.Lower laser power appeared to favour the formation of interconnected pores,while a reduction in interconnected pores and an increase in isolated pores were observed at higher power.The interplay between melt pool size,vapour plume effects,and laser power was found to significantly influence the resulting porosity,indicating a need for effective management of these factors to optimise the SLM process of Mg alloys. 展开更多
关键词 Selective laser melting(SLM) Magnesium(Mg)alloys Biodegradable implants POROSITY In-situ monitoring
基于超效率EBM模型的碳排放效率评价及时空分析 被引量:1
作者 叶夏纪 于力超 《绿色科技》 2024年第13期273-280,共8页
研究利用2014-2019年我国省域碳排放数据,采用超效率EBM和GTWR模型,对我国省域碳排放效率进行评价,并分析了其时空相关性。结果表明:我国省域碳排放效率差异显著且呈空间正相关,东部地区的碳排放效率明显高于其他地区。GTWR模型分析结... 研究利用2014-2019年我国省域碳排放数据,采用超效率EBM和GTWR模型,对我国省域碳排放效率进行评价,并分析了其时空相关性。结果表明:我国省域碳排放效率差异显著且呈空间正相关,东部地区的碳排放效率明显高于其他地区。GTWR模型分析结果显示,优化第二产业结构和降低GDP能耗在提升碳排放效率方面的作用日益明显。空间异质性分析结果显示,提高对外开放水平显著促进了西南地区向低碳经济转型,而东部地区则应着重提高经济效应和利用所有制优势进一步提升碳排放效率,中部地区、西北地区和东北地区应考虑通过优化第二产业结构和能源消费结构来积极提升碳排放效率。 展开更多
关键词 碳排放效率 超效率ebm模型 GTWR模型 时空异质性
Experimental Study on Wire Melting Control Ability of Twin-Body Plasma Arc
作者 Ruiying Zhang Fan Jiang Long Xue 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期184-194,共11页
The twin-body plasma arc has the decoupling control ability of heat transfer and mass transfer,which is beneficial to shape and property control in wire arc additive manufacturing.In this paper,with the wire feeding s... The twin-body plasma arc has the decoupling control ability of heat transfer and mass transfer,which is beneficial to shape and property control in wire arc additive manufacturing.In this paper,with the wire feeding speed as a characteristic quantity,the wire melting control ability of twin-body plasma arc was studied by adjusting the current separation ratio(under the condition of a constant total current),the wire current/main current and the position of the wire in the arc axial direction.The results showed that under the premise that the total current remains unchanged(100 A),as the current separation ratio increased,the middle and minimum melting amounts increased approximately synchronously under the effect of anode effect power,the first melting mass range remained constant;the maximum melting amount increased twice as fast as the middle melting amount under the effect of the wire feeding speed,and the second melting mass range was expanded.When the wire current increased,the anode effect power and the plasma arc power were both factors causing the increase in the wire melting amount;however,when the main current increased,the plasma arc power was the only factor causing the increase in the wire melting amount.The average wire melting increment caused by the anode effect power was approximately 2.7 times that caused by the plasma arc power.The minimum melting amount was not affected by the wire-torch distance under any current separation ratio tested.When the current separation ratio increased and reached a threshold,the middle melting amount remained constant with increasing wire-torch distance.When the current separation ratio continued to increase and reached the next threshold,the maximum melting amount remained constant with the increasing wire-torch distance.The effect of the wire-torch distance on the wire melting amount reduced with the increase in the current separation ratio.Through this study,the decoupling mechanism and ability of this innovative arc heat source is more clearly. 展开更多
关键词 Twin-body plasma arc melting control ability melting amount Current separation ratio
作者 付伟 易昌民 李梦柯 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 2024年第18期136-144,共9页
探究中国现阶段数字经济对农业绿色全要素生产率的影响和作用机制,为推进农业绿色发展、实现农业高质量发展拓展新路径提供参考。采用EBM-GML生产率指数对中国31个省份2011—2020年农业绿色全要素生产率进行测算,再利用系统广义矩估计模... 探究中国现阶段数字经济对农业绿色全要素生产率的影响和作用机制,为推进农业绿色发展、实现农业高质量发展拓展新路径提供参考。采用EBM-GML生产率指数对中国31个省份2011—2020年农业绿色全要素生产率进行测算,再利用系统广义矩估计模型(GMM)实证检验数字经济对农业绿色全要素生产率的影响。结果表明:(1)31个省份农业绿色全要素生产率呈稳定上升趋势,年均增长率为1%,其增长动力主要来自技术进步;(2)各省份农业绿色全要素生产率的发展水平差异较大,2011—2020年期间有75%的地区年均增长为正值;(3)数字基础设施、农业数字化和农业数字产业化对农业整体绿色发展具有显著正向影响;(4)粮食主产区的数字经济对农业绿色全要素生产率的效应更明显。可见,数字经济的发展能够有效促进农业绿色发展,有必要制定相关策略以提高农业绿色全要素生产率,助推农业绿色高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 农业绿色全要素生产率 数字经济 ebm模型 全局Malmquist-Luenberger指数 系统广义估计矩 农业绿色发展 农业高质量发展
Melting points of ionic liquids:Review and evaluation
作者 Zhengxing Dai Lei Wang +1 位作者 Xiaohua Lu Xiaoyan Ji 《Green Energy & Environment》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第12期1802-1811,共10页
The melting points of ionic liquids(ILs)reported since 2020 were surveyed,collected,and reviewed,which were further combined with the previous data to provide a database with 3129 ILs ranging from 177.15 to 645.9 K in... The melting points of ionic liquids(ILs)reported since 2020 were surveyed,collected,and reviewed,which were further combined with the previous data to provide a database with 3129 ILs ranging from 177.15 to 645.9 K in melting points.In addition,the factors that affect the melting point of ILs from macro,micro,and thermodynamic perspectives were summarized and analyzed.Then the development of the quantitative structure-property relationship(QSPR),group contribution method(GCM),and conductor-like screening model for realistic solvents(COSMO-RS)for predicting the melting points of ILs were reviewed and further analyzed.Combined with the evaluation together with the preliminary study conducted in this work,it shows that COSMO-RS is more promising and possible to further improve its performance,and a framework was thus proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Ionic liquids melting point COSMO-RS QSPR GCM
Stability and melting behavior of boron phosphide under high pressure
作者 梁文嘉 向晓君 +2 位作者 李倩 梁浩 彭放 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期579-584,共6页
Boron phosphide(BP)has gained significant research attention due to its unique photoelectric and mechanical properties.In this work,we investigated the stability of BP under high pressure using x-ray diffraction and s... Boron phosphide(BP)has gained significant research attention due to its unique photoelectric and mechanical properties.In this work,we investigated the stability of BP under high pressure using x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope.The phase diagram of BP was explored in both B-rich and P-rich environments,revealing crucial insight into its behavior at 5.0 GPa.Additionally,we measured the melting curve of BP from 8.0 GPa to 15.0 GPa.Our findings indicate that the stability of BP under high pressure is improved within B-rich and P-rich environments.Furthermore,we report a remarkable observation of melting curve frustration at 10.0 GPa.This study will enhance our understanding of stability of BP under high pressure,shedding light on its potential application in semiconductor,thermal,and light-transmitting devices. 展开更多
关键词 boron phosphide STABILITY melting curve high pressure
作者 丁路 陈珍 +1 位作者 哈德斯叶斯肯德尔 仲春雪 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)教育》 2024年第8期0180-0183,共4页
本研究旨在比较传统教学方法与BOPPPS-EBM教学方法的效果,探讨BOPPPS-EBM教学方法在临床医学实习中的应用效果,为新教学模式的应用提供科学依据。方法 选取乌鲁木齐市新疆医科大学第五附属医院2023年3月1日至2023年5月1 日实习的本科临... 本研究旨在比较传统教学方法与BOPPPS-EBM教学方法的效果,探讨BOPPPS-EBM教学方法在临床医学实习中的应用效果,为新教学模式的应用提供科学依据。方法 选取乌鲁木齐市新疆医科大学第五附属医院2023年3月1日至2023年5月1 日实习的本科临床实习生,按照教学方法的不同分为对照组和试验组,试验组包括BOPPPS组、EBM组和BOPPPS-EBM组,对比不同组实习生综合能力水平的差异;本次研究采用问卷调查的方式,分析比较传统教学模式和BOPPPS-EBM教学模式对实习生综合能力的提升效果。结果 四组不同教学模式中,BOPPPS-EBM教学模式的效果与其他组教学模式的效果差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。BOPPPS教学组、EBM教学组和BOPPPS-EBM教学组与传统教学组的效果也存在显著差异(P<0.05)。结论 BOPPPS-EBM教学模式的效果优于传统教学模式,新型教学模式对临床本科生综合能力的提升具有显著的效果,它能够显著提高实习生的学习成绩,增强学生自信心,提升学生学习的主动性和参与性,有助于提高教学满意度。 展开更多
关键词 BOPPPS教学模式 ebm教学模式 BOPPPS-ebm教学模式
Melting geodynamics reveals a subduction origin for the Purang ophiolite,Tibet,China
作者 Tao Ruan Zhong-Jie Bai +1 位作者 Wei-Guang Zhu Shi-Ji Zheng 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期754-773,共20页
The debate regarding whether the Yarlung-Zangbo ophiolite(YZO)on the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,formed in a mid-ocean ridge(MOR)or a supra-subduction zone(SSZ)setting has remained unresolved.Here we present pe... The debate regarding whether the Yarlung-Zangbo ophiolite(YZO)on the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,formed in a mid-ocean ridge(MOR)or a supra-subduction zone(SSZ)setting has remained unresolved.Here we present petrological,mineralogical,and geochemical data associated with modeling melting geodynamics of the mantle peridotites from the Purang ophiolite in the western segment of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)to explore its tectonic environment.The Purang lherzolites are characterized by the protogranular texture and have abyssal-peridotite-like mineral compositions,including low Cr^(#)(20-30)and TiO_(2) contents(<0.1wt%)in spinel,high Al_(2)O_(3)(2.9wt%-4.4wt%)and CaO(1.9wt%-3.7wt%)contents in orthopyroxene and LREE-depletion in clinopyroxene.Compositions of these lherzolites can be modeled by~11%dynamic melting of the DMM source with a small fraction of melt(~0.5%)entrapped within the source,a similar melting process to typical abyssal peridotites.The Purang harzburgites are characterized by the porphyroclastic texture and exhibit highly refractory mineral compositions such as high spinel Cr^(#)(40-68),low orthopyroxene Al_(2)O_(3)(<2.2wt%)and CaO(<1.1wt%)contents.Clinopyroxenes in these harzburgites are enriched in Sr(up to 6.0 ppm)and LREE[(Ce)N=0.02-0.4],but depleted in Ti(200 ppm,on average)and HREE[(Yb)N<2].Importantly,the more depleted samples tend to have higher clinopyroxene Sr and LREE contents.These observations indicate an open-system hydrous melting with a continuous influx of slab fluid at a subduction zone.The modeled results show that these harzburgites could be formed by 19%-23%hydrous melting with the supply rate of slab fluid at 0.1%-1%.The lower clinopyroxene V/Sc ratios in harzburgites than those in lherzolites suggest a high oxidation stage of the melting system of harzburgites,which is consistent with a hydrous melting environment for these harzburgites.It is therefore concluded that the Purang ophiolite has experienced a transformation of tectonic setting from MOR to SSZ. 展开更多
关键词 melting geodynamics SSZ peridotites MOR peridotites CLINOPYROXENE Purang ophiolite
High-strength and thermally stable TiB_(2)-modified Al-Mn-Mg-Er-Zr alloy fabricated via selective laser melting
作者 Jiang Yu Yaoxiang Geng +6 位作者 Yongkang Chen Xiao Wang Zhijie Zhang Hao Tang Junhua Xu Hongbo Ju Dongpeng Wang 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期2221-2232,共12页
To increase the processability and plasticity of the selective laser melting(SLM)fabricated Al-Mn-Mg-Er-Zr alloys,a novel TiB_(2)-modified Al-Mn-Mg-Er-Zr alloy with a mixture of Al-Mn-Mg-Er-Zr and nano-TiB_(2) powders... To increase the processability and plasticity of the selective laser melting(SLM)fabricated Al-Mn-Mg-Er-Zr alloys,a novel TiB_(2)-modified Al-Mn-Mg-Er-Zr alloy with a mixture of Al-Mn-Mg-Er-Zr and nano-TiB_(2) powders was fabricated by SLM.The pro-cessability,microstructure,and mechanical properties of the alloy were systematically investigated by density measurement,microstruc-ture characterization,and mechanical properties testing.The alloys fabricated at 250 W displayed higher relative densities due to a uni-formly smooth top surface and appropriate laser energy input.The maximum relative density value of the alloy reached(99.7±0.1)%,demonstrating good processability.The alloy exhibited a duplex grain microstructure consisting of columnar regions primarily and equiaxed regions with TiB_(2),Al6Mn,and Al3Er phases distributed along the grain boundaries.After directly aging treatment at a high tem-perature of 400℃,the strength of the SLM-fabricated TiB_(2)/Al-Mn-Mg-Er-Zr alloy increased due to the precipitation of the secondary Al6Mn phases.The maximum yield strength and ultimate tensile strength of the aging alloy were measured to be(374±1)and(512±13)MPa,respectively.The SLM-fabricated TiB_(2)/Al-Mn-Mg-Er-Zr alloy demonstrates exceptional strength and thermal stability due to the synergistic effects of the inhibition of grain growth,the incorporation of TiB_(2) nanoparticles,and the precipitation of secondary Al6Mn nanoparticles. 展开更多
关键词 selective laser melting aluminum alloy PROCESSABILITY mechanical properties thermal stability
Effects of processing parameters on fabrication defects,microstructure and mechanical properties of additive manufactured Mg–Nd–Zn–Zr alloy by selective laser melting process
作者 Wenyu Xu Penghuai Fu +4 位作者 Nanqing Wang Lei Yang Liming Peng Juan Chen Wenjiang Ding 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期2249-2266,共18页
Mg–3Nd–0.2Zn–0.4Zr(NZ30K,wt.%)alloy is a new kind of high-performance metallic biomaterial.The combination of the NZ30K Magnesium(Mg)alloy and selective laser melting(SLM)process seems to be an ideal solution to pr... Mg–3Nd–0.2Zn–0.4Zr(NZ30K,wt.%)alloy is a new kind of high-performance metallic biomaterial.The combination of the NZ30K Magnesium(Mg)alloy and selective laser melting(SLM)process seems to be an ideal solution to produce porous Mg degradable implants.However,the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of the SLMed NZ30K Mg alloy were not yet studied systematically.Therefore,the fabrication defects,microstructure,and mechanical properties of the SLMed NZ30K alloy under different processing parameters were investigated.The results show that there are two types of fabrication defects in the SLMed NZ30K alloy,gas pores and unfused defects.With the increase of the laser energy density,the porosity sharply decreases to the minimum first and then slightly increases.The minimum porosity is 0.49±0.18%.While the microstructure varies from the large grains with lamellar structure inside under low laser energy density,to the large grains with lamellar structure inside&the equiaxed grains&the columnar grains under middle laser energy density,and further to the fine equiaxed grains&the columnar grains under high laser energy density.The lamellar structure in the large grain is a newly observed microstructure for the NZ30K Mg alloy.Higher laser energy density leads to finer grains,which enhance all the yield strength(YS),ultimate tensile strength(UTS)and elongation,and the best comprehensive mechanical properties obtained are YS of 266±2.1 MPa,UTS of 296±5.2 MPa,with an elongation of 4.9±0.68%.The SLMed NZ30K Mg alloy with a bimodal-grained structure consisting of fine equiaxed grains and coarser columnar grains has better elongation and a yield drop phenomenon. 展开更多
关键词 Selective laser melting Mg alloy Processing parameter Lamellar structure Bimodal-grained structure
Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties in multi-layer 316L-TiC composite fabricated by selective laser melting additive manufacturing
作者 Sasan YAZDANI Suleyman TEKELI +2 位作者 Hossein RABIEIFAR Ufuk TASCI Elina AKBARZADEH 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期2973-2991,共19页
In this study,the microstructure and mechanical properties of a multi-layered 316L-TiC composite material produced by selective laser melting(SLM)additive manufacturing process are investigated.Three different layers,... In this study,the microstructure and mechanical properties of a multi-layered 316L-TiC composite material produced by selective laser melting(SLM)additive manufacturing process are investigated.Three different layers,consisting of 316L stainless steel,316L-5 wt%TiC and 316L-10 wt%TiC,were additively manufactured.The microstructure of these layers was characterized by optical microscopy(OM)and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).X-ray diffraction(XRD)was used for phase analysis,and the mechanical properties were evaluated by tensile and nanoindentation tests.The microstructural observations show epitaxial grain growth within the composite layers,with the elongated grains growing predominantly in the build direction.XRD analysis confirms the successful incorporation of the TiC particles into the 316L matrix,with no unwanted phases present.Nanoindentation results indicate a significant increase in the hardness and modulus of elasticity of the composite layers compared to pure 316L stainless steel,suggesting improved mechanical properties.Tensile tests show remarkable strength values for the 316L-TiC composite samples,which can be attributed to the embedded TiC particles.These results highlight the potential of SLM in the production of multi-layer metal-ceramic composites for applications that require high strength and ductility of metallic components in addition to the exceptional hardness of the ceramic particles. 展开更多
关键词 multilayer metal-ceramic composites selective laser melting functionally graded materials 316 L stainless steel TIC
作者 刘肖肖 《四川生理科学杂志》 2024年第6期1400-1402,1408,共4页
住院医师规范化培训是我国医师队伍毕业后继续教育中提升医学素质及诊疗能力的主要阶段,目前已全面实施住院医师规范化培训制度,但传统的教学方法已经不能满足对规培生高质量的培养。目前在教学方法的研究上,以案例为基础的教学法(Case ... 住院医师规范化培训是我国医师队伍毕业后继续教育中提升医学素质及诊疗能力的主要阶段,目前已全面实施住院医师规范化培训制度,但传统的教学方法已经不能满足对规培生高质量的培养。目前在教学方法的研究上,以案例为基础的教学法(Case based learning,CBL)、以问题为基础的教学法(Problem-based learning,PBL)和循证医学(Evidence-based medicine,EBM)是当前各大临床教学医院应用的主要教学方法之一,在不同的临床专科应用各有不同。本次文章拟就CBL-PBL-EBM整合教学法在肿瘤放射治疗学规培教学中的应用进行分析。概述这三种不同教学法的内容、内涵以及应用注意事项,分析整合教学法的的优点和不足,为肿瘤放射治疗学规范化培训的临床教学提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤放射治疗学 CBL PBL ebm 整合教学法 住院医师规范化培训
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