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作者 桂媛 及洪泉 +3 位作者 辛锋 刘若溪 王智晖 罗中戈 《高压电器》 北大核心 2025年第1期30-40,共11页
为探究温度和湿度对空气局部放电时特征组分生成特性的影响,文中仿真计算了不同温度和湿度条件下空气分解反应中可能出现的组分以及生成规律,并搭建了温湿度可控的空气局部放电分解实验平台研究了3种不同典型缺陷下空气局放分解特性随... 为探究温度和湿度对空气局部放电时特征组分生成特性的影响,文中仿真计算了不同温度和湿度条件下空气分解反应中可能出现的组分以及生成规律,并搭建了温湿度可控的空气局部放电分解实验平台研究了3种不同典型缺陷下空气局放分解特性随温湿度的变化规律。仿真和实验结果表明,空气局部放电生成的主要组分有NO_(2)、O_(3)和CO,3种组分的含量随温湿度条件的变化均存在明显的差异,不同类型缺陷下的局部放电分解组分受温湿度的影响不同。研究结果可为基于分解组分分析的局部放电缺陷检测提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 开关柜 局部放电 特征组分 分解气体 相对湿度
作者 田超华 赵欢 +2 位作者 黄鸿基 孙伟可 王学峰 《电子设计工程》 2025年第1期51-54,60,共5页
在配电网运行过程中,电晕放电量过大导致间隙击穿,开关柜输出电量信号出现过度电离,降低了运行稳定性。为此,提出基于深度学习的配电网开关柜电晕放电检测方法。利用与电晕信号相关的深度学习识别模型,定义单调非递增函数,并以此为基础... 在配电网运行过程中,电晕放电量过大导致间隙击穿,开关柜输出电量信号出现过度电离,降低了运行稳定性。为此,提出基于深度学习的配电网开关柜电晕放电检测方法。利用与电晕信号相关的深度学习识别模型,定义单调非递增函数,并以此为基础,计算信号取样值,实现深度学习下的配电网开关柜电晕信号取样。确定电晕信号串表达式,根据开关柜脉冲求解结果,完成实时放电检测。实验结果表明,所提方法可将电晕放电量最大值控制在100 pC以下,能够避免开关柜输出电量信号出现过度电离的情况。 展开更多
关键词 深度学习 配电网开关柜 电晕放电 单调非递增函数 放电检测
作者 胡玉东 王文涛 朱慧君 《自动化应用》 2025年第1期178-181,184,共5页
采用层次分析法(AHP)和灰色关联分析法(GRA)评估了固体全绝缘开关设备的关键技术和优势。首先,介绍了该设备在电力系统中的应用,并详细阐述了改性纳微级绝缘材料、全屏蔽和全接地技术、一体化真空断路器、直动式三工位隔离开关以及一体... 采用层次分析法(AHP)和灰色关联分析法(GRA)评估了固体全绝缘开关设备的关键技术和优势。首先,介绍了该设备在电力系统中的应用,并详细阐述了改性纳微级绝缘材料、全屏蔽和全接地技术、一体化真空断路器、直动式三工位隔离开关以及一体化智能操作终端等关键技术。通过AHP确定了各准则(安全性、免维护性、小型化和智能化)和技术的权重。然后,利用GRA计算了各技术与理想目标的关联度。结果显示,全屏蔽和全接地技术在综合评分中表现最佳,这是因为其在安全性和免维护性方面的优势;其次是一体化智能操作终端,其智能化优势突出。该研究为优化固体全绝缘开关设备的技术组合提供了一定的科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 固体全绝缘开关设备 层次分析法 灰色关联分析法 优势评估
作者 欧阳自强 董晓峰 +1 位作者 许小坤 刘杰 《电工电气》 2025年第1期41-47,共7页
局部放电(局放)是开关柜发生故障完全击穿前的典型特征,局放监测可以有效避免事故发生。为克服离线测量需停电和传统在线监测方案易受干扰或无法直接获得局放数值的弱点,基于物联网技术设计了一种全新的方案实现局放实时无线监测和诊断... 局部放电(局放)是开关柜发生故障完全击穿前的典型特征,局放监测可以有效避免事故发生。为克服离线测量需停电和传统在线监测方案易受干扰或无法直接获得局放数值的弱点,基于物联网技术设计了一种全新的方案实现局放实时无线监测和诊断。其利用开关柜现有带电显示装置形成符合GB/T 7354—2018标准的脉冲电流法测量回路,采集数据经校准后通过无线通信方式发送至云端系统。试验验证了该方案具有局放测量和缺陷类型识别的良好性能,现被应用于某已投运配电站所,具有较高工程价值。 展开更多
关键词 脉冲电流法 局部放电 开关柜 无线监测 物联网
作者 郭超 石凯萌 +5 位作者 蔡川 邱炜 陈佳 刘佳 魏意恒 黄思敏 《电工电气》 2025年第1期54-61,共8页
在设备验收阶段及时找出并排除设备内部缺陷,对提升电网设备安全运行裕度具有重要意义。介绍了一起通过超声波检测技术发现某变电站220 k VGIS(气体绝缘组合电器)断路器自由颗粒缺陷的案例。介绍了其缺陷检测、综合分析、设备解体验证过... 在设备验收阶段及时找出并排除设备内部缺陷,对提升电网设备安全运行裕度具有重要意义。介绍了一起通过超声波检测技术发现某变电站220 k VGIS(气体绝缘组合电器)断路器自由颗粒缺陷的案例。介绍了其缺陷检测、综合分析、设备解体验证过程,阐述了带电检测过程中的正确检测方法、干扰排除技巧、缺陷分析手段以及精准定位闭环结果,创新性地采用了数据库比对与波形特征综合研判等方式,精准确定放电类型,通过幅值定位法精准确定放电位置,并通过GIS开罐解体处理,发现了GIS断路器气室内部的金属异物,成功验证了超声波检测技术结果的准确性,也为后续类似缺陷的检测和处理提供了经验与参考。 展开更多
关键词 气体绝缘组合电器 断路器 超声波检测 自由颗粒放电
A Novel Modularizing Design Method of 10 kV High Voltage Switchgear for Live Maintenance 被引量:2
作者 Yuan Yao Xudong Ouyang +2 位作者 Guowei Zeng Qi Tang Wenyu Ma 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2020年第4期1-13,共13页
Due to imperfect manufacturing technology, design defects and environmental impact, the failure rate of 10 kV switchgear is very high. For this reason, based on taken present situation of traditional switchgear and th... Due to imperfect manufacturing technology, design defects and environmental impact, the failure rate of 10 kV switchgear is very high. For this reason, based on taken present situation of traditional switchgear and the current technical requirements for switchgear into account, a new reliable and safe modular high voltage switchgear design method is presented in this paper, which can reduce the failure rate of switchgear and improve the reliability of power supply. The electric field and temperature rise simulation model are established to check the reasonability and validity. By using the finite element software, the simulation results show that the design in this paper has a maximum temperature rise of 55 K for the main cabinet and a maximum temperature rise of 45 K for the deputy cabinet, which is far below the international standard of 70 K. The areas where the partial discharge is likely to occur within the switchgear are places such as the connection between bus-bar and cabinet, bus-bar joint and bus-bar corner. In order to avoid potential dangers, the discharge point must be located in time to prevent insulation fault of electrical equipment of the high voltage switchgear. The simulation results demonstrate that the design method in this paper greatly improve the reliability of switchgear and meets the demands of power system. 展开更多
关键词 switchgear FINITE ELEMENT Temperature FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD Improvement
Statistical characteristics of transient enclosure voltage in ultra-high-voltage gas-insulated switchgear 被引量:2
作者 Yuanji CAI Yonggang GUAN Weidong LIU 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第6期74-81,共8页
Transient enclosure voltage(TEV),which is a phenomenon induced by the inner dielectric breakdown of SF_6 during disconnector operations in a gas-insulated switchgear(GIS),may cause issues relating to shock hazard ... Transient enclosure voltage(TEV),which is a phenomenon induced by the inner dielectric breakdown of SF_6 during disconnector operations in a gas-insulated switchgear(GIS),may cause issues relating to shock hazard and electromagnetic interference to secondary equipment.This is a critical factor regarding the electromagnetic compatibility of ultra-high-voltage(UHV)substations.In this paper,the statistical characteristics of TEV at UHV level are collected from field experiments,and are analyzed and compared to those from a repeated strike process.The TEV waveforms during disconnector operations are recorded by a self-developed measurement system first.Then,statistical characteristics,such as the pulse number,duration of pulses,frequency components,magnitude and single pulse duration,are extracted.The transmission line theory is introduced to analyze the TEV and is validated by the experimental results.Finally,the relationship between the TEV and the repeated strike process is analyzed.This proves that the pulse voltage of the TEV is proportional to the corresponding breakdown voltage.The results contribute to the definition of the standard testing waveform of the TEV,and can aid the protection of electronic devices in substations by minimizing the threat of this phenomenon. 展开更多
关键词 transient enclosure voltage (TEV) gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) ultra-high-voltage (UHV) repeated strike process DISCONNECTOR
作者 李忠 冯允平 《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》 SCIE CAS 2005年第2期7-10,15,共5页
Objective In order to find early latent faults and prevent catastrophic failures, diagnosis of insulation condition by measuring technique of partial discharge(PD) in gas insulated switchgear (GIS) is applied in this ... Objective In order to find early latent faults and prevent catastrophic failures, diagnosis of insulation condition by measuring technique of partial discharge(PD) in gas insulated switchgear (GIS) is applied in this paper, which is one of the most basic ways for diagnosis of insulation condition. Methods Ultra high frequency(UHF) PD detection method by using internal sensors has been proved efficient, because it may avoid the disturbance of corona, but the sensor installation of this method will be limited by the structure and operation condition of GIS. There are some of electromagnetic (E-M) waves leak from the place of insulation spacer, therefore, the external sensors UHF measuring PD technique is applied, which isn't limited by the operation condition of GIS. Results This paper analyzes propagated electromagnetic (E-M) waves of partial discharge pulse excited by using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The signal collected at the outer point is more complex than that of the inner point, and the signals' amplitude of outer is about half of the inner, because it propagates through spacer and insulation slot. Set up UHF PD measuring system. The typical PD in 252kV GIS bus bar was measured using PD detection UHF technique with external sensors. Finally, compare the results of UHF measuring technique using external sensors with the results of FDTD method simulation and the traditional IEC60270 method detection. Conclusion The results of experiment shows that the UHF technique can realize the diagnosis of insulation condition, the results of FDTD method simulation and the result UHF method detection can demonstrate each other, which gives references to further researches and application for UHF PD measuring technique. 展开更多
关键词 gas insulated switchgear partial discharge ultra high frequency finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method MEASUREMENT external sensor
Denoising Method for Partial Discharge Signal of Switchgear Based on Continuous Adaptive Wavelet Threshold 被引量:1
作者 Zhuo Wang Xiang Zheng Tiantian Liang 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 CAS 2022年第4期7-18,共12页
Partial discharge(PD)is an important reason for the insulation failure of the switchgear.In the process of PD detection,PD signal is often annihilated in strong noise.In order to improve the accuracy of PD detection i... Partial discharge(PD)is an important reason for the insulation failure of the switchgear.In the process of PD detection,PD signal is often annihilated in strong noise.In order to improve the accuracy of PD detection in power plant switchgear,a method based on continuous adaptive wavelet threshold switchgear PD signals denoising is proposed in this paper.By constructing a continuous adaptive threshold function and introducing adjustment parameters,the problems of over⁃processing of traditional hard threshold functions and incomplete denoising of soft threshold functions can be improved.The analysis results of simulated signals and measured signals show that the continuous adaptive wavelet threshold denoising method is significantly better than the traditional denoising method for the PD signal.The proposed method in this paper retains the characteristics of the original signal.Compared with the traditional denoising methods,after denoising the simulated signals,the signal⁃to⁃noise ratio(SNR)is increased by more than 30%,and the root⁃mean⁃square error(RMSE)is reduced by more than 30%.After denoising the real signal,the noise suppression ratio(NRR)is increased by more than 40%.The recognition accuracy rate of PD signal has also been improved to a certain extent,which proves that the method has a certain practicability. 展开更多
关键词 switchgear partial discharge wavelet threshold function DENOISING
Automatic wiring method for switchgear design 被引量:1
作者 Shi Kanle Gao Ying +2 位作者 Wu Zijian Zhang Hui Yong Junhai 《Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing》 2017年第2期32-38,共7页
An automatic 3D wiring method for switchgear design is proposed in this paper. First, wiring constraints are created, and a corresponding evaluation model is proposed. Then, based on the structure of the cabinet, we p... An automatic 3D wiring method for switchgear design is proposed in this paper. First, wiring constraints are created, and a corresponding evaluation model is proposed. Then, based on the structure of the cabinet, we propose a contour expansion scheme to construct rough paths. Different wiring features of the switchgear are used to connect rough local paths. All the paths are represented in a uniform data structure and forma path network. Finally, an improved A* algorithm is used to search the wiring path between the components in the routing network; the evaluation model is considered as heuristic rules for path searching. The result can satisfy the practical requirements of switchgear design. Experimental results are also provided. 展开更多
关键词 wiring method path searching contour expansion switchgear design A* algorithm
A Wireless Solution for Train Switchgear Contact Temperature Monitoring and Alarming System Based on Wireless Communication Technology
作者 Lexiang Wei Xiaoqing Zeng, Tuo Shen 《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》 2015年第4期79-84,共6页
We present a temperature monitoring and warning system, which is based on wireless communi- cation technology and applied in train switchgear in this paper. The system is consists of three parts, including wireless te... We present a temperature monitoring and warning system, which is based on wireless communi- cation technology and applied in train switchgear in this paper. The system is consists of three parts, including wireless temperature detection module, inter-vehicle transmission networks module and?remote monitoring server. The switchgear contact temperature data are collected via the wireless temperature detection module and exchanged in inter-vehicle wireless networking by Zigbee modules. Then the temperature of train switchgear cabinets can be monitored remotely through the GPRS wireless communication. 展开更多
Design of Distributed Temperature Measurement System for Switchgear
作者 Qingsong Yang Jianfei Yang +1 位作者 Huaren Wu Long Liu 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第4期958-961,共4页
This paper develops a novel distributed temperature measurement system based on DSP and DS18B20 digital thermometer. The real-time temperature of each node in the switchgear is obtained by several DS18B20s which are c... This paper develops a novel distributed temperature measurement system based on DSP and DS18B20 digital thermometer. The real-time temperature of each node in the switchgear is obtained by several DS18B20s which are connected on the 1-wire bus together. RS-485 master-slave communication protocol is used to centralize monitoring temperatures of several switchgear cabinets. The system also has the function of temperature alarm. The operation of simulation experiment has showed that the system is able to complete monitoring real-time temperatures in high voltage switchgear. 展开更多
关键词 High Voltage switchgear DISTRIBUTED Temperature Measurement 1-WIRE BUS RS-485 MASTER-SLAVE Communication
Shanghai Hua Tong Switchgear Works -A Major Switchgear Manufacturer for Power Transmission, Substation and Distribution in China
作者 Shao LingHua Tong Switchgear Works 《Electricity》 1996年第1期35-37,共3页
Founded in 1919, Shanghai Hua Tong Switchgear Works ("HTSW" in short for below) is one of large enterprises on state level. With high and new technology, it is designed as an export base for mechanical and e... Founded in 1919, Shanghai Hua Tong Switchgear Works ("HTSW" in short for below) is one of large enterprises on state level. With high and new technology, it is designed as an export base for mechanical and electrical product of the Ministry of Machinery Industry as well. It has been awarded the honor of first grade factory in the competition for key and major project construction in Shanghai year by year, 展开更多
关键词 A Major switchgear Manufacturer for Power Transmission Shanghai Hua Tong switchgear Works Substation and Distribution in China
Tender for 500 kV transformers and switchgears forThree Gorges Project is ready
《Electricity》 1998年第2期46-46,共1页
关键词 PROJECT Tender for 500 kV transformers and switchgears for KV
Solutions to Consider in Current Transformer Selection for APR1400 Nuclear Power Plant Medium Voltage Switchgears
作者 Dumam Roman Jackson Choong-Koo Chang 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2017年第10期670-678,共9页
This paper discusses a preferable solution to mitigate the CT (current transformer) saturation problem, and at same time, reduce the accuracy errors when considering the selection of CTs for installation on the medi... This paper discusses a preferable solution to mitigate the CT (current transformer) saturation problem, and at same time, reduce the accuracy errors when considering the selection of CTs for installation on the medium voltage switchgear of a nuclear power plant. This consideration is important for both measurement and protection functions of the digital protective relays. This is a study to ascertain the best options for a suitable solution to prevent CT saturation in relations to its protective capabilities during short circuit fault without compromising the CT accuracy class during normal operation of the system, while ensuring its conformity to the design requirement is within limit. The advantages of current transformers have proven not only to be reliable and safe, but also are of easy handling, reduction of the cost and components on the MV (medium voltage) switchgear. The purpose of this research is to identify best approach to resolve the existing problems in the current protection system. With the view of LPCT (low power current transformer) which has been newly constructed by few manufacturers to provide good protection and a wide range of measuring function without errors, some other solutions will be considered in this research. 展开更多
关键词 CT CT saturation accuracy class metering CT protection CT MV switchgear short circuit fault current knee voltage.
Mayr电弧模型下GIS中快速暂态过电压的仿真分析 被引量:2
作者 杨帆 高有华 《电器与能效管理技术》 2024年第2期28-32,38,共6页
SF6气体绝缘封闭组合开关(GIS)中隔离开关进行分合母线时,产生快速暂态过电压(VFTO),幅值高且上升速率极快,威胁GIS及相邻设备的绝缘。选取某800 kV GIS隔离开关分合母线的试验电路为研究对象,采用电磁暂态程序(EMTP/ATP)进行建模仿真,... SF6气体绝缘封闭组合开关(GIS)中隔离开关进行分合母线时,产生快速暂态过电压(VFTO),幅值高且上升速率极快,威胁GIS及相邻设备的绝缘。选取某800 kV GIS隔离开关分合母线的试验电路为研究对象,采用电磁暂态程序(EMTP/ATP)进行建模仿真,隔离开关燃弧时采用Mayr电弧模型,分析其对VFTO的影响,得出考虑Mayr电弧模型时操作隔离开关、断路器侧隔离开关及变压器侧隔离开关的电压波形,并与考虑时变电阻模型的VFTO进行对比。对VFTO波形进行离散傅里叶分析,得到过电压频率、幅值的变化特征,研究结果为GIS绝缘设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 SF6气体绝缘封闭组合电器(GIS) 快速暂态过电压(VFTO) Mayr电弧模型 傅里叶分析
作者 冯英 李旭 +2 位作者 钟尧 郝建 武建文 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第14期5797-5809,I0031,共14页
气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(gas insulated metal enclosed switchgear,GIS)机械缺陷是导致设备故障的重要因素,针对单测点、单证据机械缺陷诊断模型信息缺失和精度不足问题,该文提出一种多层融合振动数据分析的GIS设备机械缺陷诊断方法... 气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(gas insulated metal enclosed switchgear,GIS)机械缺陷是导致设备故障的重要因素,针对单测点、单证据机械缺陷诊断模型信息缺失和精度不足问题,该文提出一种多层融合振动数据分析的GIS设备机械缺陷诊断方法。首先,基于真型GIS设备振动模拟平台试验研究测点位置与缺陷类型对振动行为的影响特性;然后,联合统计分析、模态分解、尺度变换方法提出机械振动信号整体与局部信息关注的复合参数分析方法,引入主成分分析开展多测点振动信息的特征层融合降维;最后,提出改进放缩权重的Dempster-Shafer(DS)证据理论和Bagging投票机制的强/弱基学习器决策层融合机制,联合构建多层融合振动数据分析的GIS设备机械缺陷诊断模型。结果表明:不同类型机械缺陷信号的响应幅值、特征频点和畸变程度存在显著差异,复合特征参量大小及分散程度各不相同;同时,测点位置对缺陷信号的复合振动特征参量的表现形式及分布区间也具有一定影响;基于多层融合数据分析的诊断模型实现缺陷有效识别,辨识准确率为98.66%,相比单一分类器诊断效果提升5.83%。该文可为GIS设备机械缺陷诊断方法提供有价值的参考。 展开更多
关键词 气体绝缘金属封闭开关(GIS)设备 机械缺陷 复合特征 多层融合
作者 冯英 武建文 +3 位作者 王智 郝建 邵阳 王承玉 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第19期7863-7876,I0032,共15页
当前国内外对气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(gas insulated metal enclosed switchgear,GIS)的异常振动,尤其是引发振动的激励源、多频振动产生机理等问题缺少实质性研究进展。首先,建立受力模型,研究引发GIS振动的激励源,得到引发分箱型GI... 当前国内外对气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(gas insulated metal enclosed switchgear,GIS)的异常振动,尤其是引发振动的激励源、多频振动产生机理等问题缺少实质性研究进展。首先,建立受力模型,研究引发GIS振动的激励源,得到引发分箱型GIS振动的力源值,并指出正常运行状态,三相母线间电动力是主频振动的主要激励源。触头接触不良将导致触头斥力合力增大,地脚螺栓松动将导致系统固有频率的变化,影响非线性振动响应频谱特征;然后,将GIS按照薄壁圆柱壳进行研究,计算GIS壳体多阶固有频率,建立有效的非线性振动方程,首次利用解析方法揭示非线性GIS系统多频振动信号的产生机理;最后,研制成功振动信号采集系统,在550 k VGIS产品上设置典型机械缺陷,经实验验证,系统激发出的振动响应幅值极值点及频率与理论分析结果一致。论文的研究成果可为GIS机械缺陷的检测及诊断提供一定的支持和参考。 展开更多
关键词 气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备 受力模型 固有频率 机械缺陷 非线性振动
作者 吴锦虹 余伙庆 《机电工程技术》 2024年第11期186-192,共7页
为解决大电流KYN28型高压开关柜温升发热问题,分析了该开关柜的温升发热机理,确定了主回路内阻、接触电阻、感应电阻3个发热源,并计算了发热的总功率。采用增大配电柜两侧散热面积、增大配电柜通风口面积、强制对流风冷、柜体内风道设... 为解决大电流KYN28型高压开关柜温升发热问题,分析了该开关柜的温升发热机理,确定了主回路内阻、接触电阻、感应电阻3个发热源,并计算了发热的总功率。采用增大配电柜两侧散热面积、增大配电柜通风口面积、强制对流风冷、柜体内风道设计改进等措施,平衡发热功率,使散热功率大于发热的总功率。在实验室使用HZDL-WS-6300/12全自动温升试验系统进行测量,在符合标准规定的环境下,测得温升下降约10%,得到明显改善,总体结果基本符合预期。证明所提措施可以解决温升问题,并认为解决温升问题时需要结合设备运行,实时监视温升情况,以确保设备运行安全。 展开更多
关键词 KYN28 高压开关柜 温升 散热
作者 仇翔 蒋文泽 +2 位作者 吴麒 张宝康 葛其运 《高技术通讯》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第7期776-786,共11页
高压开关柜(HVS)作为电力系统的关键设备,对其工作状况进行有效评估可以保障电力系统的安全稳定运行。在工程实践中,由于高压开关柜长期服役于潮湿、高温等恶劣环境下,不可避免的传感器失效或人为因素会导致其设备状态数据存在随机缺失... 高压开关柜(HVS)作为电力系统的关键设备,对其工作状况进行有效评估可以保障电力系统的安全稳定运行。在工程实践中,由于高压开关柜长期服役于潮湿、高温等恶劣环境下,不可避免的传感器失效或人为因素会导致其设备状态数据存在随机缺失的现象,从而破坏了数据的完整性和可用性,使得对数据质量要求较高的数据驱动方法难以直接用于解决高压开关柜状态评估的问题。为了解决上述问题,研究了一种基于专家知识和监测数据联合驱动的高压开关柜状态评估方法。首先,对高压开关柜系统的内部构成进行了深入分析,并根据区域中设备的功能不同将其分为电缆室、母线室和断路器室三大区域。其次,进一步分析了系统状态、各区域状态及其关键部件状态两两之间的因果关系,从而建立了适用于高压开关柜状态评估的三层贝叶斯网络(BN)拓扑结构。然后,引入专家领域知识设计了适用于高压开关柜系统的3种约束罚函数,并通过求解带有约束的优化问题,改善了不完整数据集下的贝叶斯网络参数估计性能,进而实现了对高压开关柜系统状态的精确评估。最后,在自主设计的10 kV高压开关柜样机上开展了对比验证实验,结果表明,相比于支持向量机(SVM)方法和反向传播(BP)神经网络方法,本文所提方法在状态评估精度上更具优势。 展开更多
关键词 高压开关柜(HVS) 状态评估 参数学习 知识与数据联合驱动 贝叶斯网络(BN)
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