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格芯和Microchip宣布Microchip 28 nm SuperFlash嵌入式闪存解决方案投产
《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2023年第11期94-94,共1页
格芯(Global Foundries)与Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)及其旗下子公司Silicon Storage Technology(SST)共同宣布,采用GF 28SLPe制程的SST ESF3第三代嵌入式SuperFlash技术NVM解决方案即将投产。在实施SST广泛部署的ESF... 格芯(Global Foundries)与Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)及其旗下子公司Silicon Storage Technology(SST)共同宣布,采用GF 28SLPe制程的SST ESF3第三代嵌入式SuperFlash技术NVM解决方案即将投产。在实施SST广泛部署的ESF3 SuperFlash技术方面,格芯确立了新的行业基准。该实施方案具有以下功能和优势:成本最低的28 nm HKMG ESF3解决方案,仅增加了10个掩模,包括真正的5 V IO CMOS器件;SST ESF3位单元尺寸小于0.05平方微米,极具竞争力;工作温度额定值为-40~125℃;读取访问时间为25 ns、编程时间为10μs、擦除时间为4 ms;超过100000次编程/擦除循环的耐用性;不影响使用GF 28SLPe平台合格IP的设计流程(EG流程);可立即提供4~32 Mb的现成宏程序;可从SST或GF获得定制宏设计支持。 展开更多
关键词 FLASH技术 编程时间 嵌入式闪存 microchip CMOS器件 Super 单元尺寸 STORAGE
《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2023年第12期93-93,共1页
随着安全威胁的不断演变和日趋复杂,工业和消费应用设计人员在开发过程中必须考虑在设备中实现安全功能。为了让设计人员能轻松地将安全功能集成到应用中,Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)宣布推出全新PIC32CZ CA 32位单片... 随着安全威胁的不断演变和日趋复杂,工业和消费应用设计人员在开发过程中必须考虑在设备中实现安全功能。为了让设计人员能轻松地将安全功能集成到应用中,Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)宣布推出全新PIC32CZ CA 32位单片机系列。该系列器件配备了300 MHz Arm Cortex M7处理器、集成硬件安全模块(HSM),支持多种连接和闪存选项,从而提高了灵活性。 展开更多
关键词 安全模块 32位单片机 硬件安全 32位MCU microchip 闪存 消费应用 功能集成
《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2023年第12期95-95,共1页
随着从云连接边缘节点收集和传输的数据逐步增加,改进型集成电路(I3C)正迅速成为连接高数据速率传感器的更具可持续性的解决方案,并将有助于扩展下一代器件的功能。Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)率先推出PIC18 Q20系列... 随着从云连接边缘节点收集和传输的数据逐步增加,改进型集成电路(I3C)正迅速成为连接高数据速率传感器的更具可持续性的解决方案,并将有助于扩展下一代器件的功能。Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)率先推出PIC18 Q20系列单片机(MCU),这是业界首款具有多达两个I3C外设和多电压I/O(MVIO)的低引脚数MCU。PIC18 Q20 MCU采用14引脚和20引脚封装,尺寸小至3 mm×3 mm,是实时控制、触摸传感和连接应用的紧凑型解决方案。该款MCU提供可配置的外设、先进的通信接口和跨多个电压域的简易连接,无需外部元件。 展开更多
关键词 引脚封装 MCU 通信接口 microchip 引脚数 高数据速率 首款 系列产品
《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2023年第11期3-3,共1页
为了适应网络边缘人工智能(AI)计算及相关推理算法的快速发展,韩国智能硬件公司正在为神经技术设备和现场可编程神经形态设备开发神经形态计算平台。Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)通过子公司冠捷半导体(SST)参与协助开发... 为了适应网络边缘人工智能(AI)计算及相关推理算法的快速发展,韩国智能硬件公司正在为神经技术设备和现场可编程神经形态设备开发神经形态计算平台。Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)通过子公司冠捷半导体(SST)参与协助开发,为该平台SuperFlash memBrain神经形态存储器解决方案提供评估系统。该解决方案基于Microchip经行业验证的非易失性存储器(NVM)SuperFlash技术并加以优化,可通过模拟内存计算方法为神经网络执行矢量矩阵乘法(VMM)。 展开更多
关键词 FLASH技术 内存计算 microchip 矩阵乘法 智能硬件 评估系统 网络边缘 现场可编程
《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2023年第11期94-94,共1页
随着从云连接边缘节点收集和传输的数据逐步增加,改进型集成电路(I3C)正迅速成为连接高数据速率传感器的更具可持续性的解决方案,并将有助于扩展下一代器件的功能。Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)率先推出PIC18 Q20系列... 随着从云连接边缘节点收集和传输的数据逐步增加,改进型集成电路(I3C)正迅速成为连接高数据速率传感器的更具可持续性的解决方案,并将有助于扩展下一代器件的功能。Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)率先推出PIC18 Q20系列单片机(MCU),这是业界首款具有多达两个I3C外设和多电压I/O(MVIO)的低引脚数MCU。PIC18 Q20 MCU采用14引脚和20引脚封装,尺寸小至3×3 mm,是实时控制、触摸传感和连接应用的紧凑型解决方案。该款MCU提供可配置的外设、先进的通信接口和跨多个电压域的简易连接,无需外部元件。 展开更多
关键词 引脚封装 MCU 通信接口 microchip 引脚数 高数据速率 系列产品 边缘节点
Microchip FPGA加速智能边缘设计
《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2023年第12期95-96,共2页
为智能边缘设计系统正面临前所未有的困难。市场窗口在缩小,新设计的成本和风险在上升,温度限制和可靠性成为双重优先事项,而对全生命周期安全性的需求也在不断增长。要满足这些同时出现的需求,需要即时掌握特殊技术和垂直市场的专业知... 为智能边缘设计系统正面临前所未有的困难。市场窗口在缩小,新设计的成本和风险在上升,温度限制和可靠性成为双重优先事项,而对全生命周期安全性的需求也在不断增长。要满足这些同时出现的需求,需要即时掌握特殊技术和垂直市场的专业知识,没有时间从头开始。Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)宣布在其不断增长的中端FPGA和片上系统(SoC)支持系列产品中增加了9个新的技术和特定应用解决方案协议栈,涵盖工业边缘、智能嵌入式视觉和边缘通信。此前,Microchip已宣布推出面向OPC/UA(开放平台通信/统一架构)的工业边缘协议栈和广泛的资源,以帮助客户转用PolarFire FPGA和SoC。 展开更多
关键词 开放平台 嵌入式视觉 microchip 统一架构 OPC 全生命周期 温度限制 协议栈
《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2023年第8期94-94,共1页
随着智能边缘设备对能效、安全性和可靠性提出新要求,系统架构师和设计工程师不得不寻找新的解决方案。Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)宣布推出新的开发资源和设计服务,以帮助系统设计人员转向使用PolarFire FPGA和SoC,... 随着智能边缘设备对能效、安全性和可靠性提出新要求,系统架构师和设计工程师不得不寻找新的解决方案。Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)宣布推出新的开发资源和设计服务,以帮助系统设计人员转向使用PolarFire FPGA和SoC,包括业界首款中端工业边缘协议栈、可定制的加密和软知识产权(IP)启动库,以及将现有FPGA设计转换为PolarFire器件的新工具。这些新工具进一步扩大了Microchip FPGA全面的工具和服务工具包,支持成熟的PolarFire系列器件,其中包括量产的RISC-V SoC FPGA。 展开更多
关键词 microchip 设计工程师 架构师 POLAR 协议栈 边缘设备 系统设计人员 开发资源
《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2023年第1期62-62,共1页
工业自动化系统开发人员正寻求从依赖专有的过程同步解决方案转向基于标准的解决方案,以提供更广泛的兼容性并降低设计成本。为了提供关键的过程同步,Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)宣布推出符合IEEE 1588v2精确计时协议... 工业自动化系统开发人员正寻求从依赖专有的过程同步解决方案转向基于标准的解决方案,以提供更广泛的兼容性并降低设计成本。为了提供关键的过程同步,Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)宣布推出符合IEEE 1588v2精确计时协议标准的LAN8840和LAN8841千兆位以太网收发器。LAN8840/41以太网器件支持Linux驱动程序,提供灵活的以太网速度选项,包括10BASE-T、10BASE-Te、100BASE-TX和1000BASE-T。 展开更多
关键词 千兆位以太网 LINUX驱动程序 过程同步 工业自动化系统 收发器 协议标准 microchip 设计成本
作者 Ganesh Moorthy 《电子产品世界》 2023年第1期3-3,共1页
2022年,尽管供应链遭遇较大瓶颈,但Microchip继续保持了良好的业绩表现。2022年前3个季度营收比2021年同期增长了约25%。按照今年第3季度的年化数据,Microchip的年净销售额有望首次突破80亿美元大关。我们预计2022年第4季度将实现连续9... 2022年,尽管供应链遭遇较大瓶颈,但Microchip继续保持了良好的业绩表现。2022年前3个季度营收比2021年同期增长了约25%。按照今年第3季度的年化数据,Microchip的年净销售额有望首次突破80亿美元大关。我们预计2022年第4季度将实现连续9个季度营收创新高,并且这一态势有望延续到2023年,预计明年第1季度仍能保持环比增长。 展开更多
关键词 业绩表现 供应链 microchip 市场趋势 系统解决方案 环比 营收 销售额
《世界电子元器件》 2023年第9期44-44,共1页
工业自动化和数字化转型正推动可扩展、标准化网络解决方案市场快速增长,以满足商业运营技术(OT)部署的需求。为了向自动化制造商提供全面的网络解决方案,Microchip Technology Inc.今日宣布推出LAN9662千兆以太网交换机。
关键词 千兆以太网交换机 网络解决方案 工业自动化 商业运营 LAN 数字化转型 microchip Technology 标准化
32位世界添奇葩:Microchip PIC32为MIPS核心,8~32位采用单一开发环境
作者 王莹 《电子产品世界》 2007年第12期144-144,共1页
2007年11月8日,8/16位单片机的佼佼者-Microchip公司宣布推出32位PIC32单片机(MCU)系列。PIC32系列在性能和存储上均有显著提升,其引脚、外设和软件也保持了与Micro-chip16位单片机/数字信号控制器(DSC)系列的兼容性。此外,新... 2007年11月8日,8/16位单片机的佼佼者-Microchip公司宣布推出32位PIC32单片机(MCU)系列。PIC32系列在性能和存储上均有显著提升,其引脚、外设和软件也保持了与Micro-chip16位单片机/数字信号控制器(DSC)系列的兼容性。此外,新系列器件还得到Microchip免费MPLAB集成开发环境的全面支持。MPLAB集成开发环境具备广泛的兼容性,可支持该公司包括8、16及32位器件在内的完整产品线。 展开更多
关键词 microchip公司 集成开发环境 32位 MIPS 16位单片机 数字信号控制器 MPLAB 世界
Rapid detection of high-risk HPV16 and HPV18 based on microchip electrophoresis 被引量:4
作者 Zhaoxuan Fan Xiao Feng +2 位作者 Weifei Zhang Xueji Zhang Jin-Ming Lin 《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第4期329-333,共5页
Researches on detection of human papillomavirus(HPV)high-risk samples were carried out by polymerase chain reaction(PCR)coupled with microchip electrophoresis(MCE).Herein,we introduced a simple,rapid,automated method ... Researches on detection of human papillomavirus(HPV)high-risk samples were carried out by polymerase chain reaction(PCR)coupled with microchip electrophoresis(MCE).Herein,we introduced a simple,rapid,automated method for detecting high-risk samples HPV16 and HPV18.In this research,general primers were initially selected to obtain sufficient detectable yield by PCR to verify feasibility of MCM method for HPV detection,then type-specific primers were further used to evaluate the specificity of MCE method.The results indicated MCE method was capable of specifically detecting high-risk HPV16 and HPV18,and also enabled simultaneous detection of multiplex samples.This MCE method described here has been successfully applied to HPV detection and displayed excellent reliability demonstrating by sequencing results.The inherent capability of MCE facilitated HPV detection conducted in a small chip with automated,high throughput,massive parallelized analysis.We envision that MCE method will definitely pave a way for clinical diagnosis,and even on-site screening of cervical cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Human papillomavirus DNA analysis Polymerase chain reaction microchip electrophoresis DETECTION
Fabrication of a novel poly(dimethylsiloxane) microchips with two sharpened stretching tips 被引量:2
作者 Chun Ye Liu Xu Xu +1 位作者 Hong Jun Gao Jie Rong Chen 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期221-224,共4页
关键词 Poly(dimethylsiloxane) microchip ELECTROPHORESIS Sample injection
External-cavity birefringence feedback effects of microchip Nd:YAG laser and its application in angle measurement 被引量:2
作者 任成 谈宜东 张书练 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第8期3438-3443,共6页
External-cavity birefringence feedback effects of the microchip Nd:YAG laser are presented. When a birefringence element is placed in the external feedback cavity of the laser, two orthogonally polarized laser beams ... External-cavity birefringence feedback effects of the microchip Nd:YAG laser are presented. When a birefringence element is placed in the external feedback cavity of the laser, two orthogonally polarized laser beams with a phase difference are output. The phase difference is twice as large as the phase retardation in the external cavity along the two orthogonal directions. The variable extra-cavity birefringence, caused by rotation of the external-cavity birefringenee element, results in tunable phase difference between the two orthogonally polarized beams. This means that the roll angle information has been translated to phase difference of two output laser beams. A theoretical analysis based on the Fabry-Perot cavity equivalent model and refractive index ellipsoid is presented, which is in good agreement with the experimental results. This phenomenon has potential applications for roll angle measurement. 展开更多
关键词 microchip laser external-cavity birefringence feedback orthogonally polarized lasers angle measurement
Analysis of arecoline in Semen Arecae decoction pieces by microchip capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection 被引量:2
作者 Zi-You Cai Yong-Chong Li +1 位作者 Li-Hua Li Zuan-Guang Chen 《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》 CAS 2012年第5期356-360,共5页
A new method for the determination of arecoline in Semen Arecae decoction pieces by microchip capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection (MCE-CCD) was proposed. The effects of various electrop... A new method for the determination of arecoline in Semen Arecae decoction pieces by microchip capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection (MCE-CCD) was proposed. The effects of various electrophoretic operating parameters on the analysis of arecoline were studied. Under the optimal conditions, arecoline was rapidly separated and detected in 1 rain with good linearity over the concentration range of 20 1500 uM (r2=0.9991) and the detection limit of 5 uM (S/N=3). The method was used for the analysis of arecoline satisfactorily with a recovery of 96.8 -104%. 展开更多
关键词 microchip capillary electrophoresis Contactless conductivity detection ARECOLINE Semen Arecae
Identification and Quantitation of Cashmere (Pashmina) Fiber and Wool Using Novel Microchip Based Real-Time PCR Technology 被引量:2
作者 Rajwant Gill Sikander Gill +1 位作者 Maxim Slyadnev Alexander Stroganov 《Journal of Textile Science and Technology》 2018年第4期141-150,共10页
The textile industrial chain all over the world is facing a challenge of differentiating cashmere fiber from mixture of wool and other fibers in case cashmere stocks are adulterated with wool or other fibers. For iden... The textile industrial chain all over the world is facing a challenge of differentiating cashmere fiber from mixture of wool and other fibers in case cashmere stocks are adulterated with wool or other fibers. For identification of cashmere in such mixtures, the development of microchip based real-time PCR technology offers a very sensitive, specific, and accurate solution. The technology has been validated with cashmere and wool samples procured from distant farms, and from cashmere goats and sheep of different age and sex. Model samples with incremental raw cashmere or wool content were tested. The experimentally determined content was found to be comparable to the weighed content of the respective fibers in the samples. This technology may prove a cost cutter since it needs only 1.2 μl of the PCR reagent mix. It is substantially faster than traditional real-time PCR systems for being carried as miniature reaction volume in metal microchip. These features allow faster thermal equilibrium and thermal uniformity over the entire array of microreactors. For routine tests or in commercial set up, the microchips are available as ready-to-run with lyophilized reagents in its microreactors to which only 1 μl of the 10-fold diluted isolated DNA sample is added. The lyophilized microchips offer user-friendly handling in testing laboratories and help minimize human error. 展开更多
Validation of Microchip RT-PCR COVID-19 Detection System 被引量:2
作者 Kelsey de Campos-Stairiker Asha Shravanthi Pidathala +5 位作者 Rajwant K. Gill Irina Gelimson Natallia Varankovich Sikander S. Gill Maxim Slyadnev Sonia Kapur 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2021年第9期8-24,共17页
While meeting the pandemic demand of SARS-CoV-2 testing, clinical laboratories worldwide tend to adopt new test systems offering cost-effective and faster test outcomes. However, the reliability of SARS-CoV-2 test res... While meeting the pandemic demand of SARS-CoV-2 testing, clinical laboratories worldwide tend to adopt new test systems offering cost-effective and faster test outcomes. However, the reliability of SARS-CoV-2 test results has paramount importance in the management of such a health crisis. Therefore, this study sought to determine the accuracy of the test results from a novel duplex Microchip RT-PCR test system using patient saliva samples and nasal swabs stabilized in Viral Transport Medium (VTM) with reference threshold Cycle Values (Ct). The VTM used to stabilize these samples during transport was found to be inhibitory to the RT-PCR. Therefore, all the samples were subjected to spin column purification of total RNA to remove the influence of VTM. A total of 70 patient samples, including 24 positive- and 31 negative-saliva in VTM samples and 15 positive nasal swab samples, were tested. Results obtained from both the sample types were compared to their reference values and no false positive or false negatives were observed. From this data, accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity were determined to be 100% applying the corresponding formulae. The limit of detection with 95% confidence probability was determined to be 2.5 copies/μl in the original sample. 展开更多
Microchip嵌入式TCP/IP协议在STM32F10xx上的实现 被引量:1
作者 王启宏 王晓忠 《中国高新技术企业》 2010年第21期68-70,共3页
关键词 microchip TCP/IP STM32 ENC28J60 接口电路图
Color-Coding of Microchip RT-PCR Test System for SARS-CoV-2 Detection 被引量:1
作者 Rajwant K. Gill Sikander S. Gill +5 位作者 Irina Gelimson Maxim Slyadnev Gabriel Martinez Michelle Gaines Ryan Nunley Timea Majoros 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2021年第5期94-119,共26页
An RT-PCR based microchip test system for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 offers pre-loaded and lyophilized reagents in the microchip. However, the 30- and 48-microwell formats of the microchip being miniaturized and perf... An RT-PCR based microchip test system for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 offers pre-loaded and lyophilized reagents in the microchip. However, the 30- and 48-microwell formats of the microchip being miniaturized and performing 1.2 μl reaction, seek visual attention during sample addition. Therefore, adding colorants as color indicator in the lyophilized matrix in the microchips or adding to sample or master mix can impart not only user-friendliness to the task of liquid handling but also precision, and color-codes for easy identification of multiple kits in the layout of the microchip without compromising PCR data quality. A panel of colorants was screened for their background intensity, spectral inertness towards detection channels of AriaDNA<sup>TM</sup> analyzer, interference with the reporter dyes (FAM, Cy5 and ROX), and visibility of optimal concentration in the microwell. The concentration of the colorant displaying insignificant impact on the quality of the amplification (Ct, fluorescence, and sensitivity) in comparison to no-colorant control was chosen for inclusion in the test kit. Tartrazine, Acid Red, Brilliant Blue and FAST Green colorants lyophilized with the reagents in the SARS-CoV-2 microchips were found to be stable and suitable. Storage of microchips with Fast Green colorant was tested at 40&deg;C, 22<span style="white-space:normal;">&deg;</span>C, 4<span style="white-space:normal;">&deg;</span>C, and -20<span style="white-space:normal;">&deg;</span>C for 70 days and was found to be suitable and compatible with different master mixes available as liquid or lyophilized. Additionally, the microchips pre-loaded with lyophilized reagents in the presence and absence of two colorants Tartrazine and Fast Green were validated with clinical samples of SARS-COV-2. No significant impact of these colorants both intra- and inter-microchips was observed on the Ct and intensity of amplification for the tested samples in comparison to no-colorant control. The data suggested that the tested colorants can be used to color the sample, or the master mix or PCR mix for user-friendly liquid handling in empty microchips. For the microchip with pre-loaded and lyophilized reagents, the colorant can be added to lyophilized mixture for precision liquid handling and color-coding of lyophilized kits in the microchips. The manufacturing quality of the lyophilized microchips can also improve with colorant loaded reagent mix. 展开更多
关键词 SARS-CoV-2 COLORANTS microchip PCR 2-Plex
Validation of Microchip Based RT-PCR ABC Test (InfA/B &COVID-19) in Clinical Samples 被引量:1
作者 Gabriel Martinez Ryan Nunley +6 位作者 Michelle Gaines Timea Majoros Rajwant K. Gill Irina Gelimson Natallia Varankovich Maxim Slyadnev Sikander S. Gill 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 CAS 2022年第8期172-187,共16页
To contain the rapid and global spread of SARS-CoV-2, it is essential to develop an accurate and sensitive test system to address pandemic bottlenecks, simplified sample collection, and no sample prep. While meeting t... To contain the rapid and global spread of SARS-CoV-2, it is essential to develop an accurate and sensitive test system to address pandemic bottlenecks, simplified sample collection, and no sample prep. While meeting the demand of testing large populations, the miniaturized volume of assay reagents and offering rapid results is the need in such scenarios. Moreover, in view of the reports of co-infections and overlapping symptoms of Influenza caused by Influenza A or Influenza B, and COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2, a test system with three targets can be supportive for accurate clinical diagnosis. In this presentation, we evaluated the performance of a test comprising Microchip RT-PCR Influenza and COVID-19 Detection System for identifying these three viral pathogens in nasal swabs and saliva specimens. A rapid and simplified total nucleic acid extraction method was developed and validated for the reliable, high-throughput simultaneous detection of respiratory viruses causing Influenza (type A and type B viruses) and COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 virus) using the microchip-based AriaDNATM platform deriving the name ABC Test. The test system was evaluated using 81 nasal swab samples, 77 clinical saliva samples, 5 blind CAP reference samples, and RNA standards. The limit of detection (LoD) was assessed using SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A, and Influenza B RNA standards. The multiplex ABC Test microchip displayed LoD of 14 copies/μL for SARS-CoV-2 and approximately 26 copies/μL for Influenza A, and 140 copies/μL for Influenza B, respectively. The ABC Test offers rapid multiplex one-step RT-PCR in 32 minutes for 45 cycles as the miniaturized reaction of 1.2 μL offering a highly sensitive, robust, and accurate assay for the detection of Influenza A/B, and SARS-CoV-2. 展开更多
关键词 SARS-CoV-2 INFLUENZA Multiplex microchip PCR Nasal Swab and Saliva
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