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Considerations of rock dilation on modeling failure and deformation of hard rocks-a case study of the mine-by test tunnel in Canada 被引量:9
作者 Xingguang Zhao Meifeng Cai MCai 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE 2010年第4期338-349,共12页
For the compressive stress-induced failure of tunnels at depth, rock fracturing process is often closely associated with the generation of surface parallel fractures in the initial stage, and shear failure is likely t... For the compressive stress-induced failure of tunnels at depth, rock fracturing process is often closely associated with the generation of surface parallel fractures in the initial stage, and shear failure is likely to occur in the final process during the formation of shear bands, breakouts or V-shaped notches close to the excavation boundaries. However, the perfectly elastoplastic, strain-softening and elasto-brittle-plastic models cannot reasonably describe the brittle failure of hard rock tunnels under high in-situ stress conditions. These approaches often underestimate the depth of failure and overestimate the lateral extent of failure near the excavation. Based on a practical case of the mine-by test tunnel at an underground research laboratory (URL) in Canada, the influence of rock mass dilation on the depth and extent of failure and deformation is investigated using a calibrated cohesion weakening and frictional strengthening (CWFS) model. It can be found that, when modeling brittle failure of rock masses, the calibrated CWFS model with a constant dilation angle can capture the depth and extent of stress-induced brittle failure in hard rocks at a low confinement if the stress path is correctly represented, as demonstrated by the failure shape observed in the tunnel. However, using a constant dilation angle cannot simulate the nonlinear deformation behavior near the excavation boundary accurately because the dependence of rock mass dilation on confinement and plastic shear strain is not considered. It is illustrated from the numerical simulations that the proposed plastic shear strain and confinement-dependent dilation angle model in combination with the calibrated CWFS model implemented in FLAC can reasonably reveal both rock mass failure and displacement distribution in vicinity of the excavation simultaneously. The simulation results are in good agreement with the field observations and displacement measurement data. 展开更多
关键词 hard rocks brittle failure deformation dilation angle model confinement plastic shear strain mine-by test tunnel
Mont Terri试验场Mine-by巷道开挖近场响应模拟分析 被引量:3
作者 李连崇 Liu Huihai +1 位作者 Birkholzer Jens Vietor Tim 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期1626-1634,共9页
瑞士Mont Terri地下实验室于2008年构建Mine-by(MB)Niche巷道,并围绕其中的MB Niche 2进行开挖诱发Opalinus Clay黏土岩围岩变形及流固耦合特征的现场实测分析。以MB Niche 2巷道为背景工程,利用基于双应变胡克模型(TPHM)的数值模拟方法... 瑞士Mont Terri地下实验室于2008年构建Mine-by(MB)Niche巷道,并围绕其中的MB Niche 2进行开挖诱发Opalinus Clay黏土岩围岩变形及流固耦合特征的现场实测分析。以MB Niche 2巷道为背景工程,利用基于双应变胡克模型(TPHM)的数值模拟方法,对MB Niche 2巷道的开挖过程进行模拟分析,计算结果较为准确地反映开挖卸载诱发的近场围岩变形行为、损伤区及孔隙水压力演化特征。模拟结果显示,巷道拱顶径向位移可达甚至超过10 mm,两帮破坏深度可达1.4 m,孔隙压力的扰动区最远可出现在掌子面前方11 m左右,最大孔隙压力可抬升至3.3 MPa,模拟结果与现场实测值表现出较好的一致性。基于双应变胡克模型TPHM的计算结果较基于传统胡克模型SPHM的计算结果更趋于符合实际,这在一定程度上反映出TPHM较好地捕捉到岩石中孔隙、裂隙等的自然应变(真应变)的物理本质,强调合适的本构模型在卸荷开挖工程问题模拟分析中的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 隧道工程 Mont Terri试验场 mine-by巷道 开挖 胡克定律 数值模拟
深埋硬岩隧道开挖破坏区数值模拟方法探讨 被引量:3
作者 李莹 张昌锁 +1 位作者 郑晨 金洋 《太原理工大学学报》 北大核心 2017年第5期753-757,共5页
选择有效并实用的岩体本构模型是利用数值模拟方法准确获得开挖破坏区范围的关键。简要论述了常用的描述岩体脆性破坏的本构模型,然后借助有限元软件Phase2,分别采用弹-脆-塑性(EBP)模型、粘聚力-脆性-摩擦强度(CBF)模型和裂隙初始-劈... 选择有效并实用的岩体本构模型是利用数值模拟方法准确获得开挖破坏区范围的关键。简要论述了常用的描述岩体脆性破坏的本构模型,然后借助有限元软件Phase2,分别采用弹-脆-塑性(EBP)模型、粘聚力-脆性-摩擦强度(CBF)模型和裂隙初始-劈裂界限(DISL)模型计算Mine-by试验隧道在开挖诱导下形成的破坏区深度和范围角。考虑到Mine-by隧道开挖面轮廓的几何非规则性,在进行上述计算时分别以光滑圆形和一系列连续的半圆形为开挖边界。将上述的6种计算结果与实测数据进行对比后发现,以隧道实际断面为开挖边界,选择DISL本构模型能够很好地反映开挖后围岩的力学响应,准确预测开挖破坏区深度。 展开更多
关键词 围岩破坏 本构模型 数值模拟 深埋隧道 Phase2 隧道开挖面 mine-by试验隧道 开挖破坏区
作者 王媛 李宏璧 +1 位作者 张东明 张超锋 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2019年第6期124-127,共4页
为确定可准确模拟高地应力下硬脆性岩体破坏的本构模型,以Mine-by试验隧道为例,采用线弹性模型、理想弹塑性模型、m-0准则、CWFS模型等4种常用的本构模型对高地应力下硬岩脆性破坏的一种典型破坏模式——V型破坏坑进行数值模拟。结果表... 为确定可准确模拟高地应力下硬脆性岩体破坏的本构模型,以Mine-by试验隧道为例,采用线弹性模型、理想弹塑性模型、m-0准则、CWFS模型等4种常用的本构模型对高地应力下硬岩脆性破坏的一种典型破坏模式——V型破坏坑进行数值模拟。结果表明,线弹性模型无法模拟硬岩的脆性破坏问题,仅可通过分析洞周围岩的二次应力场及强度系数分布特征粗略估计围岩张拉破坏范围;MOHR-COULOMB强度准则中不包含中间主应力σ2,无法考虑中间主应力对岩石强度的影响及岩体塑性屈服后的性能劣化,计算结果误差很大;可考虑围岩破坏过程中材料力学性能劣化的CWFS模型和m-0准则在模拟硬岩脆性破坏方面效果较好,数值结果与实际情形较为一致。研究结果可为类似工程开展岩爆破坏数值模拟和防治提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 mine-by试验隧道 硬脆性岩体 V型破坏坑 摩尔库伦模型 应变软化模型 m-0准则
A discrete element exploration of V-shaped breakout failure mechanisms in underground opening
作者 Huaizhong Liu Jeen-Shang Lin +1 位作者 Jiangda He Hongqiang Xie 《Underground Space》 SCIE EI 2020年第4期281-291,共11页
V-shaped breakouts,which may appear in underground opening during excavation,are the results of two different failure mechanisms:tensile spalling and shear fracturing.This study uses discrete elements in exploring the... V-shaped breakouts,which may appear in underground opening during excavation,are the results of two different failure mechanisms:tensile spalling and shear fracturing.This study uses discrete elements in exploring the conditions that would lead to different breakout mechanisms under plane strain conditions.The test tunnel of the Mine-by Experiment in Lac du Bonnet granite batholith is adopted as the base problem.In order to carry out the study,some fundamental issues need to be addressed.First,an exponential softening bond that enables the incorporation of fracture energy is adopted.In order to obtain a reasonable ratio between the uniaxial compressive strength,rc,and the uniaxial tensile strength,rt,discrete disc particles are tied together to form an irregular shape clump as the basic discrete element.This effort is supported by a successful reproducing of test results from Lac du Bonnet granite in DEM modeling.The issue of sensitivity of discrete particle size on results is examined.The reduction of strength with increase in specimen size is also modeled.After the calibration work is completed,the Mine-by tunnel behavior is studied.Finally,this study shows that a reduction in rc/rt ratio,under the same setup,would cause the failure mechanism to transit from tensile spalling to shear fracturing in V-shaped breakouts. 展开更多
关键词 Tensile spalling Shear fracturing V-shaped breakouts mine-by tunnel Discrete element method
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