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作者 谭青蓉 蔡艳 +2 位作者 汪大勋 罗芬 涂冬波 《心理学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期670-688,I0005-I0007,共22页
G-DINA(the generalizeddeterministic input,noisy and gate)模型限制条件少,应用范围广,满足大量心理与教育评估测验数据的要求。研究提出一种适用于G-DINA等模型的同时标定新题Q矩阵与项目参数的认知诊断计算机化自适应测验(CD-CAT)... G-DINA(the generalizeddeterministic input,noisy and gate)模型限制条件少,应用范围广,满足大量心理与教育评估测验数据的要求。研究提出一种适用于G-DINA等模型的同时标定新题Q矩阵与项目参数的认知诊断计算机化自适应测验(CD-CAT)在线标定新方法SCADOCM,以期促进CD-CAT在实践中的推广与应用。本研究分别基于模拟题库以及真实题库进行研究,结果表明:相比传统的SIE方法,SCADOCM在各实验条件下均具有较为理想的标定精度与标定效率,应用前景较好;SIE方法不适用于饱和的G-DINA等模型,其各实验条件下的Q矩阵标定精度均较低。 展开更多
关键词 认知诊断计算机化自适应测验 在线标定 Q矩阵 g-DINA模型 SCAD惩罚
G型产气荚膜梭菌的分离鉴定及其在鸡坏死性肠炎发病模型中的应用 被引量:1
作者 孙栋 宋忠锋 +7 位作者 倪君丽 方肆云 王定爱 申翰钦 严专强 戚南山 孙铭飞 顾有方 《安徽科技学院学报》 2024年第2期31-38,共8页
目的:探讨不同诱导因素对鸡坏死性肠炎(Necrotic enteritis,NE)的诱发效果,以便建立鸡坏死性肠炎的发病模型。方法:以安徽省某规模化鸡场采集的病鸡肠道样品中分离出的G型产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens,C.perfringens)(CPG-AH5... 目的:探讨不同诱导因素对鸡坏死性肠炎(Necrotic enteritis,NE)的诱发效果,以便建立鸡坏死性肠炎的发病模型。方法:以安徽省某规模化鸡场采集的病鸡肠道样品中分离出的G型产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens,C.perfringens)(CPG-AH5株)为病原菌,分析单独或联合感染毒害艾美耳球虫对在饲喂高蛋白饲料(添加鱼粉)和不饲喂高蛋白饲料条件下,诱发鸡坏死性肠炎的影响。结果:无诱导因素时,1.1×10^(9)CFU/mL剂量下CPG-AH5株感染可造成肠道损伤(平均病变评分为1.5±0.85分);单一诱导因素(鱼粉或球虫)不能有效促进CPG-AH5株的感染,肠道病变与无诱导因素条件下无显著性提高(2.0±1.15、2.4±1.08,P>0.05);多个诱导因素(鱼粉和球虫)联合诱导可有效促进CPG-AH5株的感染,与无诱导因素和单一诱导因素相比肠道病变显著性提高(3.6±0.52,P<0.001)。结论:鱼粉和球虫联合诱导可显著促进G型产气荚膜梭菌的感染,提高肠道病变。本研究建立了一种鸡坏死性肠炎发病模型,有利于对鸡坏死性肠炎发病机制的研究,为疫苗及药物的后续研发和筛选评价提供了新的技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 坏死性肠炎 g型产气荚膜梭菌 毒害艾美耳球虫 发病模型
作者 王璇 叶剑 刘玮 《陆军军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期1369-1377,共9页
目的探究在氧诱导下的新生小鼠视网膜缺血模型(oxygen-induced retinopathy,OIR)中,G蛋白偶联雌激素受体(G proteincoupled estrogen receptor,GPER)减少OIR小鼠视网膜新生血管生成的机制。方法42只新生小鼠采用随机数字表法分为4组:常... 目的探究在氧诱导下的新生小鼠视网膜缺血模型(oxygen-induced retinopathy,OIR)中,G蛋白偶联雌激素受体(G proteincoupled estrogen receptor,GPER)减少OIR小鼠视网膜新生血管生成的机制。方法42只新生小鼠采用随机数字表法分为4组:常氧对照组(n=11)、OIR组(n=11)、G-1(GPER激动剂)组(n=10)和溶剂对照组(n=10)。出生后17 d(P17)时,眼球冰冻切片免疫荧光染色观察常氧对照组小鼠GPER在视网膜分布情况。G-1组和溶剂对照组在P12~P15时分别腹腔注射给予G-1[50μg/(kg·d)]或玉米油溶剂,P17时视网膜铺片免疫荧光染色观察视网膜血管标志物(IB4)、星形胶质细胞标志物胶质纤维酸性蛋白(glia fibrilary acidic protein,GFAP)表达,蛋白免疫印迹法定量检测视网膜血管内皮生长因子A(vascular endothelial growth factor A,VEGFA)、GFAP、炎症因子TNF-α、IGF-1、IL1-β蛋白表达情况。结果GPER存在于小鼠视网膜全层,在视网膜神经节细胞层与星形胶质细胞标志物GFAP共染。与常氧对照组相比,OIR组小鼠视网膜出现新生血管与无血管区,且GPER、VEGFA和GFAP表达增多,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);与溶剂对照组相比,G-1组视网膜新生血管生成减少,VEGFA、GFAP、TNF-α、IGF-1、IL1-β蛋白表达下降,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论GPER能抑制星形胶质细胞活性,减少VEGFA、炎症因子释放,减少OIR小鼠视网膜新生血管生成。 展开更多
关键词 早产儿视网膜病变 氧诱导下的新生小鼠视网膜缺血模型 星形胶质细胞 炎症因子 g蛋白偶联雌激素受体
On the Cosmic Evolution of the Quantum Vacuum Using Two Variable G Models and Winterberg’s Thesis
作者 Christopher Pilot 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2023年第4期1134-1160,共27页
We work within a Winterberg framework where space, i.e., the vacuum, consists of a two component superfluid/super-solid made up of a vast assembly (sea) of positive and negative mass Planck particles, called planckion... We work within a Winterberg framework where space, i.e., the vacuum, consists of a two component superfluid/super-solid made up of a vast assembly (sea) of positive and negative mass Planck particles, called planckions. These material particles interact indirectly, and have very strong restoring forces keeping them a finite distance apart from each other within their respective species. Because of their mass compensating effect, the vacuum appears massless, charge-less, without pressure, net energy density or entropy. In addition, we consider two varying G models, where G, is Newton’s constant, and G<sup>-1</sup>, increases with an increase in cosmological time. We argue that there are at least two competing models for the quantum vacuum within such a framework. The first follows a strict extension of Winterberg’s model. This leads to nonsensible results, if G increases, going back in cosmological time, as the length scale inherent in such a model will not scale properly. The second model introduces a different length scale, which does scale properly, but keeps the mass of the Planck particle as, ± the Planck mass. Moreover we establish a connection between ordinary matter, dark matter, and dark energy, where all three mass densities within the Friedman equation must be interpreted as residual vacuum energies, which only surface, once aggregate matter has formed, at relatively low CMB temperatures. The symmetry of the vacuum will be shown to be broken, because of the different scaling laws, beginning with the formation of elementary particles. Much like waves on an ocean where positive and negative planckion mass densities effectively cancel each other out and form a zero vacuum energy density/zero vacuum pressure surface, these positive mass densities are very small perturbations (anomalies) about the mean. This greatly alleviates, i.e., minimizes the cosmological constant problem, a long standing problem associated with the vacuum. 展开更多
关键词 Winterberg model Planck Particles Positive and Negative Mass Planck Particles Planckions Quantum Vacuum Space as a Superfluid/Supersolid Extended models for Space Cosmological Constant Higgs Field as a Composite Particle Higgs Boson Inherent Length Scale for the Vacuum Dark Energy Cosmological Scaling Behavior for the Quantum Vacuum Variable g models Extended gravity Newton’s Constant as an Order Parameter High Energy Behavior for the Vacuum
Arnol'd's Second Nonlinear Stability Theorem for General Multilayer Quasi-geostrophic Model 被引量:7
作者 刘永明 穆穆 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期36-42,共7页
Arnol'd's second nonlinear stability criterion for motions governed by a general multilayer quasi-geostrophic model is established. The model allows arbitrary density jumps and layer thickness, and at the top ... Arnol'd's second nonlinear stability criterion for motions governed by a general multilayer quasi-geostrophic model is established. The model allows arbitrary density jumps and layer thickness, and at the top and the bottom of the nuid, the boundary condition is either free or rigid. The criterion is obtained by the establishment of the upper bounds of disturbance energy and potential enstrophy in terms of the initial disturbance field. 展开更多
关键词 Nonlinear stability Multi-layer Q-g model
对流层增暖热带放大现象:基于FGOALS-g3的模拟研究 被引量:1
作者 刘士嘉 周天军 +2 位作者 江洁 左萌 巫明娜 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期86-100,共15页
热带地区的湿绝热过程会放大地表的增暖幅度,在约200 hPa高度上产生增暖峰值,该现象被称为“热带对流层放大”。热带对流层放大是气候变化的显著特征之一,是检验气候模式性能的重要指标。本文基于RSS4.0卫星数据和ERA5.1再分析资料,系... 热带地区的湿绝热过程会放大地表的增暖幅度,在约200 hPa高度上产生增暖峰值,该现象被称为“热带对流层放大”。热带对流层放大是气候变化的显著特征之一,是检验气候模式性能的重要指标。本文基于RSS4.0卫星数据和ERA5.1再分析资料,系统分析了FGOALS-g3模式对气温变化特别是热带对流层放大的模拟能力,并通过新旧版本模式(FGOALS-g3与FGOALS-g2)的比较指出了新版本模式模拟技巧的提升;通过比较FGOALS-g3历史模拟试验与GAMIL3单独大气模式AMIP试验结果,研究了海气耦合过程对模拟结果的影响。结果表明,FGOALS-g3能够合理再现观测中的全球对流层显著增温趋势,但模拟的增温趋势偏强,这与气候系统内部变率以及两代气候系统模式所使用的历史气候外强迫差异有关。其对于观测中热带平均增温廓线以及热带对流层放大的空间分布均表现出良好的模拟性能,模拟的热带对流层放大现象的量值大小存在正偏差,与模拟的对流层低层温度变化偏强有关。FGOALS-g3较FGOALS-g2在性能上有一定提升,主要表现为增加了对于火山气溶胶强迫的响应,并在热带对流层放大的空间分布及平均气温趋势廓线的刻画方面更加合理。由于缺少海气耦合过程,GAMIL3 AMIP试验无法有效体现外强迫变化对于对流层增温趋势的作用,故在长期趋势的模拟上存在结构性偏差,但由于受观测海温驱动其在年际变率方面表现合理。 展开更多
关键词 对流层增暖 长期趋势 热带对流层放大 FgOALS-g模式
作者 艾尼.吾甫尔 艾合买提.卡斯木 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期1301-1330,共30页
By studying the spectral properties of the underlying operator corresponding to the M/G/1 queueing model with optional second service we obtain that the time-dependent solution of the model strongly converges to its s... By studying the spectral properties of the underlying operator corresponding to the M/G/1 queueing model with optional second service we obtain that the time-dependent solution of the model strongly converges to its steady-state solution. We also show that the time-dependent queueing size at the departure point converges to the corresponding steady-state queueing size at the departure point. 展开更多
关键词 M/g/1 queueing model with optional second service EIgENVALUE resolvent set
A GIS-based Modeling Approach for Fast Assessment of Soil Erosion by Water at Regional Scale, Loess Plateau of China 被引量:2
作者 HU Llangjun YANG Haijun +1 位作者 YANG Qinke LI Rui 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第5期423-433,共11页
The objective of this study is to develop a unique modeling approach for fast assessment of massive soil erosion by water at a regional scale in the Loess Plateau, China. This approach relies on an understanding of bo... The objective of this study is to develop a unique modeling approach for fast assessment of massive soil erosion by water at a regional scale in the Loess Plateau, China. This approach relies on an understanding of both regional patterns of soil loss and its impact factors in the plateau area. Based on the regional characteristics of pre- cipitation, vegetation and land form, and with the use of Landsat TM and ground investigation data, the entire Loess Plateau was first divided into 3 380 Fundamental Assessment Units (FAUs) to adapt to this regional modeling and fast assessment. A set of easily available parameters reflecting relevant water erosion factors at a regional scale was then developed, in which dynamic and static factors were discriminated. ArcInfo GIS was used to integrate all es- sential data into a central database. A resulting mathematical model was established to link the sediment yields and the selected variables on the basis of FAUs through overlay in GIS and multiple regression analyses. The sensitivity analyses and validation results show that this approach works effectively in assessing large area soil erosion, and also helps to understand the regional associations of erosion and its impact factors, and thus might significantly contribute to planning and policymaking for a large area erosion control in the Loess Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 中国黄土高原 快速评估 土壤侵蚀 区域尺度 建模方法 降水 基础地理信息系统 gIS
Monotonic Property in Field Algebra of G-Spin Model
作者 蒋立宁 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2003年第1期101-104,共4页
Let F be the field algebra of G -spin model, D(G) the double algebra of a finite group G and D(H) the sub-Hopf algerba of D(G) determined by the subgroup H of G . The paper builds a correspondence between D(H) and th... Let F be the field algebra of G -spin model, D(G) the double algebra of a finite group G and D(H) the sub-Hopf algerba of D(G) determined by the subgroup H of G . The paper builds a correspondence between D(H) and the D(H) -invariant sub- C * -algebra A H in F, and proves that the correspondence is strictly monotonic. 展开更多
关键词 field algebra g -spin model monotonic property
Collusion detector based on G-N algorithm for trust model
作者 Lin Zhang Na Yin +1 位作者 Jingwen Liu Ruchuan Wang 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第4期926-935,共10页
In the open network environment, malicious attacks to the trust model have become increasingly serious. Compared with single node attacks, collusion attacks do more harm to the trust model. To solve this problem, a co... In the open network environment, malicious attacks to the trust model have become increasingly serious. Compared with single node attacks, collusion attacks do more harm to the trust model. To solve this problem, a collusion detector based on the GN algorithm for the trust evaluation model is proposed in the open Internet environment. By analyzing the behavioral characteristics of collusion groups, the concept of flatting is defined and the G-N community mining algorithm is used to divide suspicious communities. On this basis, a collusion community detector method is proposed based on the breaking strength of suspicious communities. Simulation results show that the model has high recognition accuracy in identifying collusion nodes, so as to effectively defend against malicious attacks of collusion nodes. 展开更多
关键词 trust model collusion detector g-N algorithm
OMT-G Modeling and Cloud Implementation of a Reference Database of Addressing in Morocco
作者 Mohamed El Imame Malaainine Hassane Rhinane +1 位作者 Lahcen Baidder Hatim Lechgar 《Journal of Geographic Information System》 2013年第3期235-241,共7页
A reference database of addressing is an important resource for urban applications. The efficiency of an addressing system depends on both data quality and technical architecture. Data must respect a standard model th... A reference database of addressing is an important resource for urban applications. The efficiency of an addressing system depends on both data quality and technical architecture. Data must respect a standard model that is flexible to meet different cases in the field. The technical architecture should be service oriented to offer a shared resource for multiple users and applications. This paper is to develop an addressing model for Morocco that extends Davis’s and Fonseca’s model presented in their work on the certainty of locations produced by an address geocoding system. We discuss the addressing data dictionary and acquisition plan in Morocco, revealing a diversified data management environment, characterized by multiple sources and actors. As a novelty in the field of GIS, we establish our technical architecture around cloud computing, according Service Oriented Application (SOA) standards. Our approach is based on the three pillars of cloud computing which are Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). 展开更多
作者 王晓武 李子林 +4 位作者 马继鹏 张帅帅 王晓亚 洪紫薇 刘金成 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第8期1-7,共7页
目的通过比较卵巢切除(ovariectomized,OVX)及老龄(Old)两种模型的心血管相关指标,明确模拟雌激素缺乏的两种模型的相同点及不同点,为研究G蛋白偶联受体30(G protein-coupled receptor 30,GPR30)的心肌保护机制选取合适的动物模型提供... 目的通过比较卵巢切除(ovariectomized,OVX)及老龄(Old)两种模型的心血管相关指标,明确模拟雌激素缺乏的两种模型的相同点及不同点,为研究G蛋白偶联受体30(G protein-coupled receptor 30,GPR30)的心肌保护机制选取合适的动物模型提供依据。方法建立OVX和Old两种动物模型,通过超声心动图、ELISA、Western blot、形态学以及透射电镜等方法,比较各组的心功能、雌激素水平,心肌组织雌激素受体水平、心肌纤维化程度以及心肌组织线粒体变化。结果OVX组的心脏功能、雌激素水平及雌激素受体蛋白水平具有时间依赖性,OVX-8W的心脏功能显著低于正常对照组,雌激素水平及雌激素受体蛋白水平呈持续性下降;Old组的心脏功能显著低于正常对照组及OVX组,雌激素水平以及雌激素受体蛋白水平均显著低于正常对照组及OVX-4W组;Old模型组可见明显的心肌纤维化,心肌细胞显著变大,心体比显著增高,心肌细胞线粒体结构肿胀变形、嵴断裂,有空泡化。结论OVX及Old两种动物模型均可成功模拟雌激素水平降低。在与纤维化相关的心肌梗死、心力衰竭以及线粒体等能量代谢的相关研究中,建议选择Old动物模型;如果选择OVX模型,建议实验观察终点在OVX后4周以上;雌激素与血压、肥胖、缺血再灌等研究建议选择OVX模型。 展开更多
关键词 动物模型 g蛋白偶联受体30 心肌保护 卵巢切除术 老龄
A Parameter Estimation Model of G-CSF: Mathematical Model of Cyclical Neutropenia
作者 S. Balamuralitharan S. Rajasekaran 《American Journal of Computational Mathematics》 2012年第1期12-20,共9页
We investigate the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) model and G-CSF (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor) treatment of CN (Cyclical Neutropenia). We collect grey collies and normal dog’s data from CN and analyze the G-... We investigate the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) model and G-CSF (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor) treatment of CN (Cyclical Neutropenia). We collect grey collies and normal dog’s data from CN and analyze the G-CSF treatment. The model develops the dynamics of circulating blood cells before and after the G-CSF treatment. This is quite natural and useful for the collection of laboratory data for investigation. The proposed interventions are practical. This reduces the quantity of G-CSF required for potential maintenance. This model gives us good result in treatment. The changes would be practical and reduce the risk side as well as the cost of treatment in G-CSF. 展开更多
Inflation and Rapid Expansion in a Variable G Model
作者 Christopher Pilot 《International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 2020年第4期334-345,共12页
Cosmic inflation is considered assuming a cosmologically varying Newtonian gravitational constant, <em>G.</em> Utilizing two specific models for, <em>G</em><sup>-1</sup>(a), where, ... Cosmic inflation is considered assuming a cosmologically varying Newtonian gravitational constant, <em>G.</em> Utilizing two specific models for, <em>G</em><sup>-1</sup>(a), where, a, is the cosmic scale parameter, we find that the Hubble parameter, <em>H</em>, at inception of <em style="white-space:normal;">G</em><sup style="white-space:normal;">-1</sup>, may be as high as 7.56 E53 km/(s Mpc) for model A, or, 8.55 E53 km/(s Mpc) for model B, making these good candidates for inflation. The Hubble parameter is inextricably linked to <em>G</em> by Friedmanns’ equation, and if <em>G</em> did not exist prior to an inception temperature, then neither did expansion. The CBR temperatures at inception of <em style="white-space:normal;">G</em><sup style="white-space:normal;">-1</sup> are estimated to equal, 6.20 E21 Kelvin for model A, and 7.01 E21 for model B, somewhat lower than CBR temperatures usually associated with inflation. These temperatures would fix the size of Lemaitre universe in the vicinity of 3% of the Earths’ radius at the beginning of expansion, thus avoiding a singularity, as is the case in the ΛCDM model. In the later universe, a variable<em> G </em>model cannot be dismissed based on SNIa events. In fact, there is now some compelling astronomical evidence, using rise times and luminosity, which we discuss, where it could be argued that SNIa events can only be used as good standard candles if a variation in <em>G</em> is taken into account. Dark energy may have more to do with a weakening <em>G</em> with increasing cosmological time, versus an unanticipated acceleration of the universe, in the late stage of cosmic evolution. 展开更多
关键词 Cosmic Inflation Variable g model SNIa Events Dark Energy Lemaitre Cosmology
作者 刘红娟 谢明柱 《中州大学学报》 2023年第5期34-39,共6页
战略性新兴产业聚集对于区域产业结构升级、国家创新能力提升意义重大。从空间聚集、规模聚集和综合聚集三个角度出发,基于修正E-G指数模型,利用2010-2021年的数据对安徽省战略性新兴产业的聚集水平进行了评价。研究发现,2010-2021年间... 战略性新兴产业聚集对于区域产业结构升级、国家创新能力提升意义重大。从空间聚集、规模聚集和综合聚集三个角度出发,基于修正E-G指数模型,利用2010-2021年的数据对安徽省战略性新兴产业的聚集水平进行了评价。研究发现,2010-2021年间,安徽省战略性新兴产业的空间分布状态由均衡向聚集转化,皖南地区的空间集中度较高;规模聚集水平整体上也处于上升状态,皖中地区在规模上的聚集水平较高;综合聚集水平自2010年以来整体上处于上升状态,2015年以后上升趋势更加明显,其中皖中地区最高,上升趋势也更明显,皖南次之,皖北最低。 展开更多
关键词 安徽省 战略性新兴产业 产业聚集 E-g指数
Modelling seedling development using thermal effectiveness and photosynthetically active radiation 被引量:5
作者 ZHOU Tian-mei WU Zhen +4 位作者 WANG Ya-chen SU Xiao-jun QIN Chao-xuan HUO He-qiang JIANG Fang-ling 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第11期2521-2533,共13页
Seedling quality is a prerequisite for successful field performance and therefore influences crop yields. Temperature and illumination are two major factors affecting seedling quality during nursery propagation. Subop... Seedling quality is a prerequisite for successful field performance and therefore influences crop yields. Temperature and illumination are two major factors affecting seedling quality during nursery propagation. Suboptimal temperature or light of nurseries generally result in leggy or weak seedlings and great economic loss. However, production of healthy seedlings is challenging due to the lack of knowledge in systemic management of nursery environments. In this study, we have established simulation models to predict how temperature and illumination coordinately influence the growth of tomato and cabbage seedlings. Specifically, correlation between seedling quality characteristics(root-shoot ratio, G value(growth function: defined as ratio of whole plant dry weight to days of seedling), healthy indexes) and TEP(thermal effectiveness and photosynthetically active radiation) were explored to establish the models, which were validated with independent test data. Our results suggested that the curve of healthy index 1(HI1) and TEP fitted well with high coefficient of determination(R2) in both species, indicating that the model is highly reliable. The HI1 simulation models for tomato and cabbage are HI1=0.0009e0.0308TEP-0.0015 and HI1= 0.0003e0.0671TEP-0.0003, respectively, which can be used for predicting vigors of tomato and cabbage seedlings grown under different temperature and light conditions. 展开更多
关键词 TOMATO CABBAgE simulation model thermal EFFECTIVENESS and photosynthetically active radiation HEALTHY index g VALUE
On modeling and analyzing multi-agent systems using π-calculus
作者 于振华 蔡远利 《Journal of Shanghai University(English Edition)》 CAS 2007年第1期58-63,共6页
Dynamic architecture of multi-agent systems (MAS) is important for critical systems. As the existing formal specifications of MAS cannot describe its dynamic architecture, a formal approach using n-calculus is prese... Dynamic architecture of multi-agent systems (MAS) is important for critical systems. As the existing formal specifications of MAS cannot describe its dynamic architecture, a formal approach using n-calculus is presented, which is suited for the describing and analyzing of concurrent MAS with dynamic topology, n-calculus describes the belief-desireintention (BDI) model that represents agent's mental states and provides many useful facilities to analyze MAS model such as deadlock, behavior equivalence, and model checking. To illustrate the favorable representation capability of n-calculus, an example of dynamic multi-agent systems in e-commerce is provided. Finally, by using an existing n-calculus supporting tool, MAS model and some key behaviors properties are analyzed and verified. 展开更多
关键词 multi-agent systems g-calculus dynamic architecture modeling and analyzing
Comparative domain modeling of human EGF-like module EMR2 and study of interaction of the fourth domain of EGF with chondroitin 4-sulphate
作者 Mukta Rani Manas R.Dikhit +1 位作者 Ganesh C Sahoo Pradeep Das 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS 2011年第2期100-110,共11页
EMR2 is an EGF-like module containing mucin-like hormone receptor-2 precursor, a G-protein coupled receptor (G-PCR). Mutation in EMR2 causes complicated disorders like polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The structur... EMR2 is an EGF-like module containing mucin-like hormone receptor-2 precursor, a G-protein coupled receptor (G-PCR). Mutation in EMR2 causes complicated disorders like polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The structure of EMR2 shows that the fifth domain is comprised of EGF-TM7 helices. Functional assignment of EMR2 by support vector machine (SVM) revealed that along with transporter activity, several novel functions are predicted. A twenty amino acid sequence "MGGRVFLVFLAFCVWLTLPG" acts as the signal peptide responsible for post- translational transport. Eight amino acids are involved in N-glycosylation sites and two cleavage sites are LeuS17 and SerS18 in EMR2. The residue Arg241 is responsible for interaction with glycosaminoglycan and chondroitin sulfate. On the basis of structure, function and ligand binding sites, competitive EMR2 inhibitors designed may decrease the rate of human diseases like Usher's syndrome, bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria and PKD. 展开更多
关键词 EMR2 g-protein coupled receptor TRANSMEMBRANE homology modeling EgF-TM7
作者 李洋 于涛 +1 位作者 齐晓震 窦永波 《汽车电器》 2023年第10期1-3,6,共4页
ABB机器人在汽车零部件搬运和汽车组装领域的应用,使得汽车的生产效率得到了很大提升。随着汽车零部件的搬运速度和组装节拍的增加,对ABB机器人的性能要求也越来越高,所以优化ABB机器人的运动轨迹是提高作业效率和装配节拍的关键。本文... ABB机器人在汽车零部件搬运和汽车组装领域的应用,使得汽车的生产效率得到了很大提升。随着汽车零部件的搬运速度和组装节拍的增加,对ABB机器人的性能要求也越来越高,所以优化ABB机器人的运动轨迹是提高作业效率和装配节拍的关键。本文基于RobotStudio6.08构建机器人模拟工作站,通过对已有的机器人运动模型进行分析,生成机器人工作过程中的轨迹分布,并利用G-A^(*)算法,对多个目标点之间的轨迹进行平滑处理,从而获得最优轨迹。仿真结果表明,机器人各个轴的速度轨迹波动在科学误差允许的范围内,从而验证了轨迹优化算法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 ABB机器人 仿真 运动模型 轨迹优化 g-A^(*) 平滑处理 算法验证
作者 陶慧慧 《青岛医药卫生》 2023年第2期102-106,共5页
目的探讨“G+OEC”护理模式策略对老年开胸手术患者术后苏醒质量的影响。方法选择2019年11月至2021年12月于本院行开胸手术的老年患者90例,随机分为对照组和观察组各45例。对照组行常规护理,观察组在对照组基础上实施“G+OEC”护理模式... 目的探讨“G+OEC”护理模式策略对老年开胸手术患者术后苏醒质量的影响。方法选择2019年11月至2021年12月于本院行开胸手术的老年患者90例,随机分为对照组和观察组各45例。对照组行常规护理,观察组在对照组基础上实施“G+OEC”护理模式,两组均连续干预半个月。比较两组干预前后的生理应激(SBP、DBP、肾上腺素、皮质醇)和心理应激指标(SCL-90量表评分)水平,评估两组并发症发生率。结果干预后两组生理应激指标水平均所有改善,且与对照组相比较,观察组SBP、DBP、肾上腺素、皮质醇均较低(P<0.05);干预后SCL-90量表各维度评分均所有下降,且与对照组相比较,观察组强迫、躯体化、焦虑、抑郁、恐惧、敌对、偏执、人际关系和精神病性评分均较低(P<0.05);与对照组相比较,观察组并发症发生率较低(P<0.05)。结论将“G+OEC”护理模式应用于老年开胸手术患者,有利于提高患者术后苏醒质量,缓解机体生理、心理应激反应,且能有效降低并发症发生率。 展开更多
关键词 开胸手术 老年患者 g+OEC”护理模式 苏醒质量
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