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作者 甄延临 瞿嗣澄 +2 位作者 张衔春 宋阳 周子航 《热带地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1449-1459,共11页
立足于政府主导下的区域一体化发展模式,讨论在市场经济体制与社会发展资源要素加速流动的时代背景下,市场主体与PPP模式(Public Private Partnership,常译为“公私合作”)在区域一体化中起到的推动作用。通过对比城市尺度与区域尺度PP... 立足于政府主导下的区域一体化发展模式,讨论在市场经济体制与社会发展资源要素加速流动的时代背景下,市场主体与PPP模式(Public Private Partnership,常译为“公私合作”)在区域一体化中起到的推动作用。通过对比城市尺度与区域尺度PPP模式的路径差异,认为影响区域一体化PPP项目的要素在于股权结构、职能分工、合作模式。通过建立区域PPP项目的分析框架,以中新嘉善现代产业园作为实证案例,分析在国家长三角一体化战略的倡议下,公共部门(嘉善县政府)与私营部门(中新集团)如何通过建立合作关系推动产业园的发展建设。结果发现,谋求公共部门与私营部门的阶段性目标的一致是政企合作的核心价值;依据公共部门的公益性和私营部门的盈利性,并以此促进区域一体化发展方向与提升项目运营效率,是PPP模式驱动的区域一体化的合作关键。 展开更多
关键词 区域一体化 PPP模式 长三角一体化 多元合作 浙江嘉善园
Overreliance on Net Export and Investment Impedes China's Structural Transformation: Estimation and Analysis Based on a Multi-Sector Growth Model
作者 Qu Shenning Li Pengfei Lyu Tie 《China Economist》 2019年第3期44-65,共22页
Since reform and opening-up in 1978, changes in China's industrial structure have generally followed the pattern of "Kuznets facts" but still exhibits some unique characteristics, which led us to raise t... Since reform and opening-up in 1978, changes in China's industrial structure have generally followed the pattern of "Kuznets facts" but still exhibits some unique characteristics, which led us to raise the following three questions regarding China's structural transformation:(1) Why did the share of China's agricultural and manufacturing employment reduce/increase intermittently rather than continuously?(2) Why did the share of China's agricultural employment increase during certain periods? When the share of manufacturing employment reduced, why did the workforce reversely flow into agriculture rather than move to the service sector?(3) Why did growth in the share of China's service sector employment decelerate before reaching its peak? Why did the share of employment in the industrial sector suddenly increase after an abrupt decline? This paper creates a multisector economic growth model that contains non-homothetic preferences and differentiated productivity, and incorporates the "two drivers" therein for a demand-side estimation and analysis. The result shows that China's economic growth model driven by net export and investment is a critical factor for explaining the three questions regarding its structural transformation. This paper believes that only by implementing supply-side structural reforms, reducing the dependence on net export and investment, and achieving sustainable endogenous economic growth will China be able to expedite its industrial restructuring. 展开更多
关键词 STRUCTURAL transformation net EXPORT and INVESTMENT multi-sector economic growth model supply-side STRUCTURAL REFORMS
The Risk of Water, Energy, and Food Nexus under Regional Metabolism for Multi-Sector City
作者 I-Chun Chen 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2020年第10期909-920,共12页
The Urban Nexus system creates another risk characteristic of resource metabolism. Urban metabolism has complex effects from multi-levels and multi-sectors resulted from the changes socio-economic. It is crucial to im... The Urban Nexus system creates another risk characteristic of resource metabolism. Urban metabolism has complex effects from multi-levels and multi-sectors resulted from the changes socio-economic. It is crucial to implement effective urban governance;in particular, resource metabolism creates a new nexus risk by dramatic growth in urban areas. The resource metabolism associates with water, energy, and food consumption on an urban scale that drives the intensity in resource metabolism. Therefore, this study estimates the FEW intensity of the nexus and demand side in material flow analysis by organizing into four categories of resource metabolism, including supply side, process side, demand side, and final sink. This research compares different characteristics for a small island dominated by tourism and a multi-sector city dominated by increasing economic activity. The resource intensity on the demand side and resource service systems are evaluated to identify the nexus intensity and risk for FEW nexus at the urban scale. This study determines that constraints for resource service systems are complex, and suggests that resource consumption intensity is higher in that particular nexus and demand sector. To avoid excessive loads on resource metabolism, sustainable resource management should implement trade-off strategies after analyzing the resource metabolism for urban nexus. 展开更多
关键词 Nexus Risk FEW Resource Metabolism multi-sector City
共建“一带一路”倡议:和平发展的中国式现代化的典范价值和实践进路 被引量:1
作者 郭鸿炜 《行政与法》 2023年第11期26-38,共13页
中国式现代化将和平发展道路作为对外实现路径,这既是对中国共产党百年奋斗实践的深刻总结,是继承了古代中国智慧的创新性发展,也是中国面对全球性问题挑战提出的中国方案,集中体现了中国对现代化实现方式和途径的全新理解、坚定立场和... 中国式现代化将和平发展道路作为对外实现路径,这既是对中国共产党百年奋斗实践的深刻总结,是继承了古代中国智慧的创新性发展,也是中国面对全球性问题挑战提出的中国方案,集中体现了中国对现代化实现方式和途径的全新理解、坚定立场和中国叙事。作为中国必须长期坚持的一项重要国策,共建“一带一路”倡议是中国式现代化之路极具代表性、最具说服力的战略举措和重要典范。十年磨一剑,“一带一路”这一国际公共产品和国际合作平台的国际认可度逐步提升,从经济社会发展、安全稳定、文化交流、国际合作等方面充分彰显了中国式现代化的和平发展特色,其典范价值和实践进路向世界生动诠释了中国和平发展的现代化之路是对西方侵略掠夺、殖民扩张型现代化之路的全面超越,进一步增强了中国式现代化的坚实底气和文化自信。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 共建“一带一路”倡议 和平发展
高职英语教与学现状调查与对策研究 被引量:3
作者 禹海玲 王莹 《辽宁高职学报》 2009年第12期35-37,共3页
本研究以调查问卷和访谈为工具,从师生对英语教与学的状态的满意度、对英语教学促进校园文化生活和提高综合素质的态度等方面对沈阳航空职业技术学院和沈阳农业大学高等职业技术学院师生进行了调查,根据调查结论进行了分析并提出了开展... 本研究以调查问卷和访谈为工具,从师生对英语教与学的状态的满意度、对英语教学促进校园文化生活和提高综合素质的态度等方面对沈阳航空职业技术学院和沈阳农业大学高等职业技术学院师生进行了调查,根据调查结论进行了分析并提出了开展高职英语教学校际合作的建议。 展开更多
关键词 高职教育 英语教学 现状 校际合作
高层建筑箱形基础砂卵石地基反力分布规律的探讨 被引量:2
作者 陈鹏郎 张琪玮 《西安矿业学院学报》 1999年第1期46-49,共4页
砂卵石地基具有承载力高,压缩性小等优点,是高层建筑箱形基础(以下筒称箱基)良好的天然地基。由于砂卵石地基反力系数在我国箱基规范中没有明确规定,所以,我国砂卵石地基虽有广泛的分布,而没有得到充分的利用。本文主要利用积累... 砂卵石地基具有承载力高,压缩性小等优点,是高层建筑箱形基础(以下筒称箱基)良好的天然地基。由于砂卵石地基反力系数在我国箱基规范中没有明确规定,所以,我国砂卵石地基虽有广泛的分布,而没有得到充分的利用。本文主要利用积累的部分砂卵石地基实测资料,加以分析对比,寻找到一些变化规律,供今后的工程设计参考使用。 展开更多
关键词 高层建筑 箱形基础 砂卵石地基 地基反力 分布
缅甸体育发展进程研究——基于缅甸曼德勒、仰光、茵莱实地调查的分析 被引量:1
作者 方桢 杨栋 《军事体育学报》 2019年第3期53-57,共5页
在我国周边关系中,缅甸是我国的重要邻国,而且关系和位置较为特殊。发展中缅友好关系有利于维护我国边疆稳定和周边政治安全。本文以缅甸体育为研究对象,采用文献资料、实地调查、专家访谈和个案分析等研究方法,对缅甸体育的历史文化背... 在我国周边关系中,缅甸是我国的重要邻国,而且关系和位置较为特殊。发展中缅友好关系有利于维护我国边疆稳定和周边政治安全。本文以缅甸体育为研究对象,采用文献资料、实地调查、专家访谈和个案分析等研究方法,对缅甸体育的历史文化背景、发展现状和发展前景进行了探究,意在探索中缅体育交流与合作的路径,以加强中缅民众的沟通交流,加深理解、增强互信,传递中国的善意和文化本质,巩固中缅传统友谊,为中国特色周边外交服务。 展开更多
关键词 缅甸体育 发展历程 体育交流合作
作者 尹晓琨 黄松玲 《特区经济》 北大核心 2010年第11期60-61,共2页
关键词 产学研合作 集成化 途径
民国江西农村合作运动评述 被引量:1
作者 魏本权 《江西教育学院学报》 2002年第4期74-78,共5页
关键词 江西 农村合作运动 农村合作委员会 合作事业 民国时期 农村改革
作者 梁媛 冯昊 方齐云 《价值工程》 2004年第4期102-105,共4页
关键词 银行 保险公司 中国 利益损失 委托代理
中国与葡萄牙语国家的经贸往来及澳门的平台作用 被引量:2
作者 邵锋 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期24-28,共5页
世界经济一体化 ,使中国与葡萄牙语国家的跨区域经贸合作迅速发展。中国内地、葡语国家方面资源禀赋的互补性 ,使其有望形成一种多边共赢的国际合作格局 ,而澳门因其语言、文化、营商、信息、服务等方面的优势 ,使其成为双方经贸往来的... 世界经济一体化 ,使中国与葡萄牙语国家的跨区域经贸合作迅速发展。中国内地、葡语国家方面资源禀赋的互补性 ,使其有望形成一种多边共赢的国际合作格局 ,而澳门因其语言、文化、营商、信息、服务等方面的优势 ,使其成为双方经贸往来的平台。 展开更多
关键词 中国内地 葡语国家 澳门 资源禀赋 经贸合作
我国农民自组织状况的历史性考察 被引量:2
作者 马聪 《河南社会科学》 2002年第4期129-131,共3页
从历史上看,社会自组织匮乏是中国传统社会一大特征,一般认为,小农经济生产生活方式的抑制和高度集权国家政治权力的禁绝是其最主要的原因。但是,政府行为特征对社会中间组织的影响更值得人们关注。随着农村经济市场化的推进和村民自治... 从历史上看,社会自组织匮乏是中国传统社会一大特征,一般认为,小农经济生产生活方式的抑制和高度集权国家政治权力的禁绝是其最主要的原因。但是,政府行为特征对社会中间组织的影响更值得人们关注。随着农村经济市场化的推进和村民自治制度的实施,我国农村社会发生了历史性的变化。积极稳妥地发展农村各类合作经济组织的任务,已经很现实地摆在我们面前。政府支持但不直接干预,是其健康发展的基本条件。 展开更多
关键词 农民自组织 农民合作经济组织 考察
作者 刘广东 李辉 《沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期532-535,共4页
近年来,随着中外以及海峡两岸教育交流合作的加强,中国本科教育国际化进程飞速发展。辽宁作为中国北方的经济和教育大省应顺应这个国际化潮流,加强与台湾高校的教育交流合作。通过介绍辽宁与台湾本科教育交流合作的背景和现状,阐述了辽... 近年来,随着中外以及海峡两岸教育交流合作的加强,中国本科教育国际化进程飞速发展。辽宁作为中国北方的经济和教育大省应顺应这个国际化潮流,加强与台湾高校的教育交流合作。通过介绍辽宁与台湾本科教育交流合作的背景和现状,阐述了辽宁与台湾本科教育合作与发展中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。 展开更多
关键词 辽宁与台湾 本科教育 高等院校 交流合作
Mechanisms for Cross-Scaling, Flexibility and Social Learning in Building Resilience to Sea Level Rise: Case Study of Hampton Roads, Virginia 被引量:1
作者 Carol Considine Michelle Covi Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2017年第2期385-402,共18页
This case study examines how the Hampton Roads Sea Level Rise Preparedness and Resilience Intergovernmental Planning Pilot Project, a whole-of-government and whole-of-community approach to planning for and adapting to... This case study examines how the Hampton Roads Sea Level Rise Preparedness and Resilience Intergovernmental Planning Pilot Project, a whole-of-government and whole-of-community approach to planning for and adapting to sea level rise, addressed coastal resilience in a southeastern Virginia watershed that spans multiple jurisdictions. Meeting the challenge of sea level rise requires that actors across multiple sectors—citizens, community organizations, industry and government—understand the risks and work together to make critical decisions regarding adaptation strategies and actions. The case study area includes Little Creek Amphibious Base, which is bordered by the cities of Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Adaptation responses to sea level rise by the military base and the local governments will impact each other and the residents of the area, but no cooperative agreements are in place for a joint or collaborative response. This case study examines public and private infrastructure at risk, the infrastructure interdependencies, and mechanisms for providing collaborative solutions. Engagement of area residents and other stakeholders is also integral to the process of adaptation, which includes educating about sea level rise risk and provides a mechanism for social learning that enables stakeholders to participate in critical adaptation decisions. The case study demonstrates a method to improve resiliency in the case study area and inform a regional, multi-sectoral response to sea level rise adaptation strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Sea Level RISE multi-sectoral Adaptation Hampton ROADS Critical Infrastructure Social Learning Socio-Ecological RESILIENCE Cross-Scaling
Canada:An Ideal Place for Outbound Investment
作者 Li Zhen 《China's Foreign Trade》 2010年第A12期2-2,共1页
In recent years, bilateral investment between China and Canada has become more and more active. According to the report on overseas investment of
作者 陈烈 李建峰 +2 位作者 岳增蕾 刘宇 叶慧杰 《黑龙江科学》 2015年第2期76-77,共2页
黑龙江省开展对俄经贸科技合作具有得天独厚的地缘优势、政策优势、人才优势和公共关系优势。应转变观念,增强信心,结合黑龙江省对俄科技合作面临的新机遇,建立公平竞争、诚实守信、规范运作的市场经济秩序,动员民间科技组织和科技人员... 黑龙江省开展对俄经贸科技合作具有得天独厚的地缘优势、政策优势、人才优势和公共关系优势。应转变观念,增强信心,结合黑龙江省对俄科技合作面临的新机遇,建立公平竞争、诚实守信、规范运作的市场经济秩序,动员民间科技组织和科技人员积极参加对俄科技合作,通过出口生产基地,扩大对俄科技合作领域,统筹城市发展,加快区域创新体系建设,逐步向俄腹地拓展科技合作,为对外开放创造良好的发展环境。 展开更多
关键词 科技合作 毗邻地区 合作机制 联合高新区
Agriculture green development in China: insights and advances
作者 Jianbo SHEN Qichao ZHU +11 位作者 Yong HOU Wen-Feng CONG Wen XU Jiuliang XU Zhichao AN Xiaoqiang JIAO Kai ZHANG Tianxiang YU Lin MA Oene OENEMA William J.DAVIES Fusuo ZHANG 《Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering》 CSCD 2024年第1期5-19,I0005,共16页
Reconciling the tasks of producing adequate amounts of nutritious food for the increasing global population while preserving the environment and natural ecosystems simultaneously is an enormous challenge. The concept ... Reconciling the tasks of producing adequate amounts of nutritious food for the increasing global population while preserving the environment and natural ecosystems simultaneously is an enormous challenge. The concept of agriculture green development(AGD) and the necessary governmental policies were developed to address the aforementioned challenge in China and to help achieve the related global sustainable development goals. Agriculture green development emphasizes the synergy between green and development;current agriculture has to transform from the intensive farming with high inputs, high environmental impacts and low resource-use efficiency to a more sustainable agriculture, in order to ensure an adequate supply of nutritious food while delivering environmental integrity, improved economic profitability,and social equity. A research program on AGD was established by China Agricultural University with four research themes, namely: green crop production, green integrated crop-animal production, green food and industry,and green ecological environment and ecosystem services, to provide a scientific basis for future developments and to facilitate the implementation of AGD in practice. AGD requires a multistakeholder approach, fueled by innovative and interdisciplinary research. Joint actions have to be taken by governments, farmers, supply industries, consumers, educators, extension services and researchers to support AGD. This requires strong coordination and public awareness campaigns. This review presents the progress that has been made over the past 5 years and makes recommendations for more research and development, in order to better deliver agricultural green and sustainable development on national and international scales. 展开更多
关键词 AGRICULTURE ecosystem services environmental protection food security green development multi-sectoral cooperation sustainable development
Analysis on Trade Gains from the Economic Dual Circulation in China
作者 Shaojun Zhang Yuwen Fang Shantong Li 《China Finance and Economic Review》 2023年第3期83-105,共23页
Accelerating the building of a new development pattern with domestic market as the mainstay and domestic and international markets reinforcing each other is a major decision made by the CPC Central Committee with Comr... Accelerating the building of a new development pattern with domestic market as the mainstay and domestic and international markets reinforcing each other is a major decision made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core in light of changes in the development stage,environment and conditions in China.Trade gains are an important indicator of the development trend of domestic and international circulations for a country.With the quantitative model of trade gains containing the multi-sectoral input-output relations,this paper estimates the trade gains from the economic dual circulation in China between 1987 and 2017,based on the kernel density estimation and Markov chain,and the main findings are as follows.(1)The trade gains from the domestic circulation in China showed a downward trend,while the trade gains from the international circulation presented a trend of first rising and then declining.But the former still outweighed the latter.(2)Compared with the international circulation,the continuity,spatial correlation effect and rising potential of the trade gains from China's domestic circulation were greater.(3)There was no positive spatial correlation effect between the trade gains from the domestic and those from the international circulation.China should make overall plans for opening up both externally and internally,and unblock sticking points between the two circulations,so as to realize the positive interaction of the trade gains from the dual circulation,and accelerate the formation of a new development pattern with domestic market as the mainstay and domestic and international markets reinforcing each other. 展开更多
关键词 trade gains dual circulation multi-sectoral input-output model
Multi-source financing for tuberculosis treatment in China: key issues and challenges 被引量:4
作者 Qian Long Wei-Xi Jiang +3 位作者 Hui Zhang Jun Cheng Sheng-LanTang Wei-Bing Wang 《Infectious Diseases of Poverty》 SCIE 2021年第2期44-49,共6页
Background:The End Tuberculosis(TB)Strategy of the World Health Organization highlights the need for patientcentered care and social protection measures that alleviate the financial hardships faced by many TB patients... Background:The End Tuberculosis(TB)Strategy of the World Health Organization highlights the need for patientcentered care and social protection measures that alleviate the financial hardships faced by many TB patients.In China,TB treatments are paid for by earmarked government funds,social health insurance,medical assistance for the poor,and out-of-pocket payments from patients.As part of Phase III of the China-Gates TB project,this paper introduces multi-source financing ofTB treatment in the three provinces of China and analyzes the challenges of moving towards universal coverage and its implications of multi-sectoral engagement for TB care.Main text:The new financing policies forTB treatment in the three provinces include increased reimbursement forTB outpatient care,linkage ofTB treatment with local poverty alleviation programs,and use of local government funds to cover some costs to reduce out-of-pocket expenses.However,there are several challenges in reducing the financial burdens faced byTB patients.First,medical costs must be contained by reducing the profit-maximizing behaviors of hospitals.Second,treatment forTB and multi-drug resistant TB(MDR-TB)is only available at county hospitals and city or provincial hospitals,respectively,and these hospitals have low reimbursement rates and high co-payments.Third,many patients with TB and MDR-TB are at the edge of poverty,and therefore ineligible for medical assistance,which targets extremely poor individuals.In addition,the local governments of less developed provinces often face fiscal difficulties,making it challenging to use of local government funds to provide financial support for TB patients.We suggest that stakeholders at multiple sectors should engage in transparent and responsive communications,coordinate policy developments,and integrate resources to improve the integration of social protection schemes.Conclusions:The Chinese government is examining the establishment of multi-source financing forTB treatment by mobilization of funds from the government and social protection schemes.These efforts require strengthening the cooperation of multiple sectors and improving the accountability of different government agencies.All key stakeholders must take concrete actions in the near future to assure significant progress toward the goal of alleviating the financial burden faced byTB and MDR-TB patients. 展开更多
关键词 TUBERCULOSIS Medical cost Financial protection Universal health coverage multi-sector engagement China
Do High-technology Exports Cause More Technology Spillover in China?
作者 Qun Bao Puyang Sun Li Su 《China & World Economy》 SCIE 2012年第2期1-22,共22页
The volume of China's high-technology exports has grown sharply since the implementation of its export promotion strategy "Revitalizing Trade through Science and Technology" in 1999. This paper investigates whether... The volume of China's high-technology exports has grown sharply since the implementation of its export promotion strategy "Revitalizing Trade through Science and Technology" in 1999. This paper investigates whether technology spillover effects are greater for hightechnology exports than for primary manufactured goods exports. We present a generalized multi-sector spillover model to identify both between-spillover effects from exports towards non-exporters and within-spillover effects among export sectors. Using panel data for 31 provinces in China over the period from 1998 to 2005, we find that although high-technology export sectors have higher productivity compared with other sectors, this productivity advantage does not lead to technology spillover to both domestic sectors and other export sectors, and export technology spillover mainly derives from traditional export sectors rather than high-technology export sectors. As such findings can be largely attributed to the fact that China "s high-technology exports depend significantly on processing trade byforeign- invested firms, policy implications are discussed in relation to how to best promote the role of China "s highechnology exports during economic expansion. 展开更多
关键词 export composition high-technology exports multi-sector spillover model technology spillover
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