Distributed Acoustic Sensing(DAS) is an emerging technique for ultra-dense seismic observation, which provides a new method for high-resolution sub-surface seismic imaging. Recently a large number of linear DAS arrays...Distributed Acoustic Sensing(DAS) is an emerging technique for ultra-dense seismic observation, which provides a new method for high-resolution sub-surface seismic imaging. Recently a large number of linear DAS arrays have been used for two-dimensional S-wave near-surface imaging in urban areas. In order to explore the feasibility of three-dimensional(3D) structure imaging using a DAS array, we carried out an active source experiment at the Beijing National Earth Observatory. We deployed a 1 km optical cable in a rectangular shape, and the optical cable was recast into 250 sensors with a channel spacing of 4 m. The DAS array clearly recorded the P, S and surface waves generated by a hammer source. The first-arrival P wave travel times were first picked with a ShortTerm Average/Long-Term Average(STA/LTA) method and further manually checked. The P-wave signals recorded by the DAS are consistent with those recorded by the horizontal components of short-period seismometers. At shorter source-receiver distances, the picked P-wave arrivals from the DAS recording are consistent with vertical component recordings of seismometers, but they clearly lag behind the latter at greater distances.This is likely due to a combination of the signal-to-noise ratio and the polarization of the incoming wave. Then,we used the Tomo DD software to invert the 3D P-wave velocity structure for the uppermost 50 m with a resolution of 10 m. The inverted P-wave velocity structures agree well with the S-wave velocity structure previously obtained through ambient noise tomography. Our study indicates the feasibility of 3D near-surface imaging with the active source and DAS array. However, the inverted absolute velocity values at large depths may be biased due to potential time shifts between the DAS recording and seismometer at large source-receiver distances.展开更多
Geolocating social media users aims to discover the real geographical locations of users from their publicly available data,which can support online location-based applications such as disaster alerts and local conten...Geolocating social media users aims to discover the real geographical locations of users from their publicly available data,which can support online location-based applications such as disaster alerts and local content recommen-dations.Social relationship-based methods represent a classical approach for geolocating social media.However,geographically proximate relationships are sparse and challenging to discern within social networks,thereby affecting the accuracy of user geolocation.To address this challenge,we propose user geolocation methods that integrate neighborhood geographical distribution and social structure influence(NGSI)to improve geolocation accuracy.Firstly,we propose a method for evaluating the homophily of locations based on the k-order neighbor-hood geographic distribution(k-NGD)similarity among users.There are notable differences in the distribution of k-NGD similarity between location-proximate and non-location-proximate users.Exploiting this distinction,we filter out non-location-proximate social relationships to enhance location homophily in the social network.To better utilize the location-proximate relationships in social networks,we propose a graph neural network algorithm based on the social structure influence.The algorithm enables us to perform a weighted aggregation of the information of users’multi-hop neighborhood,thereby mitigating the over-smoothing problem of user features and improving user geolocation performance.Experimental results on real social media dataset demonstrate that the neighborhood geographical distribution similarity metric can effectively filter out non-location-proximate social relationships.Moreover,compared with 7 existing social relationship-based user positioning methods,our proposed method can achieve multi-granularity user geolocation and improve the accuracy by 4.84%to 13.28%.展开更多
Distributed acoustic sensing(DAS) is one recently developed seismic acquisition technique that is based on fiber-optic sensing. DAS provides dense spatial spacing that is useful to image shallow structure with surface...Distributed acoustic sensing(DAS) is one recently developed seismic acquisition technique that is based on fiber-optic sensing. DAS provides dense spatial spacing that is useful to image shallow structure with surface waves.To test the feasibility of DAS in shallow structure imaging,the PoroTomo team conducted a DAS experiment with the vibroseis truck T-Rex in Brady’s Hot Springs, Nevada, USA.The Rayleigh waves excited by the vertical mode of the vibroseis truck were analyzed with the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves(MASW) method. Phase velocities between5 and 20 Hz were successfully extracted for one segment of cable and were employed to build a shear-wave velocity model for the top 50 meters. The dispersion curves obtained with DAS agree well with the ones extracted from co-located geophones data and from the passive source Noise Correlation Functions(NCF). Comparing to the co-located geophone array, the higher sensor density that DAS arrays provides help reducing aliasing in dispersion analysis, and separating different surface wave modes. This study demonstrates the feasibility and advantage of DAS in imaging shallow structure with surface waves.展开更多
The magnetorheological (MR) fluid damper-based semiactive control systems have received considerable attention for protecting structures against natural hazards such as strong earthquakes and high winds. In this pap...The magnetorheological (MR) fluid damper-based semiactive control systems have received considerable attention for protecting structures against natural hazards such as strong earthquakes and high winds. In this paper, a novel modal controller using wavelet packet transform (WPT) is proposed for the vibration control of distributed structures. In the proposed control system, the WPT method is utilized to decompose the acceleration measurement and select the modes containing most of the WPT energy component as the dominant modes. Then, a modal controller is designed to control the dominant modes and the optimal active control force is solved. Finally, Clipped-optimal con- trol law is adopted to determine the voltage applied to each MR damper. A Kalman-filter observer, which estimates the full controlled modal states from local accelerometer feedbacks, is designed for rendering the controller to be more applicable to distributed structures with a large number of degrees of freedom. A numerical example of a stadium root structure installed with MRF-04K damper is presented. The effectiveness of the controller is evaluated under both Tianjin and E1 Centro earthquake excitations. The superior performance and adaptability of the controller for versatile loading conditions are demonstrated through the comparison with traditional truncated modal controller.展开更多
We built a three-dimensional irregular network model which can adequately describe reservoir rock pore-throat structures. We carried out numerical simulations to study the NMR T2 distribution of water-saturated rocks....We built a three-dimensional irregular network model which can adequately describe reservoir rock pore-throat structures. We carried out numerical simulations to study the NMR T2 distribution of water-saturated rocks. The results indicate that there is a good correlation between T2 distribution and the pore radius frequency histogram. The total T2 distribution can be partitioned into pore body and pore throat parts. The effect of parameters including throat radius, pore-throat ratio, and coordination number of the micro- pore structure on the T2 distribution can be evaluated individually. The result indicates that: 1 ) with the increase of the pore throat radius, the T2 distribution moves toward longer relaxation times and its peak intensity increases; 2) with the increase of the pore-throat ratio, the T2 distribution moves towards longer T2 with the peak intensity increasing and the overlap between pore body T2 and pore throat T2 decreasing; 3) With the increase of connectivity, the short T2 component increases and peak signal intensity decreases slightly.展开更多
This paper, with a finite element method, studies the interaction of a coupled incompressible fluid-rigid structure system with a free surface subjected to external wave excitations. With this fully coupled model, the...This paper, with a finite element method, studies the interaction of a coupled incompressible fluid-rigid structure system with a free surface subjected to external wave excitations. With this fully coupled model, the rigid structure is taken as "fictitious" fluid with zero strain rate. Both fluid and structure are described by velocity and pressure. The whole domain, including fluid region and structure region, is modeled by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations which are discretized with fixed Eulerian mesh. However, to keep the structure' s rigid body shape and behavior, a rigid body constraint is enforced on the "fictitious" fluid domain by use of the Distributed Lagrange Multipher/Fictitious Domain (DLM/ FD) method which is originally introduced to solve particulate flow problems by Glowinski et al. For the verification of the model presented herein, a 2D numerical wave tank is established to simulate small amplitude wave propagations, and then numerical results are compared with analytical solutions. Finally, a 2D example of fluid-structure interaction under wave dynamic forces provides convincing evidences for the method excellent solution quality and fidelity.展开更多
An investigation was conducted on distribution pattern, site condition and population structure of yew Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc. in Muling Forest Bureau of Heilongjiang Province, China in April, 2005. Results sho...An investigation was conducted on distribution pattern, site condition and population structure of yew Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc. in Muling Forest Bureau of Heilongjiang Province, China in April, 2005. Results showed that yew is mainly distributed under the main storey of natural mixed forest of conifer and broadleaf, the soil moisture content of the yew site is high (40%-60%), the pH value of soil is relatively lower (4.7-5.5), and that the population structure of wild yew is not rational, belonging to the degeneration population, which is one of the reasons leading to the population decline. Although the site conditions of Muling area are suitable for the growth of wild yew, the population of wild yew shows a decline tendency, due to the fact that the middle-sized adult yew trees have been cut, young yews are often grazed by wildlife, and that the trunks of adult yew tend to be hollow.展开更多
Field investigations of marine macrobenthos were conducted at ten sites in the Bering Sea in July 2010. Altogether 90 species of macrobenthos belonging to 59 families and 78 genera were identified. Among them, 41 poly...Field investigations of marine macrobenthos were conducted at ten sites in the Bering Sea in July 2010. Altogether 90 species of macrobenthos belonging to 59 families and 78 genera were identified. Among them, 41 polychaetes, 16 mollusks, 23 crustaceans, three echinoderms, two cnidarians, one nemertean, one priapulid, two sipunculids, and one echiuran were identified. The average density and biomass of total macrobenthos were 984 ind./m2 and 1207.1 g/ma of wet weight, respectively. The predominant species in the study area were Scoloplos armiger, Eudorella pacifica, Ophiura sarsii, Heteromastus filiformis, Ennucula tenuis, and Harpiniopsis vadiculus by abundance, while the predominant species in this area was Echinarachnius parma by biomass. Hierarchical cluster analysis (Bray-Curtis similarity measure) revealed that two impor- tant benthic assemblages in the study area were CommunityA and Community B. CommunityA was stable and Community B was unstable, as shown by the Abundance/Biomass Comparisons (ABC) approach. The macrobenthic community structure in the shelf of the Bering Sea was characterized by its high abundance and biomass, high productivity but great heterogeneity.展开更多
Based on the long period digital surface wave data recorded by 11 CDSN stations and 11 IRIS stations, the dispersion curves of the group velocities of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves along 647 paths, with the periods ...Based on the long period digital surface wave data recorded by 11 CDSN stations and 11 IRIS stations, the dispersion curves of the group velocities of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves along 647 paths, with the periods from 10 s to 92 s, were measured by multi-filter. Their distribution at 25 central periods within the region of 18~54N, 70~140E was inverted by Dimtar-Yanovskaya method. Within the period from 10 s to 15.9 s, the group velocity distribution is laterally inhomogeneous and is closely related to geotectonic units, with two low velocity zones located in the Tarim basin and the East China Sea and its north regions, respectively. From 21 s to 33 s, the framework of tectonic blocks is revealed. From 36.6 s to 40 s, the lithospheric subdivision of the Chinese mainland is obviously uncovered, with distinct boundaries among the South-North seismic belt, the Tibetan plateau, the North China, the South China and the Northeast China. Four cross-sections of group velocity distribution with period along 30N, 38N, 90E and 120E, are discussed, respectively, which display the basic features of the crust and upper mantle of the Chinese mainland and its neighboring regions. There are distinguished velocity differences among the different tectonic blocks. There are low-velocity-zones (LVZ) in the middle crust of the eastern Tibetan plateau, high velocity featured as stable platform in the Tarim basin and the Yangtze platform, shallow and thick low-velocity-zone in the upper mantle of the North China. The upper mantle LVZ in the East China Sea and the Japan Sea is related to the frictional heat from the subduction of the Philippine slab and the strong extension since the Himalayan orogenic period.展开更多
Denitrification and anammox processes are major nitrogen removal processes in coastal ecosystems. However, the spatiotemporal dynamics and driving factors of the diversity and community structure of involved functiona...Denitrification and anammox processes are major nitrogen removal processes in coastal ecosystems. However, the spatiotemporal dynamics and driving factors of the diversity and community structure of involved functional bacteria have not been well illustrated in coastal environments, especially in human-dominated ecosystems. In this study, we investigated the distributions of denitrifiers and anammox bacteria in the eutrophic Bohai Sea and the northern Yellow Sea of China in May and November of 2012 by constructing clone libraries employing nosZ and 16S rRNA gene biomarkers. The diversity of nosZ-denitrifier was much higher at the coastal sites compared with the central sites, but not significant among basins or seasons. Alphaproteobacteria were predominant and prevalent in the sediments, whereas Betaproteobacteria primarily occurred at the site near the Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary. Anammox bacteria Candidatus Scalindua was predominant in the sediments, and besides, Candidatus Brocadia and Candidatus Kuenenia were also detected at the site near the Huanghe River estuary that received strong riverine and anthropogenic impacts. Salinity was the most important in structuring communities of nosZ-denitrifier and anammox bacteria. Additionally, anthropogenic perturbations (e.g. nitrogen overloading and consequent high primary productivity, and heavy metal discharges) contributed significantly to shaping community structures of denitrifier and anammox bacteria, suggesting that anthropogenic activities would influence and even change the ecological function of coastal ecosystems.展开更多
Pore distribution and micro pore-throat structure characteristics are significant for tight oil reservoir evaluation, but their relationship remains unclear. This paper selects the tight sandstone reservoir of the Cha...Pore distribution and micro pore-throat structure characteristics are significant for tight oil reservoir evaluation, but their relationship remains unclear. This paper selects the tight sandstone reservoir of the Chang 7 member of the Xin’anbian Block in the Ordos Basin as the research object and analyzes the pore size distribution and micro pore-throat structure using field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM), high-pressure mercury injection(HPMI), highpressure mercury injection, and nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) analyses. The study finds that:(1) Based on the pore size distribution, the tight sandstone reservoir is characterized by three main patterns with different peak amplitudes. The former peak corresponds to the nanopore scale, and the latter peak corresponds to the micropore scale. Then, the tight sandstone reservoir is categorized into three types: type 1 reservoir contains more nanopores with a nanopore-to-micropore volume ratio of 82:18;type 2 reservoir has a nanopore-to-micropore volume ratio of 47:53;and type 3 reservoir contains more micropores with a nanopore-to-micropore volume ratio of 35:65.(2) Affected by the pore size distribution, the throat radius distributions of different reservoir types are notably offset. The type 1 reservoir throat radius distribution curve is weakly unimodal, with a relatively dispersed distribution and peak ranging from 0.01 μm to 0.025 μm. The type 2 reservoir’s throat radius distribution curve is single-peaked with a wide distribution range and peak from 0.1 μm to 0.25 μm. The type 3 reservoir’s throat radius distribution curve is single-peaked with a relatively narrow distribution and peak from 0.1 μm to 0.25 μm. With increasing micropore volume, pore-throat structure characteristics gradually improve.(3) The correlation between micropore permeability and porosity exceeds that of nanopores, indicating that the development of micropores notably influences the seepage capacity. In the type 1 reservoir, only the mean radius and effective porosity have suitable correlations with the nanopore and micropore porosities. The pore-throat structure parameters of the type 2 and 3 reservoirs have reasonable correlations with the nanopore and micropore porosities, indicating that the development of these types of reservoirs is affected by the pore size distribution. This study is of great significance for evaluating lacustrine tight sandstone reservoirs in China. The research results can provide guidance for evaluating tight sandstone reservoirs in other regions based on pore size distribution.展开更多
Ninety isolates collected from five different provinces and cities (Hebei, Yunan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia ) during 1997 - 1998 were tested with potato clones possessed 8 dominant mono-genes R1, R3, R4, R6, ...Ninety isolates collected from five different provinces and cities (Hebei, Yunan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia ) during 1997 - 1998 were tested with potato clones possessed 8 dominant mono-genes R1, R3, R4, R6, R7, R9, R10, R11 and the combination of R1-R4 of the international late blight differential host. It concluded that: (1) in the 90 isolates tested 21 different races were detected, of which the 1.3.4. 7. 9. 10. 11 was very common with frequency of 32. 2%, followed by 1. 3. 4. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11 and 3.4.7. 9. 11 with frequency of 10.0%; (2) all tested resistant genes were compatible to the virulent gene of isolates of Phytophthora infestans assayed, which indicated that the virulent genes were very common in the tested population of Phytophthora infestans.展开更多
Cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) is structured into five genetic groups, indica, aus, tropical japonica, temperate japonica and aromatic. Genetic characterization of rice germplasm collections will enhance their util...Cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) is structured into five genetic groups, indica, aus, tropical japonica, temperate japonica and aromatic. Genetic characterization of rice germplasm collections will enhance their utilization by the global research community for improvement of rice. The USDA world collection of rice germ-plasm that was initiated in 1904 has resulted in over 18,000 accessions from 116 countries, but their ancestry information is not available. A core subset, including 1,763 accessions repre-senting the collection, was genotyped using 72 genome-wide SSR markers, and analyzed for genetic structure, genetic relationship, global distribution and genetic diversity. Ancestry analysis proportioned this collection to 35% indica, 27% temperate japonica, 24% tropical japonica, 10% aus and 4% aromatic. Graphing model-based ancestry coefficients demon-strated that tropical japonica showed up mainly in the American continents and part of the South Pacific and Oceania, and temperate japonica in Europe and the North Pacific far from the equator, which matched the responses to tem-perature. Indica is adapted to the warm areas of Southern Asia, South China, Southeast Asia, South Pacific and Central Africa and around the equator while aus and aromatic are special types of rice that concentrates in Bangladesh and India. Indica and aus were highly diversified while temperate and tropical japonicas had low diversity, indicated by average alleles and pri-vate alleles per locus. Aromatic has the most polymorphic information content. Indica and aromatic were genetically closer to tropical ja-ponica than temperate japonica. This study of global rice has found significant population stratification generally corresponding to major geographic regions of the world.展开更多
Adopting a steel-anchor beam and steel corbel composite structure in the anchor zone on pylon is one of the key techniques for the design of Jintang bridge, a cable-stayed bridge in Zhoushan, China. In order to ensure...Adopting a steel-anchor beam and steel corbel composite structure in the anchor zone on pylon is one of the key techniques for the design of Jintang bridge, a cable-stayed bridge in Zhoushan, China. In order to ensure the safety of the steel-concrete composite structure, a stud connector model for the joint section was put forward. Experiments were conducted to obtain the relation between load and slip of specimen, the failure pattern of stud connector, the yield bearing capacity and ultimate bearing capacity of a single stud, etc. The whole process of the structural behavior of the specimen was comprehensively analyzed. The features of the internal force distribution in the steel-concrete composite structure and the strain distribution of stud connector under different loads were emphatically studied. The test results show that the stud connector is applicable for the steel-concrete composite structure for pylon of Jintang bridge. The stud has a good ductility performance and a obvious yield process before its destruction. The stud connector basically works in a state of elasticity under a load less than the yield load.展开更多
The azimuthal distributions of final-state particles and fragments produced in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions are described by a modified multisource ideal gas model which contains the expansions and movements...The azimuthal distributions of final-state particles and fragments produced in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions are described by a modified multisource ideal gas model which contains the expansions and movements of the emission sources. The transverse structures of the sources are given in the transverse plane by momentum components Px and Py, and described by parameters in the model. The results of the azimuthal distributions, calculated by the Monte Carlo method, are in good agreement with the experimental data in nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies.展开更多
The Bohai-Yellow Sea Rimland (BYSR) is situated along the coast of theBohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in the northeast of China, covering Liaoning, Hebei, and Shandong provinces, and Tianjin and Beijing municipalities. I...The Bohai-Yellow Sea Rimland (BYSR) is situated along the coast of theBohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in the northeast of China, covering Liaoning, Hebei, and Shandong provinces, and Tianjin and Beijing municipalities. It has a land area of 491,000 square kilometers, 5.1 percent of the country’s total, and a population of 196 million, 17.9 percent of the total. Theregion is not only the political and cultural center, but also the most important economic center in North China. This paper analyses current status and major problems of industrial structure and distribution of BYSR. According to the national plan, the main goal in the coming decade is: by constantly improving economic structure, economic quality and efficiency, to double the gross national product(GNP), and to raise living standards to a satisfactory level. To realize this goal, agriculture, energy, transportation, some important raw material of industries, and infrastructure should be strengthened, and the engineering industry be improved to展开更多
The structure of the oxide film on FGH96 alloy powders significantly influences the mechanical properties of superalloys.In this study,FGH96 alloy powders with various oxygen contents were investigated using high-reso...The structure of the oxide film on FGH96 alloy powders significantly influences the mechanical properties of superalloys.In this study,FGH96 alloy powders with various oxygen contents were investigated using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and atomic probe technology to elucidate the structure evolution of the oxide film.Energy dispersive spectrometer analysis revealed the presence of two distinct components in the oxide film of the alloy powders:amorphous oxide layer covering the γ matrix and amorphous oxide particles above the carbide.The alloying elements within the oxide layer showed a laminated distribution,with Ni,Co,Cr,and Al/Ti,which was attributed to the decreasing oxygen equilibrium pressure as oxygen diffused from the surface into the γ matrix.On the other hand,Ti enrichment was observed in the oxide particles caused by the oxidation and decomposition of the carbide phase.Comparative analysis of the oxide film with oxygen contents of 140,280,and 340 ppm showed similar element distributions,while the thickness of the oxide film varies approximately at 9,14,and 30 nm,respectively.These findings provide valuable insights into the structural analysis of the oxide film on FGH96 alloy powders.展开更多
This paper presents the results of an experimental study carried out using large scale equipment to observe the effect of geometry on gas distribution properties of a high capacity corrugated sheet structured packing ...This paper presents the results of an experimental study carried out using large scale equipment to observe the effect of geometry on gas distribution properties of a high capacity corrugated sheet structured packing (Montz-pak B 1-250M) and to compare it with that of its conventional counterpart (Montz-pak B1-250). Although the high capacity packing exhibits a significantly lower overall pressure drop, the gas distribution performance is similar to that of the conventional packing, and in both cases consistently good one.展开更多
Primary forests are spatially diverse terrestrial ecosystems with unique characteristics,being naturally regenerative and heterogeneous,which supports the stability of their carbon storage through the accumulation of ...Primary forests are spatially diverse terrestrial ecosystems with unique characteristics,being naturally regenerative and heterogeneous,which supports the stability of their carbon storage through the accumulation of live and dead biomass.Yet,little is known about the interactions between biomass stocks,tree genus diversity and structure across a temperate montane primary forest.Here,we investigated the relationship between tree structure(variability in basal area and tree size),genus-level diversity(abundance,tree diversity)and biomass stocks in temperate primary mountain forests across Central and Eastern Europe.We used inventory data from726 permanent sample plots from mixed beech and spruce across the Carpathian Mountains.We used nonlinear regression to analyse the spatial variability in forest biomass,structure,and genus-level diversity and how they interact with plot-level tree age,disturbances,temperature and altitude.We found that the combined effects of genus and structural indices were important for addressing the variability in biomass across different spatial scales.Local processes in disturbance regimes and uneven tree age support forest hete rogeneity and the accumulation of live and dead biomass through the natural regeneration,growth and decay of the forest ecosystem.Structural complexities in basal area index,supporte d by genus-level abundance,positively influence total biomass stocks,which was modulated by tree age and disturbances.Spruce forests showed higher tree density and basal area than mixed beech forests,though mixed beech still contributes significantly to biomass across landscapes.Forest heterogeneity was strongly influenced by complexities in forest composition(tree genus diversity,structure).We addressed the importance of primary forests as stable carbon stores,achieved through structure and diversity.Safeguarding such ecosystems is critical for ensuring the stability of the primary forest,carbon store and biodiversity into the future.展开更多
Waterflooding experiments were performed using Micro-CT on four cores of different pore structures from Donghe sandstone reservoirs in the Tarim Basin. The water, oil and grains were accurately separated by the advanc...Waterflooding experiments were performed using Micro-CT on four cores of different pore structures from Donghe sandstone reservoirs in the Tarim Basin. The water, oil and grains were accurately separated by the advanced image processing technology, the pore network model was established, and parameters such as the number of throats and the throat size distribution were calculated to characterize the microscopic heterogeneity of pore structure, the flow of oil phase during displacement, and the morphology and distribution of remaining oil after displacement. The cores with the same macroscopic porosity-permeability have great differences in microscopic heterogeneity of pore structure. Both macro porosity-permeability and micro heterogeneity of pore structure have an influence on the migration of oil phase and the morphology and distribution of remaining oil. When the heterogeneity is strong, the water phase will preferentially flow through the dominant paths and the remaining oil clusters will be formed in the small pores. The more the number of oil clusters(droplets) formed during displacement process, the smaller the average volume of cluster is, and the remaining oil is dominated by the cluster continuous phase with high saturation. The weaker the heterogeneity, the higher the pore sweep efficiency is, and the remaining oil clusters are mainly trapped in the form of non-continuous phase. The distribution and morphology of micro remaining oil are related to the absolute permeability, capillary number and micro-heterogeneity. So, the identification plate of microscopic residual oil continuity distribution established on this basis can describe the relationship between these three factors and distribution of remaining oil and identify the continuity of the remaining oil distribution accurately.展开更多
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2022YFC3102202)the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Project for Young Scientists in Basic Research (YSBR-020)。
文摘Distributed Acoustic Sensing(DAS) is an emerging technique for ultra-dense seismic observation, which provides a new method for high-resolution sub-surface seismic imaging. Recently a large number of linear DAS arrays have been used for two-dimensional S-wave near-surface imaging in urban areas. In order to explore the feasibility of three-dimensional(3D) structure imaging using a DAS array, we carried out an active source experiment at the Beijing National Earth Observatory. We deployed a 1 km optical cable in a rectangular shape, and the optical cable was recast into 250 sensors with a channel spacing of 4 m. The DAS array clearly recorded the P, S and surface waves generated by a hammer source. The first-arrival P wave travel times were first picked with a ShortTerm Average/Long-Term Average(STA/LTA) method and further manually checked. The P-wave signals recorded by the DAS are consistent with those recorded by the horizontal components of short-period seismometers. At shorter source-receiver distances, the picked P-wave arrivals from the DAS recording are consistent with vertical component recordings of seismometers, but they clearly lag behind the latter at greater distances.This is likely due to a combination of the signal-to-noise ratio and the polarization of the incoming wave. Then,we used the Tomo DD software to invert the 3D P-wave velocity structure for the uppermost 50 m with a resolution of 10 m. The inverted P-wave velocity structures agree well with the S-wave velocity structure previously obtained through ambient noise tomography. Our study indicates the feasibility of 3D near-surface imaging with the active source and DAS array. However, the inverted absolute velocity values at large depths may be biased due to potential time shifts between the DAS recording and seismometer at large source-receiver distances.
基金This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(No.2022YFB3102904)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.62172435,U23A20305)Key Research and Development Project of Henan Province(No.221111321200).
文摘Geolocating social media users aims to discover the real geographical locations of users from their publicly available data,which can support online location-based applications such as disaster alerts and local content recommen-dations.Social relationship-based methods represent a classical approach for geolocating social media.However,geographically proximate relationships are sparse and challenging to discern within social networks,thereby affecting the accuracy of user geolocation.To address this challenge,we propose user geolocation methods that integrate neighborhood geographical distribution and social structure influence(NGSI)to improve geolocation accuracy.Firstly,we propose a method for evaluating the homophily of locations based on the k-order neighbor-hood geographic distribution(k-NGD)similarity among users.There are notable differences in the distribution of k-NGD similarity between location-proximate and non-location-proximate users.Exploiting this distinction,we filter out non-location-proximate social relationships to enhance location homophily in the social network.To better utilize the location-proximate relationships in social networks,we propose a graph neural network algorithm based on the social structure influence.The algorithm enables us to perform a weighted aggregation of the information of users’multi-hop neighborhood,thereby mitigating the over-smoothing problem of user features and improving user geolocation performance.Experimental results on real social media dataset demonstrate that the neighborhood geographical distribution similarity metric can effectively filter out non-location-proximate social relationships.Moreover,compared with 7 existing social relationship-based user positioning methods,our proposed method can achieve multi-granularity user geolocation and improve the accuracy by 4.84%to 13.28%.
基金partially supported by the Geothermal Technologies Office of the USA Department of Energy (No. DE-EE0006760)the State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics, Institute of Geodey and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. SKLGED2019-5-4-E)
文摘Distributed acoustic sensing(DAS) is one recently developed seismic acquisition technique that is based on fiber-optic sensing. DAS provides dense spatial spacing that is useful to image shallow structure with surface waves.To test the feasibility of DAS in shallow structure imaging,the PoroTomo team conducted a DAS experiment with the vibroseis truck T-Rex in Brady’s Hot Springs, Nevada, USA.The Rayleigh waves excited by the vertical mode of the vibroseis truck were analyzed with the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves(MASW) method. Phase velocities between5 and 20 Hz were successfully extracted for one segment of cable and were employed to build a shear-wave velocity model for the top 50 meters. The dispersion curves obtained with DAS agree well with the ones extracted from co-located geophones data and from the passive source Noise Correlation Functions(NCF). Comparing to the co-located geophone array, the higher sensor density that DAS arrays provides help reducing aliasing in dispersion analysis, and separating different surface wave modes. This study demonstrates the feasibility and advantage of DAS in imaging shallow structure with surface waves.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51108089,No.90715034 and No.90715032)National Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (No.2011J05128)
文摘The magnetorheological (MR) fluid damper-based semiactive control systems have received considerable attention for protecting structures against natural hazards such as strong earthquakes and high winds. In this paper, a novel modal controller using wavelet packet transform (WPT) is proposed for the vibration control of distributed structures. In the proposed control system, the WPT method is utilized to decompose the acceleration measurement and select the modes containing most of the WPT energy component as the dominant modes. Then, a modal controller is designed to control the dominant modes and the optimal active control force is solved. Finally, Clipped-optimal con- trol law is adopted to determine the voltage applied to each MR damper. A Kalman-filter observer, which estimates the full controlled modal states from local accelerometer feedbacks, is designed for rendering the controller to be more applicable to distributed structures with a large number of degrees of freedom. A numerical example of a stadium root structure installed with MRF-04K damper is presented. The effectiveness of the controller is evaluated under both Tianjin and E1 Centro earthquake excitations. The superior performance and adaptability of the controller for versatile loading conditions are demonstrated through the comparison with traditional truncated modal controller.
文摘We built a three-dimensional irregular network model which can adequately describe reservoir rock pore-throat structures. We carried out numerical simulations to study the NMR T2 distribution of water-saturated rocks. The results indicate that there is a good correlation between T2 distribution and the pore radius frequency histogram. The total T2 distribution can be partitioned into pore body and pore throat parts. The effect of parameters including throat radius, pore-throat ratio, and coordination number of the micro- pore structure on the T2 distribution can be evaluated individually. The result indicates that: 1 ) with the increase of the pore throat radius, the T2 distribution moves toward longer relaxation times and its peak intensity increases; 2) with the increase of the pore-throat ratio, the T2 distribution moves towards longer T2 with the peak intensity increasing and the overlap between pore body T2 and pore throat T2 decreasing; 3) With the increase of connectivity, the short T2 component increases and peak signal intensity decreases slightly.
基金This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No50579046) the Science Foundation of Tianjin Municipal Commission of Science and Technology (Grant No043114711)
文摘This paper, with a finite element method, studies the interaction of a coupled incompressible fluid-rigid structure system with a free surface subjected to external wave excitations. With this fully coupled model, the rigid structure is taken as "fictitious" fluid with zero strain rate. Both fluid and structure are described by velocity and pressure. The whole domain, including fluid region and structure region, is modeled by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations which are discretized with fixed Eulerian mesh. However, to keep the structure' s rigid body shape and behavior, a rigid body constraint is enforced on the "fictitious" fluid domain by use of the Distributed Lagrange Multipher/Fictitious Domain (DLM/ FD) method which is originally introduced to solve particulate flow problems by Glowinski et al. For the verification of the model presented herein, a 2D numerical wave tank is established to simulate small amplitude wave propagations, and then numerical results are compared with analytical solutions. Finally, a 2D example of fluid-structure interaction under wave dynamic forces provides convincing evidences for the method excellent solution quality and fidelity.
文摘An investigation was conducted on distribution pattern, site condition and population structure of yew Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc. in Muling Forest Bureau of Heilongjiang Province, China in April, 2005. Results showed that yew is mainly distributed under the main storey of natural mixed forest of conifer and broadleaf, the soil moisture content of the yew site is high (40%-60%), the pH value of soil is relatively lower (4.7-5.5), and that the population structure of wild yew is not rational, belonging to the degeneration population, which is one of the reasons leading to the population decline. Although the site conditions of Muling area are suitable for the growth of wild yew, the population of wild yew shows a decline tendency, due to the fact that the middle-sized adult yew trees have been cut, young yews are often grazed by wildlife, and that the trunks of adult yew tend to be hollow.
基金The China Action Plan of the International Polar Yearthe Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean under contract No.201105022-2+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41306115 and 41306116the Polar Science Strategic Research Foundation of China under contract No.20140309
文摘Field investigations of marine macrobenthos were conducted at ten sites in the Bering Sea in July 2010. Altogether 90 species of macrobenthos belonging to 59 families and 78 genera were identified. Among them, 41 polychaetes, 16 mollusks, 23 crustaceans, three echinoderms, two cnidarians, one nemertean, one priapulid, two sipunculids, and one echiuran were identified. The average density and biomass of total macrobenthos were 984 ind./m2 and 1207.1 g/ma of wet weight, respectively. The predominant species in the study area were Scoloplos armiger, Eudorella pacifica, Ophiura sarsii, Heteromastus filiformis, Ennucula tenuis, and Harpiniopsis vadiculus by abundance, while the predominant species in this area was Echinarachnius parma by biomass. Hierarchical cluster analysis (Bray-Curtis similarity measure) revealed that two impor- tant benthic assemblages in the study area were CommunityA and Community B. CommunityA was stable and Community B was unstable, as shown by the Abundance/Biomass Comparisons (ABC) approach. The macrobenthic community structure in the shelf of the Bering Sea was characterized by its high abundance and biomass, high productivity but great heterogeneity.
基金Climb Project Continental Dynamics of East Asia and Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (9507413).
文摘Based on the long period digital surface wave data recorded by 11 CDSN stations and 11 IRIS stations, the dispersion curves of the group velocities of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves along 647 paths, with the periods from 10 s to 92 s, were measured by multi-filter. Their distribution at 25 central periods within the region of 18~54N, 70~140E was inverted by Dimtar-Yanovskaya method. Within the period from 10 s to 15.9 s, the group velocity distribution is laterally inhomogeneous and is closely related to geotectonic units, with two low velocity zones located in the Tarim basin and the East China Sea and its north regions, respectively. From 21 s to 33 s, the framework of tectonic blocks is revealed. From 36.6 s to 40 s, the lithospheric subdivision of the Chinese mainland is obviously uncovered, with distinct boundaries among the South-North seismic belt, the Tibetan plateau, the North China, the South China and the Northeast China. Four cross-sections of group velocity distribution with period along 30N, 38N, 90E and 120E, are discussed, respectively, which display the basic features of the crust and upper mantle of the Chinese mainland and its neighboring regions. There are distinguished velocity differences among the different tectonic blocks. There are low-velocity-zones (LVZ) in the middle crust of the eastern Tibetan plateau, high velocity featured as stable platform in the Tarim basin and the Yangtze platform, shallow and thick low-velocity-zone in the upper mantle of the North China. The upper mantle LVZ in the East China Sea and the Japan Sea is related to the frictional heat from the subduction of the Philippine slab and the strong extension since the Himalayan orogenic period.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41206155,41676154)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDA11020702)+2 种基金the Science and Technology Development Program of Yantai,China(No.2015ZH074)the Special Program for Basic Research of the Ministry of Science and Technology,China(No.2014FY210600)the Discipline Construction Guide Foundation in Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai(No.WH20160205)
文摘Denitrification and anammox processes are major nitrogen removal processes in coastal ecosystems. However, the spatiotemporal dynamics and driving factors of the diversity and community structure of involved functional bacteria have not been well illustrated in coastal environments, especially in human-dominated ecosystems. In this study, we investigated the distributions of denitrifiers and anammox bacteria in the eutrophic Bohai Sea and the northern Yellow Sea of China in May and November of 2012 by constructing clone libraries employing nosZ and 16S rRNA gene biomarkers. The diversity of nosZ-denitrifier was much higher at the coastal sites compared with the central sites, but not significant among basins or seasons. Alphaproteobacteria were predominant and prevalent in the sediments, whereas Betaproteobacteria primarily occurred at the site near the Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary. Anammox bacteria Candidatus Scalindua was predominant in the sediments, and besides, Candidatus Brocadia and Candidatus Kuenenia were also detected at the site near the Huanghe River estuary that received strong riverine and anthropogenic impacts. Salinity was the most important in structuring communities of nosZ-denitrifier and anammox bacteria. Additionally, anthropogenic perturbations (e.g. nitrogen overloading and consequent high primary productivity, and heavy metal discharges) contributed significantly to shaping community structures of denitrifier and anammox bacteria, suggesting that anthropogenic activities would influence and even change the ecological function of coastal ecosystems.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41625009)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDA14010404)The authors also extend their thanks to the editors and reviewers for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions.
文摘Pore distribution and micro pore-throat structure characteristics are significant for tight oil reservoir evaluation, but their relationship remains unclear. This paper selects the tight sandstone reservoir of the Chang 7 member of the Xin’anbian Block in the Ordos Basin as the research object and analyzes the pore size distribution and micro pore-throat structure using field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM), high-pressure mercury injection(HPMI), highpressure mercury injection, and nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) analyses. The study finds that:(1) Based on the pore size distribution, the tight sandstone reservoir is characterized by three main patterns with different peak amplitudes. The former peak corresponds to the nanopore scale, and the latter peak corresponds to the micropore scale. Then, the tight sandstone reservoir is categorized into three types: type 1 reservoir contains more nanopores with a nanopore-to-micropore volume ratio of 82:18;type 2 reservoir has a nanopore-to-micropore volume ratio of 47:53;and type 3 reservoir contains more micropores with a nanopore-to-micropore volume ratio of 35:65.(2) Affected by the pore size distribution, the throat radius distributions of different reservoir types are notably offset. The type 1 reservoir throat radius distribution curve is weakly unimodal, with a relatively dispersed distribution and peak ranging from 0.01 μm to 0.025 μm. The type 2 reservoir’s throat radius distribution curve is single-peaked with a wide distribution range and peak from 0.1 μm to 0.25 μm. The type 3 reservoir’s throat radius distribution curve is single-peaked with a relatively narrow distribution and peak from 0.1 μm to 0.25 μm. With increasing micropore volume, pore-throat structure characteristics gradually improve.(3) The correlation between micropore permeability and porosity exceeds that of nanopores, indicating that the development of micropores notably influences the seepage capacity. In the type 1 reservoir, only the mean radius and effective porosity have suitable correlations with the nanopore and micropore porosities. The pore-throat structure parameters of the type 2 and 3 reservoirs have reasonable correlations with the nanopore and micropore porosities, indicating that the development of these types of reservoirs is affected by the pore size distribution. This study is of great significance for evaluating lacustrine tight sandstone reservoirs in China. The research results can provide guidance for evaluating tight sandstone reservoirs in other regions based on pore size distribution.
文摘Ninety isolates collected from five different provinces and cities (Hebei, Yunan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia ) during 1997 - 1998 were tested with potato clones possessed 8 dominant mono-genes R1, R3, R4, R6, R7, R9, R10, R11 and the combination of R1-R4 of the international late blight differential host. It concluded that: (1) in the 90 isolates tested 21 different races were detected, of which the 1.3.4. 7. 9. 10. 11 was very common with frequency of 32. 2%, followed by 1. 3. 4. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11 and 3.4.7. 9. 11 with frequency of 10.0%; (2) all tested resistant genes were compatible to the virulent gene of isolates of Phytophthora infestans assayed, which indicated that the virulent genes were very common in the tested population of Phytophthora infestans.
文摘Cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) is structured into five genetic groups, indica, aus, tropical japonica, temperate japonica and aromatic. Genetic characterization of rice germplasm collections will enhance their utilization by the global research community for improvement of rice. The USDA world collection of rice germ-plasm that was initiated in 1904 has resulted in over 18,000 accessions from 116 countries, but their ancestry information is not available. A core subset, including 1,763 accessions repre-senting the collection, was genotyped using 72 genome-wide SSR markers, and analyzed for genetic structure, genetic relationship, global distribution and genetic diversity. Ancestry analysis proportioned this collection to 35% indica, 27% temperate japonica, 24% tropical japonica, 10% aus and 4% aromatic. Graphing model-based ancestry coefficients demon-strated that tropical japonica showed up mainly in the American continents and part of the South Pacific and Oceania, and temperate japonica in Europe and the North Pacific far from the equator, which matched the responses to tem-perature. Indica is adapted to the warm areas of Southern Asia, South China, Southeast Asia, South Pacific and Central Africa and around the equator while aus and aromatic are special types of rice that concentrates in Bangladesh and India. Indica and aus were highly diversified while temperate and tropical japonicas had low diversity, indicated by average alleles and pri-vate alleles per locus. Aromatic has the most polymorphic information content. Indica and aromatic were genetically closer to tropical ja-ponica than temperate japonica. This study of global rice has found significant population stratification generally corresponding to major geographic regions of the world.
文摘Adopting a steel-anchor beam and steel corbel composite structure in the anchor zone on pylon is one of the key techniques for the design of Jintang bridge, a cable-stayed bridge in Zhoushan, China. In order to ensure the safety of the steel-concrete composite structure, a stud connector model for the joint section was put forward. Experiments were conducted to obtain the relation between load and slip of specimen, the failure pattern of stud connector, the yield bearing capacity and ultimate bearing capacity of a single stud, etc. The whole process of the structural behavior of the specimen was comprehensively analyzed. The features of the internal force distribution in the steel-concrete composite structure and the strain distribution of stud connector under different loads were emphatically studied. The test results show that the stud connector is applicable for the steel-concrete composite structure for pylon of Jintang bridge. The stud has a good ductility performance and a obvious yield process before its destruction. The stud connector basically works in a state of elasticity under a load less than the yield load.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 10275042 and 10475054), the Shanxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation (Grant No 20021006), and the Shanxi Provincial 1Foundation for Returned 0verseas Scholars.
文摘The azimuthal distributions of final-state particles and fragments produced in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions are described by a modified multisource ideal gas model which contains the expansions and movements of the emission sources. The transverse structures of the sources are given in the transverse plane by momentum components Px and Py, and described by parameters in the model. The results of the azimuthal distributions, calculated by the Monte Carlo method, are in good agreement with the experimental data in nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies.
文摘The Bohai-Yellow Sea Rimland (BYSR) is situated along the coast of theBohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in the northeast of China, covering Liaoning, Hebei, and Shandong provinces, and Tianjin and Beijing municipalities. It has a land area of 491,000 square kilometers, 5.1 percent of the country’s total, and a population of 196 million, 17.9 percent of the total. Theregion is not only the political and cultural center, but also the most important economic center in North China. This paper analyses current status and major problems of industrial structure and distribution of BYSR. According to the national plan, the main goal in the coming decade is: by constantly improving economic structure, economic quality and efficiency, to double the gross national product(GNP), and to raise living standards to a satisfactory level. To realize this goal, agriculture, energy, transportation, some important raw material of industries, and infrastructure should be strengthened, and the engineering industry be improved to
基金financially supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(No.2021YFB3704000)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.52074032,51974029,52071013,and 52130407)+3 种基金the Beijing Natural Science Foundation(No.2232084)the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation(No.2021B1515120033)the 111 Project(No.B170003)the Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund of Guangdong Province,China(No.BK20BE015).
文摘The structure of the oxide film on FGH96 alloy powders significantly influences the mechanical properties of superalloys.In this study,FGH96 alloy powders with various oxygen contents were investigated using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and atomic probe technology to elucidate the structure evolution of the oxide film.Energy dispersive spectrometer analysis revealed the presence of two distinct components in the oxide film of the alloy powders:amorphous oxide layer covering the γ matrix and amorphous oxide particles above the carbide.The alloying elements within the oxide layer showed a laminated distribution,with Ni,Co,Cr,and Al/Ti,which was attributed to the decreasing oxygen equilibrium pressure as oxygen diffused from the surface into the γ matrix.On the other hand,Ti enrichment was observed in the oxide particles caused by the oxidation and decomposition of the carbide phase.Comparative analysis of the oxide film with oxygen contents of 140,280,and 340 ppm showed similar element distributions,while the thickness of the oxide film varies approximately at 9,14,and 30 nm,respectively.These findings provide valuable insights into the structural analysis of the oxide film on FGH96 alloy powders.
文摘This paper presents the results of an experimental study carried out using large scale equipment to observe the effect of geometry on gas distribution properties of a high capacity corrugated sheet structured packing (Montz-pak B 1-250M) and to compare it with that of its conventional counterpart (Montz-pak B1-250). Although the high capacity packing exhibits a significantly lower overall pressure drop, the gas distribution performance is similar to that of the conventional packing, and in both cases consistently good one.
基金funded by the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague(Internal Grant Agency:A_03_22-43110/1312/3101)the Czech Science(GACR 21-27454S)。
文摘Primary forests are spatially diverse terrestrial ecosystems with unique characteristics,being naturally regenerative and heterogeneous,which supports the stability of their carbon storage through the accumulation of live and dead biomass.Yet,little is known about the interactions between biomass stocks,tree genus diversity and structure across a temperate montane primary forest.Here,we investigated the relationship between tree structure(variability in basal area and tree size),genus-level diversity(abundance,tree diversity)and biomass stocks in temperate primary mountain forests across Central and Eastern Europe.We used inventory data from726 permanent sample plots from mixed beech and spruce across the Carpathian Mountains.We used nonlinear regression to analyse the spatial variability in forest biomass,structure,and genus-level diversity and how they interact with plot-level tree age,disturbances,temperature and altitude.We found that the combined effects of genus and structural indices were important for addressing the variability in biomass across different spatial scales.Local processes in disturbance regimes and uneven tree age support forest hete rogeneity and the accumulation of live and dead biomass through the natural regeneration,growth and decay of the forest ecosystem.Structural complexities in basal area index,supporte d by genus-level abundance,positively influence total biomass stocks,which was modulated by tree age and disturbances.Spruce forests showed higher tree density and basal area than mixed beech forests,though mixed beech still contributes significantly to biomass across landscapes.Forest heterogeneity was strongly influenced by complexities in forest composition(tree genus diversity,structure).We addressed the importance of primary forests as stable carbon stores,achieved through structure and diversity.Safeguarding such ecosystems is critical for ensuring the stability of the primary forest,carbon store and biodiversity into the future.
基金Supported by the China National Science and Technology Major Project(2017ZX05009-005)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51674271)
文摘Waterflooding experiments were performed using Micro-CT on four cores of different pore structures from Donghe sandstone reservoirs in the Tarim Basin. The water, oil and grains were accurately separated by the advanced image processing technology, the pore network model was established, and parameters such as the number of throats and the throat size distribution were calculated to characterize the microscopic heterogeneity of pore structure, the flow of oil phase during displacement, and the morphology and distribution of remaining oil after displacement. The cores with the same macroscopic porosity-permeability have great differences in microscopic heterogeneity of pore structure. Both macro porosity-permeability and micro heterogeneity of pore structure have an influence on the migration of oil phase and the morphology and distribution of remaining oil. When the heterogeneity is strong, the water phase will preferentially flow through the dominant paths and the remaining oil clusters will be formed in the small pores. The more the number of oil clusters(droplets) formed during displacement process, the smaller the average volume of cluster is, and the remaining oil is dominated by the cluster continuous phase with high saturation. The weaker the heterogeneity, the higher the pore sweep efficiency is, and the remaining oil clusters are mainly trapped in the form of non-continuous phase. The distribution and morphology of micro remaining oil are related to the absolute permeability, capillary number and micro-heterogeneity. So, the identification plate of microscopic residual oil continuity distribution established on this basis can describe the relationship between these three factors and distribution of remaining oil and identify the continuity of the remaining oil distribution accurately.