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浊度对苦草(Vallisneria natans)幼苗生长的影响 被引量:20
作者 潘国权 王国祥 +1 位作者 李强 刘玉 《生态环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期762-766,共5页
用粒径小于100μm的泥沙分别配置浊度为30、60和90NTU的浑浊水体,将苦草(Vallisneria natans)幼苗种植于上述水体中,测定幼苗的叶片长和叶片数,并利用水下饱和脉冲荧光仪(DIVING-PAM)测定幼苗的光合荧光特性,研究在不同浊度水体中水下... 用粒径小于100μm的泥沙分别配置浊度为30、60和90NTU的浑浊水体,将苦草(Vallisneria natans)幼苗种植于上述水体中,测定幼苗的叶片长和叶片数,并利用水下饱和脉冲荧光仪(DIVING-PAM)测定幼苗的光合荧光特性,研究在不同浊度水体中水下光强对苦草幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,随着处理时间的延长和水体浊度的增大,苦草幼苗生长受到明显的影响。第30天时,在60和90NTU水体中,水下光强不足自然光强的4.5%,幼苗叶片出现发黄、折断现象,相对电子传递速率和饱和光强显著降低,非光化学淬灭系数显著升高,表明幼苗光合作用受到明显抑制。在对照水体中,水下的光强为水面光强的43.3%以上,苦草幼苗也受到抑制;而在水下光强≥7.1%的30NTU水体中,苦草幼苗有较高的光能利用率,幼苗生长较好。这表明苦草幼苗有一定的低光适应能力,光强范围大约是7.1%~43.3%,为在浑浊水体中恢复、重建苦草种群提供了一定的实验依据。 展开更多
关键词 浊度 苦草(Vallisneria natans) 幼苗 低光
球衣菌(Sphaerotilus natans)吸附Ag^+的影响因素及其机理 被引量:3
作者 刘峰 许旭萍 沈雪贤 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期1259-1265,共7页
采用球衣菌(Sphaerotilus natans)为生物吸附剂,研究了初始离子浓度、吸附剂用量、菌龄、pH值、温度和吸附时间等因素对其吸附硝酸银溶液模拟废水中Ag+的影响及其吸附机理.结果表明,球衣菌在初始Ag+14 m.gL-1、吸附剂用量0.2.gL-1、菌龄... 采用球衣菌(Sphaerotilus natans)为生物吸附剂,研究了初始离子浓度、吸附剂用量、菌龄、pH值、温度和吸附时间等因素对其吸附硝酸银溶液模拟废水中Ag+的影响及其吸附机理.结果表明,球衣菌在初始Ag+14 m.gL-1、吸附剂用量0.2.gL-1、菌龄32 h、pH 8、温度30℃、吸附时间60 m in的优化条件下,对Ag+的吸附率为71.75%,吸附量为50.23 m.gg-1;该吸附过程是一个快速的过程,在吸附5 m in时,吸附量已达总吸附量的91%,并且以被动吸附为主;吸附动力学符合准二级动力学方程.透射电镜观察和红外光谱分析显示,球衣菌细胞表面的活性基团与Ag+发生络合反应,同时还有少量Ag+通过主动吸收过程进入活细胞内. 展开更多
关键词 生物吸附剂 球衣菌(Sphaerotilus natans) Ag+ 因素 吸附机理
碳酸氢根缓解高营养负荷下苦草(Vallisneria natans)胁迫的作用 被引量:3
作者 窦艳艳 王保忠 +1 位作者 张浏 尹大强 《生态环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期1581-1585,共5页
富营养化湖泊沉水植物严重退化,可溶性无机碳DIC(Dissolved Inorganic Carbon)缺少是一个重要因素。本实验选择碳酸氢根形态DIC(HCO3--DIC)对苦草进行处理,设计了不同的HCO3--DIC添加量(0、10、20mg·L-1)和营养水平N、P(N0.96、1.9... 富营养化湖泊沉水植物严重退化,可溶性无机碳DIC(Dissolved Inorganic Carbon)缺少是一个重要因素。本实验选择碳酸氢根形态DIC(HCO3--DIC)对苦草进行处理,设计了不同的HCO3--DIC添加量(0、10、20mg·L-1)和营养水平N、P(N0.96、1.92、2.88、3.84mg·L-1,NH4+-N:NO3--N=1:3,N:P=27)的交叉实验,研究不同营养水平下HCO3--DIC对苦草(Vallisneria natans)的生理生态影响。实验证明,苦草幼苗在生长过程中可以不断吸收水体中的DIC,经15d培养,培养液中DIC从16.91mg·L-1下降到6.27mg·L-1。21d的实验结果显示,相同营养条件下高质量浓度HCO3--DIC组苦草相对生长率RGR(Relative Growth Rate)高于其他组;无外加HCO3--DIC组过氧化物酶POD(peroxidase)活性随营养水平增加,从2.01U·mg-1增至4.03U·mg-1,相同营养水平下POD活性随HCO3--DIC增加而降低,说明水体营养水平的增高加剧了对苦草生长的胁迫,而HCO3--DIC大大减少和缓解了这种胁迫作用;中营养条件下,较低水平的HCO3--DIC质量浓度已经满足苦草叶绿素合成,而在重富营养时较高质量浓度的HCO3--DIC可以促进苦草叶绿素合成,缓解营养胁迫的黄化效应。研究揭示,水体HCO3--DIC增加可以缓解富营养化对沉水植物的胁迫作用。 展开更多
关键词 可溶性无机碳 苦草(Vallisneria natans) 富营养 HCO3^- -DIC 胁迫
Preliminary Research on Cd^(2+) Removal from Wastewater by Sphaerotilus Natans 被引量:7
作者 QIN Yu-chun GUAN Xiao-hui +2 位作者 YIN Rong WANG Li-wen WEI De-zhou 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第6期654-657,共4页
Influencing factors, such as the biomass concentration, pH value, temperature and time of adsorption on the removal of Cd^2+ were investigated when Sphaerotilus natans was used as a biosorbent. The results show that ... Influencing factors, such as the biomass concentration, pH value, temperature and time of adsorption on the removal of Cd^2+ were investigated when Sphaerotilus natans was used as a biosorbent. The results show that Sphaerotilus natans has a significant effect on the adsorption of Cd^2+. The process of adsorption will reach the equilibrium in 20 min. Temperature has no significant effect on the adsorption. The removal rate of Cd^2+. can approach to 90% under the conditions of pH 5.5, the biomass mass concentration O. 6 g/L and the initial mass concentration of cadmium ≤20 mg/L. The maximum specific uptake is 1.9 mmol/g dry biomass . The adsorption was fitted with the Freundlich isotherm adsorption equation when the concentration of Cd^2+ is in a range of 0--100 mg/L. HCl and EDTA can desorb Cd^2+ from biomass effectively. 展开更多
关键词 Sphaerotilus natans Cadmium ion Adsorption character Influencing factor
Response of hydrogenase enzymes (ALDH and ADH) in <i>Trapa natans</i>under physiological stress
作者 Neha Pathania-Gagandeep Kaur Joginder Singh +1 位作者 Ashish Vyas Manoj Kumar 《Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology》 2012年第4期304-307,共4页
The present study screens activity of different enzymes in Trapa natans under aerobic and anaerobic physiological conditions. Experimental analysis was carried out to assay the activities of ALDH and ADH in the seed e... The present study screens activity of different enzymes in Trapa natans under aerobic and anaerobic physiological conditions. Experimental analysis was carried out to assay the activities of ALDH and ADH in the seed extract of T. natans. These enzymes are associated with the alcohol metabolism of the T. natans. It was observed that a metabolic pathway shifts from aerobic respiration to anaerobic fermentation under anoxic conditions. Physiological stress related response in trapa seeds gives the leads to understand the other model for better fermentable products. During the experiment it was found that there is difference between the concenteration of enzymes in anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Concentration was check with the help of spectrophotometer at 340 nm. 展开更多
关键词 ALDH ADH Anoxic Condition TRAPA natans
日本霞浦湖浮叶水生植物Traqa natans(菱)群落的生物量和净初级生产力
作者 土谷岳令 周瑞昌 《国土与自然资源研究》 1985年第S1期215-223,共9页
在淡水生态系统中,犬型水生植物的生产率通常高于浮游植物生产率。犬型淡水植物是初级生产力的主体,尤其在浅水湖中更是如此(RICH等,1971;HOWARD——WILLLAMS和ALLANSON,1981)根生浮水植物群落常表现出其生物量大和生产力高的特性(KvET,... 在淡水生态系统中,犬型水生植物的生产率通常高于浮游植物生产率。犬型淡水植物是初级生产力的主体,尤其在浅水湖中更是如此(RICH等,1971;HOWARD——WILLLAMS和ALLANSON,1981)根生浮水植物群落常表现出其生物量大和生产力高的特性(KvET,1971:WILLIAMS和MURDOCH,1972;BERNARD和MACDO-NALD,1974;MASON和BRYANT,1975;VAN DAVIS,1986;WWHIGHAM等,1978;HOPKINSON等1980)。浮叶水生植物也是沿岸地区植被的重要组成部分。它的生物量已由许多作者予以报道(PENFOUND和EARLE,1948;IKU-SIMA,1970;FUJII,1975;WOOTEN和DODD,1976;KVET和HUSAK,1678;ESTEVES,1979;CENTER和SPENCER,1981;SAKURAI,1981)。 展开更多
关键词 生物量 总损失 季节变化 现存量 季节性变化 周期变化 Traqa natans 水生植物 水生生物 净初级生产力 群落
日本霞浦湖浮叶植物Traqa natans.L群落的光合作用与第一性生产量的季节变化
作者 土谷岳令 王昱生 杨殿臣 《国土与自然资源研究》 1985年第S1期118-126,共9页
浮叶植物的物质生产有一定特点,尽管有些叶子挺出水面或潜入水中,但是大多数漂浮植物都贴水面水平分布。叶子近轴面暴露在空气中,而远轴面与水接触。功能气孔分布在近轴面(A,B.Sinha与R.Sahal,1974;V.Kaul,1971)。气体交换多半发生在空... 浮叶植物的物质生产有一定特点,尽管有些叶子挺出水面或潜入水中,但是大多数漂浮植物都贴水面水平分布。叶子近轴面暴露在空气中,而远轴面与水接触。功能气孔分布在近轴面(A,B.Sinha与R.Sahal,1974;V.Kaul,1971)。气体交换多半发生在空气之中(生岛,1970),其光合效率可与陆生植物相比(生岛,1970;A.B.S(?)eha与R.Sahal,1974;土谷与岩城,1979)。同挺水植物和沉水植物相比,浮叶植物光合特点和光合生产力的研究是不充分的。有人通过气体交换和数学模型估测了浮叶植物Nymphoids indica O.Kuntze(生岛,1970)和Trapa natans L。(土谷与岩城,1979)的日净第一性生产力。但是。 展开更多
关键词 净光合作用 总光合 浮叶植物 净光能合成 着生浮水植物 Traqa natans.L 水生根 勒克司 光强度 群落 收获法 反应曲线 季节性变化 周期变化 季节变化
Sorption of norfloxacin from aqueous solutions by activated carbon developed from Trapa natans husk 被引量:5
作者 XIE HuiJun LIU WeiFeng +2 位作者 ZHANG Jian ZHANG ChengLu REN Liang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期835-843,共9页
The low-cost activated carbon was prepared from a renewable aquatic plant residue,Trapa natans husk,and tested for its ability to remove norfloxacin (NOR) from aqueous solutions. Physical and chemical properties of th... The low-cost activated carbon was prepared from a renewable aquatic plant residue,Trapa natans husk,and tested for its ability to remove norfloxacin (NOR) from aqueous solutions. Physical and chemical properties of the Trapa natans husk activated carbon (TAC) were characterized. TAC has a large surface area of 1274 m2/g and mesoporous structure. Carboxylic and hydroxyl groups contributed to the sorption of NOR onto TAC but they were not the most important factors in the sorption process. The rates of adsorption followed the pseudo-second-order kinetics and the overall rate of NOR uptake was controlled by both external mass transfer and intro particle diffusion during the entire adsorption period. The equilibrium data fitted well with the Freundlich and Tempkin models and the sorption was found to be a favorable process. The adsorption of NOR by TAC was strongly dependent on the solution pH. Electrostatic interaction and hydrophobic interaction were proposed to be the principal NOR sorption mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 NORFLOXACIN Trapa natans husk activated carbon adsorption kinetic and isotherms
Effect of different water temperatures on growth of aquatic plantsSalvinia natans andCeratophyllum demersum
作者 Khadija Kadhem Hreeb 《Journal of Coastal Life Medicine》 CAS 2017年第1期13-15,共3页
Objective:To evaluate the effect of some different water temperatures on growth of aquatic plants (Salvinia natans andCeratophyllum demersum). <br> Methods:The aquatic plants were brought from Shatt Al-Arab Rive... Objective:To evaluate the effect of some different water temperatures on growth of aquatic plants (Salvinia natans andCeratophyllum demersum). <br> Methods:The aquatic plants were brought from Shatt Al-Arab River in 2016. Equal weights of aquatic plants were aquacultured in aquaria, and were exposed to three different temperatures ( 12, 22 and 32°C). <br> Results: The results showed that the two plants did not show significant differences with respect to their effects on pH and electrical conductivity values. Time and temperature did not affect the values of pH and electrical conductivity. The values of dissolved oxygen was significantly influenced with variation of time and temperature, while the two plants did not have significant differences on dissolved oxygen values, nitrate ion concentration and was not significantly influenced with variation of plant species or temperature or time. Plant species and temperature significantly affected phosphate ion concentration, while the time did not significantly influence the concentration of phosphate ion. Chlorophyll a content and biomass were significantly influenced with the variation of plant species, and temperature . <br> Conclusions:Aquatic plants has a species specific respond to temperatures change in their environment. Water plant,Ceratophyllum demersum is more tolerant to temperatures change thanSalvinia natans. 展开更多
关键词 TEMPERATURES AQUATIC PLANTS Shatt Al-Arab RIVER SALVINIA natans Ceratophyllum demersum
作者 文冬华 黄敏 +3 位作者 席寒 赵俊豪 陈俊格 王和云 《湖北农业科学》 2024年第1期52-56,共5页
以苦草[Vallisneria natans(Lour.)Hara]种子为研究对象,分析了其在不同基质类型以及不同絮体浓度下的萌发速率、累计萌发率和最终萌发率。结果表明,基质类型对苦草种子的萌发有显著影响(P<0.05),以黄泥为基质的苦草种子最终萌发率最... 以苦草[Vallisneria natans(Lour.)Hara]种子为研究对象,分析了其在不同基质类型以及不同絮体浓度下的萌发速率、累计萌发率和最终萌发率。结果表明,基质类型对苦草种子的萌发有显著影响(P<0.05),以黄泥为基质的苦草种子最终萌发率最高,为55.8%,以底泥+沙为基质的种子最终萌发率最低,为33.0%。添加絮体显著降低了苦草种子的最终萌发率(P<0.05),抑制效果最大的处理种子最终萌发率为29.4%,比未添加絮体的处理种子最终萌发率(49.2%)低19.8个百分点。在河湖生态修复中,高铁酸盐作为一种常用絮凝剂,可使水体中的污染物凝聚并从水体中分离去除,以达到净水目的,但高铁酸盐投加产生的絮体覆盖在苦草种子表面会影响其萌发。综合分析,黄泥相较于底泥和泥沙更适合苦草种子的萌发,而絮凝剂的使用可能对苦草种子的萌发产生不良影响。在实际应用中应综合考虑絮凝剂对水体透明度的提升作用和对沉水植物种子萌发产生的负面效果。 展开更多
关键词 絮凝剂 基质类型 絮体浓度 苦草[Vallisneria natans(Lour.)Hara] 萌发率
沉水植物苦草的营养成分分析与综合利用 被引量:22
作者 王艳丽 肖瑜 +2 位作者 潘慧云 伏彩中 高士祥 《生态与农村环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期45-47,70,共4页
沉水植物苦草的营养成分分析结果表明,其蛋白质含量为218.4 g.kg-1,脂肪含量为51.4 g.kg-1,多糖含量为37.6 g.kg-1,灰分含量为265.7 g.kg-1;氨基酸总量为147.6 g.kg-1(色氨酸未测),必需氨基酸为55.0g.kg-1;含有K、Ca、Cu、Fe、Zn、Mn、N... 沉水植物苦草的营养成分分析结果表明,其蛋白质含量为218.4 g.kg-1,脂肪含量为51.4 g.kg-1,多糖含量为37.6 g.kg-1,灰分含量为265.7 g.kg-1;氨基酸总量为147.6 g.kg-1(色氨酸未测),必需氨基酸为55.0g.kg-1;含有K、Ca、Cu、Fe、Zn、Mn、Na、A l、Ba等多种矿质元素,其中K、Ca、Fe、Na含量分别高达60.5、10.9、16.3、12.7 g.kg-1。可见苦草是一种优质的营养资源,具有很高的开发价值。在此基础上,进一步探讨了苦草的资源化利用方式和应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 沉水植物 苦草(Vallisneria natans) 营养成分 资源化
球衣菌吸附重金属Hg^(2+)的理化条件及其机理研究 被引量:27
作者 许旭萍 沈雪贤 陈宏靖 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期453-458,共6页
采用球衣菌(Sphaerotilusnatans)FQ32为生物吸附剂,研究了初始离子浓度、吸附剂用量、菌龄、pH值、温度和吸附时间等理化因素对其吸附重金属Hg2+的影响,并进一步研究了吸附机理.结果表明,球衣菌在Hg2+浓度为16mg·L-1、吸附剂用量0.... 采用球衣菌(Sphaerotilusnatans)FQ32为生物吸附剂,研究了初始离子浓度、吸附剂用量、菌龄、pH值、温度和吸附时间等理化因素对其吸附重金属Hg2+的影响,并进一步研究了吸附机理.结果表明,球衣菌在Hg2+浓度为16mg·L-1、吸附剂用量0.4g·L-1、菌龄16h、pH7、温度30℃、吸附时间90min时的优化条件下,对Hg2+的吸附量为72.86mg·g-1;该吸附过程是一个快速的过程,在吸附5min时,吸附量达总吸附量的74.10%,90min达到吸附平衡;此过程符合Langmuir等温方程.等温模型、透射电镜观察和红外光谱分析显示,菌体细胞表面的活性基团与Hg2+的络合反应是球衣菌吸附Hg2+的主要机理. 展开更多
关键词 球衣菌(Sphaerotilus natans) 汞离子 吸附条件 吸附机理
浮游球衣菌对Cu^(2+)的吸附及生物吸附机理初探 被引量:10
作者 秦玉春 关晓辉 +1 位作者 王海涛 鲁敏 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期892-896,共5页
以浮游球衣菌(Sphaeotilus natans)为生物吸附剂,对废水中Cu2+的吸附规律进行了研究,并采用红外光谱分析法、扫描电子显微镜-X射线能量散射光谱和离子交换实验探讨了Cu2+与浮游球衣菌可能的作用机理.结果表明,pH值是影响菌体吸附Cu2+的... 以浮游球衣菌(Sphaeotilus natans)为生物吸附剂,对废水中Cu2+的吸附规律进行了研究,并采用红外光谱分析法、扫描电子显微镜-X射线能量散射光谱和离子交换实验探讨了Cu2+与浮游球衣菌可能的作用机理.结果表明,pH值是影响菌体吸附Cu2+的主要因素,吸附的最佳pH值为5.5;Cu2+与Ca2+,Na+之间存在着离子交换作用,同时还存在着Cu2+与带负电荷细菌表面的静电吸引作用,—CONH2和—OH是菌体吸附Cu2+的主要活性基团,当溶液pH值较高时,Cu2+能形成氢氧化物微沉淀沉积在细胞表面. 展开更多
关键词 浮游球衣菌(Sphaeotilus natans) CU^2+ 生物吸附 吸附机理
球衣菌对Pb^(2+)的吸附及其影响因素研究 被引量:4
作者 许旭萍 沈雪贤 郭艳 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 2007年第6期38-41,共4页
采用球衣菌(Sphaerotilus natans)FQ32为生物吸附剂,研究了Pb^(2+)初始浓度、吸附剂用量、菌龄、pH值、温度和吸附时间等理化因素对球衣菌吸附硝酸铅溶液模拟废水中Pb^(2+)的影响。结果表明,球衣菌在Pb^(2+)初始质量浓度为50 mg/L、吸附... 采用球衣菌(Sphaerotilus natans)FQ32为生物吸附剂,研究了Pb^(2+)初始浓度、吸附剂用量、菌龄、pH值、温度和吸附时间等理化因素对球衣菌吸附硝酸铅溶液模拟废水中Pb^(2+)的影响。结果表明,球衣菌在Pb^(2+)初始质量浓度为50 mg/L、吸附剂0.6g/L用量、菌龄32 h、pH=7、温度30℃、吸附时间60min的条件下,对Pb^(2+)的吸附率为89.98%,吸附量为74.98 mg/g;该吸附过程是一个快速的过程,在吸附5 min时,吸附量已达总吸附量的94%.90 min达到吸附平衡。球衣菌对Pb^(2+)的吸附基本为细胞表面的被动吸附,吸附条件对吸附效率有较大影响。 展开更多
关键词 废水处理 生物吸附剂 球衣菌(Sphaerotilus natans) PB^2+ 影响因素
菱果实形态发育变异调查研究 被引量:3
作者 李双梅 柯卫东 +5 位作者 黄新芳 彭静 李明华 钟兰 王芸 王春丽 《湖北农业科学》 2019年第22期126-130,共5页
对两角菱(Trapa natans L.)和四角菱果实形态发育变异进行了调查。结果表明,①两角菱果实形态发育变异率达36.9%,其中肩角姿态变异率最高,为36.9%,锐尖果角数目变异率较低,为3.1%;四角菱果实形态发育变异率达45.1%,其中锐尖果角数目和... 对两角菱(Trapa natans L.)和四角菱果实形态发育变异进行了调查。结果表明,①两角菱果实形态发育变异率达36.9%,其中肩角姿态变异率最高,为36.9%,锐尖果角数目变异率较低,为3.1%;四角菱果实形态发育变异率达45.1%,其中锐尖果角数目和锐尖果角部位变异率最高,均为26.5%,其次为腰角姿态,变异率为18.7%,再次为肩角姿态,变异率仅为0.7%。②综合两角菱和四角菱,从菱的整体来看,果实形态发育变异率达41.0%,其中肩角姿态变异率最高,为18.8%,其次为四角菱腰角姿态变异率,为18.6%,锐尖果角数目和锐尖果角部位变异率最低,均为14.8%。无论是两角菱还是四角菱,果角数目均无变化。 展开更多
关键词 菱(Trapa natans L.) 形态 发育 变异
Effects of Physical Parameters on Bacterial Cell Adsorption onto Pre-Imprinted Sol-Gel Films
作者 Jeanna Starosvetsky Tally Cohen +2 位作者 Uta Cheruti Dragoljub Dragoljub Robert Armon 《Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology》 2012年第4期499-507,共9页
Organically modified silica (ORMOSILS) thin films produced by sol-gel method were imprinted with two bacterial strains as whole cells in order to develop an easy, fast and specific probe to detect and specifically ide... Organically modified silica (ORMOSILS) thin films produced by sol-gel method were imprinted with two bacterial strains as whole cells in order to develop an easy, fast and specific probe to detect and specifically identify these micro-organisms when present in water samples. An important feature of the imprinting process was the molecular finger-prints left by these microorganisms alongside morphology, into imprinted film cavities. The films also showed high selectivity toward the imprinted template and were able to discriminate between two very close bacterial species (E. coli and S. typhimurium). In addition, several central physical parameters of the experimental water solution were examined (i.e., pH, ionic strength and the organic load exemplified by NaCl and TOC concentration, respectively). The method sensitivity to different bacterial concentrations was studied by confocal microscopy (CLSM) and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) tools. Results showed that increased bacterial concentrations favor rapid adsorption onto imprinted sol-gel films with high affinity, while low pH, increased organic load and high ionic concentrations (i.e., seawater) interfere with bacteria re-adsorption, reducing detection capability. Under average drinking water chemical composition the method proved to be highly efficient. 展开更多
关键词 Detection IMPRINTING Sol-Gel Bacteria QCM E. COLI O157:H7 S. TYPHIMURIUM Sphaerotilus natans CLSM
Clonal integration affects growth and sediment properties of the first ramet generation,but not later ramet generations under severe light stress
作者 Xiaowen Ma Yang Li +2 位作者 Weicheng Yu Junnan Wang Chunhua Liu 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第5期1080-1090,共11页
Clonal integration benefits clonal plants by buffering environmental stress and increasing resource extraction efficiency.However,the number of connected ramet generations that benefit from clonal integration in a clo... Clonal integration benefits clonal plants by buffering environmental stress and increasing resource extraction efficiency.However,the number of connected ramet generations that benefit from clonal integration in a clonal system has received relatively little attention.A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the extent of physiological integration within the clonal system of Vallisneria natans consisting of a mother ramet and three sequentially connected offspring ramets.Mother ramets were grown in full sunlight,and offspring ramets were heavily shaded with limited light availability.Stolons between mother ramets and offspring ramets were severed or connected,but connection among the three offspring ramets remained.The photosynthetic ability of unshaded mother ramets of V.natans was significantly enhanced,but their biomass accumulation was greatly reduced when connected to shaded offspring ramets.Clonal integration significantly increased biomass accumulation,C and N availabilities,extracellular enzyme activities and microbial biomass of the first ramet generation(adjacent ramet),but not later ramet generations.Our results indicate that support from the mother ramet of V.natans may be limited to the adjacent offspring ramet in a clonal system under severe light stress,implying an effect of ramet generation.Our results contribute to a better understanding of the hierarchy and segmentation of clonal plants.These findings suggest that the extent of clonal integration plays a vital role in ecological interactions of the ramet population. 展开更多
关键词 clonal integration ramet generation clonal system sediment properties Vallisneria natans
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